tv News Al Jazeera October 9, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST
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lots of medical treatments, challenging conventional with the fact that people are starting to get angry about this is in itself a sign of progress. join me more for me on hills upfront one out 0. the gods as deadly as the day. and 15 years is randy strikes found the kind of thing you know, play from all sides offered secure to cabinet for many declares who with how much the other ones are enjoying your watching out 0 a special coverage because of israel. more than $700.00 is right. these have been killed so far, unprecedented military operation. count out by how much a senior i'm also official confirms the holding mode. a 100 is really is captive in
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the gulf. usa or is it something additional? mandatory 8, i'm just pulling it across the carrier and a show of support. the, it's been guns as deadly as day in 15 years and 2000000 palestinians living there are now pricing for what's to come. israel as formerly declared a state of war and that's cost 413 palestinian lives in just 2 days among them. 78, which mildred is, randy as strikes of hit the besieged palace spinning of the enclave from all sides . it's now am i send troops never goes that is ro buddha, that includes a $100000.00 reserves. michael, that pet reports to the extent of the devastation in gaza is difficult to comprehend. israel is now at war with hamas and the people of guys all bearing the brunt of that
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this man lost his entire family when his house was destroyed. he's not alone in his grief. the mole get the she fell hospital in gaza is at capacity among the dead. 5 children full from the same family. amid the fighting the chaos and the destruction. families prepared to bury their loved ones well by my f one as they definitely need. they probably target civilians, mold and politicians to try and pressure us into giving up. but we're not going to give out. and we're here to stay. this is outland and we want a band and that entire apartment buildings, hundreds schools and even a mosque when stayed in the strikes the show me the what happened to us is complete destruction. we are the elbow of family and there were a 150 people in this building about all of my family's homes have been destroyed.
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the heaviest fighting in decades has killed a 100 and wounded several 1000 palestinians. the 7 people in this house, when it was hit by, is ready for the full day. israel has cut off electricity, fuel and water supplies to one of the most densely populated territories in the world. the hospitals are overwhelmed and unable to function without basic services. the ordinary gardens can do little, but continue to enjoy. one of the worlds was 2 minutes here in situations. the missouri amplified firewall mike level, which is 0 as well, and is rarely dest tell from how masters military operation has now as a past 700 many, a still missing a mass has continued to fi,
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a barrage of rockets from gaza overnight to building an escalade. in southern israel was get by iraq, it is really need is reporting at least one person was injured and up in gun bottles between the hamas and is ready forces in these recent flash points that stair out after long as well as a keyboard can come in as rails special forces, soldiers were deployed to fight in some places on the senior official farm. how much has confirmed that more than a 100 is right? these have been taken as captives some 260 people were killed with a music festival that was attacked by the group on saturday. for the march report. the death toll in israel sold above 700 on sunday. a number likely to know much of his ready society. and many of those killed close to gauze i had come to don's that is how mass fights is attacked. crowds of ravens ran for their
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lives. many were dragged into goblet as captives in the face of this onslaught. israel minute 3 is facing criticism for its slow response on saturday morning. by sunday morning its full plains smashing the strip with near constant strikes my chicago. new hobbies is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised a ton, gaza, into an island. the ruins for some residents got devastation already a reality with gauze and helpful authorities reporting many hundreds killed in his really attacks. israel says this destruction is just the stall. it's of a long response to her mouse is unprecedented. a time turn. so munitions also massing by the border with lebanon following on hillary and rocket, 5 back and forth with has belonged to the newest launch numbers of soldiers and
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mobilizing in the now militarize zone. the garza, with a warning to palestinian civilians to back away from the boundary line, a mass of breached by them all. they're all tens of thousands of military personnel in the surrounding areas near a goza. we will continue to arrive to every settlement until we can overcome and who are inside is riley territory in new york supplied westbank morning for several civilians killed in classes with security forces. among them, a mother told by greece for a teenage son, several countries of cold for the findings to cease, but no sign on either side will contemplate a cessation any time soon. the marks out just at a as well just here was team of correspondence covering every angle of this developing story. john henderson is in washington dc. i'm gabriel. that is on the is in new york where the un security council has held an emergency close door
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meeting. but 1st let's go to mamma jump june. he's in west jerusalem, mom and so we know that in times of war, israel's was this make up the backbone of the, i mean, what more are his really official saying about this mobilization? that's right there. and before i get to that, i just want to update our viewers on something the you had mentioned. you mentioned earlier that about that exchange of gunfire that's been happening in steroids in the south. we are seeing on is really media that those shoot outs are still going on right now between members of these really army and how much gunman. so we're expecting to get more details about that in the hours to come. we'll bring you more about that, but that's what we have at this hour, is that those gun battles are still continuing instead, or with regard to those reserve is we have now heard from is really army spokesperson. jonathan calling because he posted a video to ex,
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formerly known as twitter, just a couple of hours ago in which he talked about how many reserve is had actually been mobilized to the south close to gaza. and he said that that number is 100000. that is a massive troop build up a certainly we have been expecting to be hearing more about how many reservists would be going to the south at a time of such high tension when a war is ongoing. that number has now come out of the spokesman, gave more details in that video that he posted to ex. let's take a listen to more of what he had to say. we have the a mass around a $100.00 reserve troops who are currently in southern as well preparing to execute the task that these randy government has designated the idea of to do our job is to make sure that at the end of this war,
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hum us will no longer have any military capabilities to threaten these ray the civilians with and in addition to that, we are also to make sure of how most will not be able to govern because a street, a lot of these right in a cabinet has now officially declared war on god. so what does this mean in practice for the country and the ongoing military operations? a darren, this is really nothing new compared to where he's real was just 2 days ago after all of this 1st occurred. this has now been 48 hours. you had the prime minister coming out 2 days ago and saying that the country was more, you then had the cabinet meet and approve the declaration of war. so what happens next is that later today we're told that that war declaration will be handed to a committee in the can acid in the countries part of them, and that they will vote on it that they will approve it. and that they're after the
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu will address the full can asset, the full parliament. and he will then read out the fact that this war declaration has officially been approved. look, this is not different. we're not in a different place right now than we were in the last couple of days. the country has been award. essentially, what will happen in the kinetic is a formalization all be at a retroactive one of a declaration of work that has already been made that has already been declared. this is also very symbolic in nature. this is a way for the prime minister to basically say that the citizens of the country, this is different than what we've seen before. this is a full blown conflict. this is a full blown war. when the cabinet passed the declaration of work that gave, among other things, the prime minister and the defense minister expanded powers to, among other things, take actions within the context of the work that they would not need approval from the cabinet for. so the prime minister has already been given expanded power. so
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has the defense minister again, this is symbolic. it's also going to show that the, the israeli government is now saying we're at more they're trying to prepare their citizens for that reality. but it's also coming at a time when there has been a lot of discontent about the fact that this happened. everybody we've spoken with the past several hours have told us that they really can't get their heads around the shock of what happened. and many of them telling us this was a massive a collage. so intelligent and operational failure on the part of is really security services. and these really military and many are wondering if they're going to be political rep precautions for the prime minister if there is politically a price that he is eventually going to have to pay because of these feelings. all right, armanda jump june life as the in western. who's the mohammed? thank you. well, israel is close. i live united states says it's sending additional mandatory 8. i'm deploying an aircraft carrier and a show of support for israel. let's go live to john henry and in washington dc. john. so the us deploying that across the carrier to the region, presumably old positive,
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unwavering support is right. that's right. you've heard more statements from the us government for members of congress in support of israel. and then you have secretary of defense, lloyd austin, announcing that they have deployed this aircraft carrier group. that is the us, as gerald ford and several other ships are also augmenting fighter jets in the region, they're adding a munitions in other age. all of these things are things that, that uh, the administration can do that by the administrator without involving congress. and of course, involving congress as difficult as the israelis would like to have interceptors for their iron don't. that might require a more money out of the us congress. israel already gets $3300000000.00 a year. but as the house of representatives in the u. s is without a speaker probably won't resolve that before it least weddings day. so these are things that bind administration can do right away. so why the big show of force?
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probably not because those vessels, those planes would be engaging with the palestinians or how mos on shore. this is really a show of force and a show of us support. it may also be a warning to a run secretary of state anthony blinking was on american television a sunday morning talking about the possible role of a ron. and the idea that normalizing relationships between saudi arabia and israel, something the u. s. was trying to do when this all happened. might have been the reason that i'm us struck when it did, he said, who opposes it? has the mazda in iran. so to the extent that this was designed to try and de rail, the efforts that were being made, that speaks volumes. so this is just another example of how the us and israel are so tied together, particularly with the news that for americans were killed in the home us assault.
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apparently, we don't know exactly what happened there. whether that was involved in the concert that was attacked there, or you know, what other activities they could have been participating in whether they were settlers. we don't know that. but blinking talked about what this means for americans. what this means for his re lease. and what this means for the world a this is a massive terrorist attack that is gunning down, is really civilians in their towns in their homes. and as we seen so graphically, literally dragging people across the, the board with guys including a holocaust survivor in a wheelchair, women and children. so you can imagine the impact is just having throughout israel and the world should be revolted and what it seen. we have immediately engaged ours, really partners and uh, and allies present items on the phone with from the student. and yeah, we're early yesterday to assure him of our full support. i was on the phone with these really present the foreign minister. the entire government has been engaged
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throughout the region and well beyond. i'm john in terms of the diplomatic effort. washington, we know has been quoting for restraint, but is it too early to talk about any possible us road in mediation? do you is it seems to realize that when it comes to mediations, it doesn't have much influence on how mosse or any of the other groups involved other than israel. so what it's doing is it's communicating with its allies in the middle east and in north africa. blinking has been continuing the series of calls, he made a, in the recent days with counterparts and saudi arabia, the u i. e t a and it to guitar. jordan, and what they've been emphasizing is the need to deescalate this conflict and they know the u. s. message isn't going to get directly to a moss, it needs to be communicated through trusted partners. so that is the, the, the larger message they, there is some pessimism to how effective at the escalation could be. but with 4
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americans killed with a known american hostages being taken among the 100 or so that ha says it has in gaza. the u. s. has a real interest in pressing and they've got an interest in resolving this entire conflict. so they can move on with abiding administration's plan to try to reconstruct relate sions in the middle east, through that saudi and is rarely agreement which they, they had hoped would involve concessions from israel, uh, to end settlements. and to ultimately recognize the palestinian state. that seems much farther away now. so these are baby steps. the administration is taking to try to deal with a hostage situation, perhaps get homeless to release some of those hostages and ultimately to de escalate this conflict. all right, to join hands on life as the from washington dc. i don't thank you. well, the un security council, as you were saying the has held an emergency meeting behind closed doors out of the room is gabriel. as under joins us live from new york,
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gave such focus through what's come out of that you and meeting as well. anyone that was hoping perhaps for some grand statement from the united nations security council, or some big resolution, was certainly disappointed because that did not happen. these were closed consultations. they were not really intended for the un to sort of take any vote per se, or any of the members to give any sort of major statements, at least within the security check council chambers. this was closed doors behind closed doors. private journalists were not allowed inside of course, and a feed from the meeting, which some goes out in other meetings. didn't happen in this case, and that doesn't happen under close consultations. however, the united nations, a security council members did hear from tour was in all the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process. and the purpose of this meeting was for security
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council members to hear from him to get an assessment from the united nations. on the situation in gaza and in israel right now, that was the point of it. now uh, before the meeting took place. uh the palestinian ambassadors, rosie's really a master were at un headquarters. they did not attend the meeting. they were not allowed to because it was closed or closed consultations, but we did hear from the palestinian and bastard before the meeting started, after the meeting ended, the deputy ambassador from united states spoke as well. let's listen to what both of them had to say. here's an keeps saying, the blockade and repeated assault. some guys are to destroy him, us military capabilities and ensure security clearly an ex and expectedly as its blockade. and the salts
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accomplish these are the only thing they did accomplish was inflicting, could have been suffering on an entire civilian population. we are very much concerned about the impact of this invasion by him, us of, not just on civilians right in that immediate area. but in the region, this conflict could grow and we don't want to see that happen. and obviously our thoughts are with all civilians that are hurt. but what we need to focus on is this ongoing terrace violence being committed by him us. and this cannot be ignored and it's important and i'm glad today we heard from a number of council members that this, these attacks should not happen. they need to end and they condemn them. so they, but do we have a sense? yeah, so the next steps here then for the international community. so there's certainly
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diplomacy happening all over the world right now. and at least within the united nations, it's really working on the 2 key tracks. number one is the security council, while they do not have another meeting planned at this point, at least not that they've announced yet. you can bet there could be a meeting as early as monday reconvening, because there's a certainly at the top of the agenda for the security counseling. you want to keep a close eye on russia because of course, with the 5 permanent members. each one of them has veto power on any resolution. moving forward, russia is going to be very key. moscow is already called for a cease fire, but it's, it's hard to see if this juncture is real agreeing to anything even close to that. and of course, with the united states and the u. k. permanent members of the security council is where they have veto power. they're on the 2nd track,
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you have the u. n. special coordinator for middle east peace, the brief the security council on sunday. he has been in contact with united states, the e u. cuts are egypt, and 11 on trying to marshal uh those countries and entities together as well. all of them are going to be key, perhaps in marshalling some sort of diplomatic effort on the escalating the situation moving forward. but the bottom line is, is any sort of diplomacy at any level is going to be quite difficult. that's what the investigators are saying. certainly behind closed doors, primarily, but not wholly, but primarily because israel has shown no sign of wanting to negotiate or talk about any sort of diplomacy at this juncture. at least not yet. just talking about the opposite on terms of their military strategy. moving forward and guys. all
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right, gabriel is on their life as staff from new york. gabe, thank you for that for that. and if you're just joining us, let me just recap thought top stories here. this alex is realized for me to declare the state of war and casa, the commission comes off to how much northside military operation against israel on saturday, 413 palestinians, including 78 children to 20. that strikes of it be besieged allison in on place both sides. israel is now a mess in troops. me. the concept is rev board and that includes a $100000.00 reserves and how mass us continue to fight by roger buckets from the guys i'm more than $700.00 is right. these have been killed and how much is committed to offering some 260 bodies were recovered at a music festival, attacked by the group on septic. i'm a senior official from how much has confirmed this type is more than a 100 is ready to use as captives. the prisoners include soldiers and civilians. wait a minute to set, the number of captives is significant. meanwhile, in gaza,
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summit 123000 people are displaced off of their homes, were destroyed in is way the strikes. some of them all sheltering at a you and school you and run schools across because i have received more than $20000.00 palestinians since half a day. you're on the outside went to one of the that we're currently here, as one of the owner was schools where more than 2000 people have taken this school at shelter. the people that are in this school has moved from their homes. that where across the or adjustment to the is really a guns and borders. now they have older tier some of the late last night while others came here this morning. also some of the families that we have may have had their home destroyed and that's why they have to come here to the underwood
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or shelter under what has told is that it has prepared 44 schools in total, $44.00 schools and filters all together across because districts for the lease time and the year, they have also said that over $22000.00 people have been displaced and are now taking shelter in their school. the policy is signed, the lease had to experience this means of their homes. and they just nice many, many times before. some families to say that this is not the 1st or the 2nd or even find those people tubs. there's rooms adjustment every single time there is any kind of escalation here to leave their homes because there are they are afraid of. are there a trade off the the
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place we're bringing in 6 to 4 the because the 6 the 0 god just meanwhile and in the occupied west bank of these 5 palace demands have been shot and killed in confrontations with is ready for us is that brings the death toll that effect seen k was since saturday. crowds have cut off in cities across the west bank on saturday to support how much is minutes reparation against as well. well, the height, depth told an israel side undermines the perception that is always protected with i am kind security, here's how the human cost of this latest war compared to others in the 2008 war on gaza, about 1400 palestinians, and 13 years radius died for
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a 65. it was reached in 2014 more than 2000 palestinians were killed in gaza. 73 is where these died. most of the members of the armed forces and 2 years ago, another flare up resulted in 250 punished indians. killed in gauze, 13 people size in israel. what, in contrast, the depth tone of this war stands at about 400 palestinians killed and more than 700 is res. a dead francesca organizes the un special rabbits you are on the occupied palestinian territories. she says that needs to be a peaceful resolution to the confidence. it's like money, i'm totally petrified. what's happening? i'm totally shocked and appalled by the fight by the violence, but before anything else i'm. i'm horrified by the narrative, by doing this course because it's possible and necessary to stand with both the policy and cindy's trade east. without resorting to ets a cool rent activism. to selective outrage of words,
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corner calls for violence. patients, policy makers, truth prioritize, of restoring legality. and accountability using diplomacy and peace, conflict resolution message. rather than advocating for more violence or spending with one side or another. this is not what either a deposit experience nor do these really needs. i'm being in this role sharing this role for 16 months now. and they've said since the very beginning, as a sole violence mounting is coming, aging against defense to expand to students. and this is something that has been ongoing for years. older 6, the kids now 56 years just in the context of you to patient. but i've said since the very beginning, the secular, colonial occupation, the media, try the secular for the patient at ease of my pain and trapped both people. both of
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them are incredibly tight in the same destiny. and one cannot do without the other . you can 2 up to the menus re, these have to call these days like you professor, i hear gross or a breaking the silence, of course. so they are in pain for what's happening to these res. how would they not be? at the same time, they say what was happening needs to be cooking context, a context of, of decades of oppression. the post on the policy is blue sky zation strap patrol violence was still a directory rallies. the palestinians are being held across the world in a rock protest as was seen, burning is riley and american flags. a protest can avoid drugs, the streets of the capital bank in washington, dc of ronnie took place near the white house. similar gatherings were also climbed
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outside is really consulates in atlanta and chicago. yes, president joe biden has voiced rock solid and unwavering support is rep that i cannot really learn about the i think a lot of times people portray terrorism, but i actually think, i believe in people's minds in the way they i mean, i studied the young man feel like they have no option, they really are and were more thing attack lately falls violent, real type of violence. understand
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but anxious about something, not always, especially with the in new york, but just as cool for washington to ended, support israel, your governor company which will contend plans for pro palestinian demonstration. the part time for project on the top stories here. this uh israel has full many dakota state of war on gaza.
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