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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 2, 2023 10:00am-10:31am AST

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as we look towards and bob way next in life will be as an idea, but you could set a record for the month of october 1st on monday, before your temperatures fall on tuesday. the dozens of people injured in a huge fire and a police headquarters in northeastern egypt. the answer of any aid is great to have you with us. this is elsa 0, lived from doha. also coming up this our, we examine the rise and reports of sexual violence and the conflict in sedan will be live in cartoon and across the border in chad. aus is here a games exclusive access to the abandoned capital of us or by johns count back
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region. often nearly all is ethnic or median. population slid and the arrival of unprecedented numbers of migrants and refugees takes a total of 10 mazda indigenous communities in their way. of life the that will begin with this breaking news out of northeastern egypt. a huge fire has engulfed the security director of the building in the city of his my area. the area is on the west bank of the sways canal. officials say the fire has been contained, but the cause not yet known. the health industry is reporting at least 38 people had been injured. there are local media reports that nearby hospitals have been put on. alerts. is maley is one of the cities that overlooks egypt sways canal of bites, a waterway between asia and europe that sees about 10 percent of the world's maritime trade. sar. akira is the founder and director of european north african
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center for research. you're joining us from car, from cairo today. look, accidental fire is absolutely do happen, sorry, but in this case, given the nature of the building, the security directory, we have to ask whether there might be something more to this. your 1st thoughts when you saw the security director, it was on fire as well. thank you for having me. first, thoughts on the buyers i to 12 and a merely an accident specially that egypt as witnessing the presidential elections and a couple of months from now and the police departments has been always a target for sumter attack. so addictions woke up to this news today in science go, there are no desk casualties in that incident, but a official statements hasn't mentioned anything more than it's just an accident
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now with the timing and the place and the fact that it's again another police department that it might be the start of some, something before the elections and it might be just one another accident. sure. you say the timing and the place or notable talk to us about that. well, the timing that the new to campaigning has been started and a component for the presidential elections. uh, a lot of uh, speculations about that in cairo and on a level see are among a egyptians that we might face, another bum beings or other to attacks. you know, the tyra has face that before and we don't want any turbulence before the election so, so hopefully it's not the start of something ugly before the election. and especially that, again, another police department,
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another coastal city that has the importance of so hopefully it's not this type of something ugly. and it might be a just another accident just as it's been stated, you say police is often attacked by home. oh, you know, it does, it does the, the egypt floor on terror locally and especially inside the night has taken a lot of the egyptian resources and a lot of the egyptian stones. and um, we have spent a lot on securing, especially cairo because it's been all over the news that everywhere has been fired is after the, the, the out set of i was to the muslim brotherhood. uh well, we did not say any speculations now on a it might be a tire attack or not, but you know, we have been,
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we had ice is in by 9. there might be another element just so hiding in the city like this. my la uh so it might be another um, no we, we have seer of terror attacks, and we have witnessed that ever since the 2011 resolution and then the 2013 over lucian. we have had elements that didn't respect the desire of the egyptian people and hopefully we, we, we do, we don't experience that again from a brief hold. we appreciate that you're trying to, you know, not go beyond what we know. and we know very little at this point while also bringing us insights in analysis. and that's exactly why we wanted to talk to you. can you talk to us about the challenge that something like this, quote, a rep present to egyptian authorities. because this is one link in the entire security apparatus that's been attacked and it's,
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it's been weeks. i beg your pardon, let me correct that language. we don't know that it has been attacked. there was a fire. let me correct that language even, but it has been weakened in a very visible way. a. mm hm. yes. well, the fact that it's, it's fire knots, a bomb or something bar the door, a car, or like we used to, to have inside the streets of cairo before, like the many instance. so the fact that it's fire a not a boom bang card or anything. uh, this gives it like 60 percent of might be an accident, but again, again, the fact that this plays precisely is on fire especially. but this kind of places have huge security, have a specialized ambulance cars all with a nearby. uh it's
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a very important place. so to be set some fire in that timing of the day and in that place, especially, we have to wait for the laboratory, the criminal rather laboratory. of course there will be statements if it's, if it's an incident, if it's a just an accident, we would say, well, thank god, if it's not, then i think there will be a lot of statements about it and, and details on how it happened. but things got it's not to bump or anything. yeah. so it might still be an accident because it's just the fire and everything. it might be a careless as somebody's behavior. we hope we hope some curtis big behavior, but the timing and the city and the building itself gives us an insight or maybe a little bit of analysis, but it might be set up. and you've definitely put that on our radar sar. akira
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founder and director of the european north african center for research. thank you for joining us. this our to the united nations. it says sexual violence is increasingly being used as a weapon of war in sedan. attacks have become wide spread as the army and parent military rapids support forces baffled for control. more than a 130 cases have officially been reported, but rights activists say the real number is much higher. addresses in neighboring chad with sit in these refugees, reflect the conflict, and we'll come to you in a moment 1st. so let's go to hibbon morgan in cartoon. you've been working on this for a while. have a, tell us what you've been finding out what we know that the cases that have been reported to the governmental units here in the capital for 2 and elsewhere around the country just represents the tape of the iceberg. that's what the unit has told us. that's what that rights groups are saying,
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and they say that that's because of fear of repercussions. now, many people, especially women, are still in conflict zones. there's field traps and the fighting between the cities army and the parent military rapids support forces here in the capital for 2 . and between be the did their, their tribes and the militias and the rest staff in other parts of the country such as are 4. so they all concerns the security concerns by those who have suffered sexual violence at the hands of arms groups, or rather whether it's the parent minute through rapid support forces or malicious . and so not many cases got reported, but the few get that that do get reported there always horror stories behind them. many people trapped in the conflict between dance army and the parent military rapids support horses fear losing their lives to us. treat bullets or artillery shelling, but for some women, another fear has surfaced the threats of sexual violence to go now it's because of
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them. we were going to pick up things from a home. there was a rapid support for his check point on the road. they took us to a building about 4 people carrying guns took me to a bedroom and they said, either you give in, we take your life. one pushed me on the bed. the other gripped my wrists and just said was how do my leg line and they took turns raping me ahead. of 2 words. they told me to leave and the session couldn't walk. the r, as of commander, was questioning me, asking if i was a spy, 100 and i kept saying i was a civilian. then he rates me at gun point. when he was done, he took me outside and threw me towards the men and said, threatened her with guns, so she doesn't speak. they said, don't talk about this. if you do, we will kill you. most survivors say they're attack cuz we're members of the rapids support forces. the power military group is also accused of forcing women into sexual slavery in the west and are for region a government agency. the unit for combating violence against women has documented
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more than $130.00 cases of rape and sexual violence since the fighting began in april. while dozens of cases have been reported in conflict zones, the unit says that those do not reflect the real number of survivors of sexual abuse. and that shame and stigma are prevents in many cases from being reported. rights group say sexual violence is being used to terrorize communities and that's some assault appear to be recently multi rated. the u. n. has called for accountability. the part is the conflict, most states the responsibility for preventing any active, sexual and gender based violence committed by their members. and should issue command orders that private sexual violence. allegations of these crimes must be investigated and perpetrators must be held accountable. a rape as a weapon of war is not new. for decades,
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armed groups have been accused of violations in dar 4 and of areas to date. no one has been held accountable for you believe this time will be different people, morgan, onto 0. so people, especially women who are still trapped, still have the fear of reporting that they have been sexually abused or violated by their perpetrates is. now we have spoken to doctors rights groups. also, they say that case is as young as 9 years old, have been reported to be sexually assaulted by wearing policies here, especially with the parent made it through rapid support forces. it says worth noting that the rapids support forces has previously denied being involved. and in these allegations, but many survivors say that that is not true. and they say they want accountability . but as long as the fighting is ongoing, and with no additional or a comfortable it's and they kind of some in place, they doubt that they will be seeing any accountability any time soon. hey beth, thank you very much for bringing us those voices. that's had been morgan reporting
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from car to let me turn now to address your in the andre, in chad. ahmed jets, just near the sudanese border, hundreds of thousands of sydney's refugees have fled to chad. what have they shared about sexual violence? incidentally, a shocking accounts several, i can tell you shucking accounts. yesterday on sunday we met some of the victims and it was quite a struggle for me to finish the interview. the account of one of the victims, a survivor was so shocking that she couldn't even conclude the interview. she was crying to out. first of all, this, ah hi, count of a rape. 4 months ago was the 1st and she was raped last year, just weeks before her wedding. and this year to she was targeted simply because her
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husband was an activist. and the account to she was giving us was sore hardaway, that it was so difficult for us to even conduct the interview. and now doctors unhelpful because in this comes, are telling us this is just a small fraction of the number. this has picked up houses of cases happening our have already happened and simply because they notice depression and sexual violence . and of course rate is such a huge issue among communities here that many of the victims don't, are not willing to talk about. joining me to a co pay about these cases is doctor price on a broken man, who himself was displeased by the butler's latest valez in debt for he works at the general hospital. the engineer not any hits. the women and children unit of the hospitals has been working as a volunteer doctor in these comes dr. thank you for joining us. how wide spread, what have you observed? how wide spread is these cases?
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i mean are these cases it comes to like this? there are hundreds and thousands of cases here in the calm, but because of concert double, and even the victims, they feel that it's shipped to talk about such stuff to 10, somebody and even community. you have been great if you'd shim, that's why we don't have on a quick start to stick. but i'm as soon as i know it's a lot of cases. and when they suffer from mental problems, they would come out of the committee, can scan and even they use it to suffer from medical problems not only sexual and violence, they use it to suffer from such issues and even other people's you know, because being survivor from automate the conflict area data, it's gonna affect in or something. no doctor, you're talking about giving them treatment. do we have enough facilities? we're talking about more than $400000.00 refugees in eastern charge,
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nor do we have enough resources like counselors, like doctors, like medicines. some of them have been damaged. for example, some of the cases we met, they are talking about in fractions. and it's, it's so difficult for them to sort of relate these to doctors like you and we have enough facilities to deal with these cases. i mean, victims of sexual violence. no, unfortunately, we don't have enough facilities and even has presented an even social worker to provide such services for them. but absolutely be that need of such services regarding psychological support and even sometimes some of them they're in need of a medical innovation. i myself, on a political mind, we were working on this as the dentist refused to come clinic, we use it to provide tend skin for other people and even psychological support for such victims. but unfortunately, we had been and stopped working because of absence of kind of support for our come
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clinic. thank you, dr. 5. the on the drum. and basically, what doctors unhelpful workers are telling us here is that they could offer some help as long as we have these facilities to deal with such cases. but unfortunately, these cases, uh the, so send, it is not a valid but they were talking about people, women, good young goes as young as 101315 will have to write a way back into an jeanina, a danger zone in order to run away from members of their families because of the shame they feel, and of course the guilt they felt they were popular. responsible sarah med address, thanks to you and your team for being in andre to bring us this vital story. and thanks to your guest, as well as our appreciate it. a turkey a says it carried out 0 strikes. targeting a suspected kurdish armed group in northern iraq on sunday, just hours after a suicide bomber detonated the device outside the ministry of interior. an inquiry you're seeing the security footage there of that attack. the defense industry says
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a large number of fighters from the credit stand workers party or p k. k, were killed in the turkish retaliatory strikes, sent them. costello joins us live from and kristen and what as the investigation revealed at less than 24 hours after the attack. the investigation was immediate attack in the capital on car. on the sunday it was still under way. however, what we have learned from the turkish authorities, mainly the interior ministry, said one of the chief surface where you have been a has been identified as in a recent statement on sunday nights to solve that. that purpose, right there was a member of the household for the summers. as far as the p k. k, the 2nd perpetrators still needs to be i did apparently, what i have learned from that is it is the investigation officers were able to identify the per perfect right to a based on
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d. n. a samples, a true, his relative in to kia is so far what, what else we know about the situation is that if a police has been conducting raise on some, uh, some places in is more then it's winter district into cities assemble and literally at northwest in turkey city eh, eh, eh, go those rates a those ways they were able to arrest some particular sympathizers and some call of races who have been raising money to help the p k. k, members outside to care. so investigation is underway, police is working hard to find every detail, every connection relates to those square foot spaces. and as we have all mentioned, 2 bedrooms and she'll go to bell to continue the 4th, i guess, to pick a k inside and outside to get back to houses 0. send them costello reporting from
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anchor. thank you very much then and that was a 0. his game exclusive access to the largest city of the camera, back region after it was recaptured by about john from ethnic armenians. and this is what our team witnessed in hon. kennedy. empty streets, deserted homes, and closed businesses. more than a 100000 people living in the region have fled, the neighboring or media were the only a small fraction state. and that is despite also by john assurances that they will be integrated as equal citizens options. there was a some, a bunch of aid has this exclusive report from home can be, as you've been seeing pictures from the fund can be in the last few days, tens of thousands of people who lined up the square with all that was they could carry with them a people who were in the cars were chewing up to leave outside and,
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and leave the city. but people who are here or waiting for buses for their relatives, for others to come and take them with them as they did not believe the assurances that were given by the other badge on the government that they would not be a prosecutor here in the town. center, if i go quiet, you'd be able to hear nothing. there is absolutely no one who's left here. apart from a few elderly disabled and others, we did see some red cross workers who are here earlier, who are taking people, ferrying them away and taking them to a staging point. from there, they're going to take them into armine, and that's what people want here. let me just show you. here are some puppies, who've been following this around, possibly looking for food. this is, this is a hard to describe feeling on when you enter a town where you've been looking at pictures of it, where there was so much activity. but now a goes down,
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which seems to have no soul left. as between a driving through this town we've looked at open shuts is we've left it and they've got the cause of their doors. they're open up so it does feel like this was an exit . so it's feels like with people, thoughts that they are, they have to leave as quick as they can. adobe, we're hearing a vendor outside of fund can be from, as they're, by joining officials that they, they're free to stay. they, they have nothing to fear. but you have to understand the history of the last 3 decades. is that because there's been so much hatred, so much violence? there's been so much of that has gone on between these 2 sides. that it was difficult people's this. imagine what piece between the 2 sides would look like the 2 years ago when i mean you and forces came in, they renamed all of these areas with armenian names. this used to be known as con, can the other places like hold you late and cobra jar were also named with other
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birds any names, but they would change once armenian forces to control of these areas and is self declared state came into place, but now otherwise i need to have come into administrative, administrative control. we've also been seeing ambulance is to give, make sure that there is some, a, some sort of relief for people who met the i, c r c. we awesome. and they said that it is going to help them to ensure that the people who are left behind have a good some essential services available, the electricity. but you can see the lights are still running, the water is still running. i'll do a brokers tell us that they can be sure of the who are, who are the people used to run the water supply are no longer here and behind this is now the, the vehicle is left is where the russian peacekeepers were station because this was it was a staging point where people are gathering and leaving, but this is what a city without people looks like it is, seems that we have never seen before,
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but such a huge mazda of population got up and left, leaving all that they could leave behind. with them and just taking their memories and all they could pack on their cars with them. that's a some of engine of a their reporting from the car back region where a un mission arrived on sunday. it's the 1st time the you and gets access to the region and 3 decades. the team will assess the humanitarian need in an area of it's been almost entirely emptied of its population. the panama is wanting that these huge numbers of migrants crossing the darian gap is threatening the environment. half a 1000000 people are expected to pass through the far the rain forest by the end of this year. let's see a newman has this report from behind. you keep the on the edge of the diary and get of the panama is 130 kilometers long vivian gap is one
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of the world's most dangerous jungles. it sparsely populated by small indigenous communities. with an unprecedented wave of hundreds of thousands of migrants between the perilous journey across the gap is an attempt to reach the united states is threatening to once pristine rain forest. backward you people, population 300 is receiving between 2 and a half 1005000 miles a day. and the impact is obvious. within the 57 year old daughter is over here in indigenous community, policeman or staff i was born here or a law. what body? well, the water up river is contaminated with clothes and the dead body. so the migrants that don't make it so we can drink that. we're what are any more than what we can even keep to pay our whole choose are now everywhere attracted by the odor of human excrement and rubbish. the village, which has no sewerage, electricity,
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or portable water since we cannot cope at the 1st 18 doctor, i did. then vandal express disappears, of an outbreak of diseases like color. when we 1st reflect, this is, this is a place where an epidemic can break at the snap of the fingers because of the of a card and conditions in such tiny space where people are arriving from all over the world. we have no way to deal with an emergency the migrants remaining from venezuela, but also from as far away as bangladesh, africa, china, and the me least, the indigenous haven't, but i, people have been living here in this jungle for hundreds of years. these children, for example, learn to swim before they could even walk. but while this whole may look very idyllic, nami, the constant influence of thousands and thousands of migrants is not only threatening the health of this area, but also these people's way of life. the indigenous leaders of 4 villages want to
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end the cows able to found that it's important that these migrants be put into a special camp so that they do not mix with the local people. because we don't know what they bring, and they can also be sleeping with our women and impacting our culture with a great many to reduce incest. they're also benefiting from the wave of migration. people like, is it, as it was set up with food stall and provides wi fi services? it's how the whole town a lot. and the other 3 indigenous towns along ariba because we women are now sending food and that helps our children in the family. we make a lot of more money now. business is so good that many of the community have a band in their fields with bananas, horn, and rice. beyond the benefits and drawbacks of this phenomena, the majority of people here want the government to enact changes and improve conditions, not just for the migrants in transit, but for the indigenous communities that in gap who for
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a long forgotten to see and human out to 0 that in depth, panama. that's it from me 0 then. yeah, yeah. next analysis here is whether the inside story looks at the worsening security situation in pakistan to stay with us more world news at the very top of the the hello. well, summer just does not want to let go across siberia hope you're doing well. so here's a story by the numbers. plenty of sun, we've got weather alerts and play up and down the coast of portugal for just how high these temperatures are. we look how hot it's going to be in lisbon. the record for october $32.00. your temperature will bauble around 2829. 30. over the next several days. it's going to be a week long heat wave. for a central europe bit more in the way of cloud cover here,
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but things not that bad word starts to get a bit dicey is turkey and we've got wet weather in the picture here. breezy for is stumble. this patch of what weather for turkey is ne black sea coast. this is an area prone to flooding and certainly we could see some over the next 24 hours. few showers will run into the island of britain mostly contain to england in wales, i think and still is unusual rain in this har. i hear a stretching from new jerry right into southern libya, or whether it's in play for southwest, maybe a century. downpours could produce some flash flooding here, while debris says knocked back temperatures ins and bob play next in line will be sandy. i. but you may say her record for the month of october. a number to beat is 37.2. you're 36 on monday before those temperatures dropped big time on tuesday. the, you need to talk to
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the teams to a vindication of think, terrorism and approval patient head of the presidential elections in october with fearless journalism and in depth coverage to 0 is when you close to the last of the story of the powers pocket started dealing with the security threats emanating from afghanistan, islam a body has reported an increase in cross border attacks by the park hasanti sullivan. what's behind this search? and is the telephone government doing enough to stop? this is inside store the .


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