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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 16, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing, offering 75 percent of the global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments alignment, digital licensing. your better tomorrow. the rescuer is scramble to pull survivors out of is really air strikes on the hon. eunice, with the death toll rising to $2750.00 thing is killed over a 1000 of them. children, the pennsylvania is good to have you with us. this is elza 0 life and also coming up, hospitals are close to running out of power in southern gaza, as israel continues as bombardments,
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us secretary of state anthony blinking is back in israel after visiting several arrow countries to discuss the escalating conflict and palestinians in the occupied west bank targeted by is really forces within 500 have been detained news . the specs are this is hanging over a gaza. that's the message from the u. n. a chief martin griffith. as hospitals across gauze, i have only hours if you will left the run their generators. israel's war on guns, it has killed at least 2750 palestinian since last saturday. and 9 days more than 1000 palestinian children have been killed. and more than a 1000 people are believed to still be under the rubble. $1400.00, his release have been killed and how mazda is military operation that includes $291.00 soldiers. the conflict has uprooted more than a 1000000 pounds,
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a stimulus from their homes following israel's relentless bombardment and evacuation order. and now water has run out of you and shelters across casa or tens of thousands of people or sheltering agents for administer some issue. crease is that the is really government has not made a decision on opening the roof of border between gaza and egypt is coming out. the earlier reports that the crossing was set to reopen on monday. hundreds of palestinians with foreign passports have been waiting at the border to leave gaza aide for the enclave from several countries has been held up in egypt solely night financial. if the days aus is there. a correspondence human side is in southern god's in fun unit, specifically unit. you're near a hospital, tell us what's been happening. yes, i'm here at na city hospital, the largest hospital in san eunice. and since the beginning of this day, this hospital has witnessed, dozens of ambulances come in and drop number dozens of casualties between
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injuries and, uh, and uh, uh, those skills. as you can see, those white tents there, that the cabinet has tend to. these are external due course meant for this, this hospital, they have been adjusting such tents in different areas across the yards of the hospital to make room for the extra casualties and the, those who are killed as an extension for the morgue. and the other departments that are fully fully occupied inside the hospital. you know, is there water now in southern gaza? i ask you because there were reports that is real in the us wanted water to be delivered. but then he says it hasn't been there is no water that has reached the south end of god. so we have also checked with the older
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why here in the gods though. uh to confirm that this uh is really uh, claim that smoked or has been restored in this out that have god district. but they have a confirm to us that no water has reached gone set in the southern parts of the gaza strip until now people are still struggling to find the least of drinking water in the side, reporting from hun eunice, and southern guns. and thank you very much. i us and us secretary of state destiny blinking has landed in israel after meeting with the regional leaders in the middle east to discuss the war on garza lincoln is set to meet with the officials. for further talks, he met his really officials and tele v for days ago as a show of solidarity on his 1st stop of them at least visit alan fisher as in west jerusalem or ellen, what are you finding out about this? blinking visit was blinking. prioritizing this
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well, obviously he wants to see, i see a monitoring corner door open to the as really prime minister's office as in the last few hours said toby ne fire, which makes it incredibly difficult for the people who are making their way to rafa . and they have been since the early hours of this morning, believing the comments of until the blinking that the crossing would send be opened and people with dual nationality would be able to make their way to relative safety in egypt. but they're being met with gates being closed and of course, if there's no way out of it, that means there's no way in. so there's no chance of documented tutoring and quarter to bringing in food to water and medical supplies. the guys are so urgently needs. so that would seem to be the 1st order of business and then to express, having spent the last few days bouncing around in the middle east speaking, speaking to 7 leaders in the outer world and pasting that taking the temperature in out of the capitals. that if there is to be and is really growing water and gaza and everyone seems to be pointing in that direction,
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then that it takes into account became auditing impact. it could happen that should be limited, that the americans are king to make sure that this doesn't become a wider confrontation under aware that depending on the extent of the operation, these are these categories and guys that, that might become a very alive option. so onto the blinking will be unsure putting pressure on these relays. i to limit what they do and gas a particularly when it comes to the impact on innocent women, children, and families. ellen, at this point in blinking toward the middle east, what can i say that he's a cheap as well? it would seem at the moment very little. of course, because he's wanted think you might have to be in corner to that hasn't happened. he wanted perhaps to see if there could be a ceasefire. well, people have jewel nationality made their way across the rough across say that has
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been flatly done done by these really prime minister's office. that's not going to happen. he obviously use the believers that he could in the out of capitals to try and put some pressure on him us as well to see if there could be an end to the fighting or some putting done to the fighting. that clearly hasn't happened either . and so while he's been bouncing around and he hasn't achieved a great deal, i know also we know that the joe biden has received an invite from the is released to come here. that is something that is being considered. the local media are reporting that it could be tomorrow or wednesday that joe biden could make his way here. but there has to be what is known and diplomatic speak as deliverables to by who wants to be able to show that he support says real in this and, and certainly his language has been incredibly strong since others after the 1st attack on saturday. he's made a number of statements he's talked about having as rails back,
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but he wants to be able to deliver something. and that must be in the realms of commodity in a commodity and support. or did the very least trying to get a better control citizens out of guys. in the longer term, you want to make sure that from the how much side those that have been captured and are being held and automatic can as well are released. because every american president and every american president running for re election has nightmares about the ones hostage crisis. because that is what finished any chance to be taught to how to being re elected in 1979 replaced by ronald reagan. i would do biking a facing donald trump, that is not something he wants to be handling as we'll look at an election just a year to wait. oh, okay, that's really interesting context. thank you very much for that allen. so we got the latest from jerusalem. we started the hour with the latest from gaza. let's go now to alice's. you were a stephanie decker. you're in southern israel,
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near is the right. you can see gaza from where you are, if i'm not mistaken. what's the latest on your end? yes, we've been hearing the outgoing artillery the wars playing out in real time, and there is a bit of a present, a perspective of it here. you're looking at the northern, the northeastern area of the goals and strip we've seen and asked strikes soon after we arrived here. we can hear a drone in the sky. and so it's very much an active for situation. of course, the whole tool cuz been about when this raise will go in from the ground, the belief would be that this northern areas of the gaza strip would be the areas they would enter from. it is also of course the areas that $1100000.00 civilians more or less, were told to evacuate from not just what you're looking at, but little bit further south goes to city and the area surrounding it from what we
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understand. some people remain in these areas, not having left, not being able to leave, not wanting to leave their homes. so that is the situation here. it is very much as i said, the were playing out in real time. so occasionally you do see the strikes here, outgoing, or tend really even been hearing a heavy machine gun fire being fired from here. what do we know at this hour about the true build up in any military plans to go into gaza as well? from everything we've seen over the last week along this border, is that the troop build up to the is there, it's very active. we tried to head south today. we got very close to han eunice. we were told to stop and turn back, but all along from the northern part to the south, you have heavy troop filled up with tanks. have you had munition heavy military machinery? so for all intents and purposes, and also this is what you're hearing from the political establishment here,
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is that they are ready. we heard from these really chief of staff. he visited troops yesterday, and he said that they were gonna go in. they were going to, uh, eliminate every how mass come under every how mass oper, operative where they plan, where they launch attacks from. and he said we will win, but i think no one is under the illusion that a ground defensive is going to be incredibly difficult. it's something that these really establishment has always been reluctant to do, even in previous wars, and there's heavy machine, gun, fire, outgoing. now i actually, but we were so me tonight we're in there in 2014. and there was always took over ground of invasion and was, was extremely limited because the political establishment didn't want the amount of casualties that they do expect that will come with that. stephanie decor reporting from xerox near the goes to board a thank you very much. stephanie of us ship is standing by to evacuate, americans from the northern port of haifa and israel to cyprus. us authorities have
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not said how many will be taken on board, but they say space is limited and people will be allowed on as they arrive. tens of thousands of us passport holders live in israel. and since the war began, 29 us nationals have been confirmed dead 15 or missing. billing marks has been there for more from hi. so sincerely morning, us officials been working with hundreds of would be passengers to get them registered for this very that will take them across the eastern mediterranean towards cyprus. it's a 12 hour journey. luggage has been limited by the o. r a t c. and that have been some people we've spoken to think fanning about the lack of communication around this evacuation. that's what people have been waiting hours. several of them with a young children and very, very slowly that being allowed over the footbridge down towards the positive battery. the capacity around 2000, we've probably seen just a few 100, so doesn't look like there's going to be as much them on as perhaps you as large as
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expected flight 7 for them to know have been canceled over the past week. also, many carriers suspending the service out of tennessee has been green apple. and so for some people we spoke to here traveling to the us to europe. this was an easy option, particularly for those in the north of israel as a method to leave the country in terms of that thinking, some of the incredibly tool in about the decision to depart many others the saying this is the right time and the right decision because of a phase of a future escalation, even worse than what we've already seen. them not houses that are a hyphen israel, continuing coverage of the israel guns, a warrant alpha 0 when we return the his writings inspired because as 2018 grapes march of return with when israel met the non violent protest was blood ship. hundreds were killed and
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thousands injured in the face of such suffer kind of mind still stand by his peaceful belief as between fire and sea. witness on the jersey to expo 2023. the estimation of joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023 a. we look at the world's top business storage, from global markets to economies, and a small business sales force and including security around the world history or
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something that the international community your view should be doing to understand how it affects counting the cost on o g, a 0 the the you're watching else 0. here's where things stand at. the moment is really here. a strikes of killed more than 2750 palestinians since last saturday. that includes more than a 1000 children. israel has killed more palestinians in 8 days and its forces date and 51 days of war on garza, and 2014. the number of israelis killed in her mazda is military operation, now stands at 1400, including 291 soldiers. he is really army says that 190 captains are being held by
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almost in god. the conflict has forced more than 1000000 palestinians from their homes and 9 days doctors say hospitals and health centers and gaza will use up their last fuel reserves. in the next 24 hours as well over the years, children have paid a heavy price from israel's offensive on guns. hundreds have been killed, many more maimed or injured and less living with the trauma, fear in grief. let's go back to 2008. that's when israel launched it's so cold operation cast lead. a devastating surprise. air and ground defensive on gaza that lasted 23 days. 342 children were killed. israel's military operation in 2012 took the lives of at least 30 palestinian children some as young as 2 years old. in 2014547 were killed in 50 days, most as a direct result of his really attacks. in 2021, at least $67.00 died and 11 days of conflict and it only 9 days of war this month.
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as we were saying more than a 1000 of been killed, that's the worst total on palestinian children in years that you and the children's agency says time is running out for those in gaza. a pat brain is a former irish trade minister, a former chair of the foreign relations committee in our, in this parliament. so you'll joining us from limerick in the republic of ireland. we are trying to organize. carol, how are you? good afternoon, it's good to have you on the show. we've been looking at how the various countries stand in this conflict, what they've been saying, what they've been doing. i'd like your thoughts on europe's position since the beginning of this war before a small tennessee h. u. the feature in one of our ireland cities, no newspaper this morning, actually defendant, up to smaller shipments on the for year and a painted in their face. and eyes is industry verticality and the photographs. and it happened just after about 5 minutes of gas or yesterday. and of course,
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the irish governments are very concerned about what's happening and gas, and we have been concerned about this all over the over the history on the call, the conflicts on 75 years. i visit a guys or myself at the back after operation test is in 2009 to see for myself the 1st time of the destruction after the operating cast it. and um, you know, to say that today the bombardments of guys is, is the worst and 75 years. um is something you know that this, you know, you have to just catch imagine yourself in the dark concerned the prime minister. last evening, the president mccomb, to sean at the uh, the zip house in powers and a um you know, share ideas of how do you guys, well differentiate the arch nations out of um yeah, i guess in the event of the rather gigs of being friends not a degree lives in, in there, and in the way we're dealing with this project, we believe that israel has a right to protect it. so, but it doesn't, you know,
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have a rise to break. so somebody, cherry law. and that's something this would, you know, this is very much evidence of homes. we are very concerned that there is an operation will take place in the coming days, both from air c and land into gaza. and this would cause em huge, huge humanitarian problems. it's not cost the 1st mock and it just said to you to move and then as people from knowledge, guess it's a southern guys where do these people go? so again, gas is already, and they're, you know, they're already there from house to being bombarded ways to go when they come back, just trying to find how much it is maybe like try to find a needle in a haystack. so it's a great difficult situation. and i would hope that the, you know, the return visit, know by secretary blinking to israel, that he would bring back a message from the other. our leaders dash ground and vision insurance happen. does
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island a have nationals and gaza? we have a party nations in guys at moment, small sum wouldn't be working with the united nations. are they would have to of passports as mother. i mean that's the concern for the foreign minister at the moment meal imagine. and he spoke to the president of the open house. that's nice on the show in relation to this and jazz made punches as you to do contingency plans to get these people house. um, gas, it should be uh, you know, there is a um, part of the gates open. we do know this morning was supposed to happen in israel, says it probably what, what happened is a moment. but it's in, it's in the cartridge data, except for a few minutes here and reasons that that gives us as quickly as possible to get people that need for monetary assistance that was injured. we talked about a 1000 children desk, are thousands more in hospitals and were told that within 24 hours there'd be no electricity commit to man the hospital man, you know,
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technology to keep these people live a that's a very important factor indeed. all right, pat, breeding former irish trade minister, former chair of the foreign relations committee in our lives parliament. thank you very much for joining us on the program today. this is alice the in president who the bus is called for israel to immediately stop. it's aggression against the palestinian people. that message came and a phone call. that is venezuelan counterpart nicholas venturo, about the policies, programs and decisions of the palestine liberation organization to p. zillow are what represent the palestinian people as the sole, legitimate representative, and not the policies of any other organization. hold up, they'll have made reports on this from ramallah. the is a crisis. the fall listed in president says more or less the same thing. it's the rest of it that we heard over and over again in the successive wars and crisis with
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guys us since at 2008 at the moment. the voice that you hear louder here in ramallah protest is there a few 100 foot? this is where it just here behind me on the, on the as square and now i walking through the streets of ramallah carrying palestinian flags. something the policy is, for example, in occupied east jerusalem. it would be detained for while they doing it here. so i think when with the bus is in a difficult position, he knows that a he is, may be a little out of touch with what the use one in this part of the, in the of you fired was back more than half of the population is under $25.00, the tensions have been bubbling in the across to occupied was back much of the focus of the need to now grow leasing and government was on the occupied was bank. and there had been since the beginning of the years. what by the seen him goals,
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you know, a sort of a 50 to a more than 200 killed rather. and continuous res. well that has increased a lot since this crisis started with 90 raids all across the occupied was bank 70. where did they just overnight but that you add that to the 500 already the data over the past week. so the numbers are rising and certainly it is putting is, is increasing the anger here among palestinians of the i want to briefly look at headlines from across the world now for ukrainian children had been freed by russia and reunited with their families. the children are age from 2 to 17 and were released esick atara acted as a mediator. the group passed through guitars embassy in moscow before leaving russia. the same as for avi,
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has more on this from keith is according to what we're hearing reports from the categories as well as here in keith is that the doe has been involved in talks between moscow and keep secret talks that have been going on for many months, but even as early as july, ukraine's prime minister dennis jamal did did in the cut, there was involved in a number of issues. speaking after a meeting with guthrie diplomats in july, he said that there was assisting and many issues, especially the re, patrick creation of children. and that seems to have had some success. now, in terms of actual numbers, since the beginning of this were 400 children have been returned from russian hill territory. but ukraine has identified 20000 children that have gone missing or has been held, they say legally, by russian forces or by russia since this war began. now, the children were hearing of friday, there was one child return. now 3 more between the ages of $29.17 being repass rated. certainly the success in these dialogues, but just
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a drop in the bucket so far. this is incredibly primary issue for the ukranian government, for the armed forces for the people of ukraine. there's even a march in the main square later today for people calling on the training and government to do more to have those children to have missing people in general found and repack created to ukraine. it is a major issue for people in terms of the context of this work and cut this role in this is it is becoming more highlighted. it has become a bit of a diplomatic, a global diplomacy hub, an important partner in these kinds of things. category officials will be accompanying children throughout the process from when they are handed over by the russians to cut the re. authorities even accompany them either for us to go home or possibly to the borders, like a stony r beller roosters even a humanitarian court or directly connected at the border between russia and ukraine in the senior region and cut their specials will be with these children along the way the entire process. and
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a quick recap of the developments in the gaza war is really airstrikes of killed, more than 2750 palestinian since last saturday. that includes more than a 1000 children. the number of israelis killed in a mazda of military operation, now stands at 1400, including 290. 1 soldiers is rarely armed. he says that a 190 captives are being held by helm, us and gaza. the conflict has forced more than 1000000 palestinians from their homes in 9 days as a big and these are the ones who was supposed to help with this, these magics and as some of the natives victims of israel to 1000. after a night of heavy bombardment and did report to the chief of hospitals by any means available in the some of the clinics, unable to hold it to use the situation is get that sort of it. for the last 7 days,
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we have a continuous flow of civilian division that was within the bid sweat expanded many times though it's fully back now in the last. so what if i'm talking about the last hour we receive around 6 due to v live, one that they showed me is one patient said minute cross cause a number of date, an injured is rising to the sum of all the stuff inside the house. we found the bodies, bodies of children who had nothing to do with the will. they were safe in that house is nothing seems untouched. even done, keys are not spared in this density populated strip of land. and there is no way for palestinians to go. some continued to gather the rough, are crossing with egypt desperate for a while yet, but those who are waiting can only pray, diplomatic if it's under way to get to a thing to cause a re, essentially supplies and services of being tonight. what a scale. and these men say they are taking desperate measures and how we're feeling
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in salt water. i'm ready to drink from the salt water. what else can we do? we're supposed to do this and thank god, the tax on ending and now they wait for the next wave. but parts of the strip a already nothing more than smouldering rubble. i started bake of just 0 and all this and that's it for me. several then yay! weather is next then inside story will continue to examine the fallout from the gods. a war full round up at your news at the top of the head of the weather is looking for 2 quads at the bottom. it's across a good positive china. also, we to the korean peninsula, and we will see some quad with making his way to japan over the next style. so i think they call i pressure, they charge you hands that settled whether will sunshine coming through a dry weather, pushing across into a good pots of budget pad, steel, a few shots and to the north of japan. but nothing too much to speak of. as we go on through what choose, they went to weather willys in from the west. so we'll see cloud gathering right.
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pushing up towards the badging as we go through tuesday and on into wedges. the weather will continue to drive its way further north with south of that line, generally driving see quite a bit of rain for coming into central passed by the end of wedding states and what to whether to into southern most positive china. by this day, some of most positive in the still seeing some very live you down polls. we have had orange for anything falls across parts of cabinet. i recently, hopefully let's easily within the next couple of days. nodding res, continue. meanwhile, across a good potholes for lanka, central matters of india, not too bad. there is a western disturbance up towards the north is starting to break out. there are still some showers. some of the wintry over the high ground each bucket stop the north west of india. they start to quiet down as we go through wedges day that snow making its way into the southern foothills of the himalayas. and charles dogs, the rates are behind the sides. dramatize the pod cost from i'll just here and they
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say we hear from some of histories bucks notable women and unconventional and extraordinary office. i am 40 that kind of coming this revolution of everyone in china new my space. you've heard all of them power. it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now subscribe wherever you listen to pub. and one of them is actually risk 7 is really ground defensive in guns that does radio. and he says it's ready for the next stage. if it's more on the strip and it's messing hundreds of thousands of troops, but what does israel sends the gain from the cushion into the territory? this is inside story. the .


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