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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 29, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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some of the media stories a critical look at the global news media on how to 0 government shut off access to social media, the the, the, the problem. and this is the news our live from. don't ha, coming up in the next 16 minutes. a 6th group of 12 is ready. the captive has been handed over to the red cross and gaza talks to extend the ceasefire on golden b us says it's hopeful of an agreement is rarely forces children killed to palestinian children an 8 year old and a teenager and a raid and the occupied westbank on her mazda is the youngest captive
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a 10 month old baby has been coded on with 2 family members. an alias is ready, bombardment the it's 18 and gmc that's 8 pm and gaza, where it's the 6th day of the ceasefire, agreed between him, off and israel. and as part of the day, both parties have been releasing prisoners and the captives come off is handed over the 6th group of the 12 captives to the red cross. the humanitarian organization has been facilitating the transfer of captive alto vasa. these are the latest pictures of the red cost vehicles and as the 6th exchange takes place, took the ongoing to extend the seas finding out there has been helping to mediate the negotiations is foreign ministry. so as the main focus is to secure an end to
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the war, a mazda 3 is really captives, including a 10 month old baby were killed during his riley bombardment of gaza. the baby was the youngest captive taken by him off during the october 7th attack. a disco lives who saw a high rep, she's joining us from tennessee and sorry what, what are you hearing about tonight's release of captives the. 8 is it in uh as really a statement saying that so the right cost has confirmed with them about an additional $2.00 is randy citizens have been handed over to the red cross. i can only assume that when they refer to them as, as rarely citizens. those are the same russian citizens that how much has said they would be releasing a phone. the request from russia directly as a separate release said to the 10 come to the appall as a ceasefire deals. what we've seen often is that so many of the, uh,
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those that was how come to our dual citizens. so potentially the reason why that referring to them is riley, is that they all are, is ready, but also the 2 russians. so it sounds like we have a total of 12 campuses release. they're also saying, but they will be on their way. uh to uh is riley tara at street and uh that. yep. so that's the announcement that's the latest on that. now in terms of what you mentioned earlier regarding us, 3 people, the so how much says that they have killed, including a 10 month old baby. we've also just had a statement also from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he says that he met and spoke with the the bus family. it seems he met with them last night and spoke with them. leo, with regards to that news from him, us saying that he's told the members that the matter is being examined by o. uh,
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security forces and any information will be provided to them. uh the uh, b is rarely will do everything and concerts, find them to israel, and also address that we are checking with all am i, it's regarding the condition of your loved ones in garza, just to give a little bit to context the 10 month year old baby husband, the youngest cognitive house in gauze or, and just uh leah. uh, yes. today even uh, just behind me that was a raleigh. that was housed uh, support on his return being the youngest, asking why is he still there and why has he not a page on the list. you now have how my saying the him and his 4 year old brother and mother have been killed, no mention of the father who's also being held captive. however, as well as cautious with going with this. because in the past it has happened. how my son said one of the top kids was killed and then to the surprise of many, they were part of the list under this agreement that were released and she had been
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released and made it across safely as well. and that's why that's frightening with a lots of questions with this. yeah, and just to be clear how mazda is saying that the 3 will killed and is really bombardment for, for the cx 5. so thank you very much for that for now. that us uh, how about with alexis live in tel aviv until it's ongoing for a 2nd extension to the seas font and gaza. senior correspondent tasha about a is joining us life more on that and hush and what is the laces that you'll hear? and there's a lot of hopeful hearing from the you was from casa, even from the you, when that this can be extended. what are you hearing? was a consensus now is this is something which is going to be to extend it so that, that all hopeful thing to the top of the will come out tonight and announce that extension that just working all of the final details of the agreement. i have this has been extremely crucial step for all the policies was met yesterday. doesn't she?
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so besides the c a h here and also puts us 5 minutes to, to can show there is an extension to be and those are the same time to work on a positive path that could be conducive to a prolonged safe spot. and do you think i don't want us to get ahead of ourselves, but do sitting there all talks about what happens when there are no longer any. is there any captives older that in itself is such a big process, isn't it? because we know that women and children will be released 1st, and that is world has said that as long as women and children, as long as they were women and child hostages to cease 5 can continue. but what happens after that? an audit tools about what happens after those women and children emberly the tools as us, the most complex parts of the difficult part of the negotiations, which is basically when you get to the point where,
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how much of these are mixed you had, have been saying is going to be the or for the, or a soldier is how comparative, by, how much would it be this time in exchange for all the policy and present as it is, riley is, is we're talking about more than 6000 other stages retains why is wrecked now us as we speak these writers made is clear that there's absolutely no way that will go for that and they are what we're saying that they will go ahead and continue the ministry campaign once they, as a president exchange is over. how about us, on the other hand, is looking for sure, guarantees from the key goal in terms of the agreement, the size of the egyptians, that if they go ahead with the exchange, is way with comfortable environment of areas, particularly for something positive. looking at all of us and, you know, as rarely lead, as i've said throughout the cease fire, that the world must resume when they get their captives out,
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and the war must presume until come off is defeated. do you think that that progression rick filters down to the negotiations that are taking place and do the indo, how does it affect them? it is, i think there's another month of leverage here and both pressure over process particular these writers. but if you see older spaces today just awhile ago, but it was a funny enough as of size your radio with georgia 5 and a sort of cutoffs basically. and until key and the united out of and notice all insisting on the needs of a comprehensive supplement. and they say that in a way that the general consensus is responsible. the well is that the united states of america has failed to implement some commitments made in the past on the need to ensure a file. uh, honestly these days and it goes hand in hand or if it is wireless days, this is explained, this is, this explains why now you are having one of the 2 states and the issue as
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a prerequisite. if you don't want to get any, any of a cycle file is inc, cause on the occupied territories. i want to go back to a point that you were making the circle for 4 or deal. that being tables that seem to for, to, to have been tables all of the is randy captors and food and which is for the sums more than $7000.00 palestinians who held is there any jails who was saying that israel says that that's a no go i don't know if you've seen a president for this, but what if you look at the release of that is why the soldier getting out should eat some years ago. now, israel did release around a 1000 pounds to be in prison for one soldier that this is what is, what makes you how that, how so hoping to see it happen on the 6th day is also why the announcement today on the, on the new expense who is going to be crucial because what is happening is that this
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is almost what is going to pay the way for that difficult negotiation about the old full exchange of prisoners. now, what will the policy is particularly to understands why, why these riley is as him and all the need to see all the prisoners. all of the cops is being released now because there is a political aspect to the store. you don't want to be seen as got to be too late into the, to add any other. same thing applies for how mass, which is not going to go and tell its own people. that's after all this destruction, you know, what we will force with. there's absolutely no way for us, but a dignified exit strategy and therefore we're going to release all the cups. is the captive, particularly the soldiers of the last or cod, into the has all these land mix you have and how much. and they want to use it with leverage, knowing that at least when they do it that way they know more. uh well in guys that
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happens is going to be an extremely important development in the region. but on an old elizabeth the out of world of the muslim world, you know, will what will the 50 days of this complex? this is unprecedented in many ways. the simon and discontent that you can see was social, a social media on the streets of different parts of the out of well, i didn't the captive of a trend which has been going on for quite some time and which leads as a muslim need. those cannot take no, there's a moment was it cannot be seen as be trying to apply this to me is for people. oh because of this explains why they are telling the americans behind closed doors . yeah. help us put pressure on these fridays. we put pressure on how much as we would have to come up with a degree to find the exit strategy for all the boxes. what hushing, thank you very much for that. i know that you're looking at you fine for any
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developments and we will come back to you when we have them hush him. i have bought a his very forces have killed 2 palestinian children jew and yet another raid engineering and occupied westbank and a one into our view is that some of the images are we were about to show you. they are disturbing. this is the moment is rarely false as shot dead. h year old adam on goes in the head. you can see another palestinian dragging him away from his riley bullets in a desperate effort to save him. and this is the moment another child was killed 15 year old boss and a wafaa with shaw from the chest as he was trying to run away. but can also report that is where the forces were preventing citizens and power medics from reaching the injured inside. jeanine as well as military has intensified rates across the occupied west back during the seas. far since october 7th is rarely ami has killed $243.00 palestinians, including 6 prisoners,
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among the dead of $58.00 minus and one woman. more than a 100 palestinian children had been killed in the occupied west bank. so far the cm or this go live to hold up in homage. she's joining us from the mala and hold a c's. fine, gaza palestinians including children, continue to be killed in the occupied westbank. yes, absolutely. and this is something that's really in serious polish to me. is because as you were describing, you can see it on that see ctv footage. those children were not palsy. any swear to . and the soldier actually they were trying to run away to go to safety. and they, they couldn't do it. they were just cold, least a lovely shots, and police didn't say that this happens not only now it happens on a regular basis throughout the years. and there's never any kind of accountability on these really side. whoever has was behind that bullet knows that he has impunity
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. so certainly it's is the repetition of this kind of incident that really in the palestinians and say that no one is really a carrying for their rights for their right to live and for their life to, for their right to be and safety. and that kind of, unfortunately, that kind of incident when you ask anyone here that would tell you it will happen again and again and again, simply because there is no uproar and there is no accountability. yes, it is, has very much become the norm across the occupied westbank this year. so to have a rest florida. and tonight is another night of waiting for some of the palestinians who have been arrested notion the last not since of july, the 7th. but those who arrested before should be released as well. the
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list is now out. there are 30 people who are going to be released 15 women and 15 mine are some of them actually have been detained after october 7th and will be released with this loss. but do not know at this point, we know that they have been moved over prison, that's from where they will be actually of freed. we know they have been there waiting for several hours, but usually the way things happen is that a 1st is really held by how much and this let me do. you have 2 nights off we, they cross back into israel and then the palestinians make their way to here and run my low directly home because some of them as uh, from occupied east jerusalem. and some of them for the 1st time off from inside. it is really listed in is really, is now at the same time. if you look at the numbers over the past 6 days,
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you have about 210 palestinians being released. but you have also 203 who have been detained. so if you look at it in numbers, it's a 0 sum game at this stage. and we spoke to some of them of those who have been released recently over the past few days. and many of them told us that they actually fear that they could be re a rested at any time. we go to meet them at night, away from the prying eyes of is really settlers in occupation forces nearby 3 cousins recently released but with respect to prison still hanging over their heads . i mentioned you could say a good name was sentenced to 15 months for throwing stones, a symbolic gesture by young palestinians to resist these rain. the occupation live up to florida. i was warned not to celebrate my freedom and not to throw stones. of
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course that can get me again, but in the end, what do you want me to do? i'm just defending myself in my village. i'm not a terrorist, as i say. as could say was driven out of all state prison. his cousin mohammed was coming in. he had been waiting outside for could say to be released when soldiers detained him. this wasn't his 1st time, but during the latest brief stay in jail, he noticed the conditions have changed. i saw him the thought, given us very psychological torture. it was like that before now they lock you in a room until you're broken and admit to anything they want. when i go home, the office in our area told me my movements were being monitored and next time that home, my wife as well. despite this man, how much thinks it's important to speak out and the hopes the world will understand how difficult it is to simply be a palestinian. all of those we spoke to told us the same story that they were war not to celebrate. the new found freedom and not just speak publicly. in fact,
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we had interviewed a group of teenagers, but the few hours after we left the message just asking not to air the interview. and they told us that this really officer in charge of the village had called each one of them individually threatening that if our interview aired, they would return to jail. more than 3300 police didn't had been detained in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th, the vast majority held without charge, cut off from the world in the fact that it shows that i see that one of the palestinians must pay the price for the attack, regardless of whether they took pos and this or not. yeah. and then all those detained to use for exchanges during deals. that's why i say that those who are held after october, the 7th, a hostages and not prisoners, move the limit how much does and was released. the priority was to get him treatment. both his hands were broken in what he describes as nightly routine
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meetings. now he's back home, seemingly still in shock and relieved he survived slowly slowly. one of the guys was so badly beaten, his cell made skipped calling and yelling for someone to help. and they finally arrived, they felt his pulse for the boss. he was dead after that they would just insult. as the soldier came to fetch me before my release, he said they would hunt me down and bring me back to jail. all the others didn't. we spoke to on off camera share a feeling of unease. they are relieved to be at home. but wonder how many nights they'll be able to sleep in their beds before he's really soldiers come for them again. without that, how many elders you are in the occupied was that spring into a lot of shaky is the founder of the piece. building organization, the shape group, and a full my un official. most a shape. thank you very much for your time. it is
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a very important day as every day of this see, saw, has been, we are waiting to find out if it will be extended beyond the 6 days. so far, you hopeful as i am, i'm cautiously optimistic that not only will we get 2 or 4 days, but we are actually on the path towards something longer. me look what we see here . elizabeth is absolutely brilliant. diplomacy was 11 and in 2006 for the united nations. but we worked with the french and the americans to eventually bring a succession of us to the tees off to $34.00 days. but there was something god rails that in terms of what restricted his role in this case. absolutely brilliant . a could sorry, egyptian and american diplomats have worked together in their operation through day and night. effectively taking a career inc train, which is going down the hill. and try to take it under control. and that training has been these way. the government and wall have been doing that is where the
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government is. riley will cabinet. the prime minister, the defense minister have been saying that they're open to the seas 5 being extended. but the will must continue until him off as illumination. they have listed 3 objectives, 3 main objectives since october, the 7th, the 1st one being what they call the illumination of how boss is that possible in one way? no, not this way. um, certainly look, we're at the defining moment. right now, do we go down that 1st path of war, which in fact is it didn't. it's only led to massive. that's amongst the palestinians in gaza, an acceleration in the west bank as well as well as in the region real cost israel's reputation, and those who has concurred with that military action, including the united states and some of its western partners. we can move away from that, and by the way, those 3 objectives, well,
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we haven't seen the elimination of how mass you see, and i think it's be noticeable. and what i hear in the chapter amongst those who assess these things to be no school. how, how much has not been significantly, militarily affected as high as last, maybe a 1000 or 2 soldiers, but it's not that in terms of its main for mont. secondly, we've seen the release of hostages. nope. because of military pressure. uh huh. but because of the diplomacy? yeah, that i mention, although the is there any government and maintains it's because of the military pressure that it's because of this military operation that was about to that it was able to about the secure, the release of these captives. you say that this is a defining moment. we are hearing more and more people, more and more wellesley does say that the immediate cause of this must be addressed, that this conflict cannot go on as it has. do you think that the unprecedented number of death and destruction that we've seen, you know, over the last 8 weeks, that this code lead to an end to the stalemate and real progress?
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this death and destruction can not be in vain that we seen in other periods of major conflict related to these readings and tell the students that we do start a most serious effort. i believe everyone's being show shaken to the core in order now to act as no more managing this conflict. at least i think the sets of leaders around the world understand that it's now how we build on that. and again, i think the 2nd toss of rebuilding of the building a political process and the foundations for it is something that leaders are now thinking about in fact. so i would say that starts with maybe $24.00 days. it may be till the end of the year, and that gives us the time to start to put in place some of the space i'm. can any of those pieces be put in place without real us pressure? i do think that the us position on this is shifting at all when they talk about red lines now,
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which they refuse to off to october 7th. we've heard the us ambassador to the united nations on wednesday evening say that the advancement of settled matters. these of the legal assessments on the international rule that they must end. well, that's right, that's, that is international law. and if we now do see president biden, and there is president biden, who can put a stop to this by view and get us on the past to a serious political process and a comprehensive piece. then we are in business, but it won't be just him. we will now needs, in my view abroad, the international legitimacy. we see the arab and islamic foreign ministers there in new york. they have to be part of this as do other countries because we now need to build international legitimacy for the very difficult work that's ahead of us. and it's really interesting isn't it, that we've had more and more european leaders say things about this conflict about the need for the 2 state solution about the rights of palestinians,
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which we haven't heard them say a strongly until now mr. shake, it's great to get your thoughts on this. we really appreciate that. that is tell mom, shake of the shake group. thank q to this go now to products of wisdom. he is our correspondent in con eunice, in southern gaza and taught it how people feeling that as they wait to find out if the sci fi will be extended. yes, the majority and the whole of the gaza strip citizens are waiting for the announcements by the terry for administrator, for the extension of the ceasefire for 5 days. that's the can have moments to breed and even to have days of relief away from these valuable emphasis strikes and bombardment that destroyed the gaza strip. now, palestinians, generally inside the goal, is to believe that the extension of the cease fires will help them to get access to humanitarian age, which help to mitigate the deterioration of their humanity tearing conditions which
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they have been on. so heavy is rarely a tax and the apartment for more than 7 weeks. so clearly the situation right now that the majority of them are waiting. they believe that if deceased by it did not be renewed and witnessed more extension, they understand the notably that these body forces will intensify. the damage and the rates of the strikes. of course, the gaza strip and in particular might be directed towards the south of the church . we, with the majority of the population, is still in the south. so they believe that they will have more bombardments, move in, people would, wouldn't be resulted from the attacks. and the think that this is going to be a new, not math deceased by that not be extended as the had suffered zillow during the last couple of weeks. absolutely thought we've been hearing from many people, not just the guy's a name, but the un secretary general, the head of the w h o. ringback talking about the catastrophe, they call it that will just not just continue, but will worse than if they cease 5 will not be extended in
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the well, the situation right now when the ground is really catastrophe in terms of the medical conditions and also the hygiene conditions. of course, the territory, the majority of palestinians from the north and central areas were displaced to the south, are now taking shelters and overflowed that a united nation from schools where they are lacking the basic necessities of safety and clean is due to the shortage of human terminate that had been delivered in comparison with the needs of the territory. a hospitals become overflow, doesn't even the overwhelms with patients. and even a people who have been sick due to the spread of risk by roots or re infections, diarrhea, more children, and also a diversity of disease that has been submitted due to the cramming number of people across the public shelters. and even you on the school filters. so literally now with the destruction of the majority of, we'll just send
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a patient stations and even the router. but see we to bump insights of the underground gaza strip. so this will help and contribute to the increase of the number of diseases among palestinians, which caused it to be the 2nd threat, alongside with the consequences that had been proved by the doctors, patients that had resulted from these by the strikes. of course the causes trip tart. thank you very much for that. that is how that was in with a view from gaza, or you are watching outlanders. they are a reminder of our top stories. the south mazda is handed over the 6 cruise of captives to the red cross. the humanitarian organization has been facilitating the transfer of israeli, kept as alto casa these other licensed touches of those red cross vehicles. and as the 6 exchange takes place, talks ongoing to extend the sci fi deal because it has been helping to mediate the negotiations. that's fine. ministry says the main focus is to secure an end. the
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war on her mazda 3 is randy captives, including a 10 month old baby, were killed during it's really been bothering to the casa, the baby was the youngest captive taken by him. aust, during the october 7th, a tech is around has detained, $55.00 palestinians, just in the past 24 hours in various parts of the occupied westbank, a total of $203.00 palestinians have been arrested since friday when the temporary si fi with him. aust came into effect that exceeds the number of palestinians release from his way to jail. in the same time period and families fee of those freed could be re arrested. they were 5200 palestinians and is rarely presents before they have to have a 7th attack. but with several arrests in the past weeks, that number stands at 7200. let's go to mohammed jim. jim, he's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem, and mohammed what is going on where you are, what security? like we have seen increased security around the time that palestinians released
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from prison. ok. so elizabeth, there are scheduled to be 30 palestinian prisoners released this evening. they are supposed to be 8 of those 30 that are residing in occupied east jerusalem, where we are now. we're overlooking a neighborhood unoccupied, east jerusalem called why the joys and 2 of those, a prisoners that are scheduled to be released reside here and why they chose one is a 43 year old woman. the other is a 14 year old boy. the situation is tense because the security forces, the police, not only are they continuing to go to the houses of the families of those prisoners that are scheduled to be released and warning them not to hold any festivities, not to have any gatherings. they've also were told, been kicking out extended family members that are awaiting the arrival of those prisoners, most of them, their relatives in those households. so there's that on the one hand that's going
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on, then you also have a situation whereby the security forces are actively going around looking for media who are reporting on this and asking them to move along from their positions. so this is very much in line with what we've seen the past few days, where in police forces have repeatedly rated homes where there are journalists and ask those journalists to leave or forcibly kicked them out. we've not heard of that particular thing happening at this evening, but that's because the families are so worried, the ones that we've been speaking with, they're so worried about the presence of the security forces that they have told the media contact to them. please don't come next door houses. we can't let you in . they're worried that if they are letting the media end, but if they are speaking to the media, that perhaps that would mean that their relatives were scheduled to be released would not be released and would continue to be detained. so it's a very scary intent situation for the family members. you know, my team,
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other journalists, me area. we have been going around. we've been looking at the fact there are police cars that are obviously patrolling the area. they want to clamp down. we're not yet sure exactly when the prisoners are going to be released and we will get those details to you as we have them. but at the moment it seems that we're at least a couple of hours away from seeing those prisoners arrive at their homes and occupied easters. well, i'm a thank you very much for that. that is mohammed jump june the laces from occupied east jerusalem. when we spoke to release child prison, the cutting go on may who was only 12 years old, is where the police detained in for 12 hours without the presence of a lawyer or parent guardian instead of murder. mystery. yes. when you went this morning, why did you go to the you and they asked for me. i mean, who did you go with the other? i went with my father, they wanted to arrest me here. they didn't find me. so they called us and they asked me to go and turn myself on over the head,
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been at 9. so the 2nd we got there, we saw a person whose head was covered in blood and the same thing for his son. and then they brought me in a conference, my hands and my feet, how to take a few of them. they kept me to the front, knocked to the back. what did they use to tell you that they used handcuff upsets? how did they use metal handcuffs? yes, they use metal handcuffs spent the short yes, they were a little tight and they've been there since morning because it was that toner and then what of that? and then they put me in a room for you just sorry to bother you. i don't know. i'm sure, and it was a board and they, they started cursing me using words that i will not be here. and then they were screaming and then they left me in the room and left. am i the in that room? zip i, there were a number of young men from the camp and they started calling the interrogators
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because they were feeling pain from the handcuffs and then they came in and started beating them up. did you see them beat them up? yes, yes, i saw somebody getting deep in the face of the module was on the bid on the young of a bad i'm a so i thought i was calling to do an order for the state in that room alone for 5 and a half hours. the guys were with me left 2 or 3 hours later, but i actually stayed there. and then i stayed there on my own for 2 hours. i didn't go on and cut about 20 minutes. they can have chevy. they letting me out. they kept me using metal handcuffs got my feet using metal handcuffs, and they also use metal head cuts on my wrists. but they did not blindfold me this time. and we had taken you now to the laces of pictures from gaza, where we can see the 6th batch of as ray, the captives being released on wednesday evening on the 6th nice of the seas. 5,
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those are 2. we can see 2 is really women. they're being released by come off and the red cross stuff also, and that shot the same red cross stuff that we have been seeing over the last 6 days. who a come accompany the captive. that is really captive alpha gaza awesome through the russell border crossing and to egypt, we believe that these are the dual russian is really citizens that we have heard are going to be released on the 6th day of the sci fi. as part of the 12 is really captives, we believe that those are the 2 russian russian is rated captive being released from sky so that they will be taken to the roof of border crossing in the south of gaza, where they will process into egypt and then make they way into israel. that's what we've been seeing happening over the last 6 days. that's where they undergo medical
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checks and as ro to speaking earlier at the nato summit and brussels us secretary of state antony blank and said that the white house is looking to find ways of extending the humanitarian pools and gaza were searching amount of trans assistance in the gaza, to make sure that it's people have what they need to get by looking at the next couple of days. we'll be focused on making doing what we can to extend the costs so that we continue to get more hostages out and more humanitarian assistance. and we'll discuss with this real how it can achieve it's objective, ensuring that the terrorist attacks of october 7th never happen. again. lots of standing, an increasing amount of trans assistance and minimizing further suffering and casualties among palestine civilians of more on this that spring in my kind of he's joining us live from washington dc and it's the secretary of state lincoln, the trip to the region. so what is the white house saying about it? what?
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who, what will he be focusing on like as well, the fact that he's being sent to the region so many occasions is reflective of how involved the whitehouse wants to be in. what is happening in the car in crisis been can as you say, for the 3rd time, if the all is really meet your report said he will be attending and is rarely will cabinet meeting in the course of his trip to tell a b. this has not been confirmed, it is from is right, immediate. but once again, that's an indication of the central role that the us is playing. who is attempting to play in emilio rating, the ongoing dispute between as well and the palestinian, particularly in gaza and the occupied westbank. but we have seen the by did administration and get hands on involved in the ongoing situation. they play the central part in the negotiations that lead to the ongoing release that we've seen
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of the captives the ceasefire along with kata and egypt being absolutely central in getting to this tentative agreement. it is working and drinking is now on his trip to the region will be pressing for an extension of the ceasefire. finding ways in which he can do it and he's still talking about be what happens the day off to and the day off to the day off to is something that's got to be discuss. now this, despite the fact that the us is not really addressing the cause of the conflict on the ground, although it is focusing, it says on bringing humanity around relief in the window that is created by the ceasefire. all right, mike, thank you very much for that. that's mike hannah with the nice is live in washington dc. speaking it was united nations security council, the secretary general, antonio gutierrez said, the sci fi has provided for spies and gaza, but that more 8 is desperately needed as the health care system has old but
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collapsed over the past few days. the people of the occupied spell is time territory, and isabel finally seen a gleam of hope and humanity. in so much darkness, it is deeply moving to see civilians find that we haven't got any spikes from the bombardments families of united and live saving age. increasing. mister president, resolution $2712.00 and by quote demands that's all part of his comply with daddy obligations under the international law, including international humanitarian law. not to believe with regard to the protection of civilians, especially children. it is clear that before the falls with the serious violations that spring and gave it and his own though he is joining us, live from the united nations headquarters. and the secretary general really spells
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out the great damage that's being done to gaza. and just how much was things could get gabe of the yeah, that's right. he really did. he really spelled out and really presented a pretty grim picture of the humanitarian situation in guys. and of course we've all been watching out his era for weeks now. and we can see that with our own eyes, but when the secretary general sort of also lays it out in front of foreign ministers that we're here are here at the un headquarters in new york for this high level meeting that was taking place of the security council, it really sets up an impact if you will. the secretary general was really responding to the november 15th security council. resolution on guys that, that called for a month long, other things that humanitarian core door and a, a, a respect for international law among many other things. and he was basically
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saying, like, listen, the pause and fighting helped get a in the guys that particularly into the north of guys. but in his words, it is not nearly enough. the material situation is grave. he also called for more humanitarian passage ways into guys of the rough across. and he said simply is not enough to accommodate the amount of the aid that needs to get in. and really everything he was saying was being echoed by various arab foreign ministers. they were speaking on the sidelines. all that you and security council meeting, we heard from the culture re prime minister, who is also the foreign minister. and he talks about international law of the same thing that this extra general gutierrez was talking about. the international must be respected and the country foreign minister went on to say that they cannot be double standards when it comes to the application of international law. so yeah, that's right. in the country. prime minister has been a central figure,
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of course, in this whole process here and mediating between israel, the united states and her boss, and the palestinians, and edits. he was here. and it really showed how there is real urgency to try to get some sort of sustainable piece and so cease fire that can last longer than what we've seen so far with this temporary pause in fighting. and you also heard, we also heard from the, the saudi arabia and uh for administer was here. we said simply at a truce is not enough. we need a full ceasefire. and that really was the message from not only era but masters here, but we're hearing it from others as well. the russian investor, in fact, the chinese foreign minister is speaking right now. uh he uh, share the security council meeting and he said just a few minutes ago the fighting that we have seen stopped over the last few days. we
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do not want to see it a start up again. also calling for some sort of sustainable cease fire. davis sent you very much for that. that is gabriel alexander. with all the developments from the un. he's live at un headquarters in new york for more than 2 weeks services of the i'll ship a hospital in northern gauze. i came to a halt as very forces laid siege to the strips biggest health facility. many patients have since experienced severe complications, a number of them have died. the hospital is trying to restore crucial operations, at least for now, look to model on of a saw the is the chief search and as i'll ship a hospital. and he says that a large number of patients is still unable to access health care despite the ceasefire. says, this is a good, nothing is coming to the house that i don't think so. most of the medical a did go. busy to the south in and out of south and in hopes, but that nothing is coming to the end of the thing area of gather just the food and
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the water and other stuff that and if you will, some of the fuel which it related to the brother surface i bought the filter and you guys, i said that to say that we don't have any patience. now most of the visions are either way to, to the south and hope to be done. but the number of patient data tom asking for the surfaces to complete the management, not the vision so good to enjoy doing this for they are the one to the south and it helps me does this, did he or in guidelines in the north and bulk of gather a huge number of friends just based on what the facts are. they are coming in to ask about the health. busy but okay, to close the ship, that's the model we are of that will open the admissions department and to start to receive them. you come out of a new. busy a new based on the shape of what we need the fuel is that the air. busy out for the fuel and sort of a division of that does. okay. awesome. and then i let it sit and you have
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a dozens on. but the most important thing is if you would go on the genetics of the homes, because without the fuel, they cannot do anything really. and these folks with a gosh, i live as an executive director at physicians for human rights as well. and he says gauze as health care system as extremely limited, while thousands of people with injuries desperately in need of cas, we have been working for years. and as you find also another hospitals in the augusta street, and we've been getting good close connection to the people, there's all parties they're trying to say lives basically under very bad conditions . and it's important to focus on keep off costs as the largest hospital we got the most important bar. but we need to understand a decision attack of all of the health system in gaza. 20 to 24 offices that were operating in the north side of the stream totally stopped working. so we're talking about only 4 houses that are also working in very limited capacity. and
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that's the goal side. we know that the dentist you think of is calling for and doctors and medical staff to, to try to go back to the north and try and we provide some health care to the people that the students trying to live there. we have some good news that i just found out and they always just uh, center the center in the building to know as it started working and also the 6 department, you know, she passed on working. so it shows the strength of really the revision of the staff, the ending in the system, trying to really work on the goals of vein and pressure november 29th as the day of international solidarity with the palestinian people. the day was designated in 1977 by the united nations says he is also the general
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assembly child to its own plan for the future, for the palestinians. and the jewish people who settled in palestine calling baker has moved on. how as well as borders have changed since then. in 1947, the united nations general assembly passed a resolution 181 ending britain's occupation of palestine and partitioning it into 2 independent states. one palestinian, the other jewish, but also classified jerusalem as an international city to be overseen by the un as trusty. but the plan never came into effect. war broke out between zion as groups and palestinians days later, and eventually drew in neighboring states. the 1948 war resulted in the knock box or catastrophe. more than 750000 palestinians were forced from their homes when israel claimed control of more than 3 quarters of palestinian land and forbade palestinians to return. because they were not to wish by 1949, israel had signed a series of arms disagreements with neighboring states. egypt would control the
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gaza strip and jordan, the westbank, and east jerusalem. that was the status quote until 1967 when war broke out again between israel, egypt, syria, and jordan, is rarely forces occupied the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem as well as the golan heights and the cyanide peninsula. the conflict lasted years, culminating in another war, in 1973, between israel, egypt and syria. it wasn't until 1982 that israel withdrew from the sign i. it still occupies the goal on heights which borders lebanon and syria. in the years following the oslo peace accords, palestine was divided even further, leaving more than 60 percent of the occupied westbank under direct control of these rarely military. today about 700000 is really settlers live in the occupied west bank and roughly 300 settlements. and outpost, all of which are legal, under international law. and various events are being held across the world to mock
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the un international day of solid ashy with the palestinian people of the south african city of johannes. the trade unions and members of civil society have been holding demonstrations cooling for an immediate sci fi and gaza, south africa's parliament loaded last week by commending the closure of the is rarely embassy in the country and a suspension of diplomatic ties. finally, the minute has moved from johannesburg. the call to a free palestine resonates with many south africans because of sold out because apartheid history, they say the palestinians are going through exactly what people of color until that result went through for decades. and so i'm on a list of the entire allows between, i know part to israel and, and a part take south africa. they say 2 countries that work together from 1948 to a cheese. there are many people who, usa, they're hoping that their presence of this demonstration will hang tags on the
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on the 4 to 5 or probably just hop on holler at the 247 healthcare workers that have been killed in kaiser hospitals that have been and the civilians and children that i've been talking to thousands of organizations have come together in johannes, but they're a made up of political parties and joe's a civil society organizations, but they won't have one thing in common. they're quoting for a priest, palestine, i'm in to the genocide. they say they also want to so the african government to types diplomatic ties with the israel. that has been on the debate for a number of weeks now. the so the african parliament has held a vote. oh, with the resolution was false. that told africa should indeed save it. ties with israel, but ultimately it's up to the president soto my poor. so, and there's been no word from the president. all the cabinets on what south africa
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was due next, but protest like this continue around the country. they've been posted in main cities like dublin to johanna is the way we are as well as cape town. and there are a number of protests planned to the coming days. so me the, i'll do 0 to had his book. does he, how much does a member of some office political bureau, an area, he told us that he's optimistic about a ceasefire extension in the program and it just shows to watch the ration from relies more of the to extend the easiest way out. we don't even i think the last and the drugs and this is all we all waiting for the disposal people the oh god. uh, what was that was there,
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but i think the we are all right. it is useful for more news of the read each the, the short on the oh really? i think we are going to submit the policy just now i was we said really some of the policy on august the table for the whole draft is i do i the vs. i the discuss with with the i some dislike. i think the already the daily and it was usually goes with the rest of the rest of the of the, the contract is got the focusing on the sessional. this is for the day over as a deed for the on the, the,
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i read the information, all it all the we're already to now to have a comprehensive view of the reason the it is well joined again by someone shake the founder of the pace building organization, the shape group, and a former un official. thank you very much for staying with us, mr. checked. when we were speaking earlier, you said that this is a defining a moment. what do you mean by that? well, brilliant diplomacy is got us to this point, but now the pos will be difficult if way to most certainly extend the seas 5 by a couple of days, but actually give ourselves the chance to develop something much, much more comprehensive when it comes to a political process and assessment right now and look at those wonderful pictures of hostages and prisoners coming out. there is still some way to go in that. there are, as we've said,
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categories of prisoners which will be much more difficult to negotiate the release . but then there's also the humanitarian side, and of course some was the repair of infrastructure in the short term. but really long that is, can we get another another month? can we take ourselves to the end of the year? does that give us the time in order to start to bring further consensus, both within the international community as well, perhaps through a un security council resolution, as well as to push it securely, benjamin netanyahu into that, into that terrain. and what would it take to push benjamin netanyahu into that terrain? given that, you know, when we talk about what the international community is saying, most calling for a ton and, and to cease fire. but israel said that it has no plans for that. that it will continue the war until it eliminates a mazda it says,
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and the united states biggest ally keeps talking about how as well as of right to, to pursue that goal. well, we've all heard the statements, even in the last 24 hours. when 5 minutes and then yahoo as well as some of these ministers are speaking in a very belligerent way. but through the un switch, i've known benjamin on yahoo since 2000. this is a leader who is uniquely interested in himself and his hold on tyler. so he will have to decide whether or not he restarts this and this, that keeps him in power for now. or in fact, he should go through various rounds. it pauses with the impetus and desire to restart. this becomes so much more difficult in that the role that present bite and will play will be actually deficient. i'm just with falling much at stake and i'm more than $15000.00 palestinians killed around $6000.00 children, killed what will be?
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nothing you all whose calculus in deciding whether he keeps going for extending $65.00 or resumes the war. and just how much leverage do you think, how much pressure do you think president biden is willing to exist on? nothing. yeah, well, on the lot to, we've just had again the visits of mr. bill beds, who's the head of the, the intelligence services of the united states. now, when the band shows up, you know, the united states and joe biden, the serious, he is the most accomplished the diplomats. i believe that the united states has and i believe, for that reason he working with his count spots here in tulsa as well as egypt. i think gone now starting to chop out to a course where also at the same time, you have the us military asking these riley military. what are his plans? what are his plans for suddenly garza and i don't think they convinced at this point of time? so all of this, i think, points to job, i'm willing to exec,
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more pressure on benjamin and yahoo. and at the end of the day, as i said, that's what's going to determine his calculations that yahoo is in terms of whether he can last this out for longer. very interesting days. ahead were just so much at stake. mr. shake. thank you very much for breaking all of that down for us. that is some on shake of the shake group. thank you to that set for me, elizabeth toronto for this news owl. we leave you now with a lace has pictures of the latest batch of is ray, the captives leaving gaza. this has them traveling in vehicles that belong to the international red cross. and is that true? monetary and organization that has been transformed into captives? these are to women, we believe them to be jewel is really russian citizens. they are 2 of the 12 as rarely captives 2 and leaving gaza. being released from 5 mazda on wednesday
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evening to stay with us on algae 0. i'll continue and coverage in just a few minutes. the one of the largest green spaces in atlanta, georgia is being cleared to build a $19000000.00 lease training facilities i for or the forward is the same that they were to join us all forward to use. the prosecution doesn't surprising the construction of domestic stream. it is the people that are talking about investing and social services that are considered extreme phone lines of what this means for the future of protest in america. now your terrorist on out you 0, the latest news as it breaks the strikes on the job and the refugee camp was so powerful that it uprooted the foundation of this multi story building with detailed coverage, these premature savings, having to show one, incubate to medical stuff didn't have the resources to cope with them on and still
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this john and this is really forces of killed more than 200 people in the occupied west. but since the events of october, 7th, frustration is crow or the export 2023 door to the fascination or sign or
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join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the hello i'm 0 venue is good to have you with us. this is the news our lives i'm doing, coming up in the program. this our, a 6 exchange between our mazda and israel, to is really russians or among 12 captives being released from the gaza strip. no word on an extension of the ceasefire, yet the thoughts are ongoing for us as it is full of an agreement many palestinians released from his release.


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