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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the large 0 venue, this is the news our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's military intensifies its attacks around central gaza, cutting it off from the areas in the south. the
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those since the by the bombing lead for help from under the rubble this 13 year old girl is one of the lucky israel says it's intercepted, more rock is fired by how most towards the city of tennessee and gunfire and the occupied westbank. israel is increasing its new daily rates in palestinian towns and villages the it is 13 gmc that is 3 pm in gaza, where the is really army has been expanding its attacks in central and southern areas of the strip civilians living there have experienced one of the worst nights since the beginning of the war nearly 2 months ago, more than a 100 palestinians have been killed in overnight is really strikes. and that brings the death toll since saturday to more than $800.00 killed. a mouse says fierce fighting has been taking place in several areas of gaza. is really military has cut off the main road between the city of hun,
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eunice and darrow ballad. that's in the central gaza. now dividing the strip into 3 parts, more than half of the homes in the territory had been destroyed or damaged in israel's attack since october, the 7th. it also inflicted severe damage to civilian infrastructure across goza. meanwhile, these really military says it intercepted a barrage of rockets fired by hamas towards the city of tel aviv. it says that at least $250.00 rockets have been fired from the strip since the ceasefire ended on friday. i said baby begins are coverage. this young man, the, when does a voice this hope? even with this level of destruction, there are survivors somehow managing to can going through life, which is where it is doing its best to end it. the 15 year old on the images shocked coverage and doesn't have to live. it's only when the sun rises,
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the full scale of destruction can be seen. some collect body thoughts of this search, the data. the survivors are taken to hospitably, just treating victims on the floor. emergency yours is small and we are flooded by dozens, if not hundreds of victims. we are left with very little to help the many are left to die due to lack of medical supplies and shortage of staff. and this is the reality killing by the dozens. yesterday alone. 36 were killed the day before 52, and the numbers keep rising level and the hundreds buried underneath the debris. so a lot of the keys, the strikes keep coming and palestinians continue to be killed. parents, mortgage, children, children, the parents, siblings, their brothers and sisters. i said bake, which is 0 us just before we go live the latest from inside the gaza strip. let's look at the map. as we've been hearing, israel has expanded it's offensive in the central and southern parts of gaza,
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where it had asked palestinians to move from the north and see shelter. the military has begun. it's the 2nd phase of the ground invasion near hun, eunice, and southern gaza. this is the strip 2nd largest city home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians, forced from their homes is really troops and tanks are pushing along the solid in road. it just showed up on your map, securing this road all the way down to our corolla here at northwest of san eunice there and is really gunboats are stationed along the coastal road, l. rashid and that means the israel has complete control over guys is 2 main roads is really land air and see a sold has completely isolated central gaza, particularly the city of darrow bala, which has one of the few functioning hospitals. the on the say right then, oh my god, the refugee camps are also cut off from the south. in the north is really forces of baffling palestinian fighters from the cosigned brigades and the islamic jihad in
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these regions. they are in red. there's heavy fighting and shake rod y n n a shoot j a neighborhoods of cause a city all the sliding and troop movements indicate that israel is dividing the gaza strip into 3 areas. as we've been saying, the north, central and southern parts, honey. mount motors in honey and assessing the southern part of the gaza strip. honey, bring us up to date on what's happening in your area. yes, well there is a great deal of one sort tenant to you right now as people under heavy bombardment . i'm huge. barrage of air strikes, targeting a densely populated area or the hours of this morning. it started at the eastern side of han units under massive aerial bombardment. is, is really times and obviously to start pushing at the edge of the eastern side of honey and his work in the office on venezuela area. and that area does it populated
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area is started moving the engine, pushing the west westward of the, of this area of the eastern side. now there is a control over the 2 major roads are connecting a entire gaza strip together. the reason i as why do, with the read deal of on certain it is because people now are taking the streets 100000 and people are leaving their homes out there, receiving sharp warning by these really military with a threatening tone that they should evacuate. as soon as they could before the beginning of the promotions, aerial bombardment of the designated areas. a great deal of concern and fear because people do know they've the more they are. push the further southern part. they know this is the last point that they can evacuate to after that point there's, there's no,
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they don't know what exactly is going to happen. the keep squeezing and pushing people in that a small area, namely a rough city right now. now if within the past few, within the past hour or so people to try to do to leave there, but i stick. and so i had the enrolled but they were shot at by use regularly times that these 2 civilian cars on the road would people to trying to evacuate and to leave roof i city out is it is becoming a war zone designated by these really military. it's important to point out the roof, i did it, but i did it is it has only one functioning hospital in the mid sized hospital, but again, it is under the bombardment as they all just scared of the hospital was was targeted by extreme fire. both caused by ab 60 and fighter jets here in the southern part, the scene is, is very periodic because people are trying to run for their life. some of the people are display as this is the 3rd time being disciplined. sunday. to be honest with you will be heavy. you're gonna have to jump in and interrupt you respectfully,
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honey, because we actually go to during the spokesperson, supposedly the health industry speak to this as being and says and displace innocent civilians non purpose in order to force transfer them to this house, these rated completion and forces violations against the head of the sector resulted in the beginning of 238 of the may become teams and the destruction of 56 ambulance vehicles funding the is there any to completion posts is also totally destroyed. 56 bit because of facilities or 20 hospitality. totally out of service is r. n a. the 186 primitive care facilities our hours of operations such as were on something as we speak this, the basement close is still holding detaining 35 me because the safely the director of dental of i'd say it's a medical company. it's the kind of i that they sent me in on the very highest conditions,
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including physical abuse and was told to do that and surveys and speaking of the health condition as there's a blizzard on the roses, the war on guys that continues. we are left headed place in the face of the rising numbers of victim. the medical girl was all across because the hospitals are no longer capable of accommodating the larger number of victims, namely those with severe burns. with a civil liberties, as that is of the use of internationally bad weapons. by this way, there could be some policies when the old hospitals are back with the victims. victims are lying on the country. those in the ground on the grounds. and i made totes, an absence of electricity, medical supplies and medical equipment has more than 1500000 displaced persons on
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mobile. and that if you do centers on certain things, games, including pregnant women and says in a really on the slow depth as that is on the health administered age range. what we call on the legal 5 states that the organization of the conference and free men would like to quickly and swiftly act on to put an end the blizzard on simple and genocide. again, as the guys and the guys is and cold on the you and to put into effect the in april 4th convention on other international 3 to providing for the extent the hospitals that maybe can facilities incriminating selling by this lady, probation courses. we're going on the stakeholders to provide the safe for you. i'm going to tell you the vice seal, medical supplies, and food entered, and victims, exit. we also call for 40 flags may accept hospital authorities or
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parts of guys this trip without the exception. we're on. so after you through the wood, and maybe you can send tickets to provide volunteer to me to kind of the teams to lend a helping hand to us here and get them on. we're on to the code on the you and then w h o to genuinely act in order to produce her eyes. v as a to a fuel patient policies to to lease the medical crew. members, we also call on the you and it's humanitarian organs. the swiftly ag to prevent the hens. i think i'm an attorney in crisis under which more than 1500000 displays civilians are really intimate gods accept in his verses a folder marked on grants, feeds recovery to the wanted and guess we live on. thank you. we've been hearing from the spokesperson for the policy and health ministry in gaza. that was dr. asher off or crude. right. now they give regular updates on what can only be
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described as the worsening states and of the health system which has almost entirely collapsed in gaza with hospitals not even close to being able to provide the care of the patients and that the injured need in the gaza strip. he was also calling on help from the international community to end the violence in gaza. a barrage of rockets has been fired into tel aviv from the gaza strip. off the zeros in run con is in tell of eve and run. when did this happen? and what can you tell us about this of what happened about an hour and about 10 minutes ago we had a very loud explosion just in the background that we're hearing that, that rock, it was actually fired out. a new me been going at both the international airport and they're telling me it was interrupted by the i and i a rocket defense system. and then almost at the same time, we're hearing that the where i borrowed brock,
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it's 5 and the something is ready. the communities just outside of the goal is to strip sirens, are only going that so clearly another show of strength from how mass. so it was saying effectively, even on the 59th day of the war, they can still fire rockets. the reach as far as kind of a what is, is real saying about its military operations inside gaza. right now? how is it, what does it say it's doing and how is it framing its operations? as well as framing is operations very, very clearly. it has said in no uncertain terms that the operation in the south of because the strip will be the same as it was in the north of the goal is the strip . and we're seeing evidence of that now with seeing evidence that is ready for us is pushing in further to the south. but this is incredibly alarming because the americans were very clear to the is raised. they actually said in
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a meeting and to the blinking to the wall cabinet, you cannot do this the same way you did in the north. the south was supposed to be a safe. so that was where palestinians could go to escape the fighting. that being pushed further further into the south. the reason for this, we think, is uh because i'm a is right, has been briefing, even during the sci fi, the amass have a commanding control center in the south of the country. that the senior mass kalonde is in that part including these really say yes and was so that's the reason these raise or giving. but once again is very alarming for the americans. now talking of the americans, v p. uh harris's delegation has arrived into tel aviv uh they actually meeting with various people right now. that includes the senior search advisor, phil golden. now they're here to discuss what happens the day off that they want
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israel to consider all of its military operations within the framework of what happens. often they've been very clear the americans on this no displacement, the palestinians outside of the gaza strip. they want to limit civilian casualties and they also what the war to be conducted in a way where humanitarian aid can get into the strip. but the big question now is all these right? these listing these readings upset for very long time that they all got into a fight. this will in the way that they see fit the wrong. thank you very much. we're going to get more now in the us with our white house correspondent on that delegation. so kimberly, how good is our white house correspondent? kimberly you must have heard him wrong there. he really set you up. he was explaining that the vice president's delegation, the vice president's national security advisor has now arrived in tel aviv. what can you tell us about that? visit what is trying to achieve and what us, what message i beg your pardon the, the americans are bringing fatality. yeah. well it really hit the nail on the
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head when he is set up. the fact that what is real is there to do is really to sort of lay out the best of the bad options for the israel is because these relatives have made it clear that they are not in favor of the palestinian authority really being in control of postwar garza and so that leaves the, the alternative. and so what does that alternative look like? that is what that delegation is there to discuss. and the united states has said a revitalized policy missed dougherty. maybe one option, something that the is really, is, are not very excited about. the other proposal being pushed forward by the united states right now is perhaps some sort of international body. but these are all still very early in terms of ideas that are still being worked through. but what this will look like, as iran said,
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is something that is certainly being discussed as these meetings move forward. it's kimberly, let's address the issue of american leverage over israel. the us is widely seen to be the country that has by far the most leverage over israel and how they prosecute this war. and gradually, the us has been sort of turning up the volume on it's on it's criticism of, um, how exactly israel is conducting military operations and gaza. the, the, the last instance of that were the latest statements from the vice president come to iris and the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, where does, where is the us right now on pressure on israel, which definitely seem it moving and terms of it's vocal statements stopped short of condemnation, but certainly becoming more critical of it is rarely partner in terms of its treatment of the palestinians. and the strongest criticisms coming over the weekend
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by the secretary of defense, lloyd aust, as well as the vice president on saturday, the secretary's defense saying, but as failing to protect civilians drives civilians into the arms of the enemy. namely, uh, what that means is it really is it becomes sort of a recruitment pitch for how much something the united states doesn't want to see happen. and the vice president going even further saying that uh, well the united states still believes that israel has a right to defend itself. she said that the videos coming out of gauze are simply heartbreaking. she use that word. and she also said that failing to protect civilians is simply something that can no longer be tolerated, that international humanitarian law must be followed. and she said that is an equivocal, but what the united states is still not done. 0 is attached conditionality to that billions of dollars of military
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a that it supplies to israel. and that is what many in the president's own party and even ordinary american voters are looking for. that is the leverage that they have that they've still failed to exercise. but certainly that is something that is still within their means. uh if they are willing to do so. but it would take a lot of bold and courageous action given the fact that uh for decades of the united states congress has very much been in lock step with this rarely policy. and has very much of been a supporter of israel not only in sort of idea, but also in terms of those mil it's harry dollars. it, kimberly thank you for your reporting there from the white house and those points that you just made or points that i want to put toward a guest, yusef glendale, your professor of political science and international relations. here at guitar university, i saw you know, that when kimberly was saying that us,
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the us is turning up the volume on the language it is using. but it has an attached conditionality for instance. so the weapon is that it is providing or to the aid that it is private providing to is real. i saw you nodding there. yes, i think that will do us. he's doing is image and no substance. obviously, the videos that have been show the video ported and any decent human being would, or would be discussed to when he or she sees those pictures of august. they do like it states, you support the related. dave is like the lights at the very beginning. and even provide a lot of weapons for it. and more recently, it is so you can proceed with caution. in other words, pay attention to civilian casualties. this is this plays up to the audience in united states of america. if we look at the opinion, ford, for instance, the approval for biden is updates the list and if the presidential elections in about 10 months, mo, in the us and deal with
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a mutation needs to buttons those issues a shipper. the support of light is given the light. it'll be as all the joys toby's introductory states, multiple subjects, but at the same time, not upset its voltage, especially the young, between $18.25. if the election to day into us, i think by them with those it the what do you think it would take for the us? you said this is words but no action. what do you think it would take for the us to go from where it's action? but i think the few things that the us the could do as of the most important thing is like your, the, the popular from the washington said conditionality, obviously the us in terms whenever it offers economic couldn't be to 38 to something countries in the world of old with certain conditions attached to it, like the motion of democracy, human rights,
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and so on and so forth. so what he needs to do as far as utah is concerned, is to make sure the book is way does not to do a, b, c, d, it. we'd love to get the military and the economic was what of the put it to can she pulled? if there was a, there was a motion for model, for instance, i'll do that. the nation security comfortable. the 1st company in the world would veto with would it be, do not the states if you liked it, states in my opening notes to it needs to be more active in it and does not necessarily stop up all this image. this is by then we should, you should be fine for this and so, and also to complete auction to show, to show the outside world, but just call us the news. hope people to what is going on is because people are much below. this is a, a, this is basically general side needs to stop. we are a 100 percent. sure. at this stage that is real, would radically changed the way it's fighting this war if the us were to use this
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leverage. because so far, these really prime minister in particular, benjamin netanyahu has seemed relatively, and bothered by what the us of had to say. what the, just to us, we'll do up into what the, this was all the, this conflict the moment. because the 3 main factors a, the 1st one is the us, the 2nd, the international public opinion. and most importantly, is lady public opinion. obviously nothing you know, is fighting for his political future. people mislead things, no big deal. big problem with the hostages education of our most goes always never to be a source of to that too easily. but for me, these of the hostages have been put through so much. but i should have all these lady, one coming available into instead of meeting them, i think on thursday the meeting to day. so the pressure from inside is mounting. and also, let's not forget the, i don't think and in the many people are talking about this,
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the number of things ladies citizens. each lady would, is ladies with the one citizenship who have left his mind since the beginning of the conflict. they did not feel safe, it would be how much all the resistance has to be launching the book. it's not even philip eve. so how much is so, you know, we are here. we have not finished yet. what the, what is out of the way on the bottom of the window. so it's kind of adding to this . something under pressure of insight is like, and i believe that one of the key factors is uh, is likely a public opinion pressure on the government. you said the window professor of political science and international relations that guitar university. thank you. thank you. i a circus president's play friction. richard or the one says that these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be try it as a war criminal over israel's ongoing offensive in the gaza strip. this comes as
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a group of turkish citizens escaping israel's one. gaza has now returned home, send him console, who has been speaking to some of the municipal 100 national airport from cairo. they closed on saturday, november that they were with nearly 1000 searches citizens, including their relative and coordination, whether it's rarely office or country sees that i see in guys it's not like anything else. we are seeing everybody else. there is no there's so hard. people die all the time when we come
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receive them houses most with of everything. afternoon is 6. today's opponents like these people still carry the burden of the tragedy. some of them don't even have a place to stay into here, but they will be transferred to pre approval. charles, why the service officer? and yet there's thousands of civilians waiting to be evacuated to see it and other places. the non custodial. als, is there a symbol still ahead on elsie's 0 more reports of deteriorating conditions inside is really jails. here from the parents of the palestinians currently locked up and is really prison and accused of complacency in the killing of civilians will tell you why the doctor governance is being taken to court the the coveted beyond well
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taken without hesitation for them died for power defines how well we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be the power around that one out does their years from i'll just on the go and eat tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your think. is it
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the, [000:00:00;00] the you are watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this our home us is fierce fighting has been taking place in the gaza strip. israel's military is cut off the road between hon eunice and the self. and darrow by law in central causes, dividing the territory into 3 parts. the desk told him, does it continues to climb with more than 800 palestinians killed since that today, nearly 16000 have been killed since october. the 7th is really strikes have been focused on rafa and son, eunice in itself, where hundreds of thousands seeking shelter moved to from the north. a rescue workers and rough uh worked through the night rescuing dozens of people trapped
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under the rubble of palestinian health ministry. official told down to 0 what the situation is like on the ground in the summer. we are lot date for william and, and slots of date by the consent. this morning. we have received dozens of those scalars, blown out of hospitality can no longer offer any kind of help to a victim of my own. our medical equipment was destroyed by the scientific pace and forces, the last of which was seated scan device at the end, denise and hospitality. even the dialysis machines were purposefully destroyed, but it is a soldier to have it all true and what adds inside of the injury is that and if you want us to die and come in at one hospital, will be out of electricity are shut off. the only the main independent agent. a hold only for hours, the dozens of can't do with every passing hour. these are you there could be some forces living inside of the dental neighborhoods to the ground. a very few
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ambulance vehicles rushing victims to the hospitality, but we stand headed place. we are doing all what we can, but i mean, the absence of our medical supplies and shortage and stuff, all of our medical inputs have no meaning and even the medical teams are much better. they would have filed ad, but it is right. it could be some more sense and one of them was taught and why and getting a victim towards ally with the house. and then there's like, let's continue with this. is the med take kidding policy? again, it's old civilians. i mean, guys, this is a belligerent, metro as enemy with one target and one. so i'll get only getting the civilians in cold blood. we are headed clear. we cannot pronounce their victims between hospice and we can not even send them to this house. out of 40000 victims. only 400 deep drop off in the south. this defies reason,
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is it reasonable the distance to have the victims transferred out of good zone out the load then pay the 1000 dates the same. so this is the, this great. we were a band that by the other, but mostly nations of israel's military is conducting more raids in the occupied. westbank. military convoys have vented janine in the north, in hebron and the sales people in geneva and say that they heard gunfire as 2 neighbors were taken into custody to above costs and of them. and this was really forces in palestinian fighters exchanging fire in the town of calculate how this thing and authority officials say to people have been killed during these really raids. let's be controlled, strapped that in ramallah about this charles. what, what can you tell us about what's going on in the occupied westbank and about these rates as well, sir, we have an ongoing ride as we speak um, started about 4 hours ago. the biggest variety presence in the columbia refugee
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came, which actually isn't fall from ramallah. i suppose it's about half an hour ago. we got confirmation from the palestinian starchy that a search you 2 year old man who worked for the palestinian customs as being shot dead. the p, i also saying that at least 18 people are being wounded. 12 with what the p a report is being live file and a number of those. where do is you can well imagine in a critical condition. this right comes of the back. as you mentioned in the, in show all the right on the town of co kalia, which is the knowles of the west bank. it was actually rated twice over night and it was 2 people killed in that, right. we still videos of all clashes as the is ready, ministry went and calculate is one of these towns that these hits pretty much every night as well by these raising. what was that was a, another raid in janine, which again,
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is hate all the time of the center of the promising and all resistance groups. and of course, the place west suite 4 days ago. we sold a rip, it coming by these, right? the middle tray of that 8 year old boy, out of all gould full, simply scrubbing stones at mid a tree jeep. so yeah, these raids go on a no sign of the matching up. we know that of course, they have increased dramatically since the beginning of the war on october. the 7th . this latest man who's been killed means that most 2, sorry, 257 palestinians have now being killed since october. the 7th. i'm well over 3500 arrested of cause israel. we says that he's doing this as a means of focusing on members of the on resistance groups. and they wouldn't be inconceivable to also say, speculate that this is part of the ongoing push to expand is riley sec and certainly this very right wing leading government. of course, the palestinians will tell you
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a human rights groups which have you and many across the international community will tell you that this is nothing more than a form of collective punishment into anyways. because these rage involves the destruction of vast amounts of private property and important infrastructure as well as as homes. um, so yeah, this right is ongoing and in the next hour or so we'll be bringing you updates, but no sign. so for these ready ministry have withdrawal and yet now charles will check back in with you. that's charles stratford reporting from ramallah in the occupied west bank. thank you. since the beginning of israel's war on gaza over $3000.00 palestinians have been detained in the occupied westbank, many without charged officer was held up. they'll have need has more on that. if i email it was 2 30 in the morning when the soldiers walked into their backyard, ransacking everything in their wake, they were off to hand that cut them is due to,
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but an 18 year old nursing student. the really bad at the, the english of a helpless mother watching her blindfolded daughter being led away a few hours later. and that is riddled with things that she has the words, the recently released detainees ringing in her head. i'm calling this man, i think we all heard about the beatings the strip searches on the insults the threats of raped a child alone, surrounded by between 20 to 40 soldiers. i do not know what she's going to right now. what kind of a rest meant? everything is possible, a time this 1st task is to find out where her daughter has been taken information. the soldiers refused to give her. once the person is taken away, the families left on his own to figure out where their loved one has been transferred to. so usually they rely on and use like the palestinian prisoner
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society. it has been documenting all of the dissension and more importantly, collecting all the testimonies. the file is a former prisoners and those of 100 still in jail are kept here. and it's clear that after her master's attack on october, the 7th, many ruth went out of the window for the fun, coming up to the, the threats, but no rate cases. some soldiers tried to touch the goes bodies. well that dine folded. it's a form of sexual harassment that according to his writing or at least the male soldiers can access the mail cells. that doesn't happen anymore. ok. yeah, i'm going to was asleep when these really forces came for her. as she was led the way she was told to do a study still in the she was yelling. did you see how the read that would mean how they'd be hated children. he told me that he will, did these men do do business with me? i told him, go ahead. what was i supposed to say?
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then we will. how did, how share in present for interrogation? some goals needed sanitary pads, but they refused to give it to them, but perhaps it's more difficult for me and to speak out. but let me see the best he thinks it's important. he was released on the same day as rookie up from the cup of prison. well, i shall not be at home, none of my social skills. i'm not going to go into them. they would lock 12 people at a time in the bathroom, just like an one told them all. the prisoners were led away in their underwear. they even swipe the prisoners cards and peoples, but they would fill in the sexual harassment. the officer in charge would beat us on the genitals in front of male and female soldiers. they would enjoy it. it was like being in a horror movie 6 palestinians died in jail since october. the 7th. rumsey is still coming to terms with how he survived those dark days. and his thoughts
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remained with the thousands of palestinians held in israel. mostly was no charge of that. how many a dizzy ro, hey, brooke, that the pentagon says, or us worship, has destroyed drones. and missiles fired towards it, and 3 other commercial ships in the red sea. but you, i says the attack came from territory held by hosty rebels in yemen. the hoof, these say 2 of the ships they targeted were linked to israel, but these relays have denied this. middle up on for the rest of the are forces will continue to prevent all these really ships from sailing. and the arrow been red sea until all the aggression against the cause of stops. again, many armed forces continue to warn all these really naval ships and all ships linked to israel, that they will become a legitimate target if they refuse to comply. mohammed al bus size a senior middle east and a list for the research firm devonte group. and he says, who's the attacks a part of a wider access of resistance and a response to israel's continuing war on gaza? or these are also like they call themselves, are delivering on their promises that they're going to be targeting ships that are
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linked to israel, either to is really entities, business mammals, or ships that are moving cargo. and i'm out of the state of israel. i think today's incident, the situation so the way the details are coming and checking in with their, their to ships were linked or not linked to any as rated companies. but at the end of the day, the keys are going to bring on the problems is that they're going to continue to target. is there any ships they've hijacked the galaxy theater, which was going to a week ago was going to resume the engineer. and then we'll continue, most likely, also to fire joins as a christmas lives on israel, even though it's not infective because of the air defense regional system. but it's very symbolic. at this point. there's 2 things happening at 1st, during the pause and the ceasefire. that the keys have possible attacks on the, on israel, we there with the christmas out of the air, or should or drones. and they also have passed the maritime operations targeting is
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really vessels. and so that tells me that according to what they say, that they are part of the access or from systems which induce these means after they run. right. and that's work that they are coordinating operations. so i can just, you know, that perhaps more books and media, precise or shrikestel billing too, as well. lots of interviews like how my sort of listing and you had on there with these, with their current abilities are going to be focusing more on the red sea. so definitely there's coordination within the access. a human rights organizations are brought to a court case against the dutch states, accusing it of complicity and the killing of civilians and gaza level is facing this legal challenge for its role in the export of f. 35 fighter jet parched israel for more on this, the spring in step boston, who's in the hague, where the hearing is taking place, a step layout for us. what this case is, what the arguments are. well,
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these 8 organizations and also human rights organizations say that the not lens is violating international weapons. tweet is by ascending the set spare parts of f, $35.00 to israel. i have to say they made quite an emotional plea this morning here in the court in the hague. as far as you know, since october 7, one shipment of the spare parts has been supplied to israel, even though the people at the customs office and also legal experts had warranted the government against it saying it could face and legal challenges. basically what these 8 organizations are saying is that these f, 30 fives, are being used against a civilian population and guys end up makes the netherlands complicit. and even if there's no a 100 percent evidence, the fact that they run the risk to be used against a civilian population already than that, let's shoot, stop a supply in them. this f 35,
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a very important as well. and also the netherlands has a very crucial part and it, because you are paying distribution center is here and then that and so these spare parts are coming from the united states where he's a fighter jets are being produced. then they come to the netherlands and they are going to be supplied to other countries in europe, but also to as well. and now the lawyers of these 8 organizations say they have to stop this immediately. and how is it that state responding then to this well, the dutch de made an argument that so this uh, these f 35 jet switch off very advanced a very important to as well for it's a regional security, but also even for the existence of the state of israel, but also they set because of the relationship between them that lives in the united states and israel. they run the risk if they stop sending them that this relationship is at risk. so a lawyers of the 8 or because the organization side is very much economical and
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political reasons and no human, it's terry and raised instead the diesel lawyers of the states that we're using of . but they also argued that, you know, of course, there's a lot of money involved in these shipments. so that could be quite the loss of the state. if these shipments are being stopped. the judges have now decided that they will rule in this law suits in the next 10 days. that step. thank you. you'll be keeping us surprised. the developments in this court case and in the hearings, and also as to whether this may end up being a blueprint for perhaps other similar court cases in other countries. step boss and reporting from the hague. thank you very much. i are still ahead on elsie's 0 will tell you why venezuelans voted in favor of annex in a large swath of a neighboring country to stay with
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the take a look at some other world news. now at least 15 people had been killed in nigeria after an accidental drone strike on the city of kaduna state securities spokesman, samuel arrow one described it as an unfortunate incidence, which happened during an army operation. the injured had been taken to the hospital, the death toll is expected to rise still at the stage. military operations have increased in the area after several security breaches at could do that airport. the philippine army has launched a large scale man. hon. so the sealants, who bombed
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a question gathering in the self killing for people, i feel, says it carried out the attack during sunday mass at a university in the city of milwaukee admin to no more than 50 people were injured . the region has seen slighting and recent years between the military and arm groups linked to iso. china is military says the u. s. worship has legally entered waters in the disputed south china sea spokesperson. so china is 7 theater of operations says washington has seriously undermined regional peace and stability. they genius in dispute with several of its neighbors stemming from its claims to widespread regional territorial waters. the us navy says the vessel was conducting routine operations. consistent with international law. tends in the us as a number of people killed in land slides has reached 47. it follows heavy rain in the northern mon yara region. hundreds of people have been killed by severe
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flooding in east africa in recent weeks. venezuela's election authority says 95 percent of voters have approved the referendum caused by the government to claim sovereignty over disputed territory and neighboring brianna alexandro empty. se has more on why the vote has been causing concern in the reach. a denise wetlands voted overwhelmingly in favor of their country's claim to annex some large spots of neighboring oil rich brianna in a non binding referendum on sunday. the, despite the major campaign by the government that's an equal, as my daughter to promote the vote as inactive patriotism and assurances of a massive participation to turn out to appear to be low at many pulling places for single to reduce to extend the votes by 2 hours when i say it, i know, okay, well, hopefully i see more people voting by this time. especially since this is a close we should you care about, regardless of political comment, said uninstall with random as to whether citizens favored establishing
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a new of any swelling state in a long disputed territory known as the se, keybo region that has been part of the agree on it for more than a century business, we last tried to reclaim it since the 19 sixty's, the recent discovery of large deposits, crude oil has heightened tensions president because my daughter labeled the vote to success. norfolk like babel. i fuck the and we are solving through constitutional peaceful and democratic means and imperial dispossession of 150 years. on friday, the u. n's international court of justice that has jurisdiction on the case ordered venezuela not to take any actions that could effect gorganis sovereignty over the region. 7, as well as aggressive rhetoric and actions including moving troops along the border as many g. and he's on age, the president sought to reassure them over the fear of an invasion. i want to
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assure guide is that there is nothing to fear over the next, a number of hours this months. i had, of course, our vigilance will be enhance. but we are watching a wrong the clock to ensure that our board has remained intact and the people on our country remains so. many analysts believe the referendum is mainly applied away from the drum of support the head of next year's presidential elections. but if it is a destruction tactic, it's one that is creating real worry across the region. allison that i'm 50, i'm just here. after 3 years, the un has ended. it's special mission interested in it was set up to support the countries transition to democratic rule after the overthrow of a long time presidents omar of this year have been morgan reports from car to of the un mission in sedan known as uni times was supposed to help the nation
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transition from decades of autocratic rules, the democracy, headed by us special representative woke up here. it says it's came after the ending of another mission. but 3 years after it was formed, the un security council terminated its mandate. nurse courtney. and usually what we think the secure way to cons, self or positivity responding to the request of the government of so don, to tell me in a, to the mandate of community terms. we are family governments right and has to continue constructive engagement with the u. n. best jumping and cooperation with the country team to work on issues of recovery, type of the testing. the construction and development supported by the tenure of the mission has not been easy ethnic conflicts in our for an economic crisis. and political sanctions to present that severe challenges. and while it's came at the request of the government not to alter the needs, welcome to its presence. there were several protests against the mission after
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a military takeover in late october 2021. that takeover also the real, the transition to democracy and put them together with the african union and the regional block. i get the mission, pride to help steer so then back to its path to democracy, resulting in what was known as a framework agreement for the military to handle power to civility. in spite april of this year, then the army and the parent military rapids support forces went to war. the birds has resigned in september despite the un secretary general, publicly declaring his the ports for him. and tony a guitar which has now pointed a new invoices to them. and the army chief has this message for him. the we welcome the new person landfill. you have the un secretary general and hope that doesn't take sides. but if you solos to possibly for the system, you will face the same site, visit deployment was likely one of the you and shortest mission. and it's history.
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and one which was not able to achieve much in a nation turn a part by years of political turmoil and conflicts. he but morgan ologist era. how to in the latest sports headlines with far as new a parcel on a beach athletic of madrid, to move up to a 3rd lake. i fell free to assume the winter came from a player contracted to the opponents as well. felix is on a season long only from athletic oh, he's for the only goal and a one on victory. which means of our so leap from their opponents in the sam e. manchester city of dropped to heard in the permian leave is that they were involved in a 6 full sweller was taught him son who knew this for they opened a 1st 1st before he puts a goal in his own that after another goal, a case of jazz really a stomach, he found a winner in a 1st minute to make it 310,
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but then cool assessing ground and last wiser for it to finish 33, city, or 3 points at the rest of leaders are. so let me pull for to my goal is, is maybe falling for 3 minutes a 2nd in ways to really it strikes, to allow them to take the least twice to spin trans alexander on with. and then from alexis mcallister, who responded and bobby decor, dozer resubmitted, 3 to 10 minutes, remaining a goals from what to row and now and then a 2nd. alexander, arnold sales also point some of the issue goals tend to pouring in is 10 minutes. chelsea, how long victor against brighten chelsea were to one off at half time until fernandez and my they, caldwell scoring and so forth. and this might corner gallagher's sending fernandez for again for the site hold on to a $3200.00, which says he's made significant progress after completing full rooms and his
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cadillac for mutual painting for the 1st time since undergoing ankle surgery in april. what's finished, 18th here. well challenge as a target, a smoke come back next year. i have done it a while. i haven't done it with michael the way it is now. and. and i was excited to each and every day to kind of get through it and test our piece and rounds and gather again. i mean, i haven't done this in a long time. so it was fun to feel that again and certainly help support a century is west and is the 1st one day international winnings chase down there. target was 7 last is fair to the question, which i know is are your sports headlines you can get more on our website, the al jazeera dot com and our social media channels. oh, before we go to break this, our, we return towards the top story on the war in gaza to bring you this. as we've been reporting, israel has been increasing attacks and gaza, southern city of hon. eunice and thousands of people who lived there directly in
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the line of fire among them is how much of a rock who is going through war as a desk person? this is his story. the good, [000:00:00;00]
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the the most of the fish is she on the can
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it possibly the most of the news is gone. me the
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this the keys. i'm going to be of service and then let's see. the kids are active on the right. that's it for me. 0 then yeah, but i will be back at the top of the hour with the this is will weeks of to run to rain has done to towns, villages and farm land on the banks of the town of reba. one of the 170000 people have been forced from their homes by floods, hearing kenya from the heavy cold to even really get a sense of the scale of the gloves and thousands of farms. the beans have managed crops destroyed, and this comes off the back of one of the brass browns in this region in about 12
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feet. yes, scientists say the climatic trends can only be stopped by a global reduction in common emissions. many people here can barely afford fossil fuels, but they pay the highest price. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, or does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. it is a tenant to produce objectives. these problems which many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of this ready public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the latest news,
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as it breaks this attack has been described by ukrainian president, a lot demands that lensky is an act of terrorism with detailed coverage of you have a has promised to reform the origin, ties faith and improvements of therapy measures. people who are fear of this well impoverished, the population from around the world gets mailed. us wants to be 5 minutes of old people for the off to 25 years of containing the against my friends and assign them seek of some say with new told doesn't sound convincing. the israel's notary intensifies its impacts around sense hillagada, cutting it off from areas in the south


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