tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 25, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm AST
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captives is because they are waiting for the is riley's to deliver. so if the is radio corporation forces wants to cancel this deal, they will only confirmed what we have always been saying is that they do not respect the agreements. and this enemy can never be trustworthy. and that this enemy only understand one language, which is the language of the force. and without this force, they wouldn't have even concluded this deal. as a result, they need to understand that this is the, the force and only force will be able to help us to maintain this deal. i would like to remind everyone as well that the is ready. ok, patient is committed to eliminate thomas. and after 50 days, they came to negotiate with moss and they accepted all their agree. there is
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clauses and conditions and they agreed to to release the prisoners. they tried to release some of the captives, but they could not release, not even a single captive without the permission of harm us. so once again, we remind them that they have lost in the last 3 weeks, 335 military vehicles and different weapons. and shields, and those who destroyed those military vehicles and killed dozens of their soldiers are still there. and they are still ready to continue to fight. and they are motivated and they do not feel defeated or that they'll see that they have said also how must said that they are ready to protect those. it has just gone an 1800 hours, gmc 8 pm in gaza. the occupied territories,
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and israel, you have been listening that to a lengthy press conference given by some i'm done, the spokesman of a mouse speaking in the baby root, a wide ranging statement that he began with characterizing the cease fires of victory for the resistance. as it forced israel to negotiate to give up cast captives and that the resistance would not be defeated. and then a, moving onto a list of other topics. asking the world to look at the destruction of gaza, particularly medical facilities, looking forward to a time when it's ready, the latest will be brought to justice calling on arab countries to initiate mass protests against the war on guys. a crucially though, there is a hiccup, a delay in the hand over these, right? the captains being held by moss and gossip because a moss has complained that east valley is not complying with the tons of the seas.
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5 deal. and also i'm having done that talking about the failure of israel to send trucks of 8 to those guys of the manipulation of palestinian prison. a list of those do to be released, opening fire, he said on palestinians trying to reach northern gaza the how much negotiators have notified the mediators. katasha immediate is that they expect these conditions to be fulfilled until they are the hand of is postponed. now on the shower is with me in the studio to 0 senior political analyst model on where on us does that leave us? clearly there's a problem. yes, those are problems and it seems like there is uh, a certain time limit for resolving this problem. these writers are talking about 6 hours. if this problem is not resolved, they go into the resume. fighting, technically, i think they said midnight. and that the 4 hours from now actually, yes, well, there's the announce to to try it. good. and in fact,
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i just also heard the mouse in their conversation with the cut, the location that i brought into. there's a customer that edition visit. think is right now that they are thinking in a framework of 3 hours, apparently from just half an hour ago in order to find out how they could resolve the problem with these rights was how mosque was violation? these are the wheels of this monitoring mechanism. now the engine tracking process to make sure it doesn't break down. uh, but clearly a, that's a clue to how much as is looking to squeezes as much as it's gotten out of it. so fortunately, i mean that they know nic and which how much is handling this? it could be, i mean, we don't know for sure, but it could be correct in the sense that they really think that is where it is on delaying the 8 to get to that i still because that's what, especially as an old guy that what is needed most and they think that the,
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those that these are, these are releasing or some of them do not really meet the criteria of the prisoners that need to be at least for example, one of them has only one once more and so, so, so there is that aspect of it, but i'm sure they're also especially judging from that to the toner voice. and that sort of speech of, of mr. holmes on is that they're trying to squeeze as much as they can out of deal . fortunately to where they have a platform to this of the world, and by the way, not to be to the but most of ward as much as it is for the western world. they try to, you know, repeat again and again and again, the various injustices that, and also the various achievements of him us has made them really underlining once. and again, that's how much and the people are, you know, spin ah, tied into one another. and despite all the destruction, invest in guys that the people continue to support how much this is a kind of display of propaganda data is there's
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a display of public relations for sure. propaganda. yes. just like these really is do. if you listen to the last uh, you know, 3 or 4 conferences, a press conference from these readies, you can see in fact. busy very similar points, for example, just the very last point is the point that both sides continue to repeat, which is that it is the only language they understand force. he just said that just said, that's the only language is understand is really, is repeat that every day the only language i have mice understands was forced. but my point, my, my, my main point is that when i get to listening to what you called the lengthy speech from him, that is that how much is trying to reach a attitude with his right. see, i mean the point was for been for 50 days of how much is on the grounds, hiding its evil in the eyes of these writers and their supporters in the west that they don't know what they're doing. they are reckless. they are bloody and so on, so forth. and how much just trying to come back with a discourse. i just 5 more balanced trying to say no,
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we know what we're doing. we support our people. we in fact we protect our people. we don't use them as human shields. we actually, once everything gets good for our people and creating that kind of at the end the month, think fairness and end of the violation gives them the kind of platform they really want to on the line that they are legitimate party, legitimately. there's of the significant the other thing that strikes me is that they may know, or at least be calculating that they can afford to squeeze, is rarely in this way. because really it would be and it seems to me disastrous for products products and this, and you all having these readings to see the, the present to the end of this deal. i see those hundreds of people that we were just looking at in that squared instead of waiting for news of the release of an ex transfer of cap captives and those expect it to morrow. and those expect is the next day to see all of that to unravel. that is nothing these right, these interest to, to the government. that's why i think it's very opportune for how much to be using
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these very particular moments to know what the stablished parity in order to dictate the process and to show themselves to be in control of how the process go in as much as the is there and is, are in control that policy is very important for him us to show it says that despite the fire power these various have, despite the estimates of pro kept ability of his right, that's how much tends to dictate conditions can still dictate the process. can some dictates the timing also and so forth that really gives them more procedural, more influence, at least in the eyes of their supporters. if not in the eyes of the detractors, i was just listening to a discussion among these ladies, including the former commander of the southern forces, which basically the sex the the for this stuff to the man now in charge of the war and gaza. and he said, if we don't get that done so immediately, we need to relaunch the war tonight against that guys. because how much is color finally trying to use this extra time in order to locate all our forces and guys in
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order then to have an advantage over us? because we cannot these raise. we cannot 3 men stuck like this for days on what, how much is playing games with us in his words. so i think these are in fact crucial hours. now, if nothing gets resolved, i think there is an intention of the part, some in the is there a minute 30 this by the, the interest of the safety and the possibility of release of the captive slash hostages. that these areas might say we cannot afford for how much to play us and to dictate terms to us and to basically here many of us are submitted by one. thank you is well, let's go now to honey my flute, who joins us from con eunice. uh, honey. we just had to link the press conference from uh uh, how about spokesman speaking in bay route, excuse me,
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who has outlined the objections that how much is raising to the fulfillment of this cease fire deal? what are you hearing about the alleged breaches of the seas? 5 deals that have occurred on the ground in gauze of the firing on people trying to reach the newest, the failure of aid to reach the no the yes . well, the state, the speech was the name, the a, a quick rundown of all the events, then a chain of, of, of link, the events and scenarios leading off to the declaration of the, of the seas. fire or the pause, and also highlighting all the, the main violations of, of, of the seeds fire and the inability of israel to adhere to the agreed upon terms
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of the seeds fire on the ground. here, this speech is very consistent with this statement issued by how much military a, when a found a brig dates that, that, that how to clearly stated a 3 basic violations on the ground. a chief among them is the delivery of humanitarian at a, at the flow, the free law of a truck seeking and delivering, excuse me, humanitarian aid, and not only to the southern part of the golf industry, but also to the northern part name the, the guy, the city and all the remaining cities in the parts a contrary to what was the case a few weeks ago when all these humanitarian aid were only delivered to the southern part. this time, one of the conditions in the seas fire the free flow and, and the relief and the un is really moving out of the way and removing the blocks on the road and living with those attracts to get to where they are supposed to go . people in the northern parts are in need of those human to terry and
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a to trucks and survival items. and then another violation stated by the statesman via a sound. it was about the people who tried exactly who, who tried to go north to their homes, to god. the northern part got scripts were meant by live immunization into your gas . do people were killed yesterday, as well as a live immunization was used to stars and dear augusta dispersed a good people who gathered what these really military created as the seeds fire line. a 3rd violation of and stated by the statement was the at the assign, the brigade is spotted a spied drawn, which is contrary to what was agreed upon it, which is the disappearance of all of the it's by surveillance and drawn from 10 in the morning to 4 pm for a period of 6 hours that spied drawing, why the spotted within that time is crane agreed upon by, by these really then,
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in fact we, we know we know from the nearly our statement uh that that was one of the conditions on order to do a offered more logistical ability to uh, confirm the gates on the ground to move a cap does the from where the to where they are supposed to be. so these together, the 3 violations, uh, is where the reason for the delay of the, the release of the tops is we're talking about a suspension of the swab. the process it's, it's fairly to talk about it. it's over, or we're seeing a signs of it's deluxe. he also back to the speeds. uh the, how much official. uh, it was on a home then a talk commented on to threaten me by and is really a military officer. he said by midnight, if the release doesn't happen, is redwood resume the war. he commented on that that this will not change our position. we need it commitments. lead guarantees that there's really military and
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is rid of government, commit and adhere to a they agreed upon the terms of the si, fi or other than this position on the ground is not going to change that so far. what is happening a on, on just a different know, people here are watching carefully what's going on. and that's the reason why their optimism was very cautious. the seeds fire was meant with this cautious optimism because of this moment that was referred to earlier, too. as technical issues, but in fact they're not technically they are the hearts of the agreement between a homeless and the is really a government. and now we see that this mcgovern is not committed adherence to the, to those terms of the seeds fire. one of them is the same, the number of attract agreed upon is 200 trucks of every day. what we see is it less than the number agreed upon reaching to the northern part. then we're talking about dire situation. complicated starvation go on is going on. they are
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a state of disease, an illness infectious diseases, lack of the drinking water. so there is a need for those at the, at to a to reach to the northern part and gaza. sure. i got the city. yeah. honey. good for circumstances and i appreciate and tiny what you say that it is too early to talk about the collapse of this deal. it is indeed too early to talk about the collapse of this deal. but the exchange kind of take postponed and we'll move on from honie in gaza to need to abraham, who's in bay to near the bay to near crossing and occupied westbank not far from of a prison where we are awaiting at some point, hopefully the release of the palestinian prisoners need it. it is clear now that he's not going to be happening in the immediate future, but possibly, and hopefully later tonight, when i spoke the spoke to you last, you were on the t a gas fired a very tense situation. it looked like for the things like the now there
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they have come down since we last talks and we have not seen tear gas being fired towards us or the dozens of palestinians who have gone gathered your. let me remind you that around this time yesterday, the prisoners were in the buses making their way from this very st. to that, between the municipalities where thousands of palestinians march and the wood waiting in the municipality yard to welcome the prisoners. we've seen families how getting their loved ones. we've also seen flags by how mass we've heard from those free prisoners saying that if it was in for the factions in gaza, they would not have been released. although some of them were the people we've been speaking through, they say one of them said my name made it to the list, but i've been released at the earlier. another person was saying that he has one
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month left on his sentence and he has still has been released. he was saying, you know what, maybe people would hire sentences should have been a release, then should have gotten more priority. as i was going to be released a bit later on, and this points in particular has been reference by the p a heads of prisoners commission. he said that is what it was supposed to be releasing those with higher sentences. and those will spend longer times in his way the jails, but they've seen that this is a way, uh, as far as the do it outside as they had the, the prisoners commission that has been saying this is a way that is where it is kind of turning it around and, and using the deal to its benefit by the leasing people who have finished their sentences or they were going to finish them soon. but still those people who made it outside the prisons have been with their families, author,
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batches. we're hopeful now that hope is becoming less and less and being replaced with fear with worry that maybe the deal is not going to make it again. yes, these really cop does have been released around 4 pm and 4 hours late that palestinian prisoners have been released, which is around 8 pm. but now with is past 8 pm. there's no news about these rated captives nor the palestinian prisoners, which is making policy is here more and more worried. today the palestinians did not receive any list uh, basically showing or suggesting who's gonna was going to be released. so this is why we're seeing less and less numbers of families gather the here, need earl for prison. it's a military prison also has a minute. the records where the miners and other palestinians are twice as you know,
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posted is live under as roles made it through a few patients and everyone including minors has to attend military courts. there's a sense of tension, a sense of worry amongst boston in a clear the, there's a lots of a space. okay. need up hanging in there. it could be a long night for you and your team. many thanks for the updates for now and staying on the outside. westbank child stratford is alive for us at the i'll, i'll be there a, i'm told charles that is a location where it is expected that they will be families being re united, following the release of palestinian prisoners. what's uh, what's the mood of the crowd that where you well, very little crowd join a, as you can see, as you rightly say, we are outside one of the municipality buildings where it had been expected that so some of the prisoners would be reunited with the families maybe scenario that is
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being set up for celebrations. a very, very few people here, indeed back mo journalists and family is the only family that we've spoken to. came down from nablus earlier today. they having seen the, the names of one of the 2 songs that is still incarcerated inside and these variety jail. now this list was unofficial, that was being circulated on um, on social media. and the family came down into a code that so there's some would be on one of these policies unless you can imagine they all very disappointed. indeed about the news that we're now hearing the mother describing how she left the daughter in atlas. promising that the adults will be reunited with a product this evening and preparations were being made for that. she's now having to break the news to us that that is no longer happening. so yeah, the situation will certainly for the time being, the situation here is, is one of
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a growing disappointment and. busy we all potentially expecting some sort of statement maybe to be made by the head of the palestinian prisoner association later. but we understand that that may be dependent indeed on whether we do eventually see palestinian prisoners being pro, to, to be reunited with their families and pro, for some sort of celebrations of style. we're in a very, very different situation to where we were at this time. and last night, as we heard, knew the same by this time caught us to be in prison is nice that you know, i was ready, were you not you with their families in the occupied with banking unoccupied history? so of course, charles steven is the cease fire continues in gaza. there's no spot on the west bank. the bean raids ongoing throughout the and most recently in jenny and tell us about the man. that's why it's uh, what are we looking at now?
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suppose it was about 2 hours ago, we started hearing use of a large scale. i'm going to to right happening in the town, or do you need in the city if you need in the north of be occupied with by and we have been speaking to journalists on the ground inside jeanine. they are saying does that right? is own going. um they saying that both the cities hospitals have been surrounded by is really bloody is riley all be that have seen flashes. we understand. we know that jeanine is often described as one of the epi sensors for the resistance groups inside the occupied west. bank indications, which suggests that this is yet another attempt, by the way, the military to round up more suspects affiliated with some of those groups. we already have had in the last 24 hours, at least 17, all the people arrested, you know, on top of the mold in $3100.00 that have been detained since they have us attacks
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on october. the 7th will serve hearing reports of injuries in janine a at least 5 people certainly be reported as being injured. all of them. we are told in a serious condition. so yeah, just another example as of the, they being absolutely no risk spike whatsoever in this escalation in these increasing is right. the ministry rides rounding up hundreds, thousands of palestinians since the world garza began. and yeah, cool. all i, we're doing this is happening at a time like this, where we've heard this bad news about how this, this prison as well with these captives is now playing out from seemingly what could potentially be quite expensive delay. right. well, from the upside westbank charles trespass, thank you very much for that. we go now to tell of these with out of iraq
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is standing by for us. good to check in with you again. so the last time we spoke to, there was a riley taking place. what are people saying now in response to what, how boss has said about delaying postponing the end of are these ready captives? no it's and it was that raleigh is still a bit thousands of attendees. hey right now it's still ongoing. they would just shout thing. bring them back now now now. 8 and it seems we're not really seeing if people writes me across the page by giving their reasons as to why there's been a delay, but it's 4 hours now since they are expected to be handed over. and obviously that will create so huge amounts of laurie, especially all the people, hey, has said that they had some hope given that so those concepts were really simple to
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is route yes, today. now what we do, what we are hearing at the moment based on is really media, is that it seems the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as the war cabinet, is it seems behind me. if you can see, i'm not sure i'm not shot the building all the what's known as the defense ministry . 1 curiosity, that's where they usually hold those me thing is really media is reporting that of me. thing is this actually happening at the moment to the next step? but again, nothing confirmed, nothing official from the is really the, the army who had the war cabinet or even the prime minister because it seems this has taken them by surprise. even the on until yesterday is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that anything could be expected in front. some people we had been speaking see before it happened yesterday,
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where the top says i will pull aside from israel when we last seen them. whether they will hire for the time before it happened, they said that anything could be expected with how much. but here we are now we've heard from them, but we all yet to receive an official reaction from these really. so i just wanted to our viewers attention to the pictures that are going on on our screen besides you, you know, to the, about this, but this is a bit junior, across sick lives. pictures that we're looking at, that evidently 10 scenes ambulances on the scene. it looks a moment ago is this an intake person who's being rushed into one of those ambulances? we know that everyone we was speaking to need. adrian, how kind of corresponding on the ground that these adults have present. that is where palestinian prisoners are due to be released under the deal where they would be set free. they would lodge crowds that last night friday night. so the 1st of
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these release is a few of numbers on saturday night because of uncertainty about names on the list. and in the last hour, the crowds that were, that had come on to tea. a gas $55.00 is really drones dropping to a gas from overhead. now, something more serious appears to have developed the we are waiting to get our correspondent data backup so that we can talk to more about this. but perhaps so as we wait for nita, we can stay with you with a crowd of around the different sort. but of course with the same name waiting to see the written of loved ones being held in captivity. yes, where they all hey uh and uh israel, whether it's this right is the, was a part of sydney and just so much on 9 territory overhead. especially when we were
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hearing some of the uh, family members that were just speaking id are on stage. one of them is a relative to one of the captive pulled on my they said he's 22 and is really uh he was uh taken across the gaza on the type of 7. and they said that they all have to speak on his behalf because he doesn't have a voice to and they said the 50 days seems unbelievable to them that they are still in this position when the majority of those that have been taken captive into because i still haven't been released and in fact the, the face of many of them is still on northern and of course, as they've been talking here saying at some point they were saying that once we did start to see the cops as being taken nova across the board, into israel will be showing it on the screen as well. it's been a few hours now and the people were staying on the sit, looking a group of people sitting in front of me through to that uh,
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finding the following. because obviously here is my stay on safe for the following . the on st. send from is really means the 2nd by 2nd minute, 5 minute waiting for any kind of news. and you have, i mean i was uh, recently uh, in occupied east jerusalem. i was also recently in occupied west bank. where do you speak to the potters? simeon? um there is a real consent as a situation and in terms of the arrest, the number of rest that had been made a full palestinian system. many of those, especially those on the angels or themes as children. 6 and families want them once at them and still want them by time because many of them have been health intentions without any legal process tools. many of them have been asked to use in fact, without even legal representation. but regardless suddenly, hey, in what's become known as hostage quest, that would tool the way they want of some member of society was speaking on stage
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cooling on the international countries such as cost. so as such as the us thing and hoping that they will put more pressure, they said to ensure that all of those concepts per box, we'd also audio high from the defense minister. you all come out and who said that is ready for us is, will not leave the gaza strip until all of the hostages at all returned to is robin . any future negotiations with how much will be carried out amid this by saying this is something that all of that is in charge of making those big decisions when it comes to this, who are continuously said and keep repeating it even overnight yesterday. also those practices were released. they said this isn't a time to celebrate, because as soon as these full days are over the whole days of, of these 5, we will review not find thing because the only way to bring back all of those health concept because it is through increased minute treat pressure they may take
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place that once those full days are over, they will review with that round operation. they will review with those as strikes is writing media has been reporting audio quoted seeing egyptian media saying that it seems that so several sides. do you want to see an extension to potential a suspension extension to the full days of these files and saying the old policies were willing to do? and then you had to know that is right. the media outlets are quite senior official with no name given, saying that what do you like to be happens, especially at this stage, and it would happen to the ends of the full days? well, this delays is already guy to throw a spine or in the what after the time when both sides don't trust each other. oh yeah. and is right in many ways this by saying that this is due to minutes reaction . you hard. c say that it's not because of the minutes reaction is not true because a minute ago stations,
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but they managed to get to this point have any questions. they have plenty of them said. so kind of right, thank you for your time for the updates and we will get back to you as soon as the events developed. and let's take a moment now to recap and lots of moving parts in this story. the expected exchange of a 2nd group of these really captains held in gaza and palestinian prisoners and he's ready. jails has been v, like. the plan was for his road to release at least 39 palestinian prisoners and exchanged with 13 captives held by him us. but the military wing of hamas says the exchange has been football fun to israel, as he is to the terms of the cease by the agreement. it says the israel is allowed less than half of the humanitarian aid agreed upon into northern casa, which has been devastated by 7 weeks of war senior. i'm us representative of some, i'm down in safety side as of the ad has adhered to the agreement. this and no, no,
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no, no, i seem to have fun. uh, we continue to respect and commit to be a part of the deal. and as long as the deal is respected by the animal that we want to mention, that's not all the process that wears to police in the deal our respective by these riley's including the fact that they opened fire on our people or using gas tier. and also a lot of buses that were supposed to arrive was not there. also they many police at the list and the names of the people who were supposed to be released already have informed the mediators about such violation so that they can show their their responsibility with the support of god and with the patients of our people. we will welcome an o d endeavors in order to free all our prisoners from reasons and release them. and to start the siege on task some who would be in higher. okay,
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let's bring in most stuff of bond. go to now he's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and he joins us from ramallah via skype. thank you for joining us. unrelenting pressure by these riley's stuff about gucci even is the cx 5 deal. looks to be in some jeopardy at that moment. no laptop and the pressure on the westbank rates going on in jenny t. a gasping for the crowds outside of the prison. nothing unusual, i imagine for you or something usually, but it's very fetus. since the 7th of hooked over there is an early autumn, it has become absolutely vicious. yvonne was being hunted, build up to they've become much more aggressive than any time before. it looks like every test and everything is in there. and so generally, is there any such that are new concepts or under a 100? is there any police one thinks that they have a green light to can i'm sure. and the police told us that listed in the
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today is one example uh up to not within the shop to sort of people in front of, uh, outside of pleasant uh, these are young people who are waiting for the prison has to be released. uh, there is no justification for the shooting of them and the engineering they've ordered to can the person one of the 5 people home to enjoy the serious new you have died. and for others, our inventor could have to come condition. but to model that, it seems that those are in the army has become used to decision costs victims. and now the decisions have been seen us with on demand also with an engineering area. and of course, uh, actually we've just received that from admissions. actually have 2 people in kent and size seriously in june in jeanine. this information is coming from advisor hospital to more people count on size introduction so that this
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aggressive behavioral continues everywhere in the west bank. we've been receiving reports about a very serious injury is very serious that taxed by the subsidies on published in your communities are, as you know, they have already for 75 communities endorsed bank to be evicted from their homes through sup. let's start on that as well. protected and supported by the as the army. so yes, it is a whole other back to go in and, and those to back. and so i guess the same aggressive people who are committing or to have committed really terrible crimes and garza, it is just a minute to know that to a number of people come to you guys are called the rise up to 22000. if it is a, when, when all these people on the, i've taken out up to $70000.00 people because of the price. exactly. and the number of children include the rise to 9009000 children. there is no justification
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in the world for this that have been cry. i, i want to bring this back to immediately events. if i may not ask you about the prison that lists about the process of releasing palestinian prisoners under the steel list that indeed have not been released on this the 2nd day as they were on the 1st. i'm us has brought that in as one of its complaints about these ready, and here's the cx 5 deal. can you explain to me what is going on with those lists and what you put that down to when basic and there is, there is always play these games even when you conclude that in our agreement with them to try to play games to very related and and, and change it and the way they want the videos to that, i mean, the whole or slow process is a really good example of that to kind of kind of been bankers. but in this case, uh, they're just committed to a major and. busy relations,
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the 1st relation is that the list of printers to me in person notices which should be released from is there any james? has to be different in the sense that those who have higher sentences. and those who have been longer periods in june should have been released test. i'm not somebody who has only run a month to go as well as a new program. i think. so that is, it is that i'm playing games with that to do so that the content of what's happening is not as meaningless. the other thing that they did is to prevent the supply of food, the fuel, and the basic needs, including clean water to the north of guys. so the agreement was that the much, not a much higher number of to expedite and no sense into those guys. and this did not happen on the 6 the deluxe, i think about i and that's another serious violation, i think. so it's just about to do to release the prisoners. but why city allows
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that is i'm playing games and i think there's an ins have been playing games also with the new list of palestinian prisoners that would be released tonight. and then how much decided as they've declined to suspend the process. then the media to and media does interfere. and for us to is there is just of these games and the implement the agreement as it is concluded. and as the plus sign was talking about the bugger, challenge of ask you a question. related to the discussion i was having a moment ago with my one bishop, a shawna about the hum us press conference, the to facing a route a short while ago. the almost spokesman outlining how moss is issues with israel's adherence to the deal. but using the occasion, it seemed to capitalize on this moment in the spotlight. talking about the cease fire as a victory for the resistance portraying itself from us as an organization. that
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one ended step with the people, the palestinian people, even at this difficult time. where does that leave the idea of palestinian unit? the good news and it'd be uh, cheap. uh, i think there is no contradiction here that can easily be achieved by accepting the base basic principles festival. and we need more of that and i need time to for now are unified by the student leadership. and so that, that is the basic responsibility yet is on the is in the hands of the palestinian official leadership of the yellow bishop for a similar meeting to the one we had in our left me and asked of the my 2nd. and janine, and i think what's happening now is even larger that much larger scale deserves our unity published to me and meeting that to the producer unified by the senior leadership. and that is very much needed because not only because of what's
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happening in gaza, but to because we are, we are for the 1st time since the kids we had hearing voices of some out of countries and some international groups and in particular there. and i did states of america talking about eh, about from sci fi and the listing on the presentation and the talking about the fact on april 1st thing is i'm talking about international groups coming to the u 6 . i don't guys uh, uh, controlling that and stuff like that. i'm the basically allowing those that are in to say that they would continue the corporation of 6 of the guys. i think what we need now here is duty f items that items the, the listing and people to the present themselves. that we have that i to be willing to go to selves. and that means 2 things unified read the ship and the elections, democratic for the elections. how do we have democratic elections in 2021? we would not be in this situation. and that's why,
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how most likely have any other political force has that i to participate and then the public would decide what kind of the need that should. but we will have the most important thing here is to say that, but this thing as will not allow anybody else to speak on their behalf for that we need you need to more than any time before i was talking about with the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative many thanks for your time. thank. 2 and standing by for us being okay by these tourist them is i'm gonna jump to mohammed, good to see you. i believe you've been talking to families waiting patiently for the news of whether indeed now this release of progress in prison is going to go ahead to, to and that's what i do on that. let me tell you and our viewers where we are, what you see behind me. uh that is a guess all it's
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a reception center. and there is a family of one of the palestinian prisoners who they believe was scheduled to be released later this evening. that's before there was the delay in releasing those captives out of gaza. and when we got here, people were much happier are the folks that had gathered here were expecting that they would get news very quickly, that this prisoner who has been in prison for around 8 years now that she would have already been transferred and would soon be on her way here, that of course, hasn't played out the way they expected. now what we were told by this family is it earlier in the day, a relative of that prisoner was informed by these really security services that they needed to go to the police headquarters in west jerusalem. and that they would get more details once they got there. and that is what played out yesterday when that 1st batch of 39 promised indian prisoners were released, family members of prisoners who reside in occupied east jerusalem,
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where we are here now. they went to that area, they were informed that their relatives were being released and then those relatives were released. so what's happening with this family here? right now really speaks to the complexity of what is going on for residents of occupied these roots within those prisoners who were expected to be released today . we were told earlier in the day that at least 6 of the $39.00 palestinian prisoners who were supposed to be released they would be returning to occupied east jerusalem. that we'd spoken to some of this prisoners relatives. they do not want to name the prisoner because they are concerned about what might happen next. they are concerned that perhaps she won't be released. they are concerned that if this, this swap doesn't happen. but if the cease fire falls through that perhaps the person will stay in prison again, really speaking to how difficult it is for palestinians and occupied east jerusalem, especially at a time it's once far. right. national security minister, it's more been give year, has warrant palestinians, under his jurisdiction,
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which includes occupied east jerusalem. that if they are to celebrate in any way, whether it's outside of a house or inside of a house, that there will be a crack down that they could face arrest. this is a reality for them. they're worried that they will continue to be persecuted. and if they could potentially face further prosecution going forward. so they're very worried. this family is evening started, that when we got here little over an hour ago, this place was much more full. people were smiling. they were ready to be receiving somebody they hadn't seen in years. now people are worried. yes, there are still children that are behind us that are playing. there's still people that are hopeful, and they say that they will continue to try to say optimistic. but it's a much more worried mood than when we 1st got here and they just don't know what exactly is going to happen. now. we're going to continue to try to get details about these palestinian prisoners. and if they expect that they will be coming out here. but right now people very concerned. don't know what's going to happen. and the fact that everything is on hold when it comes to the transfer of capt is out of
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gaza. and when it comes to the release of palestinian prisoners by these really authorities, this is something that is very much on their minds. jonah low juncture lots to taking that thanks very much. i as the full day cease fire and gauze are approaches the half way mock palestinians are rushing to put out the sup ones from the rubble . so they can better than properly many say will power has refused to see them as victims. but me a numbers that's because of years of dehumanized ation. under is randy occupation more now for most i'm a been to bed under warning somebody this may find some images in his report. distressing. let me see what all these travel do have him. he says that involves hands know how many can do looking to reach multiple levels of concrete and development. stop calling people in goals that came out looking for people. they last example know it is the ones that use was in place. we run to
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search for our loved ones, family members and friends. we found many of them. but with these results is we kind of pull them out excruciating, hit this, this set, and the demand. and they see their relatives bodies under their troubles. yet unable to do anything about to read the 5th street is really buttons of public, most of newton goes into debris. even 1st responders were not sped for long as i came here about an hour after my home was hit, we were pulling out women and children assisting a team of civil defense. and all of a sudden we were targeted by the bombs and missiles. people were able to come out because as well and homeless agreed to a prisoner swap in exchange for the for the ceasefire. the scale of destruction hasn't been widely seen by international audiences. new during lists that are allowed to feed into gaza and even the language is dictated by his reading, the officials. i kind of at that stand because it's like they released children and then we released children. i'm sorry,
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don't accept that. you can say women and minus and they did most major newspapers and tv outlets called them is really women and children and palestinian women and miners only the guardian newspaper issue. the transportation later, the insensitivity was unintentional, the kind of thing and see the failure to see the children as children. as to the dehumanization, malik was a teenager when she was arrested by his really forces a release comes as a young woman age 23. mother was a 17 year old high schooler, she spent 80 is in jail and now released at the age of $24.00. a money, no one fatima. how many with us? i'm share similar story. at least 88 women and more than 250 youngsters under 17, our needs read the jail summer. jail for offense is like throwing stone. it is really set this and then legally paying, it looks almost it's where i used to look like this. 50 percent of her body was
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severely burned. as a family says she was left to burn in the car. according to them is risk, car was set ablaze, been is really soldiers to open fire while she was driving. on tuesdays is a new forces who called her a terrorist incentive to 11 years in jail. charged with trying to designate her fuel tank, your soldiers, palestinians won the world to acknowledge their old so human beings. and to try and recover the bodies of their loved ones. so they can be given property burials. they have to do it quickly because the for the cease fire is already halfway through some of the job. the other they're out to 0 session was a coat is in central gaza at the blue ridge refugee camp. he met palestinians just as they returned to the remains of their homes. who now you shall come away. i'm liberties come after sure he'd be in one of the headlines today is homecoming. as
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families are returning to areas, they had no access to over the past 50 days. as you can see, this message, large scale destruction as a result of israel, relentless bombardment. this is bridge refugee camp to which is in the east of the gaza strip, closer to the occupied territories, and the i wouldn't do too intense uninterrupted, shunning. those families were forced to leave to the west, namely new site. i'd refugee campbell, now they all back to find those homes that have been leveled to the ground and some of the dead buried under the debris. many are trying to get their hands on the positions they left behind. i will try and speak to one of the returning residents from the outside. i mean, i just welcome home. what, what are you up to? i will let her know to happen. that sort of thing. i want to see what i can find from optimum games. i will also bake some bread. i collected some woods for the fall since there is there a few of into a one model of teaching and i know it kind of have you been back before the optimal
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russell while you're on football or oh yes, i used to come every now and then despite the ruthless shelling, it was very dangerous, but i have to come back and check on my chicken life song. i'm not afraid. if i'm destined to be killed, i will die. my life is not in the hands of design. if i see them, you who have been t, i clicked the top of the head like and then you risk your life just to prepare some food for your children. oh good. yep. real quick. i used to come on to the heavy selling to feed the lot still can go back. we have nice few, but i will bake and cook. i'm with via if it's a case and want to kind of condition your home a doing that and hang back. now what i should buy a home is destroyed, nothing remained standing a most of the dogs and chicken sweetly to my hungry street dog. this is no, it is genocide. these ratings are destroying all homes and killing all people. that
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is a little, it's unprecedented crime. a, this is an old on go ahead and you seem to have just come back, what if you find and guess what? they have all the negative and just spoke to me to help them. then honestly, i've never imagined the scale of this destruction, not even one percent to the my home which showed no, i have stuff in damages, and it's not even fit to live in anymore. it must be rebuilt all over again. we'd rather live in a house with no rose thing get humiliated in an over crowded un school. we drink sea water and pretend it's fresh water. what can we do? you know, but we can now return to nita abraham, who's live for us a bit. you and your crossing in the occupied westbank and to remind our view is a short while ago we were watching some pretty dramatic pictures need to where you are of ambulances on the scene, it looked like somebody being rushed into one of those ambulances on a stretcher. we know that you were at a fight on with tea. a gas warranty is going on where you are,
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where we are right now is where this street behind me. we are seeing a couple of palestinians rushing and confronting with these really forces others are confronting, with these really forces from up the hill. it's just a few minutes away from here. but it is relatively calm situation if compared with how it was yesterday yesterday though, around this time the prisoners have been released already. they've been gathering with their families meeting them. they've march through the street over here to the between the municipality, where there was a reception by thousands of palestinians, many carrying the mouse flags, the palace simeon flag as well. they were welcoming those prisoners home. and i've been speaking to some of those prisoners who have just been free them. they were saying that was they have reasons to celebrate. one they are out of is really tough
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to the to you of is really present security at this time after the war, when the conditions got worse and worse. they know that the prize that has been paid by palestinians individually is god. this trip is a heavy one. they still consider what happened as an a chief meant of the palestinian factions and the we are at. i mean, we were anticipating similar scenes here today. the reason why you're not seeing many palestinians here is because yesterday, at around 1 pm local time, which was 3 hours before the scheduled release time of these really captives out of state. and families had the list of 39 palestinians who were supposed to be the niece and indeed have been released later on today as we speak. no one knows who is
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going to be the beast. when i'm from where i mean, yes, we are standing here that are all set present, but not many families are here because they don't know if that would use could happen in jericho. it could happen in janine, remember the occupied westbank has lots and lots of is really me that 3 checkpoints also is really suck humans. and sometimes you get palestinian prisoners released from a new id. and sometimes they don't have phones and they try and contact their families to come and get them. so really it's, it's, it's remains the big question with the delay now with the worries among spouse to me, infirmities. so it's a tense situation. you can imagine then dissipation, the worry, the tension positive, a feeling specifically that they don't know who's going to be released when and from where need to. abraham, thank you so much for bringing us up to date more than
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a 100000 people who rallied again in london to show solidarity for the palestinian people. some instructions have been taking place regularly in the british capital as across the u. k. since the war began, the calling for a limited cease 5 while asking the government to stop it. support phrase ref. elder 0 is pull brendan, is that the match in london as another? and all of a sudden i've had in central london well, in excess of a 100000 people for yet another when 3 weekend, i was on the streets marching in support of palestine on the against the violence on conflict that we've seen in dallas. the people here told me that they basically wants to see that the cx 5 is currently in place extended as long as possible, and hopefully become permanent from the people here, putting pressure on the u. k. governments on the international community to pressure israel. and somebody came out 655. and that's the other issue though that's causing some concern here. all these leaflets which have been just the
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reserve by the police in order to prevent things like racist and hate speech and support for fund organizations. time as being a brand organization here in the u. k. question marks quite a protest is here as to whether these leaflets on necessary. so few people have been found to be infringing the law. and the question is also whether it's proportionate will similarly less be distributed, for example, or the big pro is rarely as the services in march, which is due to take place on sunday whole brennan. how does 0 central london journalist from a venezuelan television network held a candle, it vigil for generous, killed in israel's war on garza in the capital caracas. hilda posters with the names of those who were killed in the past 70 weeks. the president of tennessee who says the gathering is to, on a john this is covering the war, especially those who paid with the lives of sydney. and filmmakers are coming to
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terms with the devastation in gaza. how the z out is from gaza and told us it is on woods. how he is resisting these ready occupation? a my name is kind of this the other, the founder and director of the long term palestine printed. now you guys are just off part of the process, but i'm the senior different with the 1st intifada and we had of the time have very limited access to to um tv stations on the phone we had only 3 tv stations for children from the 3 of them to not really give us any thing that didn't supply us or it could presenting us that go with us from senses as young people that there is something powerful and a lot of culture. and we need to understand the best way to use it as one of our tours in resistance. when i came to the u. k,
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i started to find more and i bought for the senior prince. and this is where my inspiration has started to how to actually agree it along. somebody's confident for steven as somebody, one of those things, because it more than 2000000 people living under very difficult circumstances when i talk to them. and you simply put in a tool that is what i this is beyond and you can imagine ition. it's every problem . we have the war before we order was assumed that's the maximum for 30 days. are you just can go for and then it turned on with this one is, this is the unit name was your nation. the frame because we come and present this, these events today they will visited next week, next month, next year. maybe they would come over to fits in 10 years later than 20 years later because of what's happening and now it's not something. it's not like any of our
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war happened before. as it is 19 gmc, i'm elizabeth prolong them and you are watching. alger 0 is on go in coverage of the sci fi. we are now into the 2nd day of the ceasefire of the war on gaza. and over the last few hours, we have been reporting the delay and the release of 13 is really kept as we are now hearing from the country foreign ministry. the catherine pottery foreign ministry spokes this and saying that $39.00 palestinians will be released to night. that is in exchange for, for team is really detainees and 7 following those outside the agreements that spring in our senior political analyst model on the shadow. and my mom, this is something i mean.
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