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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 29, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the hello i'm 0 venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives i'm doing. coming up in the program. this our, a 6 exchange between our mazda and israel, to is really russians or among 12 captives being released from the gaza strip. no word on an extension of the ceasefire, yet the costs are ongoing. for us as it is folks who live in agreement, many palestinians release from is really jails under the steel fear that they will
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be real rest and is really forces youth until to tell us the children an 8 year old and a teenager in a rate west the, the, the, it is 1900 gmc, that is 9 pm in gaza. warehouse has begun releasing another group of captives on the 6th day of a ceasefire. 2 is really russians or among the group of 12 being fried by him us. the palestinian islamic jihad group handed over several civilians as part of the deal. 30 palestinian prisoners are due to be released from is really jails in exchange. as all of this takes place, fox or ongoing to expend the ceasefire deal beyond day 6, guitar has been helping to mediate the negotiations. it's foreign ministry says
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that the main focus is to secure an end to the war. almost as 3 is really captives, including a 10 month old baby were killed drinking his really bombardment of garza. the baby was the youngest captive taken by a mouse during the october 7th attack. as go live to sarah hi rights, who joins us live now from tel aviv. so sorry. we've now got the information and we've got the pictures of the capt is being released from gaza handed over to the guy c r c, the red cross. and then crossing the roof of border crossing, what happens now it's, it's we see the same scenario play out day after day. okay, so what i'll start with you is what is confirmed? its been confirmed now. uh, the cert, 12 people have been handed over to the red cross. so now on the way to israel at the moment it seems that 2 of them which are jewel, national jewel,
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is ready. russian have already and said israel, that seems they were handed over separately. before the 10 captives agreed as parts of the ceasefire extension. so we know all of thoughts. what we still don't know, of course, is what will be coming next now that so this is the box, but it's been handed over in terms of a cx 5. but going back to those captives, the 2 russian dual citizenship nationals rather with is ready, russian that came as a separate requests from directly from russia to hum us to release them. if you're a member or a couple of days ago. and now the jewel citizen who was also russian, was also released as part of an agreement that seems set for us to the usual, seized by agreement. again with russia. they're on their way here and they says day 6. so it's very similar scenarios that we've been seeing usually they'll end up going to a minute tree based. they'll know they'll then be taken directly uh,
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usually by a highly called to, to the hospitals, to then meet with the families. uh, what's quite concerning. so people head right now is the big boss, family, those all full members of a family parents and the 2 children of 4 year old as well as a 10 month 2 year old. now how much would really the statement is saying, but both the children and the mother had been killed early up previous to the scene spot threw in his riley as strike prime minister benjamin netanyahu had released the statement saying he's had a phone call with the family to let them know of this latest development, but saying that this doesn't come from this side because they have to do a bit more investigating and looking into this to find out what the situation is. because if you go back a few days ago as well during this, these 5, how mas had said that one of the concepts had been killed. and then so many people
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surprised she then was on the list and then she was released an elderly lazy. so some concerns here from people then not sure whether to believe it or not. but regardless of that, the family is also reduced. the statement of asking people to give them privacy at this time, of course, because the potential is that they weren't killed in an s, right? so or if i can get you to pivot to what we believe is happening right this to go station behind the scenes to try and extend the ceasefire. we're currently 10 hours away from the currency spire ending. what do you know on your end, if anything about these negotiations and where we might be and as well. so it's been extraordinary actually in the last few hours because no was from israel with regards to an extension of a c store. and that doesn't come as a surprise because when the extension happens a couple of days ago, they never couldn't funds. it's actually officially,
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it was really reported through his writing media. and of course, thomas had confirmed that cats are, is the main needs, the so had confirmed and then it was confirmed by the us. but what's extraordinary is there's been several statements, i believe, the biggest number of statements and such shots, such a short period since uh, this war even started. you had statements from the prime, minnesota, from the defense, minnesota us from one of the war cabinet members benny guns from 2 different spokesmen full b as riley ministry and also the army chief as well. or indicating an old saying the same thing that they on. now the discuss the next phase, as in, in terms of the war that they are going to go ahead with it once to cease fire reserve us and that they will continue with this ground defensive reading between the lines that so lots of pressure on the government right now, is this 10 month old baby has been killed as how my suggest this is going to not go
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down very well. so the public care because they've been saying they want the priority to be the old account since the returned before anything. so this is not going to be good for clearly for the uh is res. i'm one thing they did say one of the statements. is that how mouse is responsible for the death of any of the captives in garza? yeah, sorry, look, that's really interesting. you're, you're the point that you're raising about all these statements coming out of the war cabinet and the army chief. i'll just bring our viewers. the quote from the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu released this on his twitter account earlier today. just a few hours ago. saying quote, there is no situation in which we do not go back to fighting until the end. the entire government is behind it. the entire security cabinet is behind it. the people are behind it. this is exactly what we will do and quote. so just to your point, that's something we're going to be discussing later in the show also trying to make sense of that. so r hi rod reporting from tel aviv. thank you very much. now those talks that we were
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just telling you about are ongoing for a 2nd extension to the ceasefire and gaza options here as hush in my head bar joins us now. what can you add to? what? sorry i was saying. clearly we're not in to find out much from these really side. they're being very quiet not putting out anything in public. you've been following these negotiations. it's very hush hush. the head of the c i is here. the head of most side is here. what do you know? it will be a good thing and an announcement any time now, all of the extension of the agreement. so they've been working on it for for quite some time. the helpful do we have of what will happen? yes. so what is happening is about the trying to negotiate this extension. the moment the analysis it depends. we're talking about 2 days or 4 days it will be conducive to the most crucial step ahead, which is basically the talk about a per logs ceasefire. tonight's announcements,
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he's definitely going to be a strong indications that what we can see is obviously a trend which holds, which is basically the ceasefire. and if that continues for categories, for all the key mediators and the guarantors of these agreement, health could be further extended into something bigger. this would have to send as well how soon were less than 10 hours away from this ceasefire and isn't right with there was a 4 day ceasefire. it was extended for 2 days right now, and 7 am local time and gods with that same 9 hours and 50 minutes. which means potentially if we don't get into that and spent before then the high intensity war that we saw resumes in less than 10 hours. so that definitely i would assume that we would give the announcement right off to the we see the, the exchange of the prints and those of the cafeteria. and this is in an old, fully from now. but i've been talking to different sources of hopeful confidence in
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the se. then also what is going to be made tonight? okay, do we know what that ceasefire deal with look like? and how many days? how many captives in exchange for how many prisoners do we have any indication that the criteria remains the same when it comes to the exchange of the present us? the debate now is about the duration of the seas by a. was it going to be 2 days or more day? some there is an attempt to try to extend it to 4 days, 4 days, going to be a fairly significant step forward, a very positive message to the international community. but to get to this phase, why can you make that clear to our viewers? i mean it's, it's partly intuitive, right? that if you reach afford a ceasefire, you've just got more of an agreement. then if you reach a 2 day c site, everybody can understand that. but why is it so important?
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it says it's very important. so that because this has been an extraordinary back shuttle diplomacy to try to come up with an agreement, nothing ghost touching system. nothing is set into stone. no, nothing is going to be set into stone to model for the simple reason. all the policies of trying to its full vistas for what could be a consensus. and to do so. they took the agree under the slide to me the day off to understand it. so if we can come up with an agreement with it, then i'll announce it the hoping to get the outside is hoping to get to the phase where the international community understands the ceasefire since it's holding. that's an indications that we could or step in and work out something much bigger. but to do this, you have to have concessions from us, at least live if you have, then you have to have concessions from these riders,
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the states just by the way that you can have for these writers because that's not beyond what we've seen so far. we have a saying x number of captors for x number of 1000 prisoners because because the, the next phase is going to be about the soldiers. yeah. when it comes to the soldiers. yeah, that's the most important aspects of this, of these did all the civilians, they've brought us to, to, to make significant progress. now we comes to the soldiers. this is where you have the problem. these writers have these things that we need how much to reduce everyone. otherwise, we're continual. how much of these let me show you how to sing. when it comes to the soldiers, you have to be awful. you have to be in exchange for all the body city is detained in his right. james. the thought is trying to explore the potential for smooth progress and build of that momentum hoping that they could, along with the egyptians, americans encouraged all the parties to negotiate something bigger. and when you
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see the last 3 hours, it's not random that you're getting all those statements from the egyptians, the jordanians, the saudis saying that while we need from now and worse is a permanent ceasefire, and the need to reserve rec, to the out of the initiative the full days, riley is willing to recognize the state of his ride in exchange for an independent but his estate with eastern service of him as is capital, why they're doing this? because they do understand that they do sense that now it looks like the ceasefire is going to hold and it is definitely go into further extent. the sources that i've been talking to indicating that the confident enough they have to do. okay. so this is,
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this would be what the categories have been putting forward about momentum and building momentum. and they've said that from even before day one of the ceasefire, right? that 1st the spire was there to get to another ceasefire which exists really the purpose of which is to get to get another ceasefire, etc. and you build from small ceasefire to medium ceasefire to long term succession of hostilities. so we're in the middle of that. still don't know exactly where this ends. obviously you're going to be with us throughout the evening. it would be a long night ahead to see where this goes. hush in my head bar. thank you so much. now it hush him was indicating there is a likelihood that if a ceasefire is announced, it is announced after today's exchange is completed. that means the capt is released from gaza versus the policy and prisoners released from is really presence . now we have been watching these pictures. we're always on this life, the top right of your screen over prison, because that is where we expect to see policy and prisoners be released from. that's how it's been working the last few days they are handed over to the red cross,
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the red cross from there they can go and they are released either to the occupied westbank or for those who live in occupied east jerusalem. that's where they're released to did. abraham is in ramallah in the occupied west bank and it what can you tell us on your end? well, here in the occupied west bank every night, fellow city and families wait to see their children. their daughter is also getting released in these swap deals. we've been speaking a lot lately with miners who were telling us very difficult stories about the mistreatment. the beating the, to which of the psychological nightmares they've been going through in is really jails. and to elaborate more on that, let me introduce our desktop different. that's totally, he's been a prisoner, but he's been in charge of minors in the old for the that isn't the one we are expecting the prisoners to come out of tonight and has been coming out of in the
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past few days. but this, i like us to something for the, for the song you were in charge of my errors. i thought she'd be moderate. what is the hardest thing they experience and present the income of what i'm the 1st off. good night. good evening to all of you that the children and the miners who are in prison and occupation prisons go through 3 different stages in a j r like the 1st stage initial at the risk of the occupation, the car, me stages, interest for children the same way that the rest are in sales, they send large numbers of soldiers, the tanks, apc's, and they arrest children as they sleep with their choice or whether to lower their stuffed animals. and on the, on the way the mistreatment starts. the 2nd, they leave the house, they are mistreated, they are at the time on the way to present. they are threatened to suffer extortion, you know, using a number of cases and that way when they reach the interrogation center,
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they confess whether or not they were guilty. the 2nd stage is the model of the imprisonment and the interrogation. a large number of minors were interrogated, a large number of them were actually assaulted. a lot of them were blackmailed sexually blackmailed in other types of blackmail as well. and others were beats and there weren't than uh, a large number of children who stayed for 20 days. or a month maybe a little longer, maybe a little short, shorter during that stage. the 3rd stage is the trial. a bad it could be that was thinking and children are had the trial. that is really military courts. the same as adults be thought to how it is my walk over the summer and i've had them. and these courts are actually giving the approval to the trial children who are 12 or 13 years old, just like they are trailing adults. so this is the 3rd stage, and obviously the miners will spend the entire period that they're in prison meant
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in prisons and they separate the exact same circumstances vs the exact same mistreatment and beatings as the other adults who are in prison. we were just at the edge of his own camp and we spoke to a 12 year old child who was taken to be interrogated without the presence of a lawyer, even though is really law. clearly states that there must be an attorney with children who are at least between 12 and 14 years of age for these rules violated upon. so often these rules and these laws were violated with the majority of children who are in prison and obviously in the occupation stage. there's a difference between dealing with is really miners, even if they're held for a felony ends between palestinian miners who are detained even for max out of the time of the silliest reasons. they do not deal according to their laws. they always differentiate. so at the 2nd, the children reach the interrogation room and they are already terrified. they have
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already been threatened, so they confess immediately, and then they call their parents. so they circumvent the process. they do not allow the mother or the father to be allowed to, to be with their children. and they would even delay the lawyer and delayed the presence of a lawyer until such time as they have obtained a confession. so they violated all laws and all the standards that are usually applied when children and and minors are being killed. and often times they deal with children who are over 16 years of age. as adults, even though you have to be over 18 to be treated well, but their own standards, when it comes to minors, they do not implement them as well as international standards that apply to the rest of fighters. they do not divide by those at all. without mentioning any names, we have been hearing some terrifying stories. so without mentioning any names, what stories of children or miners are still stuck in your mind about some type of
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static that. well, mostly usually they used to close our room at 6 at the and we were supervisors, but after 6 pm we could not have any direct contact with the children to try and make it easier for them. there was a child who was 13 years old and he was spent at the window and started calling us and calling out to his mother, and he would continue crying until morning. so we couldn't wait for morning to arrive so that we can try to lighten his suffering. a large number of the children also experienced involuntary. you're a nation which was very embarrassing, so we would take away their mattresses and clean them. and this goes to show how afraid there were not one of them. there was a child who did not trust us, who did not trust the other people who weren't with them. and we learned later that he was beaten during interrogation. and he was blackmail. hadn't been applauded, went up to hard. this cases was with one particular child who experienced great
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difficulty. and i thought that the best spot in adapting it to the people with him in prison. and i found out that later he actually committed suicide by hanging himself in his room as a result of the difficult circumstances in which he was living. we noticed that he was not adapting. he was not mingling with the other children. he was not mingling with us, it wasn't until a month or 45 days later that he started having some contact between him and the prophets to the people with him or the other inmates. it's very difficult when it'd be to me or further and tells you i want to play them other question. what do you do in that case? i don't answer well, we try to treat them with as much humanity as we can muster. we try to tell them, consider me your father, consider me your older brother way they are a you for instance, on the in the morning we used to have certain individuals, certain celebrations, that worst parts of our resilience efforts. so you can only imagine the child who
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would wait for the morning to see scans, parents to see a little new, the clothes would see the jailer. instead i would say the jail cell. so imagine how hard it must have been for them. there was one time when they brought a detail you need who had lost his leg and he had to live with the other inmates and obviously the special circumstances they need special care. so i imagine not how that's just for that the to imagine other children as well, that there was another changes that where you, where there was a mountain miners. it'd be just a minor, everything to minor who his body had and marks on the dog bites, as well as the shoes of soldiers. so that's part of the mistreatment that they were being subjected to. and these testimonies are only a part of what with the heating from those prisoners that have been freed lately. they're saying that even after they've heard all those testimonies from earlier,
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what's happening now and after october 7th is even much, much worse. and it abraham reporting from ramallah in the occupied westbank. we haven't seen the palestinian prisoners be freed yet. but if we just base ourselves on the timing some the last few days, that's probably going to happen in a couple of hours. not just now near to thank you very much for your reporting. i was a 0 correspondent, hold on a bill. i need sat down with 3 recently fried policy and prisoners in the occupied west bank. and they spoke to her about their experiences and is really prison about the fear of being arrested again and about whether they can make up the last time we go to meet them at night, away from the prying eyes of is really settlers in occupation forces nearby sleek cousins recently released, but with respect to prison still hanging over their heads. as mentioned, you could say a good name was sentenced to 15 months for throwing stones, a symbolic gesture by young palestinians to resist these rainy occupation live up
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to florida. i was warned not to celebrate my freedom and not to throw stones. of course that can get me again, but in the end, what do you want me to do? i'm just defending myself in my village. i'm not a terrorist, as they say that as could say was driven out of all state prison. his cousin mohammed was coming in. he had been waiting outside for could say to be released when soldiers detained him. this wasn't his 1st time, but during the latest brief stay in jail, he noticed the conditions have changed. i saw him, the thought did not see very psychological torture. it wasn't like that before. now they lock you in a room until you're broken and admit to anything they want. when i go home, the office in our area told me my movements were being monitored and next time that home, my wife as well. despite this rights how much thinks it's important to speak out and the hopes the world will understand how difficult it is to simply be
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a palestinian. all of those we spoke to told us the same story that they were were not to celebrate the new found freedom and not just speak publicly. in fact, we had interviewed a group of teenagers, but the few hours after we left the message just asking not to air the interview. and they told us that this really officer in charge of the village had called each one of them individually threatening that if our interview aired, they would return to jail more than $3300.00 police didn't you and had been detained in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th, the vast majority held without charge, cut off from the world. the fact that it shows the 1st thing that the palestinians must pay the price for the attack, regardless of whether they took part in this or not. and then all those detained a use for exchanges during deals. that's why i say that those who are held off to october, the 7th,
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a hostages and not prisoners. so you just have to move with them. how much does that was release? the priority was to get him treatment. both his hands were broken in what he describes as nightly routine meetings. now he's back home, seemingly still in shock and relieved he survived slowly slowly. one of the guys was so badly beaten, his cell made skipped calling and yelling for someone to help and they finally arrived. they felt his pulse for the boss. he was dead after that they would just and sold as the soldier came to fetch me. before my release, he said they would hunt me down and bring me back to jail. all the others didn't. we spoke to on off camera share of feeling of unease. they are relieved to be at home, but wonder how many nights they'll be able to sleep in their beds before he's really soldiers come for them again. without that, how many elders you are in the occupied west says go to target globalism in hon
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eunice in the southern gaza tarik. the current ceasefire ends in 9 and a half hours for the moment. we do not have a guarantee that there is going to be another ceasefire. so are people in gaza glued to the news? watching this? are they preparing for the war to maybe start again tomorrow morning? how are they absorbing or yes, the vast majority of thousands are really waiting and fully old and use related to the extension of any possible c spy, a 3 time us and east bed on the ground. even we are not right now in the master hospital. the big the come on ask joining us if there's going to be any new, any news related to the extension of the ceasefire that's happening confirmed by cuts are till now. we told them that there was never any confirmation regarding an extension for negotiations. still get to, to continue by cuts out or to, to uh, to reach an agreement between our mazda and he's well, for further extensions and from in your rates that will help to,
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to release more hostages from inside the goals trip and also for palestinian prisoners from the east valley, detentions, now they are waiting what is happening next as they are getting ready for the continuation and the resuming of fighting between our mazda and is built on the ground. now, this is considered to be unlike mess with palestinians. if it's going to be a new round of fighting will take place off till the end of this short time ceased by a wet destruction bombardment. and even the humanitarian aggravating crisis will return again without any further guarantee that there will be more aid that to look into the gaza strip um in the continuation of fighting. so they are waiting right now. the announcement bike has heart regarding the extension of the ceasefire. hoping to have more release of hostages and also to how for the day is clear of as rarely strikes and even to have moved time to move themselves together to move the beloved ones from under the rough ones. and even it's to have normal days away. i'm clear
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of bombardments natara cowboys, whom importing from inside the gaza strip, even as we watched a live feed of over a prison in the occupied west bank, where we're expecting to see in the coming hours the policy in prison is released today. thank you very much. start us secretary of state, anthony lincoln said that the white house is working to find ways of extending the humanitarian pause in gaza. he was speaking earlier at the nato summit in brussels . we're searching him out of transit systems in the gaza to make sure that it's people have what they need to get by looking at the next couple of days will be focused on making doing what we can to extend the costs so that we continue to get more hostages out and more humanitarian assistance and we'll discuss with this real how it kind of chief it's objective, ensuring that the terrorists attacks of october 7th never happen. again. lots of standing, an increasing amount of trans assistance and minimizing further suffering and casualties among palestine civilians. all right, let's speak to mike hannah,
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you are joining us live from washington dc. mike. so the, the us has to, you know, very important avenue is for action, right? now in the middle east, one is that the ca head is here in doha, as we understand it, working actively on the ceasefire extension. the other is, the anthony blinking said he was coming to going to israel tomorrow. and he's going to be talking about the future of guys of the future of this conflict. what exactly is that visit for and what messages you're going to be carrier as well. the secretary of state is going to be focusing as well on and increasing the cease fire of extending the seas. far as the c i, a director is in dough. how i present this is a central intent of the by the ministration at present. it's talking about extending the ceasefire with a view to be c spy. the pause actually becoming
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a norm. so it's trying to get the seas file which was a temporary one, is a temporary one extended. so it was to create conditions which would encourage perhaps, negotiations between the parties which could end to a section of the ongoing complex. now that is the talk, but with that can be achieved. that's another matter entirely. been can, will also be focusing on humanitarian supplies going into gaza using this window created by the cx 5 to get more humanitarian supplies in. that's also, i believe that he will be discussing with the is ray, the leadership. the question of what happens when or maybe if the conflict begins again in particular, israel is duty to care for civilians on the ground during its operations. this was something that the bite and administration has introduced into the debates in recent weeks. having stays quiet on the issue quite an extended period of time. so
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there's a lot of bulls in the, essentially it's big concert visit to the region showing once again the biden administration's investment in this ongoing a problem. and it's investment in ending the conflict on a long term basis. now this is something in which biden is putting political capital, and certainly that is a real problem, potentially to him with an election year coming up. mike had a reporting from washington dc. thank you very much for all of that. still ahead on alpha 0 marching for palestine rallies in south africa to martha u. n's international day of solidarity with how it's stimulus. more on that after a short break the how it feels like the weather across to europe slowly catching up with the seasons
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is being very weight. 3 recently made for logical winter stops on friday. but since we got for the next couple of days, we will gladly say that cobra, affecting a most possible oh we have got to this mix of what the system still in place. this is what was storm pertain, still some snowy weather and that one man that's going to push his wife further northwards and east west next terrace. no, that's making just way it has right across the fireplace. guy initially pushing radical spots tend to snow over the high ground, sending across the out some significant start full coming from the thailand divided . so you can see bring some are all the heavy writing across spain and portugal, interpreters in belgrade, around 12 degrees celsius and not everybody feeling like a winter as a go on into friday. the 1st day of december, somebody wins picking those type of receptor around 20 celsius, moist a, pushing up into the cobra as you can see the snow a little more extensive at that stage. meanwhile, the course of all of them africa, it is generally dry for now,
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but we have got some rain in the wings that will slide its way down towards moving parts of morocco, cause a good part of west of morocco for friday. meanwhile, shy was continued on the coast of west africa, of the 102-0000 injuries. 1.4000000 people just placed the we were just at the community and goes are being targeted. no one is the same. everyone is one of the largest green spaces in atlanta, georgia is being cleared to build a $19000000.00 lease training facility i for or the forward is the same that they
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were to join or forward to use across accusing doesn't surprising. the construction of domestic stream, it is the people that are talking about investing in social services that are considered extreme phone lines of what this means for the future of protest in america. now your terrorist on out you 0 of the the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this hour from us has begun releasing another group of captives from gaza on the 6th day of a ceasefire to russian is released or among the group of 12 being fried 30 palestinian prisoners are due to be released from his really jails and exchange. as the 6th exchange takes place,
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talks are ongoing to extend the ceasefire deal could far has been helping to mediate the negotiations. as foreign ministry says, the main focus is to secure an end to the war. from us as 3 is really captives, including a 10 month old baby were killed, drinking is really bombardment of god. baby was the youngest captive taken by him us during the october 7th attack is really forces have killed 2 palestinian children during yet another raid in jeanine and the occupied westbank warning to our viewers. though some of the images we are about to show you are disturbing. this here is the moment that is really forces shot dead 8 year old adam . i'll go in the head and you can see another palestinian dragging him away from his really bullets trying to save him. this is the moment another child was killed 15 year old bows or a wasa. he was shot in the chest as he was trying to run away. we can also report
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that is really forces were preventing citizens and paramedics from reaching the injured inside. jeanine charles stratford, his following developments from jeanine refugee camp in the occupied west. thank as this right is being described by residents here inside the janine refugee camp as being the largest, right. they can remember suddenly, since the beginning of the war and yes of truly a rig quotes each video footage has a period of the shooting of these 2 young boys, the policy and those are 2. you're saying that it was an 8 year old. that was shot in the back, according to the people that we've spoken to. he was playing football at the time as the is ready for us, he's will withdrawing that software right. it lost it around 17 hours and seemingly defenceless. as you see the shows in the back being dragged on the a call behind a call by one of his friends, what evidence would suggest and also yes,
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a 15 year old boy also killed during this, right? that's according to the p a. and as i say, it is just being described as one of the largest is ready military wise, the largest industry right since the beginning of the war residents of describing that being hundreds of soldiers, that not only came into the camp, but something that they hadn't seen since the beginning of the war, soldiers walking around the town as well. the now with all the political focus on captive exchanges and ceasefire extensions, the military side of the war has slipped from central stage. but israel is planning for the fighting to resume as is hum us, rory challenge reports on what might happen if the walrus restarts. for now, the guns of war a quiet is right. the soldiers picnic on tanks and boston, the last of the years fading booms before them lie the ruins they've made of casa, the school trouble for 48 days of destruction. but everyone
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knows benjamin netanyahu, and he's ready military and not finished yet. this much has been said repeatedly when he visited troops and gaza over the weekend. and again, on wednesday, by me, my whole name of an issue and the last few days, i hear a question after this phase of returning our objectives as well, is for you, i will return to fighting as so my answer is an unequivocal yes. there is no way we are not going to go back to fighting until the end of this. this is my policy. so i'm giving the entire cabinet stands behind it. the entire government stands behind a lot going on with the soldiers stand behind it, and the people stand behind it where everyone is making what they can, if the low causes days, civilian search for who and want to survived. how mass and these ready minute treat . preparing for the fighting to come. israel's defense minister your gland to set that once the captive exchanges a done, the war will resume is effects with intensity and that's at least 2 months. small
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fighting is expected. the address creek is the defense analyst at the school. the security studies king's college london, he explained to me what shape the next phase of his will might take. the more intense fighting is most likely just around the corner for the idea of. and so i think they would probably start seizing a gauze and say t overground. then they will have to decide whether they will immediately shift focus towards the south and hun units, or whether they are going to go off to the tunnels. i suspect they will probably not go after the tunnels and just try to smoke them out. little if this is good news because the civilians, 80 percent of cause this population has displaced. most of the south, an estimated $14000.00 palestinians have been killed already. us still backs israel, but they're all signs the pace of killing is making even with white house, fun easy,
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quite frankly. we continue to urge and will continue to urge these rarely, as, as they conduct military operations to do so with the utmost care. for instance, civilian life is round noticed, disappointed, has from western allies is waning about domestically. it must show that it's minute 3 objectives are being achieved. anything less than destroying how much could be seen is failure and causes civilians who continue paying the price will re talents . how does the rest of the 5 days to receive? so we need to talk about this. let's bring in selman, shake, founder of the piece, building organization, the shape group, and a former un official. thanks for being with us. i'm hearing 2 things this. our one is our correspondent is reporting there is going to be an extension of the ceasefire. the other and you just saw in that report. all the statements coming out of the is really war cabinet. the is really government at large. this quote by judgment at yahoo, bears repeating, there is no situation in which we do not go back to fighting until the end. that's the quote. he put it out on his twitter or just
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a few hours ago. how do you reconcile these, these 2 things? talk of the ceasefire. everybody seems to think it's going to happen. it's eminent and then talk of no, we're going to fight till the end. so that's why we have to have a rolling set of humanitarian choices which are extended, which is why probably will see 2 days or 2 plus 2 days a to buy more time. but most importantly, to get the hostages out. there are still a 159 is ready. hostages, which is right, the authority suggest stated a lot of the musto civilians, but a lot of them then men and people of military backgrounds that it's going to take some time. now if you look at the debate within israel, i think the majority off of getting as many of those out as possible. so for netanyahu, yes, he's got this a belligerent set of statements, but he's going to have to take into account is ready public opinion. and then the opinion of the united states president bill biden, and those who are working on the ground for him. and of course we've got buildings
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here pushing i believe, and trying to work and prepare for, not just this choice, but for a longer one. as someone who's been part of international diplomacy behind the scenes and in this region before, what do you think are the likely obstacles biggest obstacles that are still in the way right now of the, in the way of this is expire extension? well, of course, it's whether benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet willing to go very far. um, you know, letting yahoo is gonna have to choose between this coalition at the end of the day . and the longer to cease funding, of course, that's the logistical part of and then of course, something can happen. you could have an assassination. you could have some form of a mess of trust in the west bank, which we've already seen. you could start to see some other form of retaliation and then of course in gaza it's very interesting that come off seems to have maintained
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its level of control even as it's being hit. but we shouldn't take that for granted forever. you could see a security vacuum open up. we already saw that in terms of the hostages that were taken and who took the it wasn't just my so assignment you had, it was also perhaps a more freelance is criminal families and the like. yeah, i know it's been quite a job to bring them back together and both from us and the guitar and foreign ministry have acknowledged that a must doesn't actually hold all the captives. and this is something i think in the next few days, may become a little bit more of a stumbling block. if they don't have the captives, they may not be able to release them, right. i think the confidence that they've managed to consolidate and they've got names, and they've used this period these last 4 or 5 days in order to consolidate names and know whether or not everyone. but i think that again, points to the reason why you need to maintain this humanitarian side and to extend it. okay, look,
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that's very interesting because as of i think it was 48 hours ago. i had interviewed both the spokes person to the contrary for a mystery. one of the spokes people for a mouse and they had acknowledged and side step questions about whether cost had knowledge of all the captives. but you're saying that a stumbling block that was there may no longer be there. well, we need to keep up the meant. yeah. right. and of course if you start to have devastating force being unleashed on gaza, then you're going to find that becoming more difficult. i mean, i heard a week or so ago from kentucky officials as a heading towards the 1st set of, of pauses. how difficult it was becoming to actually speak to. i'm us and others on the ground. and we don't want that situation because we do, but those hostages released the summer stake. stay with us. we have more questions for you. um, speaking at the united nations security council secretary general, antonio gutierrez said that the ceasefire has provided respite in gaza, but more aide is desperately needed. as the health care system has all the
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collapsed over the past few days. the people of the occupied spell is 10 territory and isabel, and find that we've seen a gleam of hope and humanity in so much darkness. it is deeply moving to see civilians find that we haven't got any spikes from the bottom bottom months. families of united and live saving age increasing. mr. president, resolution $2712.00 and i quote, the man's that's all part of his comply with daddy obligations under the international law, including international humanitarian law. not to believe with regard to the protection of civilians, especially children. it is clear that before the pause with the serious violations, let's speak to gabriel elizondo and you're joining us live from the un headquarters in new york. run us through what's been happening today at the un gabriel. a
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while there's been a lot quite frankly, it was the key here was a special united nations security council meeting. it was high level and it was hosted by the foreign minister of china, and there were numerous other foreign ministers here as well. and it was a meeting about the issue of palestine in the palestine question as they call it, it took on new urgency of course because of the conflict. and uh it was a chance for the secretary general to brief the security council members on the situation in gaza. and that's what you heard a little bit up there. he gave a very bleak picture of the humanitarian situation there. and but the fact that this was a ministerial level meeting for administrators here really gave you an idea of how urgently they are trying to reach some sort of diplomatic end to this conflict that
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seems certainly far off in the future. but there are been renewed calls today at the un from various different to a foreign ministers here. calling to make this, this temporary pause and finding a more permanent cease fire. that was certainly the headline out of the un today. right. gabriel's on the reporting from new york at the united nations. thank you very much. so i'm on shake. i wanted to hear you on this because you, you were at the un again, were involved in, in negotiations behind the scenes, international diplomacy. there are moments, frankly, when one gets the sense that you and isn't effective, they can put out statements all they want. it just changes absolutely nothing. and i think it has felt like that at some point earlier in the war. and then there are moments when you feel okay, there is perhaps momentum back to that word where what do you feel? what, which bucket this to day fall into? there's potential here for diplomacy to actually get ahead of the crisis. you know,
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it's, it's faithful usually for us. diplomats, well, we're always running behind events. but what we saw a couple of weeks ago in the un security council was this resolution 2712 which the century general referred to, which would refer to pull is instead of as far too many debts off to that. but we did get to humanitarian pause. i think the next urgent order of business, which is what i think we've been hearing. the security council is a un resolution which establishes a session of all studies or a sci fi, which then gives us for the space and time in order to be able to develop the more the tools that the diplomats need in order to get us the right foundations for a political process leading to the comprehensive assessment. tell us a little bit more about that because that's the idea that the guitar and mediators have been putting forward right. start with a short ceasefire. try and get a slightly longer ceasefire and then try and get a really long ceasefire. so that politics and diplomacy can actually work. what would that look like? as well?
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as i said, i think there is a, there is a need here for the international community in the broad a sense. and it's very interesting that the session is headed by the chinese foreign minister in china, or is a new entrance when it comes to middle east diplomacy and peer voice in this region . it is, you know, we, we have a private group that brings together people of different backgrounds and the chinese always used to say to us that the middle east is the graveyard. a big palace that was 3 or 4 years ago. but now what we see is them stepping forward, we saw the agreement that helped broke up between iran and so didn't raise the real big level engagement. that's right. so taking from that, we need now to start, as i said, how do you in resolution for the spot. so these 5 but then take for those, we're calling for an international conference 1st and foremost, to help in the rebuilding of jobs and to establish new governance and in gaza. but, but not just that,
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in order to be able to lay out the kind of international legitimacy and mandates that are needed. we also need an international contact group by myself as a recently suggested that we actually need the united states in china working together in this. and crucially, we also need to bring in those arab states, particularly cuts our side, the ravia, the u, a e, as well as egypt and jordan, and an international contact group that can work together through what will be a very difficult diplomatic process. but you know, as i listen to you for all of this, to make any kind of progress, there is one player that needs to be on board at some point in time. and that's is real because everybody else in the international community, we're almost everybody seems to be behind the 2 state solution. right. i don't hear many different things that you still hear through. absolutely. right. and you need to get these really published. yeah. eventually on board as well, which is why this is true to process right now is important because those riley's have gone through a shop. there's a lot of fear here and is around a lot of people who are not willing to support such diplomatic moves,
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but you said as well, not benjamin netanyahu through this process. i suspect that we will lose benjamin netanyahu, or we certainly should. if we're able to move forward with this route, it will be a national unity government or a co edition that is able to engage seriously as a part dissertation, i would note i was 1st with you and in 2000 and way over direct was was part of those sort of camp david talks and, and stuff like that. the only other it's really prime minister i can think of in recent member who was going there was that hotel met in 2007 nights we haven't had in his riley prime minister or leadership that is seriously committed to a 2 state solution. and that's the task head for the international committee is task for us president, whether it's joe biden or success. okay, that's really interesting. and something i think for us to keep in mind because it,
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benjamin netanyahu has appeared to have no interest in the 2 state solution for quite a while now. but you're saying hold on in the, in the short to medium term future, e might no longer be running the show in israel. so that's something to the listen to his riley's, i mean you have the majority of his right to say that politically, benjamin at yahoo is deadman working. so i'm gonna shake. thank you very much. you're staying with us because we'll talk to you again throughout the evening. thank you. and the 29th is the day of international solidarity with the palestinian people. the day was designated in 1977 by the united nations. and 30 years after the general assembly chart that its own plan for the future, for the palestinians, and the jewish people who had settled in palestine, col and baker has more on how israel's borders have changed since that in 1947, the united nations general assembly passed a resolution 181 ending britain's occupation of palestine and partitioning it into 2 independent states. one palestinian,
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the other jewish. it also classified jerusalem as an international city to be overseen by the un as trusty. but the plan never came into effect. war broke out between zion as groups and palestinians days later, and eventually drew in neighboring states. the 1948 war resulted in the knock box or catastrophe. more than 750000 palestinians were forced from their homes when israel claimed control of more than 3 quarters of palestinian land and forbade palestinians to return. because they were not to wish. by 1949, israel had signed a series of arms disagreements with neighboring states. egypt would control the gaza strip and jordan, the westbank, and east jerusalem. that was the status quote until 1967 when war broke out again between israel, egypt, syria, and jordan, is rarely forces occupied the west bank, gaza and east jerusalem as well as the golan heights and the cyanide peninsula. the conflict lasted years, culminating in another war, in 1973, between israel,
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egypt and syria. it wasn't until 1982 that israel withdrew from the sign i. it's still occupies the golan heights which borders lebanon and syria. in the years following the oslo peace accords, palestine was divided even further, leaving more than 60 percent of the occupied westbank under direct control of the israeli military. today about 700000 is rarely settlers live in the occupied west bank and roughly 300 settlements and outpost, all of which are legal under international law. the various events are being held across the world to mark the un international day of solidarity with the palestinian people in the south african city of johannesburg. trade unions and members of civil society have been holding demonstrations calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza for me to middle. it has more from johannesburg. the poll a free palestine resonates with many south africans because of. so that's because
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apartheid history, they say the palestinians are going through exactly what people of color in south africa went to put decades. and so many of us have been power allows between no parties real and, and a partridge south africa. they say 2 countries that work together from 1948 to achieve their uptake to many people in the usa. they're hoping that they're present, that this demonstration will hang tags on the, on the go through buds or by just the current har. at the $227.00 health care workers that have been killed in garza hospitals that have been and the civilians and soldiers that i've been talking to thousands of organizations have come together in johannes. but they're a made up of political parties. and joe's a civil society organizations,
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but they won't have one thing in common. they're quoting for a priest, palestine. and then in to the genocide, they say they also want to so the african government to types diplomatic ties with israel. that has been on the debate for a number of weeks now. these old african parliament has held a votes. always, the resolution was false and sold. africa should indeed save a ties with israel. but ultimately it's up to the president soto my poor. so i and there's been no word from the president, all the cabinets on what south africa will do next. but just like this continue around the country. they've been posted in main cities like devon johanna is. but where we are as well as cape town. and there are a number of quotes his plans to the coming days. so me the, i'll do 0 to his book. very short break and we'll be bringing you full coverage of the day's events at the top of the hour. we are currently 9 hours away from the
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current ceasefire expiring with reporting, suggesting that we will see an extension of that $65.00, but no certainty as of yet. see you in a minute. the a unique perspective thing being housing is a huge part of my identity voices. you don't often hear how are you doing today? i almost forgot how my life used to be before the aggression in the gaza strip. started connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. question for me is very, very critical. issue is an attack in this specific area during me on these boards and the rest of the team history on algebra. it is a tenant object to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of his really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and
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yet, on the fringes of his randy, public discourse, anti war voices persist, sales calling, traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, what you're looking at that is one of the breach points through which i must collect just came into his room warning sirens here. and there is some site has been remarkably intensified during the last couple hours. we've seen these as strikes really concentrated on residential homes in residential building with dangerous contractors are still over, of course, as well. so at the moment, the conversation here is the middle inside the hospital then without oxygen, without electricity, incubators, and the babies inside the house. they're dying one after another one of these 5,
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it's a bad friend that kills me every single day. the 6th exchange between our mazda and israel, to is really russian nationals are among the 12 captives being released from down the line. several then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is elza 0 light from the also coming up this hour. no word on an extension of a ceasefire yet, but folks are ongoing. the us as it is hopeful of an agreement many palestinians release from is really jails under the deal.


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