tv News Al Jazeera November 10, 2023 4:00am-4:31am AST
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the, the, the israel continues is from bottom it's of course, because in other critical infrastructure in northern gosh, the next a strikes of targeted the lc for hospital and run cc children's the carrier don't send this out to sandra with austin. so also on the us says is around now agree to a 4 hour day,
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the pools and it says sold in the north. but as far as continue across concepts, tens of thousands of people are moving south with attempting to escape. this really attracts a matter of categories on a regional diplomatic push full amount of time and release in concepts you had to egypt on friday with towards continue the release of some captains killed by having us the in the occupied westbank gun battles range between these very forces and the hottest thing in font has in geneva, at least 14 palestinians having killed the cisco on one gmc, that's 3. i mean, garza israel has continued to target civilian infrastructure this time hitting major hospitals. the, the,
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the, several people have been injured often as try kit the lc for hospital in the west of the street. and one of gauze is last remaining hospitals for children as also come under attack fiber account. msc childrens hospital off the is really strikes on across guns that more than 10800 people have been killed since a conflict began on october. the 2nd the, this was the moment of impact. now, the indonesian hospital, which is fairly functioning, thousands of wounded and displaced, people of sheltering in the vicinity of the facility and northern guns. hospital director is quoted on the well to wake up to the reality as well as plumbing campaign. this is what the occupation is throwing its hospitals. miss ald shop know that the world bear
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witness to what the occupation targets trulia in 24 hours the hospital will be out of service. it seems these really occupation policies and not happy with the persistence of the indonesian hospital nor the steadfastness. the people of northern causes their settling schools by targeting unarmed civilians injured people and medical staff whose rights a guaranteed by international law and by human rights organizations. it seems the world is still blind, deaf and dumb to these atrocities. more than 16 bowman spelling less than 5 seconds, looked at the kind of damage sustained, palestinian people will remain steadfast. we will continue persisting until we vanquish the occupation. patrick, assume it has the latest from con eunice in the southern casa, the attacks of the got on the golf has strep continued to during the last hour. by
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this time, another concentration of the is it a strikes but directed towards she felt hospitable. would attend a bloom to palestine during the list. have been issued by these really alternately, this shield has been dropped on the yard, so she felt hospital as to the list. and even residents were sleeping in the yachts of this hospital, which led to the injuries of full palestinians who were residing in the yard of this hospital. this is a very dangerous and serious dramatic change in terms of the 11th of bombardment. that as well as trying to direct it to direct it towards the hospitals in the territory. now this could be a clear warning that the residents of a she felt hospitalized, must evacuate and leave the hospital in order to be controlled by these really maneuvering through. so are trying to push forwards into the by to the territory. now this attack is not yet the only one but the vicinity over so of the ending
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nation hospitality. the north of the gaza strip has been a, have been also destroyed and the unless or hospital which considered to be the main children's hospital in garza has been also direct, directly bombarded. were a fire, had been what to do to the is what it is. trace, tens of thousands of palestinians have been moving south from northern garza, the thing on foot carrying what's as little. they can to escape active gun bottles between palestinian sciences and this really forces, as well as the da humanitarian conditions. as on an fisher reports, any fear they will never be able to attend to their homes. just like the ancestors on the line stretches by kilometers back is spot is the i can see a wave of humanity leaving behind what you're working towards and save some too young to know why this is happening. but they'll never be allowed to forget outside how they've know it is a difficult situation. this is my son. he's 50 days old and my wife and children
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are with the situation is hardly. god is the only one who can help us. we're exhausted. we have walked a long distance and we still do not know how much further we have to walk. they move together. there's safety in numbers for now. told by the 3 of these to leave northern guys at the craft what the cook together remnants of lives abundant walking past the shelves of homes, of community places they knew but no longer recognized ghosts of the past. echo in the footsteps, memories of 1948 the titan palestinians called the neck, but the catastrophe forced from their homes at the beginning of the state of israel was how well do i know? what can we go? this is a new way with displacement. it's a new that with, with the posting and people it is like 1948. where can we go up with that? there are thousands of homeless people, including children and women, and people of all ages. some have perished on the streets while others by on the ground helpless. what can we go to menu and then i'll let him know what to expect,
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sees frightening paddle else. the one kind of glimmer of hope here is that there seems to be a rezoning refusal to re possess the people of gaza and to insist that they'd be displaced. again, there's a kind of a regional, a local, maybe even international sentiment that this shouldn't happen again. and do you, and once newport is such a mass moving to people under correct, the united nations cannot be part of a unilateral proposal to push hundreds of thousands of desperate civilians in gaza into so called safe zones. we cannot be part of this. they will find somewhere to stop somewhere to rest, but that won't be home that they don't know when or if they will see again alex fisher. i'll just see though, the wing of a palestinian islamic jihad, the
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o codes brigades says it's prepared to release 2 captives for humanitarian reasons . well, we announce we are prepared to release a woman for humanitarian in health reasons, considering we will not be able to also have medical treatment. we also prepare to release the young man for humanitarian reasons because he is of a young age and consider the as really prisons are full of palestinian children. this is an initiative that will come into force once the necessary requirements in the field are present. the whitehouse says this route will implement once it calls for our pauses and it's submitted to a sol each day and northern gauze. president joe biden said you monetary and policies are a step in the right direction that that will be to humanitarian. colorado is that to allow palestinians to flee 1st all areas. in garza, the quote is off by the box. is conversations with these very prime minister that
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led to the announcement frustrated with the head. so the c i a and as well as most of the intelligence agency have met the prime minister of cats, are in dough to discuss a possible deal for hostage releases. and the pause in fighting the matter of catalog visited the u. a. and to travel to egypt for further talks on friday. let's, let's bring in cotton club now. he's direct to over search out the system and if he joins us from pittsburgh in the us state of pennsylvania, welcome to the program. what kind of breakthroughs might we hope for in these kinds of conversations that well, i think we have to look at these very briefly, mandatory and pauses that are merely our,
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as long as potential building blocks or confidence building measures to something greater down the line. you have to think about who's involved here. you've got the chief of massage. you've got the c, i a director, bill burns, who's a long time, middle east and knows the region really well extensive contacts and the country prime minister. so these are major players on the world scene hoping for some kind of a break through some kind of pause and the really intense funding that we've seen. can that pause, as you say, lead to a permanency funds. you think? we don't know. i mean, that would be ambitious at this point. i think it's really your kind of step by step basis. we're talking more at the kind of tactical level right now more so than the strategic level. but, you know, i'm holding out hope that with continued intensive diplomacy, we could get there in the coming days. if not weeks. you mentioned a tactical level. i mean, does a pools mean that forming stops everywhere?
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well, just in some areas i'm in the humanitarian situation is desperate, isn't it? because it came out, a tearing situation is dire and getting worse. by the day we're hearing reports of diseases spreading. people are, you know, suffering and dying every day. so will, will, the task will lead to something strategic potentially, you know, i'm a bit skeptical and somewhat cynical that it will get there. but again, we need to shift the onus from focus on military operations to focus on diplomacy. and at the end of the day, focusing on the civilians that are suffering and dying on daily basis. we see the image is coming out of gaza and their heart breaking. so more any, any, anything more than, uh, you know, what we're saying that we, we need some kind of a breakthrough, some kind of a pause and, and in an ideal world that would lead to a cease fire. i just don't know that we're going to get there soon. and if a circle pause was to be imminent mites is ro, intensely fights, attacks even more before it. yeah, it's a good point if, if a pause or
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a ceasefire is immune, they can very well look at this as their last opportunity to target how most command and control knows to go after leaders and you're and you're absolutely right. we could see, you know, a real ramp up in the, you know, days leading up to something more permanent, 4872 hours. we don't know the timeline, but we could see an intensification of strikes before some kind of a pause calling thought we appreciate your time. thank you. thank you for taking the palestinians have been killed. one of the biggest raids and the occupies westbank this year. and the biggest, since october 7th is rose military says it was targeting on posting and finances in janine admitted to use both those as to rip up the main roads. but it smith reports now from jenny. are now st. jeanine's crowded refugee camp is rarely
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soldiers and palestinian gunmen fight street to street and house to house explosives to use the principles into homes. so soldiers cannot prove them into alley ways and take on the palestinian fighters. tens of thousands of people live amidst the fighting. then the military coals in its machinery for collective punishment, the bulldozers rip up the tom i called the main streets damaging watermain electricity cables below. it's a new type of collective punishment that israel has recently been inflicting on palestinians in the west bank. a lot of roads, housing, and the for structure, any picture of a mock, the noise, then they would be simply knock off a wall that has a picture of a mark to or a shop door or on the boat. they take it out on anything. the amys to create the diamond rates of long been effective life for palestinians living under occupation
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before october, the 7th. they average 12 a day across the west bank. but now they average 40 a day. this rate on jeanine was the biggest as being since the, how much the attack on israel. and these really military says it found an underground tunnel with primed explosives. israel always say that it's targeting what it calls palestinian terrorists, but here they'll tell you that the violins on 4 also 3 of these rates is something new. maybe it's an opportunity to deal with unfinished business. and we can palestinian fighting groups as much as possible while everyone else is focused on what's happening in gaza. and it's may, i'll just say era janine and the occupied westbank a. so to come on, i'll just say a representatives from a more than 50 countries meets in paris to mobilize emergencies, humanitarian aid. the people have gone. there been sort of darcy price,
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new york, and support the, brought to you by visit cutoff. hello, we are now starting to see temperatures on the slide across the good parts of north america. band, a cloud here rolling across central and eastern parts of canada, trailing cold front oil all the way down into the deep south. and that's going to continue making its way further. east was the head of that. we have seen temperatures into the 20s going into the c. friday. we'll see something like a 10 degree drop in temperatures of that state pressure cooler at talking in behind to 13 degrees. lots a single fingers, the crossing old place the prairies into a good parts of canada, with a lot of sub 0 weather going on here. as well, so if the thing that they see on saturday, 14 for atlanta. so that's something of
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a drop because we have a 21 handful friday, some west of weather across set to southeastern corner of the us. and me down pulls the into uh, louisiana southern past all the texas time, pride into central and west and palms for the time being. we have got some wet when the weather coming into web, which is colombia. snow over the high ground is just often not just the way a little further east was still some very wet weather this down to want to take south southern areas of texas. still some weather to into a good parts of put a rico dry to the west. the weather brought to you by visit castle. devastating strikes followed by through we chris the because this 1st responders know the mission could be the but until then. so humanity drives one day
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because of the civil defense which rescue mission because one of the the talking about the headlines point is ready as strikes that targeting major hospitalizations, gosh. so wanted to have it run see, see children's hospital in lc for hospitals come on track area on thursday, both in the nation and such children's customs. st. paul for the $10800.00 tons of stadiums happening to since the whole began. that includes
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$4500.00 children, u. n. is describing the conflict, terry and cuts customers and the white house as israel has a great day the for our policies and its attacks. no tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing from any ground forces engaging st. documents with a mass for the health industry says off of the was recent victims, killed by s strikes in the southern tons of guns. errors declared sites by israel on the scale of the destruction inflicted on gaza buys very forces over the past month is unprecedented. and your analysis by to us based research as an aging knobs shows the extent of the devastation. stephanie deca has been looking at some of the data, a listing and guards of seeing their lives destroyed. their homes obliterated. but it's really when you take to the sky and look from above, which gives you
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a sense of the damage. and we've got some interesting research to share with you those red dots that shows you what is building destruction of this is a research by us research as well. so i'll do 0 labs. what you're looking at this is 3 weeks into the war. well, let's move forward. we've got here just a week later. look how much more widespread that damage is. what does that mean? we're talking about homes and lives destroyed. and what does this mean also when you look at this map, we're talking about goes to city b time, and these are all densely populated areas. when we talk about densely populated, this is what that looks like. again, goes to city, you see there are dark black areas. this is how many people live there civilians, no one can leave, goes off. so if we superimpose those red dots, remember this is building destruction. just look how extensive that is july, the refugee come, for example, the densest place and goes and goes to city essentially the capital. so when we look at the numbers, what the research found, more than
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a quarter of goal is to city, essentially the capital of goal is that has been destroyed. northern goals are over a 3rd of it has gone. so we've looked at the north. let's move south 10 units over there. this of course, an area that is ro urge the people from the north to move to saying it was safe. well, you see those red dots as well. remember building destruction in those areas. so this is why people will tell you no one in not nowhere in goals is safe and people cannot get out. what does that mean in terms of numbers? the bigger picture, the research shows, 16 percent of buildings in gaza have been destroyed. and what does that look like? well, entire residential areas are flattened in order of the densest urban environments in the world. and you and facilities, hospitals, and other places were thousands of people are sheltering. well, there's supposedly safe places, but they've also been targeted by as well on some more and that especially can visit our website delta 0 dot com to read the latest report data. jen, listen, t h,
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a lapse where they compare the scale of explosive power as well as bombs on garza to all the possible explanations and the scale of destruction of the ground while as well conducts its bombing campaign and ground defensive in gaza. palestinian israel is in israel has been voicing support for the territory of being attacked and arrested from then. politicians are among those detained. the rest of them has more the spell of sending is the 80 woman posted support for the policy and fighters and gov. the on one side on the map that is there 80 produce, edited her and accused her of having a link to a terrorist organization. for them it can be submitted, but i'm human, but okay. tried to protest against is there as were on the step. he was detained for questioning, along with 2 other for many members of parliament rights groups. see,
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this is part defects and them down by is there an on anyone showing support for pals, and how would you have called on the 2nd one? this is katie illegal. the decision of the hi quote that was issued yesterday said such a protest does not need an approval from the police. the court even criticized the head of the police who said arabs are prohibited from protesting the fellow simians as the 80s have attempted to hold the protest condemning the war and gaza. but the editor, 80 police have dispersed them each and every time. this is their eighty's attempt to destroy my college, and is it an english policies or 80 students tend to be tempted to adam and verbally attached to students. these 80 produced events we evacuated the students, the trauma of the attacks. they mean, since the beginning of the war,
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police have questioned more than 370 palaces or eighty's over social media posts the see via the public piece. and inside that of the international media clean palestinian senior level and was edited after she posted the pay it online. with the emoji was the policy and slug is there. a pretty said had post was insightful, more than a 100 people have been listed on similar grounds. including university students and minors. at least $44.00 to have been towards, according to i that lady gets into dozens of palestinians, see they have lost their jobs and is there. and since the start of the war and students have been expelled from universities for posting comments online and support the fall of simmons and also pal assuming, is it a 80 c,
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they are facing growing discrimination and worry about how they can show through the data to with those and gaza if it's something social media, post kennedy to that at a beautiful email address. either these very minutes a session on our 20 fi drones hit the city of and that in and inside the southern is very poor. it's getting a civilian building, a forward to say cause light that mentioned no injuries. the source of in the side launches on no humans. we see examples came responsibility for an attack on last week. the spokesman for the who, the forces say they find the ballistic missiles at israel in response to its continued aggression on garza, the, our armed forces of launch the number of ballistic missiles on different sensitive targets of these really redeem on the southern occupied territories,
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including military targets in the a lot area. the operation has been successful in hitting targets directly, although the enemy is hiding this fact. on forces will continue the military operations in support of the oppressed palestinian people until these really aggression against the people in guns of stops and published indians. victoria a drug and is reported to hit an air base housing us troops in northern iraq, a fire broke outs, how to fuel the photo in the strike on the rear basin and build another american position in iraq. i'm a side base is reported to have been targeted. they've been repeated attacks against us forces in iraq and syria since the start of the war on guns or western an hour of nations, international agencies and the non governmental groups. the stress, the urgent need for aid international conference in paris, including the host friendship president and i knew him a cron across the bucket reports from the french capital of the rising at the
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lease, a polish for conference on humanitarian aid for gulls, hosted by french presidency manual micro will leaders and heads of agencies among them, palestinian prime minister them a homage. dia, who set the tone or mad gum for the splitting the edge of i knew how many palestinians must be killed for the war. to stop is 6 children every hour enough, one is full, women killed every hour. enough is 10000 killed and 30 days enough. war indeed is a virus or that always wants to expand. then the current conflict is a wildfire that could consume the region that could spread the goods, discussed ways to re establish food hole, to electricity and medical supplies. they all say talked about creating a maritime humanitarian cordial fronts. initially, already sending hospital ships to the region,
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micro also said powers would increase a palestinians this year from $20000000.00 to more than a $100000000.00. but guessing vital agents of dollars, i said, my call will only happen if there is an immediate humanitarian pause in the fighting. receiving the civilians must be protected. that's absolutely indispensable, and non negotiable and is an immediate necessity. the 1st person enticed at this conference not only to coal for humanitarian pause and the fighting to help civilians in gauze, but also to the international community to work towards the last thing ceasefire between israel and thomas. until now, the european union's back to humanitarian pools bought refrained from quoting, for an end to the fighting, saying that israel has of wrong to defend itself, but is the that's increasing? does the so who cools in the blog in the bloodshed? micros tool cause a ceasefire? could signal
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a change of direction in europe. latasha popular. i'll just say era. paris to ortiz and the western countries are increasingly cracking down pro palestinian protests. the examples across europe and in the us rights groups have expressed concerns about crackdowns on campuses and in politics. mishita played their own the posting in american congress, essentially this week and house of representatives and social media, john simple, some of the keys essential invoices as a critical of israel, it's a slow thing that's become a rallying cry for people around the world for testing. and supports of palestinians from a route to london to washington dc calls for an end. it's israel's bombardments of gaza. have an interspersed with the chunk from the river to the sea. palestine will
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be free. it refers to the area between the jordan river and the mediterranean sea, which encompasses israel, the occupied west bank and gaza. what protests is considered a call for equality pro is rare, lives at the site is anti semitic. any protestant ends on this support to say that's not the case. it's a quote for freedom and an end to is very occupation case, i'm secretary is drawing criticism off the she a case police of having what she call the pro palestinian bias. so the problem and the keys loans as metropolitan police are being lenient towards protest is running for cease 5 and gaza. she call the activists quoted pro palestinian mobs and hate marches. so they get, has more now the comments made by the home secretary. so a brother might have spirals into a political route. they took place in an editorial that was them published in the
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times of london on the day off the amazing had taken place between the prime minister wishes to not. and the heads of the match police. now with that in mind, the prime minister's office for expressing has said from that that it did not give the final go ahead for those comments to be published. and so that also cool to go ahead. now it could be a way, so the prime minister to be seeking to distance himself away from those comments holes for us. it does say what from sort of problem and who has not really shied away from giving a strong opinion about these kind of city and sort of our too much excuse pulled them hate launch is as well which many politicians have said has only caused motivation and has raised ongoing, perhaps cause that divisiveness which really isn't helpful to the whole thing. nevertheless, the demonstration is going ahead at the met police said that they will press the head with that i see as a.
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