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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  October 18, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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to counsel him to take immediate action that for the immediate cease fire and the it's really aggression on does that we call to ensure that humanitarian and admitted can aid inside this trip and provide the protection to make the can staff end of the lead stuff. and when a medical education and do in for services and to us of coal for preventing the possible that i'm and you know, this placement of the people that the mr. president this on the left, the, the, his claims of, of the occupation are contributing with well, how do you want to of international law in particular, geneva post convention in relation to the protection of civilians do it in conflicts. that's in addition to the provisions of the you until it the, and international legitimacy. we are very co and then our city system so many you
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would supply the security council resolution 2286 that provides that the boost working in the mid confused and the hope to get it shouldn't be posted. and it's content attacks against the, the medical stuff as codes afford providing the adequate protection. mister president to the out of group of koans for hold thing gets ready. accountable is what you can call you power for the massacres and declines. it continues to commit against the defense of the splitting and keeping the thought if anybody's writing over the baptist and the husband is not coming out of a qm. as we mentioned before, the other pronouncements from the is, are either or functions. it was clear, it indicated that this was not the fact that it wouldn't want to respect the community and one values. but for my, which the last one sees,
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i love the husbands and should be almost done evicted. that triggered dis, funds from the w h o and different u. n. and it is, they confirmed that the, the force eviction and that type of things of that make medical facilities and stuff are to be able to at least wants to enter the similar to the last of the kind of muffins. this is an illusion to what was said by mutton griffith. so while ago it wasn't, it has been issued volume is r e o thought it is to 20 medical institutions including the it with this post as that is shortly before the effect on the hub in this connection with the charlotte. which to is that the in use crimes against the people of because that none of us are not going to be of crimes against the humanity of all of us condemn these attack is how many put in codes it's found an appeal to the city and coding that makes it be incumbent on us
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to unify people to put an end to this war as to provide the necessary international protection to the listing and people immediately with more of the out of group. and i'm the ones that this war against the innocent civilians. a has entered a serious phase, that's when big the leader to add business to the international community. and the security counseling should assume instead responsibility in maintained international peace and security by putting an end to the amount of blood shed and the feelings of children women and entirely i'm not sort of, we have tests that we wouldn't be the advocate advocate defenders of the it's all the philistines and the, just the clothes and we locksmith says that that he's is behind to the conflict. is
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this a few patients stuff in the if we want peace and security, the president goes, that should be resolved with the establishment of the independence. but i've seen in the state a long as i'm one of those of doing 1967 with it's a general send them as it gets accepted and according to introduce. how does allusions and the other piece of initiative, law inclusion, we express our heartfelt condolences to the families of the monitors and we called and got that too. i have mercy on them and to, to grant it a company to those who wanted as interest. thank you, mr. president. i think the representative of jordan for the statement that i know called give the floor to the representative of egypt. she'll come out and tell you that i use so how near comalla thought i knew that something. meg lives law school them often griffith. thank you president. doing so. i should like to congratulate you upon us. you may be present including on the security council. i'd like to
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think much and i'd like to think tony mentioned, thank you for your break things as you go. the more thank you d u a e and the russian federation of which aust, i'll be for the for the emergency session of the council to be convenient for you upon who present in light of the it's really foaming of the baptist hospital. i left the hospital in the gaza strip of the this was part and parcel of an attempt to approach you posted in people and some forcing it to leave you. it's territory this crime committed on the 17th of october as a new chapter in a long series of violations which did not begin on the 8th of october. the, the on the began much earlier than that with you on see us. i was up before they began when the occupation began one, but he says this requires special community you call to put an end to his current policy and begin our model to hold our trouble to account to the legal, political and session everyone, including the commission to participate and called for and ordered these crimes.
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the crimes committed to yesterday include the events underway in palestine who to solve the problem with the quote on us to show the responsibility and what so while with that all human and the finality, i have been friends for sale. we play up here and then we'll be able to show that it's responsibility on them. and the facilities duties as part of their internal potential duties via them will stop bothering. and this is necessary because what is going on a poses a little unimaginable resumes to the region and to international peace and security . these risks cannot be ruled out, therefore we want against them and you, i got on the engine took action on how to avoid these risk on numerous occasions, the occupation cannot go on to the author. to heidi this crime, fireball cannot be overlooked to help the actual measures like when this is taken a lot. it's specifically the broadening and extending of the legitimate illegal
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from settlement for the septic the, the crimes being so over time, the committed by the discretion of the police side. so because the political deadlock, owing to israel's and tragedy, the condescending fashion with which is real, truth zip islands, that load them. all of this for you is a few to the fire, both of them and told him just the fate of the, to my food. and if they happen to be somebody that we must show that no one uses what we've just said is as a pretext, they shouldn't recycle narratives accusing us of terrorism. we'd like to definitely reiterate speaking before you speaking for this august assembly speaking before the world categorical rejection and the direct condemnation, omar o at system which involves taking a civilian for hostages. this is the position which we express on the link to the we did. this was clearly the old up to date to have in fact to express the position very clearly and say that i use lots of the material meeting of the couple up. and
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then no one would think about the date is that done. and so you guys have been cutting any of this. yeah. come, i know the industry is definitely by that means the president should we condemn till the civilians being targeted with condemn bell. and we also have condemned them from the double stand that we said we can then get it before you civilians all being targeted, brothers and occupied. tell us the time being targeted. and we'd like to reiterate a condemnation to them. and to show rejection of old crimes being committed by israel again. so you can hosting and people the, the latest and such crime is the type of thing about that just hospital yesterday. we'd like to refer to rejection. no, no, if you as well as no other attempt to evade your responsibility and attempts taken by some special parties and too much as it is covered almost for as row by providing some of both the most familiar off with the big old uses. a lot of the you and this is what resulted in the possible situation we have on a hand imposed indian territory. indigo the strip. we see civilians being bombarded to move in their homes, the move in hospitals for because of the ongoing refuse. oh yeah. and all of
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a shot, the life of the refusal to adopt magnus initiative get towards the ensure in calm and political initiatives as well. i miss the international community on the shoulders. that shared responsibility in oh yeah. unless as a guest counsel shoulders associate over specificity. this would be this explicit situation and look for the phone. what do you the most? we weren't able to make clear vision of the procedure that's required and we do have a clear vision. we need an immediate and unconditional cessation of hostilities and we are surprised. this is think the ordinary procedure, which applies in the full conflicts. nevertheless, we don't see the same level of commitment to us. a lot of them get towards novels achieving the do i look in the are got them despite the risk of the conflict feeling of the there are some who i'm going to stay the which have not done this to achieve a ceasefire. but we must say that they that in the table that will certainly fail
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how may have to admit any of these risks. this, this might view the flames of conflict. second to we need to guarantee the protection 79. we need to finish, committed, turn assistance to the equally, taking a back to see that this principle and when we saw just one of the most fundamental to our principles of humanity for the folks. what awesome the fact that we're basing this principle on the don't, and instead of the fact that it is controversial instead, he is when the protection for the non complex i is one of the panelists of international and want to try out the lawyer a little above 3 is in fact, one of the pillars of humanity and committee essentially. we must therefore, immediately see another section targeting from any medical institution hold while i go back, what i do that, which is that something has been condemned by various young security council resolutions. resolution 2286 which condemns old violence and act committed against hospitals and other medical facilities. we also need to immediately, ultima would infect with pearl,
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abolish the evacuation order. that's what is real close at the club. this is one of the bombing on abominable instances and forced to transfer all population as well in the modern area. and, and this is a that isn't him at huffman law. felicia justification slight problem, which is row claims to be a means of protecting civilians. so we must put an end to it because they hate speech and to that is out of justification of crimes which it gets posting and people to the demonstration of the animals smuggling. this is a term that was used by end of the show. more of a country which claims to be democratic, this description, these woods a little bit on me, but we're not commented on just by other states which are continuously talk about the principles of humanity. this kind of speech poisons a minds and fuels conflict for we need to do our most deploy, oh, if it's to free detainees, hostages sobbing,
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and show they treated in keeping with international law and the principle of some editing. mr. chapman, the egypt ever since the, the basic conflict again, has been working as part of the door, a good role to help the posts. you mean people and we're still pace. we're working with this vision in mind. we want to establish the fire by taking measures to oppose and guarantees manager and access to the guys a strip and to mobilize and for proficient to a to see egypt also called the for the cleaning of an emergency. i lost some insurance. i wanted to inquire on the 21st of october within the discussion of all the international aid and the job parties and regional parties. so affected by the crisis when they're under these very pressing circumstances, given the risk of escalation, in order to say, i mean, oh, i don't know of a company this crisis of them and somehow pay the way for our lasting comprehensive and fair solution. we stand convents to that the often to you and job them from the city. i'm going to see us simply managing the crisis containing the single
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scrubbing, the expressions of the posting and people that i use myself as an approach which should be consigned to history. go for it to show them as the president of a lot. we like with your egypt, egypt, people, people of the world. and that's where the have for the, of the eyes on you, the eyes of the world out on you on the security council. so that the security council shoulders it's for, it's for responsibility puts an end to this war, which was waged by israel again, a lot, a lot absorption goes to new territories and against while i was an innocent to go on um to book people because i the oldest people once is to enjoy it's fundamental rights to freedom and to live in dignity and independence state like all other peoples of the world. thank you mister president. well you've been listening that to an emergency session of the un security council on the israel cause of war. we just had that from jordan and egypt, calling for an immediate cease fire protection for civilians, a hold to as rarely aggression,
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and garza and urgent access for humanitarian aid. egypt also rejecting israel's claims about the out of the hospital bloss, while these rarely ambassador to the un golardo down has criticized the security council, saying it's fixated on to monitor and car doors and ad but says, well, they're important that i created not a solution to prevent a mass of next atrocious mascot. he's reiterates that that last fell off the hospital, which kills nearly 500 people. was the result of a palestinian islamic jihad rock as he says that israel has the evidence to prove it. the palestinian representative to the un, we had mental repeatedly for the council to stop the bloodshed. he says the events of the last 10 days will shape the next 10 years. he says this war can be stopped now, but that it requires a strong, sensible leadership. let's speak to our correspondent kristen salumi. she's been following the discussion for us at un headquarters in new york, kristen, we saw the us be to a resolution in the security council today. and now divisions are clearly being
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laid back. and yeah, we had 2 things happening in the security council today. one resolution was put forward calling for humanitarian pauses. that was vetoed by the united states. and now what we've been seeing play out is an emergency meeting that was called by russia and the united arab emirates on the situation in gaza in response to the bombing of the awfully hospital there. and in that briefing, we got updates from the u ends, middle east coordinator, and humanitarian chief martin griffith, about the situation in gaza. and they both say that the humanitarian ceasefire is needed and the secretary general himself has now set it as well. a humanitarian ceasefire is needed to get aid into innocent civilians in gaza. given that the situation gets more and more dire and tour event assigned the
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middle east coordinator war. and that the conflict has the danger of expanding beyond israel palestine now into the broader region of the, of the middle east. because tensions are so awful over the situation there. but many of the countries i've also been talking about the security council's failure to act in light of what's been happening and many see it as of a slight on the security council discrediting of the security council. given that it's primary responsibility is maintenance of peace and security. the fact that the council cannot come together in one way or another on this issue and make some sort of statement. many have decry going forward. a consent telling me that with the license for us from the united nations. thank you, chris. that's let's now bring in my one to shara he's out. is there a senior, physical analyst who joins us from london?
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no one noticed surprises from the rest. rick, we've been hearing today, but i've been curious, what do you make of the competing claims that we keep hearing around the off the hospital blast? well of course, you know, i'm no expert to assume that but from the various and issues of see the especially with the way the is ranges of a single argument of attracting us and just getting now the is very impressive. i'm not saying we have to cool, i'm reminded by how is that 1st the proof from 2022 about what happened in uh on october uh 2. busy 3, and then they have to take it back and they've been actually, this is raise some questions on the back. a lot of the allegations there seems to be a bit confused on how to not justify or defend themselves. accuse
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as to how to describe the or having, you know, been the reason for the, for the suffering at the hospital. and clearly from some of the media as well, including some of the. busy lucky cause i'm sister channels. there's been a lot of skepticism about the fact that. busy one of those sort of street walkers from chemist didn't do the damage that we see at the hospital using these rockets. busy you know, could do, i don't know, i don't, and i do the car, but the damage in the hospital and the way the damage. and i don't want to repeat the details from our correspondence to see that they have seen only limbs. they couldn't even see, you know, or bodies. that is not something that's uh close by a street locker. that's for something that's uh, you know, the result of serious bombing is right. no one,
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it's katie reyes pensions at the security council. we just had kristen that talking about how it's being criticized for, for its failure to act. we've seen now to resolutions to draft resolutions one from russia, one from brazil, both of them have failed. what's the next step now for the security council? a while you know the significance of it hasn't been very effective, suspect for i session on the international seat. and i think that clearly the options in america's, i'm not exactly right. we're on the same thing, keeps going points. they don't want to make any real point anything. you know, the accounts, especially like districts, keeps calling points of this. and clearly the americans, i'm not even what did you get on a single one person by the present means. other predicts that that there was no right now clause about that. these are instructed defendants. i just need to, you know, just take a point with that. that once again,
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i don't think anyone's question. it gives us right to defense people. the question is, you know, it could continue with 55 years alteration 10 and decided that's pretty huge. let's continue with the system. what are 2 different that could into a 70 or c? i'm different that i think the question of, you know, some of the science has really you take it into some seats. what it is right, is you know, the notion of what they can and cannot do. and i think that was what was hard to do is really good both. i really need i don't know, you know, it's like i don't go pick the phone and he just shots, right? that's the center. a certain kind of going to, i think, did you just call the security council, so panic, or did you think you did? and then you just refer to the how much like this, how much not sees. i mean, seriously, i just this, this is all 9 which the sofa, right. right. you know,
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certainly you know this into this, the 1st 129, which is also more details really, especially the feels that he has to be able to call it shouldn't be question the should be on the pass. the should be not discussion at the national for him, because these are all others. i mean customizable for other much and it should be from auto body. god the see is i mean, the idea that these union buses are just show up search after the death of thousands for the casualties and its beneficial thousands. the distribution be held accountable. it shouldn't be even west or the for like the security council. i'm not sure if i did it quickly. i think it was interesting to hear from the investigators. i'm a product of egypt, and of course, the, the way now the frame, the way the frame,
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the document is very clear for the change is right and easily responsible for the bombing and casa. it's possible for that, that's the hospital. i'm not one of the shower of that. i'll just say we're a senior political analyst reflecting on what we've been hearing from that emergency session to view and security council. thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. my one well as the un security council deliberates action that's got the view from the get off the ground in garza and speak to our correspondent that type of was a topic your income, eunice, and the south that's been under constant bombardment. took us through what you've been seeing today as well. uh the is really been bought and that's where the goal is to start continue during the last hour on site that goes with stripe, different areas where 70 hit by this video strikes. one of the latest strikes took place in con, you, in a city causing city destruction to our residential building,
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which was severely targeted by this valley of forces on the bottom and 3 diesel place in a social and civil factory. generally in the, in tell him how, what neighborhoods and i know but targeting before took place also and under se rocked refuge account on this target. and this targeting was also for bakery uh since uh, which really responsible to distribute a lot of principal promised in your locals. the. so it seems that these were the occupation forces would like to coast such severe harmful palestinians in order to prevent them from being able to cope with the current situation. now according to the terms and conditions of sight, the goal is a strict baton this uh mass of the duration. uh today. uh you spoke to doctor how much the quotes, the general direct all goes off hospitals. right now it is a very good stem situation because in spite of the time of the mama dining hosted with only a sunday that is still killing more and more of the victims the day where the code
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198-0100 is more than $400.00 additions, and the sorts itself does that. it's it of a $45.00 of it killed. most of them are children and woman and they are in the victims also in very good. it's a kind of situation manual, but everyone's way to proceed today. in spite of the injustice of yesterday, also most of the nations with done in the quoted dogs on the floor to events without the anesthesia in a hurry about a situation we didn't face such situation be before. and most of our citizens are in the nation fee up to about hundreds of patients. now in the i see you as i assume patients and the due to lack of a service, lack of immediate kind of equipment and lots of electricity and what that they are facing the to be a to uh, to be there on the face of that we cannot we kinda said instead of the them
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is so we are all the time we are asking for an immediate kind of teams to come in gaza to help out a lot of stuff and the media can equipments and even about the managing director, it's it, the on the what the, it's a very good situation topic. we have been hearing from the us president turbine and today saying that a deal, some kind of an agreement has been reached to the israel will allow aid in some aid as soon as possible. can you give us a sense of the scale of the necessity of humanitarian a but that is required right now, obviously, that the needs a huge a well inside the american president joe biden had a say back. so to the media outlets that, according to the american demands is read aloud to the entry of the humanitarian aids to the goal is to start. meanwhile,
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there was never any practical conformation from the is there any thought that they are going to uh, to apply this request and even to allow for palestinians to receive a humanitarian aids, to gauze. and now, according to the current situation, the gaza strip. palestinians are really experiencing dramatic and catastrophe. consequences are due to the is really close though food is and the prevention of entry of the food and even as a central item supplies, such as if you and medical supplies for the medical sex stuff. and it's also important to mention that people is only the goal is to strip online and go every morning in order to get bread and even the food supplies in order to be able to cope with the current situation. 2 furthermore, the, the current situation also on the inside think also struck is really terrifying. people are afraid of being bombarded by the east where the occupation forces nerve palestinian can't really guarantee that his life will continue off, but just single minutes. so it's important also to say that without any international intervention, the goal is to strip of the military and conditions of the goal is
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a strict will reach such all critical situation that will be really easily recovered. target wasn't there, was that latest report from us on for us, i'm sorry on the ground in gaza. thank you so much terracon and as we say, please do stay safe yourself. thank you. well, and go over that a hospital, nasa and also has treated protests across the occupied westbank with hundreds of palestinians also rallying and ramallah. demonstrations have again turned out in solidarity with the people of gaza. people also out there on the streets, on tuesday nights and i at that point they were confronted by palestinian security forces as well that set for main installs. you pay for this and use our the don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more special coverage of the war on goal is that you can also always find people on out of the or i don't come, stay with the
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thought provoking ons, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunately, there are no quick wins. eventually search hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is less than the rest of these days or is it just a different full? i think that democracy in the process facing realities. do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing that in the bricks on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen to the story on talk to how does era know that we work hybrid. it means joining the conversation from anywhere because never being more valuable as tail south cutting edge of reset services allow companies to enhance that corporate connectivity. so whether it's at the office or at home, you'll still feel part of the family style set space to
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[000:00:00;00] the hello there, i'm just as the attain, this isn't use our life and our headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes, destruction and panic often masika and garza health already saying is really stripe


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