tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 27, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm AST
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seen g m 2 or 3 pm here in new york. it's a resolution. it's sponsored by jordan and the era group. it has 42 co sponsors and it calls for among other things, i calls for a humanitarian pause. it calls for all captives to be released and it calls for emergency aid and humanitarian aid. to get in to guys that for the people that need it the most. now the united states and canada just within the last hour or so have confirmed that they have added an amendment to this. they will also be voted upon that it specifically condemns from us specifically for the october 7th attack that is not in the jordanian draft. that is being considered while there's a condemnation of the attack on october 7th, there is not specific mention of a mouse. and that is something that the us and canada both want in this resolution
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. and it appears that the us appears that if that it, that, that addendum is voted for. they will also perhaps support the larger resolution as well. so clearly things are moving very fast. you're un headquarters and especially in the general assembly chambers behind me. but again, we expect a very important vote on this resolution at 19 g m t or 3 pm here in new york. okay, but from that and thank you very much. indeed, we've been covering this. we've been joined by our different logic editor, james phase and souls and bought account the professor of public policy at home. i've been calling for university. thank you very much for both being with us. james at bus one to ask you a quick procedural question, whether just for viewers who are joining us and the vote is going to be taking place as gabe was saying at 19 gmc, that's about 3 pm, a local time eastern time. and yet there are still going to be speakers are going to be speaking off to that to what does that tell us about the assumption that is
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being made about how this vote is going to go find that's held at 19 gmc, well i think it is it is a decision or a request made by jordan and they are group to get this done because they know that the speech is going to go on for some considerable time. not clear when they're gonna get through the speeches on friday. they might even have to continue them either on saturday or on monday, but they wanted to get the vote out the way. but i'm not sure we can be terribly clear exactly how this is going to go. to be honest, we need to take soundings because something pretty important has happened in the last half hour, which is the us is now saying that it is co sponsoring that amendment by canada. as i understand it, this is what will happen. you'll get the amendment voted on 1st. so do we accept this amendment to the motion? then you will get the motion voted on the motion either with the benefits and if it's been accepted with 2 sides majority or the motion if it's not being accepted without the 2 sides majority. i think the intriguing scenario is if that motion is
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that the amendment is accepted because that adds the team to the resolution. knows a new bit of tax condemning a mouse and condemning the taking of captives in garza. but it doesn't take anything out of the resolution. and the resolution does cool for immediate on him to provision of goods and services to gauze, including most of food, medical supplies, fuel and electricity. something that is wrote has been denying israel will not turn the power on. israel will not let fuel in because it says a jew excuse item, it also says an immediate durable and sustain humanitarian screws. if the amendment pauses, then the us one would assume um, canada, along with other countries, will then but full that which is going to put immense pressure on israel. if we go to a scenario where the us was voting for resolution. and israel was not that would really put is right on the corner. the big question mark here is,
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is that how much section is in the resolution willy arrow, the group supported on notes. i've got colleagues in new york, gabe and other colleagues who are ringing round people furiously to see what happens in that scenario. and how they're planning to vote. also was telling you, we have the, your opinion, the speaking of although he said lots of things, he didn't say how that, how the your opinion were going to the is i wonder, interrupt your very quickly we have our, our corresponding dietetic about assume who's on the ground in guys we have seen quite a lot of attacks happening to even know anything about what is happening in the other districts and in the territory. maybe there are you bottom into place in these areas. we don't know how much victims, how many victims really hold due to the use ready ongoing structure because only he abutment everywhere. but we don't know any anything about the casualties about the situation on the ground. we don't know anything also about the medical conditions of boxes, medical workers, and even the ship a hospital. if the situation is catastrophe right now, we cannot no longer be able to communicate with the international community to send
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our voice to the world to know what is happening with the ground. i hope that this message might really reach. i'm top, i'm access to the world despite what we have experiencing for the last hour. we'd like to tell you that we are now in the hospital and we are going to be live parts . that's like as much as we can and every single hour. so please guys, if you can hear us in that message to the world that we are isolated now, and garza again, guys, if you can hear us, we are isolated in the church we, we don't have any phones taking those. we don't have any internet connections. we found a great difficulty even to communicate and compact with our relatives in different parts of the church and we've been, we don't know like how, what does the situation of the ground in different areas of district? we just are really cute compartments. we don't have any kind of access of communication to anyone. everyone now is, is that really terrifying? then the freight is doing this to you ever even the citizens who are inside the hospital, they don't have any access to the networks. they don't have any kind of communication even with the neighbors. here is a great abrupt lift. indeed,
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what connections we don't know how it's a truck. we don't know. even the situation. we don't know even if it's across target to the ground. the situation of the ground is really terrible. everyone is afraid. everyone is terrified. please guys, if you can hear us since the semester due to the world that we are becoming isolated, said if you can hear us guys, thank you so much. that's our correspondent to topic, although i assume we have lost communication with tyler cuz he was explaining there on one of the reasons for that is because as you might have been seeing on your screen just for the last half hour or so, there have been a significant number of is really airstrikes which are being hitting, what we believe to be. there is another one, gaza city, where it's difficult for us to tell exactly where those are. these are the latest pictures that have come in to us. previously we were also able to show you a shot of i'll, i've shopped from oscar launch, which is just north of guys and we were seeing the same impact of those explosions happening on both pictures as they were happening. these are live pictures you can
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see in the top left. there's another one around the top right of your picture of your screen at the moment. as i say, the reason that tonic is not able to hear is because they have lost communication because of the strikes that you have been seeing on your screen. james, i'm gonna come back to you. we were before all of this, we were talking about the procedure, like the system of a, the, you and one thing i wanted to ask you the, this is unknown finding resolution. clearly it carries significant weights in diplomatic terms. but given you were describing to us the wording of the amendment to canada and the us are sponsoring to put forward in the event that that is carried into. it goes through all mass as it were for emphasis of what inputs us as the on israel to take any notice of this a tool. well, there is model pressure, huge model pressure. this is the whole world speaking 190. so remember,
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states make up the united nations. we have to see how they both when they press the buttons. it's electronic voting, but it could be a situation where although israel probably will define this, is going to become increasingly difficult politically for israel, particularly in this scenario. where the us now is talking more favorably about the idea of fuel in a guessing in then it has done before. so i think there was something significant going on. and may i add, that may be why you are seeing these awful pictures of bombardment taking place in gauze, or perhaps israel is aware that its window is closing. but right now the us position is beginning to drift on. western countries are beginning to drift in a way that this really cannot go on. we cannot see so many innocent people dying every single day, and that may be why they are intensifying the button because they know the window is closing because it's was telling you,
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you have this going on in the general assembly where the resolution is no, no binding but very, very interesting because it shows the temperature of the world on this issue. but you also have, we have one of the speakers we didn't cover was from the maltese ambassador who's currently sitting on the security council. she is sitting with the norton permanent members of the security council, the 10 who don't have a permanent seats in a veto. that trying to come up with another security council resolution. looking at the ones that are filed, trying to buy a compromise language on a humanitarian c swat or pause. so there may be a resolution coming in the security council in the coming house, as well as around those a list. the diplomacy is not disconnected from the middle of the reaction you'll see on the graph. so let me ask you about that and taking into consideration everything. james has said, we also had some news earlier on reports that upon be there were negotiations being led by contact that were i, i spend so we were told in advance to stage with regards to a possible. so as far we have no details about that. we've no timeline, we have no details about that. and also possibly with regard to the,
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the exchange of, of, of, captives. again, given what james has said, do you think that there is any coincidence at all? but between what we're just talking about and the fact that we're seeing these pictures and i want to know, i think what 3 seeing is very much in line with how is what has behaved at the last 75. if it's very dismissive of, it's not your community of international or no and the and but so there's that as much in his own speech. it's very much about us. the jews as these really is the rest of the world, not it doesn't really matter. but when it comes to the agreement for cease fire versus release of hostages, and i think this is very important to, to maybe highlight that the presentation by the u. s. refer to hostages as if they were all civilian hostages. the majority of those captured by how mass are ministry and they are with the company concern visitors afford because the war
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a was already on between how mass and, and guys are, you know, they were as far as, as recent as lots made. there were changes or fire between the 2 of us on to, to try and disguise them as civilian hostages is, is extreme diplomatic. and it will not tell it didn't go. she ation for a cease fire. the just ask you about that because there's been a lot of speculation about the people that are being captured that are being taken captured by, by hom, us can only be certain that the majority of them are actually military because the majority, as far as i'm aware seems of being taken from southern southern israel. many of them were either on the 2 books or they were on state, the dunce positive was happening there. are we sure that the majority of them around the looks like i think i think that we are, i mean that has been published at the c r c would give you the exact names and identity of every single person. now there's a problem with that definition because how much is also coming in as military cost groups and those who have so then the, you know, every,
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every adult would have served into is really meant address some stage of their life . and with that service in the west banking against guys that as well. but the, the, the, a piece, the ones that were picked up in front of our eyes on tv screens that were not in a fancy dress party. they were dressed in military fitting that were taken out this time, so it took me out from the miniature bases. those i think, could be very, very difficult to mix them into the mix in the, to have them to mix of disability. and i was teachers. and the 8 would be much more constructive for i. c r c. and preventing us recruit say, well, we separate these 2. let's talk about the survey and hostages. similar to what may be from us the way they approach at the beginning, based on humanitarian. but when i get to embrace as they released, the 1st 2 will happen to be also a us and you will nationals. and then they released another, another 2 of the all women and they all had the health issue and so on. that's kind of for asians used to be done uh, i think soon and has to be reflected in this discuss this discussion. the other
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thing that i found strange just missing the whole discussion is to prevent the need to need escalating the range. and nobody has mentioned this except that before the radians at some stage, and now the so it isn't, this is presentation. and no one has called in the us to, to de escalate to me. they've brought in the administrative, raised the temperature in the region. we know the russians are also in the is the training and the opportunity of things go wrong accidentally is a huge down in the airliners that are flying over this region and the density of a minute. your presence makes it a very, very dangerous situation. and it is strange that this has nothing on people's mind at this particular moment. so i wonder why the just a little bit we are looking quite far ahead. but we were heard from the ambassador's, this idea of a be. and i'm positive to the un just before uh beforehand. um. and there was a suggestion that one of the reasons why,
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how much decided to carry out at the time at this point was because there was they were working towards a normalization of relations between inside a reba and israel. where do you think all of that stands? no. i mean, i don't, i would not. we don't have much detail on the normalization process. and this was going on until she could see. cuz if talks between them, but uh i go back to what the on monday and buster said, which is quite interesting. she spoke on behalf of the gc and they used to see as you know, in a continuum from the very profile list and in and she is ready maybe quite by all the way to united that of them as of the other screen. but now it's just, they have a united position, then both the all money and the saudi did not refer to normalization and the in the behind make a cord. so any of this, they refer to the out of the piece deal that was put on the table 1st by the late king of the law. and many, many, many years ago which calls for
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a mutual recognition between out of state and israel in return for a peace and line for the palestinians based on the 967 border and very important 3 is 0 to send them as it's capital. so although they normalize issue may be happening under the table, i think publicly so doing it, but has chosen to take a position that is more in line with all i see countries adibly and very, very important data. most of them, of relations around the world. and so they refer you earlier to the speech that was made by the us ambassador to the un. let's just take a clip of about, you know, the lives of innocent palestinians must be protected, the lives of you in personnel and humanitarian workers. and journalists must be protected. and we more and we mourn the loss of every single and then sent life in this crisis. every single one. we must not look away and we must
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not become numb to the pain and the suffering of people like why do a power standing in journalist whose wife, son, daughter, and grandson were killed and god. so this week james bay is our diplomatic editor, is with us as well. a james, you were talking to us before about the significance of the fact that the us is not co sponsoring this amendments to uh, to this resolution with canada. from what you're saying, that's really and whatever thing is in general now, that's really what i'm one of the if not the most significant thing. other than the votes itself. well going to happen. i'm taking soundings and so i'll colleagues that are the un gabriel and the others. on what side, which is the main form i can tell you have different method communication. that's how impassive is go to each other, trying to get information on quite what people will do with this amendment. now that they know it's not just the canadian amendment,
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is there anything for us to get there as well? i do apologize for interrupting you. i am sorry, we're going to go to a press conference that's being held as it all. she for hospital everyone. it was suggested by israel that hamas had been using the hospital as a base since listening to the prescott meeting in the month. but a scene in accent, and of the deal verification they azalea to based on forces, have been using that commodity to fabricate all your records and to fabricate images. there is a lives have failed to provide a single piece of evidence to prove that this facility has done is underneath, or send the any command center underneath. and this is home to more than $60000.00 people taking views within the compound. in addition to thousands of patients and victims, let alone thousands of medical pets and then the phones
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fabricated. the evidence made by these a have to the patient forces out of so that he, that a 6th grader can fabricate ones like these. and we can make similar ones. i repeat, i know you need to rate these are poles fabricated, allegation raised by the israelis. that's kinda nice to do, you know, valid evidence that is really the cold water plains and drones have been hovering above our heads for 20 days and 40 years before yet the fail to provide the same get a piece of evidence to prove that this facility has done those and co man center underneath another lie by these really occupation forces is that the feel well provided by on motor why
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is stolen 8 days a fabricated lie? it was refuted by the commission of mister phillip as at any when he was asked to day in the press conference about the allegation that deal with is the stolen. he said verbatim. there is no evidence that see over the coming to the own or what was it stolen. he added the feel the streets are very limited and cannot even that provides sold their operations to the south of guys. so even he posted images of the fuel tanks at dropbox
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crossing, which are currently under construction. these facilities, as we speak, did not receive a single liter of fuel. even these empty tanks were falsely accused by the israeli occupation forces as depos the po for feel. there is really occupational forces talk to those thanks another lie propagated by this a is the army spokesman about calling the guides is to move to a safe area namely to head to the south. we thank him for have ethics at the same time. this is,
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i told her good news. i told her he'll bruce, that is really are calling people and distracting them to head south. yet they are selling those save areas from the beginning of this belligerence, these really a co pays of forces. talk to v o 2 marketplace, where more than 70 people were killed. it is a series of false lies, a series of fabricated reports fabricated. the legs bite is really a good piece of forces and even as we speak to, these really is bombarding the south of guys the strip more than 65 percent of the victims tailored to the south of gaza. odd
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3423 palestinians. more than 65 percent of all those scaled since the beginning of these really plug belligerents 568 people with from those whole follow then the false claims by these relays and move to the south. and even as we speak, these relays and that is spokesmen are stated pro but gaping false reports faced lie. is that a marked areas as marked by the army spokesman? these areas are fairly
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medical facilities within the hospital compound. the 1st one is the emergency unit where we are standing now. this one is the outpatient clinic, which is now turned it into center. and also it part of it has transformed into operation theater for surgery. this 3rd area is the intensive care unit and other specialized units or the 4th one is the clinic for the outlets is the last one is the incubator for new bones. or these are purely medical facilities, emergency unit intensive care units,
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incubators, for baby bones, and dialysis, and other units. there is nothing through in the false fabricated claims alleged by this ray is even this incubator is home to dozens of new baby bones. they the symbol of our hope again, there's really a good base and forces are falsely claiming that the ship out hospital is containing military facilities for the past 70 years. we're still dollar ground and we will continue to
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stay the state fast. this is fair to the reinforced by the belligerents of these ladies, the violence, the indiscriminate scaling of our people will let the smaller resolve to stand our ground. therefore, id to rate. all these medical facilities are operating on 170 percent occupancy. now i will give the floor to the heads of the facility to give you further details about these facilities. i would like to point out that this alias did not stop at this point yesterday that representatives in the united nations then with a straight aid, a piece of a video clip. and so we can get,
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he knows crime by a saw to yes. so they are right, so today posted at a port at a for your thing. the claims of these ladies, this report to the field thing. the false accusation was, but it sent it to the public. it is an old video and it was posted on the internet months before october 7th. this is a living proof that there's really up to patient policies continue with the lies. continue with their false reports. continue with that fabricated evidence. and the last of which was the day by the army spokesman. let think that this facility has done is
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underneath. before i leave, i will give the floor. so dr. muhammed up to send me at the head of the facility to speak in details about the particulars of these units within the compound. the, i'm not there's a army spokesman threatens which i'm not supposed to be through like say pass the costs but that he's not on lead, threatening us. he's threatening to point to 1000000 people. this facility is 77. 0, the specializations said cities and or the mit they can get 3 minutes are provided by. 5 this i sent them. we are case that include all the guides and even from rubber and bates, i know and some, or that simply, it is
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a death sentence. again, it's 2200000 people. we are a standing in the emergency unit. it was opened only 4 months ago. it was built by the o mode was and they, you know, exactly put on even the concrete pin notice underneath up to every single break by which the hosp within was bent. and we do not believe that that international organization would bill at the end of the facilities base costs, but then it says bank and catering to all the guys in $1.00 of our patients, victims, pregnant women and even baby bold even as we are operating above, i'll keep and said they, we are operating everywhere even on the floor, an emergency, and it,
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it is home to thousands of victims, in addition to thousands of the kind of crews coming up to them. and i know we have other 5 intensive kids. you and it's more than 70 cases on exploratory of the face of this. but at the i pad at this is any that when put these life. so then just we have people, the baby bold face, the baby born whole were born with less weight and they are both in they dictated incubators. so those babies can load the band and they can lots of even be moved from one room to another. we do not believe there is any hosted with an automatic and facility capable of receiving those maybe born. but as we are running out of beds and
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facilities, we are operating on the on the floor from the dialysis unit has $57.00 pat. this is the entire guys, the strip does not have any similar facility. it is catered into more than $150.00 kidney patient every day. by 2 days ago, we were visited by the present of, of the international red cross that gretchen mode was, and that it presented the of the world health organization. if they believe there is any form of collect or danger, they wouldn't have come here. in addition, we took them around and we have them visit and expect dates and every po number, all the hosted with and they told us we have seen on her that valid dollar thrust
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with these. but seeing this and reality is a different story. this facility is catering to the inside does the strip. it is the live line of the 2200000 people living in guys that we are trying to cater to our patients and victims. these really army spokesman is pro but gaping fold flies and fabricated reports. we are open to the international community. come and see when i saw your settles and we told the amount on the media to present at the present t and tool. so around we insisted that this press conference is heading at
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this very part of the hospital. it is the emergency in a n, a t is an example of each and every corner of the compound. and the phase of the following slide is benefits rated by these a unless we warn that what is being forwarded to the propagated by this really is, is a precursor for the right thing. this method can facility it is a precursor to perpetrate yet another whole cause. another pro program this is the use one practice of this really. this is exactly what happened when they bombarded li baptist hospital. they falsely alleged that the resistance fighter are using the facility. i it, it's
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a raid. these are false reports. they executed their rates and sin the baptist hospital getting 500 people on the spot is, are you well the whole one by giving the alarm been there is imminent danger hovering above the mythical facility that about 80000 lives. what 80000 live patients? mostly victims made the campus and then and people taken center in the facility, all those lives. when the model be x rays, if anything happens to them your, their blood will be on the international community's hand. this made the can
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facilities as supervisor by the u. n. w h o o norwood, either international organizations, i'm old, those organizations are responsible for the safety of every single life in this facility. it is not that it's someone's ability, it is an obligation. and if the fact that you had this flat gun that comes by this is as the incense by that is strikes, targeting the food supply, stores in your cabinet. and when i got the other end for us to that sooner, including big carries water tanks. even small supermarkets, this also comes with another threat to have them at the
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service facility or not, but the municipality savings, $1000000.00 people, which means a this way, nothing to them. you want to see pallets, e will be totally out of operation. and this facility, as a result, we have that in the lifeline of the head sector and the lifeline of the service sector. when the to repeat the start, what we are left with very few food supplies and very few bank it is whatsoever at hand before this, the leisure lane is nothing sort of genocide. it stays at this sentence again. 2.2000000 people in gaz that f as if uh,
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hosted with them for the entire him sick to win for the entire him sick, don't win collapse. i just said that once again, we start as an x rays will be made that threats volume. when i was a lovely at all by this video to paste and forces, then ended up lines i to the war ethics, human rights sort of human values. they continue with yes, another crime, the whole one, and then to national organizations, you must live up to that obligation that this will let me make these really a prepay some forces, allow representatives of the international organization into guys that look at there's a, let's continue with the polls lies if those representatives are allowed in
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they can come and refute the whole fabricated reports pro, but gated by the is a is this, is that a? yeah, let's see. we are standing in a safe hospice and we, i'm old. you'll see behind me are victims through the whole of close. perpetrated by this really is for the past 21 days. we are prepared to take you live with the time it was in a tone through our the midday can facilities call motors. to refute the full report propagated by the is a it is we have nothing to fear. we have nothing to hide. we are catering to save lives. it is the only lifeline left to
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guys that and the guys and yet that gain to that. who your bruce, this is our so that's ending the strike base facilities. so now we call on a representatives of the media to take an inspection to or throw out all the facilities medicine and palm city accused by the in the army spokesman went to refuse the poems, reports propagated. we, when live live it, if you have the false allegations and fabricated reports on what made by this a it is we cannot allow this to pass as a pre care sort of to try to get more civilians. unfortunately, these a, these are encouraged by dozens of media outlets who are banned in the concepts
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and gave up their professional ethics. now, we invite you and inspection to, to see for yourself. you will see the aftermath of this program perpetrated by there's a is, it is a series part of the c. it is of the crime. please join me. thank you. you're watching audra 0. it is $1678.00 to gmc. that is a press conference is being held at the guys as largest hospital or she for hospital. it follows allegations made by the is really military that the hospital has been out base for how much. and the press conference was insisting that that was not the case. they was saying that these really ministry has been fabricating evidence. that was also is stressing the number of people whose lives could be specifically damaged if they is really military, was to hit the,
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the hospital, the spokesman, they're saying that 80000 lives would be lost if anything happened and the blood would be on the hands of the community, so let's talk to software now on the phone. so far, the color though, math as an indo, how can you hear me? hello. can you hear me? yes. off. hello. we're having a few problems with a the line there is we're gonna appreciate. we have been watching the massive bombardment that's been happening over garza city. the we're seeing life pictures now. we've also had exclusive pictures of the bomb bomb and tell us what's happening. uh, 1st of all, if you talk about the southern uh, cuts of the internet on the,
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by the network all over the gaza strip about an hour ago. so we are totally disconnected. the i mean between different data and the gaza strip on from the outside world. uh there is almost, uh come out of the guys that we cannot reach each other. uh we, even the locals registrations are intercepted by uh they, they spoke to the other lady out of the person who keeps telling go to send in gord links to the people as for the the incentive is i sorry today. um, like in the last 2 orders, we could use intensive price. 1 since the uh, 10 of the shows the same time, which is something unusual, oh, i mean the, the, the print, the file is much more done in the pieces the. so i,
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we can say that today is the worst in terms of the strength of the fire. and we could use some the explosions of some part are coming from the sea as well. specifically in the north of the gaza, said the fire know that the extra large and the stipulation and since the buying now in the, in the lot of the heavily out of bed, well, uh they were more into the edit site. the solve as well, with the off the people and last week to move the people the most of the people who move they so that it could be the paper about the size, a size continue in the south and in the north of garza. but now. 1 we can even hear this from the central area. what i'm saying though. uh. tv and then some
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other size shipping that load on the east of the city. um, oh because of stuff as well and stuff like if you have to get to safety, if you and your family and those around you need to get to safety. do it as quickly as you can just stop what you're doing and go in the meantime until that moment happens. hopefully it won't. you mentioned that you heard there was some artillery possibly coming from the sea. is that something new? or have you heard that before? a look and we have the really, uh, uh, automated official saying that we were talking about 3 stages. so we would, they expect people expect to hear that because of the cousin a 3rd order at the end of the southern extra incentive and signed on to artillery. and they believe that the days that he's most applied all the stuff to
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the 2nd phase on the 2nd stage of the plan, especially especially in light of coming off the internet and all that could communicate communication. communication means in the gaza strip. so that it's, you know, the, there's a, there's a, there's prefer ration or something new, but nobody understands what is the plug and tens of the moving guns looking for safety. we have been reporting and showing what was the pictures that no place is facing the today, there were 3 of sites in my neighborhood. and of course that if you come up explain that shows that adult children. why is that happening? and we cannot even provide day for places on areas as well because when we moved, we told them we will try to keep you all to put you on safe places. so, but they,
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they can see that there's no safe place in the all over the guards. i said, we saw our colleague was deductible for multi family defense without any of the, of the following the instructions of the warning. but the last most have been finally the day before yesterday. so far. thank you very much indeed for getting in touch with us. i'm bringing this up to date for the with the situation stuff. what i'll call it. thank you. so as long as that goes and garza has been cut off a software for the same topic, i've also managed to file this message from con eunice as we are standing now. it's on units. uh, 68. uh where there is no, any signals have been uh, connected to all phones. everything now is connected to is disconnected. we don't have any internet, so we don't have any kind of signals. and also we become totally isolated in that territory. all the areas inside the goal is to strip out this thing the same conditions as we are right now. the gaza strip has to be an isolated to spots from
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the world. the world now cannot come, not no lou got full of what is happening on the ground. we are now speaking by the digital satellites, and we don't have any kind of communication. even with the new desk. i just keep what do you think for them and or they just like to see me to hope that this message will reach them. but i wanted to know guys what has happened and when the ground till this, till this current moment we didn't have any kind of signals. in the previous slide, there was a very good accessibility to the internet and even to the phones network just before, just how find out why the internet connection and even the us to the phone signal network has been dropped. and we don't know what, what is the clear reason behind that, which because not even know anything about what is happening in other districts and in the territory. maybe there are you bottom into place in these areas. we don't know how much victims, how many victims really full would you to use very ongoing structures because only he abutment everywhere. but we don't know any anything about the casualties about
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the situation on the ground. we don't know anything also about the medical conditions of doctors, medical workers, and even the uh, the ship, a hospital. if your situation is catastrophe right now, we cannot no longer be able to communicate with the international community to send our voice to the world to know what is happening with the ground. i hope that this message might really reach and have an access to the world despite what we have experiencing throughout the last hour. we'd like to tell you that we are now in the hospital and we are going to be live party set to like as much as we can and every single hour. so please guys, if you can hear us and that message to the world that we are isolated now in gaza. again, guys, if you can hear us, we are isolated in the church. we, we don't have any phone signals. we don't have any internet connections. we found a great difficulty even to communicate and connected with our relatives in different parts of the territory we've been. we don't know like how, what is the situation of the ground in different areas of district? we just are really cute, bombardments. we don't have any kind of access of communication to anyone. everyone
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knows is really terrified in a freight join must here ever, even this is as we are inside the hospital, they don't have any access to the networks. they don't have any kind of communication even with the neighbors. here is a great, a problem and indeed what connections we don't know how it's a truck. we don't know even the situation if you don't know, even if it's across the target to the ground situation of the ground is really terrible. everyone is afraid. everyone is terrified. please guys, if you can hear us since the semester due to the world that we are becoming isolated as you can hear us guys. thank you so much. well, we've been joined on site here by artist the magic editor james base. and so to him about a con professor of public policy ad hominem felicia university. why we've been covering the instance that the, the, these features that have been going on at the un general assembly for the that specialist session on gaza. and of course our coverage of the attacks that is going on in gaza at the moment has been going on for the last hour. we've had some
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extraordinary pictures of the guys, a skyline lighting up over the last our was is really bombardment continues to hit the city. so it's not i want to come to you 1st. a few minutes ago we were shooting a press conference from a guys as big as hospital chief, a hospital. it follows an allegation by made, by the, is really military that the hospitalized being used by homeless as a base of the press conference was designed to say no, that is not the case. we are here purely as a medical facility. i understand, you know, quite a lot about the hospital, just talk us through what you know. well, it's kind of connected before i go to the hospital. what were you hearing from now from suffolk, it's, it does sound as if those rates are going to go with the ground defensive and then attempt to really preempt the united nation resolution under discussion under 14. and this is maybe show that why the jordanians both forward it types of bring this resolution as, as early as possible. but it is linked to that because now the hospital in this compound is the only standing building in the remote area. if you take
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a look at the image, i'm buried i view of the of the, of the area today. it's old devastated. this is the only facility that is standing . and it's not just operating as a hospital with the limited facilities today. it's mostly operating as a shelter for those who were displaced, but refused to move. so. so now these right is updating this last car to get rid of the people from that northern area of casa. but they know that this is the accusation. the claim that there is a miniature base and surprise so fabricated. the same thing was done back in 2014 washington post and run a report about a de facto headquarter of how miles under the hospitalization. and it was all proven to be a fiction. this hospital has been in continuous use an operation ever since. the british where in palestine interest to be a quarantine, in fact, then was turned into a hospital. and these ratings occupied it at least twice once during the short war
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and 1956 with egypt. and then they occupied you from 9 to 6 to 7 to 2005. so they know every corner, every stone in that hospital. in addition to that, it's been since 1967 until today operated by the international community, particularly under way. but very unfortunately, the policy in red crescent society, which doesn't operate and vacuum it disconnected, threw off at the ration of international societies, including the american red cross and region red cross and many others. and those people will send volunteers to work in the hospital, and many, many doctors will work in this hospital. the western europeans have actually come out and said many, many repeatedly, because the sectors asian has every now and then is there a, comes up with that against itself? so they all give testimony to the fact that there is nothing of what does or of savings no facilities around it for military, it's pure hospitalization. but the, the difficulty the within now is i think they want to get rid of the,
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of the refugees or the displaced people. they want them to move out. and they will use whatever reasoning to push the mouse. and that is all sounds as if the operation is about to start. and i was saying at a, i hope not, but it does look like it may happen even before they finish voting on. this is, this is a common thing, isn't it? where we say that this is a common military practice where you have around the world that before the troops move and invariably knock out their communications and answer they to, to avoid any, any communication between whoever may be on, on the ground that it has been shown it's also about the transmitting the images, and this has been extremely powerful, but to some of the media inputs. grudges here i think is done over the last 3 weeks . is a broad but just going and going to every living room around the world. and i think this probably has been singlehandedly the most damaging drugs and so thank you very much indeed i want to bring in a novice. i'll finally i,
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he's never been on been robotic autonomy. so good evening a, he's a foreign affairs and defense. donald is based in cotton, he's joining us from doha. thank you very much indeed for being with us. i want to bring you in on the reports that were guessing that contract has in the process of the advanced stages of being able to negotiate possibly some sort of release of captives. are you able to give us any more information about that? do we have any more understanding of finding this might happen? how many people might be involved as well, thank you for having the 1st of all, obviously as an independent observer, i don't have you know, detailed information about what the government may be doing. but what we've seen in the past may be a good indication of what may come in the future, the governments of town. and it's not that i brought this have been very successful the past, whether in this conflict or, and past conflict and incidence, where they were successful in releasing hostages and prisoners and mediation
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between different factions. unfortunately, however, this time there is a very vague obstacle which is the act of an ongoing onslaught by the strategy of the choices on the guys are about. has just one talk as we have on there right now. which what seems to be a prelude to a possible landon's vision, so that it is only making jobs i would assume um, all of the category mediators at the top. and then it would be preferable, cut out as paid a specific role, never in releasing captives. so far, what is it that, what position is it that comes to our holes that allows it to be able to carry out this type of negotiation as well. first of all, we have to, you know, take a step back and remember that's the cutout on the foreign minister, of course, on has been doing this. we've been doing this for almost 2 decades. so this is not
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something new. in addition, learning not covered, as was mentioned by the spokesperson of the foreign ministry in his constitution. just one of the very few countries in the contract, the only company in the world that has the next constitution, a requirement for mediation as a policy off the state. so a lot of exports has been put into that ability and control has been holding out his energy for the past 20 years and they're great success. we being seeing live pictures of the sky line. those guys are, for there has been a must have been bothered by is really military over the last row. so we are, of course, waiting for this vote that is going on the un general assembly specialist session. it's supposed to be happening around about 19 gmc and what kind of impact do you think that what we're seeing in our screens now in gaza is going to have on that vote. but i think it's going to put the higher emphasis on the meaning of that,
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because if things continue as the i'll be there in the military spokesman just came out there a few minutes ago. and i was seeing that this is a new phase. now what that actually means is that i'm clear, is it positive alonda vision or is it just another phase in the operation? but clearly this is a distinct phase than what came before. the, the bump, baldwin to the north and northeast is consistent, obviously, with a probable, if not, you know, we're almost definitive landon vision orlando information, but it will affect definitely the volt and put the volt under bigger microscope. because there's a lot the pining on that side. now i got to, i was also involved in that, trying to negotiate some sort of things far. that's why we're not, there's a that there's some sort of cessation of hostilities. again, we have no details about of what that could be given again, what we're seeing on our screens with the explosions that are going on at the
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moment. where do you think that that puts those negotiations? does that essentially wiped them off the board? or is this something that content has to go back and reconsider before re approaching that issue? weren't the top has, you know, has always been steadfast and cooling for a cessation of hostilities. the, for the respect of international law and international human syrian law. and the law of war. unfortunately, we seeing the use really additions forcing these early government, not showing any seriousness in an approach to watch a cease fire or even the care of the lives of the hostages. because industrial mosley, this kind of activity and, and fire all would, would be to everyone's lives in danger. and the guys have strep. so that is definitely would be counter productive from these really point of view to any suspicion of austin, of these. in fact, this is
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a key ramping up of also cost. and if it's i now live in law about a comp time to thank you very much. indeed for being with us. i'm going to go to our correspondent topic. i'll zoom who is in guys are who's speaking right now of the church. we are very afraid to jump to face to the same destiny and to face the same circumstances that really is happening. grow that for you all happening right now in the north of the central areas of the gauze district. maybe these kinds of files on that tax could be a possible above and having to wait for the ground invasion of the as many trips to the church or maybe the are about to carry out some new massages, have to have announced like them different ages and different threats, they are, they would like to carry out more stripes targeting a key for infrastructures and even key medical facilities. we are afraid that becomes a might to take a new step to attack a ship, a hospital or even to attack any kind of hospitals. indeed, most of the missing to areas of the police to guys, clearly we don't have any communication now with the world please. if you can hear us to this message to the world. thank you for calling. just wanted to tell her
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cousin that we should um, point out that to all, chorused by all communication as far as we're aware, has been wiped out to in gaza. there is speculation from a guest as we've been speaking uh, just a moment ago, that this may be a precursor to some sort of ground invasion. that is a stand, a military practice when it comes to a ground to military activity and conflicts around the world that communications are wiped out as our guests was pointing out earlier, this is not just to limit the communications between those and the grind. it also limits the pictures and images that can be sent out from the area. and of course, in this particular conflict, pictures and images have been very significant. and both in terms of influence influencing people, but also allegations of missing information, this information as well. or we can you know, go now to self what i'll call those who have talk to us and they're on the phone
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so far it's rob matheson in adult high believe your life for us on the phone. what can you tell us me? yes, i will be counted swap my system here in doha. okay, uh so i will click the products just about uh, the southern part of the on the city of indication, ms. dench v a z, a kid here among the civilians, the people there's nobody is able to reach either his family or is there like the whole of those things, different places and i don't know, but if it does have a, there's also a field on people are really product, it says here that is really warming for she's a hospital on for the municipality of the the, the, the said to play cuz the, the also among the bank, the friday, the really bad target because it does,
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