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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 5, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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on the walls, this has been going on for a number of our figures out to see the whole story to an international perspective, to try to explain to a local audience. how is this impact? see it like this is an important part of the world view is very good at bringing the news to the world. from here, the heavy is riley bombardment, hits gauze has come all odd one hospital in the north, west, thousands of families of sheltering from the strikes the money inside this island is there a life or so coming off, fires rage, and seldom garza as israel steps saw it's a tax. the world health organization says it was told to remove its medical supplies from its warehouse. moved people, fleece bounce off to
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a number of people were killed, binds rarely as strikes on a school and goes to the city. and the us state department says israel needs to do more to clamp down on set lavonne and some palestinians in the occupied west bank the to as israel's ground invasion of southern gauze, it gets on the way the north continues to be bombarded from the land and sea this was the moment and is riley drive and fide miss solid. the northern gates of feet come all at one house. so an estimate of 10000 palestinians had been sheltering inside and around the medical center. now more people are arriving from other areas being targeted in searching for refuge gauze has dropped to say the situation i come all at one of the hospitals is catastrophic. they've run out of
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beds and medicine and they ended up being treated on sure was unimed, car doors causes health ministry is asking the un to pressure israel to release don't, does that they've jail so they can treat the injured also in the north, hundreds of displaced palestinians sheltering of the a saw all stuff tall we school on the move again is roll. top is at the school in golf and city communications across garza happen cutoff. once again, in the south 5 continue to be an inbound buildings in han eunice times have been sports of near the city, and the as ready ministry is distributing leaflets telling residents of hon. eunice to head for the south. fulton 800 people have been killed in the strip since south today. for the monks begins a coverage and a warning. his report contains distressing images. the threat from the strikes fear into those fleeing regardless of age. nothing living left undisturbed,
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even don't keys dead by the roadside to st. outside. he works to relieve the pain of one injured relative but says many others may be beyond hope of cousin's house was the $100.00 the house and the children have gone. i don't know who's still alive, who's passed away? may god help us? the men who try to help emergency service workers must now move on to an engine clique. now a quotes, yes. another source of grief. unable to strike took place right next to the side. are casualties amongst up boys who inside the past we're outside. patients rushed in the trios, then treatment, teenagers, and toddlers, the like laid out on the floor, suffering,
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life threatening trauma. the director of northern gauze is last government run hospital, says few stuff and medicine remain in short supply despite the 7th day see spot of those that said south to con eunice hospitable arrivals and no less hectic among the patients. deliberate at speed, a tiny baby, 2 months old abraham, on the 2nd day of this war, without any protection from pounding weaponry. again, we left the north and came here to the safe, just like the asked. but this is what we find in the sense what can we do made the medical made him a heart monitoring flatline, and smooth white shroud signals that some babies do lose this battle for life the mux, which is 0. no, it's a run um no, it's a hide. israel had previously oden palestinians to move from the north for the safety. the ministry has begun the 2nd phase of its ground invasion,
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the hun units in the south, and sconces, 2nd largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of palestinians that have been forced from the homes. is there any troops on tanks? pushing along the cellar, dean road, controlling the rate all the way down to our colorado which is northeast of con eunice is really gone, but it's all stationed along the coast. the road all rashid, this means israel has complete control of gauze as to main roads. now the is riley, land, air, and sea assaults has completely isolated central goal is that including the city of darrow, by the which has one of the few functioning hospitals. the out is there, it's an all. and the goal is a refugee comes also console from the south. in the north is really forces of battling palestinian fighters and these regions shaded in the rad. you can see them on your screen. all the fighting and troop movements indicates that israel could be
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dividing the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north central region and the south. i mean law is always issued a new evacuation order, which will force palestinians to move even further south. you know, it's a nation says it's crazy climate, more panic and 5th topic about as soon as the latest from con eunice. israel had renewed its uh coolest for mass evacuation from the southern areas of con eunice city were tens of thousands of residents have been teaching and seeking refuge in recent weeks as the is a military wanted. it's a ground defensive and bought the targets. of course, the goal is a strict relocation of civilians, vegas, or safety measures is no longer accessed pens. power stands in such areas have no options, remains just disappeared to the far south of the territory to risk to the families
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. and the loved ones with the roof of the district has been on the heavy bombing since october. the 7th palestinians are really desperate and they are really hopeless in terms of the devastation that took place across the territories as they are no longer feel safe inside the homeland. and the relentless is rarely strikes that had destroyed whole means of life inside the besieged territories. of a zoom out just the wrong con units. israel has denied reports that it told the world health organization to evacuate its facilities and southern guns that, that the w h. i direct to general tedra us and i'm giving this roach on the social media platform x the w h. i received notification from these really forces that we should remove supplies from our medical warehouse and stuff and gone. so within 24 hours, we appeal to israel to withdraw the order and take every possible measure it to
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protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and humanitarian facilities. meanwhile, the is ready will cabinet has been missing. let's speak to honda so who to joins us now. live from occupied east torrison. i'm so what more do we know about this war cabinet meeting? it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu convening his war cabinet, along with all military chiefs and heads of security. would not a lot came out of this war cabinet meeting. this is routine for these really more cabinet when it convenes to not really have a lot of information that does come out from it. but what we do know is that these rallies have been firm about their ground operations expanding into the southern part of the gaza strip. all while maintaining a heavy presence in the northern part is really defense minister jo of good launch
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well observing military operations on these really side of the border in the northern part of the gaza strip said that his troops would remain there until every single human infrastructure fighter warehouse and tunnel was removed. additionally, he said that this ground operation has already expanded to the south and we know that because we have seen intense air rates in the southern part of the territory. but we've also seen them in the north. now these rallies have been firm for quite a couple of weeks now that they are in full control of the northern part of gaza. however, the reality on the ground shows a much different picture. these really armies spokesperson, daniel, how gaudy in his night. we press conference on monday, saying that there were fierce gun battles erupt. thing on the streets of northern garza. and additionally we have seen rockets continuously being fired from the northern and central part of the territory. the area which these railways claimed
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to have full control over but the reality on the ground. again, not backing up. those is really claims these really army chief of staff personally however be holding an assessment inside the gaza strip for continuation of the ground operation and its expansion. as they say they're going to continue to come. bard all of the gaza strip view, air, land, and sea. and i'm to, since the fighting resumes have we had anything else from the relatives of those captives that we believe are still inside gaza. there has been immense pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his work cabinet and not just from the families of those being held captive inside of gaza. but from these really society as a whole, public opinion is totally and completely behind the bring them back campaign. and
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it is the most sensitive and important issue within is really society. these families are asking for more information and they are saying, but they feel humiliated that the government isn't giving them more information. additionally, they're saying that they're going to organize more marches, more demonstrations, try to up the pressure on the prime minister and his government because they have seen what a temporary truce in the form of that 7 day ceasefire could bring. it could bring it captives back and those families are saying that they are willing to pay what ever price to bring back their loved ones. let's take a listen now to one of those family members. we are facing it very difficult, emotional situation where the heavy disaster along with this i'm in the silence of the lead 136 families to despair. what are you request? anything with the word copy net to receive updates on the face of our family
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members. now, now, not tomorrow. now, if you don't have time for us, we will go to someone else and we will find the one who would represent us of a meeting with the entirety of the work cabinet, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu is set to take place. on tuesday though, it was originally scheduled for monday. this is the 2nd meeting of its kind. as these families are demanding answers on how to bring their loved ones back immediately. molly. okay, thank you so much for that. have the sorry that for us then. ok. party source them a us state department specs pass and says that israel has not done enough to clamp down on satellite attacks against palestinians in the occupied westbank. mike minnes said, is there any settlers who resort to violence should be prosecuted? we have seen them take some steps to respond to extreme, his violence against palestinians in the west bank. we don't think those steps have
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been sufficient. we think they need to prosecute people who engage in violent activities against palestinians. and one of the things that the secretary made clear in his conversations with you is really government is that while this doesn't in any way of the need for them to take additional actions that we are prepared to take our own actions. uh, on behalf of the united states government as close to heidi joe castro, who joins us now from washington to dc. heidi how significant all these comments up by mike miller, emily, it's not only these comments from the state department spokesman, but also from the us national security advisor jake sullivan, who echoed strong statements about israel's military incursion, saying that the us expects israel to follow through and not attacking the so called no strikes zones, that israel has indicated, at least to us officials in their daily meetings. it wasn't clear what sullivan was
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referencing, whether this was the, the zones on the maps and the leaflets that were dropped over gaza. and it's unclear whether the civilian guy that know about the zones or able to reach them, or they're able to handle the influx of people or seeking shelter. however, sullivan also said that the us believes that too many innocent palestinian civilians have died in the gaza conflict. almost those very words echoed by the state department spokesman, who also said that the us does not wish to see the same sort of battle plan that israel carried out in northern gaza, in which the casualties were wide spread and the valuations orders were wide spread as well, as miller, the states department spokesperson, also saying that the us saw israel's plan for this current evasion in southern gaza as a quote improvement over how it handled the north. however,
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it is still too early. he said for the us to assess whether this plan is being followed in trying to save as many civilian lives as possible. but he said that the us is watching israel's actions intentionally and not just focusing on the plan that's been shared, but also the results. okay, thank you for that update. how did you a customer that for us in washington? still head on al jazeera, we hear from and is your pin is ready. finally, here been campaigning for 9 years for the safe return of that relative currently being held captive in gaza. and a mass of non hans is on the way in the philippines onto the bombing of a christian gathering, kills the
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hello and welcome to look at the international full cost is looking losey try now of course the good parts of north america. there is a cloud of ride pulling away from the eastern stable, but over towards the west, particularly round the pacific northwest. west. i'm positive kind of the, quite enough the looking system coming in here. so and that most ferric river, we are looking, we're just getting pushed in across a good positive oregon, washington state into that western side of canada. but as columbia, seeing a fabulous no, that's no just sliding further south with nice. with this, we go through the remainder of the week whether eventually coming into the north of california. but for central areas, north america generally drive up the f. you show us some of the wintry and nature just around the midwest and into east composite kind of for a time, but a lot of try and find weather for the most part. and that's the main thing to take from this lot of try and find whether to across the carrot bit. we have got to this by end of class slipping further south would say that that will be some rain coming into central the southern parts of mexico. just running down across the top
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peninsula, some way to weather to for a time typical southern parts of mexico, but caught them are also seeing some live the shows a few showers to when to the correct you at in costa rica. but for the car being items is looking good, the thought provoking on. but the patient doesn't have time to wait for that. next, truly unfortunate. but there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the democracy in the process basically entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing that and the brakes on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on talk to how does era the
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the, the watching out is there in mind if our top story is best out as far as stepping off, it's a tags from the south to going to strip tanks of and to the outskirts and eunice as, as strong as his residential buildings. communications with console, once again across the whole, wisconsin. israel has bone, the entrance of the cannot add one hospital and northern gauze, or killing dozens of people. talk to say the situation inside is catastrophic. they've run out of beds and medication, thousands of continuing to shelter inside because they have nowhere else to go out as there is, anessa shareef is out be come all at one hospital. he sent us this update aside the
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situation inside the come out with the hospital. it's very difficult to to the continued shelling. the selling has not shipped stopped at a large number of displays. people are now coming to the hospital and already inside the hospital, they make up the children, women, elderly, and disabled people as well as sick and injured. we wish we would not leave behind. we pray to god for he's justice on the injured people of being transferred to the combat allowed one hospital. as we can see, there is a real sense of terror. i'm panic among the children and women here because of the continued shelling near the hospital come found. what did a one for me? they've already killed us all families and friends i did share doing uh you can see here. uh, the occupation forces are throwing smoke bombs in front of the come out loud one
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hospital. this is the inside our house. suddenly with a warning there was a fire hit us without warning. the persons who are close to come on are doing the hospital and we are civilians with children. me, my wife and my children came here. as you can see here, the dust is covering commodities one hospital because of the continuous show me around the hospital. well displaced people inside the hospital. united was dish we i live near the come out of the hospital with a patient. of course it shows have just struck as a hand doing this is every 15 minutes a bomb drops since the afternoon. there's been artillery showing our house was bomb 2 days ago. f 35 showed our house while we were inside it. we have nothing to do with anything we want to live with the despite this dangerous conditions, we've been able to go outside of the hospital compound to document the scale of the
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destruction. this happened because of the occupation forces showing. there are a large number of dead and injured in this area who has yet to be recovered. we can see that there's a huge destruction here. so behind, within the hospital compound, we can say the bodies of the dead piling up in they come out loud when hospital compound. and so now these families have been unable to bury them because of the dangerous situation and the risk of movement around the hospital compound. this is one of the dead children who are killed during the shelling that's taken place recently at the hospital. is there any soldiers have rated the city of janine and the occupied westbank residence gunfire off the minute she con voice rumbled through the neighborhoods as rarely bold as this product. the minute she clung voice destroying rhodes pavements. most of pipelines, the 60 palestinians on average,
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have been detained every night in the occupied westbank since the boat. again, i'm fine with her in the job as a refugee camp in ramallah during raid by israeli soldiers, as well as killed at least 257 palestinians in the occupied westbank since october . the 7th out is there, a zane bus robbie isn't ramada in the old pod. westbank. he says a number of people were arrested during several rates on monday night for the rage this evening. janine once again, the major flash point of is rarely off operations that are ongoing throughout the occupied westbank. but jeanine, the incursion began about 4 hours ago. and in the last few minutes, we've seen videos that show yet more armored vehicles going in towards. janine, they're deployed in the city and on the outskirts of the refugee can engineering and usually more armored vehicles going and suggest another long night in these rates as they re deploy their forces around the area. but we do know is the classes
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of an ongoing with arm fighters, engineering camp, which should be room or engineer and city which should point out the janine is a major flash point, a major stronghold for armed resistance fighters of from the past. and you inside bulldozers were seen destroying various bits of infrastructure, pulling up roads after storming the campus. really forces surrounded the janine government, hospital engine in city, the house of one man who was accused of carrying out an attack. who is really forces have been looking for his family home was rated and measurements were taken, usually indicating that it is now marked for demolition is really forces were seen stopping in ambulance engine in city. and there were other rates that have been ongoing in the occupied west bank as well, including jello zone camp. you're ramallah, palestinian was arrested in that rate and there was an intense exchange of gunfire, which is unusual for a jealous own refugee camp. we're also hearing that a young woman was arrested after another town was rated north west of rome. a
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london rates in bethlehem have run into boss as well as something indicating that perhaps there no target. no place is not a target in these posting in communities in bethlehem soldiers rated a printing shop that normally prints posters of people killed by israeli forces posters. a commemorate the dead to the united nations security council has been holding a close dual meeting to discuss the situation in the palestinian territories. it comes uh century general antonie gutierrez, appealed to israel to avoid further action that could west. and they can monetary and crisis. and casa, his spokesman says, israel's bombardment has old but still a workers from doing that jobs. colleagues to the office with the coordination of humanitarian, a fair one, that the current situation does not allow them to address people's needs and gaza. limited a distribution, primarily primarily
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a flour and water took place yesterday and the rough r governor and gaza in the adjacent con eunice governor, a distribution largely stopped due to the intensity of hostilities. garza's middle area was largely disconnected from the south following is really forces prevention of movements including humanitarian supplies. meanwhile, grave concerns about water born diseases due to water consumption from unsafe sources persist, particularly in the north water dee sell a nation plant and the pipeline from his route was shut down. there's been almost no improvement in the access of residents uh to the north, to water for drinking and domestic purposes for weeks now. they will food program also warrants at 8 weeks into the war. there is a base risk of famine for all of gods as people, including for those with chronic diseases. older persons and children and living with disability disabilities to all families of b as riley is captured on october,
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the 7th press the government to ensure the returning fed loved ones to all the is riley families have been doing the same for months longer the relatives, one from the, if you can, is there any community the all the in our better when a believe to have been captured by how most back in 2015. so hard talk to one of the families in the city, a bicycle on about a case that is highlighted the inequality faced by israel as one ortiz. nearly a decade ago, yellows brother walked the length of this beach off to arguing with his mother bots . he never returned, as he points to the direction of era, mcgee started to cry, he ended up in crossing into garza and then was captured by him of a virus. mental health deteriorated, not long before that. the death of his sibling deeply affected him. and now his family say the weights for action has taken fall too long. this as a name or 9 years, we're living, but we're not allies hired. it's
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a bad dream that's been going on for so many years. we can't cope. we're asking the government to bring him home or how lucky should or citizen, it's all this time. they weren't sure if it's there was dead then how mass reduce the video earlier, the ca showing him a live. well, we've only been here for a few minutes, but every few seconds we had loud suds. and that's the continuous bombing of cause of that happening. just a few, columbus has down this crosswind over here. now yellow tells us that every time he has a son, he thinks how terrifying it must be for his brother is rosa strikes us, the complicated things, but with no caps is now held in garza, the various relatives hope he'll be freed. if this, these 5 deal resumes, his family says neither these ready will cabinet, all those meetings to bring them back home campaign have contacted them, leaving a virus community with no choice, they say, but to raise awareness, to his case alone. so this is of the me,
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how has been painting of era and his family sees and his mother. let's do the crying. now she aims, how ought to bring his name back to the public domain off the use of being for goes to in his case, he says it's highlights of the inequality that the jewish is radius therapy and communities faces as well as that, faced by the hour bedouin minority also has um and said was captured in 2016 this and i said let's say understood by colored be so at 1st he's peaches and he shows we're not present in this. we often patricia, he's picture was finally printed via forties gave up on a vera. they didn't include him in a captive exchange deal a few years ago. they say that people relate most to those that look like them because the house says she doesn't want him to be stigmatized because of his mental health that led him into garza. she says it could have happened to anyone,
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so she will continue to campaign for his release and ask, what on yellow says a vera would have experienced a number of was on garza, but he prays that this will be the last one that ends with his brother's safe for time, sort of hide at all to 0. ask along let's take a look at some of the other news making headlines. a former us and busta to bolivia has been charged with spine for cuba, for 40 years. fix a new. busy russia allegedly began ating havana as a cause, that agent of cuba is general direction of intelligence in 1981, according to the attorney general, the charges against the 73 year old, exposes one of the highest reaching and longest last thing. infiltration of united states government i a for an agent is doing court in florida on monday of the filipino me has launched a non scale non homes for the assailants who boomed
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a christian gathering in the south. kidding for people. i sole says that carried out the attack during sunday mass city university and the city of neurology in mid to now on a be low has moved from the raleigh city. quite sunday, meant for worship, turns into commotion. a bomb rips through a catholic, gathering into southern philippine city of where are we killing several people in injury dozens more than a duck. kind of the explosion was so strong. it felt like lightning struck custody and suffered a deep cutting her toe and her husband nearly lost his eyesight, but the grateful they're like 31 year old. eventually. i don't mean it wasn't us lucky. her brother aquino, investment labels that they learned about her and saw her body on social media when i 1st saw the picture, i cried and said in front of my wife, a bunch of the and.


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