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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 2, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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this comes off the back of one of the brass browns in this region in about 12 feet . yes, scientists say the climatic trends can only be stopped by a global reduction in common emissions. many people here can barely afford fossil fuels, but they pay the highest price. the 2nd day of is there any bombing and gas on at least 200 palestinians have been killed since the safe spot ended on friday morning? the hello again. i missed ozzy. attain this is out of here at life from go home. also coming palestinian communities left in ruins. renewed as randy attacks have destroyed homes, businesses and spiteful infrastructure. the u. n. is wanting medical supplies, food and water already running out. i'm not people in gaza have no safe places to
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go and is really such as taking advantage of a minute to raise across the occupied westbank to seize even more or less. the israel has intensified and expanded as land and sea attacks across the gaza strip. since that week, long ceased by expired on friday morning, an air, a level residential talent in garza city. that was early on saturday. rescue crews that say they no longer have any working machinery to search for survivors. under the rubble, the death toll is rising again. at least 200 palestinians have been killed and these renewed is randy attacks. and garza health ministry says more than $15000.00 palestinians have now been killed since october. the 7th a. is there any forces? i've also struck areas in southern garza and particularly hot and what appears to
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be an expanding offensive palestinians who are full. somebody displaced from their homes in the north have now in order to move even further south. well that speaks to him to cordaris. she's in the bar that's in the central gaza strip, a hand it feels like israel has just picked up where it left off. how people then i'll feeling off to this, this last week's respond to it. so we'll started again. we did. they are currently bombing all across the gaza strip. we're talking about the another in the area of the central areas of southern area. but what's different this time after the temporary ceasefire is the concentration on the southern area. we're in the beginning of this war in the 1st couple of weeks is rent. it tells people to evacuate from the another area to the southern area, people, most of the people evacuated and now they can go back to the north. so people are
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displaced. we met people who were evacuated more than 2 to 3 times since the beginning of the war. they left the north without anything and now they are in the south being on. another thing i would like to mention is the map. that's the, is there any forces at published yesterday separating the gaza strip into blocks and asking people to follow those blocks and a to check on themselves during their blocks where they would be giving instructions and directions for people to evacuate from their area to another. but people in the gaza strip do not have electricity, do not have internet. we are in the hospital now people have been turning us. if it we can connect internet for them so they can follow up. this my people are confused . they don't know how to deal with this map, and at the same time, people do not trust the is there any forces because they told them to evacuate from the north and told them that the south area is that safe area. but at the end,
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they bombed and they are still bumping. the southern area of the gaza strip. we're talking about houses, schools, hospitals, you and facilities everywhere in the gaza strip is a target and there's no play safe. this is what people are currently feeling and that's the gossip, but it's in the news right now. hinge, tell us about the pattern of bombing that you've been saying to people that feel like this is paving. the way for, for an expanded is rarely ground defensive. the distribution of the map certainly sounds very on us with the pub feel that's yes, this is a ground invasion and i'm a talk expansion. where at the time, according to i with mrs. are staying at in the causes city. we're talking about to share with one neighborhood and they're also still look at centralized inside of
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the neighborhoods where people evacuating from the north to the south sea. these tanks and see is where the soldiers and people are fearing that there is going to be a ground invasion from the in the southern area of the gaza strip. people in the gaza strip again are, are, are frustrated. uh, they have a very, very huge fear that the, the same thing that happened in the, another area will also happen in the southern area. and people again don't have any safe place. they're asking us, where should we go? there's no safe place in gaza. all of these areas are, are, are, are targeted. there's no area that it, that is safe or not is that has not being targeted or bonds like that is where it is. so people are frustrated. and again, the human to turn and situation is dire. people are striving for food, we're under explosions right now. and there has been multiple,
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a explosions in different areas across the district. and especially in the middle, the area where we are right now. and people are still in the streets looking and striving to find food on walter. and this is the situation right now. and it's very obvious that it's gonna continue to escalate anastasio causality. the with the latest for us from the central parts ethic, also strip. thank you. and the whole, israel's defense minister is saying that his country will continue to attack gauze until it achieves it's called a rad occasion loss. on friday, you'll have colanda said that the group only understands false. he met the minute if you pass. now it is ralph. tell off and base, and then he watched some of the strides carried out on garza fish on mouthy. now you will not be shown, as i said from the 1st day. how must organization only understand 4 score? we will continue in striking until we achieve the course of the war, the dismantling of that mazda organization,
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with denial of its military capabilities, and the return of the hostages to their homes. meanwhile, her loss is ongoing. the cassandra gates says that northeastern barrows rockets towards the tel aviv on friday as well sounded an air ride warning sirens, and several cities causing panic that most residents, let's speak to an official. he joins us now from occupied a story. some on we were sending out a glance has been reiterating what he's been saying, go along that they plan to continue this until they meet their objectives. where are we seeing the fighting take place now? all right, we're certainly hearing a loud, it's near the guys that communities that's happened in the last couple of hours and say that yahoo or the wife of the prime ministers intending to visit down in that area in the coming hours. so it has been heavy fighting in a guys a city itself and a bit like yeah, we're told that there were intense firefights overnight. there's also been fighting and cutting eunice and iraq. it strikes and attacks near rafa as well. now you can
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use the is really army, has said that the launch more than 5400 attacks overnight, including 50 using jets to eliminate what they call tendered lose targets in that area. but the attacks on rough uh, are interesting because of course, you'll know that many people who are then guys us, if you were told to move. so the can units and beyond and down towards rafa with the would be, according to these really sci fi. and there were leaflets stopped in the last 24 hours telling people to move to the set. and here we're getting reports confirmed by is really on the radio of attacks. and rough uh that leaves many people. what are you about? we're next, we're, can we go that would possibly be safe? would it be easier to see where they are? because at the moment, obviously anyway, the guys a strip doesn't appear to be safe. if you're making that crucial decision life saving decision for you and your family, there also be the tax in northern israel to including your patricia rocha being
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fired from lebanon. these really say in that very euphemistic phrase be eliminated the threat, which means that they killed an attack. danny, aware of those attacks were being launched from and there were a number of attacks in city overnight. according to city media. they say there was a really strikes in it around damascus. and of course the russians warned just last week that israel rest escalating the conflict if it continued to carry or attacks in and around the muskets international airport. so many people were hoping that the deceased bar may give people pause, but it seems as if it's read back up to 100 percent very quickly. let's say there's also been some talk amongst other regional powers in the middle east of a, a buffer zone of some sort, but as well wants to set up a full when this actually and what do we know about those plans? but typically of this idea is coming from the israelis,
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they say that their future security depends on the creation of, of buffer. so native run an effectively at the fact to buffer zone on the outskirts of gas. uh, which explains about 300 meters since the 2nd into 5 that this would be markedly different. you're talking about taking over palestinian, penetrate inside guys to create a buffer zone, which it's still unclear whether it be one to 200 meters or whether it'd be one to 2 kilometers. now on to the blink in the us, secretary of state has already said that there should be no palestinian tennessee taken over by israel at the end of the war. but these early so spoken to the egyptians, to the jordanians, to the united that amendments, to the talks and also to the united states to put forward this idea. how do we don't operate that still has to be co filled in because these really don't want to put troops there because they would become targets. new out of mission is likely to agree to it. the united nations would be to lot then certainly the us wouldn't do anything like that. so quite how it would work. what it would look like were unsure,
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but it's certainly a plan that is being suggested by these relays. i'd suggest that the people in the why the region is saying, look, once they've eliminated some us, the ability to rise does a do radicalize the they get this strip in the are words. then they would set up this buffer. so, but what we're already seeing is that there would be huge diplomatic back flush to this idea of these release for doing this, particularly on palestinian territories. unofficial, there was the latest for us from occupied a story some. thank you. allen, as well as speaking of the secretary of state as me think, and he's wrapped up yet another visit to the region since the conflicts began. he held talks on the future of gauze with foreign ministers on 5 lines of view on climate conference that's currently taking place in july and followed a meeting with israel's pardon list on thursday. i made clear that after
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it was imperative that is real, put in place, clear projections for civilians, emphasis standing and measuring the systems going forward. and as we see just today is real, is already moved out on parts of that, including sending out information, making a weird where we move and be in st. mary's and not in jobs. and we'll be looking at looking at that going forward. it's very, very important. it's also important to understand why the laws came to an end because of them on a mos renee documents and made in fact, even before the most committed, atrocious terrorist attack injurious feeling. 3 people born together as including americans began firing rockets before the positive ended. and as i said on the commitments of a, as well as, as well, was used as assault on garza hostilities of also attend to the israel lesson on
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board. and that's now speak to santa hold on. she joins us from march and june in southern lebanon there. and it can you talk us through these latest attacks you were telling me on it is all still being very catholic calibration. yes. so far, the attacks across the border exchange of fire confined to a narrow strip of territory along the border. even the targets carefully chosen, it appears that the lebanese armed group has by law and the israeli army are trying to avoid a full blown conflict. at least for the time being hours after the gaza sees fire collapsed early on friday as well launched a number of operations against is ready military positions are along the border as well responded to what the army calls sources of fire. more often than not. that means the outskirts of villages along the border, whereas the law usually launches, attacks against israel, the military positions yesterday, as well as said to,
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of its fighters were killed. a civilian was also killed, bringing to 15, the number of civilians who have been killed since hezbollah joined the conflict to help relieve gaza. but the iranian foreign minister is promising. what he says more severe and harsher response from the so called resistance groups. he said that he was in baby booth a few days ago, and this is what he was told by those groups. he did meet leaders from hezbollah. he did leave me to is from that is from him us. but the access of resistance strategy. yes, they have been escalating attacks against israel for multiple fronts against us troops, but they too have been carefully calibrating their attacks to avoid direct confrontation with the united states. and um, you know, a full blown conflict is and what does the end of the seas find in does actually means it has, the law is not failure, being viewed as a failure and then that for a potential reason. so even further escalation on that front,
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well, hezbollah has said the living on israel border will remain an active front line as long as, as well as attacks against cause continue, as well as engagement has so far been limited. but the secretary of general has said that all options are on the table. it depends on what happens in gaza. and it depends what happens and 11 on what happens in gauze for hezbollah officials, how mass is still in a good position. they say that as well, has not been able to achieve its military objectives. the question is, if it's how mazda is no longer to sustain attacks, we'll hezbollah joined the war with its full blown military capabilities, as well. also mentions a threat on 11 on because they to believe that as well. i would like to launch preemptive strikes against the group 11 on. so it says it really depends on those 2 factors. if this limited engagement, if you like, will change. but the western nations, like france, for example, has recently warned of an escalation and saying that this could spread beyond the,
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beyond the southern borders and possibly reach baby boot. so there is concern the united states and other countries trying to contain a to contain the conflict, but there is no doubt the possibility of a wider war is still on the table. santa told me that the on the ground for us on the lebanese is really bored at thank using a halt. still ahead on, on the end of this is foreign garza shasta is the expectations of families of costing and detainees still held. and it's raining, the depth analysis of today's headlines. all these blue cross blue is root has a to so the thing is not a license to kill inside story on out jersey era.
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it's the moment the villages inside they see through guy unit will be white. they're one of the many isolated communities around the mexican coastal town rebecca pool. cool. good. yet to receive the aid of the hurricane. no. to get the area now and they'd be fine me a ride. they told us what they've been going through, and there are sick trojan vomiting because we're having to drink water from the stream. and then we'll tell them she has the monkey eyes and marks on over her body . everything has been destroyed. the majority of the families are looking for the future in the schools, the church, the village home, because there is nowhere to shelter the community here. really glad to save it for a more to arrive. they say they've been cut off for about a week. they will, so the sites that it's not going to be enough, they're going to need a lot more the
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the welcome back to watching you all to 0. i'm just as you get a here and uh huh. let's remind you about top stories, the world, a 200 pottis' jeanine's have been killed since friday morning. when israel renewed its attacks on gauze, i often ceased find it expires earlier on saturday, the, on the levels, a residential tower and also cities southern parts of dallas and such as con eunice and ross. i have also been targeted, what appears to be an expanded offensive now 5 is randy ami a wounded half and take him to hospital us, which all over stretched so badly functioning. is there any force of shots,
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an injured a palestinian man during another range on the city of janine and the occupied westbank? look for port say that is really forces conducted raised in the sub o class of that opened fire on a vehicle of hosting human rights cream. say that is really set because all taking advantage of increased military rates across the occupied westbank to seize more land. it also carrying out assaults against the palestinians, such as detained, then stripped and beat, a team of monitors with the palestinian authority. charles stratford sentenced this report from the village of 841 sort of the sort wants to take his sheep to his land so they can graze. but he isn't of us about another attack, but he's ready. settlers who are trying to push him out with a month to sure if i like i bought the police as you can see how all you have to see the sheep on the street. who knows, i want to take them. but i need to check on that and repair the damage 1st. we go
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with months to a buy call to use life store grazing lands. these ready settlers to try to pull up the road quite digging a trench and plugging off us once saw the show. what defines the july issue, what the issue, what i assume i can from the lot of glad. i mean from the time the man from the just call his belongings broken and strewn across the slope. i did dish what was holding a cellphone. while this was the army with the suck lives and they are like father and son, they beat me. they beat to my son, one of this most, everything. first, they broke the phones, they sold my id and they destroyed the sheep pounds and the water pipes. it was on the morning of november, the 9th when a group of his rarely settlers, protected by the is really military, came into this area and destroyed places where palestinians have lived for
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generations. most palestinians, along with palestinian human rights groups say they have seen increased efforts by settlers to make land grabs. since the beginning of the will settle the caravans can be seen a couple of cologne which has down the valley. this video shows one of the attacks using bulldozers to destroy the palestinian farms property and force them out. the attack seem to be legs by this man, tomorrow. cohen or coby is, he's node. he goes a government loan in 2013 and established a settlement outpost. abdulla aboard off law shows me a map of 7 pilots to be in hamlet's with farm. is it being forced to evacuate since the beginning of the war? so this lady settlers a team of monitors from the palestinian authority, they were handcuffed and stripped the skulls and bruising shows how hall they were beaten by the sub. i'm in october, but the after october,
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7th things began to change. my team members hesitated to sleep for half an hour, and the settlers came a little bit, kicked everyone out. but when they found that my colleagues didn't lived there, this took them and beat them for 7 hours. i'm sure on the other phone was forced to flee the land in the area vile to which despite the increasing sector attacks, is we prepared to leave. and these radio army jeep drives by straight, a reminder of who wants to take and control this land child. so i thought i'll just 0 dates for the week. the occupied with bank hold on when utilizing and gaza has crushed the hopes of families of more than 7000 palestinians. still in this way, he presents many of them all being held without charge. as a result of the reports from ramallah any occupied westbank to boss it may not serve his entire sentence. there is no early release or prison or exchange. he has
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cancer and it's getting worse to his wife. zabeda says she wakes up every day expecting bad news. but how are you in the cold? we had to send a man with the wood, restarting, losing cold. i always try to be strong in front of my children, but i expect the worst. even the kids are disappointed. my son asks if his father can take much more of this. if the cease fire is over, what's going to happen to sick prisoners stories, photographs, and medical reports, and all she has to connect her children with their father, a man who has spent a decade in and out of jail, no charges, no sentence. a man who needs medical attention, he's not getting in and is really so palestinians are always just a moment away from tragedy. the end of the ceasefire and goes on friday. within minutes of his really guns coming back to life. fresh horrors and hopes crushed
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that more prisoners would be free. oh hey, this serving a life sentence for his part in the killing of an israeli minister in 2001. it is unlikely she will ever be released. but his wife says, who does not care about the ox? it's because it has the and has even just done yet. and we're very sad that releasing some prisoners has come at such a high price. we're talking about 20000 killed, those who were retrieved and other still under the rubble. that's a very, very high cost. freedom is precious. but we were hoping that they would be released in a deal of some thoughts without all this bloodshed and brutality inflicted on all people in gaza. any behind bars. good. not forgotten to israel criminals, terrorist security threats to palestinians, fathers and husbands who write love letters, patriots who fight for freedom. the same bus route of the ultra 0 roma law in the
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occupied westbank. turning now to settle all the while for years and the judge has ruled that former us president donald trump is not in your, in from prosecution in his elections fair. in this case, trunk isn't curious or flushing to over time. the 2020 presidential election, which he denies the case against a know can now move forward. so it may not be the final say in the legal fight. trump is running for reelection in 2024 of the us house of representatives has taken the risk step aversion to expel and then the ethics violations the chain. but vs at 311 to a 114, to remove new york congressmen george santos elected in 2022. it's quickly managed that santos a fabricated launch of his live story during his campaigns and the seats is now facing federal ford charges. citizens of several european countries on monday isn't no longer need visits to enter china for short visits throughout the 2nd largest
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economy as trying to increase its price depends on mc tourism. katrina, you has a loss over at toms. is passionate about paintings, history and sharing it, but those who visit china, but the number of foreign tourists has plummeted since the core of a 19 pandemic. now the government is hoping to change that trialing a 15 day visa free period. the citizens from france, germany, italy, the netherland, spain, and the leisure, the chinese government sending out a whole lot of the signals and welcoming people to china. then that is very, very good. and i think that people will also see that the china is not, you know, it's not on the lock down anymore. after 3 years of tied could be 19 restrictions. china reopened, it's board is in january. but it's yet to draw back the 10s of millions of international travelers. this is 10 minutes ancient pause of aging, very popular with visitors. the government says the number of tours has return to
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pre pandemic level, but the vast majority of domestic tours and then not spending nearly as much as they used to. chinese officials are grappling but slowing economic growth and crisis and consumer confidence. it's hope to the visa, free travel will attract not just tourists, but also international business. phone companies have been feeling that they're, they're not perhaps quite as woke up to date as they were before. so i think it's important that the government go out and signal that, you know, we open for business, we want to work with you. the visa exemption will remain in place for one year, but it would be travel, it still have to contend with fewer and pricey or flights, as well as increased negative sentiment towards china for its handling of the pen, demik and geopolitical and human rights disputes with west and countries is that the total loss over tom says, the move will help brewed and understanding. the political climate is maybe also a reminding people that they need to learn about china. though he believes the
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number of foreign tourists may never return to what it was before. katrina, you out a 0 they doing? that's. well, that's it for me and the styles they attain next inside story and we'll look at whether israel, it's amazing, it's obligations under the laws of the hello winter. it hasn't quite broken into across parts. so southeastern year at temperatures in athens, still getting into the low twenty's for now. not a coal we have in place. uh we have uh, what is the another named storm now making its way across northern positive. i believe it's just boom tree right, south of that we're putting in a southerly wind. so temperature is getting up to around $22.00 celsius. once again, the and athens still warm enough in belgrade for the time being, but the cold air is not too far away. take vienna,
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one degrees celsius on the northern flank of that the weather system. a lot of snow, significant snow for some very strong winds as well rattling across northern parts of italy. could be of the size of a 100 kilometers. perhaps i some disruptive weather in place at the moment. that'll make us well a little further north, which at least was broke right down to around 5 degrees celsius. still hanging onto that $22.00 for now. and athens, but it will turn little more on several tact coolers the going into the early part of next week. i'm settled to up towards the northwest model. the way i tried to push its way in here, london could get up to the dizzy heights of 7 celsius. so could 5 of 6 degrees warmer than on recent die central air is they all still lost the drive all the time being 0 because around a minus 2 celsius, but the race has a fabulous mode sliding across most guy the
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god for the past 6 years, the wars is gone and related so fast. a lot of people are dying. a lot of people are under the rubble. 2 the homes of business for him to come see mobile and we up the way you go is fine with most i can was with the 7 days say 5 in golf. the white thing has was in between israel and come of course in the middle of civilians. from side to side and raise questions about proportionality accountability. so is as well meeting is obligations under the laws of war. this is inside story, the .


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