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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 2, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the issue, whatever i'm looking forward from, i think let's talk to in quote, on which is 0. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world to what we've been using kind of files that matter to you, the highest give me about 4 people carrying guns took me to a bedroom and they said, either you given we take your life, the u n is warning against the rising use of sexual violence and the conflict in sedan will be live in khartoum and across the border and chat the time. so then yeah, it's great to have you with us. this is elza 0 life from the also coming up europe and union foreign ministers meeting keyed in their 1st summit outside the blocks
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borders. dozens of people have been injured in a huge fire at a police headquarters in northeastern egypt. from darian and us, scientists are what are the nobel medicine prize for their work on technology? the tape, the way for cobit 19 vaccines. the is just after 11 o'clock, gmc gmc, and we start with the war in sudan where the united nations is warning against a rise in sexual violence. in the months long conflict attacks have become increasingly wide spread as the army and paramilitary rapids support forces battle for control. more than a 130 cases have officially been reported. but rights groups say that the real number is much higher. addresses in chad where sidney's refugees have fled 1st. so we'll go to sedans, capitol hill. but morgan is in car to feel the sexual violence is one of the
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hardest things to bring to light in any conflict. what have you found out with your reporting of what we found that there are many victims of and survivors of sexual violence, not just in the carpets, some sort of 2, but the elsewhere around the country as well. now let's break it down the units out for come back to violence against women. a governmental agency says that they are more than $130.00 cases. nearly 70 cases reported here in the capital of to them from mid april when the fighting spotted between the r a stuff and the army up until mid september. and then they're about 50 cases in yet light installed at our for more than 20 cases in west the dark, where the iris f and demolition attacks. people forcing tens of thousands rather hundreds of thousands to cross the border into neighboring chad. now this is just the tip of the iceberg. many people say that the figures are likely higher, but because of the fact that the conflict is still ongoing and that many women are
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still in areas where they're perfect traits of are they cannot support. we spoke to some of the survivors and a wanting to be or is would be here. maybe distressing. many people trapped in the conflict between dance army and the parent minute, 3 rapids support horses fear losing their lives to a straight bullets or artillery shelling. but for some women, another fear has surfaced the threats of sexual violence to go now it's because of them. we were going to pick up things from a home. there was a rapid support for his check point on the road. they took us to a building about 4 people carrying guns took me to a bedroom and they said, either you've given we take your life. one pushed me on the bed. the other gripped my wrists and just said was how do my leg line? and they took turns raping me ahead of 2 words. they told me to leave and the session couldn't walk. the r, as of commander was questioning me, asking if i was a spy 100 and i kept saying i was
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a civilian. then he rates me at gunpoint. when he was done, he took me outside and threw me towards the men and said, threatened her with guns, so she doesn't speak. they said, don't talk about this. if you do, we will kill you. most survivors say their attack cars were members of the rapids support forces. the power military group is also accused of forcing women into sexual slavery in the west and are for region a government agency. the unit for combating violence against women has documented more than $130.00 cases of rape and sexual violence. since the fighting began in april. the wilds, dozens of cases have been reported in conflict zones. the unit says that those do not reflect the real number of survivors of sexual abuse. and that shame and stigma are prevents in many cases from being reported rights group say, sexual violence is being used to terrorize communities. and that's some assault
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appear to be racially motivated. the un has called for accountability. the part is the conflict must state the responsibility for preventing any active, sexual, and gender based violence committed by their members. and should issue command orders that private, sexual violence. allegations of these crimes must be investigated and perpetrators must be held accountable, rape as a weapon of war is not new. for decades, armed groups have been accused of violations in dar 4 and of areas to date. no one has been held accountable for you believe this time will be different. people morgan onto 0100 through now you probably heard the sound of artillery behind me just a few minutes ago. serial and it shows that the fighting between the iris half and the to the news army is still very much ongoing and therefore the cases of sexual abuse and rapes awesome ongoing. we spoke to a doctor in
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a hospital in the man and he said that over the past 10 days, he has treated at least 5 cases of sexual violence. some of them as young as 9 years old. ah, survivors of sexual violence. so it is still very much ongoing, but the reporting is not as much as the number of cases or actual survivors. now the unit says the unit for come back to violence against them and says, but while they are getting reports, the fear of repercussions, the shame and the stigma are some of the reasons why people don't report. and therefore, the number of cases they have to not to present a accept more than 2 percent. it's just 2 percent of the actual cases of sexual violence and raped that has happened since the fighting began in mid april. yeah, here, but i thank you for bringing us this important story even as we hear the bombing and the artillery behind you, that's him, oregon reporting from car to him. and we continue else has years coverage of sexual violence in the cities conflict with an ottoman address. ahmed during andre, and chad or tens of thousands of people have taken refuge. what have you found?
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if you're talking about 400000 people here in that rate and environs, in fact, there are 3 camps like this, which a holding points or building centers for refugees flowing from so done, especially from the west of our region to this place. and there is another logic come outside from here that holds about a $170000.00 refugees to be a document that has been documented and not been created for now the victims that you, we talked to people we spoke to here in the comes most of the victims that tell you that they've been attacked either been internally displaced, process camp inside. so then on their way to safety. now what they tell you is for hardaway for both the victim and the joint. i'm just asking the question, doctors in this cab that we've spoken to said they've come across several cases. they talking about hundreds,
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if not thousands of victims in these camps. how do they know they know by the presentation or the, the way they see the victims that with go depressed and they have several issues with themselves. and most of them who cannot praise the rejection from their family members have to go back into west f o y been just still exist in order to leave that live. i don't know whether that is a death wish or something like that, but that is a situation right now. but again, when you speak to these victims from one come to another from age group to age, group of women that was spoken to it's so difficult also distressing for everybody as much as know, todd, really but how pete is survive of rape. she is inconsolable but then i cried for a health problem to to have the attack is stressed and this is lisa gag. to me with
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a piece of cough the say full to me into available she says that a todd repeatedly because she refused to disclose the whereabouts of a husband of an activist. about this wasn't the 1st and last most assaulted in printer to into, to before her wedding. she tells us she was also raped. she says, she couldn't tell anyone, then, not even high family. for the rejection, the i went to the hospital but couldn't bring myself to tell them this is i was right to where you're going to health care. what can i say? there are hundreds of unreported cases of sexual bothers among the women and children arriving in eastern chad after escaping devices would then dr. say most cases of rape are not reported because of the all stigma pregnancy as a result in from such attacks rarely time united because of cultural and religious
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beliefs, the victims are often left to deal with the chroma and stigma alone. so they've done this social worker heavy about drug man. it meets a major crisis as unfolding as many survivors of sexual bodies have been rejected by their families to live with them. and let's see if we could get help. the victims recovery process could begin, but at the moment there's nothing to work with. when you go to the hospitals, there aren't even enough beds for emergency cases. hospitals and agencies are focused on providing food to more than $400000.00 refugees and treating the critical deal rape cases on a priority right now. which means survivors of sexual bias like asthma was find ways to bad, bad grieve and pain inside me is how many degrees obviously to agree on the charge. so then board now the situation on the ground is such that
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there are no medical facilities, no consultants, no social workers to deal with, to help these victims to deal with the problems. now these problems are continuing to mount. you're talking about more than a 1000000 refugees from west africa alone, who thousands of them have gone through this process somehow. some of them have been taught repeatedly 600000 from complex into, for like, for, for example, this lady was spoken to. we still married. she's been attacked even last year and been out several of such a case. i see a doctor is all confused as to what to do with this one. when we go to the hospital, as they say when they go to the hospital for consultation and for help, they really cannot be held simply because the baby isn't enough for somebody to doctors more warning with more critical issues like saving lives, like people bleeding to death or children hanging in for the life 0. yeah. address reporting from audrey and chad. thank you so much for that reporting. a european
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union. the foreign ministers have been meeting in the ukrainian capital, keep in their 1st summit outside the blocks borders. the issue is foreign policy chief justice burrell described ukraine as a future member of the union. he said they were meeting and keep, to show solidarity with the ukrainian people. his name is robbie reports from moving in ukrainian in perhaps one of the clearest signals from the e u. about his commitment to ukraine. 27, you members, all countries represented meeting in keep holding their 1st you council meeting outside of the european union for the 1st time in keep the capital of ukraine. a country that is currently at war. joseph burrell, the you foreign policy chief, making it clear, saying that once again, re committing a point that he's made before that ukraine's future isn't the issue. and that the russian warren ukraine is an existential threat and not just to ukraine,
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but to all of europe. to be discussed at the meeting today, our plan is going forward for the new military aid commitments from the european union to ukraine. they'll be discussing everything from artillery ammunition, air defense, training of ukrainian forces, as well as developing ukraine's domestic defense production infrastructure. now this comes just a day after the united states removed ukraine from its latest spending bill, but it hasn't come since days after slovakia elected a pro russian government in just a few weeks after a disagreement over ukrainian grain ending up on the market seem to cause fractions between ukraine and some of its closest allies, including poland. and if there was ever any question about ukraine's allies and their support for the war at this meeting of sending a clear signal to ukrainians to the view as well as to moscow. then when it comes to claim, the majority of you countries with the use speaks in one voice in terms of its long
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so long term support for ukraine in this conflict thing. but strategy ultra 0 look like a huge fire, has engulfed to the security director at building and the city of is my area in northeastern egypt. and the area is on the west bank of this weighs canal officials say that the flames have now been contained the cause of the blaze, not yet known. the health ministry is reporting at least 38 people have been injured. and local media are reporting that nearby hospitals have been put on alerts is mainly as one of the cities that overlooks egypt, sways canal, a vital waterway between asia and europe, that sees about 10 percent of the world's maritime trade. still a head on alice's 0. it will tell you why the candidates, who are the candidates for the presidential election in our gene argentina, the the latest news, as it breaks libya's from the west of the cover. the cub,
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even echoes falls lines to how those the need in this particular divide the nation with detailed coverage. this hospital was for showed during the rescue operation time continues to be for those who lost the homes from around the world. and i just thought of georgia milanese message is that this is a european border as well as an autonomy in one, requiring a european solution, the a thought provoking ons, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate, but there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews, do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the democracy in the process basically entities do you see that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other. i think there is a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on tools to how does air on counting
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the cost of trouble in one of the china is biggest shadow. big news, the showing these economy of risk rising fuel prices and makes pulling currency angry in serious over the economic crisis. plus uranium price is at their highest level in more than 12 years. counting the cost analysis, the or the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching alpha 0, roman reminder of our headlines. this our, the un says sexual violence is being used as a weapon of war and sedan, rape and sexual assaults has become wide spread as the army and paramilitary rapids support forces baffled for control. european union in foreign ministers have been
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meeting and the ukrainian capital keys in their 1st summits outside the blocks borders. the use foreign policy changes at burrell said that they were meeting and keith to show solidarity with the ukranian people. a huge fire has engulfed the security director in the building and the city of the smiley, a northeastern egypt. the health ministry is reporting at least 38 people have been injured. officials say the fire has now been contained or scientists, katelyn carrico and dru vice men had been awarded the 2023 nobel prize for medicine . they received the award for their research that led directly to the 1st m, r, and a vaccines to fight cobit 19. at least 13000000000 doses of corona vaccines have been administered around the world. hope all reese is in stockholm for us. paul. tell us more about miss kareka mister weissman, and they're incredible. unlikely journey to this nobel prize. yeah, it's a real under dog story, isn't it? especially calculating kareka, united. this has been,
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had likes work. looking into m r and i use like savings struggled for about 30 years to get anyway with it. for many, many, many years. we could hardly get any funding, hardly any recognition at all. in fact, she was demoted from a position at the university in pennsylvania in 1995. because all of her, all of our attempts for funding, i would just being ignored. and a lot of scientists, when that happens simply dropped out of the field. and she had a lucky meeting, i think with the withdrew weisman over assaulted copying machine at true weiss when in an engine all with just at university of pennsylvania have been working on immunization against each all of a. he was intrigued by how work they worked together, worked on m r, and he's like, seems uninsured that this m r and a molecule didn't from say immune response and inflammatory response in the human body that, that destroyed and caused problems for, for savings when it,
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when it went into the body and the panoramic carpet. dante mendez, that workforce accelerated and was put into the vaccines that have been administered to, to millions, if not billions of people. so it's, it's really a situation that codes the code of notes come to pass a tool in 1995, she had dropped silence dropped out of her sales. and that's why the nobel committee i have awarded them this prize because what seems to be an amazing contribution to a human kind of pull race and stop. com. thank you very much. let's bring in doctor patrick tang, you are division chief of micro biology, etc. medicine right here in guitar and you're joining us from doha. it's great to have you with us, your reaction doctor as a micro biologist, to this nobel prize officer on basically for having me. this is definitely a very significant developments for madison. so arnie and messenger army or she molecules in ourselves that, that tell ourselves what to do, what proteins to make,
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and ultimately allow ourselves to function and now allow all light to function onto it. so what the significant so what you've discovered is how this stabilize that arnie. so we know those of us that work are any that are needs very unstable. and when we put it inside her body, our immune system and ourselves attack it right away and just run it right away. so they figure it out how to bypass them. of those immune response is by modifying the r m r n a. so that it can survive longer inside of her bodies inside of her cells. so then tell ourselves what to make, what protein some 8, and our key part of by developing that could be 19 am on the vaccines. doctor, if i can get you to cast her mind back to the pandemic days before we had found a vaccine when it 1st emerged in the news, a m r and a was going to be used in this race for vaccines. and one of the labs was using this particular technology. what did you think?
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did you think or this is a great idea that you think, why didn't we think of this before? did we think? where's this coming from? what and those are investigating microbiology in texas is diseases out. we knew right away, that would be a great idea because that's already been talked about for awhile, but never had the right disease or the right time and the right find the need to push it forward. and coping 19 the pandemic was the exact time being the perfect situation for this technology to be tested in, in the unprecedented way, and to save tens of millions of lives as well too. so it's sort of a lucky gwen's. and then some of these events said that all the discoveries that have led to us being able to use em or a new technology, and then unprecedented global pandemic to allow this technology to test it and, and further developed. and there's to be many more things that are going to come
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from m r and any technologies or other types of vaccines, games, other infectious diseases against cancer and games, other chronic diseases because it's such an efficient way of telling arse out training or means systems to recognize and attack different things in our body is definitely gonna lead to more medical breakthroughs in the peach care. doctor patrick tang davinci from micro biology, et cetera medicine, thank you so much. origin 10 years will head to the polls in october to elect their new president. on sunday, the candidates, competing for the country's top job, held their 1st debate. teresa, but reports from the capital of winter, situs the origin. tina's presidential candidate attempt, alas to push ahead of october's presidential elections. 5 candidates from the left to the far right. but there are 3 with real chances of winning economy ministers
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said hugh massa promising to reduce that double digit inflation rate that he's government has been unable to tackle for more security minister. but they said was that each vowing to organize the economy. and for right candidate have you had a really wants to shut down the central bank and on the rise the economy plus you can see don't extend to godaddy's you argentina as an decadence. and if we continue like this, we're going to be the biggest lemma in the world. argentina started being the richest country in the world. now we are among the poor us. we have more than 40 percent of poverty, 10 percent are extremely poor and inflation is out of control. so we tried to look on post and serious and like his latest appearances, where he showed up with a chainsaw argentina has one of the highest inflation rates in the world said of fuel massa ask for forgiveness for the economic situation and blame to the international monetary fund okay, do you know the portable could you mean the origin? tina inherited a criminal agreement with the international monetary fund that generates inflation
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and 4 months ago we weren't able to renegotiate, and this is what allowed us to reduce taxes. is my size promising a national, a quote to get the country out of the crisis. but, but the sample leaked from the center, right? said people in argentina around the edge need order and stability, politically, a set of kids. you know, martha explains the origin 2 names helping to west administer of economy. you can be a good president. how can you be 2 persons and a half so much cynicism, you imposed 40 taxes. you did everything wrong, doubles the inflation rate, the exchange rate. the focus was on the 2 candidates that po suggest could make it to the 2nd round in november, set of fuel massa. and i have yet to be lee, who blamed all the politicians for what he called argentina's economic disaster. this was the 1st of 2 debates ahead of the elections on october 22nd. argentina is in the middle of, i think, economic crisis,
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and there's no southern zion about who this country's next president is going to be on whether many who are hoping for radical change. there are many others to fear. what that change could bring about this. i will see them when a site is into corruption. investigators and kenya have recovered, stolen islands, and a nature reserve in the indian ocean. freight companies are now facing possible court proceedings for land grabbing malcolm lab reports of the coast of kenya in the indian nation. lie, you need ecological treasures some in the sea and others on the islands. 3 of which wouldn't need any loss to develop those. i don't one who is in charge of the coast area for kenya is wildlife service, which is the law for i don't know if the items i think that score i've said nora, they grab us. i think they, they have their ways of being that which is not the pharmacy both by the government . and of course, because the government hours is on and make uneasiness,
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even though they weren't able to recover the airlines full day from the grab ice. the surrounding waters of the k. c team from duty marine reserve provides century for more than $200.00 dolphins. it's being protected by law since the 1970s below the surface are endangered seats, toes, and carl gardens that a breeding grounds for hundreds of species of fish. john says it hotels have been built on the islands. it would have been an ecological disaster. some speculators, a quiet irregular titles for them in the 1990s, amid a series of corruption scandal, was late to the illegal title report by companies and by foreigners, in spite of the island clearly being in a native, as of some of them, sued the wildlife service. seeking to build an asked repair, they lost the case and drew the attention of the all sorts. he's the investigators say, because it's completely out of sight of the mainland, but accessible in small boats and possibly like that,
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croft that it's the perfect location for criminal activity such as drug smuggling. and they say that one of the company still holds a title for this island and has refused to hundreds of the investigators say they'll now take the company to cooled. the others agreed to hand over that titles off to being investigated by ken hughes, ethics and anti corruption commission. this was piled up do behind me. it's been decades recovering all kinds of public prophecy for the government. for that he says it's the 1st time he's ever recovered islands did the people with sight to do all manner of things. and we had, let's say we really, we'd finish or rather completely finished caught up something good. what you're saying is that still a bit to ensure we reduce the about percentage even if we didn't use it by 10 percent. good enough. the companies they handed over the titles went face charges. for now, the islands have at least been sped from an equal development malcolm web alger 0
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t c taken from go to the lower island, kenya. amazing report there from malcolm web in kenya. and that does it for us for now. whether is next and als is 0, then the inside story will look at the worsening security situation in pakistan. and we'll have a full slate of world news for you at the top of the, the, or the probably we've got a few showers in the full cost for japan over the next couple of days, a little cooler than it has been recently. but the main whether action this big of whether system just out to the most specific. and he comes that type and you can see that clearly defined on, on the storm, which will run its way towards taiwan as we go through the next couple of die sites to choose day. starting to see that where to where the creeping into taiwan much of
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china drive much of a prim financially try to move japan as you can see, lossy drive, few showers, do come in here as we go one through wednesday. if you shift to coming into the korean peninsula, so you can watch whether it's a central pos of china, but it's backed down towards that tie food. and you can see how the right really sets, again across a good positive taiwan for the middle, possibly with damaging wins. very, very active system based on it will cause problems. meanwhile, let's take a look at the retreating model. so over in the, this is where the monsoon rains currently live as we've throws away. and this is where it should be. so it is still a little behind tracks, but i'm pleased to say it will continue to trip further east, which as we go through the next couple of days, drive right to where the coming backing behind looks good for the stats of the well cut cricket. as we go through this week, the,
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those the know do those that understand, teach a maverick school headmaster in postal comfort, go fast, determined to change the fortunes of an inner city community played by urban became poverty of the legacy of secretary and the russian arms of students with the knowledge of the ancient greek philosopher, participate on your 5th grade and everybody else has this young play to a witness documentary on the jersey to the powers pockets. time dealing with the security threats emanating from afghanistan, islam a body has reported an increase in cross border attacks by the park hasanti solid on what's behind this search. and is the telephone government doing enough to stop


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