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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 26, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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offers just how fast the fighting has been. in recent weeks, this russian or altamont street has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. the medical team scramble to no go, no kind of boss square fuels dead for explosion, has killed at least 20 people and injured hundreds. the company back to boy, you're watching. i'll just sierra live from doha. also ahead and he's really cabinet minister visits, found your radio for the 1st time, the saudis, ambassador to palestine visits the occupied westbank us present job i do is expected to join striking auto workers in michigan, a battleground states, and the 2024. the next and i show of strength. south korea homes is biggest
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military rate in a decade as relations get times with the not the medical teens are racing to not go know kind of by where an explosion at a fuel devil has scaled at least 20 people and injured hundreds. it happened us, people seeking to flee to armenia lined up for petrol. on monday, nearly 300 people have been injured. many in a critical condition, the cause of the blast is unknown. thousands of ethnic armenians are leaving the region following a military operation by as a, by john last week or summer. been job. it begins i coverage from what i need so close to as all know kind of off or at least one medical evacuation by air has taken place in step on the codes, also known as hunting. the in other by john at the hospital with many are critically wounded. hundreds of people have been brought to that hospital with the hospitality which has been set up by russian peacekeepers as well as the other beds
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on the military to try and feed all of those people who were there at the bloss side. it appears it was a tragedy upon atrocity where people were leaving their homes lining up to get fuel . and that's when the bloss to place the exact cause and still not knowing what the new from medic sofa is a better feeling for urgent need of medicine. health because there's been some tremendous pressure on not just stuck with the hospital, the part of the hospital in the, on the other by the government on the spot says that it is not only over the years peace, but also sending medical supplies as well as put all of the hospitals around the enclave on highlights, in case of people need to be evacuated to. it's a outside of the car box, tennessee, but most people are opting to leave. most people not trusting, but they're heading from the other bodies on the government, which has told them that if they choose to leave, they will be treated as other by johnny citizens. they are not going to be prosecuted for a lot of people and uncertain future. and armenia is better than staying in what
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they call home from a job without the theatre put all this caught about region while around. 19000 destiny comm indians have already crossed into armenia and leaving behind their lives in the i don't know kind of back at the border of if any emotional re, unions between families and armenian father was very united with his children for travel across the border with all the refugees from car box i'll just here is bernard smith is near a registration center for ethnic armenians arriving at the village of coordinates or the as the by john ollie's cause and bonds and people you see driving past me walking past me, they all asked me to call meetings, you've left the go on a car back and they've left with everything they've been able to carry. they all mean government says it's prepared to host up to $40000.00 families. that's about pretty much everybody who's living and left in the go on a counter box and everyone leaving and being forced to make
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a new life for themselves. it's very unlikely that any of these ethnic i'll meetings will have to go back to nicole know cairo back. yes. uh the, as every government says they can stay if they wish and becomes our citizens. so this is the same government that is essentially blockading the goal kind of back since last december, people feel they've been starved out. very few, they've been eating only just stale bread for the last month or so. and this is a country where i'm to stay international, says the freedom of expression and assembly severely restricted, unless politically motivated prosecutions, all civil society groups. so the last thing up meetings do not feel safe in azerbaijan, and that is why they've had most of them heading this way. in other world news, israel stories administer is inside you have a be a to attend a united nations conference on while tourism high cost is to day visit to re add comes the saudi is pursuing a possible us broken deal to formalize relations between the 2 countries. let's get more from our corresponded. robin also joins us from occupied is through us and how
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significant is this visit? i rob by these really minister of tourism decides you read it well, it is extremely, extremely significant because it's extremely unprecedented. hubcaps is the 1st is really cabinet official to ever go to saudi arabia. the relations between the 2 countries have been frozen for many years. but now under the pressure of the u. s. brokered deal to normalize relations. they are moving much closer, much faster. we've also heard reported by his really army radio that the communications minister of his real will also visit the saudi kingdom next week. take it all together. this shows that there is progress as both sides of senior officials have said a towards a deal that would normalize relations, which would offer some benefits for both saudi arabia and for uh, israel,
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of course. uh, but the big question is, what benefit if any, would it offer to the palestinians under occupation here and you wonder how the palestinians fits into this u. s. broke it effort to normalize relations between israel inside the radio? well exactly the the, the saudi's position till now has always been that they would normalize relations. but under the condition that israel 1st agree, so the establishment of an independent state of palestine. uh, based on the free 1967 borders with is with the history slim is its capital spouse . saudi officials are still talking about that, but it's appears no longer to be the precondition that they had set before. so what the palestinians might get out of this deal, if anything it remains to be seen, but many palestinians are fearful that it may come to pass without any significant
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political concessions for them prompt. thank you for that. rob rentals are forcing their life from occupies east jerusalem. while these early tories administers visit to re add comes on the same day as a santee delegation is visiting ramallah for the 1st time. in fact, he is nice and buttoned. also diary met to present mahmoud abbas the kingdoms non resident and by the rest would be occupied palestinian territories handed over his credentials to diary was appointed in august. i mean at the 1st, during his latest interview, the crown prince spoke about the importance of the palestinian cause for the kingdom of saudi arabia. as per the international legitimacy decisions. and the 2 state solution is the establishment of a palestinian state. a need to abraham as more on the visit from the my last the saudi invested. there has said that the era piece initiative will be the core of any future political deals. this is important because for palestinians,
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they've seen as the up stage normalize relations with israel. without, it's basically bringing any benefits to the palestinians. so this is kind of seeing here by on the list as a re, assurance by the saudis to, to the palestinians that their lives did cause their issues are going to be taken into consideration when it comes to any future potential normalization deals between israel and so the edited the palestinians have listened into the interview, the crown prince b s. and some of the inside of man has given to fox news in which he mentioned the word easing the lives of palestinians. and he talked about negotiations towards normalization palestinians, say that they want, they add a piece initiative to be implemented. and the core thing about the add a piece initiative is that normalizing will only happen after the establishment of a palestinian state. this is very important for the palestinians,
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but many of the do not believe that is where it is ready for that phase. so they do not expect any normalization deals to be happening in the near future. but at the same time they see this visit is a historic and a very important one. is that, but he just the, to come on the to, to binary needs the bodies of, to buying the soldiers killed in a drone strike near the gym. and saudi border has been re patry the to my nama, him and sophie's are accused of being behind the killing by rainy spot of the sandy led to coalition. that's thought, hopefully since 2015 found every biz calling the incident on monday. a prompt cushion and is threatening to respond as later. oh, the spokesman said the coalition had killed several good many find his over the past month and call him to death regrettable violations of the chose last week. saudi, and who's the officials held a round of talks and re add on a potential agreement and the conflicts in yemen. so the radius said some progress was made, but gave no details. i spoke to all just as hash in mind about who has covered the
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conflict defensively any outlined how this incident could be a major setback for any kind of political settlement. when you look at the, of the, as the movement itself, it controls the northern parts of the country, which is the stronghold of the hosting movement. saw the you go beyond, and that's the both of us as a radio. they have a very well disciplined ministry establishment very lawyers of the american show. theo is the lead to the rules that so it could be either a disgruntled faction within the group doing this, which i really does because sliding drums over those areas. you have to have the backing of everyone on board what it could be an indication of something tentative as long last time i was there in mid july the both the area sol, violations because the truth that was like read up on you until 2022 was not really a comprehensive supplement that was put into the confrontations it de escalate to
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the conflict with the confess continues becomes a that's a very delicate moment for both bought the size of a baby and as a who it is. because the, what about to finalize a big political settlement that will put it on to more of an a t, as of oh, of confrontation between the 2. to the point. why? yes, last week, as a jose delegation went for the 1st time to re out and met with a saw, the officials, including prince hyde, has been said, mind the minister of defense. and this happened. it could be a major says back and it could if the thought is decide to reset it, it could bring about the disasters outcome for both countries. and now us present, joe biden, this traveling to michigan where he has joined, striking auto workers on the picket line. by and has said, he stands in solidarity with the men and women of the united auto workers union as they find for a fair share of the value the house creates. united auto workers have been on stripe for 12 days now, demanding better pay and working conditions. now the strike could be come
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a bottle of ground for present, joe biden, as well as republican front $19.00 for the present. donald trump, the head of the 2020 election campaign trail and the 2016 presidential election, donald trump beach, his opponent, hillary clinton, by a fraction of one percent and the 2020 election. the states hung back to the democrats and was won by joe biden. it took just over 50 percent of the vote as spring in island, fisher, who's in wayne county, michigan 4. so how important is this visit island full present by of the? well, obviously it's symbolic, but it's significant as well. this white house betrays joe biden as the most pro union pro what the president does ever sat in the oval office. so the fact that for the 1st time and living memory a president will join, the picket line here in detroit is a, is a huge moment. now he doesn't say supports all over the united auto workers are trying to gain, but he supports them in general because he says,
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if you look at the profit space been generated by the big motor companies, by the pay that's been given to executives over the last 34 years, then the workers should get their fair share. one of those workers, as lee may banks, who joins as live. now here, he's come off to pick a line for a moment to join his thoughts. sleep sleep, how important for you is it the job i this here showing your support today. it's very important, this apologize is the right. this strike is very important. this is the 1st time that we've been on the site since 1976. it's actually a story for there's so many families involved in this. so many people affected by this, you know, and all 3 major automotive companies in the united states are affected. so that also affects our economy. we need how difficult decision was it for you to say yes, i'm happy to go on strike. it was very difficult because i don't want to miss any extra money. i mean, we're literally only be paid $500.00
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a week and not even bought a company, but it was an important decision to make because it's not just about me, it's about everybody else. okay, so, so why did you decide this? right? why was it so important for you? it was important for uh for me because there are so many of us that are, we're not, i'm not saying for it doesn't take care of its employees. but when it comes to proper of pay, the cost of living, you know, those things are important. look at the placing calendar, look at us and see how much it just makes. but look what they do. we make some of the most expensive technologically advanced vehicles on a basis planning. and you know, some of us are struggling to do this. and we're being ignored. does it make you angry when you see what the executives are making some of the more than $20000000.00 a year at the progress of the be made with the sacrifices the workers made? when the companies weren't real trouble, you have to fight to get a pay rise to much inflation. that doesn't make me angry. what is discomforting is
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that or when you see how much the company profits and then they express what they can't pay us. however, you see what happened in canada, but in the beginning, they didn't have this type of money. and now they gave with the that may not be what we were looking for, but just with the top pay, it's all now you can pay $40.00 approximately 40 more dollars an hour. you know, so really what's going on me, i appreciate you coming over to speak to this. thanks very much indeed. i'll let you get back to your job on the picket line. thank you so much. so leave me, leave it there. who's been on the what for ford, for, for almost a 2 years and says he's willing to stay out as long as it takes to, to get the pay rises and the conditions that the workers here need. what is interesting is joe biden is in time today. donald trump will be in town tomorrow. no. the trump campaign says that joe biden only came to detroit because donald
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trump, i noted, stays intention to visit here on wednesday, but it shows 1st of all how tightly for the state is going to be come to general election. how important the support of aubrey, what current status as well, and how donald trump is keen to make a splash on wednesday evening when the other paper republican presidential hopefuls will be involved in a prime time television debate. thank her alan for that. alan fisher reporting their life from wayne county in michigan, still ahead on the program and increasing migraines trying to enter the us, raises political pressure on present biden. we report from legal past, texas. a senior russian commander is seen on video in moscow a day after ukraine said he'd been killed in by me and stay with the the
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route to you by visit capital t is the floods season in southeast asia, mainland southeast asia, particularly vietnam. and that's being realized now, was found a matter of writing forwarding into showtime from a tropical depression that came on land near deadline. so for next 2 days had be right in north vietnam. those miles and thailand is welcoming talent as drives and certain prices. and then come around again, the bottom half of the seasonal rain hits the rest of thailand, kimberlia, and it's been producing flooding in the central for the piece. you might carry on doing that, which means there's not much evidence of rain folding, full costs. i'm most them lazy and almost all of into easier to still the dry season would come to the end of that night, but it is pretty dry. so you could see that equally. we shouldn't be seeing too much seasonal, right in china at the moment, but i have to say it is the loss cost and what this month insurance is to see more coming out here. isn't that big a surprise? but the line for the east was also shows rain in hong shape,
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which might well end up being quite heavy for a day or 2 months in range of going fast. now in fact we left throughout the rest of what have been some pretty big showers in raja, stand up in new delhi area and even in north impact this time because the focus is now where it should be my roster all way down the west coast and not including streamlined of the quote to you by visit cuts on the the
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of the and watching. i'll just hear a line from the high reminder of our top stories within 20000 refugees across into our media from not gone, no kind of boss kafka as a by john launched a military operation. the region last week. airbine says it's preparing to taken tens of thousands more people is around stores administer heim caught, sees inside, you radiate to attend the united nations conference on tours, and is the 1st. is there any cabinet minister minister to visit sanjay radio comes on the same day as sound you are at this time, assuming ambassador is visiting the occupied westbank for the 1st time in 3 decades . and u. s. prize and joe biden has just landed in the state of michigan where he joined,
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striking auto workers on the picket line. united auto workers have been on strike for 12 days now, demanding better pay and working conditions. and stay in the us. thousands of asylum seekers arriving as southern border officials say the instruction to the ton of equal pass in texas appears to have no end as how does your pastoral report that so just put the binding administration under intense pressure as a woman stretches after a sleepless night. tucked between razor wire and the waters of the rio grande's. she is 26 year old already on a square lot, a nielsen long worker from cadillac, us venezuela, who travelled for 2 months and waited across the river from mexico to reach the us side with her daughter. gesturing to communicate over the noise of patrol boats. she says her 3 year old daughter was stung by a wasp on the eye, and she passed the night pressed to her mother's chest. most of the hundreds of
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people who started crossing over a period of a few hours, se political persecution and violence drove them from their homes in south and central america. after harrowing journeys through panama, as jungle and territories controlled by criminal gains, they're stuck on this american river bank. exhausted and thirsty, they begged us border patrol boats for help. one eventually agrees and a few women and children are allowed to board. the square law and her daughter are among a man, pulls his pregnant wife and pink toward another boat, but they're told no they can not bored. as the sun climes higher, the people were tired of waiting. a few climbed over the wire fence and others fall low, including the pregnant woman and p. we're happy because we achieve their goal. she says she's due to give birth this week. whether her husband and brother in law will
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still be with her then is unknown. their state will now be decided by the us government. as more people stream over the razor wire, the moment is emotional for many. families and race friends celebrate summer unable to walk on their own. others collapse. us border patrol agents call for medical aid. they've been in, drafted to help when lives made in danger. every time we've seen federal border patrol agents cut through this wire to allow a few people to pass almost immediately, state agents come back and put up more razor wire. this is indicative of the political battle between washington and this republican control border states with migrants caught in the middle. many people have lost their shoes, so their 1st steps on american soil are with their feet. republican members of
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congress who visited on monday, said they saw an invasion. this is a national security cross is for our country. we have no terrors crossing our border. the migrants will have a difficult time proving they are not security risk and that they qualify for asylum. the majority of cases fail and people are deported. but that is tomorrow's worry. they say today they've arrived heidi joe castro alj a 0 equal pass, texas. the commander of russia's black sea fleet has been shown attending a video conference the day after ukrainian forces said they've killed him. victor, a circle of was seen taking part in a meeting with the defense minister in video released by moscow. on monday ukraine special forces said they had killed so cut off along with $33.00 other offices in a mishondra tack on crime yet last week. you'll yeah, shop of all of our has moved from moscow. when john les ask, remnant spokesman to meet your best calls about the room is of the death of the
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command of the russian block, c, please. he also the had been no informational that from the minister of defense lay . so the visual page published by the russian ministry of defense, it was found as a regular meeting of the ministry's board of combined is the means he was attended by victor. so close, come on the block safely, who had actually been pronounced dead by the ukrainian side. so close participation that via video conference alongside become on does have all the fleets. well, just to remind you, the day before the ukrainian side plays that still closed had been killed and a missile attack on the block c fleet headquarters in sebastopol. that's hawks replaced last friday of september. the 22nd, the russian ministry of defense acknowledged that's hot and reported one service many missing. and since then, the russian side haven't given any updates on the number of casualties. while, according to ukraine, who had carried out that side, sushi full russian officers would code 105 minutes. your personnel were injured and the headquarters building was badly damaged. representatives of ukraine does not
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provide any evidence confirming that information to us. i'm just a while ago ukraine kept insisting that they have killed the compound versus late head from a ukranian official speaking about vulnerability of the russian blocks. the fleas comparing the russian navy to a chicken running around without its head. but it's quite unfair that during military have students have worry side or with trying to diminish the capabilities . often spreading room is about each other. so it's always very difficult to figure out what the truth is. a prominent russian opposition leader alexi and a volley has lost his appeal against a new 19 year prison sentence. his jail term was extended last month option of all me was convicted on extreme. his charges. the 47 year old has been a critical of the kremlin for the last decade. he was the rest of 2 years ago after returning to moscow from germany, where he was recovering after being poisoned. the african union says it will proceed with its true withdraw from somebody as scheduled last week and we'll get
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a show requested a 90 day pause to the un security council on the plot of forces. officials made the request soft on increasing attacks by armed groups. 3000 members of the african union transition, forcing somebody as scheduled to leave by the end of september of some web is following developments from nairobi. the somali federal government is being conducting operations over the last year against beyond 3. i'll ship at 12 in special forces, exciting by the us soldiers trained by error trail and local ton militias, by the government. those operations pay to have had some success or at least relative success compared to the previous $15.00. yes. of operations carried out by forces from other african countries under the union and united nations peacekeeping mission mission depended on support and funding from the us and the european union,
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both of whom have expressed succeeds in recent yes and disappointments with the mission in effectiveness and reports of corruption us is now focusing its military resources move and supporting the somali government in full season. the european union said it will reduce and then cease funding the mission. so the drill down began 3 months ago. it's due to be completed at the end of next. yeah, 3006. due to leave on saturday. last week, somebody government rights, the united nations security council requesting that the suit result is postponed to 90 days and it leaks memorandum seen by out to 0. the african union's force to mando has ordered. it's set to come on this in the field, not to pause the withdrawal and to pull out the 3000 seats by the end of this week as previously on the symbolic government and others involved the waiting to see if those troops will indeed be withdrawn. and if they are
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a symbolic government says it can be a significant set back in its fights against doubts about malcolm web, which is 0. 9, robi, 10. yeah. south korea has had his 1st launch scale military parade in 10 years. and forces days being marked as president union, so killed takes a tougher approach to dealing with mouse korea. lauren's lee is in sole and explains the significance of this year's event downtown. so turned into a showcase for military. my. every bunch of the south korean military is represented here. i just didn't go, they will go to to, i feel reaction. what from not having administered power aid for so many years to seeing one now i feel like deep sense of pride. well, i don't want to go, yeah, i feel a little bit overwhelmed. it's really cool to look at. there's a sense of youthful energy and it's quite moving upon. it's a complex, emotional avoidance. south korea used to hold a military parade every 5 years on its armed forces. oh, but in 2018,
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then president, when changes, i'll stick to something more colorful as part of efforts to improve relations with north korea. but the lead a now president into guild is known for a small hotline stance towards the north. if north korea uses nuclear weapons, it's regime will be filled to and then by a nova whelming response from the south korea us alliance for the 1st time troops from the us army, all taken part in the parade. some analysts say, but not surprised, president human has opted for a minute to show mentioned, to mock armed forces date. he's emphasized strengthening defense capabilities as a form of deterrence against the increase in military threats from north korea. which peace activists say the parade is meaningless. and counter productive youtube and then go means that it looks childish. it comes across as we are so powerful. don't mess with us. north korea is doing the exact same thing. do we really need to
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waste energy bragging about our strength gaming the springs? real peace makes no sense. tensions on the korean peninsula at the highest in recent years. young young conducting a record number of weapons tests last year that also concerns about north korea is increasing closeness to russia that may extend to military cooperation that could boost appear on young's nuclear weapons program. those concerns have prompted the unit administration to a new diplomatic efforts to de escalate tensions on the korean peninsula. senior diplomats from china, japan and south korea mentioned so on tuesday to revive a summit between the 3 countries lead has that been suspended since 2019 a date has not been confess.


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