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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  October 28, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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that's kind of stylus put right through the prism of war. but there were many of the kind of stuff thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives funding for decades reviews the forgotten food of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part one, the birth of, of gun cinema on just the united nations general. assembly votes overwhelmingly for c, spa and guns. that it came that precisely the same time as israel was launching its fears since attacks. yes. with a vote showing israel in the us mostly isolated over the war kind of world public opinion make a difference. this is inside story, the
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hello that i mean james space and 3 weeks of war, the united nations security council. this failed to take any decision of israel's relentless attacks on 2300000 palestinians in gaza. if the security council's like the cabinet of the united nations, the general assembly is its parliament, the voice of the wills nations. on friday, it's spoke loud and clear, with an overwhelming vote against israel's bombardment of gossip. what influence will the 1st effective measure of official international opinion have on israel and its main ally the united states could have any impact on ending the we'll, we'll be discussing all of this with our panel of guess in a moment. but 1st, victoria gayden be has a report on the u. n. vote on gasser. at almost exactly the same moment as the us ambassador was addressing the united nations general assembly. quoting for a humanitarian trees between israelis and palestinians. israel began its most intense bombardment of gauze as since the will began
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a single phone and internet services across the strip and amendments sponsored by canada and the us that would have added language condemning how math was very to down. but the 193 member general assembly passed the main resolution offered by children in the our group is adopted the goals for an immediate trees, the release of all civilians, and the uninhibited flow of humanitarian supplies into gauze and the general assembly prevent and send the appropriate message, not only to the finest in young people, that there is just this unfairness an international humanitarian law uphold by the general assembly. but also, it's send the message to everyone enough is enough. this war has to stop. the us was the only major will power the voted against it, along with 13 other countries, including israel, $45.00 nations abstained. after the vote, israel's ambassador accused the un, all of in his woods,
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insuring not preventing further atrocities. today is the day that will go down in, in, in for me. we eval, witnessed the, the un no longer holds even one out of legitimacy or relevance the resolutions adopted in the general assembly and binding. meaning israel could ignore it as it's done in the past, with few consequences. 3 weeks into the conflict. the un has finally spoken with one voice but even with overwhelming support, it's unlikely the resolution will end the bombardments have gone to victoria gates and be for inside story the. well, let's discuss more on all of this by our panel of guess. and in ramallah, we have had on a shwale products, a new political leader and full member of the palestinian liberation organization executive committee. she was also a member of the public and your delegation to the middle east. peace talks in the
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19 nineties and johanna is book, ronnie cast, rails a full, the south african government minister, a leading member of the african national congress during the apartheid era. and, and it's all about, it's maliyah ludy who served as pockets stones, ambassador of the united kingdom, the united states, and the united nations. we have a most distinguished panel. thank you very much for joining us on the inside story bus of the lady. molly, how can i ask you 1st about the general assembly because you served as pocket stones ambassador to the united nations? that will be people here who say the general assembly doesn't have any power. it doesn't do. and the thing you, during your time is the ambassador, you're actually one of the vice presidents of the general assembly. so tell me why the general assembly is important. and i think the general assembly is important because when there's a deadlock in the security council, as we saw when several resolutions didn't get through the ritual or theme that stopping or the bloodshed, or at least getting a humanity in phones,
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then the agenda. somebody kicks in, it's often to guard the parliament of the word with every country has one vote. and that's a, a body that really does reflect global opinions of the security council. dr. world has only made up a 15 members of the general assembly was a 192 members of does demonstrate what the word is thinking. and i think what we saw in this resolution of the work for the resolution was where the word was standing. it was standing on the right side of history. it was conveying that it wants an end to the black chair to the cottage, to the genocide that is going on. and it was a bill to those members of the security council who used to be to the united states primarily a to prevent any kind of a cease fire or any kind of a board into fighting. so i think ok, so there is a solution is non binding, but i think the force of public opinion and global opinions is extremely important
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. and the word has spoken and it has spoken decisively against is running. and it is spoken decisively in favor of peace. okay, i don't know, sorry if i could talk to you about the resolution itself. it took a lot of negotiation led by jordan to the our group. let me just read out what it cooled for an immediate durable and sustained humanitarian truce. but it also called for humanitarian a to come in and meet, you continue with sufficient unhindered and interestingly it's specified what should go in water, food, medical supplies, fuel and electricity. this would be, would it not for the product senior people wonderful. if this was actually complied with a yeah, i wouldn't say it's one lesson, but it wouldn't be beginning to undo the injustice and damage and violence that has been inflicted on the palestinians of gas and times of the ending is as done aside,
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been cj and prevention of all normal decline on children, not in their life, strictly speaking. so yes, it should have taken place that it shouldn't be even on the question on about. it's not a chapter except the chauffeur powers in the west. and given them sense that i do think decisions over life, and that's over 2000000 that a student comes. this is incredible. rodney, when we saw that votes and it's done with electronic voting and the un general assembly wills, really a snapshot of international opinion where each country stands, every single ambassador or rep, rent, representative, representative, had to say, where they stood on the war in gaza. were you surprised by the way the boat went? no, you know the tool because we see of the month. i mean that is what will be pinions about. and we seeing the getting no mess response to this gross criminality
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was on. this is roe mr. board. the united states and others give it, so it was not surprised. i was very pleased to see that we had to fit in majority. can you imagine if we can set that up, can be the, please, the slightest of these ro and the support is, would be, this was a huge model close to those criminals and it shows that the palestinian people that people have because they are not to those that the world stands by them. malia, let me just actually read out the list of the 14 countries that voted against this . that was all straight croatia. check here. fiji, guatemala hungry, marshall islands, micronesia. narrow poplar, new guinea power. quite tongue go. and then of course the us and israel, what do you make of those list?
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the, the fact that the us didn't even manage to get some of it's very close to stylized like the u. k. i'm from start with them. what i think it was very significant that countries like france of a permanent member of the security council broke ranks with the united states sorted a silver and other european countries like spain, like quote, you go and, and others. so i think that just goes to show that the united states is increasingly isolated in the international community with the united kingdom. it's 9 a ally of student in the vote. so i think this is a very strong message to washington. the message is very clear, the word wants to blush it to stop. and president biden by encouraging it is right, is really becoming complicit in what is going on. and i think that's how it would have been is going. it's not just in the general assembly, you look at the streets, not just the out of the street. you look at the street across the we're one of the
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largest demonstrations has taken place in london. they've been lots demonstrations in my country pocket stuff. so i think the message shouldn't be responded to, and i think the united states should shift goals now. add to the side of peace and justice. hold on, i'm going to read you the quote from these riley ambassador and he made this quote . in the general assembly, i'd like to know your response. we know there is no humanitarian crisis in accordance with international humanitarian law. he said that in the general assembly, despite what we'll can see to what others as being allowed to lie, is it see this ingenuous sometimes of trying to deceive the wife once again, when everybody guessing that it plainly, the hardest advice occurs. the startling policies, not bombing sending destruction, it's just incredible that they say we know. so they assume that everybody would
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fall in step and say, yes, i'm class and it's not the 1st time. listen uh james, this is i'm ok with the man by isn't in particular, is that it has talked to this day and father you and it has always described it as sentence, riley or whatever. but it has never implemented a single new under zillow. so not one and most of the repo repo is exercised by the u. s. select them. and all that to say is that it's from any kind of accountability or constraints. so that's, that's the medic drunk this kind of cut and i've just the suspect to out or disdain even, and sort of to the international community as symptomatic as an acting outside the law. feeling that it can act with one impunity, that nobody was on the account on the other side that it can always lie. and the lies to become a game and life on the, on every cumber basis of policy,
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as happened there likely with the us. and on the is the manufacturer news and saw just that the palestinians. so i think this kind of this thing is expected. but at the same time what, what makes me very upset and on palestinians is that there's no that i'm know kinds of consequences. that is not the things to be paid. what does the whole world? as maria said, this has been kind of thing and song, i'm for us. bunch, wait with the hold on, sit back and accept this. why can't it enforce? there's no enforcement to the high place ability its decisions. and we saw that if that's a constant blockage of you and decisions that the security council in order to bring about peace, then the assembly games, it's united for peace or lucian games, affective powers. but so far we haven't seen it. and i think that so long as it is
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treated as a debating society and so long as it's not a constant treated without the account, then how can we hold this into account and how can we stop this mexico, this comment ralone, can i move briefly away from cause so do you think this has implications for western influence? the western diplomats have spent so much political capital over the last 18 months, trying to get support for ukraine, trying to get the global south to come on board with ukraine, how they expended a loss of that right now with what many will say is double standards a co absolutely tested bucket seats. they failed in relation to the cray. the african countries refused to main bravo, beaten into the sessions were g that the us and the you were forcing done of threats and with
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a hell of star. and this will be even more magnified because what the global saw clearly see is the complicity of the phone. the colonial power was with the u. s. i the imperialist power that wants to most of and dominate the world. but this shines through, it really affects the total view of people that the global self and not continue in the, in africa, even where the upside is. the ceasefire issue of other aspects. we african states up into telling the us so the you long legged rankles. they see that he proceed. they see the racism and in the off streets throughout the confident as throughout the global. so even in a place like india, you can see the video box so outraged at this absolute slow
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to that the us site and the use states those wisdom, the was a party to they all criminals. and we must find the way to weeks. so in sure that, that, you know, we, we spend that we not going to go along with a guy and it's vital. now it's crucial, believe i want to bring you in on this and the whole idea of double standards and on the west. because you have a unique perspective, not only where you focused on some boxes of the united nations, you will also call costanza and pass it up to the united states and you and bye, so actually school high commissioner to, to the united kingdom. so give us your perspective on. ringback it's no be known that the west or the us led west virginia is inside. so it's take you straight to kind of be what these ready probably minister is addressing the nation that's listening to what he has to say about the war on gaza
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. and see if this is a reserve. there's just a dinner giving us a free to fill out the shot of ground forces kaylee went in into the house. that's how much of an issue. i mean, how much too much, what the, what the goals of the school is to destroy the abilities military debate. it is and think that keeping up that this ground activity was started by the gun cabinet wheel who left the hut go on. we do not make a commitment to the fate of the state level for managed to shut the whole years. you'll get the commanders and fighters in the ground of the enemy. i knew mahoney
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are backing us. in the late days i made our fighters in the breezes and the north and south a little slow easy would you believe great soldiers that you use? i'm not juniors, kalama, left and right. we were only united. so and you know, i think i haven't seen such energies awards bar, maybe the, we have ship was power with strings. i gazed a very vicious enemy of myself, but i should be to be, we want to destroy the killers in golden. and we have the black sea that the shows really know they are committed to and this even from the world for the benefit of the whole year, the humanity of my meeting. we are, we are hungry and we believe and there's
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a john around us. we are fighting to, to now sort of do the reo view. now the other in gaza. something associated the police shiver to and my dad joining the series over here to is a visit i do, but i the people who are dumping news. i'm lucky since the 6 day we're all great fighters recently one google enough to destroy the auditors in any way more was said, you know, never again that. so now that again, i'm now going to go my own before i commit to the family. so the kidnapped my heart was broken. i came back and said at the
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stage the deal now. so we would use every possibility to bring them back to their families. kidnapping them is a crime against humanity. now hippocrates and liars, god, what's about the id is, is the more on the army when trying not to hurt anybody, not too long ago, but 12 to 12 months? well, we ask them to, we are together is to evacuate, turned on to the south shame and come up come again in the end of the year 00 city is a supplicate dentist and the commercial as a few. and for this,
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for if you knew most of it, the approximate people in the world are understanding now entertainment markets uncomfortable. and i, this is great is not to, i think just kind of davis will regulate side thing the world for humanity in part of our allies in the west world. if anybody and in the world and hear me well, i'm sure that dave is right. it doesn't dwindle, even was right. because we have international support from overland with the president of france and britain and italy and germany holland, the other leaders. they came to us, they said they are not just supporting us. we are
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congratulating this. we are blessing this. we will stand together or we have no other choice. we also want they're making clear, there's one thing we understand your. we are standing in front of 2 possibilities on any subject. we have it this now. i know we do know they're shooting and stuff. we're we, we live, we are the ones who in come off professionally. so we have the shuttle way and we have bomb the enemy from the know the to him are ground forces. and 3rd of is that for you as
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a whole lot destroying the infrastructure of the shovel. the battle of the war inside garza is going to be difficult. you know, margaret, we are fighting for the existence of our homeland. why, really? we're going to fight in the land and seen him been enough. and we were waiting on a shuttle to to be big 3 of the good that gives me the, the home, the going to this was we're standing together soon. so we must see about. so you and we are sure um hold on just corps. okay, sure. and your name and put it in our name with everyone. then we are praying for that bill. so now we are done with kids that did it just to get together with you. we shared with
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me over citizens, it is now the soldiers fighting now their embassy and on the ground in gaza that goes on handed over to all the families of the soldiers, the deceased soldiers. and in the last few weeks there is no one woman said to night when i study the plans
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in the last 2 days we will give to a stage. isn't it? oh no. it's like an air quick. 202 guys. how's the bus doing all the forces of ideas shooting better live in the locations above the ground and on the on from the and from the ground and from the see the enemy is auxilary. very, very difficult. hicks, the payments
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i've seen, we use all the power with the intelligence and everything. you will be the curator and very for simple i want to tell you i have great faith in the chief commander on me. and when the soldiers done, every fighter on the intelligence altogether, talk to you all i say on the book sale we will reach out to chief means they will bring us to victory. also at this time, the military is ready for everything. but
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we already kind of concerned because they had, for us the quote is for the, for the inventory. so the mama mix to this kind of photographs on what we're do on f r i c value. move this illusion from the site without you know, wherever they are does it deserve soldiers confrontation. ready and mama and we are also dealing with the evacuated people on the name of regarding these kidnapped hostages. we're doing every effort, every effort to bring them back to our home,
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to land. this is, this is a consultation we have never had before. and then let me see, let me see, let me see this is not a minor uh mission. we are committed to bring them back. on monday, we are dealing with the dealers organization. you should be able to finish the alerts off this money man, who transmit the, the big choose the remote or i'm not there for sure. cuz the for you to bring it back, you are due to the people here. no more. we hit tonda. there's more chance to bring them back
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and reach solutions for you or for the or data steve, you'll find any it's not going to be a short or it's going to be as long as individuals as public we need patients. it's fighting for a home. we also, it's us part of them in the name reason to the state of visitors really bring him to cuz to victory
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advice, i need to leave the daily society has experienced great tragedy. and now we have fighting together without resistance and responsibility. so again, we shall, we shall implement autumn. never again. i told fronts him a b, c quoted rama. the red ones are doing every effort enough i to bring that kidnapped. seduce comb with doing it every day. sorry. we can do, you know, our me 3 does is that i have these modeling surveillance. susan,
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talk about the ground, the hard cut process like the can progress the efforts to bring the co the primary is as soon as the cabin a dvd understand the issue. we took we also seem to be the citizens, a visitor garcia i meant to families of the hostages name of the i promise the reviews and 3 means to bring him back on.


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