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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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scale of this camp is like nothing you've ever asked us to help, but we want to know how these things affect people. we revisit please stay, even when they're no international houses are really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the israel widens that's assault on southern gaza. it's military says that it's operating in the center of con units. the headquarters is outside. teddy and applegate are also coming up rescuer, scramble to save people from the rubble. israel target's garza largest refugee count from the lens air and see the
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violence and the occupied wes thing is really forced as a storm that i'm a product for refuge account in total us analysis sanctions. and these are restrictions on is really settlers involved in a tax on palestinians in the occupied plus the hello. it's a gmc about 10 am in gaza where they is really army says that it's engage in the heaviest fighting since it began its ground invasion. 5 weeks ago, the military says it's pushing deeper into the southern city of han, you know stuff because the 2nd biggest city fighters from, from us and allied groups say bill can see no grounds and are denying be is really gains. battles are also underway in northern areas, including and sisters i. yeah. and by the way, but it's civilians that are paying that heavy as price there in during relentless is really bombardments on one of the latest strikes has been in the central area of
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data. but at least 45 people are confirmed to have been killed there. you know, more than 16000 palestinians had been killed in gaza. let's bring in a honey muscle which is joining us from what i saw in the south of the gaza strip. so honey, just tell us about these reports. that is really millet 3 says that it's pushing deeper into the city of con eunice and it's operational there. what does that mean, and what kind of resistance are some of the gays and the other power sitting groups putting up and this little as early hours of this morning gun there he, the aerial bombardment is really time just part is pushing deeper and deeper. it's due the center of hon. you and is to be coming in from the eastern side. that's exactly coming off. well,
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i had been road leaving the east print side of han eunice after it was bombed, hopefully, within the past 2 weeks. but it's really time to be a military time, probably because still is stationed there. and part of those tanks and military a vehicle that started pushing deeper into the center of the city of han units. we're talking about an area that are known as roads in the 5th road into a are made in our section that's. that's the next the eastern side of the city of con eunice old that we would the center and the western side of the city of hunting is we're talking about an area that is very close to where we. busy reported from that nasir hospitality. we're talking about a time range of 5 to 10 minutes. it driving a uh without a traffic it from where the time started. station right now and not sort of a hospital it direct results of this. this is a hundreds of people have started it since early hours of this morning under the
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heavy bombarded start of lee in the area move in further south to run. here we did some of the people who gave us a confirmation of an active and military actions going on in that area. everybody thought that the eastern area of hon eunice was the mean. it's hard, good as the leave with that were dropped on the residence of the eastern side of highland as a state id, but it seems like the entire city of hon unit is under heavy bombardment right now, and it is a red zone. the whole city turned into red zone as we see more people coming from the honda is not only just from the hosp, the leaving that we use will just with the a director at doctor hospital, we found him here in rough city. and next to where we're reporting from and he said the receive direct warning and the threats from this very military to leave the vicinity of the hospital as soon as possible. we've seen him with his along with
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his family. it will describe the situation is very complicated. there is a, the on there is, there's a gun fire going on and give you shilling of the surrounding of the area that, that, that mainly the eastern side of the house. but that i'm not talking about the eastern side of hon unit, but the hosted with them from the eastern side that includes gelatin. the road area includes how may the intersection and route fits road at the eastern side of the house, right. which means that within the coming hours, we will probably see the is really times at the center of hon. you and if. okay, honey. thank you so much for that. update from it off in the gaza strip. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeated his government's plan to retain control of gospel security after the war ends. all impressions running us from occupied east jerusalem. so allen, this is not really new. we've heard this from nothing. yeah. her before. but just
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tell us more of what do you have to say and give us the context of all of this? yeah, we're starting to get more of the detail. he's talked about it is discussed it with the likes of egypt. sions, the jordanians, and the americans. the idea of creating a demilitarized zone and guys are quite how wide it with stretch isn't really clear . but there was speculation about who would actually be involved in policing a demilitarized. so it wouldn't be out of nations highly unlikely. the americans not likely either or the united nations, but benjamin netanyahu says there will be a demilitarized gas a, but not quite the way everyone else thinks. his idea of the miller tries and guys, that is actually to put these really army in that spot. us as out, so you have it, new york, ms. eliza guys i must be demilitarized. and then, or the 4 guys are to be demilitarized. there is only one force that can insure this, and that force is the, is really defense forces. no international force can take responsibility for this
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no, this is going to put a v as really using a diplomatic collision course not only with their neighbors, like jordan and egypt. but it's also going to put them on a collision course with the united states simply because the us has repeatedly said that there can be no loss of penetrating and gaza after the war. and certainly they don't want to see israel being involved in any sort of occupation of the landing guys a so comments being made by the is really military who's, who's warning of an intensification of the war and gaza. what more can you tell us about that? exactly. these really military saying that the next 2 or 3 days could be the most intense of the war so far. we know they're fighting 10 units. in fact, they've told people in china units again to move out the sea is an important how much strong mold. and they think that
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a number of leaders are still in the city. so this is going to be an intense baffled what might give them points for consent is that they also believe that there could be a number of captives be held in 10 units. so it's going to take much longer to move there. but of course, this is all part of the intention of moving the operation further size. and we have from you a lot of the defense minister on tuesday evening, besides the idea of that is to put much more pressure on her mouse so that they will come to the negotiating table. they might be able to negotiate their lease for more of the captives, but we're likely to see this operation this in 10 sort of operation extending into the middle of january next year. so you're talking at least 4 or 5 more weeks of intense fighting and gaza before israel considers a 3rd stage of the war in the strip. all right, thank you so much, allen, for that update from occupied east jerusalem. a lebanese soldier has been killed and 3 others injured and showing by israel. israel says that it was targeting
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a threat from a launch. an observation complex of has been the 2 palestinian teenagers had been killed in the latest is really raids and occupied. westbank soldiers have been carrying out daily raids and towns and cities, their residents say is really forces to on the outside our refugee camp and told us with military vehicles. at dawn on wednesday, confrontations broke out between powers thing and fighters and is really soldiers. the red cross and so as the police 3 people were injured, at least 7 palestinians were injured. when is really forces rated the janine refugee camp sat operation. last of 9 hours, at least 18 people were to change. these really military was stopping and searching ambulances. doctor say at least 2 ambulances were prevented from reaching hospitals without the time each has more from it on the la, as well. the janine light has actually ended at midnight. but since they have been
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other raids, does an ongoing one end of the issue. refugee can south of bethlehem from what we understand for some soldiers or a intelligent service is went in under cover. we, we, we think that that means that they were dressed in civilian clothes and then they were followed by soldiers. we do know that there's an exchange of gunfire, but it is an ongoing situation and that's all we know at this point on average since october 7th, about $50.00 to $60.00 palestinians are detained on a daily basis or a nightly basis. some of those are released after a few hours, but the total number of people who are still held in is really jailed and who were arrested after the 7th of october is around $3500.00. so is a very large number. and this is having an impact on people, a sense of anxiety and says, ovens and certainty, and also sense of in security,
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especially when you live in those areas that have been the focus of the israeli forces. meaning the refugee cabin. janine, for example, to cairo. the rep is like what's happening now as we speak in the haitian refugee cab. so the pursuit people's chosen, they feel a sense of insecurity. and then there's also a fear for those who are taking away for the loved ones that us state department. so as that is really efforts to stop settler violence against palestinians they occupied, westbank were not sufficient. only a tiny fraction of attacks of luck to convictions in recent years. the situation has gotten worse since the start of israel's were on gauze on. as charles stratford reports from cut out what benny has done. of this memorial monks with 41 year old comp and to off load, the aussie was shot dead during that time by his ready settlers in the occupied westbank on december. the 2nd this video is off that day. you can see settlers
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smashing policy and property is the, is really on the stands by the secular set, by a to show his home where he lives with these 3 daughters. i don't know how good it invented. i keep thinking of my goals that they got, they were out when the attack happened. this is my home. we all have lived for 5 years, but where can i go with it? but, and there are 6 illegals. ready settlements that a gradually expanding close to the village. and then these really all of the base is on one of the adjacent hills. many wisdom, the in the and most of the attacks have gotten more violent. would they open fire now without warning? there is no way to talk to them the just shoot you an offer on the un who's recorded at least 380 is ready. secular tax in the occupied with bank since the beginning of the war. on october the 7th. at least 8 palestinians have been killed . witnesses tell us that on the evening of december, the 2nd the group of between 10 and 15 is rarely settled as
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a number of them all to approach the village from this direction and began attacking these houses. they were soon joined, so witnesses say by a group of his riley soldiers who brought itself this road. when palestinians from the village came up to try and protect the property here, it's body was found down the hill and the only go around 3 hours later. he'd been shot in the chest. witnesses say the leader of the attack was this man a d levy? they say he's participated in numerous all the salts on palestinians in the area. hotley's mother sits with her now fatherless grandchildren. and i'm a subject, i'm not, i'm glad. i mean, i've given him to god may god bless him. he's left a lot of children behind their friends and community members. also their condolences to that's brother in law hoping that we're afraid that more people will be killed in the village because the attacks have increased since the war started. the human rights group. say settlers at taking advantage of
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a right wing is really government that is turning a blind to light, to set live alignments. start then we saw on a rise and incident because i think some of those felt like they had more confidence and less consequences to base. but since october 7th, i think that only increased and is because us of the forty's kind of allowing that to happen. and also i think a big part of it was the homepage page and the revenge that is really isn't that specially software. so that means increasing sets of attacks against palestinians in the occupied west bank of going on checks and on punished by these where the government molden ever the full child. stop it out just yet a total of any cost on the occupied with bank. still a heads on al jazeera, how the widening gap between the biden and mets and yahoo governments has become
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a topic of debate on is really television. the frank assessments, to far as this placement in persecutions, it seems to be another inform between what we see here, please log in to change the reality, but rather to linking in depth analysis of the days headlines. do you think even the president of the united states when he hasn't been able to get a humanitarian for he's been asking for days and days, has any sway of a private and nothing else? inside story on al jazeera, the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or natural disaster,
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whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated. most those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produced is the best fixes, and those are the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the, [000:00:00;00] the problem again here the top stories on altima 0. this our,
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the is really military says that it's ground forces are in the center of con eunice, in southern gaza. this is part of an expanded assault on central in southern areas . the army says it's engaged in the fiercest fighting since it began its round invasion. 5 weeks ago and tense is really air strikes are continuing across gaza, at least 45000 indians have been killed and dead and buff. giovanni, a refugee camp has also been targeted. more than 16000 palestinians have been killed since the war began. is really forced as have killed 2000 and teenagers during raised here now plus thousands of others have been detained across the occupied west bank. more than $260.00 honest names have been chosen grades since october. the well bringing you said 400, he's a professor of political science and international relations. it's katara university. welcome back to alger 0. so as that ground operation seems to be expands and particularly in the south of the gaza strip. just like to put these comments to you that were made by the norwegian,
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refugee council of the pulverizing of gauze are now ranked among the worst assault on any civilian population. in our time and our age. what is your reaction to comments like these that and how dangerous is the situation going to get particularly with what looks to be a whitening of the ground defensive? and so in the south, i think the situation is extremely bad and it's going to get with over the next few days the, the, the, the, it doesn't seem to be anything stop in the whole from the basically dictating almost every body in gaza. his objective is to for the, the hostages, and also to ensure about how much we know them because the state obviously and the all the way to do that is to exterminate almost everybody a does what they talk about safe areas. but this and disagreement as monk of lucky
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is opting in, does not suggest. but there is a huge gulf between the theory and the deluxe is it seems it seems to me, but what's happening. it goes up to today. and also over the last 6 or 8 weeks has been unprecedented into what i'm saying that there are no negotiations until the war is over. and then we heard from the is really defense minister. you'll have go on saying that's when the military operations advance the pressure on him, us raises it. how likely is this with this? actually pressure is home, us a, don't think it with the but i still have most of a such the, the to who the 2 sides of engaged in a lot of words. how much is that and that we are the best we have the we are responsible for what the we do. and in other words,
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we are not going to get to engage in any negotiations. and we have loved going to that is the place not as long as long as you have been bothering us. and the 2nd thing is these bombardments, we'd probably end up getting some of the hostages. so be telephone a little bit because one on the other side the, the lady is i'll say in that we, we'd love to negotiate with the oldest and the fact that inflicting as much, much as possible to on how much does all we've comp of how much the computing go, she keeps up and so these 2 parties of anybody from the gulf between them is actually be fun. and i do think that eventually both parties will come to, to negotiate to them when you say you eventually. so how do you see that happening? and, and when perhaps, and what could be happening right now behind the scenes. i mean, we know that the, the states fire talk over at sea broke down to mediation talks broke down. what can be happening right now and think, i think this will, this will,
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is not going to continue to $45.00 of the i do bank on the public opinion international public opinion. and also to a large extent is likely public opinion if uh for instance, that would be the the most because that may be a handful of, uh, hostages, have been killed by you, that aides on a, by usually. and then this may report from multiple actual on then you have been, you mean nothing, you know, for his own people. so and we have seen but the us and your position has changed a little bit. and depending on what the next few days, and they may be more push, it would be put on if you'd like to come to, to negotiating to them. all right, thank you so much use of bonds and we appreciate your analysis. thank you all throughout the or media outlets in israel had played a crucial role in helping to build a consensus for the bombardment of gaza and more recently the whitening gap between the bite and nothing yahoo governments has become
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a topic of debates on is really television i'll just say was the listing post has been tracking is really media narratives. and he's the control time and he can, you know, to be a heading for it to become a be showing him a little bit to him saying that that's the case of the people on these roads writing time. and 14, an acknowledgement that relations between the net from yahoo bite and the government are very streamed also a justification for the intensity of israel's bombardment of gaza every day. but that's what i've been to something been at the middle of, of even have been somebody from us live and paid a from us who have been in milledgeville, admit to stash the center that i can use website. while i wrote the bite and administration has been pressuring us today for several days to significantly increase the scope of to meditate in age to the gaza strip. the fact that is really needs backing and support from the us for the ground operation in the southern gaza strip. makes it very difficult for the government to ignore the americans request is really stayed broadcast. to con, broke the story of
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a closed door meeting between netanyahu and members of the connecticut, where the prime minister reportedly said, not only will there not be renewed palestinian authority in gaza off to the war. they would also be no palestinian authority in gaza at old con reminded readers of us presidential biden's office in the washington post last month in which he wrote the off to the water and gaza. the palestinian authority should be the governing body. that the disconnect and disagreement between the us and israel on post war plans for gaza look to be widening on christmas festivities have been called off. and bethlehem the city and the occupied westbank usually attracts thousands of kilograms during the holidays. but this year there will be no celebrations because of the war in gaza. need that, but i am reports the baby jesus amongst the rubble at twists to the traditional it to be seen to reflect the image is coming out of gone. so thousands of
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palestinians are fear to be buried under the winds of what was once their homes at the image is here. all the my guys and the shepherds looking for, for jesus, we get the lights on. as if to say that is a small price of hope in the midst of this destruction. during the christmas season, eyes turn to bethlehem, the birthplace of christianity palestinian. see they cannot turn a blind eye to the left. this is really bombardment of garza, if jesus is to be born again, this time this year he will be born in casa, under the installer deputy with the people of us. so this is all the city looked in early december of 2020 to julius and bracing to receive more rooms during one of the highest or 6 seasons. this is a major square near the nativity church. the tree should have been put up here,
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but it will not be installed this year. there are no lights decorations about a city and state instead of celebrating which should have been the festive season. there no united in pain with no pilgrims or visitors coming to the city. the majority of the hotels shut their doors and as you saw, the hook is empty. in a of the 2022. the husband was pretty book of the period from october. it did the end of the year after christmas. overshadowed by more celebration may have been cancelled. prayers don't stop. while i see that his health is to any type of bethlehem in his sermon, he urged people to find hope, despite the darkness so many here see all they want this
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christmas is peace. but that seems further away than ever be that, but he just, you know, that's what i have the coupon with things to other news and at least 13 people have been killed in a gun battle in india. is northeastern money for state in the latest writing since ethnic violence began 7 months ago. the victims bodies were found in time of new paul district. at least 200 people have been killed since fighting the gun. but since fighting between the majority might take a minority cookie community began in may there. and a dispute about the sharing of government benefits and protests. a supporter as a for ruse, former presidents of america for kimori and been celebrating a court ruling ordering his release from prison for he. maury has been serving a 25 year sentence for corruption and human rights violations. the 85 year old was convicted of ordering a massacre of 25 people in the early ninety's. while his government was fighting
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and left wing rebel groups. rescuers and indonesia are looking for the last remaining hiker. what missing after volcanic eruption on sunday, the bloss that mounts, i'm a rock in sumatra killed at least 22 others. 52 were rescued by emergency crews who have to work for days under dangerous conditions. then as well as president nicholas, my doro has ordered state owned oil companies to prepare to drill in a territory controlled by neighboring piano. the announcement comes 2 days after a referendum in venezuela approving the decision to take over the oil rich border region. but the international court of justice has bards caracas from exploiting resources in the area. piano has administered the disputed region for more than a century. the one special roberts her for human rights defenders. as calling on algeria to release the change activists. mary lawler spoke at the end of
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a 10 day visit. dozens of people are still detained in algeria after the 2019 protest movement that removed the vend president optimize ease go to sleep, go. that's it for me. thanks for watching alpha 0. the weather is next and then inside story will examine israel has any of the character, characteristics off a failed states. thanks for watching by the it, let's get going with your weather uptake for europe in africa. let's start in central europe where the precipitation is falling in is temperature, struggle to get much above 0. some of these could fall as freezing, rain and snow. so i wouldn't be surprised if syria ever sees a light dusting of snow, but the shield of snow will intensify as it moves into hungry. so budapest tonight,
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overnight into thursday. yeah. $10.00 to $15.00 centimeters is so. so get ready for that. we're talking about the rain for grease in searcy. some of these will be heavy pulses of rain in the forecast today on wednesday. other end of the mediterranean, mostly fine for portugal and spain. but here comes our next disturbance. we're going to be in the thick of it on thursday, northwest spain, sliding down the coast of portugal. second highest level alerts issued for rainfall in northern portugal. and today on wednesday, rain and wind for the island of ireland discuss could exceed 80 kilometers per hour . now by thursday, both ireland and britain are in this rain and wind combo to africa. we go, the northwest is still unsettled. so that's putting a bit of a cap on temperatures. and in this house, we're seeing some severe thunderstorms fire up for that eastern side of south africa. the winds are picking up and changing around. so temperatures coming down in pots one the
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around 3 quarters of sub saharan africa. this cultural heritage is on display in western museums. didn't happen overnight. we were rob cover time. the 1st episode reveals how europe and colonization remove tens of thousands of on the facts. and the young people struggle to reclaim restitution african stolen episode one. 0 no, just the era it's been in a state of near perpetual war for decades. it receives billions of dollars a year and 8 and weapons. and it has consistently broken the international law by expanding its occupation and settlement is as real, a normal state. how does it compare to sales? this is inside store the


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