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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 24, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST

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doesn't to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue. do you want to state level all that i can't support that one on which is era, the aid saelens coming into nicole in the catalog. the estimate call me and say they fit for their safety on the opposite by chance control the i'm on the inside of the cell to their life. and so how was that coming up to palestinians are killed in? and is there any rate on the north shelves? refugee camp in the occupied westbank us go to town, say that, ask them breaking coins off to a dramatic increase in migrant crossings from mexico. and that's what i waste with ton of asteroid samples from the wrong. that's old as an s cell.
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the fast convo. busy of humanitarian aid has arrived in the going to cut back off to the recent slicing. people say they have little food fuel or electric power. as it buys on his tightened is grateful in the region dominated by ethnic albanians off to a cease fire. earlier this week. videos haven't much to have russian peacekeepers delivering aid off to as a buys on claim full control of the enclave. it's internationally recognized as positive as advice on the red cross has also sent a convoy of aid. meanwhile, hundreds of ethnic albanians all stranded in the goal in a kind of bikes, main efforts they've gathered. and what is now a russian piece, keeping face? residents say they are in search of protection. so the whole system is an important for me. my grandchildren are with me. they are frightened and shaking with fear.
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they can not sleep at night. russian peacekeepers are here and we think it will be safe. so we stay at the airport, although we sleep 12 people in a car across the board, a us congressional delegation is in all media to meet prime minister nicole percent in the visit comes at a time of mass protest against pushing in for his handling of the conflicts on october, the foreign ministers of azerbaijan and armenia have raised the conflict and they're going to kind of back the un general assembly. the as advice on the invoice said, as they call me, is living in the in place will be integrated as equal citizens. but they all mean in envoy has pushed for an un mission to monitor humanitarian conditions. well, if a signal will be mobilized, that is the immediate needs for the local civilians. on this point, i wish to recreate that does everybody down as the tournament to integrate? i think, i mean, your residence over the government vision of his advice, young s equal citizens, the constitution of the national,
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just based off of the advice you need to nation with anything. so we'll have undertaking. but why the so let's get all these and the international committed to shoot down to take all the efforts for an immediate deployment of, from the interagency mission by the united nations, to not going to come up with the, to monitor and access the human rights limits here in a security situation on the ground. well a we spoke to hick met a 4 and car. so you advise a to the as a by johnny president, we austin, about his country's office amnesty for a separate to suit the psalms, indigo, and kind of back the last part of the 20 september of holding as a contractors actions as a boys and made it very clear, but who puts an accounts down from the 1st cut of a 2nd cut off for 44 days for others and engagement, simplest and free. and here we should differentiate 2 groups of people. one group is service, some of those armed forces that are probably performing yeah. is it also puts
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a gun down as it can return back to the public performing as part of this argument is those are the decision process such and also look at the residence. we will holdings arms, and if they put all of their guns down as a candidate to, to say a bad x and from 0 to them, it was simply as a free and to should be. but on the sending pull the, everybody, what does that a differentiation, differentiation between the some selective couple of the people who in the 1st kind of a full, committed crimes of all crimes. i guess other boys, any civilians and able to pull the skis that took up all of them. i mean was able to view the shape of the circle, illegal vision. again, besides that particular individuals and selective individuals, i took it was, it was a majority nails and there shouldn't be a population. but another problem in the folder since was a civilian. so i'm looking at a problem. i saw it and it was a country really inviting them and we are trying to reach out to the different channels. i would also really comment the very 1st fact, but that i think that it can gauge, mentor, central government, invited representatives of, i mean there is, it is a part of the conversation including the political integration model,
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social economic issues as they ask us with an issues i said the government, the most important immediately to be active and we'll continue to do so as an more intensive we things are coming forward as well. to meet all of his immediate requirements. let's see that payment is an international human rights lawyer in albany as capital yet, and she doesn't believe ethnic albanians will be treated as equals on the as a by sean so. so you guys are based on a government, considers your meetings of cardboard to be its own citizens. they are the most despised thing, minority of the country, there's a long standing, a state policy of hatred against armenians that go, that goes back decades. that just doesn't stop overnight. so and also as a john has made these statements before and has acted completely in contradiction with statements of that sort. there's no reasonable basis to trust that there will be any safety or security or rights protected for they are meetings of car box and
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they want to leave a they don't want to live under observation on a rule. so they're asking for the court or to be open and for there to be, there needs to be an international presence to assist an evacuation to get the armenians out because they are actually very, very, very much in danger. right now, any able bodied man of beyond a certain age is considered a terrorist, is considered a criminal. uh and uh, again, like i said, occupation doesn't keep its promises. so we have a situation where they're not going to be dealt the 1st. they'll probably be arrested detained, and then uh, considered for amnesty or not. that's even true. most likely, that's not going to be true and they will be put through mass trials as early forces have killed at least 2 palestinians during a raid on the north shore. this refugee camp and the occupied west bank,
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the operation involved thousands of military vehicles on a boulders which destroyed the main road into the area. palestinian groups have declared a general strike and nearby took room to protest against the raid. meanwhile, north of ramallah is really forces arrested 8 students from that. is that university. this is the 4th right inside the campus in the last 8 years. i'll just there as needed. abraham has the latest from bethlehem us to palestinians with a killed 122 year old and 132 year olds after is really pushes way to to and cut them in the north of the occupied the bank, you know, raised the plastic around 5 hours they have destroyed the main roads in the, in the city, but this is not the 1st time just last week. these really forces with into cutting already. and people were still trying to mix up and restore the damages that have been incurred by these really forces that have been raising towards kind of the old
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and all in the occupied with bank. these rates are not something extra ordinary on average we're talking about was in a 1000 wades per day in different cities and towns in the occupied was spent with palestinians are killed and others are wounded in damages. i am quite just this year alone in the west bank itself, there has been more than 203 palestinians killed by is reinforces and this is the highest number in nearly 2 decades. as far as medical sources. tell us. nearly a 170 palestine is raise, have been met at the cm move and double the number for the same period last year. is there any police accused of being unable or unwilling to tackle the problem, whole button and reports from cooper to kata and central israel? children playing on the family terrace upfront on the tac is open fine in broad
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daylight, a 2 men from the family. the cctv catches the family, scramble for safety. one of the wounded man liked to die on september. the 2nd shake semi i bet, let's see. it ma'am, in proof, a kind of became another victim gun down in the cobb park outside his musk. the community is still in shock. you sent me a was everything for us along with the grief is rule and got all the bad. and these are huge amounts of and get towards the is rarely establishment towards the occupational for us because it is not doing its job in relation to protecting the palestinian minority. here it is solely responsible for this chaos the, the motives behind this magistrate appeared to be various. there are family periods, financial disputes, gang tough was. but increasingly it seems to be groups vying full political influence. 2 in august,
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the council chief in the town or 2 that were shot dead on the recent victims just denounced the candidacy in the municipal elections upcoming in november. the man. 3 of proof, a keta is considering a run for re election, but he's worried when one of the these claims directly affect the local elections in a negative rate. we have seen candidates who have withdrawn. they were trying to see because of these crimes and because of death threats. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised a crime task force. but the overwhelming public opinion is this is really police. treat the king of palestinians, very different to that of his raney's. these really police issued us an entry statement saying that the crime wave is a top priority, and the substantial result is have been dedicated to it. they said they supported $44.00 attempted notice so far this year. and the targeting the financial assets are suspected criminals. reason protests of drones, thousands of demonstrations, many carrying symbolic white coffins. israel's palestinian citizens have long
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complained that they don't receive the rights that they're entitled to unabated kennings suggest as evidence for that belief. poll brandon, how is there a proof academy? israel, the still ahead on the out. is there a huge truck bomb explosion in central smarty? a kills at least 18 people. the desktop is expected to rise and is what is government says it's dismantled, a powerful gang, but some question the success of a recent prism rate the there are 2 types, whether we should probably knows the most euro. what does an incoming change of season? and one is a very slow to leave, a pretty vicious end of season. so 1st of all being coming,
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this is incoming. go to the data back to the temperature dropping to below 20, but the wind in the right of the obvious thing. and this pretty trust the british alpha, usually regional and fox had tort scam that idea. and then there's a big area in between, which is fine the few where the attempt has have dropped on the other side of this line, types of still high. it's 35 in athens and 33 in bucharest. that division has a change in temperature is pretty vicious. it produces big thunderstorms. the drifting sides of the ball comes into grease. they've already reached southern italy and change the weather type here behind it, wide spread sunshine and the autumn comes and goes. so monday doesn't look too bad, or i have to say for athens though it will be a slow change. eventually the funds don't reach this part of greece shooting when states like moving stalls in terms of don't drop a lot for me about 5 degrees. so no scripts, still halting ben guys a bit. not extraordinary sir. that on show breeze may be helping you little bit. and there's still plenty of areas of last showers in west africa. although i have
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to say they're getting closer and closer to the coast. for example, in gum and beyond, the deep sea, like the minerals needed for green energy transition. in the 1st of 2 special reports, $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates what it means to the pacific ocean. on al jazeera, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the bulk of back and watching out, is there a mind a thought top story is this, as an a comedians in the going to count a box to say though without food or shelter. the 8 is now arriving. the convoy from the international red cross was the fast to reach the territory. since i was advised you on captured in 5 days is ready forces and killed at least 2 palestinians during a raid on the north shelves, refugee camp, and the altamont westbank portion. last, maybe 5 hours and involve dustin's estimated sheet vehicles. and a 9000 people have made the crossing into the us from mexico in just 24 hours. it's one of the highest rates of a rivals in months. the white house says it's an 800 minutes. she personnel to help in mexico. officials have use
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a range of tactics including shutting down railways. and is there is manual report reports from mexico city. it's the, it's a crisis that's over whelmed immigration authorities on both sides of the us. mexico border thousands of migrants and refugees have crossed into the united states and recent days with many more arriving by the day. then the most within the we are fleeing our country. we are free games who have killed her family and heard this a lot. we need their us support to enter this country because we cannot return to our country. they were really loving the that on on saturday, the us homeland security secretary alejandro my your guess was joined by hunter and presidents. you might have capital for a visit to macallan, texas. i believe that in our history we have never seen an extra this often tired families from our country seeking opportunities due to the levels of
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violence. hundreds along with people from venezuela and haiti formed the largest group of migrants and refugees trying to cross the border. and us officials are seeking new strategies to address the worsening crisis. i am grateful to the front door in governments for working with us to effectively and safely return the individuals to the front door us for ineligible for release in the united states. across the border and mexico, margaret numbers continue to search. speaking at the united nations on friday, mexico's for administer. alicia boston, said mexican immigration authorities are ill equipped to handle the number of migrants and refugees arriving daily. and those historically of us had quite kick up a face goes beyond the capacity that we come back, even though mexico is trying to do a good job. and even in the united states, the border patrol is overwhelming. they have the capacity to process 1000 a day. but if 11000 arrived, it's very difficult. though the by didn't, administration,
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has called on mexico and other latin american countries to do more. to control migratory flows, the continued search of migrants, refugees at the us. mexico border underscores the pressing need for immediate action to address the underlying factors driving migration. by the way, that up a little alger 0. how did the customer reports now from the american side of the board, the people continue crossing the rio grande to reach the united states from mexico . but nowhere near the numbers that we saw earlier this week, all arriving in this small town of equal past, texas that prompted the towns mer to declare a state of emergency. and for us federal agents to temporarily hold. we'll wait traffic from mexico, which was a major impediment to the cross border economy. now that railway has reopened, and the number of migrants has also dropped dramatically. local officials credit the arrival of 800 us soldiers send by the federal government joining the already
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2500 national guard troops who are in the area. now it's unknown how long this respite will last. as the numbers of migrants tends to add in flow, many of their recently arrived or from venezuela hoping to claim political asylum in the us. others are from haiti, or from ecuador, or other latin american countries. and it is a dangerous journey that does claim many lives like the 3 year old boy who drowned this week will try to cross the river with his family. presidential biden is under pressure to bring a forceful response. and also under a task from republicans who claim that the border is open to anyone who wishes to cross. in fact, it is not, most people are arrested and immediately turned around under light is harsh, new asylum laws. others who are deemed to have legitimate asylum claims are allowed to stay at least line up to leave their case before a judge. heidi to castro alger 0 equal pass,
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texas. authorities in east and libya say that at least 94 rescue workers were killed during recovery operations, often last week, slots in data. and thus they move in 244 days where we're coming in. just a single day were found at various locations along the coast. on 94000 people were killed. an 8000 all still missing off the wall to push through to aging dams. the police in somalia say at least 18 people were killed in a truck bomb attack and on the check point was to august it in the central town. but when a and the dust tool is expected to rise as sonya gates or ports distinctive plume of smoke followed by frantic rescues to search for survivors truck in the daybreak several police officers were killed by a truck bomb that exploded. they had been trying to prevent the vehicle driving through by firing shots outage. i'll walk a guy, well, what's happened is the national,
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the trash at the words cannot express our re. you can imagine how dentist people relate to this area. we just have a problem. and all of these people were killed in backside of those and, and all of them were innocent people barely anything in the immediate vicinity of the bloss remains. buildings were reduced to rubble. destruction is immense. i thought i must not come. i must have since the number of casualties here is shocking government agencies such as the police and the hospitals are currently examining the situation to determine the exact number of deaths and injuries caused by this last paternal valid wayne in the central huron region of somalia has seen recent battles between the army and i'll show up flights is intended. dwayne itself has been the epi center of the offensive against the outside or affiliated on group . it's part of the government's recent military offensive against the fight is involving thousands of its soldiers and con based militias. but astra bob is still
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able to move devastating attacks like this one in the capital in june. beyond group has been active for more than 15 years. launching attacks and somalia and neighboring countries. the african union force deployed in somebody in 2007. originally with the 6 month mandate remains in place. you in risk leases, have pulled for those troops to be pulled out by the end of the year. some of the president has some check muhammad took office in may last year, promising an o against al. sure. bob, which still controls portion of the country side. and it's not clear if the somali army and police alone can repel their attacks. so nearby jagow, judges era teachers in molly say a lack of security has caused a major disruption to the school system. as a new academic year begins a course of schools in the central region, if not to remain close sauces in time,
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but to say struggling to cope. mom and val reports from the malia and capital, i'm co in the most of the same school age, but they're all here for us to get that by the she loc alternatives. there is no school for these children, even at the heart of the molly and carpets obama co, they have families have been displaced by s and exciting and attacks by local groups in the central region of multitude. at least 3000 individuals huddled in these co coons of stick on store, in the for logic comp for the displaced in west stomach. oh, the kid, he had to look at displaced for donnie from this central area of what case he is trying to help them load the front of him. the letter of a chronic teacher, i have decided to do my share of the children living in really bad conditions and send them over the place is. so does a,
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as you can see. and so at least i can give them something that can help them later in life. it could be a loss to process during the violence they left behind, full with those and several children in need of care and education. he's neighbor in the camp for too much on going about. adult going is supposed to be his enemy, but the 2 communities will foot one another in multi uh, sharing the same campaign chemical. peacefully. she also brought her children here without any guarantees, they will get an education. she knows, but the child says back home. even sleep, of course, to of schools in the central region of mucky have remain closed since 2019 it's a nationwide crisis, especially and then off. well, i'm groups of fighting against the central government schools. it came back to us
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likely that he studied c t is on the parts of seat by and i'll call you to ask w. flights to the city have been suspended. i believe a cost pulled this up to the sense of government is old, but totally absent. we are close to that. about half a 1000000 children not to return to school. that is the overall association of the education. the situation might be cut on. however, you must recognize that the minister of education is partners doing a lot to make sure that it is to then go back to school. but you, one is trying to help, but that may become a huge challenge, especially when it's last. peacekeepers will be monday by the end of december. that's only 3 months from now. and if no solid perfection measures are put in place
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ahead of that date, the state of education and the piece, it's something these country may go from bad to worse. how much fun, i'll just see it up by my co. but is what is government says it's dismantled, a powerful criminal gang with international links. it follows the right if yvonne and prisons by thousands of security pass now. as under on p, a t reports a for years, that thing that i what criminal gang use this prison has their base to carry out drug trafficking, extortion and kidnappings. the mafia group is believed to have more than $4000.00 members across at least a platinum american countries. any suite as attorney general says a security rates to re take control of the prison delta devastating blow to the group. on saturday, the government proudly paraded media through the prison, showing how the group had to use the facility as their headquarters building a disco, a swimming pool, and even at the zoo,
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all inside the detention facility. we have total control of this prison. and we have completely dismounted the self proclaimed full monitoring that i was. the government has released footage of wednesdays operation in which some 11000 heavily armed troops from the national guard storm president. they recovered rocket launchers or needs high calibre munition and even between mining equipment, the government says they have captured 60 members of the gang, but it stopped the leadership including their boss, known as a mean you'll get fatal manage to sleep tunnels. but the c panel and back to the director of the venezuelan prison observatory, under denny zation, dedicated to documenting human rights violations in the countries. prisons says many details of the rates don't add up. and that they have information that the group had been informed of the operation days in advance. i also don't know why
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that doesn't add up because we know from previous rates that it takes dates, weeks, even the month to negotiate with heavily armed groups in prison lay down their weapons. this is to cut on the countries most of the tories prison with the biggest international gang armed to the teeth. it's difficult to believe they took it over in 5 hours, that the government has denied those allegations video and i'm trying to do this operation has been long planned. it hasn't been carried out overnight and certainly not under any negotiation creek say the rate is unlikely to have a lasting impact on this man to link the mouth or getting sation. experts say at least 7 other prisons in venezuela operate under the control of gangs with help from delatory these. i listen that i'm deep and just the nasa is worth saving its 1st samples from an asteroid in space. its return will conclude a 7 year emission, and the contents will be studied by scientists worldwide calling back it has more
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of this. these rocks are much more valuable than diamonds for iams. they lay on the surface of a tiny, ancient asteroid, half a kilometer wide called venue until they were mind with a puff of there by a robot, billions of kilometers from earth. then it was just a shadow on a telescope survey when it was discovered in 1999. but it's rich and carbon, and it's older than the earth. so in 2016, nasa sent a cyrus rex to collect and return a sample. asteroids are among our most primitive bodies in the solar system. so being able to return samples from them is like taking a time machine back. 4 and a half 1000000000 years ago to be able to see what the building blocks were for our earth and all the planetary bodies and our solar system sealed in a capsule. the precious cargo will land on a patch of utah on sunday morning. this is just the latest attempt in a long history of sending robots to collect rocks from space. in 1970 to the soviet
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landor luna, doug into the moon's surface, collected about a 100 grams of material, put it in a capsule and shot it back to earth. in the 2006, nasa collected dust from a comments tail and an operation called mission star test. now japan was the 1st country to grab a piece of an asteroid. the 1st attempt to the high, a boost of prob, landed twice on one and nearly failed upon returning to earth, but managed to deliver trace amounts of dust. they tried again, and in 2020 they returned to 5 grams of pristine materials from the surface of an asteroid. and china is lunar lander chung, a $5.20 managed to send back to whole kilograms of lunar material. each of these grams and kilograms of space rock is still yielding clues about the formation of our solar system,
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from the composition of the lunar soil to the complex organic molecules necessary for life that will locked away deep in space. and new discoveries are expected to be found in tiny grains like these some a small as a virus. in the case of start s, which are comments samples. just from a single, tiny brain, smaller than human hair. we're able to set bounds on when jupiter for and to know about how much oxygen was present in the early solar system. there is utility in this as well because there's a very small chance that the new could crash and tourist and a century and a half. so learning about it now could help prepare the next generation for another possible celestial meeting. calling baker elders 0.


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