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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 10, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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a sad shoulder to shoulder with b is really government and he will also outline u. s. military and security assistance to israel and to the is really military. we should remind our viewers that there is a standing agreement that the united states provides annually. 3.8000000000 is security assistance, but we know that israel has asked for more. we have, according to john kirby, the national security spokes person, ascertain that there is an additional request. we know that there will be additional munitions that will be sent as well as intercept or ms files. so we're maybe going to get a better understanding of what else is being said. uh, what we do know though, is that the president will tell the american public no boots on the ground. that means no soldiers. american soldiers will be going to assist the is rarely forces. now we also expect that the us president will be talking about the rise of anti
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semitism inside the united states. may a tax on those who uh, follow the jewish faith inside the us that they should be allowed to worship freely and he will continue to allow them to and encourage them to do so. so these are some of the things that we expect the was present to say, he said, will condemn terrorism in all its forms. and also we expect that he will once again reiterate this divided administration's position is for a 2 state solution that that's the best way to resolve the conflict between israel and the palestinians to, kimberly, just to know by the way that we're at, we're still looking at that live shot over gaza and just moments ago we saw what again appeared to be probably rockets fired from gaza. you would see that that arc that long arc. and then when you see that white flash, that typically means that israel's and don't system has intercepted the rockets. what can you tell us?
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kimberly about the american aircraft carrier that is being sent to the region. i mean to the mediterranean, because you just said no boots on the ground, but us presidents going to assure the american public there will be no american boots on the ground. they are still sending what i believe is their biggest aircraft carrier to the region. so yeah, and that's because there is a grave concern on the part of the us president and his military chief set the pen to go on, but this is going to escalate into a broader regional conflict. and so a given that concern, there is the positioning of a carrier right group. it's called, it's the us us, gerald ford. and this is being positioned in the eastern mediterranean. and the reason for this is because the united states wants to ensure regional stability. it was to make sure that it can minimize the risk of
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a wider sort of escalating conflict. and so what we know is that the us president may talk about this in his upcoming speech. but the bottom line is, is that the united states is there to support its allies. it's there because of have vital national security interest in the region, and it wants to continue to maintain those ties. and so as a result, the us president is, is there to ensure that those remain intact as this conflict continues. but at the same time, we should tell you that the us president is getting a lot of criticism, particularly a capital hill from his political adversaries, including the republicans who say that the president may have been to blame for a lot of this is specially given the fact that he had was encouraging and, and didn't participate in a prisoner swap with a rod just last month. in fact, that is the big criticisms of most the president right now,
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is that because of the prisoner swap that took place last month, the fact that there were $6000000000.00 and funds return to a ron of this, in fact may have in bold into moss and the that support uh, even though the administration maintains that iran was not in any way involved. so this has led to this conflict. and so the us president may once again underscore that there was no involvement, some things that we've heard repeatedly throughout these recent days. but at the same time, this has certainly been something the administration has had to defend houses here as white house correspondent. kimberly how good, thank you very much for that. it is 9 30 am where you are in washington dc and it is 7 30 pm in the center of our screen as we continue to watch what's happening live over the skies of gaza. and in the last few moments, again, rockets are being intercepted by israel zine don't system. now there's also been explosions on israel's northern border with lebanon,
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where the is really military has just launched. artillery strikes in response to rocket attacks by hezbollah, of the hush him is in the course of 11 on 4th of the 1st establish the fact as you know, the we are right now, just close, very close to the lebanese is really baldes. i'm today, there are several incidents on the side of the more that there was a bulge of rocket some several occasions. i don't 15 rockets, one lunch from 11 on to what's that is really there. one infected by this. really, i thought i miss on system is really ami um launched also a retaliation hitting the live in these territories with all to let you know. i don't know if we can see my background. the some fun has been lazing here. so it's pretty darn and we can see light in this is really bold as to me on the point. so
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yeah, so the file is now close to and is there any book position? now the problem is that we can get closer to the place of the file about this is one of the big chose he of how this area, how 11 on the east side of the board is becoming an operation. area of tension is, is escalating day after day and each day the something new, there's a new element that's drawing the living these front into this a conflict. so we can say that it's, it's directly now in this config bites, playing kind of find a jason rule in this, in this fight with has the law sending messages to the is rare leave messages regarding the is really operations right now in the sense that if as read wants to any late have mass and as long as you have then the rules of engagement are going
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to change. and that's what we saw yesterday with as long as you have a good and to bring in for freight thing into this really baldes. engaging with this really all me in the bottle got left to offers. that means you has the fight, those kids and we had now got that all uh to is ready. so just now we, we had that. so it seems that the situation is, is, is escalate and got the idea of having palestinian fractions. fighting from the news side of the board as is, is kind of a new, at least in the, in the end, the current situation, the last time palestinians were fighting from the news board as was at 1982. and that ended with is ready invasion. 1982 when the policy is mainly the a fee of low was a left click on to watch the media. and after that, it was mainly been these functions. launching attacks from the liberties for the so
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this element is giving even a sites on the whole conflict. this is the situation and i've been on and living on a bus tour in, in this whole a landscape. if you're going to get to a different situation, a different picture, whereas there is a new element which is different. i've seen and functions lunch and get tax from the news waters. and this is going to overcomplicate the situation. however, also we've had a recent, they also today that they're already some a rockets launch towards and is really thinking and it's what's up that heavy of i v and we can confirm that that's the only and use that we had. we need to confirm it. so situation is stance and it's getting day after day, more sense of the house and thank you for letting all of that out showing us also what's behind you. we appreciate that reporting that sells is here as ali ashton, a. so tom barrack, at the 11 on piece of this,
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some of our viewers will be very familiar with it. many of our viewers are gonna find this pretty complicated to understand. this is we're talking about a different part of the country. they are not near gaza, however, the question is when you see fighting in gaza, it raises concerns of whether hezbollah that operates out of 11 on could perhaps join the open, the 2nd front against the israel to yes, while it is to the possibility, although his beloved has its own domestics challenges and calculations, as well as a legitimacy with 11 in and it's a position has been really challenged as a result of a supporting, as i said. and it's 4 and syria. and that has meant that many of the lebanese, a very, very reluctant to see 11 and drawn into, into a conflict today. also the way as well tradition, the retaliated against has belie,
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is it, as well as it has established a patch. and that if there's an attack from his will, they will try and respond immediately, but also they will target by root and they would go 4 major infrastructure projects . and i think given the economic situation of the country and the cut and vacuum in terms of governance and so on, again, people would be better elect and that has below done that, a lot of pressure not to not to intervene. so you think, barring a major escalation or development has been off of the moment, is going to stay out of this. well, this is where i think uh nothing yahoo may play his card if nothing now is objective is to draw iran into a confrontation with united states as soon as this uh, uh, the, the support from the guys that arrives in the area that then you know, who may push the buttons of his beloved by targeting their positions in, in the south using the excuse of whatever jihad is doing randomly at the moment. so that the, there is a direct involvement. and i think that there is the link between hezbollah
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and iran is, is it is a well established link, and i think that would be the trigger. so tom bark at thank you very much for that analysis. we want to keep talking about what's happening in gaza right now, especially for the residents of gaza. it goes, has been under as really block k for almost 17 years. for thing is people into a humanitarian and economic crisis. so some facts for you to be aware of before we go to our guest is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. a narrow strip of land between israel and egypt on the mediterranean sea, you can see it there. screen left garza is about twice the size of washington d. c, but with triple, the population went home, most of power in 2007 in gaza. israel responded by imposing a land sea and air blockade, cutting off gauze it from the outside world. now there are 2 crossings for people in goods to enter the territory. one is beta noon that's between gaza and israel.
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it's known to is released as the rest crossing and there's the rasa crossing which we were talking about earlier. that's between garza and egypt writes groups blame regular closures of the crossings for the shortage of goods in gaza. about 2 thirds of guns is 2300000 people or refugees. they live in 8 camps and are highly dependent on un assistance and unemployment levels are among the highest in the world. 6 out of 10 young palestinians and gaza are out of work. more than half of the population in the strip suffers from poverty gardens live in tight quarters, making them highly vulnerable to attacks. as the footage coming out of the destruction and the strip has demonstrated, amply demonstrated over the last few days. now jennifer austin is deputy director of the you in relief and works agency for palestine. refugees in gaza. you are joining us from the enclave that we. so you work for overall, which is one of the, one of the weird or un acronyms. but that's by the, by i mentioned that because just regular viewers of alger 0 going to hear hon
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a lot. and that's the un agency that deals with the, with the palestinian refugees. how many schools do you run in the gaza strip? and how many people do you currently have sheltering in your facilities? i think 0. yeah. at the moment when we go, we run 294 schools, 300000 school children. that's during the normal school times. but at the moment, the schools have been turned into emergency shelters for red t j. so it's taking shelter against this conflict. and the mom and by the 8th of the schools are a shelters. and we've got 877000 people taking refuge for the safety of the blood flag of the un looking for safety in our schools, a 177000. look, i was at this desk the same hour yesterday and the number was a 137000. so that's increased a lot in just 24 hours. does israel have the coordinates of all those facilities?
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and is there communication going on between or want and any is really entities, military or otherwise, to say don't target those spots. all of the u. m. facilities in gossen including schools. they conflicted, which means that these riley, socrates have, have full knowledge and gps coordinates of all of our facilities. so yes, the fully aware size facilities, and i know that we have auto pays internally displaced persons in nice facilities. okay. they're d conflicted, i, i note the word that you're using. what are you doing for food and water in those facilities? well, at the moment, because we have to side stretch, we already and i need to die 3 of this unprecedented conflict. we've got huge demands on a, on a, on the supply lines. and of course, you know, i supply his costs. um, so what we're doing is providing the basic 3rd and the basic nonce,
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but we're almost out of non food items. and we providing by 630 buttons and that's through our partnership with you and partner wsp, reminding our viewers the, sorry, go ahead. good luck getting started. getting on get now i was, i was just going to remind her of yours. the israel has declared a total blockade on gaza, meaning no food, no water goes in. so how long can you hold out for that, it's a good question. we've got supplies for 12 dice for food and water for those people. and you know, there's more than those people that are, that are in our schools as paper sheltering in other places. this paper sheltering with family and friends. so there's many more displays that are going to on your schools. 12 days of food and water that you have left, you say you have a 170000 people roughly closer 288-0000. i believe people in your facilities or
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people continuing to arrive. yes. that. well, i think that a lot of investigated the coming there arriving either not we, it's really difficult for us 0 to getting numbers to get specific numbers until the next day until we see what's happening. because you know, to you, right? so prolonged as that we don't, we don't have to, well, we don't have telephone lines of the i chest is down. know pattern, you know, we've had networks hit by the bias strikes. so our network button and then we, we or it's really difficult for us now on the ground. what's happening out in the areas we rely on our stuff. our excellent staff who are going out to themselves are refugees. and the cup might have lost their time. they might of themselves be in a shelter. they might have lost family and they going out doing they were providing the services for refugees. so we're providing health services, crypt critical, large setting hills by providing mental health and social services for the rest of
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juice, who are in the shelters are also providing water. well, we just don't drinking water, but water, well, water for and in the camps and we are we doing what we can to the richie chase, but it's really difficult, difficult times. and it's really not a presidential situation that we're facing. can any guns in the family come and see shelter in the on or off facilities a are you turning anyone back we dont turn anyone away on the do not how the principal weird we expect anyone that don't have to be a refugee that can be a non refuge and we will not turning away from it or no. a school. both civilians are welcome in our schools to fix id on to the un blue flag. how many more people can you take it? well, that's a difficult question. we will have to open mold facilities and we will have to try
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and pay for those people that are invested facilities. but we will that we will be trying to help people to move to other places where we don't align. and basically not dining you an actor here, there are other partners there and you are. is there other people that can help? well, of course we are the biggest actor we with at the moment we have scaling up and we are looking for support to go up to 250000 in our own shelters. but of course, there are other shelters. there are other actors who can help as well. and just before i let you go, no one has been through wars, high intensity wars and periods of bombardment before. how does this compare to previous wars? this doesn't even come close to, you know, i are on compound here where i'm calling from we would, we've been in a bunker for 6 hours yesterday. i completely forgot it around us. our whole infrastructure here is just about down. we and thing i and we are,
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we are relatively safe here compared to the, to the paperless casa, this is just enough stuff. and the people who have been here a long time, they're all signed permission to unlock anything that they've ever seen before. intensity is on is just unprecedented. the situations involving it's ongoing and it could be even going for a very long time. jennifer, just a quick recap for of you as we joined this minute interview of what you've told us . you have about a 170000 people roughly that are currently across your various on or off facilities in the gaza strip. you say that you have about 12 days of food and water left. you're not turning anyone away in any gauze, in family or individual can come to your facilities. you're hoping that you'll be able to accommodate more. and those areas are all in your words. the conflicted meaning is real, knows where they are and they know not to strike those on the wrong facilities. jennifer austin, thank you very much for sharing all that information with this very important for
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who is at this hour. thank you sarah. good evening. i of every europe and parliament is discussing the developments in israel and palestine. this comes a day after confusion about whether the e you would suspend a to palestinians. the european commission appeared to back track on its earlier announcement that it would stop payments after several member states protested. james ron is a former us, you beg your pardon, you and basset, or to egypt to jordan in yemen. i spoke to him earlier. he says that there are a longstanding protections on how the european aid is spent. i think that they're open not very strong safeguards in place that many years now about how are you a is administered and spent in palestine, whether it be in the west bank or whether it be in gaza when it comes to developing data. and so there are firewalls and the number of uh, restrictions uh, on the uh,
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disbursement of that. and that was the right place um whether or not uh, new uh, restrictions are rec, bob belt, we'll see. but, but the time be, i think it's, it's pretty clear that the, the way that is provided goes primarily through the power setting a sovereignty for the benefit of protest sitting people in palestine around supreme leader has denied any involvement in the mazda attacks on israel. but he told an audience of the military academy, the test run supports in defense palestine, and it's resistance, a homie on the gene that he has support as of the regime and some officials of the occupying regime of such a month since comments over the past few days they introduce iran as the one who is behind this operation. they made a mistake. we of course defend palestinians, which is the full heading of the prey fighters and use of protest on yes it's true . but those who say that non palestinians were behind what was done,
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they do not know palestinians, well, they have under estimated the nation of palestine. doctors, the mistake house is 0 is dorothy jabari reports on this from different i to lot of the hominy is the commander in chief of our owns armed forces and he has the final say on all matters when it comes to this country's military capabilities and actions at this is suit really significant because it shows that the supreme either felt it was time to address the accusations being hurled at his country and to put to rest. any suspicion at the foreign countries may have about around direct involvement and also to deter israel from using it as a pretexts to launch any attacks against their on the supreme leader. also took the opportunity to issue a warning to officials in israel saying that they have now change the narrative from being the oppressors to claiming to be the oppress. basically,
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painting themselves as a victim to justify the actions that they're taking against the civilian population and gaza. and he said that that could have a harsh blow to them as well. so this certainly is not over yet. and the supreme leader here a highlighting the fact that iran will continue to stand with the palestinian people and their cause. i want to talk about iran, would you still time? you've been with us throughout the hour. you've heard everything our correspondence had to say and reported as well as our guest. iran is a major part of this. um, as you were saying earlier, and you, you were also made this point yesterday. you think israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu to be specific, may want to draw, to expand this war, use this as an opportunity. tell me if i'm explaining this right according to you to enter into war with iran, to enter the united states and to go over there and drag that us into a war with a wrong minute. so i don't think,
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i don't think he will ever go to still around. so might we never did with iraqi. you drag the united states into that. but you see ryan is an obsession of a nice states and it's a very, very soft spot. if you link any action to iran or to, as he did to $911.00 iran m dash is just the 3 areas where the united states reading has worked up about. and then you have the and questionable and question. so support. and i think this is what she was or what she's paying on. that is no doubt that the link between has the line drawn is established and you know, the direct supports and so on between how much time you're on. also there is no doubt that there has been some support to the to from us over the years. and i think i might as well not deny that they have received support in the absence of support from the out of states which dried up not just the during the normalization, but even earlier you know, a few years earlier as starting from the invasion of kuwait you know,
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a lot of support that used to come to additionally to the palestinians and how much in particular has dried up. so, but, but this, but in this particular incident, as the ranges of asserting themselves, they had no hand and it directed me the way they us. i said that there's no direct evidence looking, linking them to the attack. of course they would because by then and his administration, they would not want to distance themselves as much as possible from this argument because of the exchange of prisoners that took place 2 days a few weeks ago. and the transition of some of the already knew how money to target bank here to try and to go back ultimately today radians. so it isn't his interest not to establish any direct link. i personally don't think that is a direct thing because the timing, as you could see, was read at an opportune time that the other students of worked out for themselves based on this extreme government coming into into position of a there's
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a side the way they've shifted their forces to protect the settlements in the north . the fact that there's been a festive holidays and so on. so these are issues. i think the policy is what would measure much better than the drains that then and take a decision over. all right, so the dunbar, kind of thank you very much for joining us. all our now we are going to recap things before we take a quick break. again. this is the life shot. this is what's happening over guys over the last hour. a since we started reporting from pretty much as we were everywhere and is real, we've seen multiple strikes incoming and outgoing. now israel has announced a complete siege of gaza cutting off water, food fuel and electricity supplies israel's bombing of the rock. the crossing between gaza and egypt leaves the palestinians waiting at the border. the world health organization is cooling for humanitarian core door to allow urgently needed medical aid into the enclave. i'm going to leave you with
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a picture is coming out of gauze and israel over the past few days. and i'll be back in a moment at the top of the hour with continuing coverage of the is really going as a war on alpha 0 to stay with us the the,
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the export 2023, the world, the fascination nature joined us. and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the, the
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saves them even been summit as an international and corruption excellence award. nominate your hero now to the teams to as a conflict between cousin is with escalates of just us correspondence are on the ground. then to the other side, this is happening right now. intel of the, this loose
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a business is really forces declaring a site where they quote of 18 different areas. stay with us for the latest developments on the jersey to the the scenes of devastation in gaza as is really here strikes, hit the ports at least $830.00 pallets. the units have been killed in the bombardments and saturday. the time several venue. it's good to have you with this. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up from us launches hundreds of rockets toward v as really city of asked along. it says it's in response to israel's continued pounding of gaza.


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