tv Counting the Cost Al Jazeera September 21, 2023 2:30am-3:01am AST
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the bill of dividing the electricity in the way that breaks it date in 2019 helping his party to an enormous with the problem is the opinion polls suggest otherwise consistently showing a majority of britain support fast and strong action on climate and with some these made conservative in peace, threatening to send letters of no confidence in the prime minister's leadership. there's a risk of a dividing political opinion on climate change. risk dividing, he's a conservative party. joe. nicole elder 0 columbus. the hello again. i'm elizabeth veronica mendoza. with the headlines on al jazeera, i'm going by john's president, and since this country has regained control over the breakaway region, often they're going to cut back off to f as a median physically to lay down their arms. a seesaw has been agreed between the 2 sides, off the more than 24 hours of intense fighting. saudi crown,
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prince mohammed been so long has told the american news network that the kingdom is moving closer towards normalizing relations with israel. but he says that that needs to be a solution to the palestinian issue. what would it take for you to agree to normalize relations with israel with that is a forward from present by the administration to get to that point for us, the purchasing issue is very important. we need to solve that pops and we have a good appreciation. continue to now we get to see where to go. we hope that we reach a place that's with it. he's delightful. the biggest thing is and get as really bad as a pay on the middle of middle east. there were reports and you had suspended talk. so one of us that's not true. so you think if you were to characterize are you close everything close us we're taking you
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live to the united nations general assembly. now where italy's prime minister of georgia maloney is making him address that's listed in which but heavy maybe like the weight of responsibility. you know, yeah, we have because we live in complex time unit of continuous emergencies and change in. and we cannot afford the luxury of words of circumstance which should be the concern of lofty principles. was that have never been realized, staci of easy choices in place of the right one. we need to look back at the profound meaning of what a, what gave life to this place. the community of nations and peoples that are reflected in the united nations charter of 1945, which was created to find shared solutions that could guarantee peace and prosperity. there are basically 2 enemies, again,
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know that them fundamental premises that give meaning to these halls, shown on one hand. there are a nation that exist because they reflect human kinds in they need to feel a sense of belonging to a community to haul, to a certain people when the beat and to be able to share with others the same historical memory. the same laws, the same customs and traditions in a word, one's identity is the bar. on the other hand, there is the aspiration of these nations that are different from each other. to find a place where to resolve international disputes through an instrument that may be more difficult to use to come in to what is definitely more effective than resorting to force that is the instrument of reason requested way. let me if these 2 premises on a few of the nation and reason are still the foundation of our action. no, no, no,
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it will. then we must reject. you're not going to into the youtube cystic and self serving narrative of those who say that a world without nations without borders and without identity, would be a world without war and conflict. and just as fiercely we must support the return to the use of force as a tool to resolve international conflict. but what i mean by russia's war of invasion of ukraine tells us precisely this can be thrown that before that, against those who wants to take us back to a world of dominion. neil, imperialism, wars which we thought we had done away with in the past century. reason can still prevail because what did you find and the love of country, the value of the nation, you can still be safeguarded beyond the unimaginable unknown. it's up to us a said each and every one of us that she did it. what if i to decide on what side
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of history we want to stand in good conscience. but let's not for selves. because we, this is what's at stake and i should talk about the choice between nation and chaos . that in between reason and pre verification, italy made a clear choice as to where it stands. it did so out of a sense of justice. and because it is aware of how difficult it would be to govern a world in which the upper hand is given to those who bombard civilian infrastructure, hoping to bring a people to its knees with cold and darkness to those who weaponized energy and blackmail developing nations blocking exports of green, the raw material needed to feed millions of people. they're going to win the repercussions of the conflict in ukraine overwhelm us all like a domino effect on this, but mainly impacts nations of the world south. it's a war waged not only against ukraine, so you people,
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but against the porous nations, you're not going to. one of the italy's attention is particularly focused on africa, going up to anywhere nations, already beleaguered by long periods of drought and by the effects of climate change are now faced with a situation compounded study meant by food and security, it is making them more vulnerable to instability an easier prey for terrorism and fundamental ism. and this is a choice curiosity to create chaos and spread it a student. and in this case, the approval should accept produces tens of millions of people. potentially in search of better living conditions are infiltrated criminal networks that profit from desperation. i mean, you have to collect easy billions. so when they are the traffickers of human beings that organize the trade of the legal mass. immigration, you know, they deceive those who rely on them to migrate to find a better life,
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and having them pay thousands of dollars for trips to europe. they sell with brochures as if they were regular travel agencies. that's what it will or will it benefit those brochures don't tell you that those trips all too often can lead to death. i went to a grave at the bottom of the mediterranean sea because they don't care whether the boat used is on sit for that type of travel or not total is the only important thing for them is the profit margin and such. and these are the people that stuff at all, sweep all through owing to a certain hypocritical approach. the issue of immigration. we have become rich beyond measure. but we want to battle against the mafia in all of its forms. and we will battle against this too. much of the fact is that the fight against organized crime should be an objective that unites us all. and then also invest, invest down to the united nations and this place to get up there. and we're going to just sort of killing organization like this, which reaffirms,
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and it's found the face and the dignity and the worst of the human person. can it turn a blind eye to this tragedy? she in the middle of summer, can we really pretend to not see that no other criminal activity in the world today is more lucrative then the trafficking of migrants when it is, the human reports themselves that i've shown how this business has reached by volume of money the same level of drug trafficking and has largely surpassed that of arms trafficking him this assembly of united nations, which in other times, was fundamental to definitively eradicating the universal crime of slavery. and it today tolerate totally not a good story. i mean, it's come back under other forms. i mean, if you got it that the commercialization of human life continue, that there are women brought to europe, we forced into prostitution to repay the enormous step they incur with their traffickers forming a bundle, or that there are men thrust into the hands of organized crime. can we really say
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that this is solid, they are ready to receive as a priority? not those who truly are entitled and have need. but those who can afford to pay these traffickers to allow these criminals to establish who has the right to be saved and who doesn't. you know, i don't think so. one of them, i believe it is the duty of this organization to reject any hypocritical approach this issue and wage a global war without mercy against traffickers of human beings refundable. and to do so, we need to work together at every level. it will leak and there's plans to be on the front line on this issue. when are you working with the wrong process? launched in july with the conference on migration development. we have engaged mediterranean, and various african nations and a process that follows to main past school defeats give you the slave traders of the 3rd millennium on the one side. and at the same time tackle the root causes of migration. a little bit with the objective of guaranteeing the 1st of right. so no,
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that is the right of not having to emigrate. i don't know of not being forced to leave one's home, one's family to cut off one's roots and being able to find in one's own land, the conditions necessary to achieve one's own fulfillment. youngest here too, you must have the courage to tell it like it is. africa is not a poor continent. yeah, going to the contrary. it is rich with strategic resources beginning. it holds half of the world's minerals, including abundant, rare, are, and 60 percent of arable lands that are often not utilized. africa is not a poor content, but it has been often and still is and exploited to continent. people who often the intervention is a foreign nations on the continent have not respected the lady of local realities. often the approach was predatory. and in spite of this fact even paternalistic, we must change course. you said you have one. italy wants to contribute to the
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construction of a model of cooperation, capable of collaborating with african nations. so they may grow and prosper from the great resources they possess. a cooperation from equal to equal because africa needs no charity, but to be put in the condition to compete on an equal footing on strategic investments. that can tie our futures together with mutually beneficial projects. because you'll see in this way we can offer a serious alternative to the phenomena of mass migration and alternative that is, work training opportunities for nations of origin and pathways for legal and agreed migration. and us integrated goal setting we, we will be the 1st to set a good example through the my day plan for africa development cooperation plan named after every call my day a great a tie and who knew how to balance italy's national interest with the rights of
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partner states, to witness their own moment of development and progress. the focal point is that we have to have the coverage to put human kind and schuman rights back at the center of our action as well. it seems like a self evident principle, but however, it is no longer the case, not now that countries are invaded, keith of wealth, it is more and more concentrated. poverty is rampant. the slave trade is re emerging. all this seems poised to put the sacredness of a human being at risk even what would seem at a superficial glance, a tool that could improve the wellbeing of humanity. when i had a closer look where you can turn out to be risk when he said he just think of artificial intelligence. if he got the applications of this new talk, technology may offer great opportunities in many fields, simple samples, but we cannot pretend to not understand. it's a norm,
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it's inherent risk. you want me to understand, i'm not sure if we are adequately aware of the implications of logical to the logical development. we don't see me into that a who's pace is much faster than our capacity to manage. it's a set what we're used to progress that aimed to optimize human capacity is, well, today we are dealing with progress that risk replacing human capacities. you see, because if in the past this replacement focused on physical task in your menu so that humans, which instead i could dedicate themselves to intellectual and organizational work, you need to let today be schumann and celeste, intellect, risk being replaced with consequences that could be devastating particularly for the job market since more and more people will no longer be necessary in a world ever dominated by disparities, by the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the few. this is not the
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world we want it. and so i think we should not mistaken this dominion north of you for a free zone without rules. when we can, we need global governance mechanism. i suggest that ensure that these technologies respect, ethical boundaries. you and i did, i think that psychological evolution is put into the surface of humanity and not vice versa. we must and should guarantee the practical application of the concept of algorithm next. that is ethics for out there algorithm algorithms. there are some of the major themes that it'll be plans to put at the center of the g $7.20 to $24.00. but these are mainly issues that are the responsibility of the united nations. see the north me. these are enormous challenges that we will not be able to tackle if we do not also acknowledge our limitations of nations and as part of the multilateral system. for this reason, italy supports the need for reform of the security council that will make it more
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representative, transparent and effective. you're going to cancel that can guarantee a fair, geographical distribution of seats, and that can strengthen regional representation as well. that emerges from an order frozen in time, established by outcomes of a conflict that ended 80 years ago in another century and another millennium. so that everyone has the opportunity to demonstrate their worth at the present time. on these young and many other issues. we will be tested in our capacities to govern our times. and i also talked about and, and our ability to do think with what here in this assembly hall on the 2nd of october 1979. we've got a great man, st statesman, baldwin, like pope john paul. the 2nd recalled it tracking that is that political activity, whether national international comes from the human being that she thought it is practiced by the human being. and it is meant for the human being and thank you all
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for your attention. on behalf of us on there would be listening bed to italian prime minister, georgia maloney addressing the united nations general assembly. let's bring in a correspondence like hannah. he's joining us live from un headquarters, and he's also been listening and, and was in the address that we were expecting from bologna. mike really focused on african migration to europe and bologna, saying that nations exist because they reflect human kinds need to belong to a community to have an identity. and she went on to say that as a nation and reason, a still the foundation of the united nations, that it must reject the self serving match if she says, which has been a world without borders, would be a world without conflict. yes, so what she's doing is outlining a very complex series of connect to incidents so connected seems to actually try to
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come to immigration. now 1st of all, she costs immigration as part of in some cases criminal enterprise. she says that 1st of all, these criminal entities have got to be taken off. they have got to be removed because they all one of the problems say all the issues. they are misleading those who really want a better life. but she's also looking at why the issues. the 2nd point of what she was saying is that the situation in the country is that produce migrants must be addressed to remove the need for migration. so this is a multi layered approach that she is taking here. and certainly something that is in effect, a bit of a queen's game, but it is linking together parenting dist pruitt's things to create one organic holes in an attempt to reduce the levels of immigration or to be able to control it . it's in the being of course, one of the major targets in terms of the immigration serge. but the most important
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think the she would say talking about is addressing the situation at source is to remove the need for people to have to leave from where they are very layered, very challenging a series of points that she made. yeah. she, that's exactly it isn't that she should challenge the united nations. you know, she said many things along the lines of kind of an organization like this turn, a blind dies to what's happening. you know, the trafficking has reached the same level as of profits as, as drug traffic and people traffic. and she said another thing that she really challenged the united nations on was russia's invasion of ukraine. and she had very, very strong words against russia. didn't she? yes, she did, making very, very clear her believe that the russian invasion of ukraine is against every un principle and in fact, against every moral principle within the universe. however,
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she also brought up an issue that is very interesting and that is security council reform. now, early on in the day, we heard from fold it me it as a lensky, the need to remove the veto from russia. now, this is something that he insists he wants to see happen. it's very, i'm likely to do it. but here, a few hours later, you have the prime minister. it will be bringing up the question of security considerable, which could involve discussing and into the use of the fee to now the veto you wielded by russia and the other members. the 5 permanent members is certainly something that has prevented the security council taking any action at the times of crisis. sometimes it can. but in many, many cases there's always a veto from one of the 5 permanent members that produces o n. as in the result of no action being taken whatsoever. so here you've now got the prime minister easily entering the fray as something that has been gaining
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traction over a recent months and indeed years they have the many coal. so security council report. but here again, she is bringing it to this is something she wants to address as a way in which to make the security council and then you in itself more representative. yeah. of all those people. yeah, that's exactly what she said actually supports the need for reform at the un security council that guarantees she said a fair distribution of states, mikey mike, thanks so much for that. my kind of life for us at the un, still ahead on al jazeera stories of survival. and last, we follow a personal journey high into the app because the mountains and move on the in depth analysis of the days headlines, 1000000000 euros to help to see address migration. is it going to use the micro crisis to make it worse?
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informed opinions. we need more investors and more people that make the decision to embrace human foothold. frank assessments this balance between to toe and sounds. reassurance is a teacher named for the politeness industry show inside story. on al jazeera, the story of love, patience, and pay. what forces me to live in the account is my love for him. just beautiful old fellows, this trouble over a couple. trying to get there instead of pool palistine unit of can can be the next 2 months should meet, drink, go out or do anything. just say shut t la. com the price of loss. oh no, just the raw. the
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. ready the rescue teams and then the, the and city of then a continuing to search for survivors. but 10 days off to, to dance collapsed in a storm. there was little hope of finding any one to live on the house. and as monitoring developments from the capital tripoli, as the a brief said was before the late arrest, it's false. there are thousands more that on the induct now. the eastern libyan city. that softening with its that yes, the sauce, the your 10 days after the september 30 storm, destroyed the cities to dams rescue efforts continue. and exceptional cases, survivors are found that hopes are fading. go finding any more alive for the may
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ask, then if you will, that need and libya's situation, it's not as quick but flawed. meaning a drift with the destruction of homes is very difficult to find survivors in such conditions, especially in muddy areas. not to mention those who was swept into the sea, as you know, there's no survival when you're in the water for more than a few minutes. recovering bodies from the seas. another challenge in families west swept to the mediterranean, some in the cards, and there is a need for specialized equipment. they struck them out into the complications of the political divisions and the country. libya has to rival governments one in the east that's appointed by the falling and then all the he and tripoli, that sick of lives by the international community. the prime in itself typically is national unity. government thought that i need to be brought to who has been tooting a sense as in the capital to mobilize as offs, but without reaching out to his rivals in the east,
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it will be difficult to see us move. the pay is now turned into our people, and donna are calling for accountability. the has the government and its name becca arguments because the solar responsible for the i mean what it says, no. you keyless solid who sees that we will rebuild during every 6 months. you are a killer, how what you rebuild doing now, doing a god's willing will be built with it's massive. so it was still in the room until now. many believe have their wedding political divisions. this tragedy could have been avoided. and with pictures of the protest circulate, single media, many foreign journalists that were allowed into the city, said they've been ordered out a claim that was denied by the eastern government. and the action was jesse at all . tripoli, the
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aid workers in the rock color, basic major challenges in delivering how to those affected by the earthquake. earlier this month, stephanie decor, travel deep into the atlas mountains for this report. we're following a very personal journey today and next calling of ours called sarah. got in touch in the telling me that her father had died in the earthquake and cycled this roads for charity. and she was so overwhelmed by the actions of the young girl. okay. mantle. heads out. heavens this family runs. every child stays that night. probably was in a cafe, around 8 kilometers away from what was she went there and managed to retrieve her father's body. now sarah's into you paisley are here. so we decided to make the round for our journey deep into the mountains, to go to meet him. i woke up and
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run to the stairs. he tells us sara's dad had texted earlier saying he was staying at the cafe over night. as he was too tired to cycle up the mountain. the rooms are upstairs. he says, we've got everyone out. it comes as just showing me on his phone. he has a list of the dead of this region, 404-5660 only one. this is 718870 one down in one village. so the earthquake, so for the desktop is almost $3456.00 from this area allowed. it is so remote here, so peaceful. and yeah, you can see the violence of the earthquake, how it split the ground quite deeply here. and how does the as telling us that 21 members of his village lost their lives in the quake? nuts further down the valley? well, they will, steve. he takes us to his house, the demon, no,
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and the. but if i have been sleeping in this bed that night, i would have been dead. he says, i do want to when i can succeed high for his parents, wife and 3 children survived. the quake was extremely afraid. i sold my family was gone balances, destroyed. but what would i do with all of this? if i lost my family, family is everything. if they're gone, there is nothing. before we leave, we passed by the cafe were sarah's father died. as we're approaching the cafe, it started to rain and you can see how people are trying to cover their tons of terror pulling. the coffee's only joins us. this is where we found him. they tell us, we rushed to him, but there was nothing we could do. it was god's willing stephanie decker or g 0. so using test in morocco's atlas mountains. and that's it from me. elizabeth brought
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them for this bulletin. do stay with us. we will be back in just a few minutes of more on today's top stories. thank you for watching the, the, the spacing down. prejudice, breaking new ground is amazing. american and the living pick metals. i felt like this was my opportunity to dispel a lot of stereotypes that people have about the muslim community. meet it to hodge mohammed, i'm african american. i choose to work a job. i'm not only an athlete. i'm like,
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literally the best in my sport. i'm one of the best in the world and i'm going to show you exactly what most women can do is for generations. food on out is era. tens of thousands of children were born into will live down to the i still regime in iraq and syria. now many are in kemp. i the role funds of with the widowed mothers rejected by their own communities checking the few things that people are going to welcome them after that. of course not an emmy award winning documentary. here's that shooting and traumatic story. the children throw stones at me erects last generation all. now just to show it to the team we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter what i'll do to bring you the
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news car and fast the matter to you. how does era on the other by john's president and says full sovereignty over the bunk has being stored off to armenian separatists. agree to disband and seize 5 do the the problem and this is al, just the online from the also coming up. that was the issue is very important. we need to solve that pops and we have a good negotiations continue. so become friends in the home and been so long as the
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