tv News Al Jazeera October 3, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST
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gen deb to filter our nation. what has happened to the pension? that's one of the biggest stains of the country as well as in not really. this is important to me in an unholy alliance on orders here. the police in india rate, the homes of several journalist submit allegations their website receive funds linked to china. the money in cyprus, voucher, their life and uh, also coming up to you and approve sending foreign forces to hate and to crack down on gangs that control. most of the capital dozens are arrested in turkey. a suspected of having links with the group p k. k. i'm more on the, in the nation,
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tyrants sufficing for justice solved to the children were poisoned by contaminate to come there on the we begin in india where police have rated the homes of several janice at more than 30 locations in and around new delhi agenda. saw association with the news website news click in case has been filed against the outlet. on the empty terminal. it comes off to the new york times, alleged back in august. the news click receive funding from a businessman link to china, and promotion pro beijing talking points. john, the say police have confiscated the laptops and phones. media watchdog reporters without buddhist place. india, a b 106 feet fast place and its latest press freedom rankings this year as well. the association,
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the largest association of janice in india has reacted on the social media platform x. it said the press club of india is deeply concerned about the multiple rates conducted on the houses of journalist. i'm races association with news click and they say they are monitoring developments and we'll be releasing a more detailed statement that's going to show of danielle. he joins us now from utilities, a political editor at scroll news website. thank you for joining the program. why do you think these journalists have been targeted? but this is actually part of go back to, and again, civically busy that the more the government does their own, and for the stuff that kato, so the piece again, seems to get to have been gone running and all in water to a diesel caught in funds being transferred under the code in enforcement data clause, and now that's being wide into an antique database. so as you pointed out,
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the new york times publish them out to get in all this, alleging that new news ticket received the chinese funds. so this is sort of the more the government's politics that on the muscular nationalism actually we must get a national security. and as you can see, this is playing out truegreen, india today across a new shadows along these lines. as you say, the authorities say they've use this on t terrell or to justify these raids. i mean, does that make sense to you that they've used anti terrorism laws to target these janice as well? yes or no. i any more level, it does not the, the don't as being rated. so being made it, i mean, across the board. even if you, even if you were to put admitted, believe these allegations at, at, at worst, you could have targeted the management of the website. but what you're seeing right now is even do name close to getting needed even contribute to the ending read it, which is activities time does it give us the assumption of liability?
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there has been extremely decoding instead of already where people can be at a state lottery for years without trial. and we've been seeing that with civil rights activists, you know, across india. so that would be multiple cases. but other things you allegations would be made and people looked up and just set a little which is called a u e p, which is what is being used here. so legally, unfortunately, there is, isn't a lot to push back against this sort of action. the way it is law is in quotes of adopted in this and tell us a bit more of what you think about these new york times allegations about the funding of this website. uh that it comes from the us medina who is pushing some sort of chinese propaganda. i mean, what is, what is your understanding to use this website? what more can you tell us about it and, and in the un, is it illegal in any way for over say, overseas funding for
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a news website in india? and so that's a defense that used click a given that. so even if these allegations of the new york times has made a home that is up in the list of those done. and of course we don't really find that out at the end of the trial. but the, the, we in does, the new system is sort of been, you know, that, that, that finally, really quite come up with so many years. uh that uh, in a way the process is the punishment, the fact that these cases it belongs that these charges have been made against the team's click and these dates have been made and put to enter. this could also be made that itself would be so community. and remember new skills of a small news organization and independent news organization that it said would be, see me, hon for talking to do pick. but the idea of press freedom in india because then you can based on of the sort of allegations you could really go off any media how so you're listed in there. and as we were reporting earlier this year,
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india slipped in the weld press freedom in dikes. it's now a $161.00 out of $118.00. what is your experience when it comes to press freedom? the press freedom has indeed taken a huge hit over the last decade and there was always, i mean there was always a functioning democracy and we always had to push an appointment and seem to see them. but over the last decade, what proceeding is it even a sort of facade that the government has to put forward? it has been protect joiner's and had been protect. journalism is gone. you can see that you only them, it says nowadays is becoming increasingly a crime. if you're on the wrong side of the device, you could related, you could be that as soon as you could be charged with the listing of all fences. and remember, it's a seat on the other sites for them. they have an infinitum of the resources, and very often the journalists who are independent as reporting a, you know, a game spot where they don't have a lot of resources. so it's already,
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it's already cheating. it has a printing effect. honestly, in journalism, in india, you know, you could not as one person, but you could using that you could actually silence under the agenda. so would genuinely and understandably be scared about the safety of them says and the families. i appreciate your time and speaking to us here on out, is there a shy of danielle, a political editor at the scroll news website speaking? who was that from? denny? thank you. be united nations security council has authorized the deployment of a multi national security force to haiti. it's designed to help the car be a nation fight heavily on gangs that have become increasingly powerful. but it's not clear when the force will arrive, know who other than 10 you will contribute to it. chaper tons of reports from the un headquarters in your the haitian government for us and the un secretary general wasn't pushing for an international deployment to haiti for almost a year. but it was only at the end of july,
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but the us filed the country willing to lead the mission. kenya, this village was the next procedural hurdle. the draft resolution has been adopted . both russia and china of stains, but don't veto the resolution. they had question, the wisdom of authorizing an international force without 1st settling on its rules of engagement. historic 18 made the stuff to katy contains a lot of history of irresponsible for an interference. that is what gave rise to the downward spiral. the patients have not been able to overcome for years. they also insisted on a more comprehensive alms in bulger on haiti. at the moment, a large proportion of the gangs weapons being smuggled in from south florida tied to you to associate. we explicitly requested all countries take all steps to cut off at the sources the channel through which haitian gang obtained small alms lightweight bands and ammunition. so this is not a united nations peacekeeping mission. it's less stabilization force left in 2017, haven't been accused of widespread sexual abuse and smoking
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a color outbreak of killed some 10000 people. that rec, would appear to be on the mind of the us representative of the security council. importantly, this resolution recognizes the need to learn the lessons from past missions and calls for safeguards to promote respect for human rights and accountability. can you will now have the legitimacy off a un security council mandate. as of the attempts to augment its proposed force of $1000.00 police offices with those from other nations under the come objections at home and abroad about the mission, not least as a result of the push human rights record of the kenyan police force itself. residents of older friends express mixed feelings about another international for the past. the force will not be able to dislodge the gang because they're hiding in every corner on this to destroy the houses, to chase the bandits away. i would like the multinational forces to come in and make things better for the haitian people because we are tied v m. s, as it's cold, is terribly authorized for one year and will be reviewed often 9 months can use.
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foreign minister says he expects boots to be on the ground by next january. she ever tenancy out to 0. the united nations brian con cannon is executive director of the institute for justice and democracy in hays. he says many believe that the force will make the country's problems with us. it is possible it an international deployment could be a real fix. the problem is, is that the proposed international deployment is being done to prop up a repressive, corrupt government that is collaborating with the gang. and there is very little chance that this is going to be fixed the eighty's problems. most patients believe that the intervention is just going to increase eighty's problems by supporting a corrupt, repressive government. it is a very complex picture. a games are, are allied with government officials, about 40 percent of police officers are reported to have relationships with gangs.
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the gangs have relationships with economic leaks, but it's, it's a big part of their legions is to the government 2 years ago, haitian human rights groups. and harvard law school documented that the gangs and the government had been collaborating to attack opposition, neighborhoods in what they turned crimes against humanity. hey, you shouldn't have been saying for, for at least 2 years, that what needs to happen. here's the international community needs to stop propping up the repressive government. if that happens, then haitians have enough power within their society to force the government to compromise towards their elections. and that once you move away from a government that's feeding the gang problem, that there is a possibility of having a transitional government and running federal elections. you're going to have gains in 80 to the single future anyway, because part of the reason the gains is there is because the government is not providing basic services. and these 29 soldiers have been killed in as yet. and an
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attack by suspected owns group. the convoy was targeted by vehicles packed with explosives is as defense, ministry says it had been conducting a ministry operation against i. so near the board with money of the time of the tac to take a has arrested at least 90 people was suspected of having links with the homes group p k, k. the rest took place in 18 provinces across the country, and it follows an attack on the tech as capital encore on sunday when a suicide bomber destination device outside the interior ministry. that's great to send them cuz you're using it stumble for us and them to sounds like a huge operation. what more can you tell us? well, the scope of ration is large and only because uh, for 10 months surface intelligence have been calling boxing. it have been gathering information about the potential became members and collaborators and following the
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on, cut out attacks and going through with the turkish police. say they come back to this operation symbol saying is say the center of this operation is showing those 2 kids south a certain border. so it's syria right across combined a curtis uh for the city of uh, northern syria. so uh, and now they are trying to detain as many people as they can. but of course, this doesn't mean that all these people are going to be a rest of. this is the 1st, the tension. however, following on colorado glass on colorado attacks, we heard circus defense minister conducting operations in northern iraq, in northern syria. and also yesterday morning, they conducted some rates into cities including assemble and considerately northwest and city targeting a p k k collaborators. so apparently it means they have intensified a, they are in the information gathering and they are
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a fight against the out. those could be some workers party. and this is the situation about the investigation right now. they will continue doing these operations. right. and what do you think is the point of this operation? what are the authorities trying to achieve here? of the well then you also worked in took yeah, you know, the situation the, you know, the sensitivity towards the p k. k by the turkish authorities because for turkey or the p k. k, i'll post all pulled through the sound worker's part. it doesn't represent the kurds. and sometimes they also targets, of course, even in, in northern iraq, back in the 1990s. so 2 tiers, aim is to stop terrorism, what they call terrorism at its home, as soon as its ness, if it's coming from a cross border from northern c o northern era, they prefer to do for ations the over there before and what they call terrorism,
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which is their country to get in this means, but looking after the investigation, i'm looking at the today's operation, as i said, the center of the operation is something that we've talked to kids board to assist you with as to where it is right across the is suing curtis fi to group y p g p y d n. a shall move. a prosecutor's office is conducting this operation, jointly with the police. so as a drawer knows it gives me an idea that there are some leaks by the board there. and we should expect some more operations in the coming days, so that turkish government shows that there are strong against these kinds of attacks back to lee. and i'm really good to talk to you soon and because you already that for us, in a stumble, former us president donald trump has appeared in court of the opening of a civil full trial. trump, along with 2 of his sons and the trump organization, all keys, if and slicing the net with billions of dollars will try and phases hundreds of
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millions of $1.00 and $5.00 and the loss of business licenses. gabriel, as long as i has moved from new york, a donald trump again in a court room, but for the 1st time on trial, trump is adult sons and the trump organization are facing locations of intentionally inflating the value of trumps real estate holdings by nearly $3000000000.00 in order to gain more favorable loans. that is a crime one that could deal a major blow to trump's new york business empire. it's a which are trump, is not obliged to attend the trial, but on the 1st day he did so voluntarily. this trial was railroaded, that fast, drag this truck and have been brought years ago. but they waited till i was right in the middle of my campaign. the investigation was years in the making by new york, the attorney general's office, which brought the charges last year. donald trump and the other defendants have been committed for assistance and repeated fraud. last week,
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we prove that in our motion for summary judgement. today, we will prove our of the claims. the case is simple and not criminal in nature. there is no jury. a judge will rule if trump is liable, if found liable, trump would have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. the attorney general was also asking for a permanent ban on trump and his adult sons running businesses in new york and a 5 year ban on commercial real estate activities. trump has said he's eager to testify in the case. even volunteering to do so. trump is already last part of this case when the judge last week ruled that he was liable for fraudulently inflating the value of his new york apartments. the trial now is dealing with 6 other allegations. this is the 1st of what will likely be several trials involving the former president over the next year. he's facing criminal indictments in florida,
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georgia, washington, dc, and another one in new york stressful trial. but those trials will come later next year, right in the middle of the republican primary, where trump is leading the poles. as for this trial, there are more than a 100 people on the potential witness list. meaning it could go on for weeks, or perhaps even months into december. gabriel is on though. how dizzy to new york? the still ahead on the algebra out, is there a gains exclusive access to the now does the city of come? kennedy, in kind of a box on the phone of the crypto king sand bagman fraud goes on trial, charged with fraud and money to drain the
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color. we have the weather on the ton, some of the across pots of the northern. you see this mass of clouds, of sliding across the north sea, pushing towards them up quite an active area. the power of light pressure, this one, developing quite significantly as we go through the next couple of days. and that will bring some rubber when, when the weather in across many northern parts as it continues to just fumble its way for the race. precise and really heavy rain. the average of denmark pushing across sweden, heading over to was the baltic states that trading coal fund that runs all the way back down across gemini, towards the out. some live the spells of rain coming through here. some funds are mixed in for some last 3 showers. up towards the northwest ponti drive, it was a good pond to spain and portugal, but 5 inch wide more warm sunshine. of course, many eastern posts for the time being that ray will slide its way further east was becoming a little bitty, as it hits towards that. the west side of russia brought us guys come back in behind and we will see temperatures recovery across the west and pause as we go through the next couple of days. but even 1819 cells just f, a lot in,
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in paris. still about the seasonal average. if your shower was up towards the nodding towards western scotland showers in the process and have a clearing away from to kia, still got some. does it show us the air across the hall rest and lifted, dusting, sand as well. and plenty of wet weather for west africa. the, the latest news, as it breaks libya's from the west of the cover, the cub even echoes falls lines to help those the need in this particular divided nation with detailed coverage. this hospital was for showed during the day of rescue operation time continues to be for those who lost the homes from around the world. and i just thought of georgia maloney's message is that this is a european border as well as an autonomy and one requiring a european solution the
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the, the working out is there a mind if our top story is this, our police in india have rated the homes of john, this, that modem starts, he locations in and around new jersey. the associated with the website news click case has been filed against the news outlets on the, in the territory. the security council has voted to authorize a multinational force. the hasty one year deployment will be led by kenyan pending point on games that control launch fonts of the gap to take a has arrested at least 19 people suspected as having legs for the on squared p k. k follows and attacking on chrome sunday when a suicide for med destination. the device outside the interior ministry,
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which the p k. k claimed responsibilities. little than a $100000.00 estimate. con, medians living and catabolic have fled the region. since it was recounted by as the by john, i mean the fraction remains of that as the spine, as advisor on assurances that they will be integrated as equal citizens. and is there a secure and exclusive access to the desire to see have come kennedy, us on that bench available? if it weren't for the truck, there would be complete silence. even animals here have gone quiet. hunting the witch armenians calls to find the code has been deserted. nearly everyone has gone after ethnic armine indeed is degreed with other by john that the so called state of water will cease to exist. and it feels every one just got up
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and left. strewn with whatever people couldn't carry with them. the town centre of thousands had gathered now paints and unreal. erie seen the morgue stuff left to so even the dead are being about created to armenia by the red cross. we come to keep on finding other people's lives trended for the time being in the seats in the outskirts and therefore we have another concern considering that little area 7 been reached, yet the streets are completely empty. all that you can see here. i left scott had a few check points on the entrance off fund can be fresh and peacekeepers inside and maybe a few soldiers. here. we've got the last remaining ethnic armenians go gathering at a staging point for those who still want to leave at the we are talk and he says, this is our city also a place where those were staying,
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say goodbye. this ethnic armenian man had the 1st other by johnny he saw you, i need to talk to you. yeah. i could do to. yeah. he says i want to live here with every month. i have other bridge. any friends who tell me i shouldn't leave. so i am staying here is actually when it was about, just getting to get the administration says it's not as registration center provided ambulances, event, mobile networks and connected the city to the electric grid are. but the few people left behind, still need urgent care. if you ask me about the me just needs it. certainty to consider yeah, power gas for the winter coming and the water now for the outskirts and the other regions for sure. uh, we have been here for decades and uh we look forward to work with is amazon. that's all it is. we are actually,
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we have 4 of us been in contact with them. and in order to have a future, the city will need humans to refill it's empty streets. so i'm going to drive it down to 0, hunting deep. by john paul's. the cages have described it as one of the largest fraud cases in us history. some bank then freed heads, the trial in new york on tuesday is a case of misusing money made for me. is crypto currency exchange f t x. it led to its collapse and to invest is losing billions of dollars. if that money, kristin salumi has moved from new york a f as yet is a global corrupted currency exchange. this is sam bagman freed, testifying before congress in december 2021. we are processing about $15000000.00 per day of trading volume by then he had vaulted to celebrity entrepreneur status
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as the founder of the crypto currency exchange f t x. what's up, guys? i'm here with my voice and with the help of celebrities and expensive ad campaigns at yet, just to save this and easiest way to buy and sell crypt. he promoted crypto is money making potential to the public, getting into the system as safety x and secure with mgx. i buy sell entry crypto safely bagman freed became a billionaire and the face of the industry. him and his colleagues had also made a big impression in political circles, mainly in washington by throwing on millions of dollars in donations and talking a big game about their plans to do good with charitable donations and whatnot. but then it all began to unravel. prosecutors and leg illegally use money from f t x to cover losses at another company who started a hedge fund called alameda research, to donate tens of millions of dollars to politicians and to buy real estate in the
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bahamas where he was arrested last year. then when questions about the company's financial spurred, a wave of investor withdrawals f t x collapsed. it's name has since been removed from this miami sports arena. and both companies have since filed for bankruptcy using an estimated $8900000000.00 and customer funds. found bank winfree. it has been waiting for his day in court here and in new york prisons sell a far cry from the bahamas resort, where he was living prior to his arrest, the judge and the case with both his 2 $150000000.00 bill. and his permission to live with his parents in the run up to the trial saying that bagman freed had attempted to intimidate a witness of his former girlfriend, who also happens to be the former ceo of alameda while his parents, both lawyers have stood behind bank been freed the former girlfriend and 3 former f t x executives have pleaded guilty. 3 are reportedly cooperating with prosecutors.
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bagman freed has said repeatedly that he didn't intend to commit fraud to convict 10, prosecutors will have to convince the jury that he knowingly misled his customers. kristen salumi al jazeera new york, a group of indonesian parents still fighting for justice nearly a year off to the children were poisoned by contamination cough syrup. within 200 children died from acute kidney failure and not a 100 for seriously injured 20 full families. also in government agencies and pharmaceutical companies, one of the mothers involved has story without is here. so yeah, they see for the mazda sally, improve the loss in, but of that my shanna shanna in. yeah, the last off i've got a bun cast loose, go going, don't put a few, but could i tune on products as i'm also the chan i the ones the looms up at the
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moment. but the love i love to have a little i have this unofficial thing to do. see i can do the same but the sub sub. but i did look the was at the low percentage of the associate, but the, the low, the moment something but for over the job was able to most of the kids because they all thought about us. it's almost, it'll be a little cloud a month. listen to how to get the we, it's the one line. so i need to do more about the mika most of the, probably a slip of a long so the be, so if you fees, if you said the must be slipping, visa this era. so it's the best bugging use. i have all of these little stuff kids to the for the them to hit for the thing. do you watch anything? i see john. good point. okay, so i'll talk to him. i sort of the width of the deluxe. it almost up to this, but this he said, i want you to put that ahead of him, but he loves we'll,
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we'll upload speed to if it doesn't look good. did he? certainly i think it to let's say that will do um, will it be to send in the unit letter? will it be the best thing to do? i'm gonna use the center to pop up, but that's it. don't say this is the most of it got a little button on this, so please send me the list of somebody to put this in the opposite end. but the window of the 2nd. so the actual symbol, but it's just one little below that is the.
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