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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 17, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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wait for the 9, c h and games is athletes from prostate. just a gathering and join us to find the lead out for $481.00 gold medals. special coverage and analysis from san jo 2023. so on september, the 21, which is here, the dive is in libya and look for bodies of thousands. i'm missing off to last week's devastating floods in bed. not a it has slowly started trickling in the helmet as of a swan. and this is alex is here and live from doha. also coming up. migration is a european challenge and it needs a european answer and solution. a goal for you to see the cub mike and crossings to
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hear of europe and commission president of the italian island. that's received a record number of arrivals plus as well as pulses 5, tig assets allister means in gaza, who were protesting against this very incursions into the alex a most comp, towns and thousands of patients returned home from the dominican republic after the dispute between the neighbors the we began in flood ravaged eastern to be a one week on many struggling to come to terms of what's happened in the region. the true skate of the destruction is still not clear, thousands have been killed while thousands more have been displaced. then that is the hardest hit city and official desk has maybe 900 buildings have been composed
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neatly destroyed. the one's boss, legs, port city, now lying and ruins. and i'll be the hospitals of struggling to function. and doctors say they are still receiving an influx of critical patients from that now the p due to the damage and during the hospital some cases couldn't be treated, especially the critical cases with chronic diseases in need of the intensive care unit. then now here and in stable condition. well, the pace of international aid has stepped up and affected areas including that not, but it's just not enough. the world food program says it needs $6000000.00 to help the 10s of thousands in need. not to train up against coverage from shortly. it's been a week since the eastern lived in city of deadman the changed forever. let's do name and you like wave of water that goes down. this valley has left a deep scar on the city. it's people. and in the hearts of the nation, of those was are vive the floods are trying to process the see your loss while
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recovering. what remains? still wondering if their loved ones are alive or dead and 100 bucks a. but thank god for getting this patients. i'm sitting in the area trying to clean it. i'm trying to verify who's missing. i'm trying to and this time to come and situation. i didn't leave thousands or dead. thousands more are missing. dozens of local and international search and rescue teams are working to recover bodies from under the rubble or those last us or into the muddy sea. authorities are still trying to understand the scale of the destruction of the team assigned by the government to takes talk of the damages stated that the total number of buildings in the city is about 6100 and $42.00, of which the total number of damage buildings is $15891.00 buildings were completely destroyed. 211 were partially destroyed. and about 398 was
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submerged in the mud. so you wouldn't mind, gratian agency says more than 38000 people have been displaced in the east and live the political situation with 2 rival administrations has not made things easy. local authorities say they are now working on a complete or partial evacuation plan for the city of deadman. the 4th, 2 governments, the relief effort has been chaotic and accurate information. hard to come by the people. here's a more needs to be done to help those in need. a model see, we still do not know anything. we are hearing rumors. some are trying to assure us, others are saying you need to leave the city. we have no water and no resources. damage roads have made it difficult for a to enter the city. people are still trying to come to terms with what happens here. those who remain in the city are in desperate need of help. they hope it
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comes soon. now, trina, elder, 0 tripoli, i don't 0 as tom at all. somebody has moved from that. now. that's a large team. i mean one of the areas most affected by the storm, which is cause so much destruction across the city. up there. now, as the camera pans, you can see this area, which was once packed with roads and residential buildings, is now completely gutted by the floods. everything was leveled to the ground then washed away to the sea. this is the 7th day after the disaster, but rescue teams are still searching for survivors because thousands are still on accounted for. and many are believed to be buried under the rubble had go ahead and the, and the to, i mean in to pick up and inside. i'm now joined by a member of one of the search and rescue teams operating on the ground will give us an update with an estimate. i think the no, i've been working on this area for 3 days. we managed to recover many bodies from under the rubble. as most of the buildings were destroyed. on saturday,
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we succeeded in finding 7 survivors of the same families who are trapped under the rubble and 3 other survivors whom another racing against time. but there could still be more than $500.00 bodies under the rubble in this area alone. we are in the very middle of the city over there and the total number of tests as high, very high in fact it. yeah, you know, the well, the is, this is the latest. as we speak, rescue operations are still going on. a search for survivors has not saw a number, but it must be noted that more teams have been deployed along the sea shore. searching for victims were washed away while fling in their cars when the disaster struck the city. for now, the search and rescue mission continues both on land and at sea. about mesa, all good of all is the country director for the world food program and libya and she describes how her team is responding to the situation today. as one of the wondering actually from the start,
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a visit into an agency the for the time being we have managed to reach out to 1000 selected people across the price location. and we started with the piece and been gone. and then we move into the item to use or the effective population. and then uh and then uh to nice job i, i'm signing the lease side as we speak. we have distribution ongoing issues that plus also we are kind of getting an estimate. the 5 other locations that has been telling me, impacted by the light comes down. you kind of the live thing, pre positioned, which was supposed to go actually to the social media because we weren't auditing, also emergency, indeed yet. so utilizing whatever food i have on that at all, we are as we see for chasing. and we have just the feeling to all the doing that to provide us with an edge and $6500000.00 to respond to the shelby
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410-0000 beneficiary and the 1st 3 months. and then the like the other i due to the information as she to 12 and he was now the european commission president has called on the e u. t. and nice and deal with the migrant crisis is level and alina's on the italian island of long produce which has received an unprecedented number of asylum seekers. the united nation says a 1500 people arrived on the island this week, and no, that is more than the entire population of the island is. today's prime minister georgie maloney has promised tougher measures to data with the influx wanted lines as you needs to step off its efforts to stop traffic is prime minister maloney and i are here today to offer a co ordinated response by the tell you and to europe in a sorry, t's and i want to be very clear. we have an obligation as part of the
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international community. we have fulfilled it in the past and we will do so today and in the future. but we will decide who comes to the european union and under what circumstances and not the smugglers and traffic. this is in the southern lowest island is a 145 kind of me just off the coast of to mizzi and has long been a landing point for free from crossing from north africa. many of the latest arrivals have been making the dangerous journey by boat, from tennessee, a more than a 127000 migrants have arrived on s. lee shows. so fathers, yeah, that is almost double the same period last year that you were paying unions as a michael and somebody from ivory coast egypt and guinea and aflame violence and economic turmoil. how a full so it has moved from producer as a sort of on demand did speak about potential further action by you in terms of
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naval activity. she said maybe purchasing some of that or even some new emissions as well. but i think it would be a big stretch to think that she would sanction the kind of thing that told him when he was talking about, which is sending boats straight back. given that even among the written policy, people accepted in maybe 10 percent of genuine asylum seekers. among those coming to these shows, sending straight back to potentially dangerous territories would be a big stretch for the 2 except however, the tournament on these points. one of the major points she made was that this is a european frontier, not just in italy, in one, requiring a european solution. that is something that sort of on demand very much that code questions though in her 10 point plan exactly what all of the language means when, what kind of time table, what kind of numbers, what kind of advocacy, all of that remains to be consolidated really away from the politics, so that's just speak about the kind of serious situation currently also that massive search. last week i'm joined by francesca by the way, who is the red cross of italy's head of migration?
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you've obviously been focused on this for some months. had you ever seen anything like what happened last week and, and how does the situation now on sunday compared to what you saw then? but as it's on north cross, we started managing the reception center hearing lump. it was at the beginning of june, and this was the highest peak this we reached during our period the here in the island. it's a force on not to only think to direct cordial or link to the numbers, but it's very important to remember that besides this number, there are people. so what we need from the very 1st moment and no matter how many people we receive, let's, let's, we can also is we can say that in one day we hosted inside the reception center more than 6000 people. that's got the to the items. um we've the more than one non goods search and rescue events, what we need is to try to respond to their basic needs. so even if it was
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challenging because managing with the so many people together is that easy but, and also to focus on going yet. i mean, it is from the very beginning. 5 palestinians have been injured at all to is ready for his attack them as they were protesting at several points along the border between garza and israel. the demonstrations were against is rarely sold, as violently confronting palestinian worship is near the locks. a most compound dirty on sunday, is relatively photography journalists covering the protest in the size reports from casa of hundreds of policy and young men of whom they call themselves their revolutionary use. have stormed the gaza, is really border from north into the southern parts of districts. in different areas. uh now uh these protesters have puts tires on flyers to office cure the vision of these real snipers, deployed along the separation sense off the borders. they have also thrown some
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explosive devices as the sense and also hang the policy and flag now is really forces on the other side have responded to the protestors by firing dozens of gas canisters and tear gas uh on the protesters. dozens of people have been reported to hospital being suffocated the policy inspections here has warren c. a is really secular, is provocation in an south compound and the violence of these really forces towards the worshippers of an ox moss. and these protests come in today in response to the provocation that has been carried out in a compound today. now the fractions have also stated in their statement that it is not alone and that they were in these really occupation of any further provocations
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that will be responded to. and so we've always, with just a flare up between the policy inspections and is really forces because off the uh, an ox provocation. and as we mentioned is rarely false has confronted palestinian worship as an occupied east, jerusalem. they scuffled for women and prevented young man from entering the locks a musk. if he's one palestinian man was arrested and saw the most compound area hundreds of alternation. this is radius made it incursion into the outbox. a cortez whole brennan has moved from occupied east jerusalem of the women that we see in that video. all members of a group home roberts ads. and they are women who are pledged to protect the alex a mosca. so the women with the pale level of print stuff and spectacles appear actually on wednesday making a social media video pledging to protect the most. um said these on members of the
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general public, these are women who are remonstrated with those as rarely, soldiers and demanded access. but the reason why they were remonstrated with the soldiers is because this weekend is rush, an avi israel to the jewish new. yeah. and again, as happens on so many days of jewish fall, right settlers, the nationalist have been escorted into the area of the alex and mosque. it's called an incursion because it's done without the permission of the rocks, which is the jordanian palestinian group, which organizes would organize such visits. and it creates enormous tension and enormous unpack. it isn't as well with those people who are watching at the most enough. the most the arrest that we saw, i think most likely we haven't heard from the police about this, but the rest on days like today, young man in the twenty's and thirty's are prevent up on from accessing the most. because very often it's the young man who's tempers get the best of all of them and
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to confront these jewish nationalist incursions and say they are bound. so i suspect that the young man that we saw being arrested was one of those. it perhaps slipped through the match and the police were taking him away. but it is prospective, i mean on the one hand you can say the police are doing a very good job of keeping the peace. but on the other hand, from the southern, the palestinian perspective, you can say that they are essentially threatening to states as career by facilitating these visits, a by jewish hapless onto this holy size. it's still a head on knowledge, a 0 will not have it approaches to new york, where climate activists have gathered headed the united nations general assembly the the venezuela, columbia. buddha has become a stomping grounds for trespasses, as desperate people transgress any legal passage to feed an emerging fuel
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trafficking market. we followed the powerless journey unguarded through the line of fire, the risk, and it'll send as wayland columbia. on al jazeera, the colleges. when
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the the watching out of the of me elizabeth toronto and don't have a mind to about top stories. the ssl, it is now one week since devastating floods in libya, accounts thousands of people. international aid has been on arriving, but it's been slow to reach the worst areas. recovery operations underway as dive a search for bodies washed out in the same the european commission president as lawanda law and has visited the italian island of long producer to pay tribute to low cost. have been doing all they can to support the unprecedented number of refugees and migrants arriving from parts of africa and is very false and have
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attacked alice demands for testing at several points along the border between as ryan and gaza. they've been demonstrating against israeli soldiers, vonda, they confronting palestinian worship, is in the oxen most compound area on sunday, the climate to protest as a gathering in new york ahead of monday's united nations general assembly. the un mission will feature the 1st ever climate ambition on this, on the signs, laws active as an angry that the us few k canada no way i want expanding this fossil fuels use despond, experience in the hottest summer since reco it's began. let's bring and kristen salumi, she's joining us live from new york and big 10 out behind you a custom in fossil fuels way. the focal point of today's protest in new york city. absolutely thousands of gathered here in midtown manhattan to amplify the call of
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secretary general antonio gutierrez, the united nation, had of this week additions summit, the secretary general with free fossil fuel usage. they are echoing that call industries here today you may see some of the people behind the are indigenous communities, representative communities, more than 700 local national and international groups have signed on to this march just forwarded. i spoke to a young man from kenya earlier to be here just for this march. they represent the communities who are most effective by fossil fuels and they want leaders to take action. so that's their message for leaders who are coming to the un general assembly, particularly for us president joe biden. they are disappointed in the expansion of fossil fuels here in the united states and they want to make
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sure that they know. 7 that he's. 7 watching his actions of expecting more and the 1st and the actions that the protest is to thousands of protest as out in new york city, the actions that they want to lead us to take. what does that look like? what they demanded the demands are pretty basic. and they're in line with you in principles, they want no new fossil drilling allowed, no expansion, that's gas or oil. they also want to an end to, to phase out drilling on public lands on the waterways. and they're also calling for an end to a new products. they want the president of the united states to declare a climate emergency that would expedite the transition they say to renewable energy and make the transition faster. and they point to the summer and the year of record
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he intends wilds fires in flooding as an evidence that this needs to happen sooner rather than later. they say it's not happening quickly enough. what? kristen? thank you very much for that question. salumi. joining us from that protest in new york, the dominican republic has sent troops to reinforce its buddha with hasty, it's close to crossing. after objecting to hazy building a canal on a shed river. the dominican republic says hazy, is defying a long standing tree. see patients are able to return to the home country using the buddha twice a day, john home and reports on the board of city of babylon and the dominican republic of this diplomatic conflict between high sea and the dominican republic. the 2 countries that share an island is continuing on its centering around the canal, the haitian farmers low to a big getting off of a shed river between the 2 countries. the river must side correct in response to
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the dominican republic has said that they can expose the border between the dominican republic. i'm hate, say, until not thinking of the canals, but it's still the farm is in the local side. no, we need this. we're going to continue on by the way, you cook several projects on your side of the river water for the walk home. we have this one, the dominican republic and said well, is it mike? i but cool. so the river and so that's why i like a treaty from about knowing c at is a go. so we're seeing at the moment patients returning across to the welcome. we're seeing a be able to pursue, assist on the dominican side of the border. the minister of defense for the dominican republic actually came to take a look at those traits. and so i often the question, how are you going to scope based on how you want to be going to get the haitian government 5 is for to go to come out with big bill since the
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haitian government at the moment. so we have a lot of capacity to where we go with its own country, is what he said located over here. and like daniel, we know that hate the government because of the actions of the guns has its hands tied. but the construction of the canal affects the interest of the dominican republic, effect of farmers and did violates the treaty of 1929. so it's up to the government to find a solution. it's in the hands. i also spoke to the minister of industry from the dominican republic. i came here, he's been saying that, well, a board of trade isn't going to continue not really move to the dominican republic, not just the hate say a 0 be actually buying. and the government will be buying up the person who goods is dominican. traders don't manage to sell to the haitians, they usually come here to buy them. but it does seem a situation for both countries that if it continues on is going to be ruinous, hey,
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think which has more than hostile population in danger of salvation depends on faith. and the dominican republic, the dominican republic. last, is it a $1000000.00 of expos site to the panels? selling say that. so it's up to these 2 governments to try and get an officer. thomas, who's was really under the control of their own government, continue to take this to no don't. holding out into the lodge parts of indonesia and the grip of a per long drought with the onset of the nino, whether phenomena and effecting funds and draining water supplies. this is dry season is expected to be the most severe since 2019 with thousands of paper facing food shortages as a result. so o'clock reports it's been a long hot month since the east news obtained got a regent and has seen rain these months. foot tall ross fields and out terraces of patched it thousands of pictures in the publicly village in the east. soon the district had been destroyed by droughts,
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dollar for the rain stuck in may the she hasn't been able to play anything said, saying like we need help from the government restoration to have food. because the ross that we have is not enough to consume like a normal days. residents are also struggling to excess clean water with attachments and ribbons reduced to a trickle. i have no choice but to will columbus to the nearest rid of it and take supplies back to the village to drink wash and irrigation. they've done called quite them scarlet. i'm worried. the drought will continue for a long time. how we going to live? how do i feed my family a? it's a reality knowledge by international star. he's. it will that the menu which brings prolong hall and dry weather is now affecting more than 2 thirds of indonesia. the impact is expected to peak in the last week of september. with an even greater risk of water shortages 1st, fuzz, and hope for you. hello my, that really need to intensified el nino. we have tried to add more rice reserves
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with souls for us from the other areas like west visiting gara and java island, as well as importing from other countries. the region is a big producer of palm oil, rice and coffee beans. this year, due to the exacerbated heat and the prolong draft from its a struggle to produce across the globe. or do we need more than 30000 tons of rush for all the people living in the east some of the region for a year. so we are usually able to provide rise from our own farm is fields, but this year we weren't able to do it to prepare with these conditions. expected to continue into october. the president junk over dodo has instructed regional governments to set aside funds to hide those words, to share a clock out a 0 north korean leader kim jong is on his way back home after a 5 day visit to russia's far east. before leaving, he attended the valet performance invite of all stock commit president vladimir
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putin and inspect to several military sites during the trip or that soot from elizabeth per item. you can find more information on or about stories on our website, which is c o dot com, whatever is next. that is test story, discusses electric vehicles and the need to produce affordable costs. thank you for watching the you got a minute 15 to bring you up to speed with your weather. so let's go kicking his phone off in the middle east. we've got a pretty persistent wind coming off the eastern mediterranean. so for places like g as a and a 9 temperatures pretty well where they should be for this year, me while a hot and dry. when continues to blow down from iraq, that means temperatures and don't are above where they should be for the some of the year. and it also means it's going to be once again
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a fairly comfortable day on monday in terms of that humidity, annual max out at $42.00 degrees is off to bucket some we go. we are keeping tabs on this batch of what weather in northwest india that will drift westward, moving into lower same province over the next few days. and there we go. by wednesday, that rain pours into karachi, we could see up to a month's worth of rain in a short period of time. meantime, as we look towards central asia, bish kick 18 degrees studies well below where you should be for this year. so certainly a fresh field there. certainly a look at this wind blowing through the boss for us. it's going to be a mostly overcast, stay for stumble at 24 degrees in temperatures, while above where they should be in tune is a good 10 above. with 40 degrees on the nose, it's our usual showers in storms through the tropics in africa. and there was winds across the south coast of south africa turn later on mondays here the
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beginning ideals, different republic, his loan for claims, which is more days, more than friends. in a full talk series, the big picture takes and in depth ness france insight. episode one on elegy, sierra, and alter workers dispute in the us on the lines washington struggled to become competitive in the global electric comcast of the he, you and china flash over the subsidies. is the tv set to the coming the new geopolitical bible space is inside story. the .


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