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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 1, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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friendship, i just ran the public discourse and seen more voices persist, cell calling, the traitors, the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the i 7 day see fire in guys that comes to an end. this route resumes is from bonham and tough. the street the no, i'm for you back. the boy you're watching. i'll just hear a lie from bill. how with our extensive coverage of the war in on guys, at least 70 palestinians have been killed since is really a tax resumed. dozens more have been injured. cannot possibly, you know, a good conscience started attacking the people of jobs were den i think that you
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will not have a message up on your hands. the u. n says the resumption of these really attached means thousands more innocent lives at risk in gaza. in the final hours of the ceasefire. another boost of palestinian prisoners was released from is really jails and exchange from os really sixty's really captives held in gaza on thursday night . the is this past 12 g m t? that's 2 pm in guys are after 7 days of trying to pick up the pieces and takes talk of everything. they've lost the people of the guys i once again andres, really attack minutes after the ceasefire between these right and how much ended at 7 am local time. these really ami resume disciplined bod meant of the gaza strip, targeting residential areas. and refugee comes the renewed offensive, a piece of expanded southern areas of the strip, such as con, eunice,
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and rasa have come under attack. at least 70 palestinians have been killed. meanwhile, cotton, which broke, or the ceasefire, says negotiations are ongoing with both sides. but it also says these routes military operations are complicating mediation efforts. gas is already facing the humanitarian crisis you and says 80 percent of the population has been forcibly to space and the health care system as collapse. benefits with begins on coverage. the 1st casualty started arriving at the few functioning hospitals in gaza, minutes after the cease fire, and i was asleep when i heard the sound of falling breaks. after that i heard my siblings voices and i went to them. then i heard people starting to dig and they came and pulled us out. the cats are in egypt and mediators have hope to avoid this.
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but so far they've been unable to get is right on time us to agree to continue holding on. 6 we were waking up and about to prepare breakfast for the children when suddenly our house and our neighbors were targeted. i rushed into the street without even putting them like, let's go dressed in the street. the entire area where we live has been completely wiped out. a garage of his riley besides the rain down on targets across the gauze, restrictions on friday morning. this is the regular refugee camp in the south. the on thursday us secretary state anthony, blinking told prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that is route cannot repeat the mess, civilian casualties, i'm displacement of palestinians. it inflicted on northern goss or the density of the buildings and the number of people false to relocate to shows what could have happened in the south. and then yahoo says israel is committed to his goals for the war. the and i lation of how much. and the returnable hostages on i've seen
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stretches coming through ambulance is coming. as we drove the 50 made 50 a 100, made his way maximum from nasa hospital. now the, the biggest remaining hospital for the people jobs are here. there was a huge, so i'm seeing ambulances and stretches coming through hospital stuff. obviously you've already been working 247 and now running this hospital, the spot, the immense, if it's all of the bright pride, courageous helps of channel tides and now the result the people cannot take that other result. there's thousands of people sleeping. yeah. beyond the fact that it's a 200 percent capacity for the children are injured. who need the medical care 1st, funerals, already taking place for the latest victims of the kansas as negotiations to restore the c spot. continuing these really bombardments of cause it is complicating those mediation assets. bernard smith, alger 0. well,
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let's get an update on the situation on the ground and speak to honey my motors in con eunice in 7 guys or 4. so honey, the bombing has resumed in separate areas across the gaza strip. talk to us about what's been happening in these last few hours. the yes indeed, since the early hours of this morning, right when the ceasefire ended at 7 am, the is really could not wait to start and resumed the bombardment. we're talking about a, in a level of bombardment that is similar in a scale and, and then city and magnitude of the freeze the fire a period. so far, many residential buildings have been targeted mainly concentrated in con eunice and dropbox, that they were talking about. a total of 70 people have been killed were talking about entire families within their homes without warning whatsoever,
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despite the mob that was sent by these really military and interactive map. so people could look k, their blocks, as they have effectively divided the southern part of the gaza strip, named leon, unit city and rough estimate the into blocks with numbers. but the one thing that these really military has forgotten about, the most people here do not have electricity. they don't have internet access to check this interactive map, so it's old, pointless for them to check if they are safe or not. so what's going on right now, intensity and migrant. you the largest scale right here in hon. you and a city and rough city. what we have seen in the past hours is the children and women the most vulnerable groove in this, in these time, these difficult time, we've seen children come and hit the knots or hospital. yeah. with phases covered, covered in blood. we see in a father carrying an infant and
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a one month old baby in his hand. the dad's brought him to the hospital and similar scenes been repeated and rough, and those were within the past half an hour. we got a report from the northern part, particularly in jeff valley and evacuation. centered in honor was. schools has been targeted. we're waiting for more updates about the number of casualty, but this has been confirmed. and just right now there is a sound of fighters yet hovering above the hospital right here. so northern areas targeted but also the south where you are a honey con eunice and rafa in the south targeted. the concern of course, is that the, this next phase of his rounds will on guys, is going to focus on the south, which these are, these have said is safe for people to go to the people who left the north to head south. but it wouldn't seem that's the case right now. how would people feeling about this
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well, there is a great sense of fear and concern. i mean, the, i back to the interactive map that was sent by this very military. it's pointless. people are not paying attention to it because they don't have access to it yet, so they don't know if their blocks are safe or not. a leaflets were dropped at early or early hours of this morning, ordering sharply if you just read the tone of the statement of the leaflets sharply ordering people to evacuate. all of these been side of hun unit. but here's the thing. it's not go into the western side of han units because in a previous at times they were told to go to west of honda is because it is safe area for them. now they're sharply ordering people to go drop off as the new safe area. however, or of it has been under bombardments since morning. i live in an area where at least several homes more than 5 homes were destroyed. i'm talking about not as more homes like 3 story, a 4 story building where destroyed since early hours of this morning. so literally
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there's no safety is this, this 5 the town spied is really military. do ask people to go from one area to another to avoid bombing, but they're only sending them to get bond. that that's the, the irony of the situation right now. no safe area in gaza, whether it's in a north or south honey. thank you very much for the update honey. my more diverse there in con eunice in southern guys. well, israel's government spokesman issue to stock wanting to have mos holding the group responsible for the ceasefire. ending unfortunately, how much decided to terminate the pause by failing to release all the kidnapped women as it was obligated to do so, and kidnapped children. and by resuming rocket fire, the perpetrators of the october 7th masika have decided to hold onto the hostages. they brutally adopted in violation of humanitarian law and every known humanity
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having chosen to hold onto women. how must will now take the mother of old some pigs as springing file high rod who is in tennessee for his are these really government spokesman saying that how mosse is responsible for ending the pose? how my says it is, these relays who are responsible for, for the breakdown, talk to us about what they're saying, these are these about this next phase of the war and what their focus is going to be this yeah, for the it seems it said that was against hours with this situation you have the is ready spite some dire and the minute tree saying that they had no choice. but this is because how much had violated the seas file number one by uh, sending rockets across to the southern towns. why is that? has been happening, it seems more than 50 rockets in many areas, has been no injuries from that. but it seems the sticking point. it is the list but
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how mosse has provides its, uh, there are multiple uh, sources saying that they wanted to ensure these riley's wants to show the order of those on the list all women. we have a breakdown here that was a shed earlier by these ready saying that there are remaining a 137 captives 20 of them all women, and 2 on the age of 18. now how much i had been saying that they provided 3 lists of the names of that they were willing to release is to see. so i have continued today i bought is rather saying, but it seems that one of the sticking points is that there are several bodies that it how much does it will it can hand over, including the, the bass finally, which it says were killed in an ass strike except for the father, but they said they would be willing to release the father as well to be able to come back to his road. hall is a funeral to those 3 bodies, which is his 4 year old son uh, the 10 month old baby. the youngest captive house and his wife box is well says
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that is on verified and unconcerned. so what we're seeing here is a disagreement. it seems on what the names that were put on the list as well as make ends insisting. and it says, part of that agreement is to release the women fast. and so how are the capt assemblies are reacting to all of this? and the fact that they, they probably won't be afraid to release of captives today. it doesn't sound like you know, the song, his writing media or his sight seeing official sources. and again, i've not seen this price to me, but saying that they could, there is still a chance that they could continue with this. the spot is how much provides the right list as per the agreements bought on at the same time, you're having the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the defense minutes to all of those in charge of saying that. so it wants to cease fire had ended, but they would continue with for us to see with the strike campaigns as well as the
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ground offensive. but when you speak, sir, as riley is when you speak to the families, especially on you'll seeing pictures, pictures with josh said in the last few minutes, the official ones by the israelis showing those that were released today. mia, she's a dual russian national as well as a 2 bedroom and siblings. i saw on zillow and you'll sing them reunited with best buy. i'm of these that gives people hope and for that reason they would not want to see if they were so i would rather see the ceasefire continue because that concerned, but any of those health cops it could be killed in those as strikes and they certainly don't want to see the number of bodies rising and those coming back then saturday. thank you for the updates. uh hi rod bye for is the intent of eve. yeah, we heard from holly high. yeah. who's a senior, i'm us politician in gaza and he told all jesse or arabic that they blame israel for the collapse of the cx. 5. when i left the,
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we are ready to have a new tools to swap the civilians of the old people with certain conditions. we already bought, we told about the man, it's a big we'll have the reserves his needs and the certain. and this because i'm different than the business my with as the as far you have because that a lot of the complexity in this file with the civilians, we are ready to be open. i do have another cruise that you might have did. it was released as a video. we have offered to release the old vapor and now we are dealing with this category documentation reviews to deal with this category. if occupation is ready, we are with the mediation, these that we have no direct contact with the occupation. the mediators can't
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stop, but no one folks know about a new toes. we were in contact with them in the 8th is what one of the officials thought the aggression again. and we have now tens of markets the no more a conversation about so so we are ready to talk about a cruise that will lead to the release of the civilians. the occupation was planning the resume declaration. the confession wants to pay of the wait for more of the section on the go. sure. they're going to just want to send a paper with them are not really a catalyst for administrative a nice to statement saying it expresses the regret at the resumption. nobody's really, aggression against guys are following the end of the humanitarian pause. it added that negotiations to restore, to cease fire austin ongoing,
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but that the bombardment of guys is complicating mediation efforts that's bringing in hash him i had a buyer who's following these negotiations very close before us here in doha shim, we've heard these release blame from us for the resumption of the war from us blaming these radius for the collapse of, of the talk scene, extending the t file. what are your costs or resources telling you about what led to the breakdown? well basically the problem yesterday was about the list of these riley captives. how about i said that the has a provided a list yesterday of the the is riley family. that was killed. it'd be best to be about the family, along with the father for plus 6 to be released in exchange for such a policy. and that this was rejected by isabel. and that there was another option which was basically a list of elderly is riley,
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is to be exchanged for a list of admiralty palestinians. and then the war trying to look into different options, such as the release of a female is very soldiers in exchange for his riley policy. but that would be a totally different uh, what issue isn't it? i mean, because it would seem that how mice would want to re negotiate the time so, so everybody's able to, to get to the salt. mm hm. they wanted to make some concession when it comes to the female soul, is just the main reason why this story is going to be different. and but then they said through all the negotiations yesterday night, these right is said, no, we want this list to be released. and that's when they went through the list. they said this was a female, a female soldiers. they have to be part of a different criteria. so it was about criteria. it was about the leverage, but it was about a great deal of fun. so to uncertainty about how to move forward,
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each party was trying to study. the name is next move. this explains why the tools collapse, so the talks of collapse, but i understand that there's still a line of communication between the 2 sides, right? and the categories of trying to negotiate the another extension. what, what's the likelihood of reaching another extension. another agreement between these really a will get a chance that we did raise. they say there is a chance just the fact that the negotiating as we speak is a good indication. no one is putting us from the tools. however, the need to convince both how much and israel on a green one is on a list, a particular when it comes to the list of the these riley captives as we speak the yet to finalize the list. if there is no list that he wants have an agreement, then the problem is you see the connection today. so this is a collapse, so the seas via agreement if it continues to further deteriorated with just
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diminished the chances whatsoever to extend the seas by and this has been cutoffs, strategic goal, which is just continue in the, in this truck to ensure that this is by a hose, if this is by a horse, it would be conducive to a comprehensive agreements, but there was always a risk that the ceasefire would collapse. right? i mean, there was a risk, sorry that the war would resume because next the, our, these are the prime minister had said, even if the ceasefire is working right now, we will go back to where we will resume the war. and we're seeing the pictures of that happening right now within 10 says ready bombardment, defroster process strips the north and even the south, which is supposed to be safer. is this, we seem to be in a new phase of this war? what is it going to look like you think? is it going to be as intense as the 1st round? do you know when the negotiated, when they went into the stick with the negotiations about potential for a prolonged extension?
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so came, the statement is from these writers on the need to destroy how mass, but then official statements for the 1st time buyers talk is ready. officials, including with the prime minister on israel the time and to kill the leadership of has a of how much oil of, of the well, the timing of those statements, when you are trying to solve it, you political data that could be conducive to a ceasefire. less money grumbling with what all the is right. what. what are these where as it is when it comes to the other genuine, do they want to good to go to a diesel? they want to see a prolong ceasefire. and then you have the resumption of the fighting of these explains why when you see the statement from positive. so funded f, as it says, was determined to continue mediation of the. but it's that, but the condemned what the described as is where is collective punishment of the body. cindy is the forcible displacement of the people as a continuing of the destruction of the civilian property. right. and so what should be, should we be watching out for in the next 2 hours and next 2 days?
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hash him when it comes to the negotiations. the diplomacy tonight to going to be crucial. i mean, you have to come up with something positive. you cannot afford to have a 2nd day of fighting because there might be a, a typical point where suddenly you won't have any control of this whole situation. and this is something will pop out, is understand, there's been a momentum of they've been building and they were hoping to capitalize on that momentum. taking it to convince the americans in particular, to put more pressure on as well for this is by or to hold. if it continues and if they ask others and continues for another day, it's going to be extremely difficult to return back to square one question. thank you very much for that hashem i have by joining us here in the studio while the us secretary of state. and to me blinking says israel must account for the safety of palestinian civilians and its military operations. and gossip is also reiterated the call for his route to comply with international law. oh job to have made reports to run my line. the occupied westbank mark in israel,
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america's diplomat touch down on wednesday evening. just as another group of captives was released by hamis and 30 palestinian prisoners were being freed from is ready the jails. the secretary of state came with a clear message to us would like to see the temporary ceasefire extended. and then the meeting with israel's president, isaac harris. so anthony, blinking called for the release of captives to continue but his main focus was to exert some influence over the next phase of is was offensive in gaza. which is expected to focus on the selves of this trip with the vast majority of guys as $2300000.00 people with forced to flee meetings today with the prime minister and senior israeli officials. to make clear that before is real resumes, major military operations. it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection
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plans that minimize further casualties of innocent palestinians to the us. and israel, believe her message, leadership is hunkered among them. washington is where we have the enormous cost this war has already had. but stopping israel's will, machine is not easy even for the us administration, but i'm not at all on the one each month and i told him that we so i swore to eliminate hammock and nothing was still possible. we will continue this war until we achieve the 3 goes to release all we have got to use to eliminate how much completely and to ensure that such a threat from gaza, who never re, i again, the budget administration is also looking forward to guys after the work a conversation that includes the palestinian authority based in ramallah. do us is seeking grace, would it be a to have agreed to roland this trip? what part of fitness don't expect much when it comes to the u. s. defending their
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rights? many are also skeptic. about their own leadership. some say it's week others, it's hands are tied, but everyone would agree that the real power resides in that building, which is the headquarters of these really military occupation in the west bank. is from here. this is what keeps its firm control and palestinians issuing orders and coordinating that the rates that have seen more than 3300 people, the team since october, 7th, and president without best, gave the secretary of state a fine with a list of eligible crimes committed by the occupation forces in both the west bank and gaza, a blinking then we turned to tell a vive, for more meetings, a clear indication that the old days of us shuttle diplomacy in the region of back hold up there. how many dizzy the remo or the us secretary of state has left israel and is now in the united arab emirates,
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my new arrival has more from washington dc. so it is a notable change in the tone of the rhetoric from us diplomats between now and before the start of the ceasefire. and rob, many people were hopeful us diplomats were hopeful that there could be an extension to, to the ceasefire that could have gone even into the weekend. we have to remember that even that last extension to the cease fire coincide with us secretary of state and to the blankets visit to israel. it came down just to the last minute. so even just in those last minutes before the ceasefire expired just just a just around 4 and a half hours ago, there was still hope that it could happen again. so this has to be frustrating for american diplomats at this point. remember that this trip by us secretary of state blinking, was designed to exert influence over is real. not only for is realty show restraint,
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not only toward working toward a sustain ceasefire, but seizing on the opportunity of to cease fire for the aid groups to deliver much needed humanitarian aid to the people of gaza. whether that be medical supplies, whether that be food or water or fuel. on thursday, secretary blink blinking did meet with prime minister netanyahu. he also met with these really more cabinet in west jerusalem along with several other us uh, several other is really top officials. but those meetings are over at this point, and if this was, as we've been hearing from our colleagues throughout the course of the last few hours since the ceasefire expired, if this was a litmus test for us to influence in is real well, the results don't seem very positive at all as well. let's take a look now at where the main areas are fighting. and guys, what has been since this war began is really forces where bottling policy and fight is from the cassandra gates and the stomach she had in these,
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nor their regions here, shaded in red. there were 3 bottles in the densely populated areas in and around garza city and near the giovanni a refugee camp before the si. fi is really true, syntax made advances in to these shaded areas in the north. well, let's discuss all these phases. developments now with use of one day who's a professor of politics, political science i should say, and international relations at caught our university use of. thank you for joining us once again. let's start with what's happening on the ground right now. we see these really bombardment of guys of resume in the northern areas but also in the southern areas of the gaza strip. and just about an hour or so ago, these are the governments spokesman was saying that they were doing everything they can to minimize civilian casualties. but given that all the, all the areas are being targeted, you wonder how they can minimize civilian casualties. but i think these ladies have to say that in order to so you face, given the voltage, is coming to the last 50 days,
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also under pressure from the united states of america to proceed with caution, to make sure that the civilian casualties ottoman anybody's, the devices are saying that we have drawn something mux for bodies to needs to go into the safe areas that on a couple of problems with this. the 1st one is given what has been happening over the last month and a half or so do palestinians have access to internet to check those box to begin with. and the 2nd one is does is life. and i would probably the most of the most, the best populated area in the world if we called for square kilometers. but positions i think the weight is to move the most of the us population of is the fault of the world and its been, it would be very difficult to find a safe on the safe place for those people right now in terms of the diplomacy,
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where is it headed now? you mentioned the americans that interestingly, the bombing resumed as the us secretary of state was leaving israel, heading to the united arab emirates. now, how much pressure can the americans a so on israel right now, how much influence do they still have? what a thing the americans, how influenced if they want to exempt it over the, the, the deadline the for the seas file expired the to so i've looked into modeling and these ladies basically start the bombing. i do not necessarily think that the us is going to go full speed with existing power pressure on elated we sold the declaration by the bought them. yeah. who is it, defy, you know, would i told him that i promise to both of these ladies and to achieve those 3 objectives? so yes, diplomacy can go about you've something but to do without that states,
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in my opinion is and within a 2 weeks out, it's football little a little later. do you think an all out war can be avoided right now in, in politics. if anything is possible, so it couldn't be avoided the negotiations troubles of negotiations open between the different parties with the categories involved with these ladies dominicans. uh also, so it is possible, but i know it's a question of good seem to point to view close them to, to each other and agree on the middle ground between the 2 main policies. in this conflict, come us on the one hand and utilize on the all right. you said thank you very much for the moment. use this fund out from kata university. joining us here on, on here and still ahead on the program policy mean stories on the cell. the screen will have more on a london film festival that's.


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