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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 29, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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is about 50 percent of what you're smuggling is going to start. examining the headlines, where's the central population is responsible for 50 percent emissions, which has created this crisis, exploring abundance of 12 clause programming, designed to inform the move to face and inspire the way my story was, i felt that it was important. i give back on algae 0. the the, [000:00:00;00] the longsville robin. you want to mail to the news of life and my headquarters here in the coming up. in the next 60 minutes. israel's military intensifies that strikes and an area surrounding the eclipse hospital in northern garza mold and paint
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styles and tablets. tvs and garza have not lost their lives. well, i have a half of them all women and children, and thousands of hungry and desperate palestinians break into un warehouses, taking wheat flour and other basic goods. as well as military oldest palestinians and the territory to move to the south. as it expands its ground, an error offensive in the news, the at least the 3 palestinian ends up being killed by these very ministry in the multiplied westbank . dozens move on injured the is $1300.00 g n t. that's a 3 o'clock in the afternoon in gaza. why is why the full size of bombing areas close to our codes hospital in garza city? after ordering the hospitals, immediate evacuation just
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a few hours ago. so let's go straight to our correspondent on the ground. you know, outside of the unit is on my apologies a honey bye. new to join us from con eunice, inside the gaza strip of honey. what more can you tell us about this evacuation order out goods hospital? it was a fairly long hours of this dave. the, the red crescent as the palestinians. the society received the sharp warning of by days rarely an army to inform a puts hospital administration and evacuated uh to leave the hospital immediately. and the, the warning was, was taken rise as a, a step in a preparation for a complete the destruction of the hospital. and so far,
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we know that there has been ongoing mass stairs right around the hospital from the eastern side in the northern side of the hospital, hold the residential buildings. we're talking about the 2025 residential buildings that about 10 story building. each one i have been in the target uh for the past hour or so uh, destroying the vast majority of those residential buildings. uh, due to disabled communication. uh, we're not confirmed on the number of calls of residential tours that have been completely destroyed. but there is a large number of them. i'm familiar with the area and i know the hospital is surrounded by these residential buildings. and just to give you an idea about these buildings, this neighborhood is the newly established neighborhood and was established at the time of the p a when it was still strong. in the gas turban, those towers work, we'll build for p, a elements and their families, families,
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and those who return at the time with the fha or to the gaza strip. in terms of where people could go. we say all in that area, honey, it's going to be quite well reading because obviously these raise have said that they want the area cleared. and there's an ongoing operation in the know fairly location to go is to move south. and that is also a dangerous journey of the yes indeed it is and we're not talking about is small number of people. our source confirmed that do it where at least the 12000 people evacuated at the hospital. in addition to the patients who were redoing the hospital and you're injured ones and then the administration of, of the hospital. so we're talking roughly at 500 extra people on top of the 12000 people who do the hospital as,
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as children. and now we know they are out of the hospital in the streets of trying to do to, to, to run for their life. it's, it's difficult to go anywhere in, in gaza city or the northern part because it's under intense and heavy carbon bombardments right now from all sides and to the south. it is a still worrying because they will have at least say about 3035 minutes to drive and if they, if, if that if transportation is available, if there's no transportation, people would have to walk just to get away from there. yeah. and this will take them at least 2 hours a 3 hours of want this walking distance to get to the central areas or the southern parts of, of garza. so it is very concerning. and at about 1 o'clock today, a bus, a 50 passenger bus tour bus was taking some people evacuating dogs of
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cities on the street. number 10, that's a the, the, the north, the southern part of dogs and cities was targeted and, and reports about people were killed on the bus and number of injuries as well. again, because of disabled communication, we were not able to get exactly how many people were, they were killed on that bus and how many people were injured. but we were told that there as a large number of casualties as a result of the attack on the bus will close without goods hospital heavy. that will be a number of patients who cannot be moved. there will be a number of medical staff who will refuse to leave because they want to look after those patients. the problem is, is to keep the hospital up and running with those fuel and power to make sure they can look after those patients. yes, exactly. we've heard of from our source in the hospital that they have ministration
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of the hospital has rejected the war and, and gotten, refused to leave the hospital stating that there are people inside the hospital. people with who are terminally silent or people who need a round the clock medical attention could not be transferred anywhere else because it's not, it's impossible in these conditions, let alone that it is not safe to take them to do other hospitals as there's no place the sleeping guards are not even hospital so that the situations are getting a complicated by the hours. we don't know exactly what will be the decision if there's mounting of pressure on the hospital and inside ministration to leave the media of the on a thing. what's going on, the targeting of surrounding residential buildings is just an intimidation just to basically tell people we're coming to you through not leaving the hospital, the older residential, they around the hospital being targeted. it's
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a clear message that we are. we are coming closer to the hospice. do you better leave that? that's how it's understood. okay, how do i move that forwards? incognito, saying the gaza strip of coals will continue to follow events with the from the let's try and speak down to you of the outside correspondent and garza city. how are you? i'm the can you hear me? yes, i can hear you, but you're a little while ago we spoke about the bombardment very close to where you're living . just give us an update on what we know. because apparently we all hearing that the area around l codes hospital is being targeted as well. that's true, we heard that these bombardments square in the vicinity of the eclipse hospital and now a quick hospital full intending how would neighborhood den that's very close or actually where i live. uh so deep apartments where uh, pretty loud and uh, very, very uh,
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close to the area. uh now of course because of the kind of compartments that are being conducted, whether it's the air strikes. so talk, child. but they are very powerful and pretty much affect the entire areas even a surrounding. that's the area that is being targeted. now the hospital until this moment has dark evacuated and it has not uh, and it has not been directly hit, although it is being, it's being bombarded around the hospital, which has caused a great amount of fear. and uh, the people inside the hospital taking refuge at that hospital is very, very terrified. now the patients are very terrified, but dr. shy and would i please the director of the hospital has said that the was not evacuate the hospital because this means if any attempt to evacuation it means the killing of the patients, the,
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the children premature children and the cubic meters of the hospital. the patients in the i c u unit, in addition to over 12000 cavities, he tells me 14000 families now sheltering in the hospital, but had nowhere else to the to. we're also getting reports here from hospital sol says, you know that as many as 14000 people are present at the hospital and that several of the patients were cold by these raves and told to leave. obviously there is a pattern here of trying to frighten people out of locations, but such sensitive locations at the time where life threatening treatment is actually being given as well. actually these tracks where 1st be to the hospital itself, but every time these threats and warning, uh,
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colds were made to the hospital to evacuate. the director at the medical stuff in the hospital has made it clear, saying that they will not evacuate the hospital. now the patients and the people in sheltering in the hospital are getting these calls themselves as a means to pressure them, scare them for their life to leave the hospital. but again, uh, the hospital is already with you seeing a lot of a shortage in the medical supplies and especially in the fuel where it the, the rest crescent director. he said that the most catastrophe now the hospital goes through is the last a few especially that this means that people in i see you units and baby is premature. babies in the incubators have a their life correct and they will lose their lives instantly. as these machines stopped working and they are,
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they have completely run out of all the stored fuel. he said today in a, in, in a call that i, i made with the food was shutting without the, the storage of the fuel. but they have kept for emergencies. is 0, they have nothing left and the are running with the last few drops of fuel that they have. they have also called out for public as for private sectors and even the civilians who have fueled to donate the fuel that they have to the hospital in order to keep running. so uh, basically the, the calls that are made now to disagree and are to pressure them to try to evacuate the hospital. but until this moment, no evacuation has been made of this course. medical facilities have been talk. those certainly been a new 9 to 5 and the last few weeks. i mean we're seeing pictures of calls being
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struck by and by messiahs as well. uh, from the uh uh, how bad has the medical situation of the medical treatments situation being in the area where you are in central gaza? well, we're talking about, uh, uh, not just medical facilities being uh, targeted. we're talking about ambulances. we're talking about medical stuff, which is this just depends more and more the crisis, the disk health uh, system or facilities in the gaza strip is already going through with the, with the large number of casualties coming into the whole f 3 now. and then less than an hour, with the extensive air strikes, the, the, the, the teams, the medical teams that are distributed in the hospitals are already worn out. they have no, they have no, uh uh, they're not able to a, to hold on or to take care of all the injuries that come by into the hospital. we
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were told that by many medical staff before that they have breached. and this was weeks ago that they have reached to the stage where because of the lack of teams, the lack of resources, the lack of medication, the lack of the fuel. they have come to the point where they have to choose between the patients and the cases coming to the hospital to, to save the life and who not to because of the amount or the right the, the, for the percentage off a injuries coming in on the laptop, everything that these medical staff have. so uh, with the ongoing uh, with the ongoing bombardments with the ongoing air strikes that were still with us being bombardments are a very much intensifying these days. we're still with ms and there's no and there are no, there's no stuff there. the health services are things that you've been
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a the medical effect is entering because the district is not a barely 3 percent of what the health as of facilities here in the congress trip a need special the old. so they're saying that they're not getting the medications that they are required in these situations. and these time they're guessing other kinds of medications that have no use. like for example, the corona, um corona, uh, maybe patients and, and, and uh, uh, and other uh, tests occur on the test. uh kids. and that is something that is the extremely, uh, one of the doctors was talking about. that is extremely ridiculous in a time. okay. are you let me just say, i'm sorry, let me just uh, interrupted just for a 2nd so that you can catch your breath. but also so we can explain to the view is what the seeing on the tv screen now. you all watching out as ever english. these are life pictures coming from gaza. why intense aerial bombardment continues that
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has been an uptake in this bombardment to the last half hour. now we've also heard from sol, says, as our codes hospital, which is in central casa, that they have been bullied by the israelis to evacuate the hospital, the hospitalized up to 14000 beds. many of them are full at the moment. the director of the hospital and the staff have refused to leave the bombardment near and around this hospital, which is the largest in the area, is worrying that is obviously in the vicinity. we'd be speaking to a corresponding unit outside who lives in garza city, very close to outputs. hospital the director has said that they, there are patients that cannot be moved uh the to the end of lice. uh that all babies and incubators that were women and children and you can imagine it is the daily running of a hospital is being and
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a seed since october 7th. what supplies have been unable to reach a areas like central gaza and hospitals are running out of medical supplies to stuff because stuff that is a structure such as that village. this is also being targeted, and there is a lack of power to run these hospitals as well as much as they possibly can. you know, so it is all correspondent in scott's, a city is very close to where the bombardment is happening. she's been very graphic about be able to hear this within the last hour. we've had this confirmed by a correspondence in con you this to the south of the gaza strip. and we continue to watch the aerial bombardment, which is very visual. we normally a hearing about these bombardments, certainly at night time when congress call and see the locations. it's very difficult to get to these locations because obviously these riley's have been
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forcibly voiding palestinians to move. so the south that getting independent verification as to what has been hate is also difficult. the has been a narrative from the is ready to go forward, sees not just in this particular conflict, but in previous conflicts to evacuate to areas. and the location such as schools of hospitals, all valid targets because they are seen as locations. how about the operatives? so if it's from o command to control positions located, this is always be denied. it has always been debunked by the authorities. that's just listening to some of those explosions that we can hit right now in garza city . the. the now the buzzing sound you can hear
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a is also microphone. there actually is right. he drives in the that help target the locations that these right, these one to hit and these drones up in the, throughout the day and throughout the night. let's get back to our correspondent you've now. so you choosing does a city you've not been able to give all views as i'm sure you did update really of what's going on. and the experience that you've had and the location that is being targeted right now, which is the district around our goods hospital. we're seeing huge plumes of smoke rise into the at just describe what you're hearing right now. well, i'm still hearing the bombardments, i'm still hearing uh we're just send the skies and the tones, of course. usually when there is a targeted area more, more drones are round extensively in that area. so
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we can hear a lot of drones above her head. and what is real has been used, especially in these days of the war. it has been using the fire belts and these fire belts. uh, they actually uh, bombard an entire, uh, an entire and right now area all together at the same type. so it's not just like a mess size folding on a certain building or a certain home and i'm barking it, but it's more like a boom. hold onto the ground and puts like a carpet making or causing a fire belts in that area. the bar thing, everything 11 and everything in that area. and we've been witnessing a lot the flyer belts use this war in because the strip, of course, these valves are being housed or being used with the mess
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ios from the war just uh we're still hearing the sound of bombardment at this time and they seem to be still in the same area while other areas in gods are also being directly targeted. now in the eastern part of kansas city and they to and neighborhood where local sources are saying there are shrikes in that area as well. in terms of the location of where the hospitalization, this is what we're really focused on as well. you know, because the pictures we're seeing part of the graphic, huge plumes of smoke coming up into the, from the area where you live. we know you'll somewhere in that, and then this is all around the hotel which has the put the hospital, pardon me, which has as many as 14000 patients in the right now it's a 14000 bed hotel hospital, pardon me?
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and this is obviously worrying when you have these rainy's calling deal socrates of the hospital to say you need to get out. but how to get to house even if you wanted to. because the ins wrote in for structure. and liability is a huge problem even if they could move. and also, i think to all, what you have said is that what is the means of transportation? if these people are asking to evacuate and go south like but use really most treat, it's asking them to do. how are we our, how do uh, this is what deducted was shot and we got the director set. how do you expect me to evacuate over 14000 people and 500 patients and take the house with no means of transportation? now again, where there is
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a crisis of fuel. so these are the buses or cars need fuel to transport from a got the city to the south, which is an hour drive. so it's not a very close uh uh, area that people can walk to. and we're talking about elder ease. we're talking about children who are talking about women, we're talking about patients who need empty lenses to be moved to those areas. now, the pressure that israel is putting on a put us to go from the beginning of the war. it's been already over 4 times. uh correct and directly and clearly uh to the director of the hospital to evacuate that hospital. this time they are correcting the hospital to be evacuated . you de residents who are taking shelter in the hospital to cause more pressure on them to scare them to parents like it's a couple of weeks ago. they were 12000 president. now they are over 14000,
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which means that more people are coming. now people are going, people are not leaving the hospital, but more people from the area of the little how well, which has been dearly bombarded over the past days are coming to take shelter in the hospital to your mail site. uh, thanks so much. uh so your updated calls will continue to join you uh through uh, broad cas, let's just, uh, bring up speed. so if you is joining us here on, i'll just say over these a lot of pictures coming from dogs to where that has been an uptake in aerial bombardment by the israelis and all the city. they all talk to you that area very close to in and around. a major hospital 9 is our could switch has up to 14000 patients needs that have been telephone calls made to both the administration of the hospital as well as some patients to say they need to evacuate. it is part of the is ready process. a narrative to do this to medical facilities and there's
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a real concern about this top this hospital could be targeted in a similar vein to allow the hospital that was talked it on tuesday. the 17th of october to is really denials. but it seems that that was the case that we will continue to monitor what's going on here. possibly here of seems sort of fast moving situations. i want to bring in that scale, but to talk to an activist in place contact with colleagues in garza joins us now from cairo adult to go. but thanks for being so patient awaiting a for us while this story is also breaking. can i just begin with the conversations that you've been having with medics that you know very well in hospitals in gaza? you have being that you've seen them so you'll cells both the infrastructure and the way medics what. what should general impression about the current situation
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right now from what you're hearing, as it is wholly funding situation, i have been in touch with my colleagues in of good stuff though, since the morning and i was informed about the new threats a to leave the hospital and, and to the hospital for patients in the early morning hours. and this is the 3rd time in a few days that the is really commanders are ordering as amelia red cross hospital to take their patients out in the darkness in the streets to a certain day. so i am very, very shocked by these complete lack of respect for the geneva convention and for the root of low inboard that demands from the voting part is to protect the civilians and indeed to protect the hospitals. now, my colleagues in
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a coach hospital they have for the 3rd time today, i refuse to follow the orders from the occupiers, and they have said, we styled the body of our patients and up the sheet of the brain hospital director has said the same. and so has also the red crescent leadership in the us and we will not, we will not empty our hospitals. and this bone being very close to the pretty much treat the hospital has been going on for a couple of days to try and intimidate people to get out. and they stand strongly, the medical staff, they are courageous and they show a lot of standards that we need now. and it's not only of good shots, but there are also threats to ship a hospital, which is only a few blocks away. i talked with them this morning,
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they are completely overcrowded. they have uh no more capacity and they have 780 patients and somewhere around 40000. but if youre g's in the hospital compounds, like i'll put the trust control has 14000 and it is impossible to deny that the civilian hospitals should be empty. i think, i think we are at the crushing point now when it comes to what the world, what the west, what tudor, the united states is allowing these really aren't going to do not only have the 23300 children. but now they are going to kill patients in the hospitals. what, what is this? what kind of world that we're living in? don't to go, but i've gotta ask you the next 2 questions. the 1st one will definitely lead to the 2nd one. have you worked, operated in any of these hospitals before? yes. oh no. yes, i have worked for many hours for many years in chicago and i was in a good sort of bill as late as june this year. also in sharefile,
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i've been working on these goals, those during the bombardment in 2006, 912 and 14. so yes, i know live from top to bottom right. knowing them from top to bottom then needs to be to my next question because the narrative from these, right, these are these all circle points for how mass operatives the used as basis as command and control centers. and it's why it, how about the launches? it's besides o h i d is to attack is royal. if you know these hospitals from top to bottom, can you confirm to us what you have seen whether these locations are in any way? how about us circle points as i can indeed, i have been working around in these hospitals all over with my camera documenting patients and the work during this crisis situation. i've been filming, picturing, talking to people. there has been no one door locks. i have never been controlled with my documentation. there was absolutely been no
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a single restriction in either of these 2 of those. i know the of the construction of adult from the time it was built. and as you may know, there is a new medical brooks in the ship hospital under international surveillance during all these years. having worked in these 2 hospitals, i have never ever trace any signs of any military or political promises sensors. and if these relays for these last 16 years, because they started these lights already in 2009, if they cannot provide any evidence for any proof, how can we look at this as anything else but the, from the war, the lice and the at i'm more unfortunately, the wishing of intimidating scaring people, i'm guessing, excuses to bump this important task because i don't forget these hospitals are cornerstones of the welfare of the healthcare for 2200000 people. and when i, when,
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when an army is allowed to present patients in the hospital and certainly to bunk beds when there is sort of channel evidence. i'm by the way, international, the geneva convention us 3 rules is proportionality. use the same amount of whether or not your enemy is pre course. you don't teach civilian targets, need this distinction. the precaution is that it's a target, it's a mixed military civilian targets. the civilian interest take priority over the military. so regardless, but turning back to your question, no, nor have i, nor doctor any or any other no eats, and the health care workers who have been working with the policy and health care for more than 30 years. we have never seen any evidence i've had. i've seen it, i would not have worked because i live according to the geneva convention. so i'm sure was that sure was the proof. yeah. and that that is what you know. i think we all asking these why this will show us the proof,
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which is something that never seems to happen. uh, we wait with baited breath as to what the next move will be. how i would like to know about the hospital itself from an infrastructure point of view, because obviously we're now hearing, but you know, garza house for several days being very close to having no power, no fuel, limited electricity. what sort of backup systems are there in place? in the hospital, in terms of generators and how many so to water, all situations kind of sustain and how the patients kind of keep alive about how long as well. that's a very good question. any mother in the hospital will need that continues supply of energy in the form of electricity that can be imported from the power lines which are very insufficient and unstable in gaza. or you have generators. so every hospital and clinic in golf. so they want to have generators outside,
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however they need fuel and fuel. there is no fuel can go so now because of this, each number to the hospitals have a limited capacity. although large it's being filled up. and i talked to the wrong upside down this morning. a senior very experienced the surgeon and he said that ship a hospital chance no room any more patients, let alone operate them. i saw a video, they had almost 50 post upgrade to patients lying in the quoted doors being outside these 6 operating rooms. they have they have moved another more than a 100 surgical patients to the delivery department. they have not less than $46.00. uh sorry, 70 patients on ventilator meaning artificial breathing, and they have 50 children. pretty much your children in the incubators. if you turn off the electricity to this modern hospital,
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the patient will die by the high numbers. now, with a continuous palm beach, there is a continuous flow of news surgical warranty. more really patients coming in to those, those. the capacity to do surgery is now expanded. it's to its limits and still they kind of also absorbs the constant flow of wounded, getting close to $20000.00 wounded now, 70 percent women, children, elders, city williams. so what will happen with the hospitals if the international community, whatever that this is not getting a cease fire, we embrace an opening drops off and getting into fuel water, food and medical supplies. we will see we will see a disaster of the magnitude that i don't think we have seen in modern times. so the
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most important medical thing to do now is to stop the bombing and lift the siege. well then i'd like to take this piece by piece and it stopped to go, but yeah, i'd just like to take the certification to, to thank all the colleagues, the doctors, the nurses, the bottom ethics, the medical students in garza, in the hospital, in the medical system. for their cottage and the great floor, all they show to the world, well as more house and respect for human life is completely absent in the united states. i mean these real to well, let's have your words a full on the is of the right people in the positions of power globally. early on out, is there a dr. gilbert's? we had a press conference from call. knew this by dr. assurace codes. right. and who was from the ministry of health. and he was appealing for low medical staff, especially graduates who had just perhaps, um, qualified. he was appealing like yourself to the international community,
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to basically open your eyes open your is open yet, and see what's going on to hearing cause when do some think about it. he was also appealing, critically for blood donations and a blood to appeal. so even on the most simple task of taking blood, it requires needles, that requires medical bags, that requires a clean environment that isn't available right now in gaza. the situation is critical. no radius the own pretty go. my friend, it is beyond the critical it is uh, it is up to the brink of complete collapse. and as you rightly say, the transfusion of blood is like saving procedure in the, in these prime of trauma because you're breathing and even if you stop the bleeding, you will have to refill the circulation. now the doctors and nurses emetics in go
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so 40 extremely good at innovation and improvise station i saw on the movie video from last night and she saw that you had, you know, loved bikes, ready. they had the typing system ready. they do a quick global typing, they have a more blog to infuse, which is actually the best. but as you say, they need supply so the blood, but they need supplies of the needles. they need supplies of things to watch when i'm given the situation. now that the is really see each of the is stopping the water flow into gaza. this each of the fuel is stopping the water production plants and garza, the home being of 15 bakeries. and the lack of fuel for remaining 10 by greece has stopped 25 big grease from working on some of the other important things to run to off to life drugs and dis postables. this is something i'm
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a 100 percent. my main wave of strategy late doing the hosp to function and making it impossible even to deal with decent human chair to people who are one of the during the ongoing bombardment. so not only are the tax as they are trying to escape the booming areas, the civilians not only are the time when they're both being their hobby tops, their whole sister homes and their markets. but they're also attacked when they're taking care of in the hospitals. and this is nothing you just refresh my mind on the gold stone report which was made the un report made after the operation cast less than 2009. and the goal storm report documented that these really forces targeted 16 hospitals, 13 most of 38 schools in 2009 u. m. a has documented hundreds of attack on the health care is a functional monitor for these really courses. it's on mode of homes,
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so i am not. i'm not surprised that they do this. i am surprised that the world is not stopping it. because at the end of the day, if they are going to be, alexa includes ship a hospital, stay out of hospital. they are taking place in history. i seem you're worth 3 minutes because these are protected places for civilians, for civilians. very poignant words from you don't do much skill, but as we leave you entire, it's been good to get your insight and certainly your knowledge of the location that we're talking about as all view is, can see huge plains of smoke coming into the rising into the ring garza, we will of course, touch base with you as i'm sure over the next few days with what's going on. thank you very much for your time. so the short time to go out is there
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a spoke to the director of the l codes hospital on the site and from garza, he says there's no reason for israel to be targeting the hospital that use it. they said there is no reason in the hospital, there is no police presence, no military presence, nothing at all. just tens of thousands of palestinians here, many of whom have lost their homes. thousands of others are seeking shelter in underwashed schools. and israel is targeting every single building around all goods hospital. why is that? nobody knows that school safe and out too much to football, k tvs, executive general of the political party, the palestinian national initiative, join us on line from ramallah just about the t always good to have you on the program. obviously developing situation that way. now witnessing in central garza in and around the out goods hospital with warnings given by these riley's full medical personnel and patients to leave i think i know what your reaction is going
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to be a what a, as you can see is our lives today include evicted to or to destroy you, at least it costs because in the last on sentence, because and tackle and this is not the 1st time this sort of templates the hospital . they've done that too, but at times during the last week, and if they, if they need to attack the eclipse, so has to be done. this would be a total disaster. thousands of people would be killed and by nobody at the bottom. and that does happen. you know around us because there's also in den, just in the hospital and other places. and by the way, the, on the kleenex and the mean, the center of the police to be a minute. kind of, you society's very close to the hospital. it's the just the and by this nice also could be destroyed just these on bottom, this continue and that what desired, once from the bottom, think hospitals simply evict and the complete on both of the clinics in the sense
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that box gus, that's the main goal estimate easy, and they keep telling the lives of allies of the lice that they have done to the doctors. the hospital which is run by i'm going to contest is. yeah, now trying to repeat the same. does that start enough? what's on the top? and the i think engineering for it has to be made to check up on. yeah. for some of the hospitals as some of which have been already been invited. one very close to the room, but we saw obviously on what was that cheese or the 17 sally hospital attacks . an accusation encountering these ation as to who was behind it. but it's generally to see that it was and his right the strike. and there was a real concern is that knows. but on the basis of that particular attack, who can protect our cook's hospital? now any of the hospitals are still operating in
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a very limited nature. well unfortunately the only country in the world that's kind of prevent it is there is now somebody in this hospital as they have done to 56 other health facilities that they've completed, destroyed, including, by the way, uh, they have any decent treating people with disabilities that belongs to music, i believe was also completely just like this the only time to do that kind of stuff that is there not to see how many. and because this month, the united, this is the international presence that can provide protection. and the country in the kansas is that just stopped who stood up and climbed again. this way and i to splits into fees and do my competing in the united states government kind of responsibility now. if anything happens, the hospital you remind you of that wound. yeah. that the practice test and the kids almost $500.00 people did, including so many chosen as the unfortunately the us to present it is accepted.
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there's really light on 3 pieces. it's does new york times itself reveal that to the items that's very, that's shown on the find the doubts. so uh, not part of the deal with silence. i bought them by the boss because they bought to submit it in the cover story of the tags to protect as well as the smart guy. at this very moment is there is conducting 3 major worksites estimate cleansing genocide and collective punishment against the student civilian population of guess . if anybody knows that is what it is preventing this of miles. if you want to go to god's house, because everybody knows that 120 patients come by at any moment because of lack of electricity. in the incompleteness, the 1160 patients to die because they cannot have kidney dialysis. if anybody knows that most of the 19000 injured people cannot receive proper treatment
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. because because of the private property equipment, the private has medications, the private of oxygen which is land tends back the oxygen selling those that were supposed to come to the us businesses and sent them back about the laws that some of the nations and some of those have to be conducted surgical, but ations without an easy, which is harder, but it does happen. and the 21st is. so of course it does the nice states responsibility on some was some government slot, also support the continuation of this attack and i'm not supporting an immediate cease fire. what we need is the media to cease fire motor, bad 1500 people have been cuz more of that. so the $1250.00 tons. i'm happy how many lot of thousands of young children so died before these governments the is early enough is enough. i'm start with this that back. i'm 10 to cease fire. the thing is that also can you, is there any prisoners sofa?
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is it i only have strikes have consist the present as inc doesn't. so one does nothing, no one's a complete, complete annihilation of stuff. i just didn't population of guys. 2 it just thought 30 on acceptable and it is absolutely unacceptable that data printed in the hospital. i'm sending the patients and boss of the time and the people who find no other sex for to be in even the file that they tend to be. but go to as bombarded as far as going back to kind of this has been bought. everybody's bought this, the book is here. let me just set you up in the let me just jump in that very quickly because obviously, you know, you've detailed it as we, as we have as a travel handful, several weeks. so i just wondered that, you know, you talked about the americans being the ones that couldn't really pull the strings and make tel aviv listen. just wondering how much the public outcry in the us not just from pro palestinian but from
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also jewish groups to try and hold the violence, try and find a way to deliver a ceasefire. could impact almost all these pictures that we're seeing now. because we know that they will be seen at some stage, if not now across the american tv networks. and it is going to resonate because what's happened already in 3 weeks has resonated globally with so many hundreds of thousands of people taking to the capitals of many of the wells countries. solidly, i think the public, the public demonstrations and the public brought us to it shouldn't have an impact and wouldn't have an impact on the i cannot to. but of course, i appreciate and the, the, the, the know been at so many jewish people in the united states stood up to the against the step. but unless i could, and a lot of support things up on a stadium,
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lights and 2 out of standing against nothing. yeah. on does government and demonstrating everywhere in new york and washington, and didn't have any other place without the american citizens up out of demand into the ends of this terrible attack. and this my 2nd by 12, by didn't listen to them or when he continued to think on the about says on the election, i'm thinking that the, this is early established and its contents and my chief that i hope that he understands that what is happening today is a big, big, big, good crime that nobody could be proud of. and the fact that instead those telling cause it hadn't stopped this aggression the out of sending. so my medical tubes even to participate is by itself very, a very dangerous process. i've entered into this matter and it's, it does not reflect an understanding that any participation in such an attack would be. i bought a distribution and i would cry against the police to young people and again civilians and that guest at the national. no. of course uh without getting uh,
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news of our customers brigade, a bet that sold the moment. uh let's talk about duty. we will uh, leave it. thanks very much for your insight. uh will of course speak to him show as the hours progress. thank you. thank you. and i'll say uh we are in a fast moving situation here with the images from dasa logic leaves of smoke. we believe in and around the area of the outputs hospital, which is being targeted uh, both the medics uh staff as well as patients have been told to evacuate the location. the direct to the hospital says that ok anyway, that's to be patients to look after. let's just cross over to him and con. obviously he emerges in ramallah, following the incidents that are in and around they occupied westbank. we're
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hearing about flashes from the l customs brigade in garza and run. what more could you tell us about the statement that's coming from them, but the incident itself well, they're talking about several incidents with in goes, i'll run you through the mob process bessler with the fact that this is actually coming from the archive. some of the guys we haven't been able to independently verify it and it got some guys and out. so they targeted is really on the vehicles that were penetrating north west goes up with a multi shows, they say the tanks coming in and heavily on vehicles coming in through one of the sharp points that they've managed to establish, taking them into that to the goal is that strip and they also added that they targeted a number of vehicles west of the arrows site. that's one of the main check points going in the 2 goals. that then one of those vehicles i should quote 5 and a number of soldiers were actually killed. those caches both in areas and in north
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west coast, actually continue, right. as we speak, the cosign brigade say, but they all take you in the fight to these readings. they know that they is right . these are now in, in small number, but they all in. so i got the gaza strip and they all taking the flight to as closely the, the both sides of the story that you are on these sorts of situations which as well saying about this developing story. well, i'm going to preface again by saying that this is from these riley miller tree. there's a gag order on any kind of independent ripples in going on. clearly during this con, get into garza to independently verify anything, but what they said is that they have a guy did the cross. what they mean by that is the troops have called and asked strikes. they've struck come us of military structures, some of which contained a mass quite as in addition, they had a empty tank for me, so launching posts. i made a hit of device importance and other military infrastructure. they say that they shots,
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public opinion finances and they were killed. so that is actually 2 toddlers who do i just told you earlier about the fighting that cause i'm brigades were talking about we do have something from these ready media. these really media reporting that actually be is really flag has been raised inside the gaza strip. and that's the 1st time that's happened since he is right. he's actually left in 2005. there's a video of a man saying from the 52nd battalion of the 400 and fast brigade saying we will not forget, we will not stop until victory. that's not coming from these ready army. that's a video, but it's a much on social media that these ready media is playing. so the 2 sides are basically confirming the same type of fighting that's actually going on right now. but we do know there is fighting inside on the ground in gaza right now. it won't
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come the force in ramallah. thank you. now is there any forces to be on the tax? the misreads refugee camp in central gauze, and dozens of people have been killed. oh, deserted sessions. a hoot has moved from garza to play rock while you have the 2nd visit. lot of destruction here and then the sabbath refugee camp has been badly hits, buys radio strikes. there is a mosque here. the mosque is in the middle of this residential area. i'm now standing on the rubble of the most idea. this area has been completely destroyed by his radio strikes. dozens of people have been killed. yeah. man as an element in e and phillip plenty, and i will go to the entrance of the residential area now. and it's not in the need to have the civil defense tunes and ambulances having difficulty reaching this area . and then you have that and my people have to stay here for hours before receiving the system. i guess that's what this composts many people, what i'd have,
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both of these are people's homes and those people who are alive have no place to go up. they will continue to stay here, but the icon where yeah. what's the under was schools are already full. that is it the those who left east in northern areas, some of them came here. some, this mosque was a refuge. the whole residential area has been completely destroyed. people still under the rubble. well, last year i was just saying these people are planning to go back to the area. they are trying to do whatever they can with what ever they told they have a using blankets to make a shelter. they have no other place to go because this still care. and that's one that i have to call, and i need to know who necka meds that come on. caldwell people here. don't expect anyone to live on the variable. the civil defense teams came here when they a show nobody is alive, they move to another house and admin vehicles have difficulty entry into fact. yeah
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. maybe they registered these places and come back later to take back the dead type of 1500 people in the truck and then across the gospel, this could lead to a health catastrophe. heavier we a theory on what the spread of decisions, what obama alex does. yep. uh, what obama you can and pick one blocks, people return from south and central garza to the homes. tens of raids have been taking place in central and south gaza since this morning. the situation is very tough. american. the situation of people who fled from the north is very tough. nope. people feel humiliated going to shelters and that's why they come back to that homes because dad is waiting for them and they say, let's die with dignity about what? well, much. and so he really is the director of the goals study center here in castle that's kind of interesting. and joyce, you know, but you a very fascinating story here the last hour. so i think the most poignant comment came from talked about skill. but in kyra, if somebody who is independent has nothing to do with all just there's nothing to
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do with cost again, diversity, all the states have got to it but has worked in the rules in gaza. he's not witnessing hook you up a monetary reason. i was this, he worked for thirty's, and that's the news i think and design different, but his comments about humanitarian, little being broken. ok, president, pretty much side the suspect, the immunization to the international, the, the, the nation and know the, the, the, the, the lack of the humidity, of looking at, you know, the, also with a good sort of the, or those muscles for the show to people who lost that home the go to those was because because those because they have some basic services, they have water, they have some safety places. so when you hit those places, you're not on the, the, the, the, the, the old people to update you, you have to those who are actually taking this place other show to. so this is, i mean it is coming to us, but it clear, very, very strong. i think it itself should be here from everyone in the world. and
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indeed, as america wakes up on the sunday morning program, stop broadcasting a little bit about what's going on in gauze. and certainly in the past 7 days, the pressure will be on the us with these fresh pictures of these images coming out of gauze to act if anything a toll. because if met skill but has anything to say about it as what other metrics around the world, i'm sure if they talk at this hospital, see it's daylight, is that up? so this is the game is over. absolutely, the, i mean, nobody would have the light up to any. what's happening just to ask this question, why they hate us? that's the question to all we we hear about from washington, from different places. why the others hate us. that with the time is this pulse of this, the stuff, this mexico what's likely to happen in this house, but the, if it and stuff, it's the time not to stop it, but you've so heavy from the catch all university. thanks very much for joining us . we'll get more you through the day you have been watching. i'll just bear with me so robin and this was the news. i'll be back in
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a moment with little of today's news. we leave you ways to life pictures from concepts and concepts. the t y, and the last 2 hours an intense from bob and company i read in and around to another major hospital is worrying the palestinians as well as the global community, as, as well continues. it's was ongoing small, the straits after the break to stay with us. the, the bosses arrived early on friday, ready to carry people away from this town of 23002 kilometers from israel's border with lebanon. there's many here a more angry with these, including this man in the call, the local man, one mother screens that tells me where she's going from the safest. she says the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i voted for you all these years, but this governments failed. hotels like this one in central tend to be. i've been preparing to host hundreds of israelis evacuated from towns and cities in that
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northern region. inside stuff sol, through box is full. the new arrivals, food supplies for sabbath mail, the will not be celebrated in peace. in depth analysis of the days headlines. israel says their objective is to completely eliminate home off, not just their capability in fluid, definitive large numbers of civilian skills including children and good cutting of electricity just is 8. we are friends, frank assessments. quite frankly. china is position is it's not going to get involved in anything little apparently they're going to continue to call for peace and talks inside story. oh no, just sierra. i'm, it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes, with kids, of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy. harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits. essential,
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committed to be environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the challenges here with the of israel's military, intensifies us right around the our codes hospital in northern garza, about 14000 people are inside the problem. so hold on when you're watching obviously are life. but headquarters here
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in the hall also coming up more than $8000.00 palestinians and gone so have now


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