tv News Al Jazeera October 20, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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which is which is the the, as well as the oldest church in gaza where displaced families of taking shelter at least 16 people are killed the times. that means a them, this is al, just a live from dell hall. so coming up it is impossible to be here and not to feel but open heart. the un secretary general goals for
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a $2.00 and $2.00 guns that immediately during a visit to the off crossing an easy small raids in the occupied the west bank and is really a mandatory offensive. and the refugee camp kills at least 13 palestinians. people, they are completely given off on any international efforts whatsoever to somebody as well as action encompassing towns that crossville people are charities are like this. the golf is all this church itself and it's really ara tech. well families falls from the. busy sheltering inside 16 people have been killed. the greek orthodox church has often sang truth to both christians and most then since the 12th century, really just need to say it's a will crime that comp be ignored. survive is in gaza, are in during a humanitarian catastrophe. the un secretary general has intervened and is visited,
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but off crossing in egypt is calling for a to enter immediately we are we listening that the box behind these walls? we have a 1000000 people. is that the sufferings in our mosley that says no water? no foods, no magazine, no flow that's use and the science needs every scene to survive on the side. we have seen so many trucks loaded with water woods full, with magazines, with the phone. exactly the same, seeing if i need it. on the side of the wall, 14 days into the conflicts and israel is bombardments,
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has killed at least 4100 palestinians move in the photos of children, and then the occupying the west bank. it's around this intensifying a crack down, killing at least a c one, palestinians. well, poll getting reports on these riley strikes on the church and gone so of the frontier search through the rubble in the compound of one of the world's oldest churches. hundreds of palestinians displaced by the way, being sheltering that they believed it was one of the last remaining places of safety from it's really bombardment. there with no width. and so anything in the church children are missing, we can't find them. we're still unable to find them. there were no christians left, it was in the church and all those who in the church were christians, enough is enough. we are really tired. the church of saint paul serious has a history dating back 1600 years. located in gauze is old city. it's only
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a couple of 100 meters away from gauze as baptist hospital, which suffered separate strike just days ago, killing hundreds, the guy, the last time it got stuck. in the statement, the orthodox patriarch of jerusalem condemned the strike saying, targeting churches and the institutions along with the show because they provide to protect innocent citizens constitute a war crime that can't be ignored. these are 80 militaries not commented on the strike. we see the history of the is really government, you know, targeting more targeting churches and in the west bank included, you know, that it's a pretty church and the have was, was attacked in 2002 during the 2nd uprising. the church itself has sustained damage with the building next to it destroyed many of those sheltering
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that had fled northern gauze after a warning by the israeli military for residents to escape their own safety. but this latest strike echoed the statement from the un early this week. that no place is safe in gaza. poking out to see what the last spring in palestinian john list. honey, i boss shy, but he joins us live from a hospital in con eunice in the gaza strip. and i understand had a just a few hours ago. you had a close shave with a zip that we've been, is really strong. tell us about that. yes, savvy. well, i'm for about 2 hours ago with the drum. it shows where to drill missiles were fired at a residential home and close to the vicinity of the hospitals. we are reporting and from now this is a densely populated area right on the road leading to the main entrance of the hospital. we're doing about 200 meters away from the entrance of the hospital. it's very densely populated, and it's
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a market. we don't know what's going to happen next. if the residential home is going to be brought down by and by another is try coordinates. but these 2 missiles were fired at the building as a warning. we're not sure yet whether it's going to be bombed or not. but i mean, the scene that it created is k. us and ma'am, had everyone running for their lives everywhere. the vast majority of people just rushed into the hospital bill thinking hospitals are safe place to protect themselves. and in the past half an hour of farming the truck with the 3 people inside of it was his on of farm land in the area of the sun in han eunice result in, resulting in the death of the 3 people. right? so we and you see the masses in a frame of the camera, these are the remaining members of the habit of who came to the hospital to collect
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the bodies for burials and tiny. we have heard the un secretary general closed a trunks to be allowed immediately into gauze. any sign that anyone's listening to him and those trucks are going to come through any time soon. well, sadly, there isn't any sign of anyone listening to the general secretary appeals to allow the trucks in for the gaza strip. there is a desperate need for human to turn in a sent me to the the human a humanitarian aids are. can tenuously be blocked at the roof? a head crossing. where are you going to see a full collapse of the health system in the gall? this trip? we're really talking about 5 hospitals out of service due to the digital, the fuel and shortage of medical supplies. the entire gaza strip is running now on
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a 3 hospitals, one in gaza, city these pizza hospital complex, which is a really working beyond its capacity 20 times beyond this capacity. the hospital with reporting, if from its according to one of the doctors 10 times beyond its capacity, its capacity. i talked to a doctor here. oh said they were running out of essential medical supplies here. uh, they have to rush to a corner of a store for vinegar. just do it, treat uh the serial one and save some lives here due to lack of essential materials . all right, we'll leave it that. thanks so much, honey, ever i say, but hundreds of palestinians are back on the streets of romano to protest against israel's war on garza has been growing frustration and anger is the death toll within the occupied westbank continues to rise. israel has increased its attacks. there is a carriage house, it's
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a solid team. johnson. one of the worst raids was in the north shims refugee camp. at least the team palestinians were killed on 1st day. homes have been destroyed and hundreds of palestinians arrested charles stratford as the north shims refugee camp in to cut them. a joint is inside the lower sense refugee camp, the trucks you can see behind me or endeavoring, and we're going to be moving some of these destroyed civilian vehicles that you can see. this area is got a number of smacks calls and that's because it's only a few hours ago that is ready for all of these links. this time the scenes of destruction in various areas within the camp. we understand that at least 13 people what killed him mostly is ready for his timing to no rush. i'm around 3 am on thursday morning. the people living in say that they estimate that they should have been up to 200 is ready. the soldiers that came in, they destroyed 5,
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we understand the homes, they say belonging to the civilians, we know resales politically, policies to destroy the homes. of those people who they think all fights is. people here all denying that, but amongst the same people killed 7 of them with children. 2 of those kids only 10 years old. so yeah, you can imagine the people they were trying to pick up the pieces and all very angry and date, some of them that we've spoken to want revenge. they obviously are angry about what's happening and garza, but they're also very angry about these. well, they say all the compelling, the factual efforts of the international community to stop israel in its own. so all of the goal is a strip of co since that on slope solacido. so i'd say since those kind of satari inside israel, we know that it's around $900.00 people have been arrested from the the
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occupied west bank. we understand that there were at least 10 people from this refugee camp that were taken alone last night. so yeah, another indication of the kind of the step up in security measures that these riley's, it's a king um, in the build up. so what were on the side will be some sort of uh, i mean it's the operation inside garza, but yeah, these are civilians is a civilian property. and the pictures that i hope you're seeing on your screen of the type of states in the street, in this case, you know, there are 13500 people who live in this particular refugee camp. and there are times like this was the way across the occupied was fine. i think you should be clear just the view is that i'm familiar with this region. when we say we don't talking about tense, we're talking about people who believe today for decades, for example, since 19481967 roles. so these are homes, homes, this property that,
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that has been destroyed and it would not as whole be inconceivable. we would to see, you know, in the hours in the days and the nights had more rates like this by the is right. the minutes that we just heard in the last 10 or 15 minutes. the statement by the idea of saying the say they last or one is ready, soldier was killed in this operation. inside this camp were expecting futile. specific to civilians that were killed in the coming hours. and one can already expect some very angry sayings. indeed the opinion pa. busy was in his writing, newspapers indicate most is riley is blamed. prime minister ben, you mean nothing? yeah. for security 5 is that lead time us as attack on october. the 7th. along with all the opposing groups, they show about 80 percent of his varieties believes and it's now most publicly take responsibility for those site is 49 percent. say the national unity policy lady binding again says better suited to be prime minister while only 28 percent
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chose nothing. yeah. but 65 percent of it is right. is supposed to ground defensive and also while 21 percent oppose it. more than half of those interviewed back a large scale ministry operation against husband law on the northern pulled the the power steering is right. these have been trying to hold protests against israel's war on garza, but police often disposed demonstrations. palestinian citizens of his ro make up about 20 percent of the population. for the monks met some of them, his sight, they struggled to make their voices heard. the lunch time rushing over the phone right now is fall from rush. what's coming up with shock that that means few customers and less money when it be in these travel times he says the palestinian community and police force and northern israel should both stay calm. now was the
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government get in there versus the, the soldiers, the police, all of them that was where we are nervous under them and the nervous we need to take it easy on didn't all the living situation at a nearby cafe sign, a deputy and sits with 2 friends trying to relax. it's a tough task. will she be done? let me thank you. let me see if it's 200 kilometers away from us. put today, if you go out you'll smell of all the smells of the day. the smell is all around the head. he's upset and not just about the conflict, but the pressure he feels to stay sign on to go. without a doubt, none of us can express their internal feelings, no one can. and if someone says that con, i doubted if i go on facebook, i can't comment, because if i do, i'll be punished. people we've spoken to here say the past 2 weeks of creative and unprecedented level of tension and then ready 10 community products and ends inside
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as well. they've chosen to question that learn criticized israel. functions in gaza . be interested in many here. tell us then out, afraid to raise that voice a tone please this week shut down a rap protest in the city of hyphen before it really began. with an almost time partition from the westbank. by this rule, there was still some palestinians prepared to protest. green light that is giving is right to do whatever they want to do in gaza. many people think they're doing that to guys who we stand. i guess they maybe they decide to do the same things here. plus with police, the lawyer and human rights activists to join many previous demonstrations in this town. that's often a sense of a palestinian israeli political movements. the protest he helped
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organize thursday night started peacefully but still prompted his violin to rest the month. so does it a woman from israel, a model on the shower is i'll just see here is see me a political analysts joins us from london and milan. let me bring to you the latest lines that were dropping about the is riley minister of defense saying that the ground troops will be off to end to gauze us soon. what will that mean for this conflict? which would be a major explanation, changing a dynamic, a game changer as it where i think it really to the why do they move the confidence in gaza power relate to tens of thousands more probably
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a congress of thousands of casualties. and it's literally this commission and the reason i think it's going to be difficult to see a 350000000 apps remaining quiet as tens of thousands of palestinians are cute for injured by these raiders. and it's gonna be difficult to see how it's going to be wiped on the border or receive them or what have you. and clearly it's going to be like most difficult before out of her jeans to keep holding the line for the united states as red as the sheet of boils in anger. but most importantly, for me, certainly in this very complex, you start to see how the working theory is there and it is working out. because if
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the idea here just across from us, the bombings and differential invasion of god, the destruction of the force of palestinian homes, industry making 600000 people homeless. we must lead to what the rich this is, the factory excuse is right in the process today of creating the new generation of how much i'm the pretext of question from us model. let me do this right. and that's why i spoke yesterday to a deputy managers and, and often the what is why the officials list sized, what are we supposed to do when i'm asked jump into while towns and kill innocent civilians. we have no other choice than self defense. of absolutely do have other choices and addresses have been available to them for many decades now
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in the siege of guys open the borders with guys a normalized life in gaza in the patient of the senior citizens accept the i don't it's just the you on speaking with the counselors, if you choose international law that apply to this conflict by allowing for quite a senior managing it is not complicated. the formula has to be there for decades. and these already has rejected it for decades. the idea that these are things that it has no other choice, but mandatory choice is not only short sighted. it's possible. i mean, how many times have we been here before? how many times is the repeat the same, expecting different results? how many funds would it be there for is up to see that will work
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more for us. so one for repeating the same again and again, expecting different results as we all know these assignments crisis. all right, we'll leave it the thank you so much model on the shadow a while still a head and i'll just say, or i will have continued special coverage of the war. ongoing science. it enters, it's 14, stay the it is murder. when you throw a fire bomb into someone's home, that is significant in numbers that insignificant ideologically, that it was significant, even as a crime, getting very significant by dictating the government's the fact of policy that was shown up can terms of the radicalized div series on our to 0
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[000:00:00;00] the, i'll go back to watching, i'll just do a time to recap on headlines. israel is bartonville. busy is church and gaza, killing 16 palestinians. many families with sheltering in the church, over 4000 people in the young sites have been killed in the past 14 days for you. and the secretary general has visited the off crossing to vows that way. he called for a to and so immediately turning guitars said, meaningful numbers of trucks shouldn't be allowed in tweezer humanitarian catastrophe. tetter studies working with egypt, israel and the us limits, restrictions and is ready, falls is a step top rates and the occupied westbank in east jerusalem. at least 12 people
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were killed on 1st day. now the news republicans in the us house of representatives a meeting to pick a new speaker, ohio member golden gym. jordan is seeking us. the votes in these bid for the post. the chamber has been without the leader for more than 2 weeks. so far, no politician has had enough boats to replace kevin the coffee, he was voted out to a member of the of this month, john henry, that small from washington in the us house of representatives k as rules. it's been more than 2 weeks since house members voted out then speaker kevin mccarthy, and they haven't been able to elect a new speaker since then. the house can conduct no significant business without a speaker. so won't present a joe biden asked americans in a nationally televised address on thursday to support the war efforts by ukraine and israel. and he's expected to ask through congress for
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a $100000000000.00 in new for an aid, including $60000000000.00 for ukraine, and $14000000000.00 for israel. neither of those is likely to go any where until the republicans and control the house get a new leader, and that could be difficult, the man they are voting on now, jim jordan, who is a hard line, conservative and ally of former president donald trump, actually lost votes in this 2nd round of voting and dinner, seated close to our meeting on thursday. the republican holdouts who are voting against him, expressed that they were not likely to change their minds is gotten ugly. there's been at least one death threat. one republican says, this makes them all look like in his words, a bunch of idiots. so with a key funding vote coming up in november for the government and to us allies saying they need money to help in their war efforts. congress remains at a standstill. the next vote for speaker is expected on friday,
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john henry and l g 0 washington. now canada has withdrawn thousands of diplomats from india following a dispute with the murder of a 6 separate this leader on canadian soil. india had threatened to withdrawal that diplomatic community last month counted as 5 minutes to set the credible allegations. india was behind the killing in the province of british columbia. india rejected that claim is absurd. on island, the wall and garza and protests in support of gauze are taking place in egypt. these are some of the lights is pictures coming out of the icon. exactly. a square in the caps in cairo square was the center of the 2011 revolution. the tough old president's house name of bark protests have been taking place in the malaysian capital in support of palestinians flowing slowly. revolts from calling them for is . 7 the 2nd largest protests housing,
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the laser in solar guarantee with the palestinians. now this crowd is marching to the u. s. embassy. know totally to show the support for how this video, but also to demonstrate the anger at the us for the, for to israel in the war on gaza. now that holding palestinians flags as well as malaysian flags. and those are holding banners that say free palestine, that was not the banner that said it's time to unite race, politics and religion. is a country where 2 sides of the population is malaysia has been consistently the prime minister. few days ago boys may in disappointment. what he said was the rest of the nation's highest on one side that's done to is he is at the moment in riyadh for a meeting between the corporation counsel and also the association to southeast asia nation. and he said he will use that opportunity to bring up the issue of
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palestinian right there as well. the purchases here. they say they will be here until the boeing job is over. they are here to show that support for the palestinian brothers interest is hundreds of people have gathered in south korea condemning israel sanctions and expressing solidarity with palestinians. eunice kimber, pulls himself a fresh soul. central lost one of the loss here in south korea where hundreds of people are gathered to raise their voices against me is rarely offensive in gaza. now it's a mix of people from all walks of lives. there are palestinians living in this country among the crowd, to our south, koreans who say they simply could not sit back and watch after 2 weeks of scenes from the besieged, gaza watching father is less helpless and is really air strikes, leaving many civilians killed. don't you, it's horrible that something like this is happening in the 21st century. there are people in south korea consent full and solidarity with the palestinian flight of
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like the arbel to know that their marching and taking part in this riley to raise awareness the country that historically has had a long friendship with is last week, south, pre owned press, the down from us as industry menagerie, visiting us congressional delegation on saturday and he has to meet with the leaders here ravia and discuss the security situation to reach me has already committed $2000000.00 into monetary and assistance to help the palestinian stuff in the middle and despite that, as trustees, assistant to the 0 why the result next then in sign story will look at the why the political impact and arab nations of israel's war on gone. so that brings us to the end of the show, but stay with us. the
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the color of the cloud on right, and still keeps on coming down across southern parts of the china. we've got this area of light pressure that is a tropical storm sand. bob, it's in the process of weak thing, has been pushing a little further north waste with these with making and about and they will run back towards the northeast of vietnam as we go through the next couple of days. follow that line of fat out toward such a pan and another area of light pressure here, not as intense, but that will bring some wet weather into the western side of japan. some heavy it down pulls to some snow over the mount saves 42 celsius. it will stay dry, the in toki i tried to across the korean peninsula, i had a good pop of china. move the same as we go through sunday night with the weather moving out of the way it brightens up all the pots of the japan. see some bits and pieces to cloud and rice still some weather down to was the fall south of china then the from our tropical system, which said is making it about
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a little run down the south, west the direction pushing more way. whether it's was, comes to side of north vietnam, southern area, still sitting some live how's across the entire china could spread a showers across south east asia and still good spread of shelves across the fall south of india, developing system in the back and go, went to west side with the coming days, a few showers to buckets stuff the
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