tv News Al Jazeera October 15, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST
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it seems to me investigating the use and abuse of power across the to on that which is 0. the more than 700 children, or among the rapidly rising desk told in guns of the 7 days of these ratings on palm, the territory. and this is also coming. hundreds of thousands of palestinians seek shelter in the south. the head of an expected is very ground invasion. israel's prime minister visits troops. the frontier with concept submitted. she build up,
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grows the, and tens of thousands joined protests around the world. what your discussions on both sides, the israel submitted traits such as preparing to carry out a wide range offensive of gauze that by at land and sea. well, the 1000000 palestinians have in order to leave the neighborhoods in the south. and these 2200 pa distinctions have been killed since saturday, 700 and 24th in which filtering these very minute trees continuous strikes of leveled homes and neighborhoods. you as a chief says he's not a tyrant. situation is fast becoming untenable. water has now run out for 2000000 people in gaza. of the israel imposed its total blockade. i saw high red joins us
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live now from occupied east jerusalem, the star. what's happening? where you are yes. well, very well these uh, uh, huge amounts of rockets that were launched from hamas in gauze which was central and southern is riley including a total be, well no casualties reported as a result of that. we do know that in full freshen food takes place. these riley, all me says again, that didn't get fall high, but we all now it's a week since the how much the type. so this happens on a saturday, october the 7th, and we're still getting these rockets being noise from us. and we still getting these infiltration even though of these ready all me has secured that's a southern border however clearly is huge amounts of mobilization. this huge amounts of mobilization, of resolve as seen them. now you can see
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a step pop in their preparations and the army says that very well also the reserves have headed towards the south, but they're also sending them to the news. even though they say that they don't want a go on by friends, are garza and less than on towards the north with the on seventies group as well. now, significantly, the pentagon in us has confirmed that a 2nd ship, which i mentioned before. they said they were sending 2 of the carriers in the mediterranean to help and come to the age of israel in terms of its own gaza. that 2nd kara, is now on its way. it's moved and that this is a reinforcement, if you like from the us or re confirmation. they said of it support a full israel in terms of its attack from the sea as well as the ass and eventually
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a ground offensive with just a minute. we just don't know when that will be happening just yeah. yes. you mentioned us there. another phone call between is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu and us present right by and what came out of that to me. so that's right. well, this is the 1st phone call that is taking place between prime minister benjamin us and young. i'm us president or vines and he said that he signed them the us as well as a public, the american support from the government. but that means a lot to as well because it's, it's biggest ally. this is cost a sense, $1000000000.00 in ministry aids, to support its ministry. but also the u. s. has been reconfirming time and time again. it's full support for his route to defense, suspect defense rather itself i. e, what we're seeing now, which is the assessment bombing of gaza. what we do know, of course,
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is that the army has, you know, been pushing forward at the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in the last few hours, visits to the fast time the troops is ready sheets. so i gathered all not southern friends to the border of garza, she sent them a message and spoke to them, discuss what the time is moving forward and you know, trying to bring a new 9th, the battalions as well as the soldiers. the reserve is the hundreds of thousands of reserve is that have on since the calls to come and join and he just really wanted to pick up them around them. this comes at the time when an emergency will cabinet, which has been put together to include some of the strongest minds when it comes to military experience, including a full la position needs a 30 guns. and he is also has a loss of ministry experience. they've priced at the small little cabinet,
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but it's taking on these massive decisions moving forward, which will clearly be protract said the army is confirmed that they've sent out some notes. all of the result is all of the soldiers looked at battalions and forces across the country to be prepared for this. next phase, i saw a desperate situation for palestinians. when you consider the continuing from bob and some of the guys a, a dan knights officer. yeah, absolutely. um you know, the population of golf is roughly around 2300000 palestinians that have been under besiege for decades now. now this received the warnings of from the israeli government. those are living in the north to move to the south . we've been seeing incredible videos of people including our colleagues in the
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gaza strip. have been moving towards the south. so they a lot of them say they don't know where to go. no, where is safe for them. there's no water, no electricity, no food running out of one of our colleagues was telling us that he was struggling to find just simple the whole, the votes of them is. nature was nothing as dual asking whether they had any water . people have been in the south have been earning their homes to those in the know . meanwhile, as this is happening, you have discussions and mediations happening between the us. between as routes we need to tools and then cuts off regional conversations as to what they can do for the safe passage of some of those living in gaza to be able to cross through rough crossing into egypt. there are several points of crossings that go into egypt. most of them are controlled by these varieties. now of course, not all of the population will be able to move across, unlike other situations,
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anywhere in the world when war does happen. for example, when we sold the war in ukraine where people could and to other countries, this is a completely different situation. hottest thing in the living that have set for years that it's effectively an open prison. and so that is the time crossover in egypt. those are going to be people with jewel nationality, people with 4 and passports that one apply to the rest of gauze as an egypt starts . and you won't be taking into point 3000000 people because that will mean because i will no longer be so it's a very tricky situation. and clearly lots of mediations, at least to get much needed a into gaza. saw her at 9 from occupied at easter eastern. thank you. the bus are mentioned that is rarely armies messing troops and weaponry on the board with gaza. head of his expected ground invasion of the strip. charles dropped for his monitoring trip move ins for us in a he in southern these redlands sends us this report. is riley's preparing
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to invite garza, we killed the sufferings. it's the worst attack by promised to be a flight is in living memory. these radio, all me is massing heavy weaponry, has thousands of troops. so i've gone to florida all to re batteries be pounding the density population promised indian territory as strikes of completely destroyed in troy. and neighborhoods in goal is a killing mold in 2000 palestinians from our sponsors continue to fire rockets into israel most intercepted by as well as a defense system, known as the iron though. over 300000 these radio, let me reserves. that'd be mobilized ahead of a possible ration. morales seems. hi river in new on the really, really big a. is rosalie to says this is just the stalled. i mean, but good. we're striking. yes. in the me with unprecedented minds. i emphasize this
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is just the beginning, our enemies have only begun paying the price and i won't detailed what has yet to come. but so i tell you that this is only the beginning. this is just a small proportion of a boss is really military build up most of goals of much of the military equipment that we've seen gathering in this area has now moved on to what we suspect could be a move forward operating position in a closed ministry so since how much is surprised ministry operation against israel and was told with the 7th, the is ready on a struggle to store more palestinian government infiltrating from the cause a strip. these ready ministry says soldiers went into gauze on friday nights and retrieve the bodies of several israelis believe to be among the estimate of a $150.00 people taken captive. their relatives demanding me allow me do more to find out where hamlet's, he's holding other men,
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women and children to prevent them getting cold and close by when an expected ground invasion stops. someone stuff without a 0, he southern his ro ways will be and i believe she's a professor of medicine, public health. the university of toronto. these 2 daughters were killed in guns or in 2009, the total 1000 say are the suffering and devastation when he increased. since i lived there egos that when my daughters with killed the 16th of january, 2009, so you got us. and when these so i know it even, i see what is happening now where families were wiped out. or, you know, my children was a stop at that time is nothing to what is happening now in the week. more than the 300 by the seniors. whitfield and more than 8000. so if you you, when did the damage even base of los as yours more valued? 24000000 tons a use this me
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a speech by the senior and the guys us to we have it to where that dollars. a lease are below, says gaza strip as a result of this contract to come. your last is connected to the existing show. it and see where they live. it's live, this is joe bless. and of course the lies is on the move over. no one can be due by the soon as i talked to my sister as my brothers, my assembly. yeah. at least no more than 20 or from my son. any webcam of my fuzzy cousin and test to signs with joe. yes, the day you might know and have those are welcomed as even as of age of your account. but from day sentence, probably be from how that was, i mean you there with 20 by the stands where cancelled. so if you find this thing, yes. and because i said it's sad waiting in line for just in, you wouldn't be most, they are moving data they use the use of that's what is happening. they have the
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most important thing. and so the end of it on the bios in this world, i'll tell you, let me see what is happening because that's the way we want to have the order in this one is same as, as when you're paying for you, we lost the task of this and the community, and it's a test for the international community to, to implement the notion of this new sense of the human rights that'd be leave and still be leave a note because i lost the place and you may be, there's no money to us. there's no us secretary of state antony blinking, discontinuing his towards the middle east notes to prevent the goal is a conflict from spinning over into a logical it's now in the united arab emirates, solved visiting styles you ravia. he discussed the situation in gauze that we saw, the foreign minister, $5400.00 out of town. as israel pursues is legitimate right to defending its people into trying to assure that this never happens again.
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it is vitally important that all of us look out for facilities and we're working together to do exactly that. in particular, working on establishing safe areas and gas are working on establishing a quarter or so the mastering assistance can reach people who need it. none of us want to see suffering by civilians on any side, whether it's israel, whether it's gaza, whether it's anywhere else of us since it's working in egypt. israel and kat todd opened the rafa crossing between gauze and egypt. but let's go live now to alta 0 is white house correspondent. kimberly, how can we, what can you tell us about washington's efforts to get its citizens out of gaza? and now the us president joe bivens spoke about those efforts in just the last hour or so. he was speaking at a human rights campaign, national dinner here in washington. and although he was interrupted by
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a protest or very, very briefly, who said, let go as a live ceasefire? now, the president did continue speaking. and what he said was that most people, living gods are, quote innocent palestinian families who want nothing to do with home us. and as a result, i should tell you that there was a negotiated effort to try and evacuate 600 palestinian americans from inside gaza as of about 12 to 5 pm local time on saturday. this was to go say to between israel egypt in cats are. what we can discern though, is that while there was supposed to be this narrow window for pal student americans to leave, that never happens. we tried to get updated information from the state department. they have not supplied it, but our sources on the ground are telling us that what seems to have happened is
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a breakdown in the agreement. egypt was trying to at the same time, get humanitarian aid in 2 people in gaza. because under international law, of course, civilians are not to be targeted and they are supposed to be protected, humanitarian a would be part of keeping up that agreement. unfortunately, it appears that israel, who was the keeping the side of the gaza side of closed when that was learned, that there was a humanitarian aid that was also trying to be let in as people were being let out, did not allow for the border to be opened and as a result no palestinian americans were allowed to leave. and so unfortunately, even though there was an agreement for the evacuation, what we can discern is that it did not occur. it's interesting what you say, kimberly, because we understand there's been some move and told us embassy stuff out of
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israel. what can we make of that? yeah, because we just appears that there is this constant double standard from the perspective of palestinian americans. at least what we're being told is that they're watching and hearing that if you're an american and you're palestinian, you are being told you can leave for a very short period of time and then are being told you can't leave. but if you're an american of is really nationality, dual nationality, you are being told you can leave for the foreseeable future. and the us government is helping you do that. what we're being told is that according to the state department, there are evacuation flights that are ongoing. if you are an american, non emergency personnel, employee of the state department of the embassy in israel. if you're a family member or if you are just an american citizen who was unable to get one of
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the many precious uh, commercial flights. and so these flights appear to be ongoing. you register at state dot gov and the government helps you obtain an evacuation flight. we understand these flights are going to europe and then from there we understand that goes on to the united states. we're not able to get very much information about the palestinian americans and their evacuation. but when it came to getting updated information about the number of americans that were killed in the october 7th attacks inside israel, by him, off the united states is very happy to update those numbers for us. the latest numbers are 29 dead, 15 missing. so again, when it comes to information about what's happening in israel, lots of information from the us government when it comes to information about what's happening and gaza, very little information from the us government on that side. i don't want to ask, correspondent can be how could that thank you. around and diplomatic mission. so
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united nations has wound a far reaching consequences. if israel's actions and going to not come to hold gabriel and his own do has more now from new york, you run submission to the united nations posted a message on social media. warning is real that if they continue their aggression in gaza strip that the situation could spiral out of control and ricocheted, having far reaching consequences. this came after x heroes reported that you ran send a message directly to israel through the you in the middle east envoy saying that you ran would intervene if israel continued it's guys aggression as well. now well out to 0, it has not been able to independently confirm that from the u. n. itself, there are 2 diplomats that did confirm that this communicate did happen through the
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u. n. middle east envoy. elsewhere at the united nations on saturday. unaware of the united nations relief and work agency reported that 1000000 people in guys that have been displaced just in the last week. and over 2000000 people are now facing water shortages. and we're also confirming that hundreds of thousands of guys in the northern part of guys that will not be able to evacuate the un confirming those people. many of them are pregnant women, children and the elderly. also on saturday, martin griffith, the u. n's top humanitarian affairs official in charge of relief efforts and emergency coordination reported that this past week he said it's been a test for humanity, and humanity is failing. that's according to martin griffith. the top official for the un handling humanitarian affairs. warning from the un came as cross border
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attacks, and it's rather in southern lebanon escalated. it is rarely selling, kills at least 2 people on saturday is without fights, is of nose further attacks on is ready. positions separately is very strikes of hit a left was the airport in syria, was ready for us to have increased raids across the occupied. westbank are resting more than 40 palestinians in different cities. around 400 palestinians have been detained since the beginning of this major escalation between him. absent israel is where the forces of killed at least 55 palestinians in all combined westbank since last saturday the, the abraham repulse most of the occupied westbank has been locked down by his ready forces in the week some time after launched its military operation. palestinians have largely been confined to their homes and by early softer the dozens had been arrested. most in hebron in the south to be occupied westbank. many of them members
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of from us in jericho, one for the city and was killed, was taking part in confrontations with is really forces. he is off the big jump. if you do come our children are not different from their fellow post indians and the besieged gaza strip. let's consider ourselves there. it's all for the sake of the homeland without $400.00 prisoners interested since the start of the escalation. kind of city and family see they're worried about their children in his way to jails. a father told the dizzy that his 17 year old son was beaten before being arrested. she they attacked brute and he's just a child with and they were very violent with him. someone called us 1st thing, he's dead. but then we were told he's in prison, live, it's worrying. did you need refuge account? what of the short this is really rates they are concluded without casualties. is really forces the rest of the piece to palestinians. but before the army retreated,
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armed groups talked back of the is ready for has upgraded the refugee camp and the rest of the palestinians at the time when the occupied westbank is under and is really located, it's almost impossible for people to move from one city to another, those will try, can get skills, is really pushes killed and palestinian and wounded for others need to cut him in the north of the west bank late on friday. with this a see, the only poll was driving on the street. how does the news continue to be true? well, to those killed during the booth with around 300 people injured during the demonstrations, a large number of them by live i munition, this outpouring of grief is only expected to increase that, but he just needed the okay. if i just then meanwhile, protest backing both these really and palestinian cools have been taking place in
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other parts of the world. orthodontist was in london and the richardson has more no vote is can contain the emotions of the school. in germany, pro palestinian protest is much through the city of testing to tell me that you called and we'll get in here. i hope that the world opens its eyes and hearts for the problems in the middle leaks. this machine is not a problem that is just a recent as a problem for the last 70 years. the samples watching on a smaller group down to to show it support the israel. while in the central gym and city of frank foot, jewish associations came together to cool the solidarity with his royal in india, the eastern city of coal cuts. it was the location a rally. supposing palestine and cooling stuff piece in the region. similar scenes
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in pakistan's capital is lam about this meeting, part of a nationwide series of palestine solidarity rallies organized by the political policy. do you mind to use law me in place of wearing black columbines tonight part to kick off? there will be a minute silence in recognition to pose affected by the ongoing conflict within a swale. the english people association have been under pressure to light wembley stadium in blue and white and solidarity with these ro ahead of the match against australia. instead, that seems held a joint moments of silence in remembrance of both palestinian and is right. the victims on the richardson algae is there a palestinian majority town. and israel with close relations with the jewish neighbors are remembering a rest and killed by rockets. 5 houses here as well. how many challenging sciences this report from? i guess we're in the village of of, of gosh, the residents here are all palestinians citizens of israel. and we're here today
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because the residents are all in a state of severe morning. what you see here next to us, these residents are carrying the body of 22 year old measured. it brought him, he was killed last week when a rocket launched from gaza struck his house. now this is a town. this village is had traditionally close relations with the jewish communities that surround it. and this incident, this has shattered their sense of security or what's happening in this week. it's stuff, it's crazy to see people killed and injured, it's something that we cannot imagine or we cannot accept. so it's, it's, it's very hard, very bad, very sad, especially you know, how we can lose. and at a very telling, young boy in this circumstance, in the village of a horse,
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is considered by many to be a symbol of co existence. and one of the things that we've seen here today are several jewish residents of nearby communities who come out to pay their respects. this is my logic community. assembly is the largest family of mine, though, the muslims and palestinians, and i'm jewish and is ready yet. we live together, we exist together and so actually coming here is 1st and foremost an individual expression of so be doris in being together in the, in the morning process. the funeral of magic brought him is now over everybody we've spoken with her today say that they could never have imagined something like this happening here before. and that makes some anxious about what might happen next. i say that whatever does happen there, sadness will not go away any time soon. how much does it have in the village of a bush on the outskirts of jerusalem? the funeral has been held for roy, it says journalist is some of the who was killed him and it was really strong in
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southern lebanon, 6 salvage. and this from, i'll just say era and the f, the news agency, the wounded and the car was hit and the board with israel. and i'll be back with more these analysis it off. now it starts storage. this next statement the, [000:00:00;00] the route to you by visit capital color, whether it's looking pretty quads across a good pots of china. lots of items on the shopping, around the grassy se ultimate son is showing, making his way into what japan high pressure in charge savings to this little area, the cloud, just to the south of japan. that's what i'm organized. the area of light pressure actually was hoping some ra, the weather in for type on sunday. picking those type of just back to around 19
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south israel capital in the here. as we go on through sunday night west, the weather michigan may spell the northwards and east west shell is still in place as we go through monday into her kinda west and pottsville blackwell showers coming back into that western side of the home. she. but for many, it will drop, it'll price, and i think it might be too bad a tool not too bad across the crate. potentially 19 sales just for sold, a similar attempted to the enterprising mouth to try to set fire over the net to dial said child. so one or 2 showers just glancing the fall south of the country. having said that, but the, what the weather will be driving its way into vietnam will pick down poles coming for your head for the flood risk. i'm afraid with a thunder in heavy showers. a rumbling away here, skeptical shouts costs the philippines. no deposit malaysia to scattering a shout. some of them still heavy at the southern areas of india. we'll have you write that full record pot. those frank got a notice it to us on the west side for the north, west of and the west brought to you by visit. castle
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situation is so bad by the next to this moment on fiber optics of goods. what are the people in the state of shock? people are very scared, very stressed. a lot of people are saying the country, the physician has consented. carter a tax to bombing more south. i'm shocked by our government. just care about the sides. as is right intensifies that shedding of gauze. so what does washington one from arab countries the us secretary of state is in the region. so support for his route for 10 vitals, administration. preventable from spinning of in the middle east. this is inside store the
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