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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 5, 2023 8:00am-8:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the israel carries out heavy bombardment of northern gauze as canal ad, one hospital with thousands of families, a sheltering from the strikes the money inside this island. is there a knife from town or so coming on? no palestinian. see to the south off to a number of people were killed by is really a strikes on
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a school in kansas city. 5 been in southern gaza as israel step salt. it's a tax that the world health organization says it was told to remove medical supplies from its warehouse. and the us state department says israel needs to do more to clump down on secular violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank. the as, as rel, expands its ground invasion in southern gaza. the army is still attacking northern gauze that from the ground and see the, this was the moment and is ready to go inside. and miss saul at the northern gates fee come all add $1.00 hospital, thousands of palestinians were killed and injured. an estimate of 10000 all still sheltering inside on around the medical center. now moved, palestinians are arriving from other areas on the is rarely
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a talk. all searching for refuge gauze is don't to say that the situation come all at one on all the hospitals is catastrophic. they've run out of beds and medicine, and the injured all being treated on the floor was in car doors. kansas health industry is asking the u. n to pressure israel to release don't because it has jail so they can treat the wounded or i'll just there is and i saw sharif is at the come all at one hospital. he sent us this update aside the situation inside the come out loud when the hospital is very difficult to to the continued shelling. the selling has not shipped stopped at a large number of displays. people are now coming to the hospital and already inside the hospital they make up uh children, women, elderly and disabled people as well as sick and injured. c we wish we would
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not lift behind. we pray to god for his justice and the injured people of being transferred to the come out loud one hospital. as we can see, there's a real sense. so tell her, i'm panic among the children and women here because of the continued shelling near the hospital compound. what is the one for me? they've already killed us all families and friends, i get a shared one. uh you can see here. uh, the occupation forces are throwing smoke bombs in front of the come out allowed one hospital. we were inside our house, suddenly without warning, there was a fire hit us without warning. the problem up, since we are close to come on our do on hospital and we asked if you'll deals with children. me and my wife and my children came here. as you can see here, the dust is coming and come out of the one hospital because of the continuous show me around the hospital where i've displaced people inside the hospital. united was
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dish we i live near the come out doing hospital with occupational forces shells have just struck as a hand doing with every 15 minutes a bomb drops since the afternoon. there's been artillery showing our house was bomb 2 days ago of 35 shoulder house while we were inside it. we have nothing to do with anything we want to live with the despite this dangerous conditions, we've been able to go outside of the hospital compound to document the scale of the destruction. that's happened because of the occupation forces shuttling. there are a large number of dead and injured in this area who has yet to be recovered. we can see that there's a huge destruction here. and within the hospital compound, we can say the bodies of the dead piling up in they come out loud when hospital compound. and so now these families have been unable to bury them because of the
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dangerous situation and the risk of movement around the hospital compound. this is one of the dead children who are killed during the shelling that's taken place recently at the hospital. well, there's been no that's up in the is there any bombardment of northern gauze since the 7 days she's fine ended on friday. hundreds of displays, palestinians sheltering at the side of style. we school in garza city, have been forced to move yes again. israel, bottom 2 schools on monday, killing at least 50 people and wounding thousands. communications across garza was also caught on sunday, but now is back up. meanwhile in the south finds the end or night of the israel bone buildings in her newness tanks had been skill set near the city. and the is ready, ministry is distributing leaflets telling residents to move the south of an 800 palestinians have been killed since in the 1st week of the war. the,
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as randy ministry issued an evacuation order for $1100000.00 palestinians in northern garza to move south where it said that would be safe. now it's big on the 2nd phase of its ground invasion. ne hon. units in the south. the population of the city has swelled because hundreds of thousands of palestinians forced from their homes in the north were forced to relocate here. it is rarely troops in times of pushing along the solid dean road, controlling the words all the way down to all guerara which is northeast of hun, eunice, and gunboats, a station along the coastal road. rashid, that means as well as complete control of gauze as to main roads. the sold has isolated central garza including the city of darrow bala, which has one of the few functioning hospitals. the um is eric and oh my gosh, a refugee comes also caught off in the north. is there any forces of battling palestinian fights is in these regions that
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a shade in read all the fighting and troop movements indicates israel could be dividing the gaza strip into 3 areas, the north central region. so israel's latest evacuation order is forcing ready displays. policy needs to move even further south. united nations says it's creating a climate of panic and fit. target was zoom, has the latest hon. eunice, or israel had renewed its uh, coolest for mass evacuation from the southern areas of con eunice city were tens of thousands of residents have been taking and seeking refuge in recent weeks as the is a military wanted. it's a ground defensive and bought the target across the goal is a strict relocation of civilians, vegas, or safety measures is no longer accessed hands. power themes in such areas have no
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options remain. just disappeared to the far south of the territory to risk to the families. and the loved ones with the roof of the district has been on the heavy bombing since october. the 7th palestinians are really desperate and they are really hopeless in terms of these devastation that took place across the territories as they are no longer feel safe inside the homeland. i'm and the relentless is really strikes that had destroyed whole means of life inside the besieged territories. sorry about zoom out. just the wrong con you and now the head of the world health organization has posted on social media platform x, that israel ordered it to evacuate its facilities in southern garza as guys alan fisher, who joins us live from occupied east jerusalem island as a round. going on between israel and the w h. i tell us more about what's going on . the, sorry, this is a social media, right?
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the isn't going to go, we anytime soon. type joe scott, the gazes who's the head of the w a to today on social media. on monday that they had been ordered, essentially by the israeli army to move their medical equipment out of a warehouse and southern guy. so he said we received notification from israeli forces to remove supplies from the way of heights and southern guys in 24 hours. because if we don't withdraw it, corporations will put it beyond use and he appeals to is able to withdraw the order and take every possible measure to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals. the w to a took this right. so seriously, we started moving material out of that, we're house that we're her supplies about 11 hospitals in southern guys or hospitals that are still operating. and there's a concern, of course that there's going to be a huge demand. busy in the medical facilities in southern guys as more and more people move into the area and these really army continue the defensive in the side
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. but these really are made so called net, which is part of the ministry of defense replied on social media. say the truth is we didn't ask you to evacuate the we obviously made it clear and didn't writing to relevant united nations representatives from a un official we would expect at least to be more accurate. but it's clear that the world health organization did regard this as a genuine threat. otherwise they wouldn't have started moving material out of that warehouse. meanwhile, the as rarely wood cabinet has also been missing any indication of what came out of that of the appropriate seasons. you don't get a great deal coming out of the war cabinet, particularly when it comes to the plans of the next stage. beyond the very broad brush strokes. we know that they're going to push into this. so they've said they're going to push into the site. but also you'll kalonde who is the defense minister said that they will continue to maintain
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a significant presence in the north and they will stay there. he said, until every piece of how much infrastructure every fight to every warehouse. and every tunnel has been removed. we know that are already expensive, either operations in this, so you said that they continued to move towards cotton units and beyond. but the fighting hasn't stopped in northern guys. even these really are made acknowledging that have been vs gun bottles in northern gas. and of course, over the weekend, we had that there were 10 besides 10 rockets, 5 from northern guys towards tell a b as well. so while these relays have for a number of weeks though, say that they have almost complete military control over northern guys, a city ality is far from that. okay, thank you for that. and for sure that for us unoccupied, east jerusalem to now while the offensive in gaza continues, is riley soldiers writing cities and the occupied westbank. janine has been targeted again. residents heard gunfire as ministry convoys moved through the
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neighborhoods, boulders is followed and destroyed roads payments. and even more supply lines, on average, about 16 palestinians have been detained every day in the old pod westbank. since the war and gossip again. the job as a refugee camp and ramada was also rated. the palestinian health ministry says is riley forces and settlers have killed at least $257.00 palestinians in the okay pied westbank since october the 7th samples of all the is ramallah. he says a number of palestinians were arrested during a series of is there any raids on monday night on the rage this evening? jeanine once again, the major flash point of is rarely off operations that are ongoing throughout the occupied westbank. but janine the incursions began about 4 hours ago, and in the last few minutes we've seen videos that show yet more armored vehicles
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going into awards daneen. they're deployed in the city and on the outskirts of the refugee can engineering and usually more armored vehicles going and suggest another long night in these rates as they re deploy their forces around the area. but we do know is that classes have been ongoing with armed fighters engine in cap would, should be room or engineer and city which should point out the janine is a major flash point, a major, a strong hold for armed resistance fighters of from the past. and inside, bulldozers were seen destroying various bits of infrastructure, pulling up roads after storming the campus really forces surrounded the janine government, hospital engine in city, the house of one man who was accused of carrying out an attack. who is really forces have been looking for his family home was rated and measurements were taken, usually indicating that it is now marked for demolition is really forces were seen stopping in ambulance engine in city. and there were other rates that have been ongoing in the occupied west bank as well, including jello zone camp. you're ramallah,
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palestinian was arrested in that rate and there was an intense exchange of gunfire, which is unusual for a jealous own refugee camp. we're also hearing that a young woman was arrested after another town was rated north west of rome, a london where rates in bethlehem have run into boss as well as something indicating that perhaps there no target. no place is not a target in these posting in communities in bethlehem. soldiers rated a printing shop that normally prints posters of people killed by israeli forces posters that commemorate the dead of the us state department says israel has not done enough to climb down on secular attacks against palestinians indeed occupied. westbank. mike miller said, is ready. settlers who resort to violence should be prosecuted. we have seen them take some steps to respond to extreme, his violence against palestinians in the west bank. we don't think those steps have
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been sufficient. we think they need to prosecute people who engage in violent activities against the palestinians. and one of the things that the secretary made clear in his conversations with the is really government is that while this doesn't in any way of the need for them to take additional actions that we are prepared to take our own actions on behalf of the united states government, heidi to a castro has more than this from washington dc. we've heard from to us officials in the past few hours, both with strong messages for israel, national, secure advisor, jake sullivan, said that the us expects is real to follow through and not attacking the so called no strikes. those that israel itself has indicated that was unclear where the zones are if god's and civilians know about them and whether they are indeed reachable us state department spokesman matt miller, echo the message that too many palestinians have died in the cause, a conflict and the israel is responsible for conducting this southern offensive,
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differently than the mass evacuations and mass casualties that were afflicted in gauze. as north miller said, while israel's military plan shared with the us over daily conversations show quote, improvements and taking intended measures to protect civilians. the us, he says, is watching closely to see the results. while an increasing number of high level us officials has said, israel has killed too many innocent guides and civilians. we've yet to hear those same words coming from president joe biden himself. how did your castro alger 0 washington? it still has on algae 0. we have from an ethiopian, is ready families been campaigning from 9 years, but the safe return for relative carney being held captive in gaza.
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the color of the weather is lossy. set fire across much of the arabian, per name so, so some quite weather coming through here because a little more plowed across northern parts of the middle east. and that will grasp the slide its way into the live answer. running. one of the 2 sat was down across the rock. i don't need to know the pos of saudi arabia that's push up into the bank then because we have got a couple of what that is on the costs here. and that will affect garza and the occupied territories. take the tuesday afternoon, going on into wednesday. it will move through. it will make way for the next by the system. so we are looking at more shelves just around that is to side off the met it's radius. some of them could be heavy at times, want to say what the shower was also affecting the fall north of africa. northern areas of algeria, fruits in this year using further east, which as we go on through white and sty, still a few showers into west africa, but nothing too much to speak of. the west to whether he's on the other side of the
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continent. and we are still looking at some rather live the showers into northern parts of times in a way we have seen that. busy full flooding, recently more live the showers coming through here, just adding to the problems that are already the in place by the se, and retry, although a few showers for the east in k. and then little cool with that, which i had this book of the i'm, it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes, with tip of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy, harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits, essentially submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments, alignment digital licensing,
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your better tomorrow. the welcome back and watching out. as a reminder for our top story, is this alex, israel has bomb the entrance of fi. come all odd one hospital in northern gauze. i kidding. thousands of palestinians dealt to say the situation inside is catastrophic. thousands of displaced families of sheltering that because they have nowhere else to go. israel is stepping off its attacks in southern and garza trying to enter the outskirts on unison as strikes of his residential buildings. communications across gauze of what cost on sunday, but they are now and gunfire has been hugged during overnight. is there any rates in jeanine on the job as
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a refuge account and ramallah in the occupied westbank admitted tree? detain thousands upon experience and destroyed roads and bushes. is that still now to my home instructor? he enjoys me now in the studio. he is a professor of conflict resolution on diplomacy at george mason university. many thanks for joining the program. so it's been about 4 days since the ceasefire ended . and we've seen israel ramping up the attacks and gaza, particularly in the south in the last few days. do we know if any attempts are being made a tool at present behind the scenes by media just to try and bring back a 651. if we're taking the cut starting mediation as an example, it has come to the conclusion that isn't it is the one ahead of both mediation anymore, since they have it is you own the military campaign. the united nations has described this situation as a full couldn't take less than $100.00 trucks. so
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a few minutes. 80 and delivery can cut off the 5 points today. so basically it is worse than it was before the truce last week. and therefore, i think what is happening uh, since the outer mail is what i is, i think in both know to them as well, a southern guns that it's a grand war. and it's amongst demographic war. and what they mean by that is that the palestinians should leave or die. they don't have another option. so basically it is a very militarized contain and god knows where nothing. e o and he's general is pushing this 2nd apple could i pick to cut the stuffy and what does that there is. no diplomatic solution in the horizon intends if any kind of conflict resolution that could restarts. we know that's been a lot of pressure on the is riley's domestically to bring back the captives from gaza. so why do you think it's been so difficult to get the tools up and going
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again? well, the slope stopped us. the point one is about asked how most, for the female, solely of this could be released and how much you know, that's a different story if you want to discuss. and that's going to be for the different price. so how much has also account on the list of prisoners to be released? however, this is not the issue. it's not the a new these agreements we do it how much and is what i it's more often antonio himself, who has detached himself. now since tuesday, he has this detached to himself completely from the romantic dimension of the whole complex. basically he has, it is all to the back to have a minute to position with the help. number one to eliminate him as which is, was going to happen in front of president a money. remind good. all said that if this is the objective of here's what i and then these will take, he is penny is a list. however, what seems to be the case is that nothing else is trying to decrease the number of
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the population in gaza with the hope that the age of 40 at uh so just to be clear this, this guys will be on getting rid of homeless, know that this is much beyond because in any international conflict, the idea is to minimize fighting and then have the photos steps on the diplomatic pass. and i think we went through with that and it was, it was most interested in it in a cease fire. it was talking basically that about drugs to us or a pause? no, it explains why the pool is the schools was central in the is there not any, not active? so it was like okay guys the month categories, the u. s. and all the mediators in the world that it's an in that if you want to 4 days, we give you a week. so or the week is over now and stated, we have more than a $140.00 hostages and goes,
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we still have another long list of policy and prisoners, wasting the release on the is that i any but, but the problem is not the, the, it is hard to go and the problem is it's with that one of the stakeholders, that is the one of the complex both is, is interested. i'm not. and unfortunately, at this point since 3 days ago, nothing new. i said it's clearly that he's not interested in negotiation. it was more interesting. okay. and can in the more for the city and meanwhile the world is watching. so i guess the question is, at what point a, a we actually going to see some sort of concrete action from whether it be the us or any other international voice to actually make a difference to what israel is doing in gaza on to the palestinians. now the whole solution depends on the big guys i'm talking about the u. s. breton friends. the big 3 is the security council. the are the only ones who can exercise so everyone's
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over is a n i. c, e. not full screening enough. one of them might humanitarian. when are we going to see that point to be on rest of it when we actually going to see something? well, unfortunately, there's not much hope because when a sticker going to stay at home funny blaine who came to the reason he wasn't is that i and he left it delivered with please don't keep too many punched in, you know, this is the final message. so now if we're like, yesterday it was more than a 100, more than 800 people killing today. there is a hospital that hasn't been thought of good. it's so we are bucks to this. yeah, i thought you didn't say really ins and civilian institute, so therefore the wake up of course, should come from washington from paris, from london to okay. we can no longer accept this. so human, if you didn't, could i has to go worse and worse. meanwhile, more people die. okay, thank you for that. mohammed shuck away, a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy. thank you. or families of the as riley is captured on october,
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the 7th press the government to ensure the return fed loved ones. another 2 families have been doing the same for much longer their relatives, one from the if your pin is ready community the other and our bandwidth albany of tipping cap to by how much in 2015 or higher it has the story nearly a decade ago, yellows brother was like so this beach off to arguing with his mother bots, he never returned. he points to the direction of aram and he started to cry. he ended up costing into garza and then captured by him us a virus mental health that deteriorated, not long. the full on the death of his sibling deeply affected him. and now his family say the weights for action has taken fall too long. this name uh 9 years were living but were not allies hire. it's a bad dream that's been going on for so many years. we can't cope with asking the
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government to bring him home or how lucky should or citizen is still all this time . they weren't sure it was, there was dead. then how must reduce the video riley of the ca showing him a live? well, we've only been here for a few minutes, but every few seconds we had a loud sides. and that's a continuous bombing of causes that's happening. just a few, columbus has down this coastline overhead. now yellow tells us, but every time he has a son, he thinks, how terrifying it must be for his brother is rosa strikes us, the complicated things, but with no caps has now held in garza, the various relatives hope he'll be freed if the sci fi deal resumes his farm and he says, neither these ready will cabinet. all those needing to bring them back home campaign have contacted the leaving of various community with no choice they say, but to raise awareness to his case alone. so this is a villa,
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me how has been painting of era and his family sees. and his mother. let's see the crying. now she aims, how ought to bring his name back to the public domain of to use as being for goes to his case. she says it's highlights the inequality that the jewish has, radiate. european communities faces as well as that faced by the hour of bedroom in minority also has simon said, was captured in 2015 this unless it must as it should by paula roy be so at 1st he's peaches and he sams would not present the display of depression, his picture was finally printed, the authorities gave up on a vera, they didn't include him in a captive exchange deal a few years ago. the see that people relate most to those that look like been because is the house as she doesn't want him to be stigmatized because of his mental health. but let him into garza, she says it could have happened to anyone. so she will continue to campaign for his release. it. ashcroft and yellow says
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a very when of experience the number of was on garza, but he prays that this will be the last one that ends with his brothers safe for time. sort of hide it all to 0. ask along. ok, let's take a look at some of the headlines making a news today. the philippine army has launched and 900 for the attack is who boomed a christian gathering in the south getting for people. i still says it carried out the attack during some date mass. as a university in the city is in the raleigh bond to be low reports acquired sunday, meant for worship, turns into commotion. a bomb rips through a catholic, gathering into southern philippine city of where are we killing several people in injury dozens more than a kind of explosion was so strong. it felt like lightning struck custody and suffered a deep cup in her toe. and her husband nearly lost his eyesight,
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but the grateful their life. a 31 year old eventually, i mean, wasn't as lucky. her brother, aquino, and best friends labors that they learned about her and saw her body on social media. when i 1st saw the picture, i cried and said in front of my wife, bunch of the and where are you? why did you leave us? akina says he's accepted eventually to speak. but senior security officials here her promise to bring the perpetrators to justice here, but they say they've launched an operation to search for persons of interest, but won't divulge much else. i still has claimed responsibility for the bombing of gymnasium in morales city. now president braden and marcus junior bains what he calls warrants, harris, pod security official say they're still living,


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