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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 4, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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sort of carbon credits, essential, committed to being fine, mental protection and has the investment climate. digital licensing. your better tomorrow the the around the clock, this is a news light from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any shelling targets a school in garza city were displaced and venable promised. against sheltering the human cost of the war keeps rides, and at least $800.00 palestinians been killed since sensitive re pursued them in northern garza, were now pursuing some us in selves and goes up to israel steps on pits assault on
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the south with thousands of palestinians were initially told to go for their own safety. we request meeting with the word copy net to receive updates on the state of our family members. now, no, not tomorrow. now, and pressure rooms off on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. families of the cap just amount to meet the wall cabinet, the se, then it is $1500.00 gmc, that is just past 5 pm. mendoza with israels from apartments of the strip is unrelenting. we've just received reports of israel struck via side l. a soft. how is school in about an hour ago? it's in the neighborhood of kansas city where hundreds of people have been sheltering themselves to the attack. many had to flee, carry just whatever they could. israel's military is expanding its operations by
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launching more attacks in the central and southern areas. and the south hospitals becoming overwhelmed. doctors describe the situation is catastrophic. the wounded of being treated on the floor was an in car doors over crowd of facilities with limited supply. how they got for the the when this rose, unrelenting strikes in the south have reduced in time neighborhoods to rubble more than half of the homes and dogs that have been destroyed or damaged by his really attack. since what type of the 7 do you mentioned israel has expanded its offensive and central and southern gaza where it had always published and used to moving from the north for their own safety. the ministry has begun the 2nd phase of its ground invasion, con eunice in the south. it is gauze the 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of houses, a policy in force from the homes. is there any trip?
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sometimes a pushing along the cellar of dean road, controlling the routes all the way down to colorado. here northwest, different con, use is really gun back to stations along the coastal road. rashid and that means it is real, has complete control. if it goes as to main roads, there's really land and c, a salt is completely isolated central casa, particularly the city of the butler, which is one of the few functioning hospitals on this. all right, and um, does the refugee come to a rule? so it cuts off from the south in the knolls. is there any forces a baffling palestinian fights is in these regions shaded in red, all the fighting a troop movements indicated as well could be dividing. the goal is to strip into 3 areas. the know the central region and the cell as a bank begins our coverage. this young man, the, when does a voice this hope?
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even with this level of destruction, there are survivors. somehow managing to can go through life is right, is doing it best to send it back to the text and you know, on the images shocked coverage and doesn't have to live its own. even the sun rises, the full scale of destruction can be seen. some collect body parts of this, such that the survivors are taken to hospitals which are treating victims on the floor. emergency are small and we are flooded by doesn't and if not, hundreds of victims, we are left with very little to help. the many are left to die due to lack of medical supplies and shortages staff. and this is the reality killing by the dozens . yesterday alone, 36 were killed the day before, 52 and the numbers keep rising little into hundreds buried underneath the debris. so low in the case the strikes keep coming and palestinians continue to be killed.
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parents more of the children, children, the parents, siblings, their brothers. 2 and sisters, i started big just there. the regardless health ministry spokesman says it's rented using internationally bound weapons on civilians. mendoza, most of the medical crews all across because the hospitals are no longer capable of accommodating the large numbers of victims. namely those with severe burns severed limbs, as a result of the use of internationally banned weapons by the israeli occupation forces. all hospitals are packed with victims. victims are lying on the corner doors on the ground, and amid a lack of electricity and equipment, as well as got a picture from con eunice. now target boom is tiny buffers there in the southern gaza. so target israel is targeting the central and southern parts of garza, but the attack on that school in gauze the city shows that the new office is still in focus to
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yes, absolutely. attacks against hospitals and even schools in the notes of the goals us to see had a renews again by the occupation forces. this time school in the most of the north or the member in areas had been attacked. and these areas because it, it to be a ration. so one for the use with occupation forces that had regular bustles with how much finances in that area. meanwhile, people had used to take these areas as to what's up for them with they tend to be protected from the east, very often re bombing and the aerial bombardment that has been carried out by the occupation forces since the beginning of this round, the pricing of the majority of presidents from the eastern areas of the north of the gaza strip, whose houses adjacent to the buddhist, slipped earlier to the schools that all of the agents to the united nations and the schools that also run by the government inside the gaza strip. in order to be away
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from the disability for an interest in volume and so humidity organ aids that are distributed by do you like to mention about their the attacks on those areas continue in order to force people to sleep through the soft of a garza, i'm at the same time, to get a clear mobility for the maneuvering to, to the ground, to act in these areas of the may, the facts on the ground in the mood that some people who refused to get back to wait. simply because they don't have any sleep for regional buses out to the south to the southern areas and the arch still. now the state and remains. and the induced as filters were running low in terms of, of thoughts was that especially with the unlimited number of humanitarian folks that squared aloud to into the north of the gauze. now, as i said, during con units in the south, it is gone to the 2nd largest city in the home to hundreds of 1000 and kind of thing is you've been describing, you've had to flaming falls from the homes. tell us what the latest situation there
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is. now yes, uh the situation on the south is very complicated, is getting much more excessive patient, especially with the ease really old is that have been delivered to the residents. the eastern areas are coming into the fleet to run in order to be away from these people. but the fact is that the attacks on the south did not stop as he's been by the district for multiple times during the last couple of days off to the collapse of the truth of the possibility for reaching saw the extension of the ceasefire. when almost under his belt and the number of people has practically started to sleep, evacuate to rough. uh, this stick. now taking shields off on public areas and uh, we just, uh, take a look, a close look over the peoples that we found them like they are sitting opt into accounts. they are taking a shelter in on the streets where there is no,
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any kind of a proper use in the facilities to be provided for them unless they are using a very primitive way of switching fi in order to feed that children and to do their necessities but uh, the, the don't have any further options because rough i considered to be the last shelter for the people who had been evacuated for more than one time from the homelands as they were forced to flee from the 1st time from the north of gauze. and now the head to the foss, stuff of the territory as the abutment did not stop that claim to this now more than 15000 palestinians with more than 30000 others who have been critically injured and not receiving a treatment on the hospitals of the south. of the territory, there was a very hidden problems that did not yet be discovered is the fact that there is going to be more military inclusion into hon. you in a city. it means that the majority of hospitals in the south will be a force to evacuate, the injured peoples, to run the hospitals,
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which cause it to be very limited in terms of the number um, the capacity as well. all right, and leave with that try good thing. so that's a comprehensive update. appreciate about target. assume that in con units in south and casa, which is really a strikes of leveled one of the largest markets in jamalia refugee, come destroying the livelihoods of many palestinians. how does arizona shop, sorry for this report now? and if the, if you talk to him, i am now standing in the middle of what was once the marketplace of jabante, of refuge account. and the north of, of, of gauze has strep through the entire marketplace. was leveled to the ground overnight to buy is really will play and then it was one of the largest and oldest marketplaces in the strip by are massive destruction all over the place. nothing has been so bad. you know, all the commercial shops, the vending terminal see and the main market street, they've all destroyed. the market was catering to the entire population of the refugee camp as well as the neighboring town. busy town a 1000. this used to flock here to get the hands on the basic necessities from food
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items to close. hijacking in the marketplace was purposefully founded by these very forces, the extent of the damage is clearly visible and it's a new another so. so if you've got the him, you're done. there's a traditional old market, a very old one that i used to offer many of the unique items that can hardly be found elsewhere. logistics. his market is now destroyed in the entire trade secretaries ruins as the result. each shop used to offer unique items showing this market means forcing many people out of business. i've got to, it's purposefully targeted by the is really our, me, i'm 73 years old. and i still remember coming to this market on a job of them. a curious dog case to got older can see is that god is our rock, god, god. and the saw how the guy that fly a visa, israel's targets commercial shots, residential, himes, women and children as in many displaced citizens clock to this market price to get
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their basic notes many and living. working here, despite rising cost, people still flowing to marketplace is at least to feel their live now with the pride of just another lifeline. this was the biggest, an oldest market in the north of gone, so it's flat so it does become, it goes to the city. i live with my success doesn't the children. i'm an extended family of all my 60. in addition to 100 people displaced from a 100, the old staying with how can we survive now system, how can those who lost a livelihood survive? if we survive bombardment, we cannot survive starvation. and um, i know i have a question. so how's your mouth law? this is what has become of jabante, a refugee camps and commercial avenue. it is now nothing but rubble and especially if the sort of deal shamella as well as rails. many traces is more than john's or has entered a new phase in the mass positions or across the strip will be targeted. we're pursuing from us what ever from us, who is hiding individuals,
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ending the selves every walk it launcher weapons, depo, command and control center, senior commander underground. the infrastructure and any hide out where our hostages may be hand. i will. war is against some us, not against the people of guys to tell of eve. now of course, one of them are and kind of standing by for us the same. right? yes. this is circle new phase, very much on the way with things expanding in the cell. and that's absolutely right. and the south is now the key point and for the is riley is now the reason for this safety is right. these even during the season, why they were actually telling is reading citizens but and through the media the, this is what, how much does come on in control center was the, this is where senior lead is including yeah, yeah, sitting was, and now the route into the south leads that through han units, we've seen a lot of is ready ministry activity in that zone. that's what they call that. the
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palestinians call that joseph on boardman. and that's what we've seen. we've also seen ground forces go in. now this is very alarming to the americans because they've said very clearly to these rallies, but they cannot use the same type of intensity of bombardment that they did in the north of the country. but that's exactly what we're saying. and these where these are eclipse. so they will conduct as well as far as they see fit, but even 59 days into the war. i'm still able to sound rockets into the goals and from goes into the somebody's reduced as well as the last alarm going off about 1520 minutes ago. so that's still something that's happening and that does coolants of course, and these really claims that they control the north and the central parts of the strip. so this is going on. meanwhile, pressure, very much mounting on benjamin yahoo from the families of cats who is being held in garza, we heard from them earlier today. let's just have
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a quick listen to this. we are facing a very difficult emotional situation. whereas a heavy disaster along with this ominous silence has led 136 families to despair. we request a meeting with the word copy and that's still receive updates on the faith of our family members. now, now, not tomorrow. now, if you don't have time for us, we will go to someone else and we will find the one who would represent us as they might. what more do we know about this request for a meeting between the families? little cabinet. well that was some home for the families just a few hours ago, it was announced that they were due to meet with these ready will cabinet. the full is ready. will cabinet around about 8 pm local and then that meeting got cancelled extensively. say these really a spokesman for the, for the government that actually we needed to get
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a lot more members of the families that know everybody could attend. but that's been dismissed by the families way. hearing that they're incredibly disappointed that this meeting didn't take place um at the meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. so the problem is all hopeful that they'll be able to push the case. now the bring them back homepage, which is the umbrella organization that represents the families, has a significantly loud voice in israel. it is a pressure group that is able to influence a post, certainly public opinion by taking this meeting, the one that pressure to directly translate into pressure on the people that can actually change things. and what they're looking for is a safe spot to get more people out. now this is going to be very difficult for these writers because of this, i've already said that the negotiations now of us just told just a military aged men and women that they have in captivity in order to release those . they want a much more truce and route,
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believe that somebody thinks that it might come or put them in from tennessee. now, a white house delegation headed by a vice president tomlin harris, his national security advisor, phil toby, has arrived in sullivan. more than this. let's speak to our white house correspondent can be how could it can be, what more do we know about this delegation and think what the goals are and israel, the yeah, the goals are really to get the is really used to begin thinking about what a post war guys and looks like in terms of governance and we know that these rallies are not wild about the idea of having the palestinian authority in control . and so even as the united states is suggesting, that might be the best option to revitalize housing authority. they're exploring another option to and that would be perhaps looking at having some sort of international types of governance. and so that conversation is taking place in the
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context of 5 principals and the vice president's office is like them out. it's sort of refer to it as the 5 knows in the united states is saying that they believe that in terms of moving forward, there should be no force just placing the palestinians, no re occupation, no blockade, no reduction in territory, and also no use of gaza in the future, is there any sort of staging platform for any type of, as the united states puts a terrorist activity? or we send a shift in the sands of, of the opinion of how this war is being conducted from the administration, as we've had strong was from the vice president and the sector of defense indeed have the weekend on public. and there's no question that the united states has had a shift from the start of this conflict. when you look at the word and the verbiage of the white house and the early days it was israel had
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a right to defend itself period. now we're hearing very different language you heard from the secretary of defense on saturday, that he believes that a failing to protect civilians, palestinian civilians drives the civilians into the arms of the enemy, referring to hum us and the vice president with much further saying. but she believes that there was an unequivocal obligation on the part of israel to make sure that humanitarian law is followed. something that we have important here in algebra has not been the case on the part of the is really military. and so she even went even further to say that the videos that are coming out of golf and her words are heartbreaking. and so it's clear that the united states is looking to use its leverage with israel in order to make sure the israel adheres to international law. having said that, the us president has stopped short of, uh,
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being willing to attach any sort of conditionality to the billions of dollars that the united states supplies and military aid to israel. all right, can i leave that for man? thanks for that. taking me how good now reporting from the white house are almost a brutal and civilians, of course pay the highest price on all sides. and goals of the ships scanned of death and destruction has been immense. many a missing in fear that more than 15890000000 people have been killed in 59 days. that is an average of $270.00 pallets the new scale every day. let's put that in perspective. in the 2nd will, will, more than 43500 civilians were killed during nazi jeremy's bombing of major versus cities. that was over a period of more than 8 months, with an average of a $177.00 people killed every day. between 19921995 during the war and both now nearly 100000 civilians were killed in about 4 years. a full that's an average of
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74 people killed every day. and then ukraine as of late last month's view and has documented the depths of at least 10000 civilians rushes invasion last february, or about 15 people killed on average. every day populated gauze is average of $270.00 test on average every single day. all right, let's take in use of a bundle who's a professor of political science and international relations of that kind of university. it extraordinary is near the heart of that listing here and the amount of death and destruction we wrote at. yeah, hey, we have, you know, the vice president's delegation in israel seemingly focused on the day offering, not the now and the horrors of them. i wouldn't think that the focus would be on what is happening now and do not at states would use it step ridge on easily to ensure that passivity and casualties of meaning bodies the but what do we do come
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to 5? no, it was especially defy the 5th, no. is that because we no longer present a threat or dental use the base for elaine in savings. but even with, despite the like the united states teen agrees with is right. and the of the 3 objectives of the what he said to him on the hostages of this boy, how most the last one that does all we no longer be, but that so that it can seem to agree on this particular point. and it could be end understood as the only way to go buy achieving the budget is to the what is like is the would mean that the whole, despite the pressure of developing states as so this is a war and he's doing it his own way. and kind of carry on doing that, or is there any pressure on him and told was he just seems to be, you know, he just designs and the thing that is coming from the us administration as far as we know. and then just kind of don't wanna,
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i think even to eventually here we change his, his views for 3 main reasons. the 1st one would be the pressure from his own people . we thought that would mean you showed that the so the presence of people from it is it saying that we need, we want to meet my, my model not to model and the pressure is mounting on him and the family is want their loved ones buck and they're willing to pay the price basically off, even a completes his file or give you the total for the or the police to be in business . this is the, from the 1st one. secondly, it seems that the have most movement still has some final power. it has been using it on the 3rd of eve today, given what's happening with the forties and also has been level of the mode. so more casualties may bring about them. yeah. who are these woke up in it? so uh, so what do you think people, national professional public opinion also is really,
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really how you guys dispose of what about the possibility of the, the ministration that using, utilizing the leverage of attention conditions to the billions of dollars of a they provide his relatives that are like me, way forward for them i did that would actually see direct function. what are the and this is the, this is a possibility, but i don't think deducted states a way to do that, especially dependent administration. we all know that the presidential elections in the us is in about 11 months time. the jewish lo be interrupted. states is very, very strong. they have the money, they to the, to fund a political campaign. and it's a very, very tricky uh, domain that they have to this particular the, this optimization might go to, i don't think it would, it would use it at the, at the boston is ready to be more precise. and the talk, is it getting their offensive and this expanding offensive in the south, we seeing that they think no,
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we have not seen that before. and it seems from the statement the body to the presence of the media to these like immediately when they are the same comments centers here on the they seem to be a the to between now, what are these common sense of a dental problem? you to decide to ship a hospital for instance, and so on and so forth. but when you talked about the hostages, he said wherever they may be, in other words, he does not know where the hostages of but he seems to know what to come. incentives on and that's an excuse to bow to, to bomb the pods or for a guy. so i good to have your perspective use if they use a bundle profess frontier, it's not for relations that kind of university. thank you. thank to now press advocate say at least 61 job unless the media workers have died in the war on cause a committee to protect journalist as the 1st month of the conflict was the worst. the media work is in more than 50 years, when tasa itself was one of the latest casualties. the free launch camera run. it's
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working for the tech is under, the agency is killed on friday, and then it's ready as direct along with several members of his family. let's speak now with one of his friends and colleagues in diary who joins us on the line, the phone line. now from de la garza, and of course we talked to you every day several times every day. your role is a correspondent talking about what's happening on the ground. we just like to talk to you this time about your experiences as a john and when or around to your friends, colleagues and fellow journalists are being killed and, and wounded at montalvo is to say, was a friend of yours. first of all, can you tell us what happened to him? first of all, i would like to mention the so the only or the for a friend i lose in 60 days he's may be the 3rd or the 5th. very close colleague. that's the last one, plus the state in the cause,
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sure. in the another and area and refused to evacuate with us to the south because of his call his, his family was, was injured. so the 2 of his present brothers were injured and an air strike when they were working, covering on because of strips. and, and he chose to stay with his brothers because it was before the invasion and, and the, the, the situation was very critical. and he was trying his best to find a doctor to do a 3rd year for his brothers. so he stayed in the hospital because it was operating at that point. so then what happened was that they didn't guys, uh he, he covers a lot of, of, of stores across the fixtures. and especially after all the destruction that happened in garza, he was one of the few journalists who took those photos. one so said a couple of days ago was, was, was, was killed with an air strike on like,
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on his house in front of his house. where he was, he was with his brother and he's cousins, he was injured. he, he blood for 30 minutes and there were no ambulances and he died because there was no one to rescue him or say, we're just so hard. it must be so hard him to do you recall theoretical canals. if you recall with a last conversation with him was do you remember that? well, the last conversation, he texted me like a couple, 2 hours before he he was killed. he told me that, oh my god, you have a new t shirt because he knows that we evacuated with 2 shirts. and he called me on on, on, on my instagram story, wearing a neighborhood. but i did not have time to, to answer him. i did not have time to reply back to his text. he used to text me every single day on a lie with a happy smile, emoji, and i was always telling him,
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take care of the month. i said, we love you. we be deep in you and, and stay safe as we feel towards that, the tween would you not able to go to the north to give him the last good bye to even bring him. we don't know who buried him. words he prayed, we don't know anything and it's not old. newman said it's his brother too and weeks before the star gets his father was killed and other family members were killed. he was working after his all. simon, he was scared when the target of his house, when pulsated, was a very nice person and he was very kind hearted. and he was always like in the shaping do. is the coffee sandwiches when you were stuck in garza working before we evacuated. he was a very kind hearted person and everyone loved him and, and there's a very famous tree on his instagram feeding kitchens. he was this person who cares
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about everyone, even animals and kitchens. and he was a very good up person and, and we're lucky, we're looking at some of the credit across his, on the screen right now. i mean, it must be, it's so emotional, isn't it? and we do appreciate you just explaining how it is for you and it's so hard you carry on doing this important work and you'll find a job and this to and, and as he was to, can you tell us how it is for you, as you said, about doing this work under such intense pressure and immense personal risk. it's very hard for us and it's hard breaking every single day. we wake up on explosions, we barely see if we could barely have a couple of hours. it sometimes we sleep from the amount of like where we're very tired. i think you heard an explosion. this is like what we are hearing all the day . but then the end of the day,
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we feel that we need to continue. we feel like we need to report, we need to tell the stories. there are a lot of stories that have been the voices that i've been silenced. i've been killed. but we're still here and we will still, we have the ability to carry the message of all of these people. it's very heartbreaking and unworthy. i agree to today we did not have any arch in the market square, anything to keep us standing and going on. but it's, it's 6 now until now we had 0 food, we only have had like a couple of p, walter of the scituate, all of the like, surrounding situation is hard. but there's something that's keeping us going on. i don't really know what it is. this something is we are all is and i can go see thing and talking with each other, like i literally still covering. however we didn't have the thing. however, we still doing all of this job and there's some things that's motivating us every single day to keep on telling the stories. and we believe that we're very important
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and we hold a very huge weight on our shoulders to carry the message. so all of these took millions of people in gaza right now. have you ever thought of giving it up? i mean, nobody would blame you if you did and, and just sort of seeking your a safety. i think me for me as in. no, i don't. i won't give up, i don't think like i'm going to give up. i'm very passionate about what i'm doing. we live today a hard day's in gaza. we went through this a lot of being displayed, and we have been displaced for more than been 3 or 4 times right now. and now is there any forces are causing us to evacuate to the house? but we are in the south for jennifer. but with all of this like being worried about our families during worried about our says continuous excursion, there's something, nothing we not to give up and i swear i don't know what's this, but i love. ringback side, and they love god, these people, the name of my country,
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and i think this is the only thing that's keeping me going, despite everything and despite the danger, and despite the risk of risking our lives. but to be honest, like after all of this destruction, and after all of the skinning, i feel like there's no meaning for life anymore. and is, is i want to spend the last minutes and spend my life reporting. even if it's going to be like the last thing i'm going to do in my life, i'm the decay thing this. and i'm dictating my life to call this time. and most of all, just unless you now have a way out of where the boy is taking place, you know, to find some respite, but you do not. you continue to tell the story of on speak with her that with that otherwise not reached. well, we appreciate you working on your time now. thanks for joining well, still ahead here and out 0 more ports of deteriorating conditions inside. is there
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any channels we hear from the parents of palestinians? company laptops. it is rarely present the the. hi, once again we got some move, very heavy rain making its way across the power quite down towards the southeast of the sale towards the uruguay holding off the active with a system. this one, producing some very heavy down pulls sundry down, pulls, coming, has spoken with a little and associated 28 celsius here. the woman that full ray out around $32.00 cells. just a little cool to that point of service at around $23.00 degrees celsius. they had to show us, we made pretty much in place west inside of the amazon, in particular thing. some live the showers shelves just pushing up towards the south of the columbia,
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running up towards the car. it being one or 2 shelves across the cab biologically is fine, and right, and the seats lot of fine, but a lot of sunshine, the way to where the lot is to be around the central america, particularly up towards the what the mileage said some very heavy right, southern areas of mexico looking pretty unsettled, as well as we go through the next couple of days that range of ramping up to the south, east of mexico city. as we go on a 3 tuesday elsewhere across the cabinet to see it as long as you try and find it's not a try, but the 2 across mount shelf uh, north america, got a few showers up towards the lake, some of them wintery and nature. but some very heavy, right, making its way in the pacific northwest, west and canada. the latest news as it breaks many of the people here. but they say that there celebrations are sorry. we don't say the number of those too often killed in god with detailed coverage by
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a release of those the health competence through all of his riley's, i've been following every sense of this thing and feeling this gen and isn't. most children will survive. talk to deal with the pain and trauma of losing their parents. i loved one, a ceiling. how are we defending is real heavy. more dead children asking questions you wanted to have your voice heard? what is your message? understand? a little part of the beach was transformed into a minute, reporting every now and then we can hear cluster bombs, exploding out just ears, teens on the ground. when you close to the hall to the story the
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other day, you're watching out your mind about top stories. this is ready for specific types of schooling. jobs, the city where hundreds of people had been sheltering many for the adults of thought. we got school and they went soft, strikes, tearing, whatever they in the south. the hospitals are being overwhelmed by the number of casualties for me is rarely a tax. doctors describe the situation is catastrophic. where does it being treated on floors and in car doors? more than 800 palestinians have been killed in garza's sub today. nearly 16 thousands of died since october. the 7th. 3 strikes have been focused on the southwest. hundreds of thousands of displaced people have sought shelter while is ready, as military is conducting more rates in the occupied westbank, at least one pilot, an instance being killed in columbia near ramallah ministry come voice event that
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you name in the knowles and hebron in the south people engine, in say they had gone far as 2 neighbors were taken into custody of the above costs. and this was, is really for, it isn't policy inside is exchanging fire in the time of calcutta at how does the authority official say to people have been killed during the is randy raids, need the able to whom is life was implanted and every matter in the occupied westbank it and it is, it just gives an update to what the latest situation let me show you better than i can tell you about the aftermath of ours. an hours of raids by these really forces to this area, which is the columbia refuge account, as well as the photo op up area. this is one of the stores whose owners have not been v r. when these really forces waited. that's, they've never the less stormed it's broken, the glass fire to a gas inside. then the store owners have told us that the 2 gas has melted some of
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the clues, and it was only a coincidence that it did not have a full blown failure. there's also this shop as well, same story. they said that's also not the only that these really forces every did in a company with these really parties. but also that the task control controllers have came in on all those palestinians to pay find it related to income tax. so give you some context. this area is under the jurisdiction of the jerusalem municipality. these really controlled one and this area is considered part of occupied east jerusalem, but it's outside these really separation walls, which means they get 0 to almost a one percent of the services that they have been entitled to. this is why they say it's not fair for them to be paying those taxes and not getting services. they've been handed over those fines including one, palestinian,
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and some of them are gone. let's talk to him. you know, when we enter the area earlier, this area was like this mellows t. a gas has been so heavy as mother and his colleagues have been spring. it's a kind of control the smell and the effects of the aftermath of mud. uh, can you tell me exactly what happens when the army so just arrived? he got busted for 3 or i was working on a car. i stood the doors at the middle. yeah. they started to thinking about, well, i tried to shut down my gate. i tried to leave, they had rested, be dragged to me and i just started beating and bad, telling me who i talked to. my cousin was helping me with the car. we were both hands coughed, roughed up this other leave a bad toad and beaten from mine and in the morning i'm up till 5 in the afternoon.
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we were the tides bad toads and beaten. yeah, yeah. this is you can see this is that is that we were beaten up and back to uh, by the officers that they took the computer uh which we use for an inspection. most of them. i told him that it is not working. it doesn't have the operating, i told him it is not possible that not. at that point, he hit me with a heavy to. after that they do dragged me in once again. after that, a female says joe to started to droll the david star, the flag of israel, and then started smashing every object inside the workshop. as you can see behind this, the wall, a little old, the equipment was what it smashed, and so the whole and they also took away 3 ease gaz cylinders and
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we were not able to act. so we even tried to leave, but we couldn't. i stayed inside. yeah. and the glass of the tags and off by the grace of god i my life was despaired if 10 minutes more i believe i could have been killed. this is where they came from. a 1000 foot on that side of some by the time i saw them, i started to collect my tools and tried to close the gate. by the time more than a 150 soldiers in the little storm, the workshop they started beating and bad side of me for more than 30 minutes. the from the to off to that the as could be to operate one of the cars. i'm off so that the eyes could be where are the guns with the arms. he then asked me, where are the narcotics? i told them, this is a work, so we don't have any arms. we do not have any the narcotics. they dropped me on my
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cousin um, oh, cool. and then after that they handed me a ticket like applied. so they asked kind of the him of fun to pay income tax and it's worth mentioning. but also we've been seeing on arms confrontations between policy and parts as and the is ready for it says, and we have a funeral that is currently undergoing for the 32 year old kind of send you an idea of the problem with the come tunes. after he's been hit by is really forces with a live bullet to the hearts. all right, anita, thanks for that to the impact. so if he's ready, right and you know squared westbank. thank you. as well since the beginning of israel's foreign gauze. more than 3000 pounds of things have been detained in new york apartments by many without charge or travel time. it has spoken to some recently released prison. isn't hebron about the abuses? the experience behind boss? it was 2 30 in the morning when the soldiers walked into their backyard,
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ransacking everything in their wake. they were off to hand that cut um is due to about an 18 year old nursing student, the reading, the, the english of the helpless mother watching her blindfolded daughter being led away a few hours later. and that is with the live things that she has the words, the recently released detainees ringing in her head. on this man on it, we all heard about the beatings, the strip searches and the insults the threats of raping a child alone, surrounded by between 20 to 40 soldiers. i do not know what she's going to right now. what kind of a rest meant? everything is possible, but 10, this 1st task is to find out where her daughter has been taken information. the soldiers refused to give her. once the person is taken away, the family is left on his own to figure out where their loved one has been
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transferred to. so usually they rely on n g o is like the father sitting in prisoner society. it has been documenting all of the dissension and more importantly, collecting all the testimonies of the fire as a former prisoners and those of 100 still in jail are kept here. and it's clear that after her master's attack on october, the 7th, many ruth went out of the window for the fun, coming up to be the threats, but no rate cases. some soldiers tried to touch the goes bodies. well that dine folded. it's a form of sexual harassment that according to his ready law, or at least the male soldiers can access the mail. so that doesn't happen anymore. ok. yeah, i'm going to was asleep when these really forces came for her. as she was led the way she was told to do a study still in the she was yelling. and did you see how the read that would mean how they'd be hated children. he told me that he will be these main do do business
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with me. i told him, go ahead. what was i supposed to say? then we will. how did, how share in present for interrogation? some goals needed sanitary pads, but they refused to give it to them. and perhaps it's more difficult for me and to speak out. but ramsey la bessie thinks it's important. he was released on the same day as rookie up from the cup of prison. well, i shall not be at home. none of myself. we have hung up within one to they would lock 12 people at a time in the bathroom, just like an one ton them all the prisoners were led away in their underwear. they even swipe the prisoners cards in people's buttocks. they would film the sexual harassment. the officer in charge would beat us on the genitals in front of male and female soldiers. they would enjoy it. it was like being in a horror movie 6 palestinians died in jail since october. the 7th. rumsey is still coming to terms with how he survived those dark days. and his thoughts
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remained with the thousands of police didn't use held in israel. mostly was no charge. how does that, how many does 0 headboard? let's see where rights organizations have loans to a case against the dutch states accusing. it has complicity in the can give civilians and garza, the netherlands has been challenged for its role in the export of f. 35. find a jet pots to israel. well, you'll see what's happening in gaza, obviously in the, to thousands of people getting killed there at the moment. and, you know, we were already a pull by the fact that the ducks government just politically supporting what's happening there. but then we found out that they're also supplying elements so side to jets, to israel, despite the fact that they know there is a risk that civilians will get killed by that. so that's where we drew the line and said, you know, we need to go to court to fight this that's enough from steadfast city who has more
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from the hague space, 8 organizations, and also human rights. organizations say that the not lenses violate an international weapon. tweet is by ascending the set spare parts of f, $35.00 to israel. i have to say they made quite an emotional plea this morning here in the court in the hague. as far as you know, since october 7, one shipment of the spare parts has been supplied to israel, even though the people at the customs office and also legal experts had warranted the government against it. saying it could face legal challenges basically uh, what these 8 organizations are saying is that these f, 30 fives, are being used against the civilian population. and guys end up makes the netherlands complicit. the dutch, they made an argument that so this a, these f 35 jet switch off very advanced, a very important to as well for it's a regional security, but also even for the existence of the state of israel. but also they set because
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of their relationship between the nod once and the united states and israel, they run the risk if they stop sending them that this relationship is at risk. so lawyers of the 8, okay, so the organization side is very much economical and political reasons and no human . it's terry and reasons that the, this lawyers of the states we're using of. but they also argued that, you know, of course, there's a lot of money involved in these shipments. so that could be quite the loss of the state. if these shipments are being stopped. a step fast enough. as we being reporting israel has been increasing at times in gauze, a southern city of con, you'd as a thousands of people who lived directly in the line of fun, and among them, some of the real crews experiencing bolt without the ability to ship sound. this is the story is the,
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most of the new shad issues read the or the
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key to be of service and then let's see the reactive thomas. i'm
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the mother of iraq and the devastation of con eunice parts to the head. they are now to 0. the am or i to you had a view and climate conference goes on the defensive, often making controversial comments on fossil fuels, the business latex, to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the or
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the business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck he's real estate consultant. the all right, we're going to be on some of the world news now on the m r. i see president of you in climate conference is facing criticism officer linked video in which he questioned the science behind phasing out fossil fuels. salt and alma tell java
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who's also head of the state oil companies. this is comments in the video were taken out of context. one statement taken out of context. with misrepresentation, i miss interpretation that gets maximum coverage again, i respect trucks at a spec numbers, and these are the facts on the ground. unfortunately. all right, let's get this board enough. our smell here, a parcel on a beach, athletic of madrid, to move up to a 3rd lake. i fell free to assume the winter came from a player contracted to the opponents as well. felix is on a season long, lonely, from athletic o. he's for the only goal and a one on victory which means of are so leap from their opponents in the sam e. manchester city of dropped to heard in the permian leave is that they were involved
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in a 6 full sweller was taught him. son who knew this for they opened a 1st 1st before he puts a goal in his own that after another goal of case jack, really a stomach, he found a winner in a 1st minute to make it 3 to me. but then cool assessing ground. and last wiser for it to finish $33.00, city, or 3 points at the rest of leaders are. so let me pull for to my goal is, is maybe full and 4th, really moving to 2nd in lead to really it strikes. so while difficult to take the least twice to spin trans alexander on with. and then from alexis with house full responded and bobby decor, dozer resubmitted, 3 tier with 10 minutes remaining. a goals from what to row and now and then a 2nd. alexander arnold sales also point some of the issue goals can to pouring in is 10 minutes. chelsea,
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how long victor again brian chelsea were to one off at half time until fernandez and my they, caldwell scoring and so forth. and this might corner gallagher's sending fernandez for again, for the site hold on to a $3200.00, which says he's made significant progress after completing full rooms and has come back from miniature painting for the 1st time since undergoing ankle surgery. in april. what's finished? 18th here. well challenge as a target faithful. come back next year. i have done it a while. i haven't done with michael the way it is now. and so i was excited to each and every day to kind of get through it and test our piece and rounds and gather again. i mean, i haven't done this in a long time, so it was fun to feel that again. and certainly help support a century is west and is the 1st one day international winnings chase down there. target was 7 last is fair to the question, which i know is, are your sports headlines?
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you can get more on our website. the al jazeera dot com and our social media channels are. that's it for me to come for this these up and i'll be back in a couple minutes. the more that i can see that the humanity has opened, the gates of hell or in the seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on that's just what is at the heart of the best outside is a fluid costing the greatest tournaments on to helping to transmit the latest news
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