tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 27, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST
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agreed on that 10 points documented that the world trucks is a failure. it requires a revision, columbia, and mexico hope this conference in kylie will be the 1st step towards a more comprehensive response to this flow life problem. the the, to the clock. this is a news on life from the hot coming up the next 60 minutes. us president j pipe makes history is he joins striking notes of workers from the state of michigan. cities in texas struggle as an influx of migrants arrive along the us mexican board, $55.00 is extinguish the blaze of the fuel. definitely going to occur back where of explosion on monday killed at least 20 and injured hundreds. and is raining cabinet
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administer visits, audio ravia for the 1st time in saudis, and passes the palestine visits the website. and on pete, the statement was who the sports news action from the asian games is on the way. and leon, though missy is a delta ahead of the us as in cup funnelled into miami face and move as wait. he'd have a showdown against houston dynamo, the so we'd be getting this news are in the united states way. president joe biden is made history by joining striking order workers on the picket line in detroit a bite and told members of the alter workers union that they deserve to pay rise. they're asking for. he added that they should be rewarded for that sacrifice as they made when also manufacturers was struggling in the financial crisis. and fisher reports now from wayne county in michigan for it is symbolic and
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significant. the 1st time of serving us president as well. the picket line with striking workers the white house likes to put tree, joe biden is the most pro union to work the president in history. the workers we spoke to see the want more than a photo shooting support. that was great that you coming out here for anybody come down here talk. we want to see the results. i say we're asking for exactly what we're, we're, we're doing a hard job and we should be a little more. what is it? the big 3 car manufacturers walked out when their last agreement expired. they're
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looking for a 40 percent rise over 4 years, back to retirement payments, and guarantees over jobs as the industry switches to electric vehicles. everything is held concepts. and they, both of these does represent a threat to employment in the us. auto industry is, is a big search over the next 7 to 10 years. we could lose upwards of 752800000 jobs. that's a big share about the appointment to buy and has to walk a fine line here. he wants to show support for the workers on the front line of this dispute. but he also knows that an extended stripe will cost the us economy billions of dollars and he plans to run on the strength of the economy. and his re election efforts also is biggest republican rival. danny trump will be here in michigan on wednesday trying to win the support of the same or to work. the companies say they've made record offers to the union's, the sign of movement, but not enough to get to deal. the white host says that staying active negotiations, but it isn't as reluctant to show which site it fevers island, for sure,
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i'll just say to detroit. so there's a growing crisis at the southern board of united states, a launch number of asylum seekers continue to cross over from mexico. the searches puts the bite, the ministration under intense pressure. the mayor of el paso says board a city is now a breaking point or another city. eagle boss has declared a state of emergency covering this story from both sides of the rio grande mental repair low as live in mexico city. first that's across to hydro castro, who's in texas and eagle paused by the rio grande. there, heidi, we've seen some dramatic stuff coming from you the last couple of days that just give us a nice what's the current situation now? nick, i want to show you exactly. here we have migrant asylum seekers crossing the rio grande river. they've just crossed, waiting for hearing people scream either out of elation or just every
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single stress that they have gone through as they now have to traverse the spinal barrier. you're seeing fathers carrying their children, mothers, i think the little boy's face certainly says everything. very difficult moment for these families who are now stepping on american soil for the 1st time. a senior. the problem is, i'm gonna ask this, this woman, they don't, they're suspended from ben. it's almost the end of the deal, but it's a big deal. but then it says she's so happy she, she's finally come get as a to see at the age of $8.00 and $7.00, her 2 children, if you'll be okay, dana color, see them one yellow so as to stick, almost all you go about us was the hospital one time asking her how she got her
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children through this journey, much of what i get the most the most positive. but she says it's taken so much effort to get to this point. it wasn't easy, but they're here and they're thankful much easier to see. ready this is just what we've been seeing, nick, a steady stream of people. sometimes families with children who are even younger to mine. very well. it's notable that these government boats, obviously you just saw them buzz so closely. people who are waiting in the water. children who are terrified enough as it is as they are fighting these currents. this man's bag was caught on the razor wire, but these boats don't stop unless it's apparent that someone is in really true
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danger that their lives are in danger. and it's, it's, it's important not to downplay the danger here. yes, you're seeing people waiting across this water, which is about waist high, but it's unpredictable. the occurrence can become much stronger up to a person's chest. and this is the spot where 2 children did drown. and recent wait an hour we were being told by uh or being told by, by state police that we can be here as, as the prospect that we cannot touch the wires themselves make. this is the situation that's happening. and these people are coming up onto the shore of the us and many have been actively seeking immigration enforcement officers. us agents, asking them where do we turn ourselves in? please? asking them to begging them for water. you're seeing this man holding his id card in his hand. who said,
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who said pocketing this to plug it in his suit, i hit them and i might know why is that? why is he holding his id? i'm asking. what is the me possible? yeah. so it tells me, is this a says passed to the united states, the party? why? the case of surpassing why is this your problem to get to the phone until then please don't do much. i'm going to get on to get that moment because that's, that's fine. as well and car and he says that's what he's hopeful, that's going to give him the opportunity to claim asylum, which is in the us. just all right, nick, i don't know if you can still hear me. i might have actually lost communication with you. but the harder we can hear you, him and a lot of the desperately making this journey at this moment. busy heidi, i, everything you're saying that isn't in calculating the right well, that sense of relief and effort and pain of everybody making this journey is a, by the way across the rig run through that gap in the above. but it does need you to the question of just how long can this carry on? we've been seeing this for, for this is the day now, isn't it?
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yeah, and then i mean we've been here for 3 days, but this has been going on for even longer. and the reality is, find the, well, there are thousands more who are way to take the same steps in mexico and central america, even in the jungle in panama. and again it's, it's hard to stand here because, you know, we were just told by state police, we can be here to tell you what's happening, but we cannot help in any way. we cannot tell people when they're caught on the razor wire, we can just watch and it's interesting because us border patrol. some agents have actually been telling me that they feel conflicted as well. this is a very difficult position there and because they do not want to see human suffering . in fact, the chief of the us border patrol was here this morning speaking to media. and he said he came to commend his officers when they come and cut this wire because that
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has been happening. they sometimes cut this wire to help people get through. so they don't have to take the measures that you're seeing now, which is, is very difficult. and the border patrol chief said that his, his officers would not stand by and simply watch people either waist away under these the sun or be swept away by these currents. but it's a difficult position because the state of texas, which is actually the agency that put up these wires, they have been given the mandate by the state governor to not assessed in a humanitarian way to my rents to try to keep them away. in fact, every time that this fence is cut by us federal agents and the state agents who of course, do not report to washington will come and put the wire right back up to ensure that this passage is as difficult as you are seeing now. okay, heidi,
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this now let's just say taking listen to this and we'll come straight back to office to ask why men and women to sit there and watch them to come to the environment to ask them to watch them, get swept away by the river to ask them to watch women and children drown is not something i or anybody else. whatever do. and that's the thing heidi isn't it is, this is this kind of tough silvas to and fro between federal and state and all this . well, you know, people's lives are at stake. absolutely, it's, you know, it's a political battle, but politics is the last thing that these people are thinking about right now. they're just thinking about putting one foot in front of the other, trying to keep their children's heads above water and you know, over this wire without getting hurt. so, oh there's, there's somebody brought there. but i guess there's a young woman with a cat and read english,
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catch her chest. but back to what i was saying, it's, it's also we really in caps, who late, how these migrants are caught in the middle of this political battle once they emerge from this. there is luck really is determined by who is the 1st us authority . they see. if it is us federal border patrol and then they may count themselves as lucky because border patrol officers have been instructed by the by to ministration to be humane. and the way that they process people to give them water to help get them through this wire. and we've seen border patrol agents holding children when their parents can't and leading people toward a safer spot. but it's a, a merge, and the state police here who are of a different degree on their uniform. we have seen state police, put people in hand costs and march them to uh,
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toward the processing centers. and in fact, the state has been given us already by the local government here to prosecute these people as criminal, trust passers. they say that the act of stepping on this razor wire and passing it is trespass. so very different outcomes, depending on just walk alone, who sees migrants and calendar one say a merge at this moment. no one is here except for us. us the press, but it's interesting to see who will respond 1st, whether it will be border patrol or the state for it's next or a heidi will leave it there for the moment. thanks for that to it is how do you same for every few that make it across the rio grande onto us treasury, the 10s of thousands way through on the other side of the river in mexico. and the we can speak to, of course, wouldn't mind, will repel who's dining by for some mexico city. but it will tell us about where you are and what's happening there. and what people are expecting in preparing to do the good to be with the nick. we are outside of
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a what of a large group of shelters here in mexico city. just to moment to get a chance to speak with one of the coordinators inside migrant shelter. who tells us they are operating beyond capacity. they are doing their very best to accommodate new comers and every few minutes we are seeing a new group of people arrived over the course of the day we've encountered migrants predominantly from venezuela. but we're also seeing as many, many people from countries like haiti from cuba, from ecuador, from honduras, guatemala countries from west africa, such as in goal or we encountered as well. a group from afghanistan, so various different nationalities. the fact that here in mexico city of migrant shelters are already overflowing, and they have been for the last few weeks, is this crisis has continued to worse and really does go to show that this is a crisis that's not only unfolding along mexico's border with united states just moments ago, you had asked heidi, how long can this go on for we also learned this week that every day,
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somewhere around 3000 migrants from various nationalities are entering mexico to mexico. southern border with guatemala. it is clear that immigration officials here in mexico are overwhelmed. the numbers are just too many. my goal is to make sure to call you on other time. lead is to come up with the regional strategy. what more do we know about that? and is it lightly that's exactly right. thanks over the course of the last few weeks. last week, mexico signed an agreement with the united states to increase the port stations in the words of mexican officials to alleviate pressure to deep pressure eyes. some of the crisis in border cities along mexico southern border with guatemala and along the country is northern border. with the united states, mexico is also applied a series of different measures to try to curb migration moving north, such as
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a temporary suspension of north bound trains. of trains being a very popular method for migrants who are trying to reach the united states. but after a series of deaths and injuries were reported of the course of the last few weeks after thousands and thousands of migrants, conceit migrants refugees, very dramatic pictures for the last few weeks. just crowding on top of these trains very dangerous conditions that they faced when they do so. these trains collectively known as a lobbyist. yes for the beast here in mexico. but you mention this multi lateral effort. at this point, the united states is eager to find a multilateral lasting solution to this one thing. mexico has the doubts of mexico's president on the discipline we lopez or in the coming weeks meeting with the foreign secretaries of 10 countries. these are countries of origin for many the migraines that are, that we encounter here in mexico, countries like cuba, venezuela, honduras, among others to try to find a regional solution here, or at least a framework that can then be presented to to us president joe biden,
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in the coming months, but again, what we're looking at here are short term solutions, something to sort of qual, the current crisis. one thing that we're hearing overwhelmingly, from policy experts here in mexico is a need to address the root causes of migration. because again, we're talking about various different nationalities, all of these folks are playing for different reasons whether be extreme poverty, gang violence, or even religious and political persecution. there is not a one size fits all solution to this crisis. so addressing the root causes of migration is certainly certainly have to be of a top priority for leaders regional leaders here. but well thanks for the repair reporting that from mexico city. thanks very much indeed. now, spending most of them use are including us regulated, assuming amazon for inflating prices and that that is correct on the tax dominance of incident. i will tell you why the british, i'm secretary says that you in refugee conventions needs to be revised. he goes
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full coming for lakes, his duction from asian games as his china, the medical teams of race to the car back where an explosion that the fuel depos killed at least 20 people and is injured. hundreds. it happened as people seeking to fling to a media lined up for petrol on monday. then the 3 hundreds have been injured. many are in a critical condition, the cost of the bosses, and there's always been job aid reports not from hard is place to go into a car. back as the peacekeepers and the red costs are evacuating critically wounded burn victims. hundreds of people were injured when a few of the poor exploded. if you could let me just from the city, people gather to fill the tons of tens of thousands of ethnic armenians leave.
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caught about the 5 raged for hours as a $110.00 fuel tank burned, 50 inspection, fire fighting vehicles were sent by us or by john to extinguish the blaze. equip hospital struggle with the influx of hundreds of patients. 7 facilities, including the medical center run by the rest in peace, keeping mission but quickly overwhelmed. aid has started to arrive and metix, calling for urgent supplies. it's urgent that all these patients, hundreds of patients get as most medical care as they can. but it's also urgent that these patients are moved to uh, medical facilities that are better are able to better care for them. we have a medical team on the grounds, but assisting with the local medical experts. but what is the problem so that the most things are facing is that they will be in lots and lots of lots of dressings. and not only today, but in the coming days and weeks. and they're going to need as much medication,
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a topical medication for the, for instance, they can get one of the reasons we're trying to move more supplies into the region . representatives of the other by johnny government say they're in contact with the representatives of the army and residents of colorado. the red cross is being given access to the wounded medical workers and supplies are being thrown in from armenia . and some patients in critical condition are being taken back, and the other badge on the government says it's open. it's airspace sent in medical health and put hospitals around the corner about region on high alert. but after years of mistrust and fighting ethnic, armenians aren't even ready to bring in their critically wounded patients for treatment and do as of right on some of them are driving down to 0. pulled out this kind of off region let's enough from bennett smith, who's never registrations, and so for us, and they call them medians, arriving at the village of cornered. so it's the end of the road for the
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estimate, medians of as a by john, who for centuries have made that home in his mountains and beyond with the separatist ng type of nicole know kind of back. now wonder as a by john to control the a 120000 remaining ethnic. all medians were told they could stay on the road from back. who will leave it? set off an exodus will neighboring media more than $20000.00 of arrived since sunday. by the way, we are going. what will happen to us? no one knows. i don't know what you say about our future. i don't think we will be able to return your car by how, how can we go back off to order this happened? we can't live with them. of these all means a proud, angry, and upset russian peacekeepers fail to stop as a by john blocking the main road to armenia for 9 months. they refused to accept aid that was offered via along the route, controlled by as a by john. your opinions are accused of not wanting to pressure eyes, oil and gas. the rate terms of vaginal discharge order for this hot. i don't know
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what kind of just game dcs. i lift everything, get my whole tunnels potatoes in my seller connie, go to singles there. i know i wouldn't make a new life, but it won't be the same. i cuz the one who made us like these cards in the us government says as a buy jones use a force to take control. we're going to go into kind of back was unacceptable. we know the 0, our insureds civilians in the corner car box need to be evacuated and it is absolutely essential that evacuation be facilitated by the government of us or by john. that's about john's president. ill. how ali says his iron fist is consigned. the idea of the regions independence, the history. 0 0 0 punishment, i'll just say era on the all media as a by john israel's tourism ministers in saudi arabia to attend the united nations
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conference and will tourism. i am cats is to day visit to re add comes this out, is pursuing a possible us broken deal to normalize relations between the 2 countries. reynolds is more now from occupied is to receive the visit of is really towards administer. hind cast. the saudi arabia is literally unprecedented. no such senior is really official, has ever visited the kingdom. and we're also hearing a report from israeli army radio that the communications minister of israel will also visit saudi arabia next week. this is all signs of the progress being made under the us brokerage efforts to normalize relations between the 2 countries. such normalization would have benefits for saudi arabia and for israel. but it remains to be seen what benefit if any, it would have for the palestinians living under occupation. many palestinians are
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fearful that if the deal does go through, they will be left without any significant political concessions. rob reynolds, l, g 0 in occupied east jerusalem. these rarely tourism menaces visits around comes on the same day as sounding delegation is visiting ramallah for the 1st time in 30 years. now i've been but now i'll see daddy bets it probably sydney president, bobby device the kingdoms non resident time boss of the to the occupied palestinian charge. i find the divers credentials to diary it was appointed in august. i mean until for the 1st, during his latest interview, the crown print spoke about the importance of the palestinian cause for the kingdom of saudi arabia. as per the international legitimacy decisions. and the 2 state solution is the establishment of a palestinian state of the bodies of 2 bar. any soldiers killed in a dry and straight into the human side of the border. being reproach rates it's minima. humans who fees accused of being behind the killing bar and is part of the
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saudi led coalition. that's for the who faces 2015 siding rivers calling incident on monday, a provocation. it's threatening to respond later. if you see spokesman said the coalition had killed several young, the fight is over the past month and cold, the death regressive. all violations of the truce as the commander of russia's black sea fleets has been shown. attending a video conference day after you creating forces said they've killed him. victoria the circle of was seen taking punch in a meeting with the defense minister video released by a by moscow. on monday, the ukraine's special forces that they had killed forklift along with 33 other offices in the midst all attacked on crimea last week. from a russian positionally, the election devonie has lost his appeal against the new 19 year prison sentence. jail time was extended last month, often invalid. he was convicted on extreme. his charges, the 47 year old as being a critic hope the criminal for the last decade was arrested 2 years ago after
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returning to moscow from germany, where he was recovering. also being placed with to cost was subs kept to doctor gump athletic costs by monastery. that paid in court, the governments in cost versus around $30.00 heavily armed ethnic subs for police and barricaded themselves into a sub. you know, if at all it's one of the street, 3 attackers and one police officer was killed. soft credit has held is 1st law and scale ministry parade in 10 years on forces day is being marked as the country takes a tougher approach to dealing with your career probably isn't so as downtown so turned into a showcase for minute 3 months. every bunch of the south korean ministry is represented here. i just didn't go, they will go to school. i feel reassured from not having administered power aid for so many years to seeing one now, i feel a deep sense of trying it. well, i don't wanna go, yeah, i feel a little bit overwhelmed. it's really cool to look at. there's
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a sense of youthful energy and it's quite moving upon. it's a complex, emotional avoidance south career used to hold a minute trip, right? every 5 years on its armed forces days, but in 2018, been precedent when changing to something more colorful as positive efforts to improve relations with no career. but the lead a now president into guild is known for a small hotline stance towards the north. if north korea uses nuclear weapons, it's regime will be filled. and then by an overwhelming response from the south korea us alliance for the 1st time troops from the us army, all taken part in the parade. some analysts say the not surprised president union has opted for minute 3 showmanship to mock armed forces date. he's emphasized strengthening defense capabilities as a form of deterrence. against the increase in minutes, we switched from north korea, which peace activists say the parade is meaningless and counter productive youtube,
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the williams this, it looks childish, it comes across as we are so powerful. don't mess with us. we don't know. north korea is doing the exact same thing. do we really need to waste energy bragging about our strength? caving the springs? real peace makes no sense. tensions of the korean peninsula are the highest in recent years. young young conducting a record number of weapons tests last year that also concerns about north korea is increasing closeness to russia that may extend to military cooperation that could boost appear on young's new care. but as programs, those concerns have prompted the unit ministration to a new diplomatic efforts to de escalate tensions on the korean peninsula. senior diplomats from china, japan and south korea, met insole on tuesday to revive the summit between the 3 countries lead as they had been suspended since 2019. a date has not been confirmed,
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but they have agreed to hold that summit as soon as they can. florence louis algebra sole head here and on 0, we'll have the latest from new york and a bad day and cool for donald trump and the philadelphia eagles, maintained of winnings, thoughts from you. and if else season pizza will have all the details coming up and support the of the it's about to get stormy in our lives. now step 10, remember this is looking more like mid october, whether to be honest, this is the boundary line, but what's coming in hasn't yet developed. so in the immediate future, it looks fine, but that seemed got to change. this is what happens during when through a storm one, a name, still name, diagnosis. next logic is the strength that we did just touch the precedent united
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front. otherwise, the whole european play is looking beautiful, as is most of scans, and maybe it was tempted by foreigners, by a few degrees. the exception is down in greece, where the size of the funding source could produce some local flooding, some flash flooding that the stone runs through the bit of child. and it's no way that we can systems more right on these wave. otherwise, it's more or less the same set to come says days. well athens, tim, she wouldn't change, but she was going down about 5 degrees from covent. but these other stones die by the end of the state and got a couple of good days when skating to friday and saturday. this goes to some concern about whether or not those thunder storms which are significant to across the water into libya. that thing they will, you might get a cheryl too, but no more than that. they tend to want definitely retreat and then disappear altogether and west. i forget not as much as it was. we'll still see some wet weather that initially and see earlier and probably get a of the
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did you need to talk to the teams to october on out to 0, trying to host the asian games with other students from across the region competing and celebrating sports. rigorous debates, unflinching questions upfront. come through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom u. k. prime minister. assume that it's expected to address these 1st party conferences leader with a general election looming and a wave of strikes being housed to bro cost premier, a new series, exploring the implications of us and to avoid talking to the 1st amendment. right, which is in liberia to the post kind of incumbent president george way over come corruption allegations and keep the temp job up. tell you back on 20.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the other guy you're watching out 0 or might have a top story is, is uh, and tens of thousands of refugees of crossed into our media from going to a car back off to as a by john wrote some ministry operation in the region last week. yeah, around says is preparing to take in thousands more president job. i use joint strategy also because on the picket line in wayne county, michigan, telling them they deserve a significant res workers began to strike 12 days ago as a grand crisis. as the southern border, the united states,
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a large number of asylum seekers continued to cross over into the united states from mexico. so just put the 5 to ministration under intense pressure. as a judge in new york is found former us president donald trump, liable for fraud. the states attorney general and the to show james brought the case against trump and his family business. accusing them of inflating the value of the assets and net worth in order to get better terms on bank loans and insurance for more of this. so let's go to chris and so maybe he joins us now from new york christians. the 1st up, just tell us more about this decision. well, it's quite starting really. the judge is saying that this man who was elected largely based on his reputation as a savvy successful businessman, is essentially a fraud. she's saying that trump and his associates overvalued his assets and the value of his company in order to get those more favorable financial terms on things
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like loans and insurance, payments and so on. and the, uh, it was all based on false hoods. the ruling of course, is in a state court, it was bought by the state attorney general this lawsuit. it is not a criminal case, but a civil case. and the judge's decision was part of a what's known as a summary judgement. the rest of the case will be argued in a trial starting next week, but this suggest it really isn't going to go very well for donald trump. and james, the attorney general is seeking $250000000.00 in damages, as well as a pro division on the former president from doing any business in the state of new york going forward. what about the, the, for the president himself, any response from him? a no response yet. but president trump has accused this attorney general attention. james,
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in the past of being motivated by politics as he has in nearly every other legal case that's been brought against him and there are many that he is facing right now . in this case, in particular, he argued that the attorney general didn't have the legal grounds to bring a case like this against him because there was no proof that anyone in the public was harmed by his. but what, by what he has done by these allegations of a criminal prosecutor by the way, declined to take up this case in criminal court. but clearly that doesn't impact what happens in this court, but it's worth pointing out. trump also argued that he was protected by disclaimers in his financial statements and so on. but clearly that has not affected the judge who made this overarching summary judgement. and now we'll get into the nitty gritty of the accusations against the president as they go forward in the coming weeks for this non jury trial. chris,
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and thanks for that because it's going to be reporting that from new york. thank you. now amazon is being sued by us regulators ever allegations of it stifled competition by inflating prices and even charge me sellers on his platform. the lawsuit brought by the federal trade commission and 17 state attorneys, who part of a b as long investigation into the e commerce dr. pay claim joins us now for more from washington d. c. putty. first, i'll just tell us what more do we know about this case against us as well. yeah, and as you mentioned, they've been investigating amazon for years and it's a fairly lengthy report about a 100 more than a 170 pages. but it boils down to this, so basically it's about 60 percent of sales on amazon, according to the company come from small to medium sized businesses. so basically they pay amazon to list their product. what this out of what this lawsuit is alleging is that it really is hurting those businesses because if they try to offer
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their product at a lower price on a different site, the allegation is that amazon simply makes their products disappear from its own list, students, and it says because it's so dominant about 40 percent of e commerce in the united states run through amazon because it's so dominant that the sellers really have no choice but to go there and they point out according to again, this complained that because of the fees and because of the way the system works for every $2.00 a seller makes on amazon, the company, amazon gets a full $1.00 that they called it the 50 percent amazon tax. and there's also allegations that they're really using their size to pressure the sellers to use their logistic system as well. amazon for as part says, this is not based on the law or the facts. they said, if they, they government is successful, products will become more expensive. products will take longer to get to people. but again, this case is going to take years to work its way through the course system. what about the long term implications of all this?
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and this really isn't just about amazon the by the administration came into office promising to crack down and big tech they put in at the head of the department, a really fierce critic, a big, big tech who actually became prominent because in law schools you wrote a paper saying that amazon was a monopoly and violate an anti trust for verge regulations. it's not just amazon we seen right now in the courthouse just down the road from here. so i think week 3 of a trial from the justice department suing google. we've also seen the f t c su, met of the parent company a facebook. so this is a much broader issue of this administration trying to go after big tech because they think they're too powerful and to an accountable. so really how these 3 cases play out, what kind of breaks we see, what sort of, uh, if they win, what sort of actions they wanna have taken that could have huge impacts, not just for consumers and sellers, but the future of the tech industry. one thing they could do if they beat amazon is
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they could ask the judge to make the company sell off its parts. that would have huge implications throughout the entire economy, especially the tech sector. penny, thanks for that type of go ahead and reporting from washington. that's enough for mich told susan attorney for the anti trust and competition working group. it's electronic frontier foundation. net explains the business practices that have blinded them. is that in court it's really about the rules. the amazon imposes on 3rd party sellers as of forbidding them from offering lower prices on other platforms, requiring them to use amazon's fulfillment services in order to be part of the, the, um, uh, uh, prime program for uh, shipping costs of the stuff you see is accusing amazon, of using those policies to drive profits to itself, while generally raising prices across the board. i think the break up is on the
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table. it is one of the things that they have to see is asking for. but there's all range of outcomes that are possible and including simply borrowing amazon from the various practices that this lots are just complaining about. and all of that might come in. but this rule, this rule so really does target retail and not just retail, but the services that amazon provides to 3rd party sellers to kind of that where the house speaker has resigned daughtry on it, a man who served in the nazi unit to weld or to speak and to the roads are invited to the artist left home during a friday special parliamentary session in the house of commons. the 98 year old was called a ukrainian hero during a visit by ukraine in president flooding. mister lensky event arrives and he went to the division that was responsible for the mass murders of innocent civilians. but a shame is x rays to an abrupt says the rules, but who is able to seek, assigned them in a different country, need to be re examined and revised addressing a us based center, right in the think tank,
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run and question whether you and 1951 refugee convention is still relevant to the more than age of you and refugee agency says the convention remains as relevant today as when it was adopted during the whole has the latest from the a pretty old a stuff from britain's home sex, treat swell abraham, and speaking to a rock when think tank in washington, telling her audience, the uncontrolled illegal migration is an existent real challenge to the democracies and institutions of the west. the only way to solve is essentially tear up the 1951 refugee convention the document that sets up what it means to be a refugee, the criteria under which a person can be protected and the international asylum law. she says that definition is no longer fit for our modern age. it's been expanded so much by the courts. she said, but the numbers of people who are able to claim asylum of now going up and the threshold has gone down to abraham and estimating that some 800000000 people around
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the world are now covered by these broad definition of what it is to be a refugee not just protected from persecution in a traditional sense, but also from the me, a fear of bias or discrimination for being, for instance, a woman all for being gay in your country of origin. and she said the system is being gained by economic migrants to claim asylum. it's like less than seeking asylum. assistant better economic prospects on not the same thing. seeking refuge in the south side, country winch or shopping around feel preferred destination or not the same thing. being traffic are transported against a well perhaps to be sold into sex slavery and being smuggled all skiing. someone to split you into a country on not the same thing while she making these comments. now we'll see while abraham and is said to have designs on the leadership of head potty. this is
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of course, a prominent stage, but perhaps more particularly this is the voice of a government that is looking forward to an election and these setting out the store last week. it was changes to climate change policy this week. it is illegal migration. and remember, this is a government that has failed to talk a little control, the thousands of people crossing the channel from france in small boats that he's taking its case to the supreme court here to the right to send people to a 3rd country asylum seekers. rwanda and a lot of conservative support is of course, support these moves. so it makes perfect sense for a conservative party home secretary to stock right now. a controversial debate about what it actually means to be a refugee. joe, nicole elders 0 london. the african union says it will proceed with its truth withdrawal from smart ears scheduled last week. margaret issue requested a 90 day pool through the un security council. officials made the request of the increase in tax by um groups in molly escalate,
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the conflict mess displacement unrestricted, humanitarian access of putting the most vulnerable risk. according to unicef, nearly $1000000.00 children under the age of 5 are at risk of acute bound nutrition . by the end of this year, at least $200000.00 are at risk of dying of hunger. if a fails to reach them close to 5000000 children actually need humanitarian assistance across money. and that is a 40 percent increase since 2020 of children. he desperately need help. have it as well as the story now from panica. of course, some job is refusing to lose hope. ever since she gave beth to her twin boys 13 months ago. she's been struggling to keep them alive. one of my twin boys fellows seriously ill. i took him to the health clinic and our village for treatment officer, while they told us they couldn't keep him there because the illness was getting worse and he needed to be admitted to
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a bigger hospital. that's why we came here in coffee for the treatment. but he's still sick of 2 weeks of being here. doctors, they submitted consent to outside the money and copied them say the boy is suffering from city of mount meditation. he's one of the dozens of children being treated here. child mom, nutrition is an age old problem in the country. molly is one of the poor us to this i had, but it has been getting worse recently, according to both local and international organizations or you'll know and you will globally this. i me, peter, this, i'm in the, on the national level. we have about 200000 children suffering from acute mound nutrition and the level of that accurate and this has surpassed all our expectation . they come from. they need to be admitted an intensive care unit, and the treatment should be paid for it on so. but there is a huge deficit in human and financial resources for such a task. so unfortunately, many of the $200.00 and lose their lives. millions more going hungry, a number that he's growing. the, according to both unit stuff and
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w. s. be close to 5000000 children in this country are in need of admin to humanitarian systems, including in the fields of health and nutrition. we speak of souls and increase of at least 1500000 children in need. since 2020 believe organizations say 2500 people are facing families in the eastern region of america . molly's economy has been deteriorating for years. but trumpeting security has added to the music of millions. that agent of team back to is being taken over slowly by all groups, separatist fighters in the north have resumed fighting after 8 years of relative peace. that you and says, must displacement and put a stick to, to humanity and access the complicating of the situation in minutes with all of the most un peacekeepers from the country at the behest of the community. this is
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expected to make matters worse. how much fun? a da 0. by michael, the scientists that testing intelligence farming robots to help address the world's growing food cries. the idea is to make agriculture more efficient from small hold the funds to launch commercial estates, john henry, and his all story now from champagne. illinois on the midwestern prairies of illinois and seen many high autumn corn come the farmers of the future. a march of machines, ag butts and prairie parlance rolls its way through leafy crop prose, performing much of what farm hands do and more scientist at the university of illinois and several other institutions are testing artificial intelligence technologies that are already being evaluated on farms world wide it's a win win for everybody, right? a farmer makes more money. the soil and the environment is better off for a 2nd string, more carbon management, where we can and the consumer gets healthier,
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more organic climate smartphone. a small army of robots targets dry storage spots, weeds and pest invest agents. avoiding indiscriminate pesticide in riverside use that leads to resistant waves and bucks. and they measure which seeds fair better. between seasons, farmers often lack the time and labor to plant cover crops that enrich the soil and protect against run off into the water supply. but farmed box plant off season crops between corn and soybean rose before they're even harvested and robotic dogs walk where wheels can get tangled. robots are very the eye candy and so they tend to get most of the attention. robots are just a fraction of all the things that we do to install these at a depth of fit. there are buried sensors that record soil health and crop hydration . livestock drawings, monitor cattle, hills,
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wait and single out pregnant couch. artificial intelligence is designed to make farming more productive, more environmentally sustainable, using better data. and not so much to replace human labor is to make it more effective. this 28 year old farmers as new technologies can help with a growing field, labor shortage, and a crushing schedule plan thing occurs at the same time. spring harvest is all really at the same time. so we really do get into labor crunch for, for very short, but intense periods throughout the year. so things like automation are definitely a solution with limited agricultural land and a growing global food crisis. researchers say the rise of robots and increasing automation seems inevitable. john henry and l g 0. champagne, illinois, a slight error now the 0 was is it of a? is it a place? it's a man in the wing,
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the time before his paycheck. thank you very much. nick into miami or switching over the fitness of will couple in a little messy ahead of a us open cup funnel against houston, dining room on wednesday may see did not play into his last match on sunday, off to being substitute. is it the game before with an unspecified injury. miami are aiming for 2nd titles, since macy arrived off the winning believes cup last month. the 2nd time that onto a, when
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a passcode 11 goals and 12 games since joining in july been and let me show you the, well, it's obviously a handicapped when you without the discipline, to weld and someone who makes a difference in every area of our tonight but we will wait until the last minutes, hopefully there's a chance you can come and help us. and if you can't shortly and have the play will bring their own kind of piece of the team and root site to be the bits of the team and be more prepared than demo one of macy's former teams. barcelona. i have played out a to, to draw at my yoke of the home side. took the lead inside 8 minutes, fos. i hit fax with this jim from rough senior to walk into the game. chevy side came into this match as legal leaders, but they appeared to be in danger of losing that spot in the table when ad on put them i, you will come back in front on the stroke of all the time. both learn again for back and level methods through faleen lopez. they're still tough but they rivals
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now have a game and handling them. manchester united have won the english lead cups stood round match against crystal palace. 3 knew the opening goal of the game came off for 20 minutes at old trafford. alejandro god not show slicing home to send eric to and hugs me into the lead that about it was double just 6 minutes face of the castle mirror popping up at a coolant to hit the red devils into a 2 goal advantage. and then it really in the 2nd off the match was over as a concept with anthony mall cl school to make it 3. no history is being made at the asian games in hon. jo, a china has won the 1st day, the e sport gold medal at the continental show piece. the hosts the fees of malaysia in
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the arena of valo final came 1st face tide and took the problems middle. it was a demonstration spoiled at the last games and the cause of it is now being upgraded to a middle events. it will be 5 pc games and 2 mobile games in total homecoming defended it's asian games means rugby savings, gold beating self 3 or $147.00. but he had again, hosts china managed to when a go. this time in the women's competition, they raced out to a 22, no lead a defending champion, japan. and despite a serious fight back china held on. so when it's sick and asian games, women's reg, the savings title $20.00 to $21.00. to china, remain way out in front, in the middle god with 53 goals over the last 4 decades. no other country has been able to challenge them at the top of the middle stable and the richardson reports from joe, we have a host nation is hoping to win 200 gold. so the 1st time showing
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the 1st and everyone else a distance 2nd, it's being assembly as solely to these home jo, agent games and showing his biggest metal holes have come on the 2 previous occasions when the country has folks to be events showing he's heard lou county is hoping this list agent games goals will come in front of a home crowd. i'm not afraid of anyone. when i go to the battlefield, i have to rely on myself to adjust. so why stay positive and keep telling myself, you can definitely do it at the head of the games, the precedence of sean is olympic committee down g down less athletes in no doubts as to what was expected of them. the requirements were for them to bring glory to the country and demonstrate the power of chinese sport. he said they should also raise the political awareness and remember, the great, the cause of the nation associating hung joe with little this home success is
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important. as the city shown off, so when you audience, i think these games are more for the city of hon. joe, which for the uninitiated, this, the city of 8000000 people lost a little bit in the shadow shanghai. this is a gigantic city. ali baba is headquartered here, but most people outside of china don't know what showing exactly to so to me doing the best to put the whole city on the map. gina and the issue to the case, the to happiness. we think this title came at the moment we reached the finish line . that's where we realized we were going to have our national anthem. so i'm trying to slack waste. essentially, i would say i was more than excited. woke up the biggest challenge will be for china to finish check with the middle table at mixed use power. so lympics at the less to lympics the country finished 2nd. a single goals metal behind the united states. on the richardson l. g sierra. i'm jo, the philadelphia eagles have maintained a winning stall into the nfl season with the 25. we live in victory of the tampa
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bay buccaneers. on monday. jayden hurts 3 for a touch down and ran for another to the be goes to a food when from 3 the defending and if the champions when they 1st 8 games a year ago for now enjoying consecutive 3 straight wings episode of a season for the 1st time since $199293.00 for the 1st time. and so the fear of heights you may want to look away, mail one. this is jim and sky and i have a max amount of pulling off an incredible spencer, but germany's iconic, moist bunstein causal. it detached himself from a parent blood in fluid, almost 200 kilometers per hour in just these wings 6. just a reminder that is appears in some insight into the ground with nothing but a few sheets of material and the he's ohms even deployed. he's parachute and landed safely on the ground this and that's what was supposed be useful today.
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next page that thank you very much for that. we'll see a bit later and that's it for me. the clock is use um i clicked on jordan right here. we more of the days here, we'll see you soon. bye for now. the the, the hiring sensation in women, sleepily, italian trails lays of how a go new stands up to racism. and those who challenge our identity won't allow anyone that doesn't know how it is to wake up every day and fight for something
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you're truly believed to take that dream away from me. you're the strongest land, no matter what comes to you, you take it and you get, and you keep going because it wants to be the best generation. thoughts on how to 0 oil rich, your rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water. as dimes built by its upstream neighbors with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now, when regions were settled funding 1st, image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was part to of, to, on a jersey to last year. part of the sun experienced one of the worst floods in the country's history. many rural communities are still waiting for help. hundreds of people on the outskirts of the city of may have had been living under open skies for a year in last year's floods. this road behind me, those fields,
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the entire area that stretches in this direction was completely submerged. many of the homes and buildings that were destroyed are still rubble. and parts of this district have started to flood once again the, the, the former us president, donald trump is sound liable for food without a long are you going his financial statements for decades. the other one down, jordan, this is i'll just say or a life and also coming up. yes, president joe biden makes history. the joint and striking also workers in the state of michigan cities in texas,
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