tv News Al Jazeera September 20, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm AST
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the beach still fighting to save their filing this way of life in the face of its population. a sense of community on a jersey to the armenian estate televisions has ceased. fine has been agreed with as a by johnny and ethnic all median forces of the intense fighting and they're going to car the, the color the associated hey, this is elder 0 life from dolphin. also coming funerals on hills in the coupon to west side as the number of kind of shows and is really
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res long stories of survival and tragedy. and you follow one passenger johnny high into the aptis mountains and straightening emergencies of says 5 wrong size as people that prepare for some extreme seats. the probably begin this with breaking news. a median state television says that a ceasefire has been agreed between as a buyer's jani and ethnic on median forces of the intense facing and the power back . on cheese, they bought who launched artillery strikes on the regions capital. at least the see 2 people reported to have been killed over 200 injured latrice science have been locked in a dispute for decades. is that in a go in a car box most recently leading to a war in 2020 to meet you measure then current takes a look now at the events of the past,
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48 hours on the streets of dependent could the main city and the kind of back kind of took over as mortars pounded at surroundings. this catholic o median dominated enclave and self declared break away. territory is internationally recognized as part of ozzy by john. but it is controlled by ethnic comedians and has close links to the media and governments. it is the source of instability and tension between the 2 countries. and the threats of outs in that conflict is never far away. both have gone to war over the region in the early 19 nineties, up to the full of the soviet union. and in 2020, which ended after a ceasefire agreements, the late to source of tension is the continuing blockade by a very forces of the latch and corridor, an area of land linking a media to nicole and i caught it by a separate cord to known as ag them road connects the rest of us have by john with
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the enclave back, who says all stories that have refused to accept supplies from that core. the russia, one of the back is of the seas bar has just the 2 countries to stop the fighting. and she's been on that. and this brush has strongly encourages the conflicting side to stop the blood should stop the military actions at once and return to a political and diplomatic settlement outside the media and parliament. and yet, yvonne crowds gathered to protest against the renewed military operations, urging the government to do more to protect the people of not gotten the caught about as once again, the tension between the 2 countries spills over into conflict. to meet you met with didn't go out to 0 a while. meanwhile, law square, it says that russian peacekeepers have a back to raise as well, in 2000 civilians. from the corner car box, russell's defense ministry says it's provided temporary shelter is ethnic on millions, from navigation, as well as medical aid. most cases,
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it's troops continued a peacekeeping mission that well, that's bringing you to a shop of all of us who joins us now from oscar. yeah, now that we've had the cease fire has been announced, laska must be pretty happy about that. well we'll hope that uh no, gordon, a car about who number 3 has been avoided west hoping that there are high hopes that nothing awful will happen. seems like the official russia has taken sides with as a been drawn on it's closest allied k. this time around, the russian president has a, was amazing the tech should either just recently installed true or the science we're discussing. they call them and mutual trade as well as politics. both a very much dependent on each other. but despite that, many russian people to the very sympathetic tools, the minions in kyra,
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by the reason i ask you, humanitarian crisis in the region. in december 2022, we know that i step as young blokes the latch in cordele the only a road connection car back with a media. and since done the vin, a shortage of food and medicine in the region. and basically we are now the messages that's probably the should be during the you i'm checking on assembly is that no military aggression is justified in the 21st century even to achieve the high schools because always innocent civilians, children and the elderly suffer from the has services and that lives simply got her and well, as we know, russia has had peacekeepers that in the region, and there's obviously been very heavily involved in mediation focus through their role now. so basically, as he said, the russian peace keeping contingent house evacuated more than a 2000 civilians of f hop of them. children from all the dangerous areas of the
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golden kara by the russian defense ministry was reporting dobbs. and actually they said the doctors from the specialized mexico units have given age to the wounded. so, so the russian peacekeepers mission is to protect locals and help yvonne to h. them not to intervene. and the ministry actions that's according to the russian side, we've had from some russian official, the saying, but the russian peacekeepers, constant shooting, unless that lives are in danger. so basically that, that to help and the russian ministry of defense is actually reporting about the actions. now in the area who they are, sample of all the what the latest for us from most great, thank you. hear you well, as advice on launched, it's minute show formation as well. i believe it's got that on choose day for the 1st full day of the you and $78.00 general assembly. and then you also want to keep
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attention focused on russia. and it's where with ukraine. pascal hand has went out for us from new york as his need to rally the world community clear with his presence for the 1st time ukrainian president followed a mirror zalinski addressing the united nations general assembly in person and in english, the full scale war in an attempt to send a clear picture of the force of war zalinski detailing the plate of tens of thousands of ukrainian children. he says, russian forces have kidnapped and center russia bad trying to get children back home. but time time goes by. what will happen with them? what will happen to them those children in russia off towards to kate, ukraine, and old ties with that fabulous a broken. and this is clearly a genocide us president joe biden clearly wanted to send the same message rusher
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alone bears responsibility for this war. russia alone has the power to end. this war means is russia alone. this stands in the way of peace because the rushes price for peace is ukraine's capitulation, ukraine's territory and ukraine's children. but on the sidelines, there is talk that it may be time for peace. the vladimir putin could be persuaded to make a deal chatter zalinski pointedly rejected. he says, prudence is untrustworthy, pointing out the fate of a one time prudent ally who seemed to cross him and died in a plain explosion. now i am aware of the attempts to make some shady dealings behind the scenes. evil cannot be thrusted to ask pre collision. you crazy expect to take center stage again here on wednesday as un security council needs to talk about the war. and we expect the president zalinski and
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russian foreign minister circuit live rob will be in the same room for the 1st time since the war started. had to go home. elder 0 at the un headquarters, funerals are being held in the occupied west bank of to is really forces kills at least 5 palestinians. they found a raise on the cities as jericho and janine tennessee. others were injured. when is my last 2 thoughts on as i flew to town, as well, has confirmed using a drone and that attack, it's carried out several ways on that densely populations comp just this. yeah. that's where you need to. abraham. she joins us now from ramallah. need to talk us through what prompted these raids a while according to these rated forces, they say that they re the janine, looking for one to palestinians. usually that term refers to palla city and fight. there is or activists who are involved in resisting these raise the occupation. but
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according to palestinians engineer, they say that the palestinians who have been that rest of by these regular forces were later on release, including the father of a wants to palestinians. now people in the camp say that this wants to, that person has managed to sleep and basically escape the attempts to all these really forces to arrest him all in all in getting on. and that is in jericho. these really forces say that they've arrested 12 palestinians. the human rights organizations put along the number as 18. but all in all we see in these raids that palestinians were just going about the daily lives can get injured or killed. let's not forget the janine itself has been at the center of a lot of is really raising the past year and more. there has been a lot of injuries. and also we know that in jericho, these really forces i've read this, this city, this morning,
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killing also another house in, in whole, as you say, need of it has in multiple raids on jeanine. can you give us a sense of the scale of this one is we've been saying it's been very busy a while. the major assault that took place in the janine refugee times that killed within 13 palestinians, injured many as well as demolished the infrastructure in the cab has took place in early july to day they were pausing is have really been forced to leave their homes. they attack was incense, so people are still rebuilding their lives in their homes, as you can imagine, when all the rates to please. now we can say that this is the best list since the july major falls on the janine refugee. com. so you can imagine that, paul simeon, there are still suffering from the consequences of the previous wave. it still remains a tense situation in gene. i'm else what in the west bank,
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where people say that is really, really the main aim of those races, not just to a rest about us. it is not, not only a to interrogate them, but also to kind of show who has the ultimate time that the upper hand, the 4th here in the occupied westbank need. abraham. now with the latest for us from romano. thank you. need meanwhile, and goes on one palestinian protest, a has been killed 9 injured off to is really forces them opened fire along the eastern border. protests were held on that puerto earlier this week. again, this is randy incursions and deluxe and most compound occupied east torrison. and as well as keeping the arrows crossing out the gauze, aboard explorers. thoughts in response to confrontations between is riley forces and palestinians. on monday that moves though it will stop, at least 17000 people from getting to walk. human outside has we are here at the air is crossing. this is the only crossing between garza and israel. that is meant
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for people israel for 2 days in a row. now has shot this crossing in front of thousands of palestinian workers who work in israel and occupied westbank. they totally rely on the work inside the occupied territories and israel to support their families in gaza. israel says that the closure of the air is crossing comes in response to the ongoing protests on because that use really borders. but critics, the gaza human rights groups and the businessman association. see this measure as a collective punishment. i guess the people of god stuff well has been living under and imposed is really located for the past 17 years. you must see elza 0, gaza strip, the
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age watches and morocco facing major challenges and delivering help to there is affected by the us quake that earlier this month and the 3000 people were killed. stephanie deca of correspondence on her team travel deep into the app, just mountains. this is her report from to the and test the following. a very personal journey today and next calling a virus called sarah got in touch with me telling me that her father had died in the earthquake and cycled this roads for charity. so overwhelmed by the options of the young man pulled heads out hymns as comedy runs, the hotel stays at night problems in a cafe, around 8 kilometers away from my hands. i was. he went there and managed to retreat . her father's body now sarah's into you. paid, we are here. so we decided to make the round for our journey deep into the mountains. to go to meet him.
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i woke up and run to the stairs. he tells us sara's dad had texted earlier saying he was staying at the cafe over night. as he was too tired to cycle up the mountain rooms or upstairs, he says, but we've got everyone else comes as just showing me on his phone. he has a list of the dead of this region. 40456. it's yet only one village is 71, only 871 that in one village. so the earthquake. so for the death toll is almost $3456.00 from this area. so it is so remote here, so peaceful and yeah, you can see the violence of the earthquake, how it split the ground quite deeply here. and how does the as telling us that 21 members of his village lost their lives in the quake?
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nuts. further down the valley, a lot of what steve. he takes us to his house. now the man, no, on the the if i've been sleeping in this bed that night i would have been dead. he says, i just want to look and see if i for his parents, wife and 3 children survived the quake. i was extremely afraid. i sold my family was gone, balances, destroyed. but what would i do with all of this? if i'd lost my family, family is everything. if they're gone, there is nothing. before we leave, we passed by the cafe, where sarah's father died. as we're approaching the cafe, it started to rate and you can see how people are trying to cover their tent. tar pulled. the coffee's only joins us. this is where we found him. they tell us, we rushed to him, but there was nothing we could do. it was god's willing stephanie decker or g 0. so using test in morocco's atlas mountains. so i'll go ahead here on,
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out of here to push for peace, opponents, columbia and regulatory analysis tools. the a. hi lo, the southeast asia. we've got more heavy rain to fall across, move in areas of the next few days. in particular, for indo china, we could see some flooding across parts of thailand. we have a warnings out there and for the malay peninsula you can see the heavy down pools this thursday and so fridays, some heavy rain as well running into northern areas of borneo and bern. i that could sparks and flooding. but for the south of this much dry, a picture of skies across the large areas of indonesia, with some wind warnings for places like body as well as east timor. we could see some rough seas that his,
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he headed down on the to australia. wind is the story that's bringing the fly a danger to parts of the southeast. we have go. bush fires, burning, of course, pots of new south wales. the good news is that the heat has evaporated temperatures coming down in that southeast corner. they'll be picking up and pub, but we go into friday. we'll be dropping down to the early twenty's once again the to have a look at what happens in brisbin will be 35 degrees celsius on thursday. that's not back down by 9010 degrees in so friday. does he hop across the task that we've seen exceptional heat affecting eastern parts of the south island, but we'll see more in the way of heavy rain and snow 1st day in so friday, steady roading its way further move to the
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teams to the me in the and us citizen are risking their lives to secretly film the ongoing persecution. fair people. 101 east reveals the never before seen footage on all just the the the, the matcher watching all to 0. i'm associated a here and uh huh. that's one you about top stories. how many and say television says that a sweet spot has been agreed with as a vice, johnny and ethnic on union forces of the intense pricing and the car by factory was almost artillery strikes on the regions capital on tuesday. have you, in general,
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assembly ukraine's president telling me, is lensky has asked for more support, and that's for, with russian fuel. so describes the price of tens of thousands of ukrainian children that he says, russian forces has taken funerals are being held in the occupied west. that's the number as kind of thing instead, and it's really raised wisest, 5, especially of those. what was an engine when israel or some folks janine message? the rescue teams and the eastern libyan city of diana are continuing their search. the survivors, the 10 days after 2 dams collapsed in a storm. this and this will hurt if any assigned to anyone a live political differences and the lessening the situation under the or is ali, how strong is monitoring developments for us from the capital tricity to a brief said, well, before the late arrest, it's false. there are thousands more that on the induct now. the eastern libyan
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city, that softening with its that yes, these are your 10 days after the september 30 storm destroyed the cities, 2 dams rescue efforts continue. in exceptional cases, survivors are found that hopes are feeding. go finding any more alive for the may. yes. then if you will, that need in libya situation, it's not as quick but flawed. meaning addressed with the destruction of homes. it's very difficult to find survivors insights conditions, especially in muddy areas. not to mention those who was swept into the sea, as you know, there's no survival when you're in the water for more than a few minutes. recovering bodies from the seas. another challenge in families was swept to the mediterranean, some in the cards, and there is a need for specialized equipment. they struck them out into the complications of the political divisions and the country. libya has to rival governments one in the
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east that's appointed by the parliament, the mother and tripoli. that's sick of lives by the international community. the farm and itself stipulates national unity government. i've been, i need to be buckets who has been tooting a fence as in the capital to mobilize s office. but without reaching out to his rivals in the east, it will be difficult to see us move. the pay is now to enter into frank, the people in dona auckland, for accountability. they had the government in business and it's named buck arguments speak. i feel a saw. they're responsible for the, i mean, it says, no, you akilah salt lake who sees that we will rebuild during every 6 months. you are a killer. how will you rebuild doing now? doing a, god's willing will be built with it's mazda. and so it was still in the room until now, many believe of their wedding political divisions. this tragedy could have been avoided
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. and with pictures of the protest circulating on media, many foreign journalists that were allowed into the city said they'd been ordered out a claim that was denied by the eastern government on the actual jersey at all. tripoli, an intense spring heat wave sweeping across southeast and australia as a result of a strong el nino where the passion, within 60 walls size and now binding across as trailers most popular states, new south wales temperature is only 16 degrees above the september average. sydney has also implemented it's fast total 5 bond and nearly 3 years. several schools have also been closed. many people are heading to the beach to try to escape the heat. well that spring and sunny mohawk, he's the director of the international sense of the climate change and development . he joins us now from the dot com. so what we're seeing more and more of these historical extremes happening and feels like every other. yeah. now given that the
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scales we're talking about here, how do you even try to adapt to that, especially for the poor countries will be the hardest hit as well. everybody is going to get hit, including the developed countries as well. so it's not just poor countries that need to worry about it. in fact, in many way poor countries like buying bottle of dish is actually went ahead of many of the richard countries were not used to these events and who, when they get to have a much greater impact in bangladesh. we have happened to have one of the best at site long preparedness programs in the world, and we are much better off and much better prepared and much better adapted to most of the compared to most of the countries. on the other hand, there's a limit to how much you can adapt and when you start preaching definitely made that nobody can adapt to that. and that's what we are headed for now with this particular, i mean you were speaking of limits signal the last time you and i spoke, we talked about tipping points. i was looking at projections from the u. n. i p c.
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c expect panel, for instance. they don't account for the melting of the green ice trees. now we have um, you know, which we know could push us over that 1.5 degree warming threshold. it's become sir emblematic and towards how concerned are you about where we're at now when it comes to the reversible catastrophic climate impacts and, and our lead is acting with the appropriate urgency but i am very, very concerned. i think, you know, we are in an emergency which our leaders don't seem to recognize. and unfortunately, it's, they don't take actions. the impacts will be far worse than if they were to be better prepared. so i am very hopeful that at the upcoming conference of parties, the bike in december, they will actually take the requisite action. but there are 2 levels of action does take immediate level of dealing with the impacts up happening like the new that will roll out over the coming months. and then this the longer time aspect the when we cross the threshold, a 1.5 degrees. when all bets are off, there's
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a limit to how much you can adapt and we reach that limit when the temperature gifts to decrease. so we need to be preventing that from happening by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. so it's a 2 track approach. prevent the really catastrophic impacts and the longer time, but dealing with the bad ones that are happening right now. well, as readers are supposed to be discussing what of this and new york climate week at, at the us, all you confidence that we have the technology say, and the political well to tries that some of the more catastrophic effects of climate change or how much of it is already baked into the cake, about historical decisions and now it's really just about trying to not make it was that we have the technology. we even have the finance if we were to make it available, what we are lacking is correct. was it political will from somebody just not all lead to certainly just are certainly stepping up to the plate and the secretary
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general of the un, i would say is one of them. he has been shouting about climate change emergency from the top of his voice, not getting many others to listen to him. hopefully in new york you will be able to bang heads together. this is a political issue. politic politicians need is a need to step up to the level of the emergency, which unfortunately many of them have done yet well. well, certainly, see what happens over the course of both. what's happening at the u. n. and what happens at cough at the end of the so we will hoc said the director of the international center for climate change and development. thanks so much for joining us again on how to 0. so thank you. high levels and colombia, say they'll begin. peace talks with the government from next month. the fight to is from the disbanded focus group had refused to sign a historic piece failed back in 2016, a sound to run, catch the reports out. from boca time, the president gustavo pedro called for global peace at the u. n. he
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received a welcome news about the conflict at home. we have just a set of balls that let's get on us. after months of setbacks of foot rebels, this event group called the start of my use inside or mc agreed to begin formal piece stocks and october 8th. the 2 sides said they would abide by a 10 month ceasefire. somebody goes into the mayor of a struggle central of the far iep and the government will start to cease fire by ordering a suspension of offensive actions. and the installation of a monitoring mechanism together with the process of protecting the civilian population as part of the pro hasn't basis plans to bring peace in the country. there are ongoing negotiations with another group. the elaine columbia largest remaining rebel group is seeking deals with all on groups in crime mass us to finally bring a complete and to a 6 that could be internal conflict that
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a skilled more than 400000 people. but most of these at times have failed so far with violence increasing in many regions. i'm groups are fighting for control of look with the drug routes, any legal mining. the m. c was founded by 4 or 5 gravels who rejected the 2016 historic peace deal signed by that group. attempts that previous these fires failed when the mc murdered for indigenous teenagers. and now they're announcing several gestures of good faith, promising to not interfere in upcoming regional elections. and by releasing cost of just came was 10 minutes. i hope we want this message to be interpreted in a positive way. we want to demonstrate that the fuck is committed to building peace with social and environmental justice, bringing to the nig. busy shaping table, this events, groups that had rejected previous at the time. so this was one of the government's biggest challenges and it represents real progress for patriotism,
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vicious goals. for now, it's just the start, but one that represents a much needed relief for housings of colombians still caught in the crossfire of this ever mutating internal conflict. i listened that i'm get to, i just see that book that the, this is andrew, is here. these are the headlines. i mean state television says he's fine has been agreed with as a body. tony and ethnic armenian forces after intense fighting indigo in a car back. and that's who owns to artillery strikes on the regions capital. on tuesday, at least 32 people are posted to have been killed. 200 injured most coast says russian peacekeepers have evacuated. more than 3000 civilians from the going to care about.
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