tv Inside Story Al Jazeera October 25, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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which is 0, those are the largest hotspots and in the strip to witness how deteriorates and conditions and desperate shortages are impacting the lives of so many low speed is connected to active. surely spilling should shift in this with the wash on the medical stuff, and those in need of treatment reflect on the hardship of this conflict. if the electricity runs out. so just become a mass graves causes a shift, a hospital. on the brink on al jazeera, the most extensive us meant to be a to israel, and it's more on concepts. washington has been sending minutes. the assets to the region, saying that for everyone's purposes. but all they really and could expect a why the conflict in the middle east. this is inside story, the hello again on james bay's refugee comes hospitals. apartment blocks nowhere in
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gauze, there is safe, and israel's bombardment of the besieged territory. the humanitarian needs a diet and growing by the minute. israel's biggest ally, the united states, is still not cooling for us the spot. instead of sending more military assets to the region, washington says the aircraft carriers in naples support vessels will serve as a deterrent. but could american troops join the war? and what would this mean for them? at least plenty for us to discuss with our panel in a bit. but 1st, this report, from se oracle i agree milestone 18 days into the war and gaza. these ready bombardment has killed more than 5700 palestinians daily life and the besieged territory is synonymous with the unpredictability of strikes . but throughout the offensive, the united states has maintained an unwavering commitment to israel. we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel as we stand with this room.
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we will make sure 0 has what it needs to take care of it. citizens defend itself and respond to this attack. while international calls for an immediate cease, fire gray louanda the us and other west and allies have refrained from asking is round to scale packets attacks on gaza instead. washington has sent not one, but 2 across the carriers and the striped groups to the region. each has roughly 7500 minute tree pos. now it's one of the largest deployments of us troops to the mediterranean. in decades, this additional deployment. i'll send another message to those who would do it, let's see, to whiten this conflict. as president biden said earlier, and as you've heard me say, you have any group or any country is looking to whiten this conflict and take
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advantage of this very unfortunate situation that we see. our advice is, don't iran foreign minister has accused the white house of double stand? it may tell us how that we've received messages, asking us to practice restraint and also asked us to invite others to show restraint. but the us of the past 2 weeks has been sending military equipment to israel. so how can my site, they don't want the expansion in the pool. now i'm saying to button stopped, you'll have bucket seats and that the us types that supports that as well. and its own increased military presence in the region will be enough to prevent the conflict from lightning. but it's also clear that any miscalculation between the wrong and the united states risks changing the dynamics of the school very quickly . sorry, go the inside story. the
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. well, let's bring, you know, a panel of guests to discuss all this further in doha, we have called in clock is director of a search of us to find group of global intelligence and security consultancy in new york. it's omar drama, and he's a fellow at the middle east council on global affairs where he focuses on palestine, but least you have politics and american foreign policy in the region. and in boston is glen call career c, i a office. so he's a former deputy national intelligence officer for trans national, stretched out the agency. great to have you owe with us to discuss what is going on in the region and particularly what's going on with regard to the us deployments. because more and more us assets are going to the region, particularly naval assets, some people, since the biggest amada that's being seen in the region since the 19 ninety's glen, would you agree with that? well, i don't know if that's true, but i certainly believe that it is true to our aircraft. carriers bring along as
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part of their combat if we get to the terms of my life at the moment. but in any event, they deployed with probably a dozen ships or more each. so i think that's probably a true statement. yes. i'm calling i'd be looking quite hard, quite a page to get information of the of the pentagon website, but reading through all the transcripts and everything that's out there in public. as glen says, i mean we've got the largest bullshit in the world. the us, as the general ford, we've got another um, aircraft carrier. so 2 at croft carriers, the dwight d eisenhower, which is also that. and then i think a total of 8 warships in that to start groups. and then we've got something called about time. i'm 50 is ready group, which has on 3 ships, a total of full 1000 sailors and marines on it. this is, this is a very large deployment, isn't it coming? yeah, so it's a massive, muscular response from washington multiple carrier strike groups. uh, you know, patriot batteries fed missile defense. there's only about, oh,
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i wouldn't get allowed. you all can just tell me what side is please quickly terminal high altitude air defense missile missile defense. essentially, the force protection turns and then if need be some potential offensive assets. there's also intelligent surveillance and reconnaissance on these carriers trade groups as well. so all around preparation from washington, in case things do escalate and cold and staying with you. what is your reading of the main reason for sending so much to the region? i think, you know, 1st of all the deterrence, it's a warning to the iranians. it's a warning to around and sponsor groups like has bola to remain on the sidelines, or at least to keep activity at a very low and manageable level. but again, it's also to protect the basis of the united states has in the regions about force protection. and lastly, it's about preparation. the by the administration is still stone from the
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withdrawal from afghanistan. how poorly things went there and they want to be prepared in case they need these assets, including to evacuate american citizens from a number of countries in the middle east. let me ask you how you think this will be seen in the region because one person's determines could be another person's publication. yeah, i think uh it was the opinion on this will be split in the region to some extent based on your relationship with the united states and where you're coming from and how you're viewing the current conflict. although i think across the air of world war, there is a heavy concern for this escalating and you know, in some senses, maybe not a prob occasion, but certainly the us is, is escalate and the situation by bringing in a huge, huge naval forces into the region and it's in so in a sense, emboldening israel to carry on what it's doing in gaza. and that is obviously the source of the escalation at the moment. that is the reason why there's anger
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erupting across the air of world. that would be the reason why you might see attacks on the us military bases in the region. or, you know what we've seen maybe who the rebels firing rockets towards israel if that's a actually where they were headed. so, you know, at the heart of it it's, you know, it's involving israel, like, i think the, carry out this mission in the region plan to see if i'm right, with my assumption here. my assumption is, but they sending this big a mazda, because they come to use the military bases of a base in the hall and the naval base in ball rain because of the circumstances right now. does that seem correct to you personally? correct. uh, it certainly would be a complicating factor to use forces out of doha, given the cut her, his relationship with hamas and the muslim brotherhood. however, i don't think that's really the primary reason i think as i believe it's calling,
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the 1st speaker said clearly to me, the primary objective is to tourist the suasion. the build up is not really to enable the israelis to act, but rather to keep the conflict from spreading, becoming a regional or even broader war. and i think that most of we call them arrow governments, but they're in this instance, is more relevant to say muslim countries understand that and, and don't want to see the conflict, the generalized and so really are accepting of the us deployment. now, the, what we call the arab street is another matter and, but as long as of course, we'll be dissatisfied and angered by what think well, characterized as a provocation. but, but to me, clearly, the objective of the united states has to stop brands proxies from the show provoking israel for the united states. that the conflict generalizes into
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a wider war the colon. um, we've talked to about the terrans role, but there's also a role in protecting us assets that are already in the region. let me read you a quote from the pentagon. press secretary bracket a general pat rider. we will do everything and take all necessary measures to protect us forces. we've already seen some instances with regard to what has gone on in the red sea. what has happened in iraq and syria letting me take those one by one 1st. in the red sea, there was a us warship, the u. s. s. connie, which took down for atlanta tech cruise missiles. we think they came from the who, this is that your understanding it seems likely it's confident with previous behavior at actions by the who these and for the united states. it's just unacceptable. it's not going to allow it's personnel or a space has to be targeted by any actor in the region. and all, not colin,
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do we know what the, who sees what aiming at because of the us. the pentagon spokesman, again said they took them down, but they didn't necessarily think they were aimed at the economy and they were going in the direction of his route to your knowledge. do that who sees have, and i think that could it is row. it's possible, i think, you know, they is there, they very well could have been headed that way. i think, you know, one thing that this whole conflict has taught us is that we need to question prior assumptions, right? i think many people didn't think come off said the capabilities that are displayed on october 7th. so i will be very concerned about examining prior assumptions about the capabilities of as bowl uh, the who. these are rocky, she and militia, and others. i think, you know, clearly the iranians have helped them develop capabilities. they've given them all sorts of different hardware and missiles. and so at this, this point, we're still in the early stages of this conflict, we're hoping to keep it to
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a low boil. it's best to be in defense and foster glen. we've also seen a tax in syria and iraq. they're all still based in iraq. $2500.00 us troops. and in syria, there are $900.00 us troops, but also a lot of military contract is. i mean, i think some people to start with will be quite surprised. there are so many us troops still in iraq and syria. what are they doing, as well as multiple conditions? one of course is to continue to observe and dried and stopped and isis, or jihad, as the groups and elements from the conducting a terrorist operations. and these stabilizing things and other is to help their try to keep the governments in place from being the, stabilize further by a search terrace actions. and the 3rd is, of course, to watch over, to the extent possible or rainy in efforts to extend his influence, which is
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a large component of what we're seeing happening with the booty with the groups in syria, with his below on the border. and with how much we've been around is planning or cynical, very dangerous game disabled ization and the trouble the destin turmoil in their israel is a good thing for around because it's hostile to israel on and see a logical, philosophical and political reasons and to because it helps around extend its influence. so the, one of the missions of the us presence there is to try to keep this kind of d stabilisation from occurring. and really to stop the she a meaning, a rainy and the influence from the, from spreading even further that has all, apparently we think about 8 to attacks on us troops in 4 different locations in iraq and syria. and it's interesting reading what's being said by the us hierarchy
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of quite a depends it compressed that country before we don't necessarily see that iran is explicitly ordered them. yet the white house on the strategic communications coordinated junk cubby. we know that iran has caused the monitoring these attacks and in some cases, actively facilitating these attacks. what was your view on how involved it? ronnie's is iran ordering this and whether they're ordering the attacks in places like see, or any rock. i mean, it's, it's probable, given their links to, uh, to, to those, uh, those groups that are operating in those countries. i think it was a little over stated, i think in terms of you know, their, their connection to the initial from ass attack on october 7th. i mean, clearly there are, you know, they sponsored the financial background material backer of how mass. but you know, there a lot of the reporting that came up out out of october 7th, you know, implied were directly sorted that, you know, iran was heavily involved in the planning process. i think that is overstating the
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overstate and the connection. but certainly i think their connection is much deeper to the armed groups that are operating. and so you're in a rock. and so, you know, i, you know, i don't know whether they're directly involved, but it's, you know, worth it, it's worth considering for sure. okay, back to you called in because you brought up the acronym fad in the 1st place. what the u. s. is deploying, it seems because of these specific attacks in iraq and syria is this terminal high altitude area defense system will fad. and also some additional and there's no specified number here. patriots battalions. all so just explaining to me what these things do. a patriot or missile missile defense battery surface to air missiles that are going to be used to guard against what we saw just the other day against the numerous attacks and provocations from various iranian best actors in the regions of the united states. and the kind of gone clearly expects more of that in
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the days ahead. and so this is again a defensive and precautionary measure to protect united states assets. it's, it's nothing more, it's nothing less iranians for their part or doing what they always do. they're continuing to attempt to push the united states of the region and extend their own influence split and we've got 2000 extra troops in addition to those marines. i told you about who are at sea and all the, all the naval personnel to 1000 extra us troops are on standby to deploy with holly readiness. i mean, is that what are the circumstances in which these troops could actually do something? because one assumes you deploy troops, yes, you deploy them isn't the tyrants. but you have to think about where you, when you might use them and that might be circumstances when they could be used. what would you say to that? a this is where the line is not easy to draw a very clearly, but i think the example of the carney gives a good indication of the video that i think numbers of us have seen which purports
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to be taken from that route to you fired the rocket to the non tutored eye such as mine, it appeared that it was firing at the ship and you do hear that people saying, well essentially, unless you have what america does to that and then take it america. but the response for the us was to, to shoot down the missile and then to say it had occurred and do nothing else. in other circumstances. in the military united states, you'd want to eliminate the threat, the perpetrator of an attack like that. but it hasn't happened. why? because it seems pretty clear that the description of the stab system that we just heard from call, and i think it was the make describes what us objectives are, which is to perry attacks and to keep the violence, the war from spreading. if however, the us forces and facilities were seriously harmed,
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americans killed and capabilities destroyed. the, let's take you now to a live event happening here in the country capital though, ha, the talk is foreign minister. how come to you then will certainly speak along side as you can see it kind of pause prime minister and find minutes that check mohammed have been other rahman else on it lets us know ality and we called for all the parties to avoid plunging the entire region into may and much will give rise to look at that on bit of a crisis. how do we totally addict that you want to stand? that's in embracing this crisis and a human life is precious on it. we can bugs condemn canyon's on one side on the spider and the other. all the parties involved within violation of international law must be held accountable or it will be living in the sun. going to be on our discussion today with his excellency,
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the ministry of guarantee we examined old, they meant as political and diplomatic. we also saw it because it isn't meant tools to avoid further collision and to reach a ceasefire mode front. and also to avoid old forms of targeting civilians named the women then to the weak amend. this then taken by the brotherly state of the key in support of the price of the product seen and people. and we agree with them and on the stands as we have converging views, viewing the joint meetings, we had also a joint then tab and spend the club come over in this respect and the state of contacting them the collective punishment policy inflicted on guys. and because of them, as we speak more than 2300000 palestinians are denied that basic necessities, food, water, electricity, and medical supplies. this is a flagrant violation of international law. unfortunately,
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we find the do want to stand the prevailing and the international community in this particular respect, as the humanitarian aid is politicized. and even used as a weapon folder for the pin punishment. and we can both find anyone moving a finger to elevate the subheading of people and guides us through it. during the meeting, also, we need to re dates on that to cover the delivery of humanitarian aid, all across the guys. that is an imperative job as well. avon, he and i would like to point out that we uh, surprise with the statements made by some, is it a and e o l f? i says, the thing close accusations that came to scott todd, while we are doing all what we can to avoid escalation and when they leave the
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captives these bucket. they've statements can not be interpreted by um, elliptical political propaganda and political blackmail. the info exempted by the state of carter and the must be handled and commanded we of adamant the peaceful am solution to this crisis and keeping goals. the attendance of communication often with the concerned parties. we wait a response is and then a must in order to avoid further exacerbation of that. right. so then we come and old that asian and international effort within this context we didn't you our invite, or it's a national park, not a still riley efforts in order to reach our lasting solution of that. but i see them close with the importance of indignation of the international organizations, including vantage of nations, to address the human attached and issues that to continue to communicate with on
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the consent to have the captives the at least as soon as possible. we also commend the f i subjected by our reason out of pocket does include the integrity and we look at it today that visa, lasting piece for the permanent solutions for the policy and close within the international. a zillow sense and data piece initiative will be a much better cut out of westbrook of the members of the press. and while i'm on you for that. so your excellence, you see how much of the mind as danny i extend all tanks and i appreciation for the warm reception. and i did a, this meeting at all my, i had the opportunity to be with his excel and he's only
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a hand and see if that mean cut on that. and then how much so then this one, cuz we didn't you expect, as you call me, what is all they continue to cope, right. and this of the front it on hold be sort of do you think our main thing we brought to this cause the future meeting of the supreme instead of using other sort of counseling which would be convinced in the there is no doubt within additions to the idea of some bilateral relation up. we are not because of this. and on the meeting on the address, the issue, the price is inc. s a previous inmate. carter students in total to do, especially the mazda of the whole world, is a, is on the path to buy what is taking place in guys that is, ryan is starting civilians, even 5 and hospitalization, places of worship. it's not giving us
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a lot of the links to every human being with the concerns on that. so it's asked to put an end to this, but i sat at the door we showed act together and any entity while doing our best to . and so going to talk about this one just in debate, i pay that visit to the at all so you can buy it or did that. and before that guy, it always in a simple must each it with close go to the nation and call pretty soon with the asian a lead us. we are doing our best to and this guys is the tech is president also is the most uh so what's your name was has and continues to initiate communications with. well, it really does with a of goes with them awesome to ending this war, which is on the show, solve the letter distribution. as you are aware, what is when they say they have to pay some forces or exercising is a collective punishment against all the residents of guys that are listed in
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the guys. and that must be up rotate from their homes on their homeland a. so the crisis spends over and then it would be, and if it was also exacerbated code in cities and i'll come to the lesson and know in the country, it will be safe. that is really must refrain from further escalated. it admitted the sonya of the guys that can be turned into a holocaust games come on. i see that if the ceasefire meet the cease fire is imperative and the dog save or go to dollar for the humanitarian. a hobby is also a must. we are at the turning point to mark in history. either we need to last thing fees or where the war is when, when i get a break to solve, you're talking to the con community. so we're calling for all the parties. i
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understood which is and the reason of the international, the stakeholders and to listen to the volume. so freezing and those who are encouraging is and to continue with the crimes. to me, i thought could also liability simply because she said, i'm position letter. if we do not that fast, cannot mind, we would have others. the day is still come. let me just we, uh certain that, uh, nothing can know more about o'clock somebody else could be achieved with though it's me, it's good at the system or condemnation as is the, has been violating international lows for years. and therefore, i tend to butler may says that it was the problem. is it possible to achieve lasting peace with that, with a fed diplomatic and political solution to that, but i suppose is in the college, it is a most costly i'm. is they allies that they can not disclose this offer?
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they have all these affinities with violence. i mean you've gotten a little today is victories, may lead to talk with you this for you to defeats. but the only solution is to have in dependence is kind of sitting in a space. so this is established on the basis of 1967 bo, this is with east, the advocates academy, or the part is, must live up to their respective. but as possibilities and associates and take these acts to cut them is that that's wise mother push it. i brought me some other to the octave or summer, then all said yours, but you're satisfied that unless you the older she was a for me to get to get somebody to use the me to give it to so thought off that it was one that made it is, it is, i'm calling us in that cut out understand 0 to this one of the law. and i must videos, contest, positive between sided to the bottom, and that shouldn't be
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a truck that has related videos to the old within with respect to the who i'm going to tell you in situations and guys. and so one of the cuts, they also show them what is today to say next. and then with jason, the switch are highly commended. who would continue to hold on to today with the state of carter. this is made up today was very significant in this respect and therefore to do with calling on the international community to support genuinely support all the initiative aiming for peace. once again, thank you or accidentally we hold the warm reception and the dentist hospitality. and i'm on another company. good morning. thank you very much. thank you very much bye for your very interesting and helpful brief direct summit sleep and
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i'll see you how negotiations going over the postage by the we can expect any more coming as coming phase across. you both, both be our experience over to a brave crises. come and go in the us outright. if is base compared to what we've seen them, a worry noise, but hopefully they've got a lot. but what assess the phone regarding the progress on the hostages in a while she ation, it's still ongoing. we have seen some progress in the past few days with the da's office, the 1st 2 americans and then the diesel for the 2 women to 2 days ago. and then with the mediation of, of egypt as well. i think that if we compared where we started and where we are right now, there is some progress and some break through and we wouldn't man hoffen, uh,
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video sions, austin ongoing. and at any moment of time, i think that to, if we wouldn't be able to get along uh, between the 2 parties, i think we would see something breaks. it was all pretty smooth. uh, regarding that is that you have mentioned we have seen that to how very action of the public in the region to what's happening into the crises. uh and it goes on especially uh, the continuous bombardment for the civilian facilities answer videos of and there is a growling and go to among everyone in that region. questioning that action of the international community towards those kinds that's happening again. just the thought of seen it and uh, what you have seen, what you would see as, as a call.
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