tv Inside Story Al Jazeera October 2, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm AST
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tells the 2 point story norwegian in the hospital, but a salute the government of norway warrants remarkable role in nurturing. this'll be the secret negotiations and why it's promising peace. as from main unfulfilled is strong decided the tone of the negotiations. nobody could show facts or go home the trunks of also on all disease if we take all of the united so and funding the war and ukraine has one for voc, he is general election robert feet. so he's calculus sma if the pot he'd got 23 percent and the right to phone the next governments. so was behind these results and ukraine's neva. this is inside story. the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm emily, i'm going. slovakia is form i left is prime minister robot feed, so has one sad today's parliamentary election. he stood on a platform critical of the a, you know, so and funding the war and ukraine is potty one. nearly a quarter of the votes and a chance to form the next government. if he succeeds, it could main big changes for the nation's foreign policy since russia launched as war last year. and i remember, as the bank here has supported ukraine, supplying weapons and welcoming refugees. boss, is that about to change? we're putting back to our guests shortly. first. this report from when we consume sherry, the 3 time form of prime minister staging a political come back into the walk. yeah. so what fits those left is faulty, defined, except both inside these problem entry election secured in nearly 23 percent of the
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vote. on a pro russian, an anti us campaign. the populace leader has doubled down on his stone. so in the military, a to ukraine and is now calling foot talks to in the role. so this quote, we did also, there's quite a bit you probably have to but i. so bach, you and people in slovakia have more serious problems than ukraine. that's all i can say at this moment. we believe ukraine is a great tragedy for everybody know that i gave you a scenario, happens to form a government no matter if it gets the post of the prime minister. we will do all that. we can also, within the you to reach peace negotiations as soon as possible. i since it was supposed to step down in 2018 after the murder of an investigative journalist under his leadership walk. here was a stone support, a few claim at the time of russia, amex ation of crimea in 2014 the. the problem government has also
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backed keys up to the russian invasion last year. estimated alms and opened its voters to ukrainian refugees. voters have now supported the party that's promised to focus on domestic issues like the energy crisis and rising cost of living keys has little choice but to accept a seemingly changing reality when we the we respect the choice of the slovak people, but it is too early to say how the election result will affect the voc is position we need to wait for the formation of the coalition. and then looking at the composition of this coalition, we can draw the fish conclusions. slovakia became an independent states in 1993 after the breakup of czechoslovakia. this problem into the election is being seen as a test of its folding policy fits those critics swati that is returned to pablo to deletes to block out to the same fault as hungry under prime minister victor or
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vaughan straining cause for the human nature. let me put some charities for inside story. let's take a quick look at where slovakia is located. the former soviet bloc communist nation is now a member of both the e u and 9. so it shows a border with ukraine and with poland, which has played a major role in efforts to supply weapons to ukraine since russia invited to the south is hungry, whose late of the old bon has welcomed 5th. so is when sharing some of his policies let's bring in august, now we and brought his lava is elena, could scar, the vice president of policy and programming of gloves, sick, a public policy, sink tank, and berlin and bin iris found an editor in chief of b and e in telling news is also the form of moscow bureau chief for the daily
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telegraph and also and brought his love up. have all the dimensions of the form is still voc in a full foreign minister and advise it to the bank. is the 1st president after the breakup of czechoslovakia, a warm welcome to all of you, and thank you for joining us on the program. before we look at the broad, a geo political implications of the selection. i wonder if those get your take a pebble on the results where you savant a surprised by feats those when a bit he does need to form a coalition still. but what does that say about vases? in slovakia it was very died election and one of those extremely important ones because they were deciding about the policy both at home and also for you and policy. also vakio a and until last moment it was not clear whether he's going to win or not a 2nd progressive party,
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which happened to be the 2nd or international call. me need to go the why the interesting these because these periods of turbulence, easy, new unit deal, the unity of natal to groupings of the week, slack p i as member all seems to 1000 for a show that there may be some crack the gain similar to hungry beach was already mentioned, but i think that the, today's announcement by robeteck feats all lead there. i mean, when they're all these election shows that he claimed that there will be no change in foreign policy. also a lucky are you and they to men, but shape uh will be reality. but since he's the language and last, rather the inflammatory during the election campaign which helped him to come back for 4th time is brian me, nice stuff, goals, all of these warranties,
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income portion. i would say that i'm like hungry, literally thought bon is very strong politician. who is majority to be a benefits so that's something has majority, strong majority, he will have to create a colleague, shawn comprising golf, at least 3 parties in a 2nd, and show strong candidate form a problem and is the bell agree in yesterday that it clearly stated that he will join caution on the on the circumstance that slack the policy showing the needs of the e n. nato. busy will not be change, so i don't think that commentary sound to be the hand gary piece that could each one and we will see how it ripped or x pre election. right. 30 x will be changed. the duty and government formation process which start the today when president is on the top with the law, oscar to benefits. so to come out with a haste proposal for $75.00 plus members because like you, i just bought
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a lot of names as one trying to buy them in. going to this thing, go 150 deputies. yes, i want to get onto the cold sion before we look more closely into the role of slovakia. his name is alana, the shape of his next government and its policy towards ukraine and really dependent on the makeup of that coalition that is formed. how do you see that playing out a supplement central, but it fits so fast and 1st the but you and you to the from the government as the when the all the elections. she has a couple options on his table. most likely, he will be able to form a coalition of 3 parties. the 2nd, the 3rd largest party lead, but felt that the look at any there last party will be decisive, and the votes will be in this basketball. but they will also need a 3rd partner, but that can be either slowed up nationalist party, which is in its orientation, is more per russian and will definitely be pushing more and based direction. but
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they also have an option to include the christian democratic party, which better to look at and prefers, which is more pro european and more moderates. a been one analyst in a broad as lava dominique. i had you said that some most voters, it wasn't primarily about ukraine in the selection. it was more about values, conservatism and liberalism, and brandon body issues like food and fuel prices. do you share that view? yes, absolutely. i'm looking at the essential your business to the values phone line that runs down the middle of it. and to the last in western you're we have this sort of liberal european viney is a motion and he called c ginger rights and should be cheap, right? whereas if he goes to the rice into what was eastern europe and then it's much more based on sort of christian conservative, orthodox, timely values. and those are sort of basic crashed there between the 2 more
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obviously. so in the, in the elections, i mean, he was campaigning on, on the sort of things that the assessing countries, the new countries, essentially you're and they're not as on board with the whole e u projects, the vines, as part of it, as of, as we are here in the west, i also the, basically the cost of living, the rising inflation suprises energy prices and these things are starting to hit the people in the bucket. and after a year and a half of this for this time, i get tired of that. um, so there's a sudden fatigue going on with things besides to pebble and criminal spokesman dmitri, pest golf is full costing will fatigue, is ben has just said wolf, fatiguing the west growing and increasingly splitting opinion? does he have a point? i mean, we're looking at billions of dollars in military aid, which has been provided by the west over the past 19 months. they basically ukraine, a war blade import and the rolling these electrons. but as was said before,
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they were much more of these value of treatment and campaign, and conservative versus liberal and so on. i saw for their playing very important role. but the feats all was accusing the united states that he together. we the restaurant basically that these was class between us and the rest found that he thought he all who crane they be that the he was strongly against the sanctions against the russia imposed by you natal. and also i think that the he was the then that's the thing golf pro restaurant sentiment, which is rather pronounced throughout slovak society. but i don't think that that these, that slow, lucky, always played such an important role in political humanitarian, economic and military terms. uh, these are the you know,
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crime that these will disappear because slovakia is member of the red zone of intertwined deep on, on the plea we've, you bought over 80 percent of our export golf 3 you saw a little bit feed, so we'll be uh, we'll need to balance his policy, these are the ne, tall or i mean the taking into consideration. i remember she publications and so on . so i don't think that that he will just walk out of these. he will try to make his point to the negotiations, how to settle this call sleep. or i would suggest that he does such a pragmatic piece that he will even be able to get of a new copy net which will then nouns, a model likely and government manifesto at the here as to you and natal. some degree of corporation also on for the military stands because like, yes feel has besides car industry wide well developed military industrial just
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picking up on the pedal said feed so has doubled down on his pro russian stones. he's opposed to sanctions as we've just heard. and wants to stall to aid to ukraine, atlanta. how else is he likely to show his support for moscow? i will see you again watchful. depends on the exact composition of the mall. listen, but it's also important to dig a little bit deeper, even in the comparative process. for example, if you took the problem is that you might potentially stall pull up providing military aid. so your brain might small business early be as consequential as have since somebody has already provided enormous amount of support for your brain in terms of the looks are age. there's not that much. the slovak here has now installed, that could be given to your brain. so even if this decision is actually going to come to force, it does not necessarily mean that it will change the situation on the battlefields
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. but of course, the political union in the european union mattress, if you've seen so indeed across the power, it would mean that there will be more voices coming from central europe. the question support to your friend at the european level and the extension. it will be more difficult for the user to reach consensus where the decision will be delayed and potentially what are down. but again, we're still need to see whether she delivers she's companions promises. there are 2 points that i wanted to pick up, the elena on that firstly, been ellen. i mentioned about the flow of arms, not necessarily changing to ukraine. a slovakia has already given most of what it can spare. it was the 1st country to provide you crime with 5 to jets and a defense to me cells. so do you agree that the impact on the ground in ukraine via slovakia weren't necessarily change? i think the, the issue of homes is a key one. as you mentioned, i mean most of the,
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the nice i, members of i c to preach the stocks. uh so that they had available and it says, sense ukraine, they're running out. i mean, there was just a defense for him in a kid on the weekends where that's so again, about manufacturing the use also promised a $1000000000.00 to invest in some new production. and so, um, there is a, i would probably say spring and ukraine. they were already running about, and consequently they have to get resolved. so somewhere by setting up more production and the stokes, the remaining in the nicer countries uh, the residuals folks, they need to protect themselves encased as more exposed escalates. and that becomes an eye on a compensation between 9 so in russia, which is the back of everybody's blood. so i think in the short some ukraine isn't difficult position, trying to search these items. but as i say, i think the west is actually run through the end of the road of what it had and stopped to give you a crime. and now needs to invest in the production to make more munitions. and
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that's the process is already on. got it. and then just as you mentioned, the west, how closely will it have been watching the selection? how? how was, how will the rest of you have been watching the selection on fold and what would they be making of it? i'm very close the i'm, i'm in atlanta mention them in europe in unity is key here. and what surprises everybody was the level of unity that was in the u. s. the beginning of the war with sanctions 0 that where it stream and they brought down a lot of coast on western europe. as a result, restoring energy prices, the energy price we have is storing food prices. however, the longer this goes on and there's been more than 1819 months now, then the um, the city is building people are becoming tired of the costs, and the selection is part of hawaii to move uh in your way. you can see some of the countries uh unhappy they want the water finishes, cussing them too much money. we have this result in, in the back here,
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but then and hungry is already gone away. the greeks increasing the amount of oil and transporting for russia. and this when the, you try split through this 15 percent and if she cuts the most, the countries time on a said no. and the whole story was, was highlighted with the, with the grain crisis. we have recently way opponents of like a hungry find the input. wonder if you kind of in grand, only hot currency on it because it collapsed to local markets. and so now increasing and you put this tension between the stand by ukraine for political reasons, which everybody's on board was and then the interference and national interest, the damage is doing. so your economy, which people are unhappy about. and i think nice boots in sky and he's going spend this for out for as long as it takes to wait for that unit seat to crumble. and we've seen a few cracks. and that's what this actually result means. it's another crack in the units, but it's not broken yet. it hasn't broken yet, but it's a, it's a wide range. so i have
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a speaking of those cracks. how can the west in gauge with feet so and he's potential coalition and not lose slovakia to russia. are the 2 points before i answer these questions. uh, so the minister of defense skincare command was being key if during the weekend during this meeting, go building your industry for military purposes, which was the kia today a very so i may think of a 40 minute says i'll be doing key events will lock us 40 minutes that made us blah blah, cost is being key a and declared the, the continuation of the board of slack key to, to ukraine and so long. and lastly, the also you do you and by said that to you train category and i'm out there, nobody slope i go through show. so i think that for us the see said country which
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is up to buying dollar attention and these testing basically hall bobby on politics in slovakia, i believe that the there are 2 points which are going to show the seriousness of slovakia as a member of the natal and as a reliable and they to member and provide the less expense to ukraine and it will be a quality show creation and what will be in government, money festival, pen. secondly, who will become our new funding and defense minister? because my guess is that about feed, so we'll try not to put the dialogue about the rather professional on these uh, 2 positions which i believe uh, we'll try to to dialogue the suspicion that slovakia is not behind. gary, that's one of our key isaac country which will be on the mining unity of un natal.
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i just simply might have fee leads that uh a lot better feet saw and that he's colleagues from partners. we'll try to fix some of these damages in perception of slovakia in last these i think that these image issue became quite obvious off the exit polls that released birch but which suggested that feats on last and the progressive slovakia was elections and when we woke up sunday morning, things were completely different. feats all was leading about 5 percent back and they seemed to have such a strength that he could suggest simply divers countries into hong gary and way show. and there are a lot of things still to be confirmed in relation to the coalition and how that plays out. but i guess if i could return to my question, how best cancelling mancha, engage with the west, given that fits so has doubled down on his pro russian stance as early as today.
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i think that one can expect that the better feed, so we'll try to prove that slovakia we'll continue to be boston or of you and natal. she will try to control some uh, sort of a suggestions. what that, how be should be brought in or something get along along those lines. but then i say you shaking your head, they did, you want to jump in? you know, i think it's true and that is a, i think there's gonna lose stuff out here to russia and ask them option that it reminds me your country and bounce the and nobody's going to go over and support russia after this unprovoked invasion. i'll be trained as close to hundreds of thousands of tests. however, there is a subtle game here of how we actually, where the all friends. and that's still not clear because the positions between ukraine and russia so far apart,
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that they can't even begin stats ok. and so is stuck in the stone age and the 5 c on the ground is those that brown. so a cell nice and is the worst possible scenarios. and so the are came to their positions. i think everybody's looking for an upfront something on some sort. and in the case of hungry is that accurate? uh, they wants to see that happens sooner than anybody else because they have serious economic interests and suffering serious economic pain from this whole conflict. but we're looking at heads here. i don't see if there's anything we can do and as i say for a european country, a european union member to be cashed by russia is inconceivable. that was atlanta. as we've heard, slovakia hungry and serbia oil have shown significant sympathy for russian president person could. poland and it's up coming in next a upcoming election rather be next. could we say the influence that the full answer
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is a very different country, and we can also compare them by looking at the public opinion just before the world, but also during the war in goal of support of sympathy towards russia was very low, historically, which is a different case in slovakia were between $30.00 to $40.00 with sometimes 50 percent. approx of slovaks would say that they consider still russia as an important and strategic partner for the country with whom in the future they would like to have good relations in full on the situation. is there a difference? of course there are parts of polish decide. so you for equal in charge of the war and for once to pressure that politicians to pay more attention to the kitchen table issues at home. but it does not necessarily mean that therefore the folded foreign policy. it will change. but for a 2nd, i also want to go back to slide back here and the emphasize against the important point that bob was making about a balance. it will probably be so to make compromises when they need, when she needs them. she'll ready to go screaming is there for 3 times before. and
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during his previous terms, we saw that she managed very skillfully to both be friends with russia. maintain very good relations with russia and at the same time did constructed partner they do level as well. for example, she supported sanctions to construction. so chances are she can do for magic again . and by the way, slow back, you have had a lot to gain by be friends with your brain. and by having boots, relating good relations with your brain. so that can definitely wants to be part of the reconstruction of your brain. it will benefit significantly. you pretty much stronger at you calling me in the region from strong the logistical ties, but it would go back to the issue. i knew what the rest supplies there is the level of pragmatism there as well. what's interesting is that she's gonna start with military supplies to ukraine, probably minimum the ones that are paid from this level of budget. but there's very strong military industry in stock here. who is manufacturing watkins for ukraine, which i think made by the external partners. so i think this pragmatism will also
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be applied in this case as such types of constructs will be able to continue. i guess it also comes down to this idea of an open ended commitment. you know, as we've mentioned, it's been 19 months since this war has been going on. we've already seen france and other major european countries opposed to that idea of an open ended commitment. so i mean what i use for costing in terms of the, the next coming 6 months, 12 months, been on both direct that question to you. and then the last couple the will, will continue this coming up to the end of the summer. and i think both sides of medicaid that they're going to continue finding in the winter, which is extremely cold and will be difficult conditions. the prospects of any kind of cease fire. i mean, the, the start of the hazing season would be an actual blame to reassess the reports. coming out of you train about the progress of the counselor offensive. that was like much heights had been very disappointing. practically now it's howard street
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has changed. and so we're talking about villages along the line of con sides, and there's not a prospect for any kind of breakthrough with that, which is what the concept of offensive was hoping for. was a repeat of the spectacular success of the hockey defensive by september with ukraine. bread through the lines in front of my read. so congress and comments as terry street and this time that they take them back to nothing. and so at the same time, but as i just put through the budgets for next year and a massive increase ministry spending groups as clearly in this for the long haul and, and i have the other side. so it's just that, that puts in permanent bond even to think about stats in any kind of cx 5. so until the results of the us presidential election or in next november, because there is a possibility of a big change that again the fatigue in the us is very clear. they just took out the brand support from the budget bill that just went through it on, i guess today,
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and that's is getting, i mean, he's hoping for the, the units he's to come in, but he just want the war to end this disgusting. rush just economy a huge amounts as well and they want to end all the ones in the sanctions region. but my prediction is that we have at least then i'll be here, i'll try to and peddle just quickly. we've only got a minute of the program to gar. how do you think the people of slovakia will be assessing what's happened in terms of the upon them entry elections and going forward? uh i think that uh we need to expect the continuation of slovakia as a member of sheep in the you. i mean of feeling both of politicians and people that we are being good or bad members of the natal and we need to do every thing to overcome. some of the tracks these believe spend help you trying to be in these blogs, the war. and i believe that, well ben was mentioning these restaurants,
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expecting that then that they come, they change the politics of the war. i mean off the elections because don't know, trying to fix things within 24 hours and he's still very hot candidate. so let's keep fingers crossed that the us will be leading coal, natal, and we in the you will be united, confronting these war and other big challenges. reach out ahead of us. well, we've run out of time with certainly covered a lot of ground this afternoon. we appreciate your insights. thank you. to all of our guests, elena codes, car, been iris and pebble, diminished, and thank you to for watching. you can see the program any time by visiting our website, which is 0 dot com. and for the discussion goes, well, facebook page, that's facebook and dot com forward slash j inside story. you can also join the conversation on x, only known as twitter. handle is a inside story from me,
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