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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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actually left in the early days of the war. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man best produces the best pictures and those other people to ira long. and in order to be able to get that message out to the well, the, the mazda, 3 days of heavy bombard with his way, the ground forces pushed into southern guns. the 700 palestinians have been killed, successful. the many bar code. this is out just a red line from the also coming up. posting is continued to flee south in search of safety. as the israeli ministry says, the intensity of the tax and southern gaza will match those in the hospitals. under
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extreme pressure of the un describes and level of fear and panic, not seen. and the pentagon says an american war ship and the red sea has destroy booty, drones, and we saw yemen, screeching say that toxic vessels links to ensure the welcome to the program. also being displaced from the homes and old and goes to hundreds of thousands of palestinians. and now being targeted by israel's ministry in the south search and rescue crews. on digging through the rubble of residential buildings boomed and rough or egypt from buddha. this neighborhood was targeted just a few hours ago after israel announced its campaign will be as intense in the south as it was in the north. is there any forces have also talking to the entrance of the come i've done hospital enrolled and gaza. hospitals across the street for being over well by the number of interviewed being brought to stuff is working
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under extreme conditions with a shortage of medication and surgical supplies. making their jobs near impossible the. 9 the, the on sunday, the jabante, a refugee camp is being targeted for the 2nd time. it has many days. several homes were destroyed, killing thousands of people started today, and the 700 percent of students have been killed. is one of the highest death totals over 24 hour period since we will began almost 2 months ago. i didn't go the cc that being intense gun battles between is there any forces and how much finances. members of guys, a civil defense team are desperately working to move the most vulnerable civilians away from the fight. for those who do manage to flee, it's nearly impossible to find safety. and israel has strong quote of the 2 main
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rows linking northern, gaza with the south central palestinians were injured as they traveled along the silent dean road. well, everybody will hear from our correspondence and garza but 1st this report from a side bank children i meant to obtain the good fortune cause it is the shroud. the bombing has continued in areas that these regime it actually said was safe. i was asleep. i work off, i found myself under the rubble. i didn't find anything wrong. me was logs and rocks. i tried to lose, but i couldn't because they were a lot of rocks. i kept screaming and cooling for the people. men came and carried me. they put me in the ambulance and most drugs and the jump out of the refugee camp reports of dozens killed. 5 5 my father and brother did,
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he says there is no respect for posting and here the defense team's frantically traversed narrow streets of calling you and this in the sense palestinians, homes, and lives continued to be ripped apart. many have already moved from the north to the south, making these areas even more densely populated than before. the was it, when the civil defense teams came, they were confronted by an unimaginable scene, a residential area consisting of more than 50 houses. as per the testimonies of the civilians and residents, stating that this square was highly populated by residents and internally displaced people. it was targeted by more than 10 bombs launched by his really occupation forces. we're talking here about hundreds killed mazda of elk, a, some brigade fight has reduced video which appears to show them taking on these ready on the beta henry in the north and 1000 strip. israel says it wants to destroy from us, but the fight is continued to resist. it submitted to advance to 6. stacy's fire,
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which ended on friday, gave people a few days of comp. now this move to check the few of us because operating few emergency vehicles. and if this rate of getting continues few opinions, lifting the costs a strict side bake, which is 0. okay, well let's take a look at some of the main areas of fighting in gaza sofa that would be mostly in the north. is there any forces of bustling posting in fights is from a cassandra gave, and fleming job in these regions traded in red. that's heavy fighting in the sugar on the work rod while i'm sure giant neighborhoods of kansas city. but now it's evident that israel has begun the 2nd phase of its ground evasion near han. eunice in the south is where the troops are pushing along the strip. sila o dean road, and we have reports that has been fighting along this road all the way down to our cart, our which lies just 5 kilometers, ne of con units. analysts say the aim could be to push towards the coastal road
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allora sheets, and if that happens is where i would control the 2 main roads. off the strip i cuts off central garza, which includes areas such as the bala which has one of the few functioning hospitals and they look around and oh my god, the refugee comes to me on that like has more and how the people have guys are running out of safe places to hide from is riley on sort of running out of places to run that i'm not good. we want to live to the land. we want to live. where will they take us with bombing in the south and booming into move? these people can do is trying to find a semblance of safety somehow some way. but nowhere is really safe in gaza. for some, this is the 4th time they fled to the stone of the will. not in the folder,
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what's the word waiting for? to witness more mass? it goes to see more people turn into pieces. they must find a solution. violence begets violence is where you forces have told them to go to rough. uh. but the south is running out of space. hundreds of thousands of people have already fled that most palestinians living in gauze must have been forced out of the homes. shelters are overcrowded, and many sleep on the streets. the 100 by the means grants of people tenants designate actual safe areas, a safe area should be equipped with all the necessities. there aren't any safe areas and cause am i supposed to sleep on the street with my children in the rain and this doesn't mean a safe area. but the attempts to escape may winfrey, few tile as areas but the as ray, the only designated as safe. also come under attack, camille medic, up to 000 is target, but resume centers. this update from con eunice didn't tie it galls us to have had
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been and he is very bombardment during the last hour. and he's particular in this house of the guns, a strip where the eastern area is off on you in a city had been white the tax by the occupation onto to re which they are having to wait for the new bring troops to have moved flexibility on military ration on the ground as we could clearly see. and i noticed the diminishing the flags that had been fired over this calling of the eastern areas. and we show from our location here, which we're far wait, which is far away from the eastern side of the city. meanwhile, the south, the eastern areas also of the city had been attacked, square residential building belong to a bad less. somebody has been leveled to the ground where our number of thought of scenes have been, revolted ended, and they were delivered to another hospital to receive the treatment of the situation on the south is similarly to what is happening on the ground,
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on the north and is central areas have gone to the city where the occupation is expanding. the military strikes on separate residential buildings and even neighborhoods to force residents are still in the north to fleet to the south of gauze. and the fact is that most of these let's have been dropped for the residents of the south, informing them to move to roof district in the fall south. if the goal is to strip you to the fact that israel say's that hon you in a city will be center for the is really operations within the coming days, which excess of face the situation right now on the ground in the south of the territory. okay, let's go to, i would just say it was a bus driver who joins us live now from ramallah in the occupied westbank ahead zane, a more tax on this trip. as israel expands its operations to jamalia, come on a hospital both targeted. what more do you have as well, no matter how familiar these attacks have become throughout the course of this war,
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every time they happened, the reports, the image is coming out of gauze or remain on sky. the mobile, the levels of violence continued to seem to be continuing to escalate on ending way . dozens of people have been killed this evening in an is really attack on the come all at one hospital in the northern gaza strip. what we understand is that there was an explosion at the gate. there seem to have been people who were displaced, sheltering. they're very similar to what we saw and attacks on other hospitals. you're really similar to the targeting of the all of the baptist hospital in the early days of the war. the pictures emerging really seemed to illustrate what is become a hallmark of israel's war on gaza. outside the car is destroyed inside. we see debris and personal belongings strewn all around the hallway, bloody clothes and mattresses. people crowding into hospital spaces, the bodies of children, men, wrapped in blankets being brought in for any kind of treatment that they can
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receive with the limited resources. many of these hospitals have truly the images are, are as horrifying as any that we've seen. and the crowds inside pack tightly into the relatively safe spaces in the hospital. chaos panic, those scenes coming out in these late hours of the evening. now what we've been told by the palestinian authority health industry is that only 20 hospitals in the gaza strip remain in a remain out of surfaces remain out of service. i'm sorry, there have been some that have partially resumed activities because of fuel supplies that have come in, but the level of care that people need, the level of health medical care that people need is growing exponentially with these ongoing attacks. and you will, aid has not been delivered since the ceasefire expires since the resumption of fighting. so how much fuel they have remains a question mark, but the number of people that will need help continues to go up. that is, and that is, that is simply a matter of fact,
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especially looking at these kinds of attacks that are ongoing. now israel continues to put pressure on the palestinians, pushing them from the north of the south with these kinds of attacks on hospitals with continued attacks on neighborhoods across the gaza strip. hon unice has been a major focus of operations so far during the daylight hours today, causing chaos in panic. their leaf was being dropped, telling people to move towards rafa city. and just in the last few hours, we've also heard of 2 other locations. and guys are that were attacked, a house east of rafa, and a mosque in the area of say to find something. meanwhile, of course, and you'll find westbank where you are more right. that is correct. we're hearing of rates in villages around jeanine, where is really vehicles that were carrying out rates. they were targeted with pipe ponds. this confrontations north of poker. and we're also hearing of ongoing raids in co q u, and at least 60 people were detained throughout the course of today. and 60 a day,
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the tensions in the occupied west banking raids. a check points has become a daily average. the number of rates going up in intensity and frequency since the beginning of the war. most of these actions carried out at night under the cover of darkness, zane, bazaar ivy and romano in york by the west bank. thank you. well, as we've been reporting, israel is made a tree, says x expanding is ground defenses for the entire cause of strip time. i'm shoot. that is really all means continuing and expanding the ground operation against him . a sense of gravity in every part of the gaza strip, where there's my sense of gravity. the id f is acting. okay, let's go to how to solve it now. she joins us live from occupied east jerusalem. and israel is basically doing exactly what it was filed, it would do even so out. let's see. so i last week of these early, military indeed confirming that they are operating in the southern part of the gaza
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strip of all while they say their quote deepening their ground incursions in the northern part of gaza. these really military spokesperson, daniel, how god is speaking at a press conference tonight saying that a ground operation in the south is exactly what the army had been preparing for, not just throughout the entirety of the war, but specifically during that 7 days ceasefire period, where there was a law in the fighting. these really army chief of staff hurts the how levy speaking to troops in the south earlier in the day. so that the operation in the south will be just as powerful as it is in the north. and it will show cool, no less results, which is an interesting fact when you look at it, because these really military has actually not shown us these huge military accomplishments and achievements. instead, what we've seen is a dire and catastrophic humanitarian situation that has been folded inside of gaza . and remember,
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of all the people fling the hundreds of thousands who have fled from the north to the south. a lot of them have been displaced multiple times and are looking for any sort of shelter or safe zones. these really military, it has had a lot of pressure from countries like the united states. remember just a few days ago, us secretary of state, anthony lincoln was here telling these rallies that they absolutely cannot operate in the south the same way they conducted themselves in the north, given the high civilian at casualty rate. these really, as i have said on anonymous level speaking to is really media that they have quote, up to date and those plans and made amendments to try and minimize civilian casualties. but the reality on the ground is seemingly so much different. just look at the amount of depths we have seen in the last 24 to 36 hours alone. this is also something these really said they were going to do. specifically, during the pause in the fighting,
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these really military chief of staff was ok in plans and, and adjusting his, his schedules, adjusting everything he could, so that he could approve new attacks strategies for one of the cease fire was over . and all of this comes as they are continuing to operate in the north. and as we are seeing heavy bombardment all over the gaza strip on day 58 of this war. remember these really also said that they were in full control of the northern part of the gaza strip. but that's quite a contradiction because we have seen palestinian resistance fighters constantly firing rockets from the northern part of gaza to places like tell of even the central part of the country. so while these really say they're in full control of certain areas, the reality on the ground is seemingly so much different, 58 days after this war. yeah. as you say, 58 days another let up and the fall of time to solve it and occupy the streets. and
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thank you a sort of head here when i was just there. i'm grieving family members who have loved ones as being killed in israel and palestine lead a vigil in london. the brought to you by visit custom highline. we got some pretty low. i'd be whether pushing away from the eastern seaboard of the us and see the bank of cloud here that will make his wife of the race with a couple of weather systems that are producing some of winfrey weather. i know it's, it was the west that some of which and when the added pause with you with just coming in across the pacific northwest, let's deal with the east coast. first of all, that you gotta clear weather coming back in. can i do marathons still sing a little bit of us? know that stresses right back into all too much of north america looking fine and try to get over to was the west coast say some heavy rain 30 to snow?
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is it pushing across the canadian rockies? we have this can via this atlas, the river pushing some very heavy right in across the pacific northwest, slipping further southwards into a washington state into oregon. as we go 13, tuesday, dry ahead. is that one or 2 shows over towards the midwest, but to the south is fine. dry, unsettled, 21 celsius in dallas. not too bad. yeah. not too bad. a coast of caribbean as well, but that's a sign where the system stretched across north america will produce some rather heavy right across the central and southern areas of mexico over the next dial to slips further south, which does run pop around by of campaign. as we go 13, tuesday, with a possibility of some localized flooding the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the
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or the the you're watching out. is there a, is there a mindful top stories this our conditions are critical in overcrowded hospitals in gaza. as israel's bowman campaign escalates. giovanni refugee camp is targeted for 2nd day. at least 700 policy means have been killed for the past 2 days alone. the city there being streets
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a street gun buckles between is really forces and how much suffices members of cause a civil defense team and desperately working to meet the most vulnerable civilians away from the fighting. and for those who managed to flee, safety is nearly impossible to find israel has drunk one of the 2 main roads linking northern, gaza with the south central palestinians were injured as they were traveling along the solemn dean road i want you to do is on us i'll show we visited the scene of as ready as strikes in jabante, a refugee come moments off to residential buildings. we hit the fall, this report, and the warning it contains some distressing images. on the days of a patient policy i have in this area that had a strike. hey, this is the, as you can see, one of the civilian is being put in, put them on the this is yet another massacre perpetrated by these data completion forces named file residential lock was live in the ground.
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it was living through the ground wide, many where inside as you can see, the magnitude of disruption on the scale of destruction is beyond description. the good good either. this is yet another massacre committed by. it is a cool patient. also again it's innocent civilians. this is a totally residential area. the it is, it is a blog, was founded by mrs. without, with any warning ozetta and the winner residents and neighbors are using their bid hands to dig this. gonna agree to that, but the
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only way is by the weekend he had voices put them on the debris, residence and neighbors are trying are human so they could be out and rest cube civilians. but i'm on the job of the oh my god. because of van is a baby home. so base is very painful saying. 2 and tired of the whole baby is in 2 pieces. the where is what is by far the what is your brother printer? mm hm. children are looking for their family. they pay it on the
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. 9 the commercial, how heavy do you have with this yet another mass, a good committed by this, right? it could be some forces again as an innocent civilian. one was obviously it was honest. sharif reporting that were earlier we heard from a senior last official, a summer home to he's one of these for 80. i mean will not the chief james in gaza . why the image of the, the, the stubbornness of these riley forces and continuing to at tech goes up from vented in him to, to negotiation, process the enemies back to coming to him. crimes the enemy is not allowed the ceasefire to be extended. we can confirm that the aggression was stopped if negotiations of a hostage exchanges, authors, you know, otherwise no to accept possible. but if you let me know, the pentagon says a u. s. warship has destroyed through t drugs and missiles in the southern red sea. us as to drums, full miss, also a launch from who to how territory in yemen. humans who tease movement to confirm
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that it targeted 2 ships on sundays, saying both were linked to israel. but in this way, the ministry spokesman has denied either vessel has astray the connection. i'm in the midst of a the, our forces will continue to prevent all these riley ships from sailing and the arrow and red sea, until all the aggression against the cause of stops, the many armed forces continued to one. all these really naval ships and all ships linked to israel, that they will become a legitimate target if they refuse to comply god. but i was just here as my lawyer of apollo joins us now from washington d. c. what more is that you're saying about the impact on the significance of this attack in the red sea is good to be with you. now if we do have some clarification on those ships that were targeted, we spoke us officials confirmed on sunday that there were 4 attacks against 3 separate commercial vessels operating in the southern red sea. and one thing here need that we should be very careful when reporting the story. we do not have any
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reason to believe. we don't have any evidence to suggest that the incidents that took place in the red sea are directly connected to the ongoing conflict between israel and thomas in gaza. with that said, here is what we know the us carney. this is a guided missile destroyer. that was conducting a patrol in the southern red sea has had already shot down several rockets launched by who he controlled areas in the i'm in, in the past weeks. so at $915.00 local time because the carney was conducting a patrol in the southern red sea, when it detected an attack on a cargo ship that cargo ship is the use unity explore. this is a cargo ship flying, a bohemian flag. uh though it is a u. k. owned cargo ship at approximately 12 pm local time, the carney engaged and shot down a u. a v drone in a separate attack at 12 35 pm. the unity explore reported that they were struck by a missile or also launched from who they controlled areas in yemen. the carney,
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as it was responding to that call detected a nother you a v drone flying in the direction of the u. s. s. carney. we do not know whether or not that drone was targeting the us ship specifically, but us military personnel aboard the carney did engage and shoot down that you a v as well. this is a statement from the us official who spoke to al jazeera on background, who said that quote, we cannot confirm that you assess carney was the target to be attacked by the who these, however, the us has the resources and the ability to defend itself in the red sea and the us will respond at a time and place of its choosing now need. there were also 2 or the attacks that took place against cargo vessels in that area. at 3 30 pm and at 4 30 pm. of these were 2 other boat carrier ships called the number 9 and the sophie to both of those believe to be panamanian flag ships. so talking about this, what this represents in terms of an escalation and these types of attacks in the,
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in the southern red sea. this certainly does represent a uh, an escalation in attacks and a vulnerability to cargo ships operating in this area. specifically an area where thousands of ships transit every year amounting to somewhere around $11000000000.00 tons of cargo moving through the area. so it's clear that this is of particular concern to us, but again, we are underscoring that as of now, there is no reason to believe that these incidents themselves are directly linked to the ongoing conflict in gaza. right? i'd be more money reports also of an attack on a us base in iraq. what more do we know about that? so just in the last hour here, name elder 0 spoke with a pentagon official on background who confirmed that at least 5 people were killed in a suspected us air straight in the city of to cook in northern iraq. us officials, a report are referring to this action as a self defense strike against an imminent threat. we should note here,
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this is also not an isolated incident just in the last month. there were us strikes against targets in iraq on at least 2 separate occasions. with that said, uh, starting the timeline at october, the 17th there been more than 70 attacks against us against us, sites in iraq as well. these are believed to be directly linked with the ongoing us support from the for israel's military operations. and guys have that's according to iraq. you security forces. obviously when we're talking about the attacks against us forces in the region, the immediate concern is whether or not this is representing an escalation or even an expansion of the conflict between israel and homos taking place in gaza. certainly not the scenario that either us diplomats or international mediators or working on this conflict, want to see play out. but we are keeping a close eye on this one
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a waiting to see if there is any more reaction or any other press releases by us. officials regarding this incident as well. neve or i many, many thanks for that. bond loan of apollo live for stay in washington dc. 11 is rarely use including 8 soldiers who have been injured and an empty tank missile attack is stored in board with level liabilities. um group has block claimed responsibility saying was in support of the kind of thing and people on the bombardment and gaza. these really ami says it shall the source of the attack with artillery. so it will hold that reports from southern level sporadic but heavy exchanges of fire along the lab and on israel border. the lebanese arm group has blah mounting operations against israeli military positions along the border. these really army striking what it says are the sources of fire, or has well as infrastructure. they're using their plains, the air strikes, air raids, artillery selling their even using white phosphorus artillery shells. the is ray,
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the army saying that the, their response, their reply will be excessive. they will use excessive force for to confront any threat coming from lebanon. so this is very much an active wars zone. and hezbollah has said it will remain a front line as long as, as well as a tax on garza continues. now this conflict so largely is confined in terms of geography. a few kilometers deep on each side of the border. there have been occasional strikes deeper inside each other's territories, but over all it is confined to the board to reach and, but this does not mean it hasn't been dudley. hezbollah has nearly lost a 100 men. for 1515 liberty civilians killed among them. journalists who were directly targeted by is really fire. now the question is this limited engagement for how long will it continue as well as a has said that it will.


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