tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 16, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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higher area that stretches in this direction was completely submerged. many of the homes and buildings that were destroyed are still rubble. and parts of this district have started to flood once again the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm 0 venue a. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program today nearly a week since devastating floods hit the libyan port city of during the, the challenges of getting for an aide into the region. the daunting task of rebuilding of the last week's earthquake and morocco will be reporting from the
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high atlas mountains. we've been traveling through the mountains this past week and everything we see raises the question just how difficult it's going to be. to access these places, clear it and then rebuild. and north korea is leader inspect farmers and a warship with russia's defense minister on his visit to the far east african paying the respect your principal to lazy as soon as the additional events at the band with a complicated political history. i'm doing the casual school with the sport tournament, favorites. highlander and action. lisa at the rugby world, cup, a news even return. so anyways, the old blacks pick up the 1st victory at the seas tournaments the that we start this news. our in libya, bodies are still washing up on its stores or decaying under rubble. nearly
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a week of to devastating floods hit it's eastern it's eastern region and financial aid agencies have promised help, but much of it has yet to arrive and the hardest hit. the hardest hit port, city of during a local authorities are considering evacuating the city. the world health organization has sent a shipment of crucial supplies, which includes medicines and all the bags. authorities are over whelmed, by the extent of the destruction. thousands have been killed and thousands more. are missing a renewal cert. our is with us from aaa for so. talk to us about the aid. what's in during the and how come some survivors in during the field if they're not being helped well, the scale of the destruction. there is immense despite the international aid arriving and it is quite insufficient for now. the people that get told the saying that this seemed a, this coming to the area we're calls the land, see however,
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and they are not receiving enough particular for the, for the 1st couple of days, they were almost left alone last by themselves. so that's why they're still tremendously suffering. just in the morning they had the 2 more tickets, took a shift, carrying the aid of 360 rescue personnel, one of the 22 rascals vehicles, and the field hospitals, and the heavy and several other countries also sending a neighboring countries such as t as yet egypt, the gulf nations and the pin countries, and so i've ever been able to, to, to really deliver the aid. pylee is extremely difficult. now as the infrastructure is almost gone, the way is the roles that connected city to the rest of the the country are, are collapse so that the geography here is one of the challenges, of course, how to organize that. that's also another issue because almost every one is that
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fact the body to fill out that we're talking about just trying to 1000 people in the city of dana. but the towns that are on demo, such as a be out of suicide and a manager or so that our houses, other more people there at that are now display. so the security of the destruction is quite numerous. and one thing is clear now, as the health issues becoming, becoming so very much urgent. the concern is that the disease is the disease. it could surprise that goes to the city. this is also another issue, but one of the thing is so clear, the disaster or most of the week, is still not over and people are still tremendously soft. a thousands of people are still missing and fears that buried under the mud and rubble or swept out to sea search to investigate. forced continues, but the chances of finding people draft
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a live party increasingly only because it's totally be up to date out of us. so don't do like this and dispatch them, but it's on depending on the streets, washing back up on shore. and bunny is on the deluxe buildings and database in just to i was one of my colleagues, content over 200 buddies. owns it'd be cheaper than the wolf. water carried many people out to see their bodies lie on beaches. hasn't been washed ashore. but these need to be the mentor and body and labels. but the bikes grades need to be met. so is that that is the core of who is funny, is that all the efforts make it possible for loved one blake, totally covered by the and have the close of a private button. they have to prevent people from going missing forever. there is mounting fear of disease as the human body is the compass or line of before my wish
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. now i want my brother and his family back. my home is damaged. the most precious thing for us. i want my brother and his family. i want to find them and bury them. they are under the rubble. people wins in the wall, so others under the rubble, they can bring machines and pull them out. i can take them to the buildings to see rushing bodies. there are families be that i know, and i know we, they are, they are starting to smell. libyans here from the west of the country have even echoes cross lines determined to help those in need in this particular divided nation. but just get an age where it's needed most remains a huge challenge. the copy one hasn't been, it's not easy for a man to go through this. any god knows what we gang through, web back to square one. no one helps you. even the government didn't help us. we are left on our own in the streets. the government doesn't even have the resources to help. thankfully, we, libyans are as one,
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those from tripoli miserables to and the south all came to help for them. age continues to arrive by a, but they're not news more international assistance and fast survivors struggle to comprehend this catastrophe. creating the mob deputy from what remains of their homes and waiting for how this will save that alj a 0 to they probably also 0 is mohammed al buckley is in during the with more on the situation there. how did that? oh, no. oh no, it's about coming to her by the other file, but we are in during the for what is left of it after floods, which had no mercy on its resident, assigned them up to the why the thousands lost their lives. thousands more are still missing. the countless number of decomposing bodies are still under the rubble. the picture here speaks louder than words and um, but the words of survivors are impactful, so i hope you call it is one of them. mean, he told us how he survived, there's have you to thank god for your safety. keller said, i must have had
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a sudden i said in the less you can you tell us what happened on that day? bobo, especially when we were all taken by surprise. we never expected such a catastrophe. i lost my young daughter, may god accept her and his mercy. we are helpless and god almighty is our wrong. what's the? how do you want to do? i mean, uh, how about the uh, the uh, one of the most difficult moments for people here and during the is whenever a body of a loved one is the found. this corpse was just recovered after being washed up on the shore of the total of 10 bodies had been recovered this morning alone mean now this ambulance will collect the body. so bob and we will try lucky, and this is one of the buildings which was submerged according to neighbors. it was home to a family of 10. none of them have been accounted for. diverse have been searching under the water hoping to find any of the victims mess up to the medina, but that's i mean the catastrophe and during started in this valley,
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which now looks peaceful of the how after last week storm the floods begin in this area is drawing whatever came in its way, and i know there's been widespread destruction for them. what were once homes, 2 hundreds of families are now at their own graves. search and rescue operations are still under way, but the chances of finding any survivors are very slim problem. instead, rescuers are finding more bodies than survivors. it's a tragedy by all measures during that is now a disaster stricken city. mama, the body mohammed elbows early, i'll just 0 during a libya or caroline hold is a global head of operations of the international federation of the red cross and red crescent. you're joining us from geneva. thank you for being with us. your best place to help us understand the challenges here. are you able to reach the people who need aid at the moment as well? thank you for inviting me on your show. and i think that the report that we just heard gives a very clear indication of the challenges that everybody is facing. i'm certainly
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the community we are starting to see now ada ride. and again, as was revolted, we know that that's coming in. certainly through our membership in the red cross and red present national societies. but we also know that governmental supports is also starting to come in guessing the age of calls from the apple to dinner itself from. 1 an additional level of challenge we know that roadways have been greatly impacted by this. we know that one of the main roads in sedona was partially washed away, which reduces the traffic flow and creates bottlenecks along that road. but really, the priority is to get those h chromeboys in not only to commence the search and rescue, but to look after the survivors and really provide that key support. so those that i'm now like without anything, we're talking about the challenges of delivering that aid to the end user as it was not the right word, but to the people who need it. you've told us that some of the roads are blocked as creating bottlenecks. what else is slowing down?
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the delivery of a as well as access is the key, but also this is about identifying. still the area is vast but was affected. i'm really identifying and making sure that we are continuing to look for. busy so those that may still have survived, but really this is becoming more of the recovery of the, of bodies prioritize ation of that. and the numbers of people available to support with that. also the aid is not enough at this time, and we can only hope that that increase is over the coming days. the libyan read present to is off men, the on the ground who is working. we have $450.00 specimen volunteers on the ground . so really you can see that there is activity, but also a context such as libya which has faced conflicts over recent years. um, we know that that will be security issues on the ground such as all the mines. right? so when a flip, this size comes through and disturbs the to the extent that this one has those along the lines that may, once upon a time,
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had been not clearly and we understood the location of them. now all of that will be the stuff, then it adds an extra level of security risks to all of those, both the population and data, but also those coming in from the outside. okay? so you may find unpredictable landlines it's, it's easy to understand why that would slow down the 8 and, and add an extra layer of challenge. but also the country hasn't had a function in government, central government for a decade, plus no for any 8 organization going into libya, they have to speak to the authorities and coordinate. so at least a minimal extent, who are you speaking with? well, we're working, as i say, with member on the ground, the libyan red crossman, to all, no doubt coordinating with the authorities in the region. but this is a time to put aside those political differences and what we offer is acceptable and isn't happening. putting aside the differences, is that happening at this moment for the delivery of a so we are hearing some very heartening stories of east and west coming together to support. and people literally coming in from the west to try and support is
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a very human reaction. and response, so certainly we're seeing some signs of that, but we are coordinating very well with our partner on the ground and coordination at this point in time is absolutely paramount, so that we don't add to the confusion or carolyn holt, global head of operations at the as the national federation of the red cross and red crescent, thank you for joining us on the program. the more than 300000 people in morocco have been affected by the earthquake a week ago that's according to the united nations. nearly 3000 people were killed and clean up operations are still underway. now are cash and the high atlas mountains are among the hardest hit. how can i help our reports from we're going south america cash, where the 8 effort is ramping up. and this is the assets that has been used by the
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gym diamond over the last few days. he's been the focus point of the emergency response operations that has been going non stop since the often math of the earthquake, this headed cop to is going to take us. we're going to fly with this crew all the way to some areas. and this is a pilot which is going to give us some details about what is going to happen. uh, good morning. good to see it. good to talk to you. can you give us a sense of what is happening? our mission is the tools supporting the generators and um, the, the color gym, the on the stand, a coffee or a super puma of the way of doing that. i'm ready. we will take off from we're again and do it last night. over the world of stages. i read all the to the village, which is the very room and we will be on board with you. thank you very much. it is probably mazata. this is the operation center top dynamo. the general is over here with these all the generators we saw going to be taken over to the affected area. so we have the biggest challenge, which is going to be over the upcoming days,
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is the weather. and this explains why we, because we were driving to this field, the basically the biggest challenge was basically the need to deliver more and more a, to the affected areas. because with this mix shift comes with all the installations put into place. you have to brace yourself for what could be a prolonged cold weather in the upcoming days. the medical teams over here ready to fly over the area. and this is you can see behind to be more highly cop to us, which are going to be part of the app is which continues all the way below. you can see the tone of with gun way with reporting live over the last few days. adulthood with tense makes shift comes all the way and the ravine which slip in times its way through the mountains is why you have the most affected areas uh, in the office balances. let's go to stephanie decker now, near immune tele,
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any atlas mountain stuff. we just heard from hush in there, the 8 helicopters that he was reporting on, or targeting precisely the kind of locations that you have been touring over the last few days. tell us what you've seen. yes, we've been to the far more remote areas where we saw one of those ministry genetics land, unload aid also take on the injures, which they will then fly to bigger areas that can deal with those kinds of injuries . but even the areas that are slightly more easy, i suppose, to get to i think it's safe to say provide a huge it's a huge challenge. we'll just show you where we are. one of the villages and the distance there has been completely destroyed. it's safe to say that most people that everybody in these areas are sleeping outside as you heard hash and they're saying, but the concerns of, of throwing forward is intense. you'll probably see at the back of that destroyed
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village yellow tents. you've got blue tents, they're scattered all across this area. and now the people we've spoken to, the villagers don't to one to leave in their area. they want to stay. but the big question is exactly that. the rebuilding if, if i depends and just shows you the valley and the landscape here, we can see that the challenge is now land size, particularly expecting the winter to come. you're talking about rains winds. and interestingly, we have the director of morocco's institute for jew physics today say that the danger here is land slides. there are very much loose rocks. you can see the rocky terrain of these mountains, loose rocks that with any officer shock, can do more land slides close more injuries. in fact, we were in the field just 2 days ago, very, very remote area. and the helicopter that land there, the injured person that they took on was injured in an office shock. that happened
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that morning that we also felt in mera cash. so we're going to give you a sense of how people are coping in these villages in the little towns over a week now up to the earthquake. and this is our report from la, but i think we've come to a different location today. this is the town of like team it is easier to get to there's more infrastructure around here, very much also as a tourist pays for tours coming. we're trying to figure out what the situation is like here. we bumped into this gentleman david. uh yes, it is. okay, we're going to see a friend of his who is with him. david was here the night of the earthquake on friday night, and he says he hasn't heard from his friend. he's not answering the phone. so this town is uh, much more stablish than the other very remote villages. we've been to,
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but destruction here. so on a very large scale, how much of the town has been damaged. this is as low as it might be. you've all done 50 percent, completely destroyed seats minarette in crux. and again here just goes to show again the challenge of um, bringing heavy equipment into these areas. removing all of this and rebuilding, that is the main challenge, really everywhere. here we go, the freight and for his friend, his home and fine. next time onto your phone, he tells him, don't make me worry. we've been traveling through the mountains, is post week to villages, more remote, less remote, and everything we see raises the question just how difficult it is going to be to access these places,
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clear it and then rebuild that article. how are you coping? we ask, this is god's will. he says, we have to accept it. thank god, we survived public policy on it. this man tells us we have enough age. the coming winter is the problem. as the whole village is sleeping outside. i ask him what it's like to see his village in the state. is it the pleasure of me? like to print? i must have got this. i cannot express this. for me. it's a catastrophe. stephanie decker all g 0, while a but he morocco's atlas mountains. the north korean leader kim john wooten has visited russia's war plains and naples fleet in the far eastern port city of light of all stock. he was joined by the
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russian defense minister sort guy showing go visit, has raised concerns that north korea may provide russia with weapons for its war. and ukraine. florida slowly is following the visit from south korea's capital. so a north korean leader kim joins visit to russia roles into its 5th day. on saturday, he was met by defense minister so day showing through at an air force space where he was show nuclear capable bonus. and hypersonic missiles, they can't fly from most go to japan, and then back it carries 12 missiles. this was followed by to her of a naval base, where he inspected russia's pacific fleet. it may be no co incidence, but kim's itinerary has consisted mostly of visits to defense and ministry facilities. the north korean vida has spoken frequently of his intention to modernize his country's fleet of cost ships and submarines. while some analysts are skeptical russia what punch with highly sensitive technology,
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other say the voiding ukraine has given north korea the upper hand in negotiations . there are concerns, particularly here in south korea, at a more powerful young young could accelerate an honest race and further the stabilize the median. the kremlin says no defense agreement has been signed doing kim's visit. but the white house believes a weapons dealers in the works. and has won the 2 countries not to violate un sanctions or view has been before the visit. and after the visit that talks about the provision of weapons by north korea to russia to kill ukrainians, have been advancing and continue to advance. in north korea, tens visit has received widespread coverage. julia and the guest all respected, come raid king drum and visits you re gathering aviation conte respected. come read king drum and express the respectful rushes force developing aviation technology that allows it to outpace potential threats from other countries. perhaps an
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intention to communicate with the domestic audience that north korea is a powerful nation with important allies and rushes. one welcome of kim has left no doubt that these countries intend to build strong good ties. florence lily alger 0 . so or daniel hawkins is standing by for us in moscow. daniel to a point that's lawrence just made in that report. russia and north korea having officially announced any deals during this trip and yet, and yet, this entire trip seems to suggest some kind of military co operation could follow. absolutely. this trip has been about sending a very clear message to the west and to the us that lies in the region, japan, himself, korea. and that's a message is that set cooperation between russia and north korea is i don't know will time. hi, there is an upgrade in relations. these leaders know that the west has been working
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very closely and that they have some worried and russel that's able to from the west and reaction the us warning of the 2 countries not to sign at any sort of defendants and all the agreements that could potentially be un sanctions. 2 that's not the other thing that could happen, of course, that improved, send it to many areas. if you cannot on economic cooperation with young, young and most code could grow closer. and it's important for russia, 1st and foremost, to have a part and an ally in the asia pacific region, which is of course a cheese use for teacher carrier on compensation between washington and moscow that it can rely on. obviously it has a china that it was a very major global power, major global player, but tablet at all that north korea with a very large standing army in which supports russia unconditionally, according to what keeps up and said that they support. so the russian actions and ukraine against what they described as a hag of many us, i can me that is very valuable for us, right? also in the future, having that relationship, having that influence,
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potentially if young young could give credit and bargaining power and leverage with any future negotiations with the us and it size of a very all the other very cheap global issues such as a conflict and ukraine, whether those agreements, whether that message will transpire to anything in the run and see on the ground. of course, we'll find out, i guess in the coming weeks and months. daniel hawkins reporting from moscow. thank you very much. since his arrival on tuesday came, john has been busy touring many russian military and defense sites. as mentioned earlier, he was shown a nuclear capable and strategic bombers as well as hypersonic cruise missiles in vladivostok on saturday. some of those jets have been used in the ukraine war. he later inspected russia's pacific fleet. on friday, came got a close look at su. $57.00, s $335.00 fighter jets at an aviation factory and come so most going to more it is russians largest aviation manufacturing plants. and 3 days ago, he met the russian president that a space center vladimir puts in gave him
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a tour of the space launch facility after they there are talks robins, kelly joins us from the sun and south korea. he's a professor of international relations at sun university. and robert, it's good to talk to you again. how do you connect these dots then came visiting warships, warplanes miss i as a military space facility, how do you connect all those dots? and yeah, i think what we're seeing here is the emergence of a pretty big weapons deal. it's fairly extraordinary for kids. i'm going to leave north korea course, right. i'll talk, or caesar risky for the autocrat when he's out of the country and came, has gone now for i think this is like the 3rd or 4th day. he's seeing a great deal of stuff. this is pretty rare. that means that he's not taking a bit of a risk here cuz i'm looking for something pretty large and he's looking at a lot of stuff on north korea is conventionally pretty far behind its opponents. that is to say, the us, south korea into certain extent, japan. so to the extent that can, can trade away bullets or ammunition or whatever the russians need for the current
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war. in exchange for technologies that might help the north koreans catch up a little bit to close the gap somewhat with by its opponents. that's a pretty good deal for him, right. it looks like this kind of desperate, he really needs this. i munition, the russian industry defends industry can keep up with the needs of war, and it looks like him is leveraging that into a fairly sizeable deal at this point. now, neither north korea nor russian are actually saying any of this that you're telling us that you're explaining explicitly they seem to be speaking in simpler speaking and code. what's the actually the point to yeah, i mean, they're going to tell us, right? i mean both countries now are, are fairly, so they, they say i'm pretty far outside the world economy at this point. both of them are priced right. putting his turning versus that inventory, rogue state, very large one but, but it is sort of heavily sanction. it's gonna be a long time for us to rejoins the world economy on normal terms. and so i think at this point, you know, neither the russians from the north koreans really care to be honest or direct or, or, or transparent with the rest of the world. i mean there's, there's no interest in before the war this, the russians used to have
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a little bit on north korea, the russians voted for sanctions on north korean and things like that. but now that the war has served segregated russia so badly from the rest of the international community, i think they just don't care. right. that's why they're parked in north korean centers. not gonna tell us much at all. there's just no pressure for either side to be transparent. the could, you could actually see it the other way around. i understand that they might not see a benefit in being transparent. but russia, for instance, if it were indeed considering the norms deal with north korea, that would provide plentiful ammunition for its war. and ukraine could see a benefit in announcing to the world into ukraine's west and backers. by the way, we're not about to run out of ammo anytime soon. yeah, i just want that sort of about the other sort of argument for where this thing is going right is that are encouraged to sort of the term ukrainians from continuing to fight. but i know that doesn't attract me, it's too convincing because the brains are to sort of proven that they're wanting to do this. and i think that the, the, the, the russian general staff presumably, would prefer to use russian made emulation. yeah, i mean,
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your free is pretty economically backward and fairly dysfunctional on something good at developing things internally. it been a north korea once we leave the capital infrastructure probably falls off really poor quickly. and so i would imagine there's going to be a fairly high failure rate on the north screen ammunition, i think this section move of desperation rather than want to provide a understood professor of international relations at present and university robin kelly. thank you for joining us on the program today. thank you for having is still a head on alpha 0. we need the somali soldiers on the front lines as the army launches another offensive against. i'll shut off. no one wants a strength, but i respect worker's right to use are options of the collective bargaining. us president joe biden backs workers in their 1st ever for needed strike against america's biggest, all to make and may more, makes his view in saudi arabia's comp lead. joe will tell you how he got on in sport that's later this out.
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the it is a hot picture across the parts of australia. everyone here is a good stuff. first we put the colors on here. talk to the read, the higher the temperature. we've got this hot and dry wind blowing down from the interior, so that means at a later temperature is about 10 degrees above where it should be for this time of the year. 30 degrees on the nose for sydney. we take a look at the extended forecast here. never before have we seen a stretch of this hot weather for the month of september. you temperatures will continue to climb up to 32 on tuesday. so you 2 are about 10 above average for this time of year. okay, colors are off. we're moving on to new zealand. lot of rain point into the south island here. weather alerts and play. also the potential for damaging winds, but this is a warm breeze. so christ church are up to 22 on sunday. the rain is turning lighter
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across indo china. we've dropped those flight advisories up and down to the philippines. the rain also is starting to back off for southern china. that is certainly good news. but now where the focal point is, is the korean peninsula, specifically south korea, south of sol, we could see pockets of about a 100 millimeters of rain here and still keeping the heat stroke alerts in play for parts of q 2 island in japan. but even tokyo, your temperatures are above average for this time, the year 32 degrees, the high for you on sunday. the, the is this time for the west to we think the best option for the ukraine watch awards . and what, what those options look like. what is us strategy when it comes to iran for almost 200 years, americans have generally been stuck with 2 political choices, but cannot ever change because it comes with us politics,
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the bottom line to talk to the teams, to a respected generation. the street in central concave shows you how devastating the effective russian bombing has to be. i can see where 2 of the bullets hit their about. my head highs, member pollutants, demetrius military wanted him dead. the still manual believe we were in a property on a road, costing out a 0 ingles proud recipients in new york festival, through the cost or of the year award for the 7th year running the
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the you're watching else, is there a reminder of our headlines rescue teams in libya as port city of during the or waiting much needed foreign assistance. bodies are still washing a shore with others buried under the rubble. thousands have been killed and thousands more are missing. the un estimates that more than 300000 people have been effected in morocco after the devastating earthquake a week ago. era cache and the high atlas mountains are among the hardest hits. nearly 3000 people have done. the north korean leader kim johnwooten has visited russia's pacific naval suite and the far eastern port of leaded boston. russia's defense minister saga shaw who accompanied him on the last leg of his multi day tor to the south african. now a state funeral is getting underway as a veteran politician. mongo suitable to lizzie inquisitively, natal motors, have gathered in wounded town. you're watching uh watching what i believe our life
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pictures right now. we filmed a short while ago, the zillow prince, who died in the hospital last week, said an integral role in the n t, a part aid movement. how on the task that joins us from the town of a wound in constituting a towel where the funeral is taking place or with the ceremony well underway. let us through what's been happening and what you're expecting for the rest of the day . i on the, with the made is uh, a bit low some the now the state makes the additions and christian custom and some high profile people are hearing kidding so that we can pull him up phase of its jacob. c 9, have a big lima. but most people here are people from his area. i mean the admin that came out, probably they said that he was a lot of like the guy they said the administrative was the very prominent guy and they want to give him respect. that's why we have to give him that big state of
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to celebrate his life. what it's all said and done, what is the legacy of principle to live with the lazy was a controversial take a meaningful applicant. you remember before 1994 when a parts had ended because i possibly had pub takes with the a d y the bathrooms and some parts of the country. a lot of people were killed. his critics claimed he will some of the file in the keys, the sides would be wide apart a document or they say that he was trying to do, they seem to pay them. he basically mediation tools, package heating, and we decided to this is the you joined, the government became homeless. he has been mr with nelson and mcgill was president over the guys he went to the fall, could in parliament go to frank to speak out against the ac whenever he felt space . he did something wrong and some politicians to ask you do all that and why is this time? say he was giving them advice and counsel and how to better run the times. and
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that's why apologies. yeah. so what do you mean speaking, have me say, don't read anything into that at that, at the end of can you try to unite, saw that given the long history and the long time he states and want to take an hour with us and reporting from cause we don't at all. thank you very much. somalia has begun the 2nd phase of its military offensive as else about the site or as the president, the aims to eliminate the arm of the group within 5 months. and he's deployed 12000 soldiers and clan based militia of the central somalia. the fighters have been withdrawing from pounds. but as catherine story reports, they're still able to carry out attacks. so monte soldiers on the front lines of south and central somebody a they're carrying out a government offensive against also bob, the on the group has carried out a tops, i guess if you live and on you, for nearly a decade and a half the army has made significant gains against the group since the operation
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started last year. official see the 2nd phase in calling the duke state in central . somalia is decisive. it is the main strong holds all devices. the bottle has been vs for sure. could look for somebody to go in, i do, there is no way in which somebody is conduct, got the government to stop the will. we are determined to fight the. the president is on the front line and i, the prime minister is with you. this is i'm going to of life and death. there is no point over time. president hudson shake. well, homewood food has been on the bottle filled for a month is leading $12000.00 soldiers and hundreds of plans based militia cold models. the security analysts say this rat collaboration has helped put to use the most significant tutorial games against all. sure, bob, in many, yes, somebody needs to change the strategy. whenever somebody come to the,
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somebody admitted to force the minus $200.00 over an incident to a vacation, hold on to some of the soldiers whenever somebody. so we'll just go for would an offense, a to my own was faded out in the fight in terms of us in india, or whatever condition award. and that's the way it is. something that somebody doesn't want to need to understand or come up with a strategy that in line with the us, a lot of products in mogadishu, hundreds of kilometers away from the front line, volunteers doing what they can to help every day they prepare bread dates and other dr. foods for the soldiers did. and so when they meet on somebody, you know, you know, after i show bob across the look of world and seen for manya, we decided to quote, dr. flood for somebody military forces who are at the front lines as they walk along roads to bury to a country from much of by being somebody. they get money from somalis who they say are optimistic for the tide against all should bob could be ton. catherine solely
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on to 0. the us is encouraged by news that hope the rebels are in saudi arabia as a talks cooling at a significant step to end the war in yemen. it's the 1st time and official who is the delegation has travelled to riyadh since fighting began and yet, and 9 years ago, as it comes at the moment when we are 18 months in now to a truce that has a baited the violence of what had been the most violent and catastrophic conflict going, you know, it a couple of years ago, and it is been a paramount priority divided administration to de escalate and ultimately in that war. and we commend the government of oman for what they have done to help facilitate this. we're working closely with the gemini and the many parties in the united nations. and as far as the kingdom of saudi arabia is concerned, we commend their leadership as well because this is a big step forward for them. and we believe that they are trying to work to help bring about an end to this conflict. flash floods caused by heavy rains in sedans.
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river nile states have destroyed thousands of homes. at least 10 people have died this month because of the flooding. but the ongoing fighting between the army and the power military rapids support forces is hampering the response. houses here as have been morgan reports. this is what parts of a damage city in sedans, river nile state, look like now. heavy rains and slash floods have caused widespread destruction. hundreds of homes and properties have been destroyed and people left with nowhere to go by him. they left the house. thank god, we are safe and good harm has been done already. now we lost houses and belongings in the flood, but thank god anyway, to last week's rains had several of the areas in river in miles states as well. at least 4 people were killed when flash floods swept through their homes. other states have also witnessed heavy rains and floods. nearly 60000 people have been
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affected since the start of the dance really season in june. many are now in desperate need of assistance that you knew we were thinking. we need houses, the situation is bad. so i've given before the heavy rain full was bad enough, we want the government to help the people here. we have no income to buy construction material, but getting help may be challenging. 5 months of conflict between the army and the power military rapids support forces has affected the response to those in need of assistance. the, whereas we can be economy and 8 organizations are struggling to get some money to help people affected by the war. those devastated by the floods may have to wait, even as more heavy rains are expected. he but morgan ultra 0. why as far as are burning across the northern areas of algeria, they have destroyed thousands of factors of forest cover in the mountainous region of cubby. lee, which was devastated by fires just last month. several people have been killed or
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injured. temperatures have stored to more than 40 degrees celsius. and australia is experiencing a rear spring heat wave which could set new records. temperatures have reached more than 34 degrees celsius and sydney. that is 12 degrees above the september average . and it comes after australia as warm as winter on record. fire warnings have increased because of the high temperatures. a climate change for sure. so yeah, pretty drastic stuff. i mean i'm choice. so good fun right now, but hopefully not in other parts of worldwide texas down into or anywhere like that . be pretty drastic. we're enjoying it. have a merry time of the people probably know how he's got some married on a lot of beautiful live site that probably should be able to say that one camera it's having to migrate. yeah, i mean, after sort of, uh, a winter coming up now it's given absolutely beautiful. the water is big surely, but not the sun shines evidence because going well. so it's not spring and summer. i said that teachers in south korea of hell,
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they protest outside parliament ingrid by the recent suicide depths of some of their colleagues. they say they being unfairly targeted by parents. the normal disciplinary measures the educators blame parents for exploiting a 2014 law which calls for teachers to be automatically suspended if they are to the child abuse. or some teachers have been found dead at their schools after expressing anxiety over parents. complaints. friday was the 1st full day of an unprecedented striking america's 3 biggest carmakers, general motors, ford and still lantus, which includes chrysler or affected. the united auto workers union says it's time workers shared in the companies record profits, and they appear to have the support of presidential bind. she advertise the reports from detroit of this full michigan. assembly plant was one of 3 factors where workers walked off the job at midnight on thursday. some
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13000 members of the united auto workers union or the u. a. w. around strike in 3 states. one problem for each of the big 3 comic is the union, which has $144000.00 members. so that will add more problems to the strikes if negotiations don't progress when they're making about billions of dollars in like less than a year. it's crazy, these cars are like 50 grand, 80, grand, and we, we don't even make that in a year. it was a theme developed by the u, a. w president of the riley and downtown detroit in mary economy. we make all the sacrifice and they take all the profit in their economy as one of our workers would have to work for 100 years to make what the c o makes in one year. so we're going to run their economy because it only works in
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a 1000000000 their class. but the see use of the call make is say they can't afford the right over these demands. and in the end, a strike will only hurt the workers. it's not going to be good for the economy. it's not going to be good for anyone. but you know specifically for our people who work so hard. and i'm really proud of the g, a manufacturing to us president job. i made a tele by statement on friday reminding the companies that their record profits a quarter of a trillion dollars in the last 10 years. we're in port a result of the concessions orchard workers made when the big 3 phase bankruptcy companies have made some significant offers. but i believe it should go further to ensure a record corporate profits, me record contracts for the demo, say that again. record corporate profits, which they have should be shared by a record contracts for the u. a w. it's very similar to the white house. well, this strikes to as quickly as possible for bikes and means to us very carefully. and he suggested that he's leaning over you a job with the leadership to suckle as quickly as possible as the outcomes for the
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other union just to be served with us for years will be taking a very badly by the rank and file biking needs. this demographic in 2020 full of tools, nearly one michigan and 202555000 birds. several times out to 0. detroit still ahead on elsa 0 will be looking at the push to keep coffee traditions alive with producers and distributors. looking to expand across the middle east and a snake stops play in australia, jo, down to oscar has the details in a moment. the in depth analysis of today's headlines. really on your own as to how to see a dress migration, is it gonna ease the micro crisis? will make it worse informed opinions, we need more investors and more people that make the decisions and regiments for frank assessments. this balance between to tell them sounds,
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the, the very latest from the rugby world cup. joke on draw scheduling this with that and sport joe. so thank you. yes, using the back so many ways that the rug be well come off the losing that opening game to fronts. the old blacks running 11 tries to him and that may be a $71.00 to $3.00. and to lead time, roy gone and damien mackenzie school to tries each is easy is 50 is when that the right the low cost. so play is lean next on the the it will face front still without a woke up when in $2410.00 job done. well, we wouldn't be able to clean it, cleared apart to you about how we wanted to project 9. we wanted to control the guide really throughout most of the boards that a good job of that. and then i will as to to provide and look at the opportunities when we, when we felt that role. and so i was really pleased with that
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a speak to the game. a 3 more pull matches on saturday. similar chile is the 1st game of the day. political will make favorite time to the world cup option. absence of 14 years. when i play wells in nice all tournament favorites on and plate toner in the evening game and not going to be really physically contest it has to be switched on in defense reading, but try to be good. that feeds uh you know, so yeah. fair to about c k this with my left for a season in one. so in no way he can 2 of us have had against charles via tony's timing officer. so we know we have to be on his road suite. we get onto football. now by and mean extra like a hurricane says he still has room for improvement despite score, he is full goal in his many matches on friday cane open. the scoring for buying is they took on top of the table by layer casing thing and caps and says he still does that seem to his nice side having nathan the some. tell them in. ok,
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let's team look. let's set for to one. when the full argentina, welcome, when i expect q palostio sold an injury, time penalty it to, to, to name a has made his saudi pro league debut with his you club out loud. he joined the for my asian champions for almost $96000000.00 from power such man and cables. the bench is 64 minutes of the match with cross time levels. all 3 of those old time talked scored in school himself, but help the team to 6 on when setting up result team. you know how, how, how's english premier meet returns following the international break. there's 6 matches on such a level pool travel tools and the game lights of champions much of city go to west time. see currently the standings of to full wins from the 1st full games but manage it pip claudia says the real season stops. now, i think the season always, i believe,
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start right now when started after the 1st international break. so the transfer window is over. the keeps back to the school, the routine to families. okay. you know, everyone's like, everybody know exactly what to do in 10 months. he's going to have noticed that right now, and he's with the stand, the position of behind the premier league for the fight for me, for to, for a winning the europe, a super cab. but the, the real season, i always say the season is that right now for a lot of competition just temporarily kind of woke up and independently majority of spain's woke up winning plans say they were returned to represent the country in the media future. so $29.00 players and find a statement, demanding further reforms that the spanish triple federation. you coach months, i told me i had been jew to reveal her 1st school that that announcement has been delayed. the teams will come. victory was overshadowed by the behavior former federation present newest ruby alice. he kissed play a jenny and most so on the lips following the sides. when last month. we spoke to spanish football, broke cost a jim
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a select who told us what the players demanding to and that boy caught a while. these women have always maintained that this was not the question. a problem about the bill. the own reveal is, but it was a structural problem on how the spanish for the ration was organized when we talk about the woman's football and, and well, once competition. so they appreciate the changes they made so far. but they think they are still not enough to go back. or they request for a new organization in woman's football department. they asked for the changes in the present this, even to the fireman, because at most of the, his lawyer, people are still there. they ask for changes in the communications department, because the truth is that there's been no change. and, and some of this people in the communications department, they put the falls at wards of jenny. and i'm also late to explain enough for this a release. and they also one changes in the integrity section of the financial aid
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. if this conflicts hardy to review, i called to go to the spanish national team and they could be facing both economical and the support sign tons of. but this is extremely unlikely that this would be happening because if we look into the recent past, the 15 rebellion that we've called before, the work up a, this one have never got a find an order. so that's why they decided to postpone the call of this one that was supposed to be happening in a press conference on monday. and they decided to postpone that this way. they don't call them, so they don't have to face any kind of uh find a no, but jokes. i just made a winning return to action just 5 days off the clinton victory at the us open the one the one helps. it'd be a book that place in the course of one of the day just comp joking, which beats alejandro adults for kina. explain to secure, understandable to nothing lead for serbia. is this the team straight, much big truthful?
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defending champions england. the jew to name the final scored for the cricket world cup in india or in the next few weeks. and batsman of it, milan looks to have confirmed his thoughts. in the 15 man policy, he produced a play of the much performance scoring a 127 against new zealand in the 4th and final one day international of the series of lords, mountains efforts help the home side. school, 311 new zealand felt all show in response with england winning the match by 100 funds. and when the series 31 for all rico the foss, this time in prizes ahead of sundays. single pul, chrome pray. she does this and that they get all the correct yep. championship lead and max the staff and was startled by the liquid for a moment's the red bull drive out who was chasing a record, extending 11th when in a row was 3rd fastest in the morning session. and 8 in the afternoon, but for a look like they found that paste, they chose the cook top of the time sheets and his teammate,
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call us meanwhile, the industry, it was a cases make stops, play a highly venomous bradbury black st. consulted during women's f l game and sidney. the slippery pitch invited was eventually cap said, allowing the going to receive all right, that is all useful for now. it is, but through. all right, so good. that's how you catch a snake. that's how it's done. so got draw, sca. thank you so much. one more thing before we let you go. the global coffee industry is booming and producers are looking to tap into middle east markets. coffee is the 2nd most traded commodity in the world have to petrol, and it brings in about $200000000000.00 in revenue. but as the market grows, there is a push to make sure the traditional, our big coffee doesn't news out. conser lopez hold again, went to an international coffee exhibition. here in the coffee is a big part of arabic culture. it plays a role in rituals, marriage proposals,
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and even in settling disputes that is making specialty coffee more appealing. this convention and guitars capital is proof with hundreds of coffee growers, producers, and distributors, looking to expand their business in the middle east. we wanted to emphasize that they're just, you know, coffee would always be there. and this is important then this is what you are trying to do. something is different and then what you're seeing in europe or what you see is actually in asia. for sally, coffee is a family business. his father founded the biggest coffee distribution factory in guitar. they rose more than a ton of coffee beans a day sourcing it from across continents. fuzzy instead of adult obama. and also in asia. we caught talking about i'm talking about the also the i'm going to be hold on the kenya. let's take just a few minutes to drink for the production process behind
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a cup of coffee. it takes about 5 years from drawing the plan to collecting the beans and shipping the product every day. about 3000000000 cups of coffee are consumed around the globe. ok. see the yet is from costa rica, she's among more than a 100000000 families who depend on the industry. during harvest time. they rely on temporary workers from the area and others who travel from panama and the cut of what's the pick up drinking a cup of coffee takes you on a journey. hundreds of people from different walks of life play a role and bring that to life from the coffee fields to coffee table. there's a big push to make sure arabic coffee and the culture that comes with it is not push down by big chains. we try our best to make the next generation on the next a stimulation to have a more knowledge of off. it's not just the big it's, it's audition a tradition that's merging with specialty coffee,
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reflecting change perhaps beyond the flavor in a comp, katia a little bit, so the, an elgin sierra to ha, all right, very short break here on elsie's 0. i am back in the top of the hour in just a moment. the coveted beyond wells taken without hesitation. fulton died for power. defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that. and
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the people in power investigate, expose this and questions they use them to be that the power around now to sierra, the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back threats to offsets on our 20. good morning, ellis towing, under british rule, the key to it in america, controversial professor in new york. he realized he was the voice of the people on the 20th anniversary of his desk. i'll just do a world explores which meet him and influential writer and champion of the palestinian cause in the west, at which time i'll just place on noticing about getting close to the people most affected by those in power is often dangerous, but it's actually the vice and the story is to be told we pushed as far forward as
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we can to the front line. now the smells upset. ours. a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as always, is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do. the disaster of epic proportions, the world health organizations description of the floods in libya as far as the aide heads for the worst effected areas. the it's great to have you with us. this is elsie or a life from the also coming up the daunting task of rebuilding after last week's
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