tv News Al Jazeera October 26, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST
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going through so that i can convey the headlines and the most human way possible. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. the tools and 7000 palestinians has now been killed by is really strikes and gone the . so i'm gonna stop say, attain the says auto 0 life from go ha, also coming up. these really all me says it's carried out overnight. ground great into the awesome targeting home us position funeral was held for the family members of al jazeera correspondent. while i do, they would kill then his randy attacks and central gas out on wednesday nights.
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more than 1600 palestinians including 900 children, still missing the following is really strikes many a trapped under the, from the . well it is now 12 g, m t, that's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and gaza and tools and 7000 palestinians have now been killed by his really strikes and gaza comes as he is really minute traces. it's carried out overnight. ground right inside northern garza targeting hamas positions. its force has continued to bombard civilian areas across garza with these images that you're watching now. so con eunice and southern gaza, where israel has very recently foamed a residential building or for damaging the surrounding area. as you can see, at least 26 palestinians have been confirmed that that the strike comes as the
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united nations warns that nowhere in gauze at safe to us since this won't began on october. the 7th, as well as the bombing campaign across the gaza strip, has killed more than 7000 palestinians. and we all keep hired west bank more than 100 civilians have also been killed in just over 2 weeks, 2 palestinian prisoners of which have died in his randy custody. israel says they died of natural causes. meanwhile, these way the government's hasn't moved and 1400 his way these were killed and had lots of military operations. well, we can now speak to out of here as a honeymoon when he joins me on the phone from a con eunice, honey move, and 7000 debt and so many children. and obviously as i was saying was so many missing the we'll just told could actually be so much higher. i'm sorry, i think we've just lost correspondent,
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honey. we'll be trying to get them back for you as soon as we can finance or, and that speak to an official, he joins us from occupied, is tourism. don't let me ask you about this rate that's taking place there, cooling at a targeted rate, but they did go in with tanks, do we know what they were trying to achieve? a it's an escalation. there's no doubt about that. they, they've done this sort of read in the past several days, but this is the 1st time they have used tanks and that is significant. now what the use really army says it was doing was talking to you how much fighters they say they killed a number of them that they targeted infrastructure use by him us. and they also have a number of antique type launch positions, which could be used by him us that sold a pre casa to tags, moving in and a more permanent basis that we had from benjamin netanyahu on wednesday night. and people thought that that was going to prelude to any war. and he did say that these relays would decide when the attack, how do they attack,
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and how many wouldn't bull remember the cold up almost every single reserve is in the country. but there's still problems in that there is pressure from the united states to delete any growing more until us military assets are in place in the region. so they can protect existing us military installations and also diplomatic institutions as well and to, to bite and has said he would like to see more negotiations to try and for you though, is being held captive in guys a. but he understands the decision when to go in will be as real as war. benjamin netanyahu said, when that decision comes, it will be a unanimous decision of israel's more cabinet. oh, speaking of the little cabinet allan, i, i say that one of the ministers from the will cabinet. many guns has also been saying that it could take years to restore security to the southern region. so this could be a very, very long war that will be bad news to the people have been protesting outside the ministry of defense and tell of even the last couple of
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hours that asking for the least of those that are being held captive. but they've also coal put an end to the killing, the doing see how a continued operation and guides of will lead to the release of family members who are being held in guys a itself. but benny guns was clear that the, it's really, people are going to have to show patients that he said that this could be a long conflict, not talking weeks or months. he actually said this critique years and he called for patients. he said is really just about to enter into a new phase of the conflict and there will be great the intensity. he also admitted that everyone bears responsibility for the security failures that led to approve of the 7th, including him. of course, that's something that benjamin netanyahu in his address and when they failed to talk about the new point at that point of him saying yeah, i was also responsible. but it'll be disconcerting for many people, not just in the middle east,
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but around the world who's heating the defense minister, talking about how this could be an operation, but less for years. and for sure that what the latest for us from occupied is choice and thank you very much, holland. well, leah, i spoke to a retired lebanese general elliot honda. he's also a strategic on list and told me about israel zooming ground foundation of what really influences the ground operation. april guys are, are the demographic to book a fee and geography as well as the previous experiences between thomas and i, the f which are $5.00 bloody encompasses and so 2005. so i think that what is the i'm trying to do is maybe to put all the system to test the system to fix some forces or from us. and maybe it is like a live maneuver on the fired, but it won't read the major axis of or the main, the plus and to guys that because it could be like
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a deception to fix her mouse and the noise. and then go back into the middle where the, where, where the weakest point of how much it's in the middle, where it is like 6 kilometers between garza and the sea. well, funerals hasn't held full the families out a 0 correspondent wild do. his loved ones were among the latest victims of israel is more on gaza, whilst wife, son, daughter, and grandson, all killed. and it is really as strike on a house in which they had sort shelter. and central garza, oil was reporting when he had a devastating news. speaking though on thursday morning while insisted that he would keep reporting on israel's war on cause you have let me no doubt it will not stop me from doing my duties no matter what the price without paying the voice of i'll just hear my voice will continue to tell the truth, in a few minutes,
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i will go live on air. shame on that is why you the occupation forces hold i don't need has. and here's the voice of 2300000 guys of relentless be reporting on the plight the palestinians living under blue came and now these really bombardment the perhaps hoping that the charges will touch his own family. it did. what is that doing swipe? i'm know his 16 year old son moved his 7 year old daughter some and he's 18 months old grandson. add them killed in an air strike. in the blink of an eye, what is life crumbles? postdated in front of the body of his son my mood. well says they are taking revenge on our children the on this and we'll see what kind of cost this is
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a disaster right now for some of the big tragedy. especially perpetrated against women and children. no more, no less than a calamity. large numbers of people's houses, bombarded or something. however, this is the custom of these really occupation. at the end of the day, we are on this land. this is our destiny and we have a lot of the wet and had moved his family from the north to the new se about the refugee camp in central gaza. heating israel's evacuation order to head south. but as he often reported, there is no safe place for civilians in gaza, including his family, a little more wild since october 7th. what is that do? it has been telling the story of the suffering of people about the house. thousands of children lost their lives wash off. c this is not the 1st time israel has targeted l g 0. c in may 2022 to mean the bar actually was
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targeted and choose but is really forces why the reporting engineer and the you or earlier in may 2021. the building where the elders have bureau and other international b deal. we're based in gaza. was the aim of an is really a strike. well, as voice could be heard, repeating the tower collapsed. the tower collapse with the bombing of the building was gone then into nationally as an attempt to intimidate media. it didn't and was continued to lead the coverage under the most difficult of conditions as you know you've on the policy didn't during and this were quick to send messages of support. what we've done to has a name, the coins with courage, integrity, professionalism, and resilience. he's not just a reliable source, his ability to on earth. human stories from the besieged,
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gaza strip is on power that i appreciate that very much. and i pay my respects to you did one in this moment of shared sorrow around the middle east. what is that to is a trusted household. me seeing him in the men's grief will resonate, the minions will be on the board. the guys us for the how many of the 0 all just here in media network has issued a statement extending. it's sincere condolences and sympathy to while to do on the loss of his family and then his rarely strike and goes on to say it's deeply concerned about the safety and well being of it's colleagues and garza and hold the as randy will, star t is responsible for the security, the network strongly condemn and indiscriminate targeting and killing of innocent civilians which led to the loss of wilds of jews, family and countless others. it just the international community to intervene and
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put an end to these attacks on civilians that by safeguarding innocent lines as well. is there any forces of also been carrying out more raids and arrests overnight and they occupied westbank and one con joins us now from the law. and one is we've been saying over the last few days we've been seeing the, off them off of these raised fast times. and they weren't even escalating that's, that's the right to us is ready. military official has said the gloves. all those are his exact words. when it comes to the occupied westbank and we've seen evidence of it multiple res, multiple locations during the night, almost every single night, 3 last night in various villages. and they had brought into ramallah and jerusalem, the one in ramallah. we actually had this fun grenades and the sound buttons going off a to about 5 o'clock in the morning. 85 people arrested that in those raids a number of how the streaming engine as well during the day into about about 4 or 5
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hours go raid came to an end of the way at least 8 palestinians were injured. russo now hearing that these ready army is mounting a small staging post in the city of novice when we've seen things like that before . they often is a pre kosa to a rate. so i'm a 106, a palace, a 105 published indians have now actually been killed. one in the last hour, a 17 year old and talking of the 17 year old. the use of a got you technology, a child in virginia. children have been killed as well. but all of that, this toss it pose into, in comparison with the palestinians, dead in gauze, we go latest figures now. make depressing reading. 7028 killed including 2913 children and 17171709. rather women who have been killed more than 18484 people have also been injured. and the missing figures go in and goes result 1650 people missing
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among them 940 children and long calling their with the latest for us from ramada and the occupied west bank. thank you and wrong. well, we've managed to get out a 0 so honey, my flood back for us from con eunice. let's speak to him now. honey. just picking up on what iran was saying that we know there are now moving 7000 dead, but he was pointing out that there were so many people missing, including some 900 children. so the desktop could be much, much higher. yes, absolutely. will the number, according to unofficial. a statement by the minister of health has reads more than 7000 palestinians being killed since the beginning of the war on garza a mass bargain and mass is strikes across the gaza strip for the past 18 days. and there, the number is expected to increase by the hundreds,
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as there are more people under the rebels. and there is a fear that would, it would lack of ability, equipment or machinery. those bodies are going to decay various to causing a health concern in the gaza. strip. now there are a lead, 1600 people missing 900 of these people are children and, and as i pay you way to combat this, what people it started doing parents just started doing because of the fear of listening their children, a sudden marking them either with a bracelet in their rent or marking them with a white board mark or just in case god forbid it, a falling bomb, destroyed their homes. they would be able to identify the bodies of their children . that's just honey. i know you've also seen while today. he's obviously determined to continue his work because what's happened to him is happening right now to so many of those,
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including the families of those who have just been killed in this place to strike near you and con eunice. what more do we know about what happened to the it is well, what happened to your colleagues? well, exactly what's happening to palestinians since the pots for the past 2 weeks, just a few hours ago and entire neighborhoods have been completely destroyed. with 17 people pronounced the right of the spot. what's really scare about these attack? the d killed people even within the vicinity of the targeted area. those 17 people are more than a 100 injuries. first 2 knots or hospital, which is only 500 meters away from the side of the the, the target. we're in the 3. it's the little kids running through the shop, buying something the or young people just playing football and all of the sudden the different into, into did bodies. this is the fear of, of, of the people right now that there is no safe place done even in their own home.
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when unpredictably, they have a bomb falling on their, on their head. the thing we have this morning unlocks the hospital and data, but when, why it was just say in his final prayer and, and final good by does, the children wasn't seen full of, of tears and, and sat this and we've, we've known why and for being a very brief, a very courageous journalist and a professional one. he said that he's going to continue covering the wars and all of its details to the world. and then they are targeting, targeting. his family was not going to stop him from doing his job to the best of his ability. name off what the on the ground for us in the southern gaza strip in con eunice. thank you, honey as well. that's and i'll bring in time i come with, he's a professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies comment. thank you for staying with us here. i'm going to start with a more personal question. if you don't mind you salsa from garza,
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we've just seen the death toll, pos 7000. is that something that you ever conceptualize, being a, being able to happen, especially as we see these as strikes continuing to intensify? not, not that living is by, by all means understands, you know, i mean, i think the entire population of the goes to the, i mean, no one expected this of this. she had a good dispos for me, is that, i mean, thought a good thing. 7 facilities targeting civilians, you know, hospital schools, it's just line destruction of, of everything. and it's, it's, and the fact that it's happening under the i'm the national community watch. it's even, it's developed. i mean, i. yeah, i mean i feel like feel i feel with guys as now and i kind of know, i mean that this for the last the left for the whole whatsoever. i mean,
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because as the largest open at present in the world, this new populations area. exactly. and also being published, even before this war, this war started. i mean, remember from 2007 own words. and now is what it has in full is one of the most vicious locates on the strip. so it's, it's, it's so own own like, you know, and living indicated, let you know, so she called them can decrypt as i've been in on the 3 additional since 2007 on awards. when we look at fiscal teen so we'll have basic tools to try and let's go supervisors under these buildings and all of a v. we see stories of, of, of people still live under the sun. does that all those i'm and they kinda know what kind of each each of them and saved them because with less than as well have equipment. so i mean, i mean that it's good things that don't have the equipment and no electricity, no electricity. and it's like it's, it's, it's just, it's unbelievable to watch this happening and i'm, i'm send that out to the side of the community so far. what's happening,
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what's the thing is just wards of contamination. ne fired the playing. and so is that i really like politics of, of in thing and frequenting aids. and it's just, it's, it's a, it's over wouldn't mean that it's, it's any humane. i mean, dozens of human beings, but it still hasn't got the human beings. they should be treated. same like any other human beings been ukraine in zimbabwe. whatever name is, i mean, so it's just a place where the big question, i mean, does the world really see guys as a place that deserves to live? i mean, go see the see from this thing isn't guys as a human beings that treat them as a human being. i've come, i speak with such dissolution and it's about the international community. let me ask you because there's always a deadlock right now the security council. do you see that being any of the successful diplomatic avenue here who, who can make the difference?
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i don't know if you need another key at this point, american. i mean, i would think of a lot of countries and out of governments who really need to step up the locations and the commitments. i'm the responsibility to protect us things as well because of they don't. and they will also. busy the they will have to, to deal with the consequences as well. so it's not going to be on the guys because this would be a snowball. it will affect the egypt many countries. what do you think some scenarios, i mean coming out from these are in the media that the discussing the pulse? how may i ask you guys of what would be the future of gaza? and many of these scenarios are many dots and not as, i mean, most of them involve displacement outside. this guy's a forcing out of countries with the number of facilities. and so it's, it's, it's, it's, uh, it's very wanting
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a lot of me to see this unfolding. and even out of the countries, i'm not able to not to use the lives that are sort of what's that, what ever leverage they have? i mean, to have extra money out of countries of excellence and issues with the us. they have to go to the comic dentist with the usaa, and they can adapt realize to us as one of the common enemies, you know, and the reason, so the thing is, what can they do to stop this? no, i mean to, so that's a big question. i feel that the not this. yeah, well we have seen more unity amongst our state. see me in the last and the last few days. i'm wondering if you think that there is a possibility of doing anything outside of the u. n. system. talk a for instance has been talking about, i think as a guarantor for palestine is then now the framework possible yet. but this does that. these positions are good on. people don't go to me like an immediate, but the thing is what the key has the mean focused position is boots and it's in a best position. but what's up k? uh, more of this stuff. it's economic cooperation with these. what are the big competition
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on guys, projects and them to 3 then whatever. i mean of these positions tied with 3 and actions or tools they can use later to put under pressure on these, on the and the us ad. i mean, as i mean for me, look once up and we took it to mean to promote the competition. we haven't seen any downgrading of, of, of the embassies like, you know, that's the primitive stuff of these out of countries. and is that, i mean, we still have invested those not even listed. and that's what i would you like in a withdrawal and best have been scrolls embassies connecting to freeze like an old piece. 3 things i believe just organ and has done that. and i need to hit on these of them the has a best position, but that us, i mean, i mean, we need, we need, we need an out, a few out of unity and this, and the steins and also stuff. one country doing this on jordan is in parts of the country, of course, on it's what is from the precautions of this war, but drove into a small country on it's, you political impulses, very limited as with what is what then thought adult vision. did you see congress,
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egypt, you know, big central countries that have best interest with the us. and he's like, this should, in my opinion, been more pressure and use the economic and political tools to put pressure on is that under us and to try to, to prevent this, this, this, this mess it going from going on and just look into political options and political sources for this because the root cause of all these evils know the harder see as we see from guys are domestic and is again to the mind that the one documentation that there is no political sanction for the spirit of course, which is the constant. the continuation of this occupation for more than 70 is now . so does this have to stop time or come with that professor public policy at the the institute of graduate studies. thank you for joining me again here in the studio time versus hall. still ahead on, i'll just hear it. we will have more on the ongoing war and garza and treating international diplomatic efforts to try to bring a pause to the pricing. the
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you're locked into your world's weather report. good to have you along. we'll take this one off and indo china, it's our usual spells of showers and disturbed weather in this part of the region. showers draped right across the philippines, up and down, up, but nothing major, no weather alerts to speak of here through china. okay, we got rain along the yang see along the pearl river valley as well. just clouds drifting into the yellow river valley looks like a sunny day though for eastern portions of the yellow river valley, including jung show at $25.00 degrees. some turbulent weather are coming in to japan's main island upon choose sundry downpours here breezy and some spots as well . back to this part of the southeast asia drive for southern sumatra, the pulses of rain to the north. if i take you to the south pacific right now remnants leftovers of a tropical cycle and still throwing buckets of rain and to new caledonia on friday . also, we're watching some rain from the gold coast to brisbin breezy here as well,
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goes to about 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. and then we got the threat of fires through the northern territory parts of queensland as well as those wins pick up on friday. when this weather report in new zealand and i got to tell you, we got some snow over the higher ground for the south island. this. this southerly breeze means temperatures are po hoford's for this time of the year. that's a snapshot of your weather. the welcome back, your watching out as here on let's remind you about top story. israel has launched as strikes on con eunice and southern goes up on a residential building. it's damaging the surrounding area. at least $26.00 palestinians have been confirmed that the moment $7000.00 palestinians have now been killed in is rarely a tax. on garza since october 7, he's really ministry. he says it's carried out overnight. ground raid into northern
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garza, it says tanks and troops targeted most positions. the pictures you are seeing now were released by these really minute tre, that they say they showed the operation inside the besieged territory. funerals have been held for the family members of angels here a correspondence. while to do they were killed in and is really as striking central garza on wednesday night. while has sent his family from garza city to al new state road refuge, account of israel issued an evacuation holdover elastic f. it's all continuing around the wild european leaders on mission in brussels. they're expected to cool for the establishment of humanitarian car doors, and pauses in the bump. arguments of casa will not speak to step boston. she is live for us now from brussels, stepped humanitarian car doors, and pauses, but no mention of these fine. no mention of a cease fire at all and also no condemnation over the thousands of civilian death
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in gaza after it's really bombardment. so what's happening here is that the leaders of very much the fight is on how to respond to. they were fairly quick to condemn how much is a tax on october 7th, but now they've been struggling to find even the right words to put in their final communicate the which they want to release later today, there has been a fighting over humanitarian pause or humanitarian pauses this and now they have decided on the latter because according to germany and germany plays a very important role here because of its history and also the whole of costs and its position towards israel is unconditional support. and they are very much pushing for this human to terry and pauses instead of pause because that would be too much of a cease fire and sounding like to cease fire. and that will temper is for else right to defend itself. so it's going to be, it's a very watered down version. all humanitarian process carried off,
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which basically means that you're going to, terry and h should be able to reach people and guy. so in between loves in the bombardments. it's something like that. and that's still debating it for the rest of the day. but this is of course, very painful for the european union, which is started as a peace process. so not talking about peace, they're not talking about ceasefire. and they're very much only talking about the very small matter that they want to be implemented. step i understand that ukraine was also supposed to be on the agenda today, but it seems to be very much overshadowed by all the events and the least. the yeah, what the latest here really try to do now is to make sure that your brain gets all the attention it deserves. they want to stress that the middle east is not overshadowing this whole summit. the precedence landscape will speak later, avaya assume, but of course, the reality is it is overshadowing. it's only about the middle east and the
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response that europe has. and it's been criticized heavily for this a response. and it was interesting which all michelle, the president of your p and counselor have to say when he and to the summit, he said, we are not having double standards here. he was asked about if he was criticized over why europe normally response very clearly. if there's any conflict in the world about human rights abuses of violations of international law, and now they have a very different response. but he said, that's not true. we still are polling universal principles of human rights. and he also says that he feels that some are trying to attack other european union on it and that they are questioning their credibility. so it's a very difficult situation, and that's also what he described it for the european union. he up to date, step boss on that for us in brussels. the whole, the latest thank you. spent, whole explosions have been had and southern leather known as bombardments continue
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