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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 4, 2023 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the government challenges here with the is there any strikes it has to do with him? does attending at least 20 people who are sheltering that the hello i'm down jordan, this is honestly are a lie from dell. so coming up is there any strikes also target these 3 hospitals and outcomes? roy of ambulance is in the goal is a strict protection. civilians must take place not just in gaza, but also in the west bank where incitement and extreme, his violence against palestinians must be stopped. your effective state down to me,
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blink, i'm says more must be done to protect civilians on his latest visit to it's right. on his radio far to send back thousands of palestinian workers to 1000 say they were tortured, install the civilians and gaza once again become the target of is really strikes as well as bomb the school in northern gauze of killing at least 20 people enjoying dozens. the school with sheltering palestinian families. israel is also targeted 3 hospitals and gaza. i'll just, as i said vague as more on those attacks and a warning to all of us, some of the images were about to show the distance the black doesn't dry and cause it is risen collected in this thing, the date areas around 3 supposed to be to the distance, the gates of thousands,
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largest for speaking of these people had to hold the candle of i'm being seized was heading to the roof of trusting to enter egypt and its occupants to get treatment. the but these radius strikes cause any glimmer of hope. the heck of escaping this will the diesel, critically wounded then he cannot attend to at the hospital, everyone was aware of the red cross, the red crescent. even these really occupation were aware that this is a medical convoys in line with the geneva convention and needs assessment little possibly. so it's fully recognized, breaking, inundated with the injured, doing treating patients in any face they can. these are the scenes following the striking the outputs hospital window chatted, blood in the so people inside shelter and wondering if the next strike would be the last another hospital tenant. inside these are the conditions, stuff at the indonesian hospital most. welcome to the golden season,
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shaking and damaged from the spring strikes. people have flocked to hosp to the believing they are sacred. a safe space, essentially. a school bump. it was children, display sams. this one has proven, there is nothing safe and goes, nothing sacred. nothing is relevant to strike the design of children pain has for them. suddenly it's been replaced with the cries is real. told people to evacuate north of gauze, therefore the south. yeah, this is what they did to this country have cause a lot of civilians trying to get to safety. the bodies now lay in the street too dangerous for anyone to stop to recover the michelle to the fall. i use the cruise to receive vote to flee from northern gaza, about 500 meters from the cause of valley became measured by a rush of sales from his very warships and cut off shore. also is rarely snipers
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was stationed, kilometer and a half away at all the separate area. but while the vehicle's traveling on the road were riddled with shells and bullets, a host carriage was hate on board with killed even the animal was torn to pieces. for us, secretary of state and to meet lincoln was instead of even friday, he said israel should do more to protect posting and civilians is will answer because it would be a new posting intellect start date, which is 0. and these really minutes, we confirmed it targeted, the ambulance comes while you outside the ship a hospital. it said that how much was using an ambulance, but guns us health ministry has denied the claim. a spokesperson says both united nations, i'm the red cross, were informed about the ambulances. okay. the united and as long as the claims of israel, that those vehicles have been used to help the post city and fighters. and they were targeted because they were used by fighters. why did the
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not, why didn't israel not target the fighters killed them and showed the pictures to the whole world? second, we have said that israel claim that they targeted one ambulance in this convoy and we are here confirming that 2 vehicles were targeted. the not just one vehicle . the 1st one was the 1st one had one driver and paramedic and the 2nd one was at the gate of the as she for medical center where a massacre was committed resulted in the killing of 15 percent and 15. others were injured out of here as tarik, eyebrows, whom has more from hon, eunice, and southern gaza. how do you spell that text relentlessly, continue claiming that the lives of hundreds of valves thing is
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a daily basis. this time, the uh, one of the prettiest attacks were carried out against ambulances, which were carrying and get people to be delivered to the roof of course, being bullied in order to be treated. the different hospitals are due to the lack of medical supplies and that surgery and they are requiring also and the forms, surgeries that cannot be carried out and in the gaza strip now. uh the these, um phillips have been hit in the front of the gates of the she felt hospital by isabel, the trends as a 15 palestinians were killed and with also those as others have been injured. 8 entrances. vehicles have been critically damaged by the is really a tech that took place at least today. so this is not considered to be the 1st that contents, or if it's uh, quality and even a quantity. but it has also been repeated throughout it since the beginning of this round, a fine thing as easily as a text and destroyed doses of accidents as a targeted medical workers as they were doing their humanitarian job. so it's worth
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mentioning that the attack has been carried out, and the rush hour with palestinians were overwhelmed in the region to the uh, the level of destruction dr. marco's, and the surrounding areas was really high. the us such a state and to me blinking says he's spoken to his writing leaders about taking concrete steps to minimize palestinians. tiffany and debts. lincoln visited israel for the 3rd time since the war began. he's now in jordan where he's expected to meet with a foreign ministers of several arab countries. an official reports after 2 visits before the great war began, us secretary of state was back in israel. let's see if there was the usual expressions of solidarity. but with a death to rising by the hour and increasing the goose and pictures the matching from gaz a onto the blink and said it was important how israel tackle come us. it matters because it's the right and lawful thing to do. it matters because failure to do so
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plays into the hands of from us and other tear groups. there will be no partners for peace if they are consumed by him, had turned catastrophe and alienated by any perceived indifference to their flight . it came looking to secure humanitarian pauses in the fighting pauses to get it in and for the nationals out. we need to substantially and immediately increase the sustain slowly monitoring assistance in the gaza and getting american citizens and other farm nationals out of gas. but and perhaps a sign of division between the 2 allies. these really prime minister ruled out any pause with the conditions. go down upon him. we're continuing with all of our strength and israel is refusing a temporary truce that doesn't include the release of our hostages. israel will not enable the entry of fuel into gaza and oppose this transferring money to disreputable entity blinking believes more need will soon be heading together. but he's aware, there is a growing consume at the growing number of deaths at home and internationally. and
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the feeling america could do more to put pressure on israel to stop. the blinking was hoping that his trip would be productive, that there would be some way that they could introduce to mandatory and pauses in the fight to. but what is clear is because really war cabinet have their teams and goals. and at the moment i see spot of any kind is not on the agenda all and for sure, i'll just see that it will keep pipe east jerusalem. meanwhile, in washington, new details are emerging on temporary see slide talks happening within the white house. there are reports, an unnamed official from the national security council says a significant pause in the fighting is being discussed to allow the release of captives held in gaza, which on engine joins us live now from washington dc. john, so how they still getting them to try to achieve affords and the flights of so according to us officials, they're going well and there's significant progress being made. us official says
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very significant pauses were discussed. and that the was hopes that these will be achieved at blinking argument is really officials, has been the us is trying to buy them time to carry out their ground war by pressing for these pauses. but the u. s. is facing significant criticism, both domestically and internationally. so as a serious, an active discussion is going on about those positives. one of the arguments that us as making is that with 100 to 200 captives being held in gaza, us officially says all that we've seen figures like 242. nobody really knows how many there are. there will be a need for some significant pauses in order to get them out because that takes time . you as an israel agreed that there was no cause for an exam or a blanket sees far rather no justification because they fear that
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a mouse would be able to resupply during that periods. benjamin netanyahu with the prime minister of israel has said that no pause can happen until there is a captive release. and negotiations continue to go on for that. blinking has told israeli officials, the large number of civilian casualties is not helping the us effort to try to get a pause and to try to gather international consensus here. in any case, israel says nothing is going to happen in the next 2 days. the next 2 to 3 days, while these discussions continue darren, and telling us officials, i'll say a little bit more about the evacuation of injured palestinians from gauze. what are you hearing that? ok. that's right. how much? who said that there could be an agreement on for nationals being released, if there was a pause to allow wounded palestinians to get out. well, according to the us officials, there was a delay in that process when they felt that
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a 3rd of those on that list were actually injured homeless fighters. so those who were of ultimately released for not headlines fighters, according to that us official, that it will be discussed a little more as blinking continues to talk to for leaders. he's going to jordan on saturday to talk to foreign ministers and they're gonna have a lot of questions about what's going on with the civilian casualties and the us support for israel while that's happening. john, thank you. and we're receiving reports that is ready for us is our rating several towns across the occupied west bank to 0. the same as robin joins us live now from ramallah zane, these really minutes has been ramping up. it's nike rides across the west bank. tell us what's been happening say so that's right for the last several days at the same time. every night early morning we've seen several areas of the occupied westbank come under. raids by the israeli military today was no different. we saw
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multiple raids in bethlehem and novelist, but the 2 major flash points were in jeanine. and in hebron engine in city we've seen images of armed clashes between is really a military as well and palestinian fighters. hebron was where we seemed the most activity so far this morning. at least 8 people have so far been arrested in bates . lamar, as well as areas that have been areas that have been rated included, a funeral home that has been hosting funeral services for people that have been killed in that area in the last few days as funeral homes are rated vandalized and then seals shot to keep anyone from going back and using them again, and that is significant because we've seen casualties happen any time every time. almost every few days. we've seen several casualties from these raids is really
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a military arrive, a blaring speakers announcing a good morning to those community saying that we have arrived signaling that they are here mocking the residents of bates or more. we've also heard is that uh the surround it a mosque in that village and ordered the mom to allow them access seemingly. so to enter the mosque, and then we've seen images of and is rarely flag placed on the internet at the moscow. these rates have been happening even before the october 7th attacked with the frequency. their intensity has gone up the cheap areas of the occupied westbank on edge in check, and they are occurring to arrest activist anyone that would support homeless or any protesters that would come out onto the street, seemingly a man hunt for fighters or a search for weapons so, but it is not just these practical things, it's not just policing, it seems that they are also according to the residence they're meant to have a psychological impact, mentor. so fear,
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and in the way that these rates are being carried on out, their timing, their frequency. they're meant residency to create a sense of terror, to terrorize these communities, and also leave a psychological impact after these rates are being carried out. all right, his name is robbie life as the in ramada zane. thank you. what i'm saying was saying that these really ministry has rated the janine refugee camp and the on divided westbank getting 5 palestinians. and that brings the total number of palestinians killed is rarely operations the on thursday to 9. john struck the reports on how jeanine is often the recipient of his right, the aggression this is what promised to means wake up to virtually every morning these days that you need. rick g can more destroyed streets, calls fallacies, doug off and pulverized by the is way the army. this is an all but those are, it was ripping off a palace to me in the neighborhood and protected by one witnesses say with thousands of soldiers collecting the surrounding streets, trail of destruction,
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and seemingly good to which this violets against the civilian population, which many governments human rights groups and the people who lift gate cool, collective punishment, and something always, always multi is food, but without this level of destruction, we never expected this. everyone was so good shaking. thanks. good, nothing happened to my family. the children sits amongst the rubble were only an hour or so before he's ready. soldiers protected the bulldozers as they worked to come for the company. when you talk to you, they destroy the sewage system, the voltage, electricity, infrastructure, and effects on lights. deep clean. everything stops will show us new transportation . those schools are open to unlock, installing a complete paralysis of life. they're trying to have the people moving. they come
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back to israel says the rates target suspected members of palestinian armed resistance groups not far away down to by kindly is the bones outhouse of one of the affections. lead is he wasn't just home with the time, so escaped arrest. would this the morning off to another is right, the ministry right on the refugee camp of jeanine can see the level of destruction here. hundreds of civilians, families live along this road. it has been completely destroyed. and they tell us that these are let me write on this area of the city are increasing in intensity and frequency all the time. although just the pleasure to talk and we expect anything from the occupation forces as the storm the camp, to sabotage and destroy it. to release the anger because they failed to achieve their goals, such as i have 4 children at home, who live a tragic life. policy,
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me and fights is mingled among the male daily few little possessions. jeanine has long been the best students of the home struggle against israel's decades long, impatient, but many in this city say they are being punished for the actions of men who believe they have a moral right to fight charles stuff without a 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank tire shop right here, and i'll just say about when we come back from a man to re edition air of thousands of people march and support the palestinians and guns more in that space. the hello from the elders here a headquarters in doha. great to see you what a hail storm we had in eastern saudi arabia into 9. still seeing pockets of rain
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right across the kingdom on saturdays. so let's go in for a closer look at thing for the capital re i'd, it's being showers and thunderstorms that likely over the next little bit. and if we do see that the potential for some flash flooding there it is breezy up and down the golf, including for us here in doha will max out at $32.00 degrees on saturday to central asia. we go, we've got some activity around the caspian sea, so bako and tater on looking at showers over the next little bit. and for turkey a i will talk about grease as well. some pretty intense rain will move west east, but look at the southerly air being sucked up here. 26 degrees in stumble. it's feeling more like summer and we're now into november. winds have shifted. so temperature is down in tripoli and with disturbed weather around the mediterranean, some showers for morocco, algeria, and can easily seem likely meantime, for central africa very wide here. but in fact, all of kenya is under a weather alert. for heavy rain, we've seen pockets of 50 to a 100. now the meters of rain and severe thunderstorms for the northern cape
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province. the eastern cape province, powerful wins and the risk of hail here on saturday, the thought provoking on. but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate that there are no quick wins and eventually search hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the demography of the process facing realities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the u. s. on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen to the story on told to how does their of the
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welcome back to watching out. just a quick reminder on top stories here. this is where i was born the school in northern gaza getting at least 20 people enjoying dozens of the building with sheltering palestinian farmers. 3 hospitals in gauze. i've also been hit a piece 15 people were killed. ambulance is also struck in which these rarely army has consent. it says how much was using the emergency vehicles. is there any forces afraid of several times in the upside west? the video shows ministry vehicles storming the biological east of numbers to some of the incursions have been reported in janine hebron. that's the the u. n. has brief members of the organization of islamic corporation on the humanitarian situation in gauze that libby as ambassador to the you and said that israel has no right to target civilians. a quote for us these 5. why is there a double standards?
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why is the message different when the ukraine conflict happens? that's the question that the world are asking. therefore, today, it's time to work together. to save lives, there's no justification to bomb refugee comes by the twice. there's no justification to target hospitals under what so called the right to defend. therefore, depriving more than $2000000.00 palestinians from foot. water and fuels is a work right. it's not the questionable because it's getting everyone the number of those who are under the rubble. now, children and women are over the thousands. what thomas white is the director of the union's relief and works agency in gaza. he says that facility is comp come with a huge number of people in need of shelter. we have lost so many colleagues.
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i loved ones from the guys that community, so that's tough enough to deal with. but right now people who are sheltering under the u. n. flag here in gaza. not safe. we had 4 incidence yesterday where people were killed and injured inside, or no schools inside id pay shelters. and i should be protected under international law, but the reality is under un flag people i still think killed and injured. so it's, it's very, very tragic here for the conflict during the conflict way. very clear with the is riley's want exactly way l. uh, facilities. uh we've had about 50 facilities that have been impacted by conflict. and we've had 5 direct hits on uh, on our facility. so, yeah, we,
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we copy any clear, uh, uh, to these riley's or in terms of your where our facilities are and you know, they obligations to protect those facilities. and most importantly, to protect human human 0 seeking children that people are taking shelter where you run out, logistics, spice, t r. i mean out logistics spice. and rafa without hosting, i 1000 people who are seeking shelter hit because they last talked to visit you in flag. we'd made plans that we could accommodate $1500.00 people per shelter. we now have all of us pull file people on average and now shelters coupled with the fact that we don't have the humanitarian supplies required to support such a large group of people, but living conditions and no shelters die right now. we cannot provide adequate
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sanitation. i was in one shelter. uh well, well, one of a, uh, it's actually a training colleagues is now hosting 25000 people. 600 people are using one toilets . so we cannot provide sanitation. the reality is we providing uh families weighs one or 2 paces of, of ours in arabic bridge. uh for each family member. you know, we have styles offices here in garza and we cannot support these people. uh, 600000 people and highest families. uh who uh who are in the south of gaza. right now. us israel has released many of the palestinian workers from a gauze working in the country that it had detained since i lost his attack on israel, on october 7th. many say they were beaten and starved in his way to captivity, really challenge reports waiting and hoping for a glimpse of a face they haven't seen in weeks and said they might never see again. on the other
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side of the crossing of some of the few palestinians, israel allowed through its long standing blockade of gauze workers with permits to cross the fortified buddha and toil in low paid jobs on the other side. now after weeks and is ready, prisons, labor turns into waiting arms with shots accounts of their experiences were workers and i didn't knew where to go. we stayed on the side of a road. the police picked his up and took his to prison. we were hang castillo, legs tied, and people would be good where, okay, i don't know what was happening. so you uh how much you uh, how much they were tankless. leave us for 4 days with no for the no bought. they don't tell us at night trip, us accusing us of being how much of the
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homecoming of relief and t is boss on. so i can talk to captivity is over. because as palestinians, a real person is of a different sort located on the farm to buy his rail. it might be home but home because it's economic control and dangerous play. for sorry, we went to israel to work and feed our kids. is it from the killers? i felt like a criminal not done nothing. the work was like page, but it was still a bite, the lifeline for the $18000.00 cause issue permits. israel's blood, kate has laid out causes economy, where the un estimates on employment is at about 45 percent. now the scheme is going to, he's rarely separate goal concept with gaza, says prime minister benjamin netanyahu, except for the palms folding or it's homes. i'm the is ready troops on the streets for each out and how to do with demonstrations and suppose have gone against us.
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mandatory aid to israel had been held across the united states at the port of oakland in san francisco, palestinian american protest has changed themselves to ship. they said was set to take weapons to israel. and the activist group of jewish voice for peace held a demonstration in seattle locking arms outside of federal office building in argentina, demonstrators to balance as well as well on gaza. out of there was teresa po has this report from a capital one is iris. i'm here in front of our agency that's on the rest, were hundreds of people have gathered to show their support for the guy there. also demanding a humanitarian. the big guy trip right now. many countries in latin america express the palace, right? $800.00 going strikes on the guys as a trip i get that is what we have to defend is the power steering right to self determination. that has been marginalized for decades by ethnic cleansing and
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buying a part time imposed by the state of israel. that's why we all need to get together to demand a ceasefire. now i didn't seem to have condemn the latest swamping thing. got sign to read you to cancel but also show support for freeing the hostages with bill being held by how much part of the nice home to the largest jewish communities that america and it was the scene of the ones i do wish vom brings in the 1990 said left to more than a 100 people that are going to be heading to the whole thing about it. so we just countries, next president residential, the express, the fact who's now the economy minister and the presidential candidate that said he's planning to designate as a terrorist organization. but many of those who have got in here today are saying that they've done by the senior people on the right
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the spring and some of the days of the news. now these terms of the 28 people have been killed off for a 5 point. 6 magnitude quake struck me, pulls mounts and us north west and districts of job coat unreal. come helicopters are being used in the search effort. security forces are picking up the engine and dead from the rubble. officials expect the death toll to rise. italian governments to create a state of emergency for the flood hit region of tuscany. falling. torrential rain from storm care on thursday night. 5 people were killed when rivers flowed in the city of levona into an inland valley. people were tracked in their homes when 220 meters of rain. so in just a 3 year period. time around a little that i to support as well. products under pressure and that's just you know what it both eric 10 heard says he's happy with the spirit and character of these players. as his team looks, the bounce back off the 2 consecutive 3 and able to fates.


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