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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 3, 2023 5:00am-5:30am AST

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with crisis, with many hoping for radical change. october on a tuesday around the view and approve of sending foreign forces to hate to crack down on getting funded . so there's 2 thousands of cherry johnston. this is i'll just say it right. well, i will start coming up declaring the office of speaker of the house of representatives to be vacant. us house speaker kevin mccarthy faces an attempt to find members of his own party to remove a defiant donald trump of peers in quotes and a full truck. could see the former us president filed from doing business in new york and the for the trip to ok. so i'm
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a thank when freed goes on trial on charges of what then money to the doctor. nation security council has authorized the deployment of a multi national security force. the ac is designed to help the car being nation fight heavily on the guns who become increasingly powerful that but it's not clear when the force will arrive or who other than kenya will contribute to it. she have her time, she reports for un headquarters in new york, a vision government for us. and the un secretary general wasn't pushing for an international deployment to 80 for almost a year. but it was only at the end of july, but the us found the country willing to lead the mission. kenya, this village was the next procedural hurdle. the draft resolution has been adopted . both russia and china of stains,
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but don't veto the resolution. very good question. the wisdom of authorizing an international force without 1st settling on its rules of engagement. historic 18 means the stuff is heavy, contains a lot of history of irresponsible for an interference. that is what gave rise to the downward spiral. the patients have not been able to overcome for years. they also insisted on a more comprehensive alms embargo in haiti. at the moment, a large proportion of the gangs weapons being smuggled in from south florida, tied to you to associate. we explicitly requested all countries take all steps to cut off at the sources the channel through which haitian gang obtained small alms lightweight bands and ammunition. so this is not a united nations peacekeeping mission. it's law stabilization force left in 2017. haven't been accused of widespread sexual abuse and smoking a color outbreak that killed some 10000 people. not wrecked what appeared to be on the mind of the us representative of the security council. importantly, this resolution recognizes the need to learn lessons from past missions and calls
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for safeguards to promote respect for human rights and accountability. can you will now be legitimacy off a un security council mandate. as of the attempts to augment its proposed force of $1000.00 police officers with those other nations under the come objections at home and abroad about the mission, not least as a result of the push human rights record of the kenyan police force itself. residents of older prince express mixed feelings about another international for the past. the force will not be able to dislodge the gang because they're hiding in every corner unless to destroy the houses to chase the bandits away. i would like the multinational forces to come in and make things better for the haitian people because we are tied. the m s. s is it's cold, is terribly authorized for one year and will be reviewed after 9 months. can use. foreign minister says he expects boots to be on the ground by next january shambrika and c, l g 0, the united nations abroad. and concurrent on this executive director of the
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institute for justice and democracy in haiti. he says many in the country, but even a multinational force could make the country's problems even worse. it is possible, it an international deployment could be a real fix. the problem is, is that the proposed international deployment is being done to prop up a repressive, corrupt government that is collaborating with the games. and there is very little chance that this is going to be fixed the eighty's problems. most patients believe that the intervention is just going to increase eighty's problems by supporting a corrupt, repressive government. it is a very complex picture. a games are, are allied with government officials, about 40 percent of police officers are reported to have relationships with gangs. the gangs have relationships with economic the leaks, but it's, it's a big part of their legions is to the government 2 years ago,
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haitian human rights groups and harvard law school, documented at the gangs. and the government had been collaborating to attack opposition, neighborhoods in what they turned crimes against humanity. hey, issues have been saying for, for at least 2 years, that what needs to happen. here's the international community needs to stop propping up the repressive government. if that happens, then haitians have enough power within their society to force the government to compromise towards fair elections. and that once you move away from a government that's feeding the gang problem, that there is a possibility of having a transitional government and running federal elections. you're going to have gains in 80 to the single future anyway, because part of the reason the gains is there is because the government is not providing basic services. and us house republican not gates has filed a motion to ask to speak of kevin mccarthy. gates and other hard line republicans, what i'm good at mccarthy was i don't votes from the democrats to pos the last
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minute temporary deal to vote. a government shut down of the yellow brick road of working with democrats has been paved, constructed, engineered, and architected by kevin mccarthy. look no further than the debt limit deal a deal. we passed with democrats, with no further than the last continuing resolution, which he passed with democrats. and by the way, if he's able to stay in power, it will be him working for the democrats continuing to do their bidding. let's get more in this style with mike kinda in washington dc. so what not? tapes isn't backing down easy, but does he have any real chance of succeeding in his arms? well, let's just put this into a context. this is a very read motion to the k test. it is called the about me being to introduced over the past century. and neither of those succeeded at all. so very difficult for gates to achieve his am. he would need to get all the republicans in the house to vote in favor of him to be able to get to the speaker. altitudes decided by
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a simple majority, which is $218.00 boats if everybody's in the chain. but. but this seems like a very long old the gates of course, infuriated by the fact that the coffee used democrat support deposits that stopped funding bill and gates is also claimed that mccarthy struck a secret deal with president biden to continue funding to ukraine. despite conservative republican opposition, not because he denies that outright. he dismisses gates as attempts to bring him down what he has in recent days. there's been no reaction from him as yet. but the ultimate irony and all of this is that the only chance that gates would have both suppositions believe of getting rid of the coffee is to think that it was the votes from the democrats smell. that's exactly the thing that he's criticizing because people like going forward does this damage house speaker kevin mccarthy. any way
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you will kind of just struck this off or what he's going to attempt to try that also. but that is going to take up time in congress time that congress doesn't really have a lot of particularly with an eye on that funding votes that have to be coming within the next $45.00 days. it will certainly affect mccarthy standing within the republican party. the very fact that a motion to vacate has been brought against him would be detrimental to his standing in the coal cause and also detrimental to his standing with the democrats and president biden. in particular, one must remember that when mccarthy was voted in this house because it took 15 rounds of voting before he was confirmed. that's because gates and his fellow hard line republicans tried to impose the vote at every single ton. so it is going to be difficult for the coffee in the wake of this motion to the gate. he will try and shut it off, but there's no doubt that it will damage his standing both within the republican party and with the american politics generally in washington,
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dc for us might kind of think one of the contentious issues of that spending, but it was continued funding to ukraine, the stop gap measure to avoid the government shut down didn't contain any new aid for keep. the watch house is urging republicans to approve more funds. a white house correspondent, kimberly how could, has more from washington dc in an effort to keep the us government open a stop gap measure was put in place past known as a continuing resolution. that funding would be, in effect until november 17th. but absent from it was $6000000000.00 in funding to allow ukraine to continue to defend itself from russia's invasion. as the us president spoke harshly about the omission of that funding, saying that he is confident that there will be funding provided in the future. i'll
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be it from a different source. and that left reporters on monday questioning the white house press secretary green john pierre, exactly how the president expects republicans on capitol hill to honor that deal. the speaker said himself yesterday that he wants to continue to support ukraine to make sure that they have the weapons that they need. he has said it multiple times even yesterday. we seemed by partisanship on this on this issue to continuing the funding for you. grant, this is a, you know, at the present said the speaker and the overwhelming majority of the congress has steadfastly supported supported. you create us presidential by that has long maintained that it is not just the job of the united states to support ukraine financially. and its defense against russia's invasion, but also the job of us allies is a point he will reiterate as he phone calls on tuesday, us allies,
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as well as reassures them. but us president you by and does face challenges given the fact that a capitol hill, republicans now see the priority of ukraine as being less important to domestic challenges, including what they call an invasion on the southern border of the united states and mexico. kimberly, how could al jazeera, the white house, the former us president donald trump, has appeared in court on the opening day of a civil full truck. well, trump, along with 2 of his sons and the trump organization, are accused of inflating the network by billions of dollars from faces, hundreds of millions of dollars in fines on the last of his business licenses. okay, but it is on the reports from new york. donald trump, again in a court room, but for the 1st time on trial, trump is adult sons and the trump organization are facing locations of
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intentionally inflating the value of trumps real estate holdings by nearly 3000000000 dollars in order to gain more favorable loans. that is a crime one that could deal a major blow to trump's new york business empire. so which are trump, is not obliged to attend the trial. but on the 1st day he did so voluntarily. this trial was railroaded, that fast drag this track and have been brought years ago. but they waited till i was right in the middle of my campaign. the investigation was years in the making by new york's attorney general's office, which brought the charges last year. donald trump and the other defendants have been committed for assistance and repeated fraud. last week, we prove that in our motion for summary judgement. today, we will prove our of the claims. the case is simple and not criminal in nature. there is no jury. a judge will rule if trump is liable, if found liable,
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trump would have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. the attorney general is also asking for a permanent ban on trump. and as adults sons running businesses in new york and a 5 year ban on commercial real estate activities, trump has said he's eager to testify in the case. even volunteering to do so. trump is already last part of this case. when the judge last week ruled that he was liable for fraudulently inflating the value of his new york apartments. the trial now is dealing with 6 other allegations. this is the 1st of what will likely be several trials involving the former president over the next year. he's facing criminal indictments in florida, georgia, washington, dc, and another one in new york. this is crystal trial, but those trials will come later next year, right? in the middle of the republican primary, where trump is leading the poles. as for this trial, there are more than
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a 100 people on the potential witness list, meaning it could go on for weeks, or perhaps even months into december. gabriel's on though, how dizzy to new york. we're heading to a short break now, but when we come back science, this is what pays the way for coping 19 vaccines for board the nobel prize permits and land grab this, a forced to attend the title dates of protected items and turn the hello. we have temperatures on the slide for child care over the next couple of days is very active weather system just pulling out into the northwest, pacific atlantic coast. we have tie food, coin, you making his way towards the fall south of taiwan. very,
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very windy here. this is strengthening very quickly, it will bring some disruptive weather into the fall south of taiwan as we go through the next couple of days. and we go for wednesday, lots of very heavy rain and some damaging winds to watch out for. so certainly something to keep an eye on in the coming hours go some wet weather, veritas, central positive chart, and lots of charter is dry up towards the north as well. and we'll see some passing, some shabby right. few showers there when you have a side of the sea of japan. tokyo, 24 degrees celsius. we're not seeing that number for quite some time. showers, setting it here. probably a shot was meanwhile, across a good part of the philippine study central. in the past with the philippines boni, i know the possibility, i've seen some lobby south west to whether something positive indo china across into thailand is still some pretty wet weather. it to the northeast of india, i'm place to say it's in the process of retreating out of the way ahead of the cricket. welcome. so that is good news that what's the weather making his way towards bangladesh, easing off, but also affecting the m of the
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respective generation. the street in central concave shows you how devastating the effects of russian for me has been. i can see where 2 of the bullets hit there above my head. highest member of the mentors military wanted him dead. the still manual beneath we were in a property on a road, costing out a 0 ingles proud recipients in new york festival group cost are of the year award for the 7th year running the
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book about per month on top stores. this are you and the security council has voted to authorize a multinational force to 81 year deployments will be led by kenyan police the to help fight on guidance control launch pumps of the country. us house republican not gates has filed a motion to ask speaker kevin mccarthy, gates and other hard log at the top. it comes with anger, cocky with the title boats. democrats, the pos a last minute attempt to deal with the government shot. the former us press that donald trump has wrapped up the 1st day of his civil pro trying to prosecute to say he and his companies both financial statements late. it is net was my duty to thoughts as a prosecute, as of described. so it is one of the largest food cases in us history. so 21 year old son bank when fried has to trust in new york on tuesday. he's accused of
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misusing money made from his crib to currency exchange f t x. ultimately leading to its collapse and there's also billions of dollars to invest as money. krista, selling the reports from new york, a f t x is a global crypted currency exchange. this is sam bagman freed, testifying before congress in december 2021. we are processing about $15000000.00 per day of trading volume by then he had vaulted to celebrity entrepreneur status as the founder of the crypto currency exchange f t x. what's up guys? i'm here with my voice and with the help of celebrities and expensive ad campaigns at the address the status and easiest way to buy and sell crypt. he promoted crypto is money making potential to the public, getting in a safe cx and secure with mgx. i buy sell entry crypto safe bagman freed became a billionaire and the face of the industry. him and his colleagues had also made a big impression in political circles,
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mainly in washington by throwing on millions of dollars in donations and talking a big game about their plans to do good with charitable donations and whatnot. but then it all began to unravel. prosecutors a leg illegally use money from f t x to cover losses at another company. he started a hedge fund called alameda research, to donate tens of millions of dollars to politicians and to buy real estate in the bahamas where he was arrested last year. then when questions about the company's financial spurt, a wave of investor withdrawals f t x collapsed. it's name has since been removed from this miami sports arena. and both companies have since filed for bankruptcy using an estimated $8900000000.00 in customer funds. sam bank when freed, has been waiting for his day in court here and in new york prison sell a far cry from the bahamas resort, where he was living prior to his arrest,
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the judge and the case with both his $250000000.00 bill and his permission to live with his parents and the run up to the trial saying that bagman freed had attempted to intimidate a witness of his former girlfriend, who also happens to be the former ceo of alameda. while his parents, both lawyers have stood behind bank men freed the former girlfriend and 3 former f t x executives have pleaded guilty. 3 are reportedly cooperating with prosecutors, bagman fried, has said repeatedly that he didn't intend to commit fraud to convict him. prosecutors will have to convince the jury that he knowingly misled his customers. kristen salumi al jazeera new york is as military leaders have accepted al jerry is offer mediation to help resolve its political crisis. oh, jerry has proposed a 6 month transition period from minute treat to civilian rule. they say the
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acceptance of its initiative page, the weights was a peaceful resolution. members of the jazz presidential, god ousted the countries democratically elected leader in july of last seniors the head of the health program at the cast foundation. he says he's confident about of julia's ability to act as mediator and easily political uncertainty. a year has a decent chance to work out a solution. they're much more credible than the west african broke equal was because they're not close to farms. and as you're yeah, as accident, tyson didn't use an address to the current government, all parts of society to invested lights solves on unable to so they are really keen on establishing it has the ability india against the military intervention. so i'd say that and probably, you know, be received well by the chair and government, who knows that at some point is after striking to you a call was made the mistake of really raising the stakes. by strengthening from day
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one minutes. our reaction was all being able to pack it off. is any, any for us on the ground and that only, you know, worse than to move on the ground. people are ready kinds of joint time to lead to adapt off, so cetera. and so they bring a fresh payoff ice and the accepted by, you know, by the germans. and they also have good relations to most coal. so they might also work a bit because russia, who's trying to who the, you know, was able to purchase. so that really the most new to and the most for 6 perspective partner with john so far for reaching a solution. it's clear the also the president has always gone. you won't be returning e. com be, you know, restored by me to try and ration. so didn't know the focus is to have a relatively short transition period, then elections and then go back to use some sort of no morality on see corruption. investigators in kenya have recovered, stay within the islands and the nature of the indian ocean. 3 companies are now facing possible court for savings for land grabbing,
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and to have agreed to hand over the legally acquired land titles for the items. malcolm lab has more one of the coast of kenya in the indian nation ly unique ecological treasures. some in the sea and of his own islands, 3 of which wouldn't need any loss to develop those on one who is in charge of the coast area for kenya is wildlife service, which is the law for i don't know if the items i think that's corruption nora, they grab us, i think they, they have their ways of being that which is not the pharmacy both by the government . and of course, because the government hours is on and make uneasiness, even though they weren't able to recover the airlines full day from the grab ice, the surrounding waters of the k c team from do team to reserve provide century for more than $200.00 dolphins. it's being protected by law since the 19 seventy's below the surface are endangered seats, toes, and carl gardens that a breeding grounds for hundreds of species of fish. john says it hotels have been
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built on the islands. it would have been an ecological disaster. some speculators, a quiet irregular titles for them in the 1990s, amid a series of corruption scandals late to the illegal titles report by companies and by foreigners in spite of the islands clearly being in a native as of some of them, sued the wildlife service, seeking to build and asked repair, they lost the case and to the attention of the all sorts. he's the investigators say, because it's completely out of sight of the mainland, but accessible in small boats and possibly like that, croft that it's the perfect location for criminal activity such as drug smuggling. and they say that one of the company still holds the title for this island and has refused to hundreds of the investigators say they'll now take the company to cools . the others agreed to hand over that titles off to being investigated by 10 years . ethics and anti corruption commission. this was filed abdulla home,
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it's been decades recovering all kinds of public prophecy for the government. for that he says it's the 1st time he's ever recovered. islands did the people with try to do all manner of things and we are not saying we, we read finish or rather a completely finished caught up something good. what you're saying is that still a bit to ensure we reduce the about percentage. if we didn't use it by 10 percent, good enough. the company they handed over the titles went face charges for now the islands have at least been sped from an equal development mountain web. alger 0 can see taken from go to the lower island, kenya. the world health organization has approve the secondary of vaccine for children. it's cheaper and more effective than the fee to see recommended shots. the mosquito borne disease claims half a 1000000 nies every year. signed to successfully inquiry. cohen drew wiseman
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have been awarded the 2023 nobel prize permits, and they receive the award for the research that that directed me to the 1st come on and a vaccines to fight code 19. at least 13000000000 doses of credit vaccines have administered world wide. the 1997. we met as the copy machine as it was in the system that's and maybe you have to have some more copy machine the way and so the people can send that impulse, but then you know, do came from and i age and i was already here in 1997, what are the 8 years and working with 3 message it on these things, and i brag about to that i can do what i need and do was interested in vaccines and that's how our collaboration. second,
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we worked side by side all of that time because we, we couldn't get funding, we couldn't get publications. we couldn't get you really people to notice are in a as something interesting. it failed the clinical trials and pretty much everybody gave up on it. but you'll get katie, lift the match and, and we spent the rest of her 20 plus years working together, figuring out how to get it to work, how to get a vaccine to function well and cove. it fit and, and defax things were recognized for 95 percent advocacy, which was really a turning point in our, in a therapeutic group of indonesian parents are still fighting for justice many a year off of the children, but poisoned by contaminated cough syrup. more than 200 children died from acute to kidney failure and another 100 was seriously injured for the full families,
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assuming government agencies and pharmaceutical companies, one of the mothers involved in the case of shared her story with alters here. siad a see, but a lot that's sadly the last thing, but i'm i shanna shanna in yeah, the last off i've got a bun, castle scolding. don't put a few, but could i tune on products that i'm also showing i the ones that looms up at the moment, but the more i love it less, i have this unofficial thing to do. see, i can do to him, but the sub sub, but i did look the was at the low percentage of what used to be low, the moment something, but the job was able to myself keep because they offered to us. if i'm also below $35.00 a month, let's go ahead,
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get them to have it. it's the one line. so i need to do more about the meeting with a fatality a slip of the be. so if you fees, if you said the must be slipping, business, etc. so if the best bugging you say, well, it is a list of kids to the, for the beth, and we'll let you know. we'll get to the thing he watch anything. let's see john. good point. okay, so i'll talk to him on this one of the ways of the collective photos up to this. but this is said, i want you to put in the button that you love will will upload here to this content with the city. certainly as it bring it to let's say that will do um, will it be to send in the middle of the set up you possibly could wanna use the center to pop up with us. it don't say that it's the most of it got a little bit less fun,
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fun fun this up the little. what's a good swimming pool of this is the opposite. it was the window of the 2nd. so it ended up so little, but so what do you suppose to one little more that is the more this i've pulled up recently? let's begin, didn't did the, did you say what, what the method of, what's the end of like now what do, let's say it's the talk of the headlines now here on out here, the un security council has voted to authorize a multinational force to haiti. the one the deployment will be led by kenyan.


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