tv News Al Jazeera November 12, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm AST
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see you then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter when you call home, we'll put you can use and car into trash that match it to you. the challenge is here, where the continuous is really showing in northern gaza, the wounded or rushed to the indonesian hospital the i'm several very a good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 lives from the also coming up, no electricity at all. shift the hospital means the lives of dozens of newborn
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babies or risk doctors. a warning that many could die from cape town to london, jakarta, to brussels hundreds of thousands of people around the world called for a ceasefire in garza, and with no fuel for cars, buses and trucks. palestinians are forced to resort to old ways to move around in the gods. the, the more engine people are being rushed to the indonesian hospital in northern gauze. as israel continues as bombing campaign, there is really air strikes of also targeted areas near the hospital. medical facilities have enjoyed overnight showing across gaza at least 11100 palestinians have been killed since the start of this war. the relentless is really bombardment has not spared schools either. your strikes have targeted a school for displaced people in the city of faith law. here in northern garza, no casualties have been reported. honeywell,
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who joins us from hon. eunice inside the gaza strip. honey update us on what's happening, where you are in han units because people were brought to hospital shortly before spoke to you the last time what happened in and what's happening now? i guess. well, within the past, our residential homes, the eastern side of hon, unit venice taylor area, a residential building belong to another jar family. a 4 story building was completely destroyed with multiple air strikes. turning the whole building into a pile of rubble rubble and damaging the 3 more residential homes surround in it. it is 6 people have been reported, kills right of the sputter from one family with multiple injuries. it brought to the hospital we despite the k us at the entrance of the emergency department,
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we managed to speak with one of the family members who described mom and so horror as he said, the land, the ground was shaking underneath their feet before a huge explosion. took place and destroyed the building. do work inside of it. this what seems to be what the is regulated. i have used before an earthquake bonds penetrating at the ground and shaking the very foundation of the building, destroying all of it. this the latest of new and is but just within the past minute, just another explosion could be heard a close to the vicinity of the hospital. what seems to be an instance defied air strikes, campaign happening in the southern part of does the trip a place that is designated supposedly as a safe, an area for evacuees and for palestinian a as the work continue to raise honey,
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i'm wondering we have an update about the number of people go in 113 people have been killed. this is the latest from the hosp to the 13 people in the top back on the residential building and sign is 13. not 6 has been that the number has rising up, right? you just got the update. um okay, thank you for that latest information for me. what's happening in the southern part of this strip right near where you are in hon units where you're reporting from honey. i also want to ask you about the northern part of a strip, because the hospitals there have been under attack specifically on ship a hospital has been under siege from the is really army for the better part of 36 hours now. and the staff there has warned that the critically ill patients might die if uh, once they are no longer able to support the medical equipment with electricity. and that includes the incubators for the newborn babies. what's the latest that you can
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tell us on that as well? and there are actually for hospitalization, garza and the northern part the are under uh, military sees as we speak, a super hospitalized is a representative sample of those health facilities have been targeted repeatedly of the most of the hospital grantees if it's got a cost to them and then that even hospital in the northern part of garza, they're all equally at risk. right now the old have if i can easily have 1000 evacuated there, hundreds of injuries inside include the medical, the stop and also babies war insides, a incubators. what's happened at the super hospital? it's been under constant and repeated talks a by is really talk control and it finally got it. removing off to the hospital, their number of people have been killed right at the court yard of the hospital and inside the building is that there are ample evidence to prove that because some of
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these missiles are landed inside the intensive care unit inside the building. contrary to what day is really military spokesperson saying that they're not firing at the hospice, they're not targeting the hospital, but there are evidence that of these missiles inside the building of the hospitals . the hospital is running out of basically everything, no food and no electricity, no water. it babies and infants in incubators are at risk of losing their, their life because there's no power to run these. thank you. patients as well as the a decision doxygen station has been destroyed, cutting the line, the pipeline of oxy into the intensive care unit. and then she reasons many of the injured palestinian inside of work critically injured are losing their lives inside the house with a similar stipulations that's happening at other hospitals. unfortunately, the nouns to genocide right now is hundreds of people inside the hospital. a are at
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press the honeymoon reporting live from san eunice inside the gaza strip at this hour. it's 11 am where you are. thank you very much for that reporting and the well world health organization says that it has lost communication with its contacts inside. i'll shift the hospital, the one we were just talking about. this off to the hospital, ran out of electricity, water and medical supplies, thousands of palestinians seeking safety at the strips largest medical facility. you have enjoyed another night in fear as really a tax continue. the goal is that health industry has reported bombing and fighting in all directions around l. schiffer and run a look on reports. these are some of the guys as most vulnerable these prematurely born babies are meant to be kept in incubators. with oxygen and temperature regulating equipment, helping every breath they take. but due to that constant is really siege and bombardment, they are now bundled up in towels and sheets in gauze as i'll shift the hospital in
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sufficient fuel and no electricity, hospital staff that suspended operations in our urging the international community to help save the youngest lives in the defeat strip, we had requested a protection for these children and protection for the patients to intensive care unit, however, that they told us that you have only one hour to remove these children from one place to another. now we place the children in a very unhealthy place is that is not conducive to that condition. these children were born often less than 7 months of pregnancy. now we are struggling to save that lives using primitive methods or using the manual simple methods. but however, this is very also send the bill, a child to 0, spoke to a father of 2 incidents for being treated at. i'll ship a hospital. he says he feels beyond helpless. honestly, this is something you cannot describe when you these 2 such a point. where you con,
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provide safety to your newborn children. and honestly, today what i spoke with the red cross, literally they told me that they had suspended their operations in the guys, then they have no news about meet on the black. you know, new as i told i didn't know what the or right or not this desperate father is among the hundreds of thousands of palestinians, forced to leave their homes in north casa, to escape is really strikes. i'll shift the hospital is garza's, the largest medical facility. thousands are using the hospital, a shelter. almost 5000 patients are receiving care. in nearly 800 others are waiting to be admitted. the facility and its staff are at a breaking point. and with every passing minute, the youngest pulsed any lives born into this war are in danger of becoming part of
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an ever growing list of young lives. cut to short, runa lafond l to 0 of israel's foreign minister, now has again rejected growing calls for a ceasefire. and says that the is really army will remain inside the strip after the fighting has stopped rush out of the blue and i own shuffle as far as the day after goes that day will only arrive after destroying him. awesome. a. gaza will be demilitarized that will no longer be a threat from gaza on his rail and to ensure they won't be such a threat as long as necessary. these really military will maintain control of cause to prevent tara from insight into what of several high ride joyce's from occupied east jerusalem is talk a little bit about this are because so netanyahu once again addressing this notion of the day after what happens if and when the is really military reached their goal of wiping out on mos uh, from the gaza strip. what else did he say? and did he say anything about who might be running the strip of
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the 20 some you know, so he doesn't want to be running the strep. and he said that's the palestinian authority, but he also added in that statement that so they will be that for a long time, even off they reach that goal, which is to get rid of how much in time the initially when this was started, they would just focusing on the ministry aspect, so come us which is all confirmed brigade. and that plan seems to have expanded to getting rid of how much even rolling of the gaza strip entirely. um, he also said that they'll be that for a long time and that they will take over the security aspect of things. he also called on the our believe is the said to condemn what, how must has been doing. of course, in reference to october, the state for what we guessing here is really interesting because it's a message. it seems of defiance. he also was contradict seeing what the us has been
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pushing for, which is the palestinian authority taking over. because the concern would be that they would be a vacuum. he didn't say that they planned to re all keep pipes, garza as we've seen in a previously when they eventually pulls out the troops on those illegal sense of mostly 2005. but just generally, a wanted to just find message to the international community and creating insights . he said that if, if israel has to do it, how if it has to, it will stand firm against the wall. so, because of the increased criticism, incense, cindy, this is going to raise a lots of questions. we're ready hearing report page that the us is questioning the statements as to what it plans to do once it has. uh and uh, got rid of from us. several high reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much for that. sorry. this is really forces and carried out multiple res, again in the occupied westbank, the city of to bus and the village of boycott. and the novelist corbana govern government are among the latest targets and to buy some residents placed burning
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tires on the roads to try to stop is really vehicles from entering. bernard smith has more from not less than the occupied westbank beneficiaries of overnight raids in the occupied westbank. as usual. they were in again jeanine as well as romano to come to us and elsewhere radar. a fox of life in the occupied west bank, but they really have increased notably since october the 7th, and average of around 40 a day. now in these oven i raise one man was killed. that means now a $185.00 palestinians have been killed and the occupied westbank since the 7th of october, around $2.00 and $2.00 and a half 1000 arrested. and many of those, most of those held in administrative tension, which means that can be held without challenge or trial in definitely worth reminding people as well. but they all keep out of westbank has been closed off by israel since october. the 7th. that means is about
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a 195 palestinians of work and israel and some of them in the settlements. they have not been allowed to go to work. they don't been allowed to an, an income since october, the 7th. and also here, particularly novelist and in janine relies on assuming these riley's who come in on the fridays in the sense that they stayed in the hotels eating the restaurants. they've also no been allowed in was really strangling the economy in the occupied westbank as well. but it's me, i'll just sarah nablus of more than 4500 palestinian children have been killed in israel's relentless bombardment of gaza. those who have survived have been forced from their homes, often moving several times in search of safety for the children whose families fled to southern gaza shared their stories with alpha 0. jessica washington reports of my dream just being to stop playing it stadiums around the world in front of cheering signed
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a few weeks ago. he was injured in his rainy strike. just right. like was the changes that i me for the for bob, one loveless. my augusta mistreat the island above the the asset. i do know origin on the special god night and then the how, how, how much salmon, how one can 10 months lined up for the month. the model itself too hot and his family used to live in central cancer. they watched as one by one of the residential towers in the neighborhood, including the home who raised to the ground. despite the her, as she has witnessed, the little girl smiles as much. so conscious about being unkind but such moments happiness all these deals. uh
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no, i said this is the oh i know i have not been in the house in the system. i cleared your car and then the visa is done. oh i have given that to them tenet to, to be able to send that to you. well, i am the oh, i have the senior quiz, the desa stagen and i could have been on the phone with god knows come said ella, and the last the cubs. i am living in and make shift camp in a school. god was loans of life, a home and to friends. the camp is crowded and noisy. she misses her life before
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the war. and of course have of the fall of us on the other side of it because it helps. oh, it's lucky in the side of the tim what headaches a, he's a uh uh, the mismatch. the news, it's unlikely home is still standing, and 2 books have probably been destroyed, but thinking about them gives her a chance to escape into a fictional world when life is easier and kinder to children like jessica washington to 0. still a head on alpha 0, the heart beat of guns that we look back at now shift the hospitals were torn fast to stay with us the
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there's some rain we need to talk about it hoss trailer, got hired for one of those details right here, right now, so from the northern territory break down to south australia will have some verse of rain here. it has turned cooler in the southeast with that southerly breeze. that's a cool breeze. but adelaide not too bad had 26 degrees on monday. rain is point in to the southern outs and new zealand. some spots here could see a couple 100 millimeters of rain. and oh yeah, it's going to be windy as well. but those windsor helping to boost the temperature, christ church and needed in the low twenties. and it looks like we've got some tropical activity cooking up in the south pacific. right. that's feet of rain right down to fiji and tongue out on monday. this is something we'll watch and update you on in time cooler air has sung out of china and hose in vietnam. look at the temperature in hanoi 18th, that is well below average. and the monsoon rains, steering rain right into that central coast of vietnam, once again,
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heavy rainfall alerts across parts of the late peninsula as well. and then really quote is the story across most of china. whoo, on how to it's coldest day of the year. the other day, you've bounced back a bit to 9 degrees on monday and we've got some snow for whole keitel honshu even avalanche alerts in play here. as we end back at this part of southeast asia. it is a soggy forecasts on born year wiley. the so many politicians want to be the republican party is candidate for to any stand, a chance it gets donald trump, if our planet is burning and we're running out of time, why are we doing more to deal with climate change or american politics? just getting into it screen for most americans for quizzical look. us politics, the bottom line of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like and it's my job to shed light on how and why the
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the you're watching else. as a reminder of our headlines this, our israel has intensified strikes near all of the gauzy strips. main hospitals were as of thousands of displace palestinians or sheltering newborn babies announced if a hospital or risk there meant to be an incubators to receive the oxygen in temperature. regulation critical for their survival, but the facilities suspended operations as there is no electricity. at least 13 palestinians have been killed and it is really air strike on the house in fun, eunice in southern gaza. honey, who joins us again some from hun, eunice, honey. when we last spoke to you,
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you were just getting that update that 13 palestinians have been killed. and in the interim period, we've also just started receiving pictures recap for us. what has happened of the right. well, within the past hour, 15 minutes that a loud explosion could be heard right here from the hospital where we are reporting a front at about 10 minutes later, a group of ambulances party to move very fast. but they were getting calls from at venice taylor area eastern of hon unit. that's eastern time eunice side where they were told a residential home was targeted, a 4 story building full of people without warning whatsoever. the 4 floors of the building were full of people, not only the owner of that building but also evacuated. who moved if lea
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a flip from garza and the northern part, not only the, the house was destroyed but also the surrounding area for more residential homes are just about a block, an entire block that was turned into a pile of ruins that we spoke to. one person came to the hospital, but very, very scared of what happened. it describe that the good feel the ground shaking underneath his feet before a loud explosion happened and, and destroying the entire building. and in a loud, a very dark cloud of smoke surrounding the area with the flying objects and, and, and the stones around him. at 13 people were of 2 people were reported. killed right instantly at that point. and these 2 people, we're in front of that building out in the street. but as time went by 13 people weird. it brought to the hospital,
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it some of them. and this is really very graphic. we, we so this coming, but they were brought in, in, in a blanket. they were wrapped in a blanket they worked into and they were brought in pieces to the hospital. a little girl's was unfortunately, it was directly hit by a start by flying sharp. now that a caused severe damage to her hit and was pronounced. it did right at the spot. so, so far, 13 people have been killed as a result of those multiple air strikes on that area. and the job building residential home and the with multiple injures that brought to the hospital. now this is a reminder to what happened in other neighborhoods and, and, and, and neighbor and a residential of blocks. and no say right, refugee camp and other areas of growth behind 10 units where those bonds are, are unconventional. they penetrate to the ground, the, the, the shape, the, the,
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the, the foundation of the, of the building to the point that the building cannot stand it, it collapse right away. as a result of this troy foundation and the severe explosion that that's happened when day of strike takes place. not all of this as part of the of the air start, but there's the aftermath of that of the air start people who will survive. people who survive the air strikes are, are, are now displays for the 2nd time. so they flipped from y'all's under, as far as this on, internally displaced to find themselves one more time displaced. i mean, those are killed, they're killed, right? right at them of those who survive the remaining family member who said that is the only one remaining of, of the 13 is displaced. 4th the the 2nd time. and there's no place to go to right now. my honeymoon would listen. thank you very much for that. update and that level
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of detail. we were just watching the aftermath of that strike on a residential building in the city of han, eunice that has killed 13 people just moments ago of that's what the scene looks like as we speak honey mountain road reporting from han. eunice, thank you very much. earlier i spoke to dr. med mohammed, lot to a surgeon at l. shift the hospital that's in the northern part of the strip and he says that hospitals are becoming more and more unsafe to 30 hardy, but situation the one we are facing now. it just started like we didn't know where does the inborn point of this one is getting side that on side of the situation, the squeezing got around to ship a whole speaker is getting at tied to. so targeting the biggest hosted with them in garza, which seems to be the one to treat the injured patient. now we can hardly 3 the patients within our hospital, and then we every now and then think that it's still sitting on say. so we are in
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limited awards on it's continue on being at a try at from the c and the thrones are within the hospital in the area. and anyone moving between the buildings, they can totally upset the, the city itself because of some issues with they. they could see the engineer who went to try to fix that. and it was shocked by the throne and just in his make and he goes for all of his portal. and so the situation that you have to study on sit even symbols. that means the hospital building in, in one building comfortable for the other building. even if i look to wants to see the patient and the other to be a comfortable bed. so what's happened is the already we were in a bad situation collapsing situation of the has just been running out of fuel to the city of both the now the richmond site that they affect the will sort of cents on top of the building. now we can have bullets out,
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he'd be whole buildings in the, in the toilet for the patients. hygiene. and also hospital is the largest medical complex in the gaza strip into generations sick and injured palestinians have flocked to the facility for the treatment or challenges. looks, edit history, any hospital any way, sees both life and death. babies come into this wealth and people deposit. it's the regular pulse of medical care every way. but few hospitals see as much depth and misery as el cheapo for al chief has a different pulse. it's the heart beat of gaza, so frequently passage by israel is bombs, which shifted lives and limbs. this was 2009 out to 0, feeling the young boy until the sod had nearly lost his leg in the it's ready rock . it strikes the killed. his mother is that i cannot forgive. i cannot forgive them
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for what they have done to me and for killing my motto. more than a decade and count with asked directly to an almost identical yes hands a honda prize and paid off to an attack on jamalia in 2021. his mother. unlike it too, this was still alive to comfort him. through many years of these ready blockade, our chief emetics have done what they can for palestinians. despite often lacking many of the supplies, hospitals can usually take for granted. we just released in 2009 al cheapest direct. the general describe the situation at the complex state is true now it was at the time, this is a very big concern to me and to the health stuff as well. you know, we are living in in the siege and didn't complete the verification of the simplest rights as a human bank. and the simplest, twice as
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a profession of a hospital has been on this site since british rule and his and you are through the arab is ready was of 1940 eights, 19671973. but the war of 2023 is a conflict. the likes of which out she for cause has not seen before. it's around it bombed and cuts off. it can no longer treat patients and there's no guarantee that i'll she for all those using it for centuries. to survive will reach helen's elders here and protests in support of palestine have been taking place around the world in the us 100 waves flags and chance in seeing supplier now near the house of presidential biden. as he arrived in his home state of delaware, after taking part in events during the veteran's day, thousands of south africans turned out in cape town. they were led by clergy from different states and called on the government to expel the as really ambassador and
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indonesia. thousands of demonstrators gathered near the capital of jakarta in support of palestine and demanding an end to the attacks and gaza of israel's total c. just because it has disrupted all aspects of life with no fuel for cars, buses and trucks. palestinians have been forced to find another way to move around . but how many fall has the story? the it looks like a scene from the past. but this is kind of going to seem southern because like 20. c 23 of 2 weeks of he does. he is 80 bombardments and the yes monk blockades. almost teenagers are returning to the old where your calls have disappeared. and a little replaced by duncan costs. here was the son of us, the leaving the house to go to the hospital because i have diabetes and high blood pressure. here are my medical records. there are no cars, no fuel,
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