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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 7, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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dissolves palestinian reporters of risking everything to get the story at 15. 105 kills and asked strikes the listening post we covered the way the news is covered. the israel kills $10000.00 civilians in gaza in a month among them $7000.00 women and children in what it claims is a war on homage. the government about this and this is all just be relied from doha also coming up 70 percent of guys as population. that's over one point. 6000000 people are homeless and an urgent need of health and supplies to survive operating in the dock doctors
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in the territories indonesian hospital treating patients without power and lights. and is there any forces carry out more rates and the occupied west buying one palestinians as being killed in the time of bait on the united nations as they should a plea to end the quote in humane collective suffering in gaza. the secretary general described the situation in the strip as a nightmare. israel claims its targeting hom us, but at least 10022 civilians have been killed since it began bombing the tattered trade 4 weeks ago, calls for the cx 5 have been dismissed by the way, the government guides that he's becoming go get a view out for children and that is of goals and boys are reportedly being killed or injured everyday. the ma, generally is every possibly being killed over a 4 week period. then him and the conflicts in the police city that gets marty
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united nations. they've work or they've been killed, then that'd be compatible areas in the east city of our organization. the way forward is key is. are you many tendencies far? you know, medical scientists are unable to cope with the constant flow of injured people. many hospitals have run out of fuel basic medical supplies, at least 30 to a 35 medical facilities have stopped operating. yet israel continues to bomb garza . the violence has displaced about 70 percent of its people in one month. at least 1600000 a homeless. obviously, that's how anybody who's joining us not from con you is inside the gaza strip. these is really attacks are still going on. just bring us up to date with the latest on those on the floor. yes, rob is really airy strikes, continue to pound the gaza strip. any tragedies more to the trash?
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it is key and full, the gas, the results of these relentless areas, right? cuz we just learned from, from our so is that the earlier attacks and rough city, the vast majority of people who are in these residential homes where they have families and its children, then those who are reported killed the vast majority of them are the children and little ones, a among the, the victims, and here in hon. units within the past few hours. i don't talk on the last from family home. we just learned from i confirmed the source that 2 families were actually evacuated in that residential home. coming from garza city, particularly from sujata, your neighborhood have been killed in the attack on a lost funds family, residential home. now the attack, the not only destroyed that residential home by itself, but also causing great deal of damage in the surrounding area,
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destroying more homes, to the point that the art and livable and w 4 same people do. in new displacement. people are now looking elsewhere to go to find a refuge for those who survived the attack just to find another place to stay in the ongoing relentless that attacks are still are going on this type of townsend training right now in gaza city creating more fire bill surround designated neighborhoods and, and residential of flux, but the worst of what we heard about as a, as a drawing mess. those fired at the building of gauze that municipality, this is at the center of gaza city. another one was fired at a residential tower in the city of midland shift that its residential city. it was built at the time of the p a in in garza, but that tower we have our resource convert. that is still full of people and they
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haven't evacuated yet, honey. over the last few weeks you've been telling us about how people have been struggling to get food and fuel. another humanitarian aid of what little is being able to get in to gaza. but it does seem as though one of the crisis points is of course the hospitals and the medical centers. great. well the, the crisis of the hospitals are on top of everything that's going on. now. hospitals are not just medical centers, now they are evacuation centers. she passed that along, has some more than 40000 people evacuated the ticket. it has the refuge of from those relentless error strikes. but both super hospitalized in the nation hosted the d r a really they have to really be they have already collapse and not offering the necessary needed medical intervention to those injuries. that alone patients
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and babies, insight into patient, but without solar power. now, without a fuel, there we are immune and catastrophe. the whole system has completely gone out of service. and what we see now is just, they're slowly sorry to say this, but they're slowly turning into a graveyard for those in for those injuries inside the hospital. tanya, thank you very much, honey marco, talk, it is from con eunice of the white house as president joe biden, spoken to his very prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the phone and nothing yahoo has again reiterated that israel will not initiate a cease far. i'm going to speak to satisfy that she's joining us from occupied east jerusalem. what else do we know about this phone calls on the? yeah, this is a fine cool. that was made over nights where they said that they agreed on many aspects of this. well, we know that face have set, they wouldn't be a full sees fire. the thoughts now is not really something that's being discussed.
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but what by looking at is something called the tax a coal pause. they said the us is really keen to push. this has been trying to convince israel to temporarily stop sufficing to stop the strikes, to allow people to move for more numbers to be able to move from the north and central have cause or to the south to allow more humanitarian aging. but send an interview by the us tunnel abc uh, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we talked about potentially having a pause. now here or now is that the? but he said only if they released all of the captives. and he said that that kind of pause would just be enough to be able to get those concepts out. so it's not really looking to mistakes, bulldozing cause of the, on the 24 hours of bombardment. sorry. benjamin netanyahu has also been doing an interview with the abc and use in the us a news network about his plans for garza at some in the medium to long time. once
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you've been saying about that. yeah, absolutely, absolutely. robust. been in some incredible insight, really into his thoughts why he was off a very direct questions in this interview. but really the most, the night school things to me looking into this was him saying the overall overall security and responsibility for cause the price will, will be that, as he said. 6 of it for it will, this will be for a long period of time. just take listen to that clips and see what we got to say. i think is what we'll look for an indefinite period. we'll have the overall uh, security responsibility because we've seen what happens when we don't have it when we don't have that security responsibility. well, we have is the rupturing of how must are on a scale that we couldn't imagine. well this is the 1st time that we've heard him actually say this coming from his mouth. we have had a soul,
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says senior soul says that within the government or minute tree that has implied that this would be a israel plan and they are in the will. they can. so it's having the international community that they had no plan to take control of garza in any way whether it's security or any other options. but they had said that, so the main goal was to eliminate entirely how mos on to strike all of those tunnels and to disable them completely from being able to run a gauze of what this means is still unclear. but we know that there has been discussions in the background, certainly from the us that potentially the palestinian authority which governs occupied west banks, could then have a bigger role in government inc caused a bit of course, at that. so nothing that on the tables, nothing that is concrete just yet. so i thought i'd talking to us from occupied east jerusalem. so thank you very much indeed us us equity to say down to the bank
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to his house hawks with himself, his father and most of the anchor on monday to quito was one of several stops on lincoln's millie's tour as there. so sound of reports from anchor of the us and took care of opposing views on what should happen next in gaza. us tickets, row seat to amp, and it didn't come down to the non could i after midnight to be greeted by said he is deputy mayor. this was not the usual diplomatic, political and perhaps well designed to send a message of disapproval. it is because 1st to be a little trickier started off toward in gaza at the confident do you guys have opposing positions? america's top diplomatic wants to get to put pressure on how much to release captains, for just as it's supposed to be released by this. absolutely is pettis, teen and police, and their's in exchange thinkin and his truck is comfortable, i talk a few them, did not hold the joint press conference after they meeting the media. it was given very little information. think of saves us,
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is working to facilitate humanitarian polls. but this is not enough of turkish officials, took us as an immediate and unconditional ceasefire is more urgent. i see it is prepared to act as a guarantor. despite the differences between cassette the meeting with the turkish for the minister was fruitful. we're working, as i said, very aggressively on getting more humanitarian assistance in the gaza. and we have very concrete ways of doing that. and i think you'll see in the days ahead that that assistance can expand and in significant ways. so that more gets into people who need it and gets to the people who need it, as well as making sure that people can continue to come out of god's disposition isn't popular. here. the google test is called us complicit in his ras crimes against palestinians. when the sacred door, steve uses tricky if there is usually a joint press conference and present ad one of 2 to you will receive the secretary . but this was not the case today. no joins pressure. no meeting with ad on the
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common belief here is that these different magical folder wasn't pendant to the city of this content with us over the war in gaza. that's inside of that. i'll just kind of launch the blankets down in japan and for meeting of g 7 foreign ministers where the water and gaza is expected to dominate discussions. we're going to bring a different logic editor james base who joins me now and i'll do her studio. james, thanks for being the and for being with us in the, the, the statement that and he blinked and made fun. he was dining on the tom back there . he also said that the people have been talking to were looking for the us to take a lead and all of this, but i get the feeling that there's not much of a lead being taken either. we took care all with israel and of course now he's moving to japan. it's a trip. i think that so far has not gone well from the us perspective. all of the countries he's met, all the arab countries took here. they want a permanent see saw in place. what is the blinking is trying to sell is the idea of
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a humanitarian pools on this long enough to advance negotiations on those being held captive in gaza. one that's involving enough to actually start distributing a getting more ating escalating the amount of age and getting it to the people of gauze. and you've heard of the run from salt rover pushing from occupied east jerusalem, that what is read is offering. they've reluctantly accepted the word pause, but what the problem is and nothing, you know, who's calling little tactical pauses for a few hours or so. that doesn't seem to be the same thing, but the us is talking about. so on that central issue, he's got no agreement on this middle east and tool all now to the g 7, as you say, to tokyo to meet his g 7 allies. i was the last big g 7 lead is meeting in hiroshima back in may and it was absolute unity on the major global issue issue at the time. everyone standing there with president savanski on the issue of ukraine. now the issue of the day is gauze, and there's no unity in the g 7 on that issue of
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a c spa. i'm from actually voted yes in the to a permanency spa in the general assembly. vote that was on october, the 26, many of the other countries have different positions from the united states. so no unity direct toll. and interestingly, if you go back to the issue of ukraine, this, this unity of the g 7 on gone. so i think it's going to impact you trying to present as an excuse was not mad because the attention has been sucked away from his country. and that means no money and no on far less money in far less weapons potentially in the future. not looking very good. the prospects for linkage diplomacy in tokyo and the g 7. james, and as always, thank you very much and dates james base are, are the guys that are a head on out a 0 as israel steps up is from bottom and have guys, a palestinians in the west bank are also fitting the full brunt of an is really frank stuff,
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the the how i, we are announcing some what the weather pushing its way into west southern part south, south east asia. so, slipping south of the equator quite nicely, is just pushing down just to the southeast of getting the scene over a 100 millimeters of rain in 24 hours will show as long as spells a frame where that came from the west. the weather will be a little further no central the southern part. so if we feel the pain seems to me rather live, you shows as we go through the next couple of days as a lot of the show is still coming into central. the southern areas of indo china, some west the weather here, just around the gulf of thailand and still some very heavy rain into solid tide pushing across to what's called an important wet weather continues. as we go on a through us, the stay show us useful show started to show the hand across the southern positive
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indonesia as well. and we may see one or 2 shelves just creeping into the, the top and the bus straight over the next dial to the what the weather does cling on just around at east to sort of us particularly into that east. the side of new south wales and on show a breeze, a just fading some more moisture and some live you down polls. and once again, we have had warnings for the severe outbreaks of a very heavy right, which continues to go through website into fast a little more widespread at that stage. meanwhile, new saying that this lofty fine and sunny the devastating strikes, followed by through week risky. because that's 1st responders know the mission could be the box with until then. so humanity drives one day because the civil defense which
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rescue mission because one of the of the what you know, just need a reminder of our top stories. this are more than 10000 palestinians have been killed since israel began its bombing campaign on garza, on october the 7th. $7000.00 women and children are among the victims. that's despite israel obtaining its war and is against almost medical centers in gaza, struggling to cope with the constant flow of injured people. most hospitals have run out of basic medical supplies and fuel, at least 30 to 35 medical facilities of stopped operation. you as president joe
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biden spoken to is maybe time and a so benjamin that's in yahoo on the phone. that's in the off who's told american media off towards that israel will have overall security responsibility and gaza after the war. we're going to bring in news all day. she's a political analyst on rights or she's joining us life now from romano. good to have you with us. i want to ask you about the influence and the role of the captives, the 242 captives that were taken by homeless. both is relays and also foreigners. when the homeless fighters moved into southern israel on october, the 7th and killed 1400 people so far in this we have heard a lot from israel about the necessity of freeing all of those captives. and only then would the, the fighting stop them. but they, that is as much as b as is being said about the captives. what's your take on the role of the captives and in this and how significant hope pivotal they might be in the ending of this
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conflict as well. i think it's important to keep in mind that there isn't, is really military doctrine about at least holding is really soldiers kept the hannibal doctor and it's cold. and in that these really military and as decided that it would be better to kill the is early soldiers who are being taken by hostile forces in this case palestinian groups then to actually have them at taken a as hostages or are taken captive. now, of course, that that is a military doctor and having said that, the bombardment, the extent of, of, of large meant that we're seeing from israel and gaza, naturally puts everybody in jeopardy. and i think there's a, a delicate balance. as far as these really public opinion is concerned that nothing y'all has to strike on the one hand,
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he talks about the importance of getting them back there. we know that there are talks are efforts that to have talks about releasing at least the civilians held captive in does up by how much time other groups. but the bombardment makes all of that very complicated logistically, and also jeopardizes the lives possibly of some of those captains who or we've heard from have us in the past that some of them have lost their lives in the bombardment. i want to look ahead a little bit to, to a person to a possible futures for guys we have talked before about the question that is beginning to rise more and more, which is who's going to be in charge. once all of this is over, but we've seen such a level of devastation, we've seen. java does a split into 2, we've seen 70 percent of the population being displaced. it's actually monetary and crisis. one would imagine that are going to be countries,
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so i'm going to be willing to put forward money to help. but imagine that the prospect of actually taking that over and making it and rebuilding it essentially and making it work. again. that's a very different thing. it's a momma task and one that will have to be accompanied by some sort of political framework. otherwise, who is going to risk? what country or group of countries will be willing to risk a the, the money and the political capital spent in going into gaza after this, or is over and rebuilding it up from, from scratch. i mean, just picking up the rubble clearing the rubble clearing the unexploded missiles, you, you think about the logistics of incentives, it's a nightmare and it will take months, months of work. but i wanna, i want to point your viewers to a document lead by is really media produced by the administrative intelligence that discusses 3 scenarios for gaza. the preferred one in that scenario is to complete
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the displace the population in gaza and, and basically next the territory. the other scenario is to carry out a program of what they called the gnostic, not not sophistication. or we've heard it in, in iraq, the boss if acacia it as essentially taking over the territory of an absolute control over it. and once the fighting is over methodically and possibly violently trying to change the mindset of palestinians to a firm as the documents said that they have been defeated and that they must at change the way they look at israel and treat that even though it is their occupier, that's the mindset, i think behind closed doors in forming these as really, decisions, regardless of what is being said. and i think it's important to keep that in mind that i would, i would venture to say that policy makers in europe and elsewhere are also keeping
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that in mind when they're thinking of that day after no date. thank you very much indeed for being with us the valley expressing solidarity with guys taking place in islamabad. the protests has been organized by groups, introduce human rights activists and a journalist union. it follows one housing the city just 48 hours ago, senate and most likely to so have seen this yet and also help to organize the process. and he says, the support of other nations is needed to bring about change. and international delegation of leaders led by president are the ones. how did you say, well, he's a deputy guy and maybe the president of fox, as donald indonesia, our nigeria and other countries are unworthy. but i am, they should have an international delegation and focus on ending the occupation and ensuring this stablish minutes of palestine state the euro should look at it's separate to the time is come. no. is there any forces have counted on more rates
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and the tools that i'm janine refugee camps in the occupied west bank. and in the past 12 hours, at least 2 people were killed in rates and the time to bite on an end table. well, how much i'm jim has more from them on of the intensification of these raids by the israeli army into these towns and villages across the occupied west bank continuing to increase now just a short while ago we were being told about a rate that was going on engineering, which is really a flash point to city when it comes to these rates by the israeli army. we were told that there were confrontations between is really members of the military and promised indians they are as these really army attempted to go in to the janine refugee camp and that at least 2 palestinians were injured as a result. but perhaps the biggest story as far as the raids and the overnight hours was in total cut them. these really army went in. several vehicles were told dozens of vehicles including armed bulldozers. there were clashes with palestinians. there
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you had not just the intensity of the raids, but the intensity of the resistance by the local population. you had, we're told many palestinians that were using arm devices, explosive devices against those arm. bulldozers that we're told we're targeting the houses of suspected palestinian fighters as well as tearing up roads there in total cut them and destroying infrastructure were told they were at least 7 palestinians that were injured as a result. and that the as really armed forces also utilize the drone and they struck a target so really intense fighting around 5 hours of fighting beginning around 2 am. local time, the israeli army has withdrawn from that area. human rights groups say is really forces that intimidating palestinians in the occupied westbank and the treating prisoners harshly. it aver human reports from bethlehem, familiarity which is 6 sons are in his way to jails. 4 of them are arrested in the
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past month. she shows us the damage these radio army caused in her home and bethlehem in the occupied west bank. she meant that the curtains and the port some of the door locks, but some things can also be fixed. what do i told them? he was sick? they shouted at me, told me to shut up and look away. they pushed me, drew me to the ground, put my items behind my back and hand because to me, they made on my back and stomach, or 4 soldiers. todd, all of my children are gone now i worry about them. on top of that, i saw how they beat up my sick husband. i'm used to them coming to arrest us, but it's different this time for the says she has to be strong for her grandchildren. their faces say more than their words, but i thought i'd have to think they would trashing offerings. we had last thoughts
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. and when they left, the house was upside down and i saw my father's blood on the floor was looked over . the 7th is where the forces have arrested within 2000 palestinians without visitation rights. and with limited access to legal representation. families fear their children are being tortured. the trouble with this, this video was published. one is really social media. how did little treats families recognized him immediately? his life, which has seen the footage, but she doesn't want her daughters to see the youngest play. yeah. it's 3, she's closest to him, which says and often brags about how strong he is. he doesn't know this new bad enough that she keeps asking me to call her father to tell him that i'm not buying her sweet since his arrest. they speak to my bed with me, they keep asking when he'll be back in human heads up, let me know who,
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but which doesn't have an answer. as much as parents try to protect their children . of these radio occupations finds a way to cast shadows over their lives, need that but he does ita bethlehem the occupied the west bank by the ministration is planning to export weapons worth hundreds of millions of dollars to israel. according to the wall street journal. the $320000000.00 package includes precision guided missiles. it follows the transfer of more than $400000000.00 worth of arms and 2020 israel is already getting $3800000000.00 a year and military assistance on to a 10 year plan. that began in 2016 washington was given to israel, more military assistance than any other countries since world war 2, providing military aid worth more than a $124000000000.00. the u. s. is also deployed a 2nd aircraft carrier strike group and other military assets to the region. glenn
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call is a former deputy national intelligence officer with the united states central intelligence agency. it says the build up of us military assets and the middle east is meant to provide a wider conflict that people are focusing, understandably, on the goodness, look at all these weapons going, what the, why is that? that's a very dangerous thing. the perverse reality, however, is that it is displacement, and so far it has been quite successful. us has done a number of things or not done a number of things here within 27 attacks since october 7. bye, so we're good. so veran on american forces throughout the middle east, there's only been to my knowledge, a one response, quite limited. however, all of that, the lack of action or restraint is combined with a stronger deployment of,
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of potential forces to use. and the explicit message don't extend to around do not extend the conflict. now i have to say that t, ron has been pretty clear also that it does not want to see the conflict expanded to or a regional at the least the war. and so while they continued to send messages to the united states in particular about so don't interfere with our capability, shower, or any kind of village. so both sides actually have shown happily. and that they don't want this to expand a while, sending messages that they will ex, strongly, if something happens, the cross is a red line which is always fuzzy. a red line buys of people in garza have lost their homes many living on the streets. a 2 families forced out of their homes a beta here. i've converted many buses to be the new one.


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