tv Inside Story Al Jazeera October 11, 2023 10:30am-11:01am AST
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let's take a closer look at what's going on. 6 ok, i'm going that's going bucks a month at the at the one the, the occupied westbank is now not only occupied. it's effectively located these really, um, it has turned it into an archipelago separation. you call and leave your home to go visit some of your friends and then they bring area 3200000 palestinians. a simply stuck the should i looked at 10 minutes ago. i am sick, but they're not letting me in. this is was the when we used mules to move around in the old days. now we can't even get anywhere with cause. is there any forces of also severely restricted the border with jordan, the any cross inquiry policies want to travel abroad, leaving 1000 stranded say hey hallelujah, is the head of settlement monitoring of the applied research institute to slip. the
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specializes in these rel, system of check points and restrictions on palestinians, but more of that should be the west bank is surrounded by more than $567.00 check points by the occupation at the green line or within the west bank. and these new restrictions, i've turned it into small prisons and the occupied controls on entries. an ex is this is the d c r check point a just north of them. i like it, divides, published in the entirety. now these really is make it very difficult for palestinians to normally cross these check point. but now it's impossible. they've just shut it down completely. a in the palestinian town of war. this road that runs through it cannot be used by palestinians. sometimes these writers make exceptions for medical or family emergencies, but even that small concession has now gone. if you're palestinian and you visited a neighboring area on saturday, you're now stuck so many hit feel. this effective blockade may not be temporary, but it's simply a pre cause a to even heavier is written restrictions that may will become permanent and wrong
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code. how does that look be occupied? westbank? i am on right now. you'll in front of a building where palestinians are taking refuge. can you explain to us the situation, the well under an agreement between a posterior diversity and israel that will work is allowed to leave. the goal is to strip and go and look for companies with in is right itself. this was a great deal as well because it allowed the is there any companies to get cheap, late, but late, but rather, and a lot of these ready to governments to say we're actually doing something to help the palestinians. however, on saturday, when all of this broke out, all of those companies simply dumped all of these well because at the boat is with them a lot. and this is where they have some of them of wound up. i'll just show you this 370 people in this makes it building so no big building, but this now makes shift effective directly. jacob, it's actually in a local government building medical aid for policy use a checking people out,
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making sure that they are healthy. this is something that we've not seen in the north sea gardens actually come to remodel and this kind of number. and we've been speaking to people, hey, i'm the stories all hiring this ghastly a person who, laura, who hasn't been affected by this one man tells us his extended family of 40 people . i've simply been killed. another man says, my family of h. uh, dead. all of them are desperate to get back to goals. it's trying to help with their families. there's no way they can is even leave the occupied. westbank is always just repose like earlier, so they stuck here. now the government, all the remodel improvements is actually hit the local community a step so they've given people food had the authority is giving them the food, i mean shelter. but these people are just worried that panic. i may watching the television intensely, but for them it's different because that's that how it's being involvement. okay.
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and one con, bringing us to view that from ramallah and the occupied westbank. thanks very much and rum. so let's just go on at $730.00 gmc, that's 10. so i see am in golf 0 and this is the scene that in the gaza strip the sky line that changing day by day, hour by hour as more and more buildings of how much light as strikes and flats. and if it just joining us as bring you a recap of the latest developments in the goals as well. we'll just wait a minute. she is bombarding garza as we can see for a 5th day now. and these $970.00 full palestinians that includes $260.00 children, have been killed. the hospital was a struggling to cope with thousands of wounded you and relief. and what agency does at least 187000 pennies. allison ends in gauze, i have been displaced. most of them are sheltering and un run the schools, but they are overflowing. and at least 1200 is way these have been killed since.
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how mass north is surprised minute tre, offensive on saturday. us present terabyte and has reiterated his support as well. and the address to the nation, secretary of state and state blinking is expected to arrive and israel on wednesday to meet senior government officials. and that's the security advisor, jake sullivan says, washington is working to coordinate safe passage. full civilians away from is really strikes in garza. that's all white house correspondent, kimberly how could explains these a strikes that the u. s. united states funds and supports following his 3rd phone call with his rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it's just 4 days us president joe bought and denounce the recent how most attack on israel as pure unadulterated evil by didn't ask congress to provide additional military assistance on top of the 3800000 the us since annually. the white house confirms you munitions
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and missile interceptors on route to israel to replenish it. iron don't rocket interceptor system. we will make sure it has what it needs to take care of it. citizens defend itself. responded this attack us is also pledge intelligence, but will provide soldiers to support israel's military. it's also not urging restraint as fighting compared the actions of home us to be as lovick state which murdered hostages. starting in 2014, syria and iraq vitality of a mosse blood thirsting. this brings to mind the worst, the worst rampages devices. this is terrace. the by ministration has reiterated its commitment to a 2 state solution to resolve these rarely palestinian conflict. but by in speech failed to offer support for palestinian civilians. instead he claimed moral high
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ground between the united states and israel in comparison to hum us chairs for purposely target civilians killed him. we have all the laws of war, law of war. it matters. there's a difference, but that's not true, not historically and past united states and is really conflicts or now added the case of israel is defense minister has halted all electricity, food, and water to gaza for the foreseeable future elements necessary to sustain civilian life. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house. well, how much does waste release the statements in response to us present? jo biden's condemnation of the group. it says that 5 is comments constitution to attempt to cover up the is randy occupations, crimes and terrorism against the palestinian people. it also says,
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binding to not mentioned the mastic has commissioned by his riley forces against the palestinian people. meanwhile, us national security council spikes and don't copy as told down to 0 that washington is very concerned about civilian casualties. he's a cue to mass of treating palestinians as human shields that nobody wants to see any more innocent life taken or hurt. as a result of the events over the past weekend, and i think it's important to remember that a moss deliberately struck out an innocent civilians slaughtering them. and i mean up close in this role with knives torture rate, the guns gunshots, and that, that's pretty visible. nobody wants to see any more civilian lives, lost or hurt, no matter where they live there. and that's why it was important, i think, for the president to talk about setting up the difference making clear the difference between hamas whose actual goal is to take human life to take innocent
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human life and the israelis who are doing everything they can to preserve their way of life and to defend themselves again, nobody wants to see anymore and isn't life taken here. but we recognize the violence that have been visited upon these really people, and we, we gotta do what we can, to help them secure their population and secure their borders. and how mazda is deliberately placing it has been palestinian lives in jeopardy in danger, by operating in a months that urban setting, commanding control centers and hospitals, and schools and residential buildings. they're, they're deliberately using the palestinian people as human shields to defend what they're, what they have done. so it's, it's difficult. we understand that we know in the united states military knows how hard it is to target precisely in urban areas. but as for the procedures that will be used as really for these really to speak to, the russian president vladimir putin says the will demonstrate is the failure of us policy in the region. because you're new new movies. and unfortunately,
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we can see shop deterioration of the situation in the middle east. i think that menu will agree with me that this is a clear example of the failure of the policy that the united states in the middle east, which tried to monopolize the resolution of the conflict. but unfortunately, wasn't concerned with finding compromises. accept double to both sides. on the contrary, it promoted its own ideas about how this should be done. put pressure on both sides 1st on one side, then on the other, every time without taking into account the fundamental interests of the palestinian people that in mind 1st of all, the need to implemented of the un security council decision on creation of an independent self and palestinian state of any foreign policy change says both sides must respect to international humanitarian law. does that bro? so some is really actions violate international law. we have to increase that way. you may dance reports to the victims of this tragedy. and we have to reach
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out with the foreigners around the world international community. it has to use this critical moment. this could be an awakening moment. you know that to re engage with the problem of a police didn't understand. and each one it has to fight to defend. but it has to be done to coordinate with international law, your money getting a little strong decisions. content dish, the international law. as a correspondent, natasha butler before us out from paris for they use foreign policy chief, the us that burrell said that you foreign ministers were united in condemning how massive attack on israel. he said that they considered it a terrorist attack. he also called on the hostages to be released,
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parole also said that e u for and ministers agreed that israel had a right to, to defend itself, something to do so within the premises of international law. and any c juvenile cases causes so need to enter into those parameters. he said that on all sides of violence must be de escalate to the police constitution had to be found. now he also address this issue of your opinion, financial aid to the palestinian territories. that had been some tool about whether or not the you or somebody you meant the states would want to cods that age. but he said that europe's foreign ministers had decided to another degree at that point natural, a to continue to the palestinian authority. so the palestinian authority is a poem. no, all for your opinion is important that that money continues to help people, particularly with the humanitarian situation. on the ground, and it's costing that a to the palestinian authority would play into the hands and feet. did you said
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a to a mass talks about law? i'll just sarah power as well as the death toll continues to rise, as well as trying to identify bodies of those killed so hard visited a military facility in rom, let central as well as being used as a make shift move in this building just behind me here is where the minute treat personnel would normally come, but because this so over whelmed with the number of his riley desk. now this is the only send in the whole of the country who is raise it has died in these attacks to be identified. the bodies of bolts here, the cleaning, they may be stupid. it started with bodies being picked up in private cars on saturday for the home. and then we began to process of identification of the soldiers were named tax, but most bodies here on the north is where the civilian luck were in bed sleeping, going on when they were smaller team working with not much to identify them with the hands of a who retrieved the bodies while under fire?
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when we thought about was their families here, we still don't know what happened to their loved ones killed or taken to gaza or laying out there in the desert. they simply don't know what's on the face full price in behind me. with told this 24 hours, we've seen volunteers coming along, giving food and drinks to some of the uh, security forces, the police ambulances. we've also seen a lot of activity from that is obviously dealing with the bodies inside wearing like gas mosques, and covering the shoes. and they're closed with plastic blogs and things you would usually, well as you would assume when they're all bodies piles up. have probably been lying in the hate because it's been quite room here for the last couple of days. now we've also been seeing families lining up along the steroid, all of the way. this way here. i've also been coming through and you can clearly see how upset, worried, concerned angry. they all of this whole situation,
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but also frustrated because they haven't been able to receive on. so some of them say that the family members are missing. so they're not sure if some of those are the ones that were taken as caps is across the border into garza who is the bodies of those family members are here in the building behind us. there's also confusion still. there's a loss of a on, on. so the question, so let's bring in telecom right now. he's a professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies, specializes in conflict resolution. great to have you here again on does that time a tiny little bit about what israel strategy might be had involving so much of the gaza strip. the pictures we've been seeing are extraordinary anti and neighborhoods flats. and what's the gate in the here? so i think, i mean this from examine and go looking at the previous,
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encodes using the gaza strip, basically the sort of the same tactics employed but of the very large scale. and it's an indication of how large would be the event. meaning when they do this type of demolishing, it's preparing for good on forces to, to, to, to come in. so the cleaning and the ops to comes being houses that are the best compounds and creating these go to those to also avoid the any cousins and those sites. so they have, they want to see everything flat. and so they have the so that in control and they can see what's happening. so it's, it's, again, it's, it's a, it's a criminal act. good. been given. i mean it's sad because that's guys is already so dense and so populated then and you're talking about. but a single differs use by large living and gaza will have nothing but these homes. so this is more than this. the 3rd of the issues. this will be the 3rd of the fuse
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inside the own band. and assuming now we have this talk about the opening, a human the coated door for the student as to, to leave to egypt. so this was the, the displacement to think that's going to happen. we know that the us is talking to egypt told him to israel about potentially assessing up this humanitarian car during the move. and i believe the idea is that 8 and supplies go into garza. but as you say, potentially, that could then lead to people leaving garza into egypt. do you see that happening? so here's the thing. so in, in 2007, if, if my memory serves me when the, the, the 1st is a new order on guys i up to how much to go over me is what i mean, pose a very, also stick to locate them goes also cutting food supplies and set the end up such a point. there was an explosion. athenians went through the egyptian boat design across the board, but then they were floating in thousands release of life to get food supplies. and
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most of them they went back, there was no issues. and the government at the time was more of a support, the better understanding even the the for the president. this is president's law for single thought. i'd say that's fine. we understand what. busy the zip on the screen is so hundreds of 1000 spoken to egypt and the very supply that came back. but at that time, the size and scale of the selection, what, what not. i mean anything to do anything close to that little bit what's happening now? what's happening now is it seems, these ladies have taken the decision to really wipe out the guy's info and, and, and for me it's a hot old scenario because if, if, if that's going to happen and that's the plan to enter guys a, wipe it out. totally destroy it and, and force people to leave outside the goes to that, then the many scenarios you 1st of all if, if the student has a crossing or the allowed this human authentic code code is allowed to, to take place. and for the student as a gain,
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a displace in egypt is the sucking photo and a displacement, or is this a, panama displacement? so if it's a computer displacement, i'm, i think the junction, well, i mean the egyptian people, the definition people will help you know. but the cost benefit if, if, if it gets long, then that's when start raising questions because assignation was very important and easily and is i've always looked at the sign as the alternative to the, as an alternative, the home phone and experience was the menu, the can easily lead that, as i've always advocated for solving the student conflict at the expense of they gyptian meaning sign as an empty piece of platforms, they need the lineup to displace palistine as the so if that's the context we're talking about, the game change that could open the door as books for that, that agent is also, i don't know what's the deal between the americans and the zip sions. and they say is, is it? yes, let's allows them see if the fusion thing were done taking care of him us,
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and then to come come back, but the problem is come back with. and the say no, not know the how my spies is also coming out with them. i mean, worry difficult we were talking about missing items to physical unzipped was crossing and out, and you don't know if the tunnel is or not. so it's a very complex accommodation. again, that's not going to be smooth because i mean, is that people don't do that, but it's uh that identities with the background that's in, in the time before. again that's, i mean conflicts such a conflict. so patient, so in, in either way we're talking about a, it's a bit ambiguous situation. i don't know what are the folks with egyptian between the ages and disadvantages and the americans what's, what's the deal here but that then we get some clarity on it. personally, i hope that a lot, there'll be no displacement whatsoever, because if it happens at this low skin, this is the, there's no way for them to go right now. yes. when they would be at risk of bombing, that has to be an outrage. product or an alternative stop. this craziness,
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of course, don't disclose it. it's because the sort of thing is, i mean the, the leader of the free world. this of the binding, the he only mentioned on his son and 11 time it's been through his inside of speech . and i don't want to, we don't care about the about seeing is that far that's your modem, modem position. but when the money i want to come from students and guys with a new looking published, i was on kind of do citizenship. so i'm, they, are you going to treat them? so you like the civilian is that a, this will got lost with do it citizenship. so it's stuck in the deb it's done, doesn't they? for christie, like if then a humans, older humans, best way is just this tough. this conflict on it to the and find a, put them in the solution instead of flushing disrupting the unfolding. all these people being must have good and displayed for probably a 3rd or 4th time in the short life. we're talking about seventies of, of tricity, the, the, you know, i'm for the students. i mean, vsoft most that officially is 70 percent, the police unofficially. so this would be the problem. the 2nd or 3rd, the displacement when you head for some vitamin speaking. the saying we uphold the
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laws of war as a pro that supports po haas leave behind. israel is clearly not holding the laws of war in this bombardment of gauze. what hope do you actually have that any that cool has will prevail and that anyone will stop and find out what's present. and by then saying, it's like this at the junction with the fought for. and we have our own notion understanding of the water flows and we're going to do it all the way until to this of the god of the other of the other humans in this tragedy. and it's set aside because the 3 and if that's the free will. ready is what is it about then? uh, good luck with the other conflicts and good luck with really. i mean, i would do it or about the future of the entire group. it's best to disclose. now. 3 thing was the one of the most vicious movies, the few patients, the subjects of the system. do you think this is this for the for, i mean, i mean,
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for the, for, by the existence like, you know, i've been following animal talking to many for the posting as well. extreme tv, the sooner the sooner something sooner an old, the us 3 cook noises, occupation, again, systems, because noises against up. what does that mean? all the official positions of the us go in the positive direction, but when it comes to action view, nothing, we see the same in the u. k, we see the same across europe. it's, it's electronics of blanket immunity that is riley holloway non existent. then you cleans, i mean, yes, you can just being a bit of but also know on look at the impressive support of a yes the what the. busy buttons comes to by this time. what's the most? how about i didn't let them tell us by the gods us to, you know, us, i'm kind of like, you know, it's, it's talking, it's talking on old lives. okay. time of companies will continue talking to throughout the day. thank you very much for joining us on set this our. this is
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a live scene from the golf and strip the events at this moment. we are approaching 11 o'clock in the morning, the 5 minutes throughout the nice and you can see them continuing. that in the goal is to get a bit of a sense of the sounds as well. the chaos on the streets as we see the smoke rising above the sky line, the joyce, i'll do, i'll, as loony is from the american friends service committee as an organization working in gone. so since 1949, she says have colleagues in goals that are an extremely difficult situation. so we have um, a 2 staff and guys that were in touch with them daily. this morning we received a message from one of them that said, she's not sure if she can stay online. she's running out of water. we had another staff who i spoke to and his voice was trembling. he has moved and relocated 3 or 4 times already thinking that he's going to get to
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a safer spot and we don't really know what safe in guy. so i'd be more we are, as you are aware of, this is one of the most desperately populated areas in the world. and so they are under a locate for 16 years. it's one thing to say to them, leave your house as nothing yahoo, i said uh both to go where and so i, they are running out of the food and water and electricity scarce. uh, and they are in really dire in dire situation. its just mind boggling, but if you don't turn on a 0 or on, um channels like sierra you miss the fact that there is a pain and suffering and killing of innocent people in palestine. so if i see, you know,
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we have recognized always that piece cannot happen while there is an injustice. well, this will, has been dominating headlines around the world. laura con has been monitoring the as really media's coverage. the headline is reality will is domination this way. the media fits tv, radio, print, or online at the situation on the ground changes media, outlets of approach the war from different tangles. channel 13 is widely watch in israel. it's website features, personal stories about from the 270 people killed, and others detained by how much flight is of the music festival in southern israel on saturday. and the times of his route is calling it a masika is showing the 1st born john was being taken to the site. although they still contents acosta off the israel, close the boat to the outfit like in some us to savages and says,
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu is promising a victory and a wolf. israel very existence. and the popular one of website carries reaction from premier league football stall toilet. has he said he calls on the is waiting on that tree to wipe out time. us with one hit his route higher quotes, media personality, a fear, a flag who uh, just the prime minister to wipe gauze of the map and then resign. the paper has blamed the leadership vacuum for what it says is the failure of unimaginable proportions. and an opinion piece by rob i, mickey noise on title 7, a far right sinus new station argues the scale for success is not how many of the targets we hit, but it's in the end, they scream help and we're just going to bring you the scene from gall, so just before we take a short break, this is the sky line. the and the gaza strip smoke hanging over the buildings as
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the as rainy as flights continue to humble those residential areas. old hawks of the strip. noah is safely hearing from our correspondence on the ground, also gonna change senior quick view of the fuel than israel levon. and for the we can also see autonomy being exchanged across the board of that. we're going to be live on that for the in the next hour. stay with us on al jazeera. hello, the weather's gonna change for northwest and positive for your probably with the next couple of days. so i'm going to makoto little fresh, a little more like wholesome. should we say, here's a cloud and right coming for we say it's a fairly wet, whether it's the west deposits go from the east up. i'm please to stay still some very wet weather coming into western parts of norway, the world. so that continues across from spain pool to go central is that the met? it's right in the world. grassy will not pay, which was the east as well as that cloud. and right,
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this is that change this cold front that sinks his wife or the south was west to where the coming in the crossing the well southern positive on it. still some way, whether to just know i haven't been away to mountains and that way whether stretches all the way across into that east, the side. or if you have a flex through top just in moscow getting up to 14 selves just in the right. and the 15 degrees and alonda, so touched below the seasonal average at this stage, but it should start to dry up. if it's a little pressure, there's, what's the weather coming across a good positive, gemini, i will see that what so by the coming into opponent as well south is that lots of lovely, sun shy set to continue stretching across somebody's right in northern areas of africa. i still see lots of fine and sunny weather, good crop of showers now around the gulf of getting all the way across the west africa, right into sierra leone. the
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