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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 27, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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we always going to increase as well. what changes to our ecosystem become visible in 40 to 50 years later, but it's already too late by then, and chances of reversing it nearly impossible. the at least a 100 people killed in north america as far sweeps through a crowded wedding home. the motto about this, and this is audra 0 life from doha. i'm also coming up after weeks of protests, and the french ambassador flies home. more than a 3rd, if they're going to cut a box residence cross into armenia, days after an offensive by as somebody's on
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a new york judge who's former us president donald trump, the floor to science and insurers. for years the, at least a 100 people are being killed in a fire at a wedding party in northern iraq, and that number is expected to rise. unconfirmed reports suggests the bride and the bridegroom are among the dead. it's believed fireworks may have started the blaze and the sudden money and home done yet in the rocks and then of a province buffalo. the other one has the story. it was supposed to be one of the most magical knights of the cup of lives in the midst of their wedding celebrations, happiness and it's daintily turned into hard on the flyer to the through the pack tools. the witnesses describe the video catching quiet in seconds. the day or the sun is slow,
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they were about to do or slow down. and then they lit up this thing for the dogs which caught fire flow students. many hosts revive the child device the bid burns, and in a serious condition. just the most that i came to the hospital enough for a while, they called me and i was told that 22 members of my family up. and so i came here and search for them. and once i found them that would transfer it to most so how is it condition was critical which happens in the minority region of the name of a province in northern new york state immediately posted the building was made of highly flammable materials. thought your good to them. i was sitting with my family inside the banquet hall when i saw flame erupt from the fireworks. i immediately took my family and ran out. but i lost my mother. she was in the bathroom when the police broke out, and it was too late to save her. the entire place burned to the ground with seconds . we should say the fire is being investigated
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under the law position as a journalist and political rights are based in ad bill near come down. yeah, i mean he says many buildings across a rec, don't meet fire safety standards, and most of the things use fireworks as, uh, basically they is. they launch them from the floor of the wedding home and they go all the way up to the ceiling. but this case was exceptional because of the wedding hol, being built with very poor, build a construction materials which are actually deemed illegal by iraqi authorities in rocky civil defense. say that the external uh, the external structure of the wedding hall was built as a kind of plastic that is highly flammable, as well as the roof of the hole. so when the fireworks launched towards the ceiling, the ceiling quickly caught on fire. in fact, uh witnesses uh say that adult entire waiting a whole was completely engulfed in flames in a matter of mere seconds. but the wedding parties in
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a rocky typically have this kind of celebration where fireworks are use inside the wedding hole. however, it rarely leads to such a disaster that transpired last night. and i'm done a all that to do with the matter of negligence. most mostly very, very little safety concerns in the rock for uh, especially in defense where large people are, are hosted to an even ad basis such as hospitals. uh, because even in the 2021 hospital, the fire and southern iraq killed at least a 100 people. and people typically, authorities typically uh, failed to enforce the safety regulations. witnesses from back hall. and you could also see the same for many with the holes around the rock, say that no fire extinguishers weren't available. and uh there was absolutely no safety concerns. and even even the door, the main door to enter and exit the waiting all was blocked. they were unable to
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open it, and people were trapped inside until a bulldozer came and basically tore down an entire wall for people who escaped. i want to bring some bringing you some news. we're getting reports of defense on bus it or has left the country. this departure follows a military coup in july that over to the former president mohammed assume it shows new rulers and administered cooperation with funds and ordered some boss that are on the trips to leave. well, we've got nicholas hackers, father need developments in his yeah, from duck on the 1st we're going to go to natasha buffer. who's in the french capital? i was friends reacting to it, some boss that are being ordered to leave the yes . well, 1st i should say the, we all getting reports that the ministerial and diplomatic soul says here in fonts, have confirmed that the on bus to has left to me. i made that's been reported by french. he's the agency a p, cuz i had seen some confusion of that
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a little bit earlier and i know for frauds you might say it's not a surprise. the french fries and emmanuel michael earlier this week in a television interview said that frauds would be withdrawing it's on by the supervisor say within the coming days and also withdrawing. it's 1500 troops from the country. but on the face of calls is something overflow. a climb down by power is because for weeks we have been hearing from the french government, from the french president, that it would not give into the devolves, of new jazz military rulers. that the french troops and the investment leads the country present. michael himself repeatedly saying business follows paris was concerned. the ministry who lives on note, the legitimate, also received in the main, sat for paris with notes with don't give into any of their requests which amounts. but clearly this is not the case. we have the foster on the way. we know that the withdrawal of troops could take several weeks several months in the face of just another difficult chapter full of frances policy in africa. that has been se
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passage in recent years with a number of cruise in countries. so once former colonies, it talks about them in power as natasha. thank you very much. let's go to a nicholas hockey's following developments from duck off in senegal. so the positive has gone french troops as i understand it. and other funding troops are still in these. yeah, what's the latest on them to look the, there's this plane that took off from e. m a was long awaited there's been protest outside the french ambassadors residents asking for him to leave. and so the french didn't want us to have a scene, so he deported the i'm a at 3 45 am in the morning away from public i, there was no one allowed to film that scene. and then he went to in germany where there is a french military base. and then he's, as we heard on his way to paris. this is a small victory for the village and uh, led by general gianni who as us for the in bassett,
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or to leave. that doesn't mean that it's the end of the diplomatic relationship between france and new share. there is still the deputy in charge who will takeover . she's the each is role. but in the departure of seat of each, it was a keen demand by the military june to a new share who had a wanted to see a reset of the relationship between the share in france on the diplomatic front, on the military front and on the economic front on the military front, there's $1500.00 soldiers as natasha explained that they were due to leave before the end of the year. but new share is the military didn't uh, has again reasserted that it. it wants to be done on its own timeline. and know the timeline of france then there is the economic relationship at new jersey is one of the biggest ex, border of uranium in the world. and
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a french company o'rando just in april at discovered that the biggest reserve on top preserve in the share in, in the area of more r n. and, and so the, the civil society actors and these here are calling for, in re negotiation of these economic contracts. that have been in the flat place for the last 50 years since independence. so there's a real early judge from both the civil society, but also new share with military june to, to overall the relationship both on the economic, military and diplomatic front with france. nicholas, thank you very much. indeed. nicholas hacked, talking to us from the car. new york judge has ruled the form of us president donald trump committed fraud for years to get better times for bank loans and insurance. judge also anger and has not ordered the cancellation or so called business certificates for some of the trends companies in new york. that means it's
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going to be difficult or nearly impossible for them to operate in the state. strong said the rulings on fair, i think, is going to appeal to salumi, has more from new york. this new york judge is saying that former president, donald trump, who ran for office and got elected largely based on his reputation as a savvy, successful business man, is a fraud. the judge ruled that the president and his business associates and his company over valued the assets that he had in order to get better financing and better deals when it comes to things like insurance, payments, or loans. this again is a summary judgement that was issued before the case goes to a civil trial in the coming weeks where other charges would be considered against the former president. but this suggest it is not going to go well. the attorney general of new york, a woman by the name of the decision,
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james is seeking $250000000.00 in damages from the former president, as well as a prohibition on him ever doing business in new york state again. christian salumi, alda sierra new york. i mean, it says more than 42000 people have fled nicole color box and have crossed into armenia. that's more than a 3rd of the regions population last week on somebody's on seems to control of young k for ethnic albanians have long been the majority on a tuesday. and it was an explosion that a fuel that always, many people were lining up to get petrol for the journey to armenia. the death toll from the loss is now arisen to 68, with hundreds of people. critically injured to solve a bunch of edge reports from holidays close to and they're going to cut a buck in the 5 race for hours. as a 110 fuel tank burned, 50 inspection, fire fighting vehicles were sent by us or by john to extinguish the blaze. people gather to fill the tons of tens of thousands of ethnic armenians leave,
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caught about for him. peacekeepers and direct costs evacuating critically wounded burn victims and equip hospital struggle with the influx of hundreds of patients. 7 facilities, including the medical center and run by the rest in peace, keeping mission but quickly overwhelmed. aid has founded to arrive and metix, a calling for urgent supplies is urgent that all these patients, hundreds of patients, gives us most medical care as they can. but it's also urgent that these patients are moved to medical facilities that are better able to better care for them to present it as of the other by johnny guffman say they're in contact with the representatives of the armenian residents of colorado. the red cross because being given access to the wounded medical workers and supplies are being thrown in from armenia and some patients in critical condition are being taken back the other
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bridge and the government says it's open. it's airspace sent in medical health and put hospitals around the corner about region on high alert. but after years of mistrust and fighting ethnic, armenians aren't even ready to bring in their critically wounded patients for treatment and do as of right, john. some of them are driving down to the era. hold on this kind of our region. balance must be the registration center for ethnic armenians arriving in the village of quotas. or this is the end of the road for the estimate medians of as a by john, who for centuries of made home in his mountains and deal with the separatist ng type of nicole know kind of back. now wonder as a by john to control the a 120000 remaining ethnic medians were told they could stay on the road from back, who only it set off an exodus well neighboring media more than 20000 of arrived since sunday. by the way, we are going what will happen to us?
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no one knows. i don't know what you say about our future. i don't think we will be able to return your car by how. how can we go back off to order this happened? we can't live with them. of these all mean he is a proud, angry and upset russian peacekeepers fail to stop as a by john blocking the main road to armenia for 9 months. they refuse to accept aid that was offered via, along the route, controlled by as a by john your opinions are accused of not wanting to pressure eyes, oil and gas, the rate terms of by john, this song latania for this thought. i don't know what kind of just game dcs. i lift everything, get my whole tunnels. potatoes in my seller connie. noticing was there, i know i wouldn't make a new life, but it won't be the same. i cuz the one who made us like these cards in the us government says as a buy jones use a force to take control. we're going to go into kind of back was unacceptable. we know that there are insureds civilians in the corner. car
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box need to be evacuated and it is absolutely essential that evacuation be facilitated by the government of us or by john. that's about john's president. ill how ali says his iron fist is consigned. the idea of the regents independence, the history yeah. mean and government says it will provide aid and accommodations, all the families that need it. and they all have to start rebuilding that lives. it's extremely unlikely that any of them will ever return to nicole. no counter by a bonus smith. i'll just say era on the i'll media as of i jumbled still ahead and i'll just say that trouble brewing. we're going to look at how unpredictable weather is having an impact on india is coffee farms. the
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is the season, the floods in south east asia, main and sadly stations are fit. and thailand has been funding recently pictured in bangkok, taffeta thailand, to be more of the site. yeah, that represents the heaviest. right. and this is right, just the fun stuff to bring the right in south. this is when they concentrate from the lot further south and that the most of the lazy and almost all of intermediates do drive period. there are also shattered costs in some sort of work, but they're never going to be back and dry. after all, they're all straightened seats and puffy sandstone recently with a fairly quick moving now they've gone off show those of significance. we left with the legacy child developed through new south wales coasts area and then up through queensland, leaving behind the site in the sky. so time she's not late and camera will rise. whereas in past having pete on wednesday, the drop again, a beat on says it be $20.00 to above the average. these even is a different story. this is transitional period with going into spring. so you often
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get some pretty vicious weather rains when heavy recently and strong winds at least a relatively benign. yeah, that's right. in every way pretensions are okay to be in dante valley start. but that's to say, look at friday, here's your mind. so snow running up and desire, harland tries church because of the sudden effect is wound up to a quite surprising 18 degrees. the did you need to talk to the or how do they control information? how does the narrative improve public opinion? how is this as intended? this and we flaming the story. the listening post, i think the media, we don't cover the news, we cover the way the news is covered. the
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watching, i'll just need a reminder of i told stories of this uh, at least a 100 people reports of leading, sitting upright and bridegroom. have died off of a fire, broke out at a wedding in a rocks northern district, or from done yet fireworks believed jumpstart. sources to allow to 0, the french ambassador that your news has just left the country. the manager sees control in july and orders to leave early of this month, 5 thousands of people protested against the presence of french troops. more than 42000 as think, how many and refugees of fragment on a car box entrust into armenia, azerbaijan, to control of the region last week, defeating ask, think on media and fighters in a 24 hour operation. hollywood screen writers are expected to go back to work on
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wednesday after reaching a deal with movie studios and to get pay rises in higher contributions towards health and pension schemes. and also being promised safeguards against the use of artificial intelligence. in script writing, members are going to vote on the deal next month and is being sued by the us federal trade commission as well as 17 states. it's one of the largest and richest companies in the world, and it's accused of anti trust violations and monopolizing markets. but legal actions been expected for a long time. as particle hanging in washington dc explains. companies don't get much bigger than amazon worth. $1.00 trillion dollars with more than a 1000000 employees worldwide, but now federal regulators in the united states. so you got this big and this rich using unfair practices around 60 percent of the sales on amazon dot com come from
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small and medium sized companies. but the f t c says when they list on amazon because of fees are requirements forever to dollars the seller makes one of those dollars goes to amazon. i see that it says amounts to a 50 percent. amazon tax, which is ultimately passed along to consumers. because of amazon's reach the f d c. so sellers have little choice but to pay. and it says amazon is also inflating prices of goods because if so, sellers sell their products for less. another platform. the allegation is, amazon basically makes their listing disappear and it's site. we are influenced by only from those that do everything that amazon tells me to do and pay whatever that whatever amazon tells them to pay. amazon is design any wrong doing. the case is expected to take years to work its way through the courts, but experts say it could have a huge impact on the company. if they lose, i think the break up is on the table. it is one of the things that they have to see
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is asking for, but there's a range of outcomes that are possible and including simply borrowing amazon from the various practices that this lots are just complaining about. this is all part of a promise from the biden administration to take on big tech, the f t. c is also suing meta, the parent company of facebook. the justice department is in court right now. it's doing google how these cases turn out will likely have a huge impact on people worldwide. and the way we all use technology going forward, pedagogy in elgin 0, washington to the bought a ton of eagle pass and texas has extended its state of emergency as thousands of live on some south and central america continue to cross into the united states. us officials say 213000 people attempted to cross the border in august, august 8 as high digital castro reports from eagle pass. they are already in america. having passed the middle of the rio grande river between the us and mexico,
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these migrant families have waited into us territory only to find a secret of sharp wires. locking them from us standing the river bank. they decide it won't stop them. the look of terror on this girl's face is matched by the determination on her father's this woman struggles for words. this girl from doris gotten mixed by the razors her father quickly comes to her aid. we'll fix these painful. oh no. but we have to find really wonderful stuff we feed for our lives in home to us. we come to humbly ask for asylum. sometimes us border patrol agents. take pity and help. a cheerful 2 year old crosses the wires and the arms of an agent. his mother is grateful and he just doesn't like being held by anyone else, but her she says there's a brief respite and the people who are just trapped behind this razor wire have all
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been rescued by us border patrol. but this opening still exists. and so we have a rare opportunity to peak behind the razor wire to see just what the circumstances are. the hill is steep and slippery. the sun burns hot. people somehow pass the night here before the rescue for just as quickly as border patrol agents who report to washington open defense to allow people through soldiers who report to the state of texas. quickly, close the fence back up the tv. i'm confused because we just saw the border patrol cutting through this wire. why are you guys putting back more? no comment on the governor of texas says such determines are needed because the by the administration is failing to secure the border. the chief of us border patrol defended his agency's actions tuesday to ask why men and women to sit there and watch them to come to the environment to ask them to watch them,
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get swept away by the river to ask them to watch women and children drown is not something i or anybody else, whatever do these migrants are on their way to find border patrol agents to turn themselves in and to make asylum claims. these others have the poor luck of meeting state police 1st, and so faced a different reception handcuffs at a forced march. behind, then still more people are crossing the river. they take one obstacle at a time, celebrating each step toward their goal. be jo castro. alger 0 ego passed texas, and i started delegations, concluding his visit to the model of the 1st one where you had to have taken place in 30 years. and i have also diet a side you have maybe as non resident on boss that are to the occupied palestinian territories. it would be amazing. the palestinian prime minister and mohammed sat on tuesday also that he also met the president of mood, abbas as well as other senior officials,
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is confirmed the kingdoms commitment to an independent palestinian state. farmer, south african president, nelson mandela, is just one of many prominent politicians to being born in the province of eastern cape. it's also one of the poorest parts of the country. it's been 13 years since the end of apartheid. and many families are still waiting for things to improve. what types of reports from bc? a no media link, baby say she was born in 1958. that's 36 years before a potted ended in south africa. when the governing african national congress took power in 1994 politicians promised to address racial dispatch, he's in land ownership services, and housing normally is still waiting for a free break house built by the government. so the opal court that gave my family stays here in this house. it is not strong, then it can collapse at any time. there are people who have received free housing
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from the state. and besides, the logic is one of them. she said good bye to her might house 2 years ago. i know to this house because it was, was not actual cable because we bought a house. so local officials say navy hosted people in this warrant in the eastern k province. now live in process structure is if you have a rough day, did a mont house, you do not know what really you would do during the lateness of you know, in the house might fall. we used to have do the steps here, warehouses with funding. and we used to have people who have to be placed in, in the community halls. and now we no longer have those because people, we are trying by all means to speed up the process. the other challenges,
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unemployment and service delivery. people used to get water from a raise of well, but the pump was stolen more than 4 years ago and hasn't been replaced. and until services improve, then i'll have to use the said time. some people choose to leave rural areas to find opportunities in towns and cities. many of them end up stay informal settlements. electricity is illegally connected to the facts, which then touched by a that's what happened here. the eastern cape is a good place of several prominent politicians including nelson mandela, but millions he also waiting for that day to life. they were promised at independence communities 30 years ago. how do we toss out? is there is some kids, so that for the indians hosting the 5th world coffee conference, it's aimed at to support drawers by promoting sustained ability produces a bias from more than 90 countries that are attending the event. but it's stephanie decker explains. many pharmacists struggling with rising costs caused by climate
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change. whether you drink it dripped, pressed, steamed or iced. these are some of the beans that wake up off of the planet every morning. and it's water the turns them into your favorite type of coffee. but in the hills of conduct go south west india, where coffee beans grow, which are often ruins production. there's either too much or too little o as a result of climate change. this year there's been 40 percent less rain full than usual during the monsoon season. that's having a direct and costly impact on these coffee farmers last year across the don about 40 to 50 percent. and i'm because i figured i'd take it in buttons and we got dreams when reading sort of come, you know, doing the obviously isn't so many of the coffee duties that you see because of the readings and stats and dropping. and once it drops the clark, the degree is also so that was a major concern last year. the year before that we had a very less things are creating irrigation systems and mechanical drawing methods
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to combat the change and climate is expensive. right, josh is a small scale farmer. he has a 10 acre coffee farm where he also grows other crops, popular weather pattern started shifting. you switch to focusing on the robust being a decade ago, more resilient than the more sensitive but more in demand. a rob, because some of it here that are up to fruit picking. india is coffee is the best in the world. but after picking it becomes the worst coffee in the world to cure it is a very expensive process. small farmers like me. i think we can't afford it, farmers can join the collective it shares and pools resources, making production cheaper. but it's expensive to meet all the criteria and only around one to 2 percent. those in the region of signed up. this is a collective coffee tearing facility beans are teen processed and graded. the progress of one of the best of all, it is free for the days. probably we also did not have the right story,
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but i'm happy to tell you that slowly that the market ever mess is taking place in the end, robust are slowly started getting production and it has been recognized as one of the good covers i bought with either because in most of the bank, so we are hopeful that this i've already green for us. it seems farmers here and now more determined to better market their coffee abroad at the weather. and the climate will have to help stephanie decor. i'll g 0 the, this is all just say that these are the top stories, at least a 100 people have died and dozens of injure dr. of a fire broke out at a wedding in northern iraq. officials say up to a 1000 people the times of the settlement, a newly married couple are among the victims. fireworks may have stopped at the blaze.


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