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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 10, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on and is it a for on them? and this is the news, our life from doha. coming out for the next 16 minutes. israel pushes on with this war on gaza, pounding this trip for the strikes. i can promise i will not give up. the un secretary general says the security council's authority and credibility has
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been undermined by his inability to implement the humanitarian sees, find gaza, squalid and increasing the of the crowded house dance fearful they live since a crime, and just a few as really designated safe stones left in the casa, the also ahead, heavy functioning of the talent of 2 of us as, as rarely forces launch move rates in the occupied west back. i'm just waiting here . planes carry on to series of attacks on towns and villages, and $711.00 on the it's 10 g m t, that's mid day in gone. so the un secretary general on tony a gutierrez has promised to continue pushing for overseas fine in the palestinian territory. despite the u. s. v, tolling a draft resolution of the security council, as rarely forces the drive in the south into the strip,
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leaving less room for more than $2000000.00 people seeking shells to. they have been repeated strikes and heavy fighting and con unit as more than 17700 palestinians have been killed since the status of the war. as well as prime minister has criticized countries calling for us these 5 saying that would prevent the elimination of him off, displace palestinians from the north, the center and the south have been told by israel to move to a small applause close to land. it has no reliable sources of wish, of food or medicine. and the un says what as well coals a safe, so as now i'm experiencing extreme. oh, the crowding was speaking at the door, how farm and kasha, other un secretary general declared he won't give off on seeking a permanent end to the fighting. and he's had the security council of failure to implemented sci fi had undermined its credibility. the situation is fast, the, to the right thing, you look at best battle fee with potentially easy versus people implications sort of palestinians as
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a whole and for peace and security in the region. and i are just a courtesy call and seem to press to avert the humanitarian catastrophe. and direct today to my view for the humanitarian ceasefire. to be the clips. it'd be aggressively the security council side to the weights. but depth does not make it less necessary. so i can problem is i will not give up. and also speaking of the farm, kosh, as prime minister said the war and gaza had exposed double standards globally saying communication is vital to resolving the crisis. how did you manufacturer being a shelter? what a lot of this crisis highlighted the great gap between east and west, and between the various generations and highlighted the double standards and the international community. the world actually was split between someone who calls for putting an end to the score and putting an end to the war machine and some who are hesitating to call even for
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a ceasefire. and we saw those who were calling for a global position against occupation in a different context, are hesitant now to condemn the crimes that are happening in the gaza strip and not calling for an international agreement to put an end to these crimes august on john one of those, uh well let's go to our correspondent cash in law has bought a he is life for us at the doha for him and the war and gaza, very much the focus of the forms of fashion of the. there's been interesting moments here that starts with a while ago with most of the speed because insisting on the need to find an immediate solution to the bowl and cause a warning. if this continues, it could have fob beach in consequences, not necessarily on the policy is on the out of the muslim world. many world leaders have been cutting the americans over the last few days that there is a moment when,
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if the stress becomes so so, so furious about what is happening, there's absolutely no way you can tell people, stop taking to the streets quite a defining moment. joining me to talk more about well in gaza is the policy appointments to how much same so probably, but it's to give us a sense of what to expect to happen in the near future. we've had all our muslim leaders condemned in denouncing what us, what it's been happening in gaza. the united nations has been talking all the needs to stop the war. nothing has happened so far. but i think this is, madison has been assessed for that, that additional community. and it's very shameful that the the united states has vetoed a un resolution quoting for i'm in of war. i'm even a humanitarian seized by out about has not to be next up. so uh, this is a situation where more than a 110 countries have a code for, and in to this war,
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only slide as it out to bank by water and the united states that's for the support is right. it has to be thought based and has not pops up. so i think now we should take the issue to the general assembly and that the general assembly should have a say where the general assembly has some sort of overriding, say over what the security council should be saying, gun to executive seed as pressure on the security council on there, and i think the space on it is what i, that the international community have a c. and before you say the body to a forward to has been insisting over the last 2 weeks, that there's only one way out which is the comprehensive solution with a palestinian stage with east to a sudden as its competence as its capital. is this something that could happen when it never happened before? when for sure, because look, the last the 20 years is somebody that has employing only only
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a security commission united states as well. why united states has been courting for a 2 step solution. got to assess, never walked the walk and you're not getting it in the united states has never and that gets out of a specific implementation. we kind of them over how to achieve the solution. it is not enough to talk about this solution. what is more than enough is that we need united states and then thought in a shot community, one to allow by this time to become a member of state of the united nation. second, to recognize by this time as a states on the board of those of not getting sex as i've been with generals and them as, as got, it done, fell forward to the united nation to become them. but i love for ending up to be sion. there is a deep one and i vision process that has been that and do not technician and there is, i mean kind of them for to that. and the united admission should go on for a. so i had to put together a time table, a time frame for ending this occupation because there is no way that we can go back to a piece process that'd be processed,
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has been exhausted for more than 50 years. but of cnn's and is right is have been talking, your inside is too strong ended, but a scene is out and then we can get and then we need to set about the intervention to make indigo probation possible. let's talk about policy and policy, new dialog. as you know, the americans, these varieties and many western countries are in favor of continuing this war until the destruction of how much they say that we would like to hunt over control overall, to the policy and will forward it to give us a sense. what, where do you stand? are you, are you, are you willing to take over, or do you believe that this is not the question to us now, when we have enough that it across, i mean, for you to say, what do we stand? this is our people, this is our land and we have enough out of lift because we continued for the last 17 years. and even before that for 50 years,
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that brought his general setup. it has been providing evidence and get assistance to guys that we are the ones who take care of water or electricity, all the sewage, all they do cation overhead, and so many kind of supplies. i'll water people out of that are we today have said that the for to 1000 but as the on set, but a set of buns who receive satellite is monthly side that is it from the, by the sea and it was not a fee. so therefore, the issue is not where do we stand order we'd, we'd stand on the one thing, but as the man toto today is one united by this, the mentor 30 seconds and it's sort of the ocean is not about one joe, but i'll be at the expense of the other any association should be comprehensive for ordered by the cnn 33, and that's comprehensive. so the ocean has to be ending occupation models on that. of course, we want a, a situation in which, but as soon as out of united and of course, the kind of saves and ticket on the bob talked about a scene and what are the most that you. and of course, there is a situation in which the,
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after october 7 is not that different from the day before. so the new imaginary entity that we need to capitalize on that. and we need to put our house in order. the by all means. and i think it this time that how about should called the about a scene and prize the president and tell him it would order united behind you and your auto village at the middle side of the, of the. but i've seen that people and we are ready to engage. so they will say that sounds good, have received the message. the problem is, i'm gonna say, i really appreciate your time. thank you very much. indeed. the required defining moment. interesting times probably minnesota 5 said was talking about the need to have a united front that have to say that a while ago with him, the outside departments isn't what happened when i thought might not that he was asked about this push to try to create a new political reality and goes a he said it's very disrespectful to talk about what the palestinians should have. it's so cold by the policy and people for the finest any. and people have a how, why the area to reiterate,
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reiterated the stands of the out of world which is odyssey and should be one state, one by one or 40, which is up for the policy and people to the side in democratic elections every thank you very much for that, that is how she had bought a live here. and uh huh. the number of palestine eons killed and is ready. attacks has risen to $17700.00 since the will began on october, the 7th for those who have managed to survive, as well as military as ordering them to move to a tiny strip of land on the coast. israel says what caused a safe stone? will they sped the bombing and fighting the devastation, much of the rest of the territory. on 1800000 people in gauze, i have been 1st from the homes and there are few and fewer designation. safe areas left just lead to the sandy ballot and $6.00 square, kind of music, patch of terrain. and on the y c is one of them. tiny muscle for polls from the of all. no,
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i see one of the last remaining references for tens of thousands of palestinians who have spent the past the weeks to fling further and further south to escape. israel's war on gauze. here we have set up, make shift attends on the san israel. has labeled this humanitarian saved zone, but it's not a humane and it's not the same. it's the vin and not the children died because of the freezing conditions here. our life was know focused on how to find bread is really skilled people with miss aisles and shows. and we are about to die here because of the lack of everything that kind of keep us alive. they send us here to face a slow death. this rate is don't kill us, the current conditions here. we'll definitely send those to our desk that you just told me. she had already been told to move a 3 times before she set off for on my was but she says there is no help at all. here, how did the image that yeah, medicines are not available. i am
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a cancer patient and i have the problems in my heart tomorrow and i cannot in europe, i will tolerated anymore. so be our new toilet. so what can i do? am i supposed to your anita in front of everyone? i don't even know anything about my sons. are they still alive? if they lost the lives i'm going to get. i have no idea. with no food supplies, nor water supplies more than 50 displays, palestinians found themselves within the past a few days in this open largely sand area. and these make shops then, in the worst of living conditions, this has been continuously feeding into their ongoing fear that this is going to be a permanent displacement. as the work continued to pound, the gaza strip from north to south soldiers are just kilometers a weight in hon units and the here the air strikes it, reading panic, dictated did. there's huge numbers of tents here that has huge numbers of people,
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and more and more people are coming every day from con eunice, some flies and all the insects filled the tents. we live in a catastrophic situation. so the club, yes, there are, blasi work for the i see, are seeing gaza after spending years in the united kingdom. as an engineer. he says, it's ordinary people who are paying the price. it's not a matter of how much, or a mazda in or egypt or is right. it's a matter of our small children. we're not animals where people were human beings. even if there was a mistake that has been done, whatever you call punish all the people because 5 to 10 percent. okay, so we need, we need the solution. if you, if we're waiting to die for sure, 3 weeks time people are going to die from pool and no food, no medicine, no ministration, no nothing. if it's the magic is you're waiting for us to die. ok that we're not going to suffer anymore. i'll just sit down with weights, invest the honey, my mood,
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a loss. the evacuations on august the euro. and honey is joining us live from dasa in southern gaza. how do you tell us where you are and what's happening there? yes, elizabeth, we are reporting right now is from the heart of rough on this. please allow the road as you can see from the frame of the camera. it is very, very busy on, usually busy compared to the days of prior to october 7th. and the beginning of this for, we're talking about robot compared to other palestinian cities across the gaza strip is relatively small. we're talking about at $55.00, a square kilometers area with $260000.00 people. that's the population of dropbox at prior. the displacement and evacuation of palestinian from the north rent a part on gauze of and now we're talking about
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a little over 1000000 people residing in roof. i think that includes those who have been displaced and evacuated in toner. what designated shoulders as well as here in this 3 sitting around or read single neighborhoods of rubbish, city and according to rough i municipality, the number is a little over 1000000 people here. and as you can see, people here in this busy road on a really busy road are resorting to alternative to a when it comes to transportation means we're talking about a cars are not available to you through 3, ensure to have a fuel and what people are using here is the car driving, but it is not running on a fuel. it's running on alternative, the palestinian came of whether it's booking or, and they're using good, you know, i, that's the reason why there's so much pollution in his smoke around the area we were recording it from. but as you can see, it are tens of people. there's risk, there's or think that these other means of transportation, either
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a carts pulled by animals, a donkey or a horse or they are jammed in one small car for best and your car now can carry up to 10 or 12. sometimes there are those pick up the trucks as well. the carrier and people are transporting them from one area to another. of course, we cannot talk about this without looking at the complications involved in what's going on in terms of, in terms of the health complications in terms of, of older related related problems as a result really heavy and very well saying that you and they are going that to be out in the traffic. yeah. did you wanna saying that out of milwaukee, which is the is really designated evacuation area. that is in rough uh that it has ready or the crowd it just days after that is ready. um we told people to go there . oh yes indeed.
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oh, i see evacuation though not far from this road, but we're talking about an aerial pocket of a small pockets largely stand area with more than 50000 people. lacking every single means of life in that area. people lack the necessity, we're talking about water supplies, food supplies, their most there. the area has the most vulnerable, the group of people to choose children and women. but there's another vulnerable group. people with disabilities we, we came across a large number of people with disability inside this evacuations on. it's interesting how does evacuations on just a few meters away from the menu and facilities headquarters and drop off at the u on just working within the parameter of bits of framework. those who are inside the facilities receive the not the 30 needs and supplies to keep them surviving, but those are outside in the evacuation. don't lack every single means of life.
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that good stuff for their existence. but they're already problems. it's printing in terms of health care system. there are no access to medical supply. there is a concern of a spread of infectious diseases. we're talking about women who lacks accessibility to sanitation on a hygiene items through by elderly who are unable with life threatening conditions to live in these miserable conditions. any, thank you very much for that. that is, honey must move. well, the situation in gaza joining us live from rafa because we know laptop and daily is ready. raids in the occupied westbank. 2 young palestinian men will arrested when trooped stone. the cutting d a refugee camp early on sunday mohammed jihad, i'll show on a and e have a show on a look taken from bay homes by israeli soldiers. troops also storm the town of to bassetti on sundays of the convoy of around 50 vehicles. dumbass, which location between palace demand flies and is ready for those boulders is
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followed. the convoy destroying roads and damaging water pipes pulled up. and how many has moved from ramallah? it certainly was a very large re that's as actually ended now. according to residents, we spoke to um it is one of those oh area. and one of those cities that have been the focus of is really rates for quite a while because of the presence of palestinian resistance. then now it was about to a when a large con, void of is really army vehicles made their way into a to bass, followed by bulldozers. as we understand that there's been quite the intense exchange of gunfire there. and then these really army targeted a 2 houses that have been demolish, and we understand that that was a move to a fire. we do also, we were told also the 11 people were detained,
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a do bus and they just pulled out as to while ago we don't have the total number of the tensions that usually will be issued in the coming hours. but we do know that overall it's been 6 raids, and at least 14 people detained. as well as being accused of staging a video, it's important to show the surrender of ha, sonya is. the focus on social media shows. several dozen men strip to the underway is randy media says these are almost fine to the rest of the jabante. a refugee can one man, a seen working towards a soldier and handling of a rifle and hand gun. but not here. how he's carrying devices in his left hand. however, i'll just leave those verification units on of his that identified a 2nd take of the same videos. the palestinian man is now holding the rifle in his right hand and lives the 1st video. he looks forward to place the weapons in front of is riley soldiers. that's bringing corresponded to alan,
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especially. he's joining his life from occupied east jerusalem. and alan and other is really video raising questions, not just around how it's being made, but also how it's depicting its subject of the i i why is this important? well, let me show you how these really army is framing this in the is really media. here's a headline from the times of israel and the last couple of hours. and it says there's really army chief marshall and guys. a faltering leak video shows upon gunman surrendering so upon government. even the times of israel doesn't exactly take on board everything that the army is sick. and so it's a consent that they would do this with the video that they would stage this event. and it seems to be state quite simply because there are 2 versions of this. and of course, then there are other questions. if these people are how much fighters then they are prisoners of war and prisoners of war, are not to be filmed in camelia to this way. that is against international lawyers
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and international regulations. yet these really army are using this footage to make the point that they are winning the war in northern guys that they are slowly taking control of the area that has been there. not a to particularly over the last several days that it has been a difficult fight, but they are winning the war. now we also remember just a few days ago when we had pictures of men who had been stripped to the underwear, a more mot store a more hearing reports that they were taken away somewhere released several hours later, kilometers away from their home, with no clothes after being interrogated and beaten and that to what has been a consent for human rights organizations, the captives, whether they are from us or whether they're civilians, as many of them where i are being treated in such a way and this is happening on camera. we know that perhaps maybe this is some so just you're filming it and sending it to friends and suddenly it explodes. but also
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just a brief before war about their obligations under the geneva conventions. and filming prisoners in this way is not part of the us, but this fits into an additive as well, of what these really have done during the propaganda war. we remember in abilene to van, but there was a nurse who was allegedly said with the survey and one of the hospitals in gaza at that was posted by these really government or one of the out of channels. and people that mutually pointed out that the woman spoke in a very or accent that she repeated almost verbatim. a number of there's really, i mean there's really government talking points about time us being in the hospital for someone who was dealing with those had been injured in gaza. she was wearing a spotless white coat. and that's not something we've seen speaking to what to expect on miscommunication. which lady said that a israel's efforts at propaganda and this war have been the best um, fist it or i the element that is really, i mean,
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has also been talking about what's happening on it's moving forward or would 11 on a lot of activity between the ami and has all of it. so un peacekeepers or just in the last uh we're hearing that there is being a heavy bombardment just across the border and start the lab. and on this was after and the left was starting to win to what's being described by these really army as targets. where spotted, nothing seemed to happen the whim intercepted, but they did think they were rockets. i certainly fits into the pattern of what's happening in the northern border, this low level of war that is reaching between hezbollah and these really army. and on saturday, we know that these really army target to the number of his bullets sites just across the board. and vc the destroy them, excuse me. so this fits into that not active, but as we hear, no, nothing official from these fairly on me,
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but certainly report from on the ground in southern lebanon is that there is an intensive bombardment under way there just in the last hour oven. thank you very much. for that, that is alan session for the laces, live and occupied east jerusalem, and we are joined now by milan shaw alger. they are senior political analyst love on problematic videos of becoming quite a feature of as well as war on guys a hot day. yes. um, well, we are living in the age of video, right? of age of social media. so it's not necessarily mean for an occupying power or an aggressive like is right. and it's important because, um, it's part of a strategy. now, why propaganda in particular right, propaganda is, uh, is, uh, is that important. our son are still active. lying right? is there it was really good at it for so many years. and the think about it is that it's meant to manipulate friends,
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but it doesn't. the executive receive and it means or so it's meant more for these republics that american public, the west, some public and once upon a time is that it was absolutely wonderful about it. they used to be pointing it under the headline jarine. google came meaning sure thing i'm crying is read was always known to be best because of friend expect. on the one hand, it's the victim. on the other hand is the victimized. and in order to underline the victim, the pages propaganda, the perfect not the was how much ford is right. and is that always a victim of some out of that auto, auto, aggression and so on. so what was the hatred? but as it was ever became more fanatic, fanatics, i'm not good. i feel like god, this is looking more like isis are is, this is not good. that propaganda is there as looking more like isis, because these are the just the more but it's harder was the capacity to humanize the palestinians that might work for these. ready to publish. what for the global
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community at large human the a thing that kind of thing is the way the nazis accumulate, that the jews is not a good thing quarters, right? but fanatics don't see it. that way is it isn't just that they're not as good as propaganda. as they used to be or is so that people have become some sort of much more savvy because of social media. some of the videos that they have released, i'm thinking of the me going, you know, into, i'll ship a hospital after the operations that they're being widely marked because they're getting really bad at it. but yes, you are right. i mean, people are becoming more sophisticated by younger generations is not going to buy into is really propaganda is rad federal art. as it, as it were, an effect became the laughingstock from the hospital onwards. even in his right, the army spokesperson now is the spark of a comedy show. everyone is making fun of a. it is really odd me spokesperson, because they've been making a lot of mistakes. but what's a good?
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a us liberals are much better lines for propaganda purposes. fanatics, i'm not good at it. they don't look, look at these regular soldiers and go so they're not shooting. i'm crying. they are shooting a laughing. this is new for it is right. it was always think it's project as we are shooting because we have to, it's all what exist. existence that is at stake. we must truth. we must, can the ad ups go into my ear and once upon a time, and is there any problem? minnesota used to say, i would never forget the ad ups for making our young people killed very young people. imagine that the hot spot, right, the idea that we are pushed into big but this have not been pushed into that they are making these videos to show the is really public on some of the american public that there are stuff that they can humiliate. but the once again, we all have memory. this is our reminder of isis. this is our reminder of nazis. once upon a time slipping, people humiliating, then the way is what it's doing it. this is not good. yeah,
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it's interesting that since october the 7th as well, and even the us have been trying to compare him us to us, which is not something that they did before. this has been discussed the war on gaza, of course, at the doha farm which began today. we're hearing not just from the country prime minister and foreign minister who's saying that they are not going to give up on restarting negotiations to restart the cx 5. but also the un secretary general and the head of the un refugee agency for palestinians also saying that then then not given, not on piece. well, yeah, i mean, that's fine to be said try that. it's important to always maintain hope and but one cannot be optimistic at this point in time. one can be helpful, always helpful us, but as is a flat thing, is gaza has is an estimate click lenses guys, as these are the stories, hospitals and schools and residential building. as it's water became a water in children. now we're counting thousands upon thousands of children and
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perhaps tens that tens of thousands of cabinet bishop more than a $100000.00 casualties. and is right is committing once again, a long war paint for war to the palestinians. it is not stepping aside, it's not stepping back. if there's not regret, think anything. if anything, it continues to settle the image of it being a victim and it has nothing to do but continue with the existence of war. what, in fact it has been denying the 1st thing is that basic existence, right? so the war continues the rest of the international community and the so called n g o community, right? the non governmental organization, community, the so called you know, the more humanitarian community would like to raise hope. we'd like to talk about the suffering of the source of what, but with it for his right. if it's not that for it is right, is an aggressive war. a colonial war, racist war that's going to continue for months, perhaps years until they achieve the objectives. and then objective is not just how much the objective is, the destruction of the palace being a nation,
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as we know it. and for them to be able to control historic palestine, as we knew what level and thank you very much, that's our senior political analyst model on the shadow are still ahead on our 0. we look at the prize pay bond house domains and the occupied west bank have been banned from working and his rest and the potential challenges facing agents president as the states, a 3rd and elections on sunday, the highway where the system is coming to pick and fast across the west in europe now. so lots of mild weather, lots of work. and when the weather streaming in from the atlantic was the 1st one this, the storm elements made its way across. solid pushing for this coughing. now, into the, you know, say weakening some of it will bring some heavy writing across the low countries
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down towards gemini. the next one still focus that's making his way into republic about him. always wanting to enforce half as a very wet and when the weather go full swings and some really heavy rain coming in over the next 24 hours or so. while the systems extend all the way down into west spain and port school, we'll see what's the weather to and some winter weather from this system here, making its way through central areas of syrup and some examples too. with some my mountain snow coming in across the balkans, pushing across town, i'm actually into a grace behind that slot, a dry weather as we go one through the last a pot of sunday. but the next, where the system is bringing that wet and when the weather in, across the northwest down into france. so we all got to see some wet weather coming in across many pot, same further east. it is becoming less cold up to is that most east and corner of the year of a snow. it pushes up towards most go more rain coming into central parts a slightly dry day for the u. k.
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the woman is on the freedom. so the, the yeah, that should suffice to say that i just want to talk to you on counting the cost a lot of farm workers as far as rails agricultural sector into crisis as the board
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and gaza escalates. gold is glittering. so what about oil plus ready to resign? to save the planet, we explore the growing trend of climate quizzes. counting the cost on houses 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the, if you watching me, elizabeth from and of a mind to about top stores the south is really forces have intensified route see, and their tax and the southern gaza strip. the cities of con eunice and russel came on the coast and shelling in for 5 minutes and makes how successful for you and the secretary general has promised to continue pushing for sees fun garza the font, does us be telling a draft resolution that the security council speaking at the doha farm, he said,
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because this thing is a positive emotion, had undermined its credibility. and the one says displace palestinians are experiencing extreme all the crowd in the south. have been urged by israel to move to on the wasi. so say stolen without phenomena surfaces, huge food and of sense. the world health organizations executive board is holding an emergency session to discuss the pro and health crisis in gaza and the occupied westbank, the w h o, as well as the health system and the gaza strip is collapsing and it cannot afford to lose one more. and the dentist is hospital bed. it's direct to general reiteration the critical for an immediate cease fire. the bulk of the conflict on how is catastrophe. more than 17000 people are reported to have died in gaza,
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including 7000 children. and we don't know how many are buried under the last day of homes. more than 46000 injuries have been reported to 1.9000000 people have been displaced. almost the entire population of the guys us 3. and are looking for shelter anywhere they can find it. but know in and no one is safe in guys. let's go to our correspondent pool brandon. he's joining us live from that meeting in geneva, and really strong woods from the w h. h o chief pool, he said that there was no health without peace and no peace without health. tell us about the executive board of the w h. o. and why that meeting, as well as an indication of the agency that the deputy ratio regards the situation that this meeting is taking place. the tool, this is the 7th emergency meeting that they've held in the whole 75 years history
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of this building. so it doesn't happen often, it only happens when there is a really serious crisis. and clearly the situation in gaza as far as health and human a terry and supplies is extremely serious. we had from doctor to address that. the executive board itself is essentially tasked with delivering the policy games that are assessed out by the world health organizations assembly. so we're talking about health care professionals, health care experts. we're talking about political experts, logistics experts, people like that. and 34 nations assembled around the table with contributions from outside of the question is exactly what pressure they can bring to back. the end of that is going to be the real challenge is ran is also in the room and they are pushing back against some of the rhetoric and some of the draft resolutions that have been put forward initially at the start of the session. the session will go on all day and what is in the draft for is yeah, it's
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a draft doesn't means it's what i mean. it talks about the wants of destruction of health facilities. deep concern about the coming of more than 100. you and staff when we know, for example, this well, more than 280 medical staff have been killed during the course of the complex so far concerned about public health managements and the implications as well as the thousands of bodies that are known to still be buried underneath the rubble across the whole of gas at the con, concern about what that will mean for for health and the possible disease. and the demands the, the, the resolution, if you'd like, reiterates that the must be an immediate, sustained, an unfettered passage, a few minutes here in relief. it talks about the occupying power of israel, respecting and protecting on medical personnel. and it goes on the international community as well to provide sufficient and effective funding to rebuild the palestinian health system. now the session is on the way we've had some, some of the delegates already palestine was 1st up, they kicked,
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they dialed in remotely from ramallah. they took about the profound impact of the war on medical and humanitarian facilities and search the body to address the root causes of the conflict. but i give you an indication of the kind of challenges we're facing. israel is also that they have made their address and they accused the w. h of applying different standards to israel. they said, well, we didn't call in an emergency session for syria, for example. why about this? and they said we will continue to do what they say is rights in spite of this session. so israel, despite whatever is a great, if this does not appear minded. so listen full. thank you very much for that. that is poor brennan live in geneva of the affordable more than a 150000 palestinians from the occupied westbank worked and israel, but many have since been bad, depriving families on the palestinian economy of much needed revenue somewhat. because now say that even if the band is lifted, they will not be going back. child stratford reports from grandma, the son on
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a. so we sits down for a late breakfast with these parents and cut them one of these 9 children at the home and they occupied westbank. normally at this time of day, can you already be at work in israel when the will solitude is real band palestinian workers from the occupied west bank of the songs says, even if israel lips the band, he's reluctant to go back, was up with level just a little bit doesn't, whoever works inside israel guarantees a comfortable financial life for themselves. we're able to buy land, build a house, but now it's dangerous to enter, and i'm worried that will be revenge for the mazda of tax. and unfortunately, the workers will pay a big price. the st supermodel, real busy with the palestinian economy is suffering even more since the war started . nearly a quarter of the occupied west banks, labor force generated 17 percent of the products,
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the national income for jobs and as well before. that's a 150000 palestinians working inside as well. and around $25000.00 working in these rails illegal settlements, generating around $3000000000.00 a year. a song that you used to work as a construction worker in tel aviv. the junk family enjoyed the best of wages. eastwood nearly doubled when he takes home in the occupied westbank in the whole unimportant muscle. but when it opens again i will wait a couple of weeks to check the situation before i return to work is better there. you get paid directly and on time, even though there is racism and i'm afraid of violence against me, which is the best station in ramallah spikes the t a n before the war would be bustling with workers taking transports with ro. now this whole the as sold around colombia checkpoint monks a break and the separation will heavily guarded by these rarely military. and it's where many palestinians used to cross into israel every day. a foldable at this
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time of the day at this place, you'd see thousands upon thousands of pallets vivian's crossing the check board to go into israel to work. and as you can see now it's just the trickle. and the majority of these work is all going deep inside is working, and industrials are very close to where we all now economies rojo. somebody says the band has highlighted just how reliant on these ro, the palestinian economy is even if they want to return to the local labor market. the existing opportunities are very, very few. in fact, there are 9, we already had 17 percent unemployment in the west bank. now we're going to have set at $430.00 for our present unemployment. we had a low g, d p, relatively in the, in the west bank. now this, this is, this labor continues, stoppage continues for 12 months. we're talking about 25 percent loss and g d p
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alone because of this effect. and that means additional hardship for millions of palestinians like solar who looks out across the valley at the towns in israel, where he can no longer work catastrophic alger 0. remo are still ahead on algebra, more behind the rest of the cheese of risking the dangerous boat crossing from bangladesh to indonesia. tensions of locals arising the thought provoking on, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate, but there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the democracy in the process basically entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i think there is
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a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on tools to how does air frank assessments 1st this placement kind of thing persecutions, it seems to be another inform between what we see here, please log in to change the reality, but rather to lingering in depth analysis of the days headlines, do you think even the president of the united states, when he hasn't been able to get a humanitarian force he's been asking for days and days has any sway of a private and nothing else in the inside story on al jazeera news, [000:00:00;00] the page of sions a cost, and they vote in
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a 3 day presidential election. president of the south i'll see, see, is looking to secure, so to advise and public discontent and worsening living. stand as polls will remain open until tuesday, as we'll set aside before the streets of title are beaming with campaign. banners present opposite as the c c a certain to when a turn in office despite the company stuff and it is worse every economy crisis but many say and evicted for him once the result of his popularity. but because as i could say, a competition, he said go more a, the current president can get a most one percent of the votes out of real support. and i expect you can get 10 percent of votes using the same ways it did together endorsement. but as for the sweeping majority of the egyptian people, they're waiting for a serious candidate seeking real change trying to be but some don't take the elizabeth. i will participate in the elections because the president has done great
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things for the country to do. do i get? well, i think 2015 as head of the army after the 5th as c. c came to power in a minute to cool like 54 egypt 1st democratically elected president mohammed mostly who was linked to the most accept down on the position has continued ever since c, c. it retains the support of immediately establishment that has gained further political and economic april was under his rule with annual inflation at nearly 40 percent above that charge of the population in egypt is living below the poverty line. so that is just by cc presented himself hasn't got them tour of the stability in a lot of time. region during his decade in palmer. a message that has an attraction in a year when to complex is 2000 and guys, a hyper dropped it on egypt. borders. the guys, a war was major boost for president cc and like many other countries in the world and the cases of external threats and the case of a war, you know,
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people tend to rally behind the leader critic see this presidential election as a force of to use long track down on distance. i see the government is encouraging the supporters to catch the words to a fear, a low turnout will lead to questions about this list and this, this was handed out. oh, just the tensions of rising in indonesia is northern entree. providence has more than 1400 refugees have reached it shows in recent weeks, more than a 1000000 people have fled persecution in the online recent years, most taking refuge and neighboring volumes of age. but over the crowd of shelters that have forced many for hank to risk and not the journey to indonesia. and that's prompting and from some locals. as jessica washington reports from jakarta they arrived in indonesia week and tired after long, dangerous journey from bundle dish. these were hanging refugees had already come
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a show, you know, a cheap province with a message from locals was clear. you wouldn't know welcome to. they've given food and horses before being forced out to sea again. around 100 people took part in a demonstration in the city of southern forcing their frustrations with the new arrivals. one boat after another. how many boats have come here reading? we are poor people. why don't you use them? i need to help. that's why i'd be keeping them through, and i mean memorial, we reject the roving goes. we want them to be moved as soon as possible. we don't want to catch the diseases, they carry a few meters away. these refugees a wishing and to show to the 9th in limbo. i don't know the size of this i out. we just want to find some more space. we knew that we might see, but finally we are safe. that's. that's all we want for our children. for years where he can get his sled persecution in me and more football and good as well.
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recently, many have fled again, traveling by boat to southeast asia. and for the most part, they have been welcomed by communities in northern indonesia, 3 years ago. out of the ever reported on how these locals helped refugees assure defiance of authorities. but in recent weeks, some communities have been unwilling to accept them. please don't send us back to see these protein to plead for being forced to return to their thoughts and diseases. government says it's looking for a new site temporarily. how's the refugees? it's acknowledged the opposition from residents and says it's looking for a sustainable solution. the u. n refugee agency says the increase in violence incomes, inbound glued as, as well as continued instability in me, and most is behind the increase in bo jennings, around 75 percent of the new arrivals are women and children of the children quite
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a lot are unaccompanied and separated meaning they're traveling without their parents or they're traveling alone. um quite a lot of single mothers and their children. for now these children have enough food and some way safe to sleep. but the future is uncertain. they have no power sports, no homes. it's no idea how long they'll be allowed to stay here. jessica, washington to 0 to come to, or a convoy of civilian votes as a band and a trip to deliver supplies to philippine fishing vessels. blaming what is cooling at constant shadow and by chinese ships and the dispute of south china sea. it follows days of cat and mouse move as near a contested reef, both sides of lending each other. for the latest incident, when a chinese vessel collided with the philippine boaters on sunday, the philippine coast guides to the chinese boat. 5 water cabins to obstruct 3 of its vessels. bathing says its ship was intentionally rammed argentina's newly
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elected president. have you been able to take off his legs? on sunday? the economist announced his entering into politics and 2020 saying his blood would bid was blow up the system 3 is mesa. he won the presidency choice, a boat has more from the way to side of his on his rise to power. he presents radical change. you know, gene tina. a far right precedent for a country in the middle of anything on the crisis. probably it'd be nice as he's like a lion with a strength to jumpstart argentina's economy. so the pin for the wheel advocates of freedom. and that implies a clear alignment in terms of june politics. now, geo politics align with the united states and israel that so international policy or what do you think we are not going to align us. so you call me and if you got it mean a was born in 1970 and decided to study economics of to seeing argentina's,
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constant financial troubles cool motivated. she became known for his eccentric personality and a style. he's strong media presence, trying to mean to a favorite carol to among young people. and he was elected to congress in 2021 said in most of the like, what really has full adults name. dr. liberal economies do kills of his former adult conan who died in 2017 also one go inside his world, one of the 1st books on have you had to be late today, a late believe so you can talk to the dog. he believes god, dustin and to be in politics and that is closed dogs or his children. yet i think he's had a rough life. he was beaten and had no friends. he's unstable and i'm not sure he's the best person for an unstable country. even though we lease on 2 ish, the 1st trip he made up to winning the election was to the united states to visit the, to move a robot in brooklyn. people in argentina are filled with on source and see of what have you had. i mean, a will be able to do whitening officers. he has promised to radically changed
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argentina's economy and one of many hope to be able to separate lives the economy. others fear that in fact, that he reforms will bring about may we write a new check to now getting us history. many hope he will succeed when everybody else failed. but he said, well, i'll just see them when a site is at least 6 people, including a child, have been killed off to a tornado. read through the us state of tennessee, dozens of an engine. and officials say they austin and the search and rescue phase . the storm has caused extensive damage and tens of thousands of people have without power. the leaders of all the nations of demanding an end to the use of fossil fuels. they made the cool at the comp 28 climate change conference into by. they say time is running out to keep a temperature below the $1.00 degree woman limit agreed to empower us in 2015 so many on the nations. anything over that limit could spell disaster. let's get move on to one,
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gaza now and as well as relentless attacks on gauze and josh destroying homes, lines and infrastructure that was also targeting palestinian culture itself from historical buildings and institutions to the people who preserve pals times on the heritage and signs the hub and on to the report, we did what we could remember us. these words were written by doctor mood, upland, who jayla on the white board normally used for planning surgeries, doctors without borders, says he was killed in the attack on the out the hospital in northern guys out few weeks ago along with several other doctors. and not just them. israel has also killed the artist, educators, entrepreneurs, journalist, and athletes. most of the are reaching apart. what's left of it society. many say israel is waging a war valid to say that is a deliberate targeting of a community's leadership. it was 1st used by british journalist michael nicholson in the 90s to describe the bridge of gina mexico,
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of mostly muslims in bosnia and herzegovina, by certified or military groups. on the war on gaza genocide, expert anessa book shows make tweeted, saying, killings of the most notable of your community are done to make you a member. nobody is safe to make you lose hope to ensure the community doesn't resist or re organize. many analysts believe is you're always attempting to deliberately erase both sides, identity, history and existence. also known as cultural genocide. you remove not only a human being with all of the complexity and potential from the earth, but you take away somebody that has been a leader in their culture. a few destroy those things you remove and intrinsic part of people in the culture from the or the palestine administrative coaches. you put details the profound impact of 2 months of is really bombardment on gauze as cultural sector. it says more than 28 creative professionals including artist
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writers and visions have been killed by is really bombing 9 publishing houses and libraries have been damaged, as well as 21 cultural centers and at least 20 story. cal site's been through districts oldest mosque and the widely known greek orthodox sample. few use believe to be the 3rd oldest church in the world, according to the rome statute. targeting historic monuments. religious buildings intentionally is a war crime. but many see the impactful palestinians is bigger than the loss of physical landmarks. it becomes easier to dehumanize the people to publicly present them in a more simplistic or barbaric, or reductive way if you can eradicate to places of culture and community learning. and i think that's what we have seen time and time again from these really. i mean it's rarely state for palestinians. it's
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a daily fight just to stay alive and to hold onto the very existence as a people. you have to live with d o d 0. and that's it from the elizabeth front. them for this news out the do stay with us during navigators back in just a few minutes with a ongoing coverage of the wall and ga. so thank you for watching the gaza is under for the past few years. the wars and related so fast. a lot of people are dying. a lot of people are under the levels of buildings. who's a, be the schools pieces we come see mobile and we up the way you go is by is most like a was the humanity has
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opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake. talk 2 of $200.00 just around 3 quarters of sub saharan africa is cultural heritage is on display in western museums. didn't happen overnight. we were rob cover time. the 1st episode reveals how europe and color lies ation remove. tens of thousands of on the facts and the young people struggle to reclaim the restitution africa stolen episode. one 0 no,
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just sierra. i mean the world slow down. we stand for as homes with tips of global nichols reserves. indonesia is poised to leave the global battery industry. we are definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harness the offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits, essential, committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the israel pushes on with its 4 on garza pounding the entire strip with air strikes. the you're watching all your 0 my for my headquarters and i'll find a navigate. also ahead i can promise i will not give up. the un secretary general


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