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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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for the offense that our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man regions. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we chair instead the, the people of guys looking into this international community must, whoever they think possible. and that, or to view a video and security council meeting to discuss dollars or a head of advice coating for cx 5. and us says, it's a game that we do not support calls for an immediate cease fire the on the cloud. this sounds are live from the also coming up out 0. his account to be
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things in interrogations, of dozens of promise to be administered by his ready forces. israel continues as of types across the strip. one, as the drug is destroyed, guns is oldest most one of us by some poor people, landmarks that we'd be getting you your where the united nations security council is met to discuss a draft resolution calling for an immediate humanitarians. he's fine because this trip, this comes off to the secretary general and kind of gutierrez and, but our school $99.00 of the you in charge of that is his most powerful diplomatic tool. drawing the councils attention to an issue that he believes threatens international peace and security. opening today's session, he set the situation in the besieged gauze. the strip is becoming untenable. the conditions for the sick, the delivery of humanitarian aids, no longer exist as the crossing points at the law. so it was not designed for the
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end of this of stocks and these major bottleneck. but even if sufficient supplies would put immediately into gaza. intense, bombarded mental steel it, this is reality restrictions on movements. fuel shortages and the interrupt is communications. make it impossible for you and agencies in that particular students . most of the people in need despite his roles intensify bump up into the gaza strip. the says it doesn't support a coal for immediate humanitarian sci fi. and as of today, from us, continues to pose a threat to israel and remain in charge of gaza. that is not a threat that any one of our government would allow to continue to remain on our own borders. not after the worst attack on our people in several decades. for that reason. while the united states strongly supports the durable piece in which
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both is really some palestinians who live in peace and security, we do not support calls for an immediate cease fire. let's bring to christmas to lead me. she joins us live now from the united nations headquarters in kristen. it'll moving around as and when this is going to take place. we'll talk about that in a 2nd. but clearly the united states, not on board with this resolution, but what are the council members say as well? a majority of council members have expressed support for a humanitarian ceasefire to allow more aid to get to the desperately needed to, to civilians who desperately need it. $82.00 plus countries are now on board as co sponsors of this resolution. uh, china, russia, france, permanent members of the security council, notably, who expressed support for the cease fire resolution. uh, the united kingdom however, uh well saying that they were shocked by the number of people that have been killed
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in gaza and that the displacement of 80 percent of the population there is not acceptable when on to say that they respect israel's right to defend itself suggesting that they're not on board with a blanket humanitarian ceasefire. now does that mean that they'll vote against the resolution or just simply abstain and not vote in favor or against that? we don't know, but at the end of the day it only takes one country to say no. and the united states making a clear that they're not on board with the ceasefire. they have the power as a veto wielding member to stop it from going forward. and because of that, some council members who have made the case that the most important thing here is for the counsel to be united and to speak out on the situation. have called for delaying the vote of france was among them the resolution of the, you know, its saving because of, of a tool. it's a, it's
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a federal disagree to come to the debt for the people on november 15th, we were able to agree on the 1st step, which was the modest was already shown. i think it's not enough. we need to go one to a free step further. now, but the resolution that's faded would be a mistake, so we need no more time to negotiate. uh, tomorrow the day after tomorrow, the so not a bit of clothes, but the situation is absolutely disaster. but the weekend we cannot to rush and drive the secret to go into call again to or is it for? i was calling for a postponement. in fact, there's been a lot of touring, afraid about this faded was due to take place this morning that it was pushed forward several hours and then it was brought back to be well, right about now, i think yeah, it was supposed to be now. and now we're hearing of another delay, they haven't gone into the open meeting yet a we're hearing that their council members are, again, meeting behind closed doors,
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discussing the situation. it's really just a sign of how intense the discussions surrounding this and how much pressure there is on the council to accomplish something. as you said, the, the vote was initially scheduled for the morning. it was pushed back to the late afternoon. it's supposed to be now. i spoke to consumers ambassador to the united nations this morning. she said they wanted to be sure that there was time for era, the foreign ministers and the guitar, a prime minister to meet with white house officials in washington dc. clearly hoping that they could get some grounds for a compromise, some grounds for action. it is totally, i'm baffled. i'm speechless here trying to tell you where it's going to go next because it just has been so much back and forth. and tony of gutierrez has been calling the secretary of state and other foreign ministers as well. so a lot of pressure, a lot of intensity,
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but we do expect that vote to happen now sometime in the coming hours of sooner rather than later as it seems that positions are hardening and there's not a lot of room left. so at some point, well here officially where everyone stands on the record, who knows exactly when it happened, but when it does, we'll be back with the course. in the meantime, thanks a lot. it's well, our foreign ministers have been meeting in washington dc. they say that message is clear, they want an immediate cease for right now, pedagogy and has more from the us catholic foreign ministers of turkey, palestine cutter, saudi arabia, jordan and egypt. but here at the 4 seasons behind me to speak with the media. unfortunately, cameras weren't allowed in, but it was able to ask the question if they believe the, by the ministration is doing enough to put pressure on israel and whether they were doing enough to put pressure on israel and the saudi foreign minister speaking for the group said obviously not because the war is continuing, they had a very clear message. they want a ceasefire. now, not tomorrow. now,
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they were more aided immediately. and when they talked about what secretary state asked me blinking calls the day after, they made it very clear. this was the day after is a 2 state solution and they went as far as to say that they think that can happen. he said, we know the parameters, we know what it looks like and it could be done within a year. if the will is there who's interested in me said they are sending a clear message on the ceasefire. the sorry for administer said they would hold people to account still didn't follow up and exactly what that would look like. but it was interesting as well, the jordanian for him and this was very impassioned. he said, look, this is unprecedented. we have never seen this number of journalists kills of medical workers of you one step, this level of destruction he said is unprecedented. and he said it is a strategic defeat for israel. and to, to say it's very clearly what is, what it is doing is not just getting the innocent, but assuming that it's not just destroying that livelihood,
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not just making the guys on inhibited bill, it is killing good faith and peace. if you to conduct a fall in the region and ask people, do they still believe that piece with as well as bible? the majority would say no. so is what is really sort of strategic defeat. and this, or the message from the foreign ministers was this is on doing 30 years of work of trying to normalize relations, says created entire generation of people who will no longer see peace as even possible. and they said, as far as is real, going in, define the international community, breaking all these international laws, devastating gods, and then hoping they will come in and clean it up. they said the answer to that is simply no particle have out 0, washington. well that's a un security council meets in new york for cease fire. resolution is rails would let the bombing of civilian infrastructures continues in southern garza feeling going assault as spunk. urgent calls from gauze is government media office for
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international intervention and more 8 of the marks of this report in rough uh, the aid trucks plus through but do not awesome pools. the un is here, but to not always help. and so with adults, a line sick man outside the field, stung by the my husband dismissing, i don't know anything about him and gaza, we're the communications are down. we don't have money to spend or to eat and nobody is helping us situation is dangerous. and where should we go? smiles here, all still possible. but with his 6 young children now sitting in a single tent, so not us economy wants the well to intervene by as nice on the bottom right is what we don't want more. we're tired. we want to take some life and know how many family and friends have really low leaving the tail. so the con eunice hospital,
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the tiny baby, and it found its child face in go with dust and despair. meanwhile, gauze as largest most historic, most rendered into rubble by the bombing. while spiraling smoke smoke as the sky line. the gunfire goes on. far above the cross keeps clean. there is little light left. so those down below the marks, i'll just add a uh to tire coverage. zoom is in reference, southern gaza satari. just give us the very latest update on the ground of what's happening. yes. during the last couple of hours they use valley, california had been expanded across several areas in the gauze. was the trip starting from the north of the territory where the confrontations continue on the
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ground between the parents then you find to the patient. so just as they are trying to advance more to the main urban areas of the value of refuge account, i'm the town of bay class, yet in the north west of gauze. and these confrontations continue as people are being tracked. you saw this region also these by their attacks had been intensified with the main central neighborhoods of shoes. yeah, yeah. it's a fast football. and i remember a neighborhood were residents that have been arrested by the occupation forces and had they been beaten at the front of their relatives and their family member. busy it can be central areas of gospel city used to similar attacks had been also conducted in the south of gauze was trip, portent, power studies have been killed during the last hour on con, you, in a city of destruction over residential building in con eunice, where the confrontations um defined exchange also continues on the eastern areas which tend to be a bottles of between the power of the policy and fighters and the east valley,
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but over any troops. now the east, very bombardment did not stop as these really destruction and the expense expanded authoration as much misery for palestinians and for their suffering as well. i'm sorry because you know you and it's based on the need for see as far as with the huge concern, of course about the lack of a sufficient, a getting into gaza. give us an idea of what the situation is on the ground. we saw a lot of a go relatively large amount of a company and not enough by any means during the last 5. what's the situation now? the yes, of the situation on the ground. this is really critical as palestinians are forced to be crammed in every single day in front of the guys. of the owner was a distribution centers waiting for the time and hold the top access to humanitarian aids. now with the numbers of the humanitarian talks that into the goal is just check in the previous as far as but have been pro cuz microsoft between homeless
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and is what i'm now with today's humanitarian metrics that has been entered. we are talking about the around 50 humanitarian a truck. some of them signed with a 3 fuel truck side into to the goal is to have all of these amounts back into the, to, for 3. considered to be limited in comparison with the needs of gauze and we're talking about 2300000 palestinians are, was only doing the best at face on the south. and some of them are old. the noise being you truck. some of the did not a to receive any kind of you able to turn age. well, the main or the majority of them are on the south right now waiting for the flu of humanitarian supplies in order to cope with the off to mats of the is very destruction as the workforce to leave everything behind in order to survive. and to be away from the is very bonding. now palestinians are depending on consuming all the products in depend on the policy you market. uh, besides receiving the eggs from the like the nation distribution center. but they
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are still suffering in order to have access as they are forced to line up for new houses. and what the get is to but very badly enough for their families in order to feed which excessive bait the situation on the ground in the areas which supposed to be safe and to be a sufficient in terms of the humanitarian and that would help palestinians to survive until to avoid the results of the use. this is randy devastation all over goes this trip. all right, sorry thing. so the updates are going to resume the reference. southern guns are things you us up to 15 years if it is ready. blockade bombardments and ground to types a west of the food shortly as in other essential goods in regards to the life nations . well, few programs as the food supply chain inside the strip of just completely collapse is warning. the entire population is facing an immediate risk of starvation. julie dia, of the palestinians like these spending hours and even days outside
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u. n. a distribution centers in garza to get what type of food they come with. often that disappointed about enough value, but i'm going to say i just, i came at 6 in the evening, waiting of the agency's door way to my children. a starving. you can't find even a bite to bred. our children is suffering due to the lack of bread, the lack of food. we have been told that we would get flour bread, but that was not true. the united nation says no bakery has been active in the northern cause, a strip for a month. due to a lock of fuel electricity will to slower others has been destroyed along with funds and food shots. starvation and illness is spreading on the wall top organization says more people will eventually be killed by disease, then bite israel's been bought and then is showing how to get a fee on the, on the is the diseases,
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the pain and what his health isn't good. he's eating himself out there. this isn't milk. this is basically water with this phone or found it even less than a spoon hectic anything. and so it just smells like milk just so i can trick him into thinking it smell it with the u. n. has cooled the level of age being allowed into golda, completely inadequate and ox from his accused israel if using starvation as a weapon of war, medics, a very young children, the effects of mel nutrition and the lack of sanitation can quickly time say to let them know my children are dehydrated, there is no food. we were displaced by war and came here. and if we were to stay in gaza and die, that would be better because there was no food here. one of my children has lost 7 or 8 kilograms. for most palestinians, the horrors of israel's will and gaza, around bearable and no good deal of humanitarian workers describes them
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as a puckered uptick. the judy vega. i'll just era human rights groups are calling for knowledge and investigation of the video and most of policy and prism is in kansas, tripped and blindfolded. israel says the suspected fights is, but there's evidence many of civilians including a prominent generalist summer. how much has this dozens of detainees, you know, must service blindfolded strip and surrounded by soldiers loaded onto the trucks. destination unknown, he blew voice describes to see the pro but a scene and activities of pharma critical. the 1st thing jump in my mind when i saw the pictures, the 2nd one was to be honest with you, how they're treated, you know,
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new to me. so i'm those the way to address that or the prisoners are for, i think the, this in a hillman, this is a torture. if the amount of torture and the boat of them that it's a water crime declines, it goes to humanity. is it all he calls this main suspect that fighters but at least one guy, a guy who is a junior, this a new see a lot of be a good deed suckled here. along side, several of the civilians that had stayed in northern does that b, i has a disabled daughter and a very old mother. so logistically it was very unpractical and you decided to stay . we identified him amongst who was detained. we also identified at least 2 kids under the age of 16. both of them were 15 year old and we identified 2 employees of the united nations on the schools. man, we identified at least 3 entities. how about schools, the images, criminal, and disgraceful? and it's really government spokesman, so to defend the detentions,
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we're talking about military age men who are discovered in areas that civilians were supposed to have evacuated weeks ago. we've been calling for an evacuation of those. how strong holds is right. said the men, seeing here we face in corrugation, but blindfolded half, and they keep meaning that if mediation is driving outreach, how does that, how much data instead of head here, and how does it go? 3 other times that joe biden, his license last week concerning that he's rarely occupation of guys. we may, the social media influences, the one supported us president j 5, but half now becomes as loud as chris at the
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a hello. that was not down on the in australia or an authorized on tropical fly clone just but that strengthened in the carl seats working its way towards the north east coast of australia. bringing the last 3 winds on saturday into sundays will slowly work its way as its weakening towards a cans where it's likely to bring some good bouts of rain as we go into the new week with the weather as well stretching across from the central areas of australia down towards that southeast corner and we'll see some heavy falls on sunday. in the very south of south australia, we could see some flooding from that heavy rain, but temperature is set to come down. we have seen some extreme heat with fi. a danger, sydney is such a 9 degrees celsius the on saturday by sunday, however, down to 26 degrees and we'll see a similar story across new zealand slices of sunshine to be enjoyed here on saturday in both the south and the noise on the beds that rain starting to roll up and as it moves to the north island,
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we'll see that the temperature come down in christ church. i mean, 19 degrees celsius the on sunday, and the se, asia, it's a mixture of showers, sunshine, the heaviest rain to come for pots of indonesia, on saturday, actuator. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is that for now? it has a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days. the another cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads, profit without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the outer gauge of watching out there, our mind about top story is this, uh, and the un security council was meant to discuss the votes on a resolution quoted for an immediate cease fire. and ghost strip. 60 general attended gutierrez's situation in gauze was coming on. tenable with 8 agencies unable to deliver assistance is really forces if intensified. there are times across jobs re including the giovanni, a refugee camp, and all the jobs results have been reported that it captured his rating soldiers be killed during $34.00 suspects. detain dozens of the hosting and mentioned to you in front of the schools in faith as
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a restrict separation from the families of some of the detainment has not been released. israel says that being interrogated from the possible links to hum us. well, m s is mandatory waiting because i advocate say they foiled, and his really attempt to free one of his captive classes led to the death of the captured his ready soldiers saw it, but which in mind con has more now content of in the past few hours you've actually heard from the time the guys i'm doing all the time. i said on friday floated a rescue, attempt buys regular forces, which led to the death of a captain soldier, the, cuz i'm a guy said they discovered is ready for us, is trying to free one of his hostages, but crushed with them, which led to the death of the captain soldier who then naming us off, but however, no one is talking about this in as well. it's not only media, no one's talking about. so it's in any of the newspapers. in fact, on the is really all mean websites. there is no mention of this. now how about subbing today? they released his name and his military id number. now this may will be these,
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right? these are trying to confirm this news before they start to bring it out to the public. they may, will want to tell the families of the soldier 1st, but the fact that how mass has really specific details about the sol, jeff means that the is riley's, will now have to have some sort of reaction. believe the have to confirm or deny it in the coming hours. and we're on con out, is there a television? now the united states deputy ambassador, has said that the people of people had come under attack when him asked launch is offensive on southern israel, on the 7th of what type of stephen unit. as soon as a professor of politics and international studies at the university san francisco, it's been giving us his reaction. a mazda is never attacked. the united states has never threatened to attack the united states. it's never attacked or threatened to attack americans outside of israel in the occupied territories. so that did seem
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like a rather strange, calm them there were some american citizens among those killed in the october, you know, southern, so terrorist attack by a mazda but, you know, they're even more american citizens killed in the, on the engine, in the gaza strip from the uh, is rarely even barton, but even use the term, you know, the biggest attack on our people ever, you know, i mean, it isn't just a, that's a, that's not, it's, this is not 911, this is not, i mean, it's almost like he was reading from those really a press release, i know there's some close identity that a lot of americans have with, with israel. but this, the statement of really doesn't, that doesn't make any sense. and i think is definitely going to raise a few eyebrows us for the by the ministration appears to be as supportive of as well as previous ones. that does be the us policy. since president truman recognized the state, the relationship is not always being plain sailing my kind of as
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a thank you for having me. the 46 president of the united states and the 14 sous attempted to confront the israel palestine division on the 1st day of the current conflict. president biden of israel unqualified support, notably with no cold or restraint. we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel biden's and questioning support similar to that of president truman who recognized the state of israel within 11 minutes of its declaration of independence in may 1948, but the position of some subsequent presidents was more fluid dwight eisenhower, richard nixon and ronald reagan o vehemently oppose these ready minutes reaction on occasion. the wonder reagan israel began to receive $3000000000.00 in u. s. a. d g, a, a strong, secure israel, is a shared interest. the george h. w bush administration became the 1st to threaten to withhold annual us aid.
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israel continues settlement expansion. the deputy foreign minister of israel at the time was named benjamin netanyahu. and his public criticism of the us threat was greeted with and by the then secretary of state james baker, he refused to meet missing yahoo again and blacklisted him from any state department to direction. there was consequences. well, there are always political repercussions, no matter what you're to one on israel. and i do think that as a result of the actions hate talk, at least in the short term, the republicans law support of the jewish american community. thank you for your statement, you bomb administration took the unusual spit puff withholding the b tow with you and security council of to benjamin netanyahu again ignored a direct us to request a cub settlement expansion across the resolution. calling for
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a whole to settlement activity was passed. the question of us a to israel was not brought up, but either for the camp. david's summits, nor was it raised by president george w bush, or donald trump, to support for israel when so far as to recognize jerusalem as well as capital. but now some members of the current congress are suggesting that the mounting economic and military aid to israel be made conditional. i'd say that so. oh course. well thought, but i don't think if i started off with that we ever gotten what we already know. james baker policy here, no intent to use the billions of dollars of 8 as liberal age because israel is military and political excess. the hug rather than the rod, is this president's choice. mike kinda, i'll just say era washington. in the last us election, joe biden help from the youth. folks, thanks to social media influences,
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but many of those people are not turning their backs on him because of his support for israel. for on garza gabriel. that is on the reports from houston. why? during the last presidential election, george lee urged his more than 2000000 followers on tick tock to vote for joe biden . as a thank you, lee, along with a handful of other social media influencers, were invited to washington earlier this year to meet the president and get it behind the scenes tour of the white house. it was cool to be able to meet 1st lady by being able to meet joe by means of it to present him by being able to meet the amazing butlers and cooks. that was, that was note, but that was then. this is now binds embrace of benjamin netanyahu and israel's killing of innocent civilians from their constant bombardment of gaza has left li, angry, and frustrated. so he's taken his social media to call out the president and all 3 other times that joe biden,


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