tv News Al Jazeera October 12, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST
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the, the under contract, exclusive stories explosive results, which is 0 investigations. the is rarely strikes, pound goes are the only power station. this trip stops working off this pissed stay open. box hospitals in gauze are overwhelmed. at least 1100 palestinians have been killed in thousands injured in these very s trunks the
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carry, jones and this is out of here. a lot from down also coming in israel is prime minister says that every member of how much is a dead man as a country, forms of what time, emergency governments and keys, because mazda full salons in israel sends people scrambling for shelter. the in time neighborhoods in cause a have been reduced to rubble. at least 1100 palestinians have been killed during a relentless campaign of is rarely strikes. causes solar power plants has run out of fuel. and medicines on a central supplies are running out. in the lci, it has more now from concept
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a gets her baby a final kiss before she's or he's taken away, john or the great one glimpse of the tragedy spreading through gauze. this is set to date. how to use or bearing the brunt of 4 on the scale they haven't seen before. there's been new laptop in the east relief on boardman of the inquiries. on wednesday, these aerial shots show the extent of the devastation, is really our strikes have reduced buildings to rubble, and some people's crumbling for safety. homes and businesses destroyed. phone and internet services cut and water and electricity supplies interrupted the school in the residents of what was once alco ramos, the entire area with level to the ground. the. this is total destruction tied to
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and i lation, hundreds of palestinians have been killed in thousands injured throughout the hospitals is one of the roughly 20 hospitals in because the strip and it's at food capacity doesn't have enough staff for medicine to treat the number of when did another worry isn't like if you will to upgrade the generators, israel's, to, to see the new supplies can enter. does look behind you. along those streets and alleys, hundreds are killed and buried under the debris. we have seen a band and by the arabs. the whole world is watching in silence. tens of thousands of palestinians have lost their homes, but they have no where to go. the border crossings with israel and egypt are closed . food and water supplies are running low, meaning not only they are facing the threat of bones and bullets, but also of hunger and thirst. with entire neighborhoods raised and fears of an
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ease, really ground invasion. agencies are calling for humanitarian car doors and for regional and international intervention. tennessee, it alters 0 because the strip was ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reached a deal with opposition, politician many guns to form an emergency unity government. the 5 member war cabinets comes off the years of divisive politics. so how right has more from west jerusalem coming together in times of war of the days of torques as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu ends in opposition need to have agreed to form a temporary emergency unity. government that's includes these reveal position, national unity, coffee shop in by any chance hobbs and conditions. and he go to $1.00 to $5.00 member, so called to management cabinet with
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a wealth of minutes re experience its includes himself, the prime minister of defense and strategic affairs, administered and full of the army, chief guy, the eyes, and caught a decision likely to appease the public of the israel's major failure to stop, stop today's how mazda attacks that led to the war and garza monica shared with the associates over the calamity. i want this to be good for everyone. we need call and unity. they needed to stop with all this political mess, the hair that the um, this important to reassure the nation and all the problems that lost their loved ones and provide people with a sense of security. there shall be unity amongst us. here we have reached the cutoff process level, and as it says, total continues to rise on both sides. israel faces a rule on several fronts. despite the biggest minute tree mobilization in israel, 75 year history is still not been able to secure the region near the border with garza several days after it was attacked by how much spices. israel's response has
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been a ferocious one. strikes on gauze and civilian population continues indiscriminately thought thomas rockets keep being fired from gaza while the majority have been intercepted by israel's on to me, saw system some or guessing through and on wednesday and medical center in the southern city as cologne was hits for a 2nd time tensions on the border with a lot going on have also been hired. the arrival of us, some of the tree equipment on is really soil and upon visit for us secretary of state and me blinking on thursday is a well consigned phase. riley, with the help of it's big is a lot of us. it says no to learn in this rule. we have the back, these rarely people, we have their back today, will have it tomorrow. we will have it every day. and as for nationals continue to view that to a to policy ends in gaza. see, the west is yet to come. the height of all just 0 west jerusalem. hold on. i
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don't. how many it is? live 1st in west terrace and now hold on a show of unity. that was this to be expected. it was to be expected because they one could say that this, this war has actually pushed these politicians to at least for now put all their divisions a side to try to steer this country out of this crisis as safely as possible. so it is certainly something that we're both well with the wider is really public. but this is a unity that is not complete in this says that by the gods, the heads of the national unit, unity party is the end of the 2nd deposition party. the method that has about 12 seats, there is a bigger opposition party led by the former prime minister,
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a year let peace and it has not yet joined this emergency in unity cabinets. actually both they don't, you know, and as had said that the door is always open, should she at this side to join this company that he has been a very silent over the past few days. he hasn't made any comment after the announcement now. so a lot of people here thinking that you're yeah you left the does not made his mind yet whether you would join it, but it's certainly not gonna oppose it. up. unity, political unity is something that is elusive in this country. on any other day. the politicians are each other of all the type this country as c 45, and x is rather in the sped of full years and still have not come to find any way forward. so all of this has stopped now while this war is ongoing. why
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israel deals with this situation in guys, advice. there's no pressing questions about whether to go ahead with a ground evasion or not. what to do. i don't know, didn't board, it's just things escalates. what to do is bother sydney and then the occupied was back. this side a to go down to the streets like we have seen to the above and what to do, especially which is a huge concern is or if it is actually on rest, inside the israel itself, in the so called mix cities. that is something that has the can, is written by surprise during the last 4 and guys, a 2021. it was an 11 day war, and the reduction of into community violence at the time had really taken the country by surprise, and was post boozing a serious threat to the internal stability of the country. so all that put together
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is making these politicians understand that the country is facing one of the greatest moments in its history and that the bickering has to stop. for now at least. so hold on, a new war cabinet. none the less does it affectively have full control over is rose minute treat then as well. you have the members of it. look at the members of this war cabinet, which is a cabinet with this new emergency unity government. you have the prime minister. you have his defense minister, the guidelines you off gallons rather, and then you have a many guns. you have to bear in mind that already both the prime minister of the defense minister have the right to take any decisions pertaining to the war without consulting with the cabinet, and without consulting with method. that is after israel should get
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a little that gives them the, the right to do so. be a having these war cabinet would also take away accusations towards benjamin nothing. you know that he's going alone and he's taking his own decisions and he doesn't have, we've been his ruling coalition. people lab extensive military experience. like many gaps has he used to be a chief of staff. you as a defense minister, he has dealt with a guy that knows that a area very well and knows the rules of engagement in such a difficult to range very well. so old that gives legitimacy to benjamin that the now but also certainly helps him to was this difficult task ahead but otherwise hit the problem is already had the right before forming this
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government to go ahead and making decisions along with his defense minister without price prior consultations live for us in that west through his name hold of thank you. rocket fide from garza is hit. the hospital in the southern is very city of ash cologne. no casualties have been reported. ross says it wants to. biological rockets targeting ask. there are reports of damage to some buildings in the city. at least 1200 is various have been killed since since offensive began on saturday. so the image i'm dream is in, i stole it in southern israel. now what's the latest you can tell us about to secure the incidence in some of these areas of the south? well kerry, let me just start by saying that as of right now, this hour and the past hour really it said quite a bit calmer. as far as we can tell here in the south, and it was in the past several hours late evening yesterday into this morning. let
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me tell you about some of the incidents that we were hearing about the past several hours. in addition, of course, to the rocket sirens that were blaring in places like ask one which you you mentioned just a moment ago where rockets tried, shit, the hospital in that city. yesterday, there had been massive barrage of rockets launched from the gaza strip towards us. go on throughout the day yesterday as well. you also had rocket sirens sounding out in several different communities in israel, south on the border with the gaza strip. included among those areas was could boots new to um, that is an area very close to the gaza strip. and in addition to the rockets that were sounding there several hours ago, we also were hearing from these really army about an incident that had transpired in there, in which the is really army, had discovered what they described as a car full of how much fighters at least 3 fighters in that car according to the is
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really army and is really tank then fired upon that vehicle and the reports. and these really are me, is that once that was done, that security threat had been supported. we've been trying to get more information about what exactly is going on in that area. since those initial reports, we've not been able to get more details, but once we do, we'll get those to you. it just goes to show how volatile and fluid the situation remains. you will have the rocket sirens that have been sounding out, you know, throughout the day yesterday and into this morning. you also have incidents in the past 1012 hours of infiltration, according to the army and media reports that were happening by from us fighters in places like the game is a game is an area that is about 2 to 3 miles north of the gaza strip. and while even here in ash dog, which is about 15 kilometers north of ask alon in about 30 kilometers north of gaza and they are the border with the guys i should say. rather, yes,
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we had in the day yesterday, a few incidents of rocket sirens. we didn't have any rockets right here, but everybody's really on high alert. and the situation really sometimes changes just a minute to minute. and the bullets holiday situation that you mentioned. how is the population in those areas, reacting to these incidents that you've much a gary, it's a mix of emotions that we've been seeing amongst the populations in these areas. so let me just tell you, 1st and foremost, most of the people that we have observed and spoken to the past several days in the south. evey will talk openly about how they are still stunned. they are still in shock. they still have not been able to fully process the enormity the magnitude, the scale of what has transpired since this last saturday. if they say it's just going to take a while for them to fully grasp and get their minds around what happened and how their world, they say it's completely changed as a result. now beyond that though, you also have the fact that there is this mass mobilization that is still going on
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of is really army members and reserve is. and so really every place here, every town city, um, everywhere you look, you see an increase security presence. you can certainly see the signs of that mobilization, hundreds of thousands of troops in reserves that are heading towards the southern areas bordering gaza. to that end. not only do you see them in the city centers, but you also on the signs of roads, you will see cars that are parked for long stretches. and essentially what happens is a lot of reserve is come to the south. they transport themselves and then they just leave their car where they can so they can join up with their units. so even that is this line of how much mobile ization there is beyond that, when you're on the streets, when you're on the highways in this area, you see heavy military equipment, other types of equipment, soldiers being transported to the south. so yes, that build up very evidence to anybody around here and beyond that, you also have at odd sites. uh, it was kind of surreal sites at a time of such height intention in the past couple of days. we've also seen
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incidents where there will be settlers that will come to where there are soldiers in the, in the, in the centers of certain towns like even ask god and they will blast or music and get out of their cars where there are soldiers. and sometimes get on the roots of their cars and danced to show their appreciation for the soldiers and their support for the soldiers. it's kind of this rallying around the flag effect, and certainly that is something odd to see it a time when things are so volatile. and when there is so much fear that's been expressed by the residents. so we've been speaking with everybody. we talked to says that they do expect that a ground invasion into gaza will happen pretty much at any time. they also are aware that the government has told them to be prepared for difficult days ahead and they are worried about what exactly that's going to mean in the days and weeks and months ahead. carry a 100 times and thank you very much. cassandra gates has full cost of video that shows the release of 3 captives. the video shows on is really women and 2 children and the audit cuz it's sitting there, garza that was such with being released shortly, also being captured by
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a mass on saturday. and my sources say the video refutes for april fools is rarely allegations mess fighters killed women and children or the video photos and area statements by the group that said, some western media outlets continue to spread as honest slander lines about putting in people and their resistance which falsely in slander, sleep, promoted allegations that members of the palestinian resistance beheaded children and the sold to the women without any evidence to support their allies and claims the mass strongly condemns. the baseless allegations is really ami is trying to come fears off to a false alarm. send people scrambling. fission. so what are your sirens? routes across move in is rather players were find that the food people across the
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country was told to seek shelter over possible arrow infiltration from living in the army. now says that panic was caused by human error as well that falls that happens on the 4th day of cross border attacks and is held in southern lebanon. visible says it find another miss solve that is very forces in response to the kenning of 3 font is on monday. it's the most serious escalation since the 2 sides for toward 2006 of 0 is out of how she has no engine close. that's why the conflict across the border skirmishes when it's just a little bit. each group has the last target is ready to from that position via the village of plato and intense exchange of fire them pools. this is another guided mist size that we
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just had. now, so it seems we are calling the witnessing to a dock. and so of the lady from the is really side guarded miss size. from the east side, families sheltering in their homes, unable to move. some people were injured after the show, hit their home around the america, the hug the ceiling and run down for shelter. then my son and daughter were both injured. and as you see, my house is not livable anymore of the money, and i know the neighborhood. i know that partially damaged home nowadays, but the message shake on. we was sitting there was nothing. and we started hearing explosions a couple of times. then the ones on the other side, these really started bombarding. yeah, it was horrifying. i can't describe it. we're angry because the houses were targeted. this house to years to build now is destroyed in one second. we took
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women and children to safe locations. and now i'm planning to stay here. for the 2nd decades long ground to install by the conflict vanishing with every clash across the board, the and was every exchange of fire. danger of escalating the conflict yet folder into the region, and ask how much is here to hit a soft hit on what's to that head here, and i'll just say, i will bring you more coverage. some of the casa is available and all the latest breaking news the the, brought to you by visit capital handler, that will start in north america, and we've got some pretty nasty weather systems bringing severe weather. it's part of the us and canada. down in the deep south. we've got an area of low pressure as
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a system with heavy rain and stormy conditions with strong winds will move across the florida panhandle, most central areas of the us continuing to see the risk of severe storms bringing slash flood risk as well when treat conditions across the rockies, and we'll see that went to weather start to pull its way towards the northeast. nothing temperature is down for places like minneapolis as well as chicago, with that heavy rain full but things looking cooler as well along the east coast west coast. we'll see a novel weather system stopped to come in bringing some range, freaking all the way down to southern parts of california as we go into the weekend . and weather is the story from mexico. we've had a tropical storm and a tie for and the remnants of that continuing to bring heavier rain ticket to west and pots of mexico down into west some parts of watch them all as well. but the west of the weather. moving across the florida panhandle, bringing those heavy falls to the likes of the bahamas, and as that energy gallows across more northern areas,
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we don't see in care of skies across the caribbean, jamaica and cuba actually, well, the weather brought to you by visit castle. we town to the untold story, the to speak when all this done because the old side no matter where it takes a police, we have cnn and power and passion. we tell your story. we are your voice news, your net out is here, the
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video watching out just here. let's take a look. now the latest developments in israel cost of power is out in gauze. basic services, including cost with risk costs is only count songs and also few wednesday results as well from seats. 1100 percent of students have been killed in these very strikes you in relief. and website to see says at least 197000 kind of students have been displaced to shelter renaissance groups. at least $1200.00 disparities, fills us for the chair fence. 25 minutes to between us and you all have in a position that needed many guns have agreed to form an emergency community government as a ball cabinets for a shipment over the us military aid has arrived in israel present. joe biden has expressed his foot support while the secretary of state anthony blinking is due to
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arrive in israel on thursday, a bicycle. i enjoyed this size now from washington d. c. so patsy onto the bank and on his way, what is the hoping to achieve by going in person? well, it's going to send the message that it's not just words, but indeed you've heard president joe biden say that america stands with israel sending his secretary of state so soon after, what happened sends the message that he means what he says is, think he's probably going to be trying to talk to these really about opening up a human humanitarian corridor. we know after israel, he's going to go to jordan, rid of them, watched to see if perhaps he changes the dinner and makes a surprise stop in egypt because they really have over the past 24 hours. us officials put the focus on trying to negotiate some way for these trapped citizens to get out likely through egypt. and on the tarmac, secretary of lincoln talked about that. he said it's all very complicated and he
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was asked who was holding it up and he wouldn't go into details about that. but that is obviously going to be a priority of this visit because it's not just americans that are trapped. intel starting literally, palestinians cannot leave and they keep saying that they don't want to hurt civilians. but how do you not hurt civilians when they cannot leave the, the area that you're attacking, unpacked to the present, buys and has been holding a meeting with jewish elite is that in the white house to me? he has and it was a really interesting sort of switch from president 5 and we saw on his speech very forceful, very angry, very unequivocal in his support of israel. he did get a little bit of criticism because there have been no calls for restraint. speaking to this group though, the president said he spoke to is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and told him that even though they're very angry, that they are still expected to follow the rules of war. and the rules of war are
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pretty basic. you can't lay siege to entire population. that's considered a war crime. you can't trap civilians, you can't target civilians. so it seems to be that the, by the ministration, the after coming out full, full force and supported israel is now setting a sort of floor to what they expect the is released to behave like practically. and thank you very much indeed for joining us. the case for him and us to was forced to run for cover when a visit to israel. israel's foreign ministry released video footage showing james cleverly in the officials ringing doors in norfolk him carefully offered sort of diety to is rather than studies of civilian casualties. can be minimized. the fuck is in love with more because visit in britain as far as i can treat. james cleverly was in israel to continue sharing britons unequivocal support for the x ray, the government. this off to a prime minister wishy see,
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you next said air false. he would be prepared to provide israel with intelligence with security and with diplomatic support. james privately met with survivors of the have mass attack out also with leading lawmakers. no one point was forced to take cover with his x ray, the counterpart, a like cohen, when air raid sirens went off. but cleverly, along with the whole of the british government, is under a tremendous amount of pressure to underline exactly what it's humanitarian conditions are. based off, the israel located the flow of a food of medicine. i'm fuel to go as something that, of course will have a huge impact on people on the ground that as the head of amnesty you, case said it isn't totally right but cleverly is offering his support to israeli civilians who have suffered in these completely a pulling of text box, mr. clive late should also be edging old. apologies to the conflicts including vs
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radio for our cease to respect, international humanitarian little earlier in the week. the british fine, mr. richie. so your next spoke at a synagogue in north london ways that there are not 2 sides to these events. that cannot be a question of balance this. of course, a 17 british nationals including children of fed, killed as a result of how mass is actions. a mouse was prescribed attacked as a terrace organization here in the u. k. a few years ago. and as a result. britton's home secretary. so while abraham and has warned that any protest as waving palestinian flags or singing pro palestinian songs occurred well face or rest if it is deemed that they all doing that in support of a mass of move that has arouse an awful lot of people who feel that, that will only deepen the division between opposing views, about why this conflict is happening. it's all the bulk around which is 0. loved to
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the french police and the city of leo and used force to break up a demonstration in support of palestinians on wednesday. so if you official with the band gatherings local that the supply installation rate authorities and pirates of also impose positions on pro palestinian march is french present. and i know my crown has condemned from us as a tackle new as well, but it poses stuffing european union humanitarian assistance to the palestinians, protesting and demonstrations of also been taking place in the german capital berlin. lodge police presence as a child has more police have just told everyone in the area to the 1st, they have bands all palestinian solidarity protests over the next few days, particularly in germany. this is a touchy subject because of the history of the country. the history of world war 2 and not as a holocaust, which means that the german government and the german people, many of them consider something as simple as waving the palestinian flag as anti
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