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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 28, 2023 5:00am-5:31am AST

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staples to trumps, under the rubble of the, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on that, which is era. the us republican, the presidential candidates take the stage for the 2nd debate. it's all get donald trump is once again noticeable for his absence. the dog carry jones misses out this arrow loss from the also coming out, mexico's president looks to take the lead on the regional side is reco numbers of migrants crossed into the united states. the
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funerals are helps of victims of a fire and a wedding in northern iraq. at least 95 people being killed. and a group of young people are taking 32 european countries to quote, for not protecting them from climate change. the . the 2nd debate for republican the presidential candidates is under way in california. for one person who isn't on the stage is a former president donald trump. he's tries to skip the debates and has been addressing auto workers in michigan. no, we're competing with the job candidates. they're all running for a job. now they're all job candidates. they want to be in the they want to jump to anything. secretary of something they even say vp, i don't as anybody see any vpn, the group. i don't think so. a little bit more on some speed shortly with alan,
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especially with that such thoughts in los angeles with john henge and that john, the republican debates is still ongoing. but we understand they've been a couple of voices calling out trump for not attending that's right. the debates about half over, but some of the candidates did point out that trump wasn't there to answer questions about his record or about the subjects. in the debate itself. we had randa santa as a distant number 2 candidate in polls in trunk should be here. he's added 7 trillion dollars to us dad, and he should be here to answer for it. chris christy. the former new jersey governor looked straight into the camera and he said, donald trump, i know you're watching because you can't help it. he said, you keep jacking these debates, you won't answer for your record. and he said, if you keep doing that, we're not going to call you donald trump, we're going to call you donald duck. and that was about the level of the humor so far in that debate. but the candidates also took some serious points on foreign
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policy. they, they clashed on border security exec rama, swami. the businessman said he wants to eliminate a birthright citizenship for people who are born to people who aren't legally in the united states. or that debate has gotten aggressive. a number of people have called out donald trumpet. it doesn't seem to be hurting and be still pulling it over 50 percent. the closest next candidate is, randa sandra said 14 or 15 percent depending on the co would indeed. so whoever is deemed to come out on the top will still have a mountain to climb, to close the gap with trump wednesday of the. that's right. and just put this in perspective, donald trump has been indicted for times on 91 charges. and so far, all that has happened is pulling numbers is they have gone up while the other candidates remain fairly stagnant. nikki haley got a little boost and fundraising and points from her pulling points after her last
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debate appearance. and she's trying to do the same thing in this debate, runs randa santas, and was widely seen is kind of laying back in that last debate. you can see and being more aggressive, he's calling out trump buying name. they all know that while they don't wanna chick off that mega base and anger, those voters, they're gonna have to make inroads, not just with each other, but with trump, who now holds over 50 percent of the republican vote in polls. and the voting starts in iowa in january time is running out these candidates are going to have to separate themselves for the heard and they've got little time to do it. so, and thank you for that. we're staying with this and costing able to add an fishing out live in clinton, township north of detroit. so i don't know what was trump strategy then in the dressing or to cuz instead of appearing at the big republican debate for science only what he's done,
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this is mark miss thoughts of the unofficial presidential election campaign. you have the 2 most prominent figures on both sides coming here to a swing state with an hours of one another. joe biden on tuesday, going to the picket line and standing with striking workers, donald trump coming here to speak to car, what goes. but as a non union factory, so people who are not actually involved in the strike, he's coming to programming, he was hoping that the networks would pick up on his speech and carry it. and some of them did, particularly some of the right wing networks with his supporters, with 10 to migrate. and we had from donald trump the, the usual sort of thing. but he also attacked joe biden and saying that the president's idea of moving to electric vehicles by 2030 by 2033 to of 70 percent of the vehicles on american roads to be mainly electric vehicles. with simply decimate, the american cotton district is something he said again and again. but what he also did was appeal several times for the endorsement of the i mean,
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or to union and the what codes there, because he is aware of it. joe biden, patrice himself is being the most poor. what car pro union president that's ever sat in the white house field, the we a large part of donald trump, the support to make sure that he won in 2020. and donald trump needs them back. if he's to get a 2nd time in the white house, so uh with that visit, then how likely is he to get the support of auto workers in detroit as well. the thing you have to remember is that the unions traditionally but democrats . so joe biden would normally be in prime position. and remember when he appeared on the picket lines on choose the, by his side was the president of the u. e. w, which is the main or to a workers union that's involved in this dispute, which is no strict again to it started week just in the last couple of hours,
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the main negotiator has been very critical of donald trump saying that he's not interested in what goes in fact, the union on his facebook page put up a thing from donald trump saying in 2017 how he was going to protect the car plant in northern iowa is not on ohio. sorry. a 2 years later is that plant close with the loss of thousands of jobs. and they say that donald trump did nothing to help. so they think he's after the airport, but he doesn't actually do anything to help work or so via highlighting that. but what we can guarantee is that if donald trump does become the republican nominee and is the 100 has been explaining, he's in prime position to do that, we're going to see a lot of fuel pipe. and a lot of donald trump in michigan, which is a key swing states come the election next year. oh, is this a lie for us there in michigan? thank you. i taught us senator and his wife, if he did not guilty it in your quotes also being indicted on bribery charges
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prosecute to say it both menendez on his spouse except to thousands of dollars from 3 new jersey businessman to secretly helped me gyptian government. gabriel at his own that has moved from outside the court in new york. it did plead not guilty. uh, just in the last few minutes he just left the court house here with his wife. uh, he had to post a $100000.00 fail and his passport was revoked, so he will not be able to travel outside the country unless its on official a government business. now this is a salacious bribery case, according to prosecutors that involve a mercedes benz gold bars and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash. but essentially what the prosecution is alleging is that the senator who has served the state of new jersey and his 3rd term. and it was once the chairman of the powerful up organizations committee, he passed along secrets to the government of egypt through inter lockers
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one being his wife. and then his wife passing along the secret to a gyptian american businessman, who then pass those messages along to officials in egypt. this was a back and forth over several years, according to prosecutors. and in one case, the prosecutors alleged egypt and government wanted the names of everyone that works in the us embassy and cairo. and that menendez provided that information to his wife, whose incentive to the egypt sion american businessman. he then sent it to the gyptian government. with that record numbers of asylum seekers crossing from mexico into the nighted states president under his mind well depends open the door is quoting for a meeting of foreign ministers from 10 countries across latin america. to discuss
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migration, mexico's leader says he plans to present to us present joe biden with the original plan to address the issue. yeah, what ok is thomas? now what we're seeking is to reach an agreement to face the phenomenon of migration acting on its causes. as we have always said, then we have to arrive as an agreement. it's not just an issue that concerns mexico . it's a structural issue that must be faced. this way, for this reason we will hold the main thing with foreign ministers. i think in the coming team days, townhome and has more not from mexico city. the mexican authorities are having a difficult time right now trying to do with the amount of people that heading through the country. many of them trying to get to the united states of the asylum system. he is completely overmatched at the moment. and the migration authorities rules are struggling to deal with this, especially because a lot of migrant detention center is that the country had. and now out of action,
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many of them as a result of a fire earlier in the year which to migrants. and for that reason does a review and because of that, the tools a lot. so they struggling to find ways to deal with this influx of people. several of the towns in which migrant usually go through, especially in the north, not the models at people on the see that's quite is a sing large numbers of people, thousands of people in those towns as is tip in chula, which is on this in the south of the country with the food, with guatemala, to the point where in top of chula authorities are putting on buses just to take people elsewhere, to what they say to do what they say, the pressure rising. the situation. so is not such a congregation of migrants in top of chula, where are they coming from central america. but also in increasing the south america countries like ecuador to venezuela, venezuela, to ongoing economic problems, ecuador struggling with not quite violent and with political violence,
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especially at this year. so there's a lot of people running, again, free mexico, which mexico isn't really being able to deal with. and for that reason, president, under his manual low piece of the door is cooling for meeting with other countries in latin america at to try and deal with this problem. the cause is but also potentially the poor thing that some of the people from let's go back to the country of origin, so we'll see how that develops. john holman, out to zeta. let's go today. well, many of the migraines. so arising at the eagle pos in texas for matt, heidi joe customer and now reports on another day here on the river between the us and mexico and another stream of people. asylum seekers who are crossing the river . wading through, they just crossed into the united states having passed the middle point of the river, but they're still looking for a way to get up the steep and muddy banks of the rio grande. as you see,
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there are barbed wire is blocking their way and that's why this family of 3 are friends. this group of 3, they're walking, trying to find a way up this bank without getting hurt. the vast majority of people we've spoken to over these last few days had been coming here to seek the assistance of us border patrol. and you can see the families carrying their children on their shoulders, carrying their belongings, foisted about the waters quite cheerful. many of them feeling that this moment is the one moment that they have sacrificed and suffered for so long on their way here from central and south america. from this point after they turn themselves into border patrol, many are expelled immediately. they don't qualify for the option of cleaning asylum in the u. s. given the harsh policies that are being enforced now. but those who are thought to have
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a credible fear and pass that credible fear hurdles, then they are released wearing ankle bracelets, federal monitoring, and released into the community through n g o's that work in this area. we just came from one today, the director telling us of this huge amount of needs that are out there as people show up some of them without shoes, without anything besides the clothes that are on their backs. and she told us to get the most difficult part of doing her job, not only is trying to meet that need, but also knowing that the legal process in front of all of these migrants is so challenging to stay in the us. and that's a hurdle to be granted aside. lumber is so difficult to process. a vast majority of people will eventually face deportation orders. despite their many efforts to reach this point. heidi to castro algae. 0 equals half texas. north korea's parliament has unanimously voted to enshrine its nuclear program in the countries constitution
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. the move follows the speech by the countries lead that came john to the supreme at people's assembly. earlier this week, north korea's ambassador to the united nations said that his country could be pushed to nuclear war by what he called hostile threats from outside. it's been a powerful explosion in those back capital attached. kent local neither is reporting the bloss took place at the customs warehouse near the airport video circulating on social media show a column of flames and smoke rising into the sky. a funeral was, had been held for the more than 90 people who died in a far as a wedding party in a rock embrace started when 5 works. we used inside the venue lockwood on the wall headed reports from home to here in iraq's in is a process the
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waiting. so the reason to and the mess for you in about a day after a flying ripped through the vineyards. not on my head. did they like people when to have fun, but it became the opposite. it was turned upside down and got sadness instead of happiness. i mean, it is a very big tragedy. honestly. yep, mosquito is unbearable and we are very sad. the families now this the, me to overall why about him out of all their families. he lost cool. others loved 500 or so. thanks to god. we are blessed because my son has 3 son lying lucky. if he loved one. 0, and still has to. wow. many spent hours to sing for the loved ones. how much
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do you think i didn't even have my mother in law. we was sitting at the wedding party. she fell over her head. i was with them. we were sitting next to the kitchen and when the door was opened, we got out 3 days. or else we wouldn't have been able to escape neighbors who are trying to help. no trauma ties to swell up to see it when it's half gone bit we heard ambulances and the cause. since on one of these close to the whole, we came out to check what happened to the bodies were being taken out. the young people will flooding through the halls to get out as many people as they could, the little to say fired work started the fire that to, to, through the pack home. name of the materials used in the construction of buildings like this one has the files to spread rapidly. some of the bodies of dead are so badly chart that it is difficult for emergency teams to identify them.
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hopefully she'll say an investigation is under way, and the number of people have been arrested. dr. tod jodi. a stop for the investigation is ongoing. you all know the reason of the fire. i've not, it was the setting of a fires inside the home. the use of fireworks in an unusual way, and as you know, fireworks and not permitted outside of the home, let alone using them inside it also simple for the deadly fires are frequent in the rock. but people here say unto the seat is action is taken to ensure safety and accountability. tragedies like this will happen again. and then a note of them, the rock was still to come on. the private was all the majority of it to show with thousands of ethnic armenians, and using this rule to lead from others by johnny tear feed into our media on the
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a i war with meta and google, he'd stop us chats. g p t gets full access to the internet the the attempt to the rise can take care of one small as induced, wind from the side of his heavy rain falls to the north, and particularly in the hall. carter $63.00 is well above where it should be, but it represents the year in hong she very off of the normal the small range to starting to build in central china late season rain, but not back on expected way. as hong kong was right, is disappearing. almost as heavy and temperatures are coming down as a result of time. we get to friday, the sunny side service of home. she was at least a little less halting. she would, but it's still there all the same. and that raise edging slowly east was just north
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of the yangtze. then as a bit of a gap heavy rain hear me in my turn into a particular focus on the central philippines. not so much, particularly the engine easy, which is mostly still in his dry face. the model seeing right into doing what they should do now there should be a retreat in the launch. lee is so align roughly speaking like this gives you heavy stuff on the western side. ready from good. you're not to be final down so you can ask and on towards carroll or with the right of course is still wanted to back his dentist out dry story for the most part. but it in the fond or some safety in the hindu kush. look what is coming in. that's know, not just light, so it looks like funny significance there a little early in the season. and the
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good thing out is there a reminder of the headlights? the 2nd debates for republican the presidential hopefuls is ongoing in california. some of the candidates have taken a mcdonald. trump's absence should be on the stage to defend these actions. the
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president of mexico is quoted for a meeting of foreign ministers from 10 countries across the election. america to discuss migration, a record number of migrant subbing. crossing into the united states for mexico, funeral is all being held in northern iraq, or at least 95 people have been chosen dozens injured after fiber accounts at the wedding. 9 people who are interested in investigations on the way front says um, best to attend this year, has left the capital in the army and after a month long standing just submit it to june to order to so then you to to leave the country in august a virus was refusing to recall him, saying it did not recognize the gentle legitimacy. because hawkins in greece soon says he's not due to the french in bounce that are to share with freed french hostages. were held captive in this a hell before being released. last march. now, as the wind heading home,
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he and the french diplomats are back in paris after spending 33 days locked inside the french embassy, food rations, french president michael, has been accusing these years, didn't have holding his in bassett, or in staff hostage since august, protest declared outside the compound, demonstrators, calling on the french ambassador to leave a request made by new shares, genta, but the french refused to recognize the legitimacy of the coo and would not cooperate until now and then put in the parking. we are winning the game against france and we are colonialism. so the departure of a bus, there is a victory. they don't want just the ambassador gone outside the barracks, housing, french troops, the chance get out anger and their presence is spreading. on sunday, president mccoy announcing the withdrawal the french troops before the end of the year. not soon enough for the 2 intended supporters. the french military have been stationed in the country since independence these years june,
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to want them to leave as soon as possible. i mean, it's been too long since transported to, i'm here to media, but they haven't been able to get to it. it isn't. so they have to be a motive. french troops have been used to secure the uranium extracting activities, the french company. well, i know who owns the rights to all of the countries. mines. the yellow cake, as it's known, is exported to europe's nuclear power plants. uranium from a poor african nation being used to power a rich european white. republican french have turned into a nucleus superpower from people who remain poor and without access to electricity . this is the cause of enormous frustration and anger for the people over the chair, even if many are against the call. the main issue is to get rid of the colonizers that continue to exploit or resources without us benefiting from it. despite being
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a leading exporter of the precious metal, new air remains one of the porous countries in the world. the demonstrators say the country was taken hostage by the interest of the former pulling your power agenda and promising to set new share for nicholas hawk alger 0 holden for the 7000 ethnic armenians. and now that they're going to car back us off. the also by johnny forces took control of the break away region in the lightning miniature operation. as much on says it last 192 minutes repass now doing its 24 hour miniature operation to take control of the region last week. some of it and drop it is in the city of shoes with more. it's in the motion to adjourn the for tens of thousands of people and they take this load coming from to find that good are function the going to the loss in the car door into armenia, packing whatever they can and leaving in whatever vehicle they can find and those
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that do not work with them all the way, leaving them on the side of the road with all that was packed on it. it is also an important day for us to advise on these who are committed 18 to 2020 waterville armenia, which their military, one and armenian forces were pushed back as they are come emanating it by children going to school, the slides and flowers as people coming to pay respect to their loved ones, not just this war, but they've lost a lot in the last few decades. and the scars are still on the congestion wanted to well. so it was 19, i still remember who was murdered on the 16th of august. i am happy because of our martyrs. we got back her land. husband. i do not want revenge. you think? yes you us and it is not just the emotional costs. the military says that it has lost a $192.00 of its service members in the latest operation that it carried out. and more than 500 have been wounded as when it just goes to show what are the new
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officials have been telling us in the beginning that they were actually surprised with the kind of weaponry that they had from the kind of munitions they had found. and the preparedness that they found would because separate this ethnic, i mean the and fight is who have now agreed to disarm lead down their weapons and agreed that administrative control of whole it, of god about the region is going to be with positive identity forces. so majority of the 0 to show a group of young people are taking us $32.00 european countries to quote and a bit to force them to do more to tackle climate change. they say that human rights saw already being violated due to the changing environment that amongst has the store. a raging wildfires in our regular feature of the southern europe some of the season but places in portugal, 6 years ago that killed 66 people could now bolster
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a legal case named forcing nations to speed off action to reduce emissions. 6 young people, aged 11 to 24, assuming 32 european governments in strasburg front. so the european court of human rights among them. sophia olivera. if you want to take action and show you that you are capable to change the planet and for the generation that is good. you have to have any respect and listen to our legal team, say the current climate policies of those nations will not reduce emissions as much as required to retain the clients quality of life. we're talking about he's extremes, which would impact their ability to exercise, develop doors that we can find indoors for significant periods of time within the next time. so we're talking about concrete time we're talking about emissions from across your impact you or if the 6 can prove those impacts violate the human rights . the implications could be very costly for the governments involved. the hearing
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today could be an opportunity to deliver a legally binding decision that would require governments to act because they have sales tax. despite having the resources to adopt more in vicious climate policies. the cold scram chain but is hearing several similar cases this year. in march, a group of women from switzerland have their own day and quote, 2 people have it in their power to change the course of history. they argue the swift governments fail to act on climate change and so infringe that right to life . the europe human rights convention guarantees the court will likely read on both cases and a 3rd from france at some point next year. but as climate change on its consequences continue to expand similar cases in europe and beyond could soon do the same. the months out as era. users of all sufficient intelligence platform chats,
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a g p t co access up to date, internet data. the parents company opened a i a says browsing is no longer limited to information before september 2021. g p t. now also has a voice assistance feature, challenging the market dominance, so free to assess as google and siri open a i s as an adult in this will provide users with the current and of thought to the information with direct links to sources. the, the, this is officer, the so the top stories. the 2nd debate for republican presidential hopefuls in the us is ongoing in california. some of the candidates have taken aim of donald trump substance saying he should be on the stage to defend his actions from engine has more from the centuries. trump is so popular among the republican base, he doesn't even have to show up to these debate.


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