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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 28, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the challenges with the israel pounds, the goal is the strip and its law just bomb bomb. and since the will began 3 weeks ago, the i my name's sorry, this is all just there in life one day or so coming up. overwhelmed hospitals in golf? pushed to breaking points,
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his phone and internet services collapsed across the street. the ground fighting intensifies in northern gauze. so it'd be on the wing of how my says it's fine. on t times miss tiles is really focusing on the un general assembly overwhelming a process, the resolution cooling, a durable humanitarian truce despite us subjects the as just gone. 3 g m t that 6 a m in gone. so the gaza strip has been subjected to its law just as rarely, bombardments since the silence of the will on october, the 7th communication networks, a down israel has been booming residential areas in the north and in the center of the strip. united nations says civil order has collapsed. israel says ground forces
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will expound operations on friday nights. i sent bank reports and every night brings death and destruction. but this night is different. cut off from the outside world with phone and internet lines down. unrelenting strikes and the amber fires wants to cause. the sky line already plunged into darkness. not posting is cannot communicate with each other for the emergency services learn. gaddy now now the catastrophe added to the crisis. to put it seems a going through with a complete blackout means you don't know what's going on. nobody knows not the medics. we have looked at the total communication between alexa hospital and the minister of health record in the world for the quick solution to intervene and stuff. this mexico palestinians can see the strikes raining down on the population already struggling with the lack of food, water, and electricity. some feel was, has yet to come on for all of this difficulty in disseminating the picture of what's happening in the north of the college district. that's resulted in us not
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being able to show the massacre that is taking place right now. by the is really occupies corner the mastic has taken place in northern guys along the flu. cold as you can hear another attack next to the indian nation hospital. and then is it, i'm going to need a now another attack across, i mean, the nation hospital does radio and me says they will be expanding grand operations . i know you've written this cut to the sand of clashes between these radios and how much flight is in north and garza and how much they're still able to fly rockets towards israel and what they say. i do 10. can we solve for the population of gaza, the morning that follows is when the assess the damage, meaning that we're wondering if they would live to see it a said vague, just or let's say now from tarik as um, he's what he has moved from con eunice in the southern gaza strip. the attacks on
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the goal is this trend now continued during the last couple of hours. it has been massively intensifying to tearing different during the last hour in different areas in different sites. sites in the besieged territory, starting from central areas of the guards. this trip is specifically anastasia and uni for who the eastern area of this district has been massively bombarded by the use without injury in order to make public council for the use very ground troops who are trying to make a limit to the ground inclusion to the to the region also, the eastern area is a big town town with the semester of the trashes between pounds, plenty of places and the use of a few patients forces. these classes could be clearly over hate and the from the northern areas of the deceased territory is there any attacks also continued to be carried out in different areas in the eastern uh, $86.00 to open range refuge account that the majority of the eastern areas of the gods districts specifically for in the north and the sink of areas considered to be as a battle field for the israeli and palestinian troops,
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who having collections from time to another as is very ongoing strikes, difference, assigning signature, treat also the it's very occupation forces attacked the surrounding areas of the chief hospital, they had been targeting different places. um, different servers thinks and houses close and adjacent to actually focused. it's an, a 3 story building. closer was level the grounds in that region. another apartment took place and then most of the gaza strip, specifically near the end of the ship hospital was considered to be one of the main central hospitals in the most because this trip area, we spoke to the how my spokesman a summer honda. and he said there was heavy fights, a near the israel, gauze, and border of the letter to him. the heavy uh bombardment across the border line, the especially in the eastern side of garza city. and the not, i know, even they send it to the eastern 30 in the central area of the country where we are
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staying. i am standing now on the top of my building where i'm staying god, i could see the flushes all the activity. i think it was blowing up across the board of the line. we received a statement from the deck assembly gives the military link of her mouth, saying that the clashes are taking place at 3 different places or locations across the border line. one is an east of olive oil range, which is in the central area of the gods crib and the other 2 in east of, of the city. and in the most of the gaza strip, they said that the, the collages are the most silent in terms of using different kind of repose in this exchange of files. this of witnesses so for from the north. uh also say the
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size of a god being bombarding a crowd near the indian nation hospital. and the lot of they go to sleep on. there was another area right near the ship, the hospital in garza city. the one that was assistant is when they also showed up from uh, guffy, uh, some pictures all of us. uh, yeah. and uh, that's how much leaders are staying on the tunnel on the, on the ship a hospital. so we don't know if this bulb embodying got on the ship a hospital was kind of loading or of that expansion to the ongoing goods that are really a exec, uh and uh, that had been intensifying in god the city and, and uh, that also have got uh, there was another alias like, let's say a lot, a lot of these are say politically from what is going on or across the border line
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in terms of the limited. is there a low pressures on the exchange, you fly out or would be in the vice in groups undergoing? so that is really tough also being cutting out a size and oliver age and looks like a lot in the central area of the of the i'm, the lenses must reach these people because they how they are unable to receive phone calls tuesdays or is not disconnected. or cut out on the internet on telecommunications. that means meanwhile, several rockets have been 5 from gaza and ask alone in southern israel. the rockets the center of hit buildings in the city. many people living and ask loans i have already left off to being told to evacuate by the on me. the spokesman for the is really ami has said they will expand the ground operations in gaza on friday night membership located in addition to the topics that we carried out to
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the recent days before the ground forces are expanding, direct, save. you take this evening. the idea is acting with great false on all levels to achieve the objectives of the wall. and i told them that speak now to need to abraham who's in ramallah for us need what, what do we know about any ongoing ground vassals that are going on in gaza as well? it's hard to verify some of the media reports that are talking about the assembly good saying that they manage to kind of deter these really forces from entering and completing the expansion of the ground operation. i'm not here adopting this statement, we're still checking it, but it's hard to know what's happening. but we can confirm from our sources, the continuation of the air strikes as you can imagine. now, with the communications being cut off, it's really hard for palestine is to be able to report to the world. it's really
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we're relying on very, very, a minor news that are coming from the besieged. because as to why the palestinians are having issues with the internet, with the phone calls with the connections. so really what we know is limited, but we've been hearing these really uh army spokesperson talking about the expansion of the ground operation, soaking about the main goal, which is illuminating how mass we've been hearing again the rhetoric of comparing her mouth to the nazis and to i says, we've also been hearing from the past a that is really for administer. and these really ambassador at the one saying that the decision to that the un general assembly is resolution that has a pos, talking about the ceasefire is despicable. they say they won't be abiding by them, that they said that in the us and is losing its legitimacy by adults. things such as yours is also with highlighting the debt that israel has also been carrying out
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more rates in the occupied westbank. what, what can you tell us about those? so far tonight, overnight now seems to be the least intense night we've seen. and i could say in probably 3 weeks or both. these really forces are still now at a jealous zone, refugee camp, demolishing the home of a palestinian under the pretext of building is equally. this is in the occupied to us banquet processing is need almost impossible to get this really permits to build, but never the less posted is they are telling us this is probably part of the pressure that these readings are putting on the people who are affiliated with him as, as the house belonged to a person who's been deemed as an affiliated with the have mass movements. he's been arrested earlier this month. we've been seeing grades in other places in the occupied the spring that seemed to have ended now. but then again,
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these really forces can read the different are the products it in cities and different times. it really any time they want. when we've been reporting on the numbers of those products and is killed in these raids, raising dramatically since october, the 7th, we were talking about more than $110.00 pallets. that is skills not only buys really forces fire, but also by arm is really sucks. there's okay need to abraham that for us in ramona to what we had need to refer to the united nations general assembly. they have approved a non binding resolution cooling for humanitarian troops in gauze that it passed overwhelmingly by a 120 votes. with $45.00 extensions, 14 countries opposed it, including israel and the united states. gabriel, as under, has moved from the un headquarters in new york, the us ambassador addressing the united nations general assembly. thank you, mr. president. during a meeting,
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calling for humanitarian truce between israelis and palestinians. and at almost exactly the same moment, israel began some of its most intense bombardments of gaza. it's unclear of israel time to that and the subsequent blackout of gaza to coincide with the un meeting at that meeting and amendments sponsored by canada and the us that would have added language condemning how much was voted down a draft resolution. but the 193 member general assembly passed the main resolution is adopted, authored by jordan and the era group. it calls for an immediate truce release of all civilians and uninhibited flow of humanitarian supplies into guys the. the us was the only major world power that voted against it. but even with the overwhelming support, it's unlikely the resolution will mean an end. the war resolutions adopted in the
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general assembly are non binding, meaning that israel can just ignore it without many repercussions as they've done in the past. never the less, the palestinian ambassadors spoke after the vote was taken. he said is real should be held accountable. because the world has spoken, the general assembly prevent and send the appropriate message, not only to the finest union people, that there is justice unfairness as an international humanitarian law uphold by the general assembly. but also, it's send the message to everyone enough is enough. this war has to stop the cottage against our people. it has to stop in 3 weeks into the conflict. and finally, the un has spoken the clear signal. the majority of the world wants to bombardment of guys a to and gabriel's on don't. how does either at the united nations as bringing mood
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and ro, bonnie's co editor of jetta leah, which is a web magazine specializing in a lease. he joins us from montreal. thank you for your time today. let's start with that you and generally general assembly votes. what message is the general assembly sending to the weld, and will it actually make any difference to the situation on the ground in casa? well, i think this resolution clearly shows the growing chasm between the international community on the one hand, which wants this blood bath to come to an end. and the united states, as the western partners are at least some of them on the other hand, which believe that is real and should enjoy total impunity and its dealings with the palestinians. um you mentioned it's a non binding resolution. that's true, although it does represent very clearly the sense of the international community, but i would that is real response. similarly to binding security council
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resolutions. the reason that it's able to do so is because it's impunity is assured and insured by the united states by the european union and bias of western allies and sponsors. we have seen the rest of the week change a little bit from a, by the us. mean us officials now saying they are asking israel tough questions about it submitted to you operations and gaza. but at the same time, as you say, they continue to pledge they on conditional support. is it clear to you what washington's and games here? that that's, that's entirely cosmetic and purely for public consumption. i mean, you know, the united states can't credibly claim that it is providing all these weapons to israel, that it is ensuring that israel has a free hand to turn the gaza strip into killing field. that is ensuring is really impunity while at the same time taking any measures to protect
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a palestinian society from the you know, the truck from what is what it was doing, which is, which has been to drop the equivalent of the nuclear weapon that was dropped on hiroshima on the gaza strip during, during the past week. now in terms of, of, and then again, we've seen various proposals by the americans who were considered close to the administration that they would like to see some kinds of restoration of the palestinian authority will to the gaza strip. this is after their initial proposal for the mass expulsion of the population because the strip to egypt was dead on arrival. but 1st of all, that presupposes this gives a successful eradication of pronounced. and the location of so far as it is real, has killed more un employees, journalist and medical personnel than it has her mass commanders. so that appears to be a non starter. and i'm looking for you. what do you think about that objective? apologies for interrupting you. what,
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what do you think about that objective of eradicating? how much, how realistic is that as well. i mean, even even if it were to succeed in the gaza strip, and if it's worth bearing in mind that in 261112000 14, and because of strep. and during the past year, the northern west bank is really ground forces have demonstrated that they're not a particularly serious funding for us. but even if they were to succeed, to the gaza strip of how mouse exists in the west bank, it exists at 11 on. and so the eradication of this movement is i think, based on a very generous helping of wishful thinking. the other part of this is to restore the pulsing authority. i think the more pertinent question about the policy, the majority, is whether it can survive this conflict,
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let alone whether it can be restored to power in the gaza strip. wayne robotic. good to get your thoughts, co editor of jetta leah, a web magazine, specializing in the middle east. thank you. thank you. sled on al jazeera will have more special coverage at the walk in closet, including governments of georgia in london to assemble. thousands have been protesting. all around the world and supposed to be honest, again, the are active, whether it continues to crash into western europe. pay for one, those details right here, right now just cannot catch a break. so we're going to go region by region more rain yet again in the forecast for northern portugal northwest spitting this area has been inundated plenty rain for the last few days. so there is certainly going to be some flooding here. now we've also got whether it's in play for the rain across england, straight up through scotland with dispatch where they're coming in off the atlantics through france,
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belgium and the netherlands. yeah. what weather on top for you? for saturday, the most intense rain has cleared away from italy moving away from croatia. it's now in ukraine, around the capital, keith. so saki forecasts for you on saturday. meantime, plenty of sun wall to wall sunshine right across the turkey is stumble, looking good. a few clouds drifting in at $24.00 degrees and off to africa. we go. it is a quiet picture is still breezy. further north, west. com for west africa. some downpours though, to be found around c, r and you see are the own. got to talk about this, the heat wave going on and botswana have their own a close to 40 degrees. lot of rain coming in through the western cape eastern cape, causes them to tell. but let's talk 10 pictures. for example, joe berg, you go from almost 30 or this just 6 degrees on monday shower storms and wind will cool the atmosphere of the book and back you watching it on. just a reminder on top story is this,
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our goal is a strip has been subjected to the largest. is there any bombardments since the beginning of the war on october 7th? israel has been bombing residential areas in the north. the center of the strip nights nation says civil war that has collapsed. is there any minute change that ground forces will expand operations? ok, let's remind of us about the toll of this war since it began on october. the 7th, as well as bombing campaign across the gulf, has strep, has killed 7326 palestinian stats according to the latest figures from the health ministry. it also says that $108.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank. and nearly 3 weeks. meanwhile, these ready government says molden, 1400 as race were killed in the how much attack 3 weeks ago. the white house
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says it will continue discussions with israel about the amount of any ground offensive. and american and cross carrier strike group has been deployed to the east and mediterranean loan with 900 us troops to the middle east. but the pentagon spokesman says the us is focused on preventing why that conflict. and we have no interest in getting into a conflict with iran. again, what we're focused on is regional security and stability in the region. we're focused on defeating isis in our rec, and syrian supporting our partners there. but if and when our forces are attacked, we will take necessary steps to protect them and send a strong de turned message. i don't have any new deployments to announce at this time is, you know, we have positioned, the us, this ford carrier strike group in the eastern mediterranean. we're sending the u. s . s. i as in our carrier strike group to the us central command region. in addition to deploying approximately 900 forces into the middle east to provide air defense capabilities. importantly,
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those forces are not going to israel. they do not have anything to do with the situation there. they are for force protection purposes and again to provide us with options to defend our forces and send a deterrent message. again, i want to emphasize our focus here is on preventing a broader regional conflict. in addition to providing military capabilities, we are actively communicating with our partners in the region to seek advice and their thoughts on how best to ensure that it does not wide into a broader conflict. appreciating all of the expertise and insight that are partners throughout the middle east have in terms of these types of situations. so again, right now the situation is contained with israel and her boss, and we plan to keep it that way. a speak now is a hottie, jo counselor who is in washington dc. so mixed messages coming from the us to for 3 . the lights lights,
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a 1000000 publicly. the message is still on change that the u. s. has israel's back, we heard that time and time again. coming out of president biden's office and also that the us would go with whatever israel decides, but privately there is some indication that there may be some brewing concerns that israel's decision to launch a ground offensive. the widespread 1 may not be the wisest, and this is coming from a re, uh article in the washington post that sites 5. i named us officials who say that the us as is privately advocating for israel to launch a more surgical approach in launching operations. that involved aircraft and special ops rather than go with the widespread ground offensive. they're saying that this idea came after meetings between is really military officials and us cabinet secretaries, defense and state to of course we're in the region in recent weeks. and that rather
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than leading those meetings with assurance as a left with more doubts, 3 worries, in particular, one that is real, lacked the work of workable military plan to eliminate him. us in the gaza strip. also concerned that going in with a ground offensive could at the rail hostage negotiations that appear to be bearing some fruit. now that 4 have already been released by hamas. and also probably the major concern that going in with a widespread offensive would crease create so many civilian casualties in depths that, that could only brought in this conflict. further inviting the interference of iranian backed militias to make this complex so much wider as which you heard is the us is number one concern in trying to prevent and hi heidi, how concerned are ordinary americans and us know make is that america could find
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itself sucked into a much wider regional conversation. i mean, we've heard from you are reporting already that the us is deploying to across the strike carrier groups in the region that that's right. and the notable detail here is that fight and has said he will not send ground troops that us soldiers would not be sent to israel. other than these advisers who would engage with him, us one on one because then of course us lies would be at risk. and that may bear a very different opinion from the greater us public, which at this point still has widespread support for the us. ating israel, but certainly with this report from the washington post, that in private, there may be the shift from the bottom ministration and giving its advice to israel to hold off on this ground, offensive, or perhaps replace it with more surgical tailored strikes. that is notable in that, that is not what they're saying publicly,
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but and privately perhaps is the more telling story. thank you for that. how do you do accounts for that 1st and washington? well, they've been raleigh's across the middle east in support of palestinians in yemen. thousands gathered in the northern city as narrow as an in the capitol center. they were condemning israel's will on guns on the killing civilians. in jordan, crown, we'll say rallies in the capital along many as you can see that waving palestinian flags and denouncing israel's attacks on concept of hundreds of active as of also staged assisting new york's grand central train station. the n t new agreement, jewish voice for peace is holding for an immediate cease on incoming set. and one day, according the immune and genocide of palestinians degree of results,
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according to the american government to de escalate the situation. just stop sending weapons, israel right? that's it. for me, my insights and i'll be back with more on coverage on israel's one calls at the top of the hour. the weather is next then inside story will focus on the impact of as well as move on, causes children stay with us here. the here's your headlines for the america is nice to have the along and right off the bat. let's talk about this cooking up in the eastern pacific, off the coast of guatemala. it could turn into a tropical storm or hurricane. so we're going to keep tabs on that over the next little bit. now for south america from columbia ecuador right through the pay ruby and andy's into eastern paraguay in the southeast of brazil, got a pretty intense line of showers and storms here. in fact,
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in eastern paraguay southeast of brazil could see a 100 to 200 millimeters of rain here in a short period of time, remains breezy in patagonia. so round colorado river, the abbey, a wink, us have been around a 100 kilometers per hour and we'll start the day similar to that on saturday as well. meantime, cold air has really delegating across the canadian prayers and northern plains, temperatures sub 0. now it's feeling more like winter, and this will eventually find its way into the great lakes for now. not too bad. cloud cover in toronto at 15, but watch what happens on sunday. maxine out at 7 with this band of rain moving into the us north. it's back to the here and now it has to be goes to the us celsius. we've got some heat here, but this is fueling storms through texas, oklahoma, arkansas and missouri. there has been some flash funding here and get ready for it . denver rein turns to snow. you could see about 10 centimeters over the next little bit by
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the way. sion is so bad, 5 uh next to this moment on fiber optics of goods. what are the people in the state of shock? people are very scared, very stressed. a lot of people are saying the country are a tax bombing more south. i'm shocked by our government. just care about more than a 1000000 children in cost. if i stay the attack from israeli bombs and missiles more than $3000.00 youngsters would be killed in 3 weeks in a campaign bank part of us in the west. what's the impact of israel's move on palestinian children? this is inside story.
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