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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 30, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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packed of today's headlines, explore and abundance of wealth claws programming international. so make us involved class john and bring programs to inform and inspire on challenges. era the . ready celebrations in the occupied westbank as a 6th group of palestinian prisoners all relate the money inside this is out of their life. and so those are coming up. how much hands waiver 16 will captives who are being held in gaza? 7 women and 5 minors among those now in israel towards continue for an extension of the golf to cease 5, which is due to expire in just
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a couple of hours. the united states says it's hopeful that they will be in agreement on the phone with you not to say, section of state henry kissinger dies at the age of $100.00. the it's, it is 3 g m t. that's 5 am local time in gaza. and in the west bank where there was celebrations of to israel, prisoner officials released a group of fancy palestinians just 2 hours before the extended safe spot is set to expire. they arrived in ramallah in a bus operated by the red cross. how must also freed 16 captives who are now on is ready soil. they crossed into egypt through the rock, the crossing from gaza. they include dual citizens from the us, germany, netherlands, and full time nationals. behind the scenes talks to extend the say spa deal all
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still happening casa, has been helping to mediate the negotiations. it's foreign ministry says the main focus is to secure an end to the will hold the meat has the very latest from ramallah. it was a long day for the prisoners before they were released. they have to wait hours inside the door for prison. and that was even further delayed because they were some confrontation between is really security forces and palestinians in between. yeah, a with actually for palestinians were wounded by live i really nation according to the health authorities here in ramallah. but finally, they made it out of that for the 15 of them were from the occupied was back and most of them arrived here in central romanella with their family and friends were waiting for them and they were given a hero's welcome. many people though,
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did say that this was a bit of a bittersweet enrollment on top of your car. so the, the theater, they were very harsh on us. they used to a gas and be tough. they took us into saw that she confinement all at random. we were not able to for the news because they took our radios, there was no food or medicine or even close to call things and threw them into the rubbish. elio i said, i want to see that the ice won't be easy because there are county, the prison isn't being deprived of food and not escalated from the outside world. you're isolated all day with the exception of pop in our 1st shala. and we have no way to communicate with our families also want to go. my goodness. and this is the 1st though, we also hear that they're actually a female prisoners taken from northern gaza and brought to jail inside israel. now the big question among all palestinians is whether the seas fire will be extended or not. for many,
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it means that perhaps they will be more release of prisoners. and also more importantly, is that the people in gaza would have a few more days of respite. for that than i mean obviously, right in ramallah, i say now from the how many jam june he has mall and the prisoners from occupied east jerusalem, who's been released in occupied east jerusalem after a long night of delays. several hours of family members waiting for their relatives, palestinian prisoners to be released. finally word that at least 6 of the 8 prisoners who reside in occupied east jerusalem, where we are now have returned to their homes. now, throughout the last several hours, we spoke with family members who were very concerned about the delay in the release of their relatives. they didn't know what was going on and when exactly they would arrive. we had reports throughout the evening. that security forces continued to go
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to those houses, warning family members, not to speak to the media, kicking out members of the extended family, also barring journalist from accessing those homes. this certainly falls into a pattern we've seen increased over the course of the last few days when security forces have repeatedly gone into the homes of prisoners who reside in occupied east jerusalem. kicking out members of extended family and time is also kicking out assembled journalists. and this is one of the reasons why many of the families we've spoken with over the course of the past few days have worried about what's going to happen in the days to come. many of the prisoners that we've spoken with have told us about the fact that they have been warned not to post anything on social media, not to speak to the media, not to engage in any political activities. many of them concerned that if it's,
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if there's any perception that they have violated any of these conditions upon their release, that perhaps they could even be picked up again and taken back to jail. now, while we have not been able to access any of those families over the course of the night, that's because they're too afraid to live journal listen to their home because they were afraid there will be around if occasion is from the security forces. we're here and why the joys there were 2 of the prisoners that were released over the course of the past several hours that reside in this area were overlooking that area right now. those 2 prisoners were told, have returned to their homes. certainly various relief among those family members that are finally were united with their loved ones. but at a time when many of these families would like to experience some joy at the reunion and be able to breathe a sigh of relief, they also feel that they are being watched and monitored. and they feel that they cannot experience the kind of happiness that they would like to at this moment. how
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much i'm just data occupied. easter is a speak now it's a honda saw her it's she joins live from occupied east jerusalem. honda, just on the 2 hours to go until the cx 5 comes through and then what is it that you were hearing about whether this deal will be extended or not? of what we are hearing from is really media that the war cabinet meeting that went into the deep hours of the night is over. but there has been no agreement on the extension of the ceasefire. there has been several issues that have come up is really source is speaking anonymously to is really media saying that these really is were not satisfied with the list of captives who were potentially going to be released on thursday. the 7th day of the cease fire and the 3rd day of the extension. these really is reportedly
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rejecting it entirely and have not received a list of names that they want. additionally, those sources are saying that if they do not receive the list by 7 am local time, which is less than 2 hours away, the fighting will resume. this has been in line with what these rallies have been saying since the beginning of the ceasefire, that they are ready to resume the war at any point in time at any point that works for them. additionally, remember they didn't even confirm the extension of the ceasefire. to begin with, and they have not confirmed a 2nd extension yet because there is an issue reportedly with the list of names, but mediators have given them so now just under 2 hours left to see if the cease fire will be extended. molly. meanwhile, another 16 captives were freed from gauze up by how much, what more can you tell us about that exchange?
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the 10 is really, is for ty nationals, and to dual is really russian citizens were all released by him as today. they have all since been reunited with their families at the hospital after a couple of delays due to what sources are saying are technical and logistical issues. attendance really captives and for time nationals were released and handed over to the red cross where they went through the border crossing to get into the hands of these really military for identification process. these, they were then taken to the hub, setting the air base in the south, where they are, where they were accompanied by the israeli army, binds really special forces. they were then all air listed to the hospital where they are currently undergoing several medical and psychological checks as we know which we still from these really government do not have an update for thursday. the day we are in the day, it is expected to be the 7th day of the ceasefire and the state of israel anxiously
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awaiting for what's next mostly. okay, thank you for that. honda southern that 1st unoccupied east jerusalem manual non has been shown in the thoughts by is rarely forces during confrontations near ramallah and it's off the troops during the town if it to near any occupied westbank on wednesday nights. the rain coincided with a gathering of residents waiting for a convoy of palestinian prisoners to be released. is there any forces of also killed 2 palestinian children during? yes, another raid in jeanine in the occupied westbank. just a warning to all of us. some of the images we're about to show or disturbing. this is the moment. is riley forces shot dead 8 year old. as i'm a girl in the head. you can see another palestinian dragging him away from his writing, but it's in a desperate attempt to save him to now this is the moment another child is killed.
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15 year old basso a bu a wafaa. he was shot in the chest, as he was trying to run away, is where the forces were preventing citizens and paramedics from reaching the injured. inside, janine, which on strife, it has been following developments from jeanine refuge account in the occupied westbank. this right is being described by residents here and so i, the janine refugee camp is being the largest, right. they can remember suddenly since the beginning of the war and yes, some truly horrific. voltage video footage has a period of the shooting of these 2 young boys, the policy, you know, sar to you saying that it was an 8 year old that was shot in the back, according to the people that we've spoken to. he was playing football at the time as the is ready for will seize well withdrawing that software rage at last it around 17 hours and seemingly defenceless. as you see the shows in the back being
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dragged on the a call behind a call by one of his friends, what evidence would suggest and also yes, a 15 year old boy also killed during this, right? that's according to the p a. and as i say, it is just being described as one of the largest is ready, military lies the largest industry right since the beginning of the war residents of describing their being hundreds of soldiers. that not only came into the camp, but something that they hadn't seen since the beginning of the war. soldiers walking around the town as well as well. yes. president obama is such a big stream. me concerned about israel's next phase. if it's when gaza closing to official sources, the news website acts fuel says bite and wound is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that's an offensive install. the goal is i could wisant the humanitarian crisis as case of william laurence. he's professor of international relations at
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the american university and a full us diplomat. he joins us now live from washington, d. c. so i want to ask you about these ongoing negotiations. we have 2 hours on the 2 hours now until that see spot is due to expire. one would expect that with the experience of 2 rounds of negotiations, it would actually be easier to reach some sort of agreement or on an expansion if it's a deal yet, that doesn't seem to be the case. you know, it's the opposite for a couple of reasons. one is that over uh, already 40 percent of the hostages have been released by all the best accounts. and now we're getting into the trickier case is probably some injured hostages. men id of soldiers, people not how to buy home us. uh and officially the truth already expired. this rarely is uh, extended it from midnight to 7 am as israel palestine time. uh because uh they
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didn't like the list they were given. now i didn't see anything in the deal as articulated internationally. that said, the threat israel gets to start the war again because they don't like the 10 names . so i suspect there's incredible amounts of pressure coming from the americans and others, auditors rallies to say, take the list and some officials are saying there could be an extension of one to 3 or 4 days more. but there's a point at which the formulas change you may remember some years ago. one is really, soldier was traded for a 1000 palestinians, a soldier as really a soldier helped me from us. and i think the idea of soldiers is past indian representatives. keep saying are worth more, and so there's a bigger deal and a different deal that needs to be made. uh and, and what do you think that could be because, i mean, what do you think could be the reasons for this apparent reluctance of both israel and how much to prolong the truth. so i'm asked as
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a bunch of conditions that they've been articulating at various times as well as have taught senior officials in the west bank. but, you know, one of the big ones this, they want to save the last hostages for the end of the occupation, as you know, right now, israel's occupying about 10 percent of guys in territory. and has, you know, does your, a control of the whole thing? and we're facing the possibility of a bombing campaign in the south, which would really anger by, given the way he's articulated read lines about how israel can continue the bombardment the way it did before. and so, you know, we're at this point where even some israelis are saying quietly or, and listen stuff that they should just release all of the palestinian prisoners over 2000 which are being held without charges. another 5000 in percent about seeing jails for all of the rest of the hostages. i don't think that's what will happen. i think it's going to be more of this drip, drip, drip, and hopefully with
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a lot of guitar ingenuity in american pressure. this cease fire can extend for as long as possible as bided said. he prefers the us sector of states in israel. he arrived in the last few hours. the us have made it clear they do want the seats for extended at least will it make it harder for israel to resume the fighting? absolutely. i've never seen so much disagreement between the americans, always publicly and privately, as with this war, and it's a relationship i've been studying for decades. and so the pressure is on. and yet there's this, you know, various types of bare how getting going on and say, look, it's real, we're not doing this because we don't like you were doing this because it's in your best interest to stop killing people. it's in your best interest to get the hostages out, etc, etc. it's in your best interest not to create a bigger, ain't more angry or from us by creating a lot more monitors and,
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and death and destruction. so that didn't go stations or ongoing. they're very complicated, i think one of the interesting wrinkles is part of the discussions already. what will the after war guys look like? because nothing. yeah, laid out unreachable objectives here. and yet there's going to be have to kind of the, sort of re jiggling of the objectives for israel to exit at some point. declare some sort of victory. and then whoever is governing and gaza to be accepted by all parties are really good to get you perspective william laurence, professor of international relations at the american university. thank you. the still ahead on al jazeera, we look at the life and legacy of henry kissinger, the former us texture of states who has died at the age of 100. the
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story of a small community in one of mexico's most dangerous states standing up to criminal court house and corrupt politicians. see we don't want to fall additions anymore. they just this united, the people in the last episode of democracy. maybe we explore how trans eldest, let the fight for self determination, pretty savvy at that time, thinking that the now coast was the same as thinking of the 2 ends government by the people on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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welcome back to watching al jazeera mind if on top stories this hour, they have been celebrations in ramallah, in the old supplied westbank dispatch, the palestinian prisoners released by israel. it is the 6th group of prisoners to be freed as possible. the sconces, 10 release is ready. captives has traveled through the rough crossing from gauze and to egypt, and now on, is there any soil? they include dual citizens from the us, germany, and netherlands, full time national support. email, as all this takes place, talks have been ongoing to extend the cx 5 deal, which run zones in on the 2 hours comp to has been helping to mediate the negotiations. a faithful and the us national security advisor and sex your state, henry kissinger, as died at the age of 100 on the president. richard nixon kissinger was a key figure in opening up diplomatic ties with communist china back in the 19
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seventy's bots. he's also been accused of new crime is for supporting repressive dictatorships, especially in latin america, as well as bowman campaigns in south east asia. like how that looks back on his life. i was at the age of 100, henry kissinger. joe was still globe trotting meeting the chinese president in badging. you've just celebrated your 100 birthday and i wish you a long and healthy life to significantly, he was also gone to the meeting with the defense minister, a man sanctioned by the us read refused any form of communication with bite in administration. officials, including his opposite number in the pentagon. it was 52 years since kissinger had 1st held secret meetings with the chinese leaders when he was the us national security advisor. and then i know a lot of you will want to hear from no secretary of state,
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that is no country in the that it is conceivable. that amount of my origins could be standing here. next to the president of the united states. kissinger was born in germany in 1923. he and his family fit denazi's and 1958. eventually settling in the us. he joined the army during world war 2, using his language skills and military intelligence. off to the wall kissinger and the doctorate and political science at harvard. his ambition to shape us foreign policy. kissinger gosh, is john. so when he joined the nixon white house in 1969 with his job was to help and the war in vietnam, jo was sold the secret carpet bombing campaign in cambodia. it's estimated as many as a 1000000 people were killed. opponents of the war, se kissinger should have been trying for war crimes. he never apologized. i'm should be strongly supportive of it. it was correct.
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and did was in the american interest on christmas day, 1972. the us launched on a wall on north vietnam to convince noisy, to resume peace talks. within 10 days, you got these guys to the table with no other method could have that. this led to the 1973 paris piece of codes and the nobel peace prize val, kissinger. but the war didn't end until 1975, linux and administration sole vietnam as key to stopping the spread of communism. but when it came to the soviet union and china kissinger persuaded nixon to try a tongue. in other words, a slight defrosting of the cold war. the result, washington, i must go negotiated the 1st arms control treaties. and nixon visits of china in 1972 focus and jed. this was all about giving the us
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a tactical advantage our strategy, but to put stitching notes in such a way that we the closer to the union in china. then they moved to each other so that in every crisis. so we had small absence and they did. meanwhile, kids and joe was still fighting the cold war in south america and europe. backing military governments in chilly greece and argentina denied, supporting the crew which deposed chalet and president salvador ellen day in 1973 leading to the dictatorship of general august opener. che set was no police say save to us as an attempt to attach a man and a fluttering official secret whitehouse recordings later revealed that kissinger knew the c. i a helped to finish a launch the 2. and that he had canceled the state department's warnings, dependent chaise government,
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against killing political opponents is defense. sometimes statesman. have to choose among these kitchen shouldn't been to the use of shuttle diplomacy to help broken and the 1973 war between israel and egypt. creating the foundation for the 1978 camp david accords. often nixon resigned in 1974 kissinger continued a secretary of state under president gerald ford and spent the remaining decades of his life as an informal advisor will lead his incorporations to his critics. the woman go to his admirers to consume the diplomat, but recognized by all as a man who changed the course of history speak now to steve clemency is the highest, the balance is there, as we can show. the bottom line is the founding edison lodge. at summit for which is a new digital media platform agent joins us now live from washington dc. thank you for your time. so henry kissinger was
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a celebration on controversial. can you put his legacy in shaping foreign affairs into perspective? a dell? i mean, i think there was no more influential foreign policy, intellectual in, in and participant than henry kissinger who shaped the entire modern era. not just since the end of the cold war, but before the cold war, his book on nuclear weapons and foreign policy and the 1950s became the seminal document at that time on how to think about nuclear weapons. this is before the opening to china, before data with russia, and before many of his misdeeds he's, he's reviled around the world by many for support having no filter for human rights and embracing autocrats and dogs. but he is celebrated by those who see that he defused major tensions in the world, particularly with russia at a key moment, but also china and lead to a very different path at that time. and i think many people today who look at the complexities in the world, there are
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a lot of human rights atrocities in the world. but they're asking, where is the realist today? who can help negotiate and channel uh, between powers in the world that are emerging. and i think what's interesting is that kissinger is consequential as he, as controversial as he was never stopped to being consequential even in april hit with going to china meeting, changing ping when america. 2 and china were clearly on a divergent path and perhaps on a train wreck. of course, he stepped in and basically set a floor on that relationship, reminding both sides how fundamentally globally consequential that relationship was . so he was not loved and i knew henry kissinger was the 1st director of the nixon center in washington in the, in the early 19 nineties. and henry was my co chairman of my board. so i had a lot of interaction with him and he was a man who knew he had a place in history, who was worried how that was going to be. but he continued was worried how it would
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be shaped and he would attack him. but yet he didn't at another level care of that much. and steve, he was of course, a holocaust survivor, born in germany and the nice me but as a young child to america, how do you thing that shaped his life and choices? well i think it, it made him realize how fragile life and status and title was. he was a, he felt that his father was humiliated. came to this country with nothing. and if anything, and i've, and when i talked to dr. kissinger, i think it became clear that he became an over achieving person. someone who took everything, he did an incredibly seriously, he outlined his compet competition. and, and he was someone who always made whatever role or job he had something consequential. steve good to get. you will pass no perspective steve clements, a host of challenges airs. weekly show the bottom line. ok,
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that's it for me. modeling size is not small on on website algebra. del. com, whether is next, the inside story will examine the impact of israel's view on women in gaza. for up to date the the us hello and welcome to look at the international full, caustic, tabulate story across a group, parts of north america with them haven't. we've seen some mess, some snow up around the last little this stuff is still in place here by the one set of weather, but with a lot of pressure further south. here it has been cold light winds, but some for us to watch out for as well. things will change as we go through the next steps site and see if it's heavier, right?
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pushing up across the texas, easing up into a causal pushing a little further north, which as we go through the next day, we'll say still a little bit of smarter there into one terry. i want to quit back east of that cold enough. was that it has been raised on the 11th celsius in dc, a celsius, the for new york by the west. we've got some rain, sleet, and snow pushing into the pacific northwest running down to northern parts of california. that'll slide is white for the race with snow that coming in across the rockies and are right and over towards that southeastern corner, around picking up a little bit as it just makes its way into. i know some parts of florida and on into georgia, southern north we got some right in the mix here as well to the little bit of snow in northern flank of flats for the south. instead of your drive across the car, been not too bad over the next style. so we got some what to what the just coming down to was you could companies, let's still have a driver's wife. the race was to the gulf of mexico. the
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house coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in, at p a and unbiased. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the to the united nations says palestinian women have phone the front of israel on sloth in gaza. 2 thirds of those killed. and i was appointed me again some of how women and children. why are so many women victims and what kind of well do to protect them? this is inside story.
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