tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 11, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm AST
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the pro i'm carry johnston, this is the news lot from coming out for the next 60 minutes. the father from al jazeera journalist is killed and an is really strikes on which the body of refuge account has been fast fighting in northern garza, israel has issue new as actuation or what is your central and southern parts? the street,
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those who have made it to circle the safe side of building shelters by sun on the stretch of land and sanitation, fresh water for medical facilities. desperation is increasing across causes, shortages of water and basic supplies, get worse. people have scrambling to grab 8 items from few trucks, so that's across into the rest of the is where the strike has killed the father from the elders. they were just in his family home in northern casa us, our series father was 65 years old. israel issued new evacuation orders for july that this father did not want to leave his house. i'll just say our correspondence on us, on sharif, says, need a death threats from these really ami. know the killing of his father. stop him from reporting from casa and come up. there is no doubt john,
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it is been the practice. is this a go based on forces on these right? you have to pay some forces continue to perpetrate and war crimes against innocent civilians as well. my family was very purposefully talked to them and my father was killed. it is my own it is it then said home in japan, yet if you take um as that is some my father was killed on the spot to move it. it was a dyadic, right. by is really war plain, the, it was very difficult, not only 30, it's like but they, but as body, but also it was difficult to read my home and the 1st place a few hours ago, i was in the house and requested them to leave. but if use, after we pulled his dead body, we were not able duty to the cemetery and we were forced to bear to him and they,
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you and run school yards. and despite all the decimal dates i have received from these a cool patient forces office says i will continue to fulfill my mission, conveying the message before you go to the bay in the picture and also golden begging the voices of my fellow guys. and so far my father was skilled, but this demo detailed me. this grandmother did tell me from the billing my mission, there is a database of cost is come up mazda in my mouth, like getting my father as close now it's a t r, i assume. and rough uh, tire could tell us more about the death of our colleagues father, which comes and me the more is ready orders to leave the news to. yes, our colleagues of father unofficial reef, had been killed by the occupation forces of to being his house completely destroyed
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as they were many, as the as honest and his family members managed to, it pulled him from under the russell's in order to be pure. and one of the jobs of the united nation around schools due to the affordability, and there was there any chance for fury, his body in one of the goals of symmetry due to the use of a intense plumbing for the north of the territory. now i met his soul rest in peace as the attacks against palestinian journalist and assemblies continues similarly to what happened to our uh, 2 clicks uh, attack to the woman before off the off to the last. the majority of the family members and alice strikes since the direction of this route of fighting. now the situation on the north of the territory, as of the east bed of the patient, is old during the residents, the to sleep, to the south spot. they are no longer able to flee to the south of the 2 or 3 as they are encircling the main central hospitals and united nation run shelters. as the director of that i was
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a hospital had confirmed that is very military times surrounding the i was a hospital which in both most significant threats on the lives of the medical work is on the patients. and in just people who are receiving treatment is on this medical complex in the 4th of the falls in the a part of the, of the most of the territory in gaza strip. and time there's been more is randy bombing in the south as well. tell us what you know about that. a yes, the bombardments on the sauce as we hear the sounds of these very drugs do not leave these calling of the church. we are also continues. where it just during the last couple of hours. yes, body forces had, had intensified the rates and the domains of the strikes now they are targeting and the costs and tracing and targets in con eunice city is especially the eastern areas which has turned into a vessel zones. west st. fine thing and work combats us thought it from this area
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wherever central building belonged to, i'll keep family had been flattens. injuries of this family has been transported to another hospital, according to initial reports that had been reaching us from our clicks, the and this medical complex. now the situation was built in the middle of golf renee to continue where the east by the alternator was shooting, did not stop during the last hour on the coastal road of the i did about a town individual. go for an 8. now this is trice continues and according to the latest updates that had been released by the palace, the minister of health there is more than $18000.00 palestinians have been killed by these verifies since october the 7th. and the number of people who had been wounded has drawn to more than 48000 pounds, thinking this done, but consider it to be very high in terms of these really strikes that did not leave any kona, so you can do to atory. perfect,
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thanks very much for that top dates. this is where the defense win is to you. i've got says israel is very close to achieving its goals in northern gauze. it. he says the boy is difficult, but to claim time us the finances are surrendering to his very forces not to move to the port out guns. we are very close to declaring victory and guides a city. and we'll continue our operations elsewhere to deem all those people whom we are fighting are facing one fate, they will be dismantled. this is also what is happening, and con eunice and i would like to call upon them. i would like to call up on these terrorists and their commanders, and to surrender. i tell them now, surrender to save your lives. if not, your fate will be dest. meanwhile, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reportedly been discussing plans for what happens next, often on dollars over some is very media have published what they say are leaks of
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netanyahu's conversations with the connect setup for an offense and defense committee in on con, has more from tennessee as well, there's really 2 key things that he said according to these lakes. the 1st one is about the policy being or far as he said, that the difference between the posting authority and how mass is a mass. wanted to destroy israel immediately. and the policy new forward seat want to do it in stages. now this is gonna come as a big surprise to the americans who want a revitalized published a new authority in charge the day off to the shooting stops, or at least during the process of when the war ends in garza. but he also was talking about the day off that he's at the strip will be on the is really military control off to the war, a civilian administrator with operating goals and the strict will be right rehabilitated under the leadership of the gulf states by re abilities. ready means rebuilding, now there is precedent for all of this. every time there's a war and goes,
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it's capital. the generally spend millions if not billions of dollars rebuilding. but i've spoken to the category ministry of foreign affairs and they said they haven't had any discussions about rebuilding goals, that they all focused on getting a c spy. i'm getting these ready captives out and in exchange for publish the new present. so they don't even talking about this. all of these comments suggest that netanyahu is trying to sell the fact that he's in control internally, the 5 he hasn't actually come out and said any of these comments publicly, suggest that this is what's gonna be happening. he's got a tough fight on these hands, and he needs to sell it internally for a before even remotely trying to go to these ready public, which only now by modeling the shara alta 0 is a senior person on this here. and this to do with this amount. what do you make of these leech remarks from the benjamin that's in got well, clearly the vision is out in a bit of a buying now. and then there's a bit of
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a disagreement amongst them. but they're also at the same time reaching through what they call an inflection point and gaza or so there's a bit of a disagreement within the work cabinet. there's a bit of a disagreement about the water objectives. there's a bit of a disagreement about to whether to prioritize the captives or the physical from us, which means either to continue with the war non stop and even intensify it or to find another diplomatic way in order to try and free more captive. see, and there is the, the images that are coming out of guys. uh, the videos. i'm not very helpful to the now government. the if you watch something with those, which is that been diffused by the have mass military arm setting is or is getting a beating nowadays even before more than before. and if you add to that, the, the numbers that been declared by these are the hospitals and how different they
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are from the numbers declared by these are in the army. all of that really starts to should the light on, on, on a government and crisis is not very popular. not to be on for say, you know, he doesn't have the trust of something like 96 percent of these really public that don't trust him. doctor wouldn't take his word for fact, give me what you say then does israel feel that politically? it's window for the continued bombardment is essentially closing the window is closing, although they don't admit it. but if you listen to the discussions with the within the sort of, for my many 3 generals and the strategic analyst and so on, so forth. the understand that there is some real american pressure, some of the international pressure. there's also the economic pressure, right? this right is losing something like a quarter of a $1000000000.00 a year a day. which means it's going to renew, add up to
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a lot of to 100 days of work. that's why the window is closing on this type of work. but that doesn't mean is there, i would not continue in a different kind of war after say the end of this year, meaning they're going through something right for me. i don't know. maybe you could call it a lot of attrition. i guess how much. but clearly, because the window of, unfortunately this closer because it's really beginning of a, a bit of a beating to its soldiers and banks and so on, so forth. it's intensifying. it is one bargemen against a civilian population. and that's why we're probably going to see more or more of these high figures of civilians that's including journalist, some doctors and, and the, and the teachers and so on. so is there as much so cold progress being made by the is ready minute tree as they would like the well to believe in terms of its fight against. but there's no adult. there's no doubt about the the symmetry forces
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here. and there is sort of a, a battle of narrative of a better back to the image is going on. but there is no doubt about who has more fire power, right? so is there, it has more fire about, but there is an international pressure about the general side that i'm driving and because there's international about, okay, there's more american pressure, there's more out of pressure. so in terms of his 5 power shortly, which will continue to destroy him one more as time goes by more tunnels, more how much fighters most of the population, most of the infrastructure. but how much time? right, so eventually is that a good flat thing, garza for the time big white is kind of when the war, militarily, it's slowly but surely losing the war strategically. otherwise, it say is that if there's a water between the, the, what the forces of life against the forces of darkness, but more or more everywhere understand this is
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a bunch of general side. there's an okay fires i guess occupied. i don't know why the strategy if you've heard about 11 and israel boy, the class is, is that's a matter of containment at the moment, or could a miscalculation change that for the time being there is no doubt that that is one of containment. however, there could be miscalculation a good wide. it's interesting, the window is that it is now talk about the auster garza, you would think as the americans. thank you. let's discuss the 2 state solution. but some of these are, it is discuss the day after because they are thinking 11 on now that doesn't mean more. it could also mean a diplomatic solution that somehow pushes hezbollah north, or was that it's on the river as these days where it is the mind. of course, that's what it requires, other demands but as well. but it could also involve a pre emptive strike on his bundle. and if that happens, then we are definitely it is all about why the war with with incredible
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consequences for the region. believe it m. o in the shower of seeing if the school on this thank you. israel has continued. it's from bob until con eunice young children are among those injured. i mean treat to that and that's the hospital for a lot of rubber pick was to be precise. an hour and a half ago she was sleeping in the houses around the house was his bible, boardman. one thanks to god. there were a number of when did on this and we brought her to the hospital and this is the state she's in the area was smart and safe. there was no announcement or declare ration to leave the area safe area. well, many of the people who have been under bombardment and con eunice were already displaced from northern guns, are not being told to move again for the safety. the palestinians say there are no safe places left in gossip. i said make reports. the frontier
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search for survivors. southern bars is now more densely populated than before. the displays posting inspecting to areas where israel says it will be safe from here. a young boy gets pulled from the rebel. is disorientated. what's your name is risk is oscar. with me there was a lot of homework that she was, you can you stand up, they ask they can go because risk is from use at home with help the that there was sleeping, go kill the fate. is a known as a subtract into the run the risk risk for that hoping any wants to the logic here the, this is a harsh reality for posting elective equipment and taking the day based on the one i don't 1 in the morning they assess the damage and are still searching through this uh, this residential house was pounded by is really missiles,
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all inside or innocent civilians. there are no militants here. this residential building was show above you is really wor, plains it housed about 90 person of the households together with more than 70000 was displaced from the north. about 22 were confirmed, killed the rest are still missing forces because basically making makes if sheltered incense, is it like a food and water to make do with what they can? it's not with you. so we evacuated our homes with nothing. the most challenging aspect is the court. i where my husband's pants to keep warm and people gave us blankets. we slept on the sand. so the risk bite for palestinians, i've already been displaced several times. he's really talk to me to come pick smoke bumps. 6 there's not a single place and goes like that is safe. there was simply no way to go aside bag . i've just 0 in garza's,
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old city and ancient musk has been reduced to rubble. but you sent me your address is still standing. i'll just hear as to how the bush and how about seen the scalar, the destruction, and sends this report. uh huh. i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm busy, but i'm ready. i can be a few of you know, because i am standing outside of the great tomorrow the most in guys, a city, one of the oldest mosques in the city. it has been destroyed by these riley occupation forces raised to the ground. now it's nothing but debris, but i'm going through one of the monks doors to see the scale of destruction and the extent of the damage. this place of worship has been reduced to ruins by his riley forces. the musk dates back to the pre islamic period. it stands on the site of an inch and philistine temple in the 5th century, isn't in church, was built here before it was restored by the big scar in 1260, it was destroyed by the mongols and then rebuilt. at the end of this century,
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it was destroyed by an us quake. about 300 years later determines restore the great mosque. and now it has been reduced to ashes by these really a compassion forces. the great demaury mosque was one of the most prominent historical and religious landmarks in causal. it used to house traditional manuscripts, an inch and parchment. it had large library, containing many precious books. there was those are korean visitation your. this is yet another example of the is rarely a correlation forces gross violation of international lawyers and conventions which afford special protection to history and religious sites. life across some pots occupied westbank, unoccupied, east to us, and has come to a standstill. palestinians, close the shops, pharmacies, and bakeries in some direct to the people of gaza and demanding an immediate cease fine. and one countries around the world to put more pressure on israel to stuff
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it's indiscriminate attacks. unofficial reports from occupied east jerusalem to think of the busiest street and the busiest town near where you live. and that's what this is normally like south or didn't street and east jerusalem. normally the cars are bumper to bumper. people are 3 or 4. how you doing disabled? the payment you can't really move even on a monday morning. it would be incredibly busy, but you can see all the stores here are close at the moment. the fashion store, the coffee shop, the phone, show old clothes or being the general strike that we've been speaking to one shopkeeper, he knows that this is maybe just a small gesture. but he thinks it's an important one to make because he's watching from a distance, as people are dying and gossip up. this strike will reach the whole world and will let the world know that we the past indian people in jerusalem condemned the war and the massacres. that are happening and gaza for some people, the shops being close doesn't inconvenience. they can get the meet the fruit, the vegetables that they would normally pick up for the monday morning. but
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everyone we've spoken to, i mean everyone supports with the shopkeepers are doing here at a ship mountain. this is like any action that can lead to more awareness around the power steering issue and anything that can serve the dimension. and this will, everyone is able to serve the balance to be an issue. it's not just here in jerusalem, where this is happening is happening across the occupied waste banking in other places and internationally to what healing the poor as the stores are closed across jordan in a mind, we're also hearing that in the root and lebanon, there are stores that are closed in other places too, but how much of an impact will this have? well, in jerusalem it will have some because obviously this is a big deal in israel as a whole. the impact becomes smaller, even though the years really economy is struggling because of the cost of the war and internationally globally. well, it will cause hardly a ripple, but the people here want to send a message to the board and guys shoot in on, shoot in. so i would say sure, i'll just do it. ok,
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probably east jerusalem. his name is robbie has more on that general strike from ramada in the occupied westbank. it is the beginning of the week. it's a monday morning and earlier today, the streets of remo around this main re, minarda square were completely empty. there were no vendors, no shops were open. schools were close, no students attended university classes today. it was all part of the strike of rallying and supports by going on strike for the people of guys as the day has progressed, we've started to see a little more activity in the main square. people have been protesting, seen a large number of protests in and around the square. people have been coming, they've been chanting a and t is really chance they've been changing in favor of home us. there's an anti government chance against the palestinian authority as well. so there is a, a lot of feeling, a lot of emotion on the street. some of the chance had people say we will die. so the palestine can live even to one thing is really government load the bullet, load, the barrels, and fire on us. we are ready to face it, so
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a great deal of push back a great deal of fervor here in the occupied westbank, people in solidarity with those that are suffering the ongoing war in gaza, just over my shoulder. there is a poster commemorating the thousands of children that have died as a result of the conflict. it has been an incredibly dehumanizing war for everybody, but especially innocent children who have died in the thousands this post the same . we are not numbers trying to humanize what has been essentially a very dehumanizing experience for the palestinians of gaza as well as for palestinians at large that have seen the suffering on going the people here in the occupied westbank say that raising their voice, calling a straight shuddering their shots is the least they can do. and it often cases it is all they can do. they say that they do not have any capacity to raise an army that could rival israel's. they do not have the backing of a major powerhouse select the united states. they don't have that practical
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military, political, and economic support at their backs. they say all they can do is continue to raise their voices in palestinian communities like this in squares in the occupied westbank and cities all over the occupied westbank hoping that the united states, the european community, the international community of the world. here's their voices. here's their cries for help, their price for a ceasefire now and their price for freedom from an occupation that has been going on for 75 years, 3 quarters of a century, st. but from the old 0 from a law in the occupied west. spring in oakland, the now he's a political analyst and the president of united voices for america. that's a civic engagement organization based in washington dc. yeah, welcome to the program. we've seen this sort of dr. general strike unoccupied westbank. how much does this resonate across the region and beyond? it's resonating and it's actually crossing borders and overnight. even in my home
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town in the united states, shops are closing, like dozens of them. i think more than 60 shops, including lebanese restaurants and lounges and coffee shops, shops that have multiple franchises. it's not just happening there. it's happening across the states and even parts of europe to stand in solidarity with businesses and the people in gaza to say, as long as these bombs are happening, this is what we can do and it sends that message to get raise awareness and bring attention to wouldn't be a folks there in the united states and other parts that hey, there's a genocide happening in gaza and we need to preventive. and some of the things we've seen. we've seen images of palestinians being stripped and on the knees in front of is ready forces. in the last few minutes, the us state department has described those images as deeply disturbing what you may cause i there be on disturbing there are horrific and the world is outraged because of space or images are reminiscent of upgrade. the torture that happen
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there. it's reminding people of those atrocities and bringing back that tremonti trauma that had happens and now they're implying it there. and the fact that this was leak by the is really military. the idea, the signals that this is a type of psychological warfare to break down the pasting people to break them psychologically that and it and furthermore that this type of stripping down to be neg, especially in the air world, is a very humiliating process. and there are reports that people who refused to strip naked were actually killed because for some, they'd rather die than have to be able to strip like they have to be humiliated because that's what they have left if they can everything else, all the piece and visuals have left is their dignity and to try to strip that away from them. the world is speaking out and seeing this is outrageous and the united states has responded. and in terms of what israel should be having to internationally when it comes to weapons, for example, is there a gap between the us, this thing to as well publicly and privately is doing they have been in, in, in recent weeks seeing, you know,
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more trying to apply private pressure um the expect of things would be different after the pause that happened for one week, but things are actually escalating now. the death is continuing and hitting the civilian populations in the south where they told palestinians to go to for safety . and this is not what blinking i promise would happen. and now they're not using, you know, keeping into this type of pressure. and now they're, the nice piece is actually trying to distance themselves from what's happening here because there are lawsuits that been filed by human rights organizations to try to blame biden administration for complicity in the genocide that's happening here. you mentioned the by the administration that how does all this affect present biden's support base, especially among young biden's support base is uh he's in trouble that look toward, you know, an election that's coming up. and his, the pulling suggests that trump, for has all these obligations, indictments and charges against them is actually had the, that invite in,
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in the pulling. and especially a young young among young people who are at banding each on and the arab american unless some american communities in especially designated swing states that really decide the election to please like michigan in georgia in arizona. they're saying, never are they gonna have it for buying. and even if it means bringing in trump, when it comes to messaging, how much is social media paying in this compared to the narratives people may receive for more mainstream media? well, we're seeing that definitely in the generation gap, younger people are getting their information more and more of the information from social media, police, electric talk, and instagram, which, you know, they're showing the images of the realities are happening as the dead children under the rubble of the women, the injustice that's happening and young people in the united states and across the western world and across the world are identifying with that payment, saying they're seeing that and no matter whatever messaging that the broadcast and establishment media and the politicians are saying is not having that impact and
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the pros or lobby in america in other places are very concerns including the different governments because traditional media that has been depicting this somehow the israel is the victim to palestinian atrocities. now people are seeing the reality of this other way around, but with those injustices is the message being listened to in the us in the white a 6 so far there haven't been listed. there's a huge gap between what's on the ground and a lot of pop. the people are seeing the politicians architecture with the reality on you know, of the base. so that is, it's not translating into policy yet. but however, just the fact that the state department just minutes ago issued that says that pressure is mounting and israel knows that they're running out of time. so they're trying to cause of much destruction as possible before the united states pulls the plug and says, you know, hey, you can't do this anymore. i think that they will leave it there. thank you very much indeed for joining us. thank you. so sort of head on out as ever we have from
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causes displaced women and the challenges facing try to suffice. the ears are forecasts across europe in africa for tuesday. the 12th of december. good to have you along. so these pulses of rain moving west east, across the continent of europe, some pretty good pulses of rain around bordeaux. so we do have severe, funny advisories in play here. also pretty persistent, rain across switzerland zurich could see half a month, a month's worth of rain all at once. by the time this is all said and done, but the rain really gets going. northwest spain, it's gonna slide down the coast of portugal portion to the south of france, western france as well. where we do have those severe fund advisors in place disturbed whether rotating clockwise across ireland,
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britain and the low countries. it's not going to rain all day. we should see the sun poke out in sun spots, but also quality conditions to be expected. here on tuesday, outbreaks of showers across the turkey more heavier pulses of rain moving into the band. and off we go to africa right now. it's a fairly quiet picture and not much trivial parts here. a bit breezy though, for the northeast. so for the coast of egypt to be expected on tuesday, and will end in southern africa right now, while these big storms pushing out over to the indian ocean. but still active, whether to be found in closing, the top province and the eastern cape province, and a cool wind and cape town and to the state. the, the, what you're looking at that is one of the bridge points through which, how much flight is came into it as well. warning sirens here is
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a new s might some site has been remarkably intensified during the last couple of hours . we've seen these as strikes really concentrated on residential phones in residential buildings. is a dangerous times of regional spillover, of course, as long as the conversation here is a minute inside the hospital, then without oxygen, without electricity, the beated inside. they are dying. for now, less than an hour away from the official start of the ceasefire. 50 feet caps, it's 4 feet release over st periods, one more batch of prisoners when the people want. a permanency is fired.
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the fucking back. reminder of the headlines about israel has issued evacuation orders for protest in ins and shelters, and schools in the north, south, and central concept as it presses a head with it's with dentist bump bump into the street. the father of alta 0 correspondent on us also reef has been killed and is really a striking jabante refuge account. northern gossip says it will not be tested for reporting on the war the earlier we heard from the child strut. so the only immense postal risks jen, this taken to cover the boat on gosh, it's almost impossible to imagine as a journalist, working under those conditions in garza, most at the same time, obviously having to constantly think about the safety of your family. i'm a molding 18 media workers so far have been killed,
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covering the will in gauze since october the 7th. that includes 10 female journalist, 10 women. i mean, just to bring you some of the, you know, the personal details of the full members of i'll just ever stall that have lost family members. so far, what i'll do, garza bureau chief, for i will just say are arabic, his wife, his son, his daughter, and his grandson, killed in his riley strike. we will remember those who risk pictures of wild trying to move his killed family members. and of course, he went back to work the next day, again saying that he was, you know, determined to continue covering this conflict. then there was my humble about outcomes, saw on a broad cost engineer without just ever he lost 19 members. if his family including his father and his 2 sisters, moment of shudder, fee correspondent, loss of $22.00 members of his family in these way. the striking then of course on us a shot
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a who lost his father. today whilst he was praying in. and he's really as dry that according to my account is 46 members of allergies, 0 families of all people working for hours here alone. and when you have you combine that with the possible. so during this themselves have been killed. it really shows you the incredible pressures the journalist facing and covering the will in garza, i'm just to bring you a. busy a personal perspective, i remember it would have been about a month ago, it was a night to life that was being done by our colleague a stuff which includes who's a senior producer working in garza. he has a very large family and he had already moved his family once south as told to by the is right is i remember this live that he did on the telephone. it was a phone interview. he was standing on the roof of the building in which he's family and we understand many other people with sheltering too. and he described the scene
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in front of him and you could hear the sound of the explosions of incoming strikes and a lot to resist. they were hitting targets and civilian areas close to where he was standing. he gave an immaculate, controlled, detailed account of what was happening in front of him. but at the same time, you could see that emotion. and it's not just be that we talking about. i spoke to self, what of to is it is that fear, of course, not only losing his life, but protecting his family as they continue to do the job in such an incredible professional manner on the incredible circumstances. and it's the same for all our team members at algebra, and of course we deeply appreciate and understand the difficulties that any media wilka of any journalist is having to enjoy in gaza was at the same time trying to protect the safety of the families. are you in a security council invoice of travel to the rest of both the region with gauze that
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they were briefed on the humanitarian situation by the you an agent save a palestinian refugees before heading to the roof of crossing un says hundreds of thousands of people in gauze are a staffing and the amount of 8 that's entering each day isn't nearly enough. the main reason would be going together is to tell in my stop that the, the owner want intention is to say, i'm to find ways to scalar out of ration. you know that 2 days ago, i have sent a letter to the president of the general assembly and not have one about the risk that might not be able to, to operate this because of this cvs on the breakdown we here for the 1st time, that hunger he's too busy, you guys are more and more people haven't eaten one day. 2 days, 3 days. the last time i went was 2 weeks ago when i visited the,
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the vocational training center of underneath hosting more than 35000 people. i could see over the 1st on the 11th of these fast 11 of these for the session, people like absolute everything for that trip comes as a monetary and situation in gaza. wesson's, palestinians who have not eaten for days have been beating a distribution centers and scrambling to secure supplies for themselves and their families. only a small number of a truck. so crossing into rafa from egypt each day, christmas lately has moved from united nations. what was the united arab emirates that invited council members and funded the trip as a matter of fact to the roof of boarding? so that council members could see 1st hand what you want. officials have described as a humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in gaza. this trip was organized after the security council on friday did failed to pass
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a humanitarian cease fire resolution that was requested by the secretary general. the us, of course, be told that resolution. and notably, the united states did not send a delegation to the roof of crossing with the security council. i spoke to the us of deputy and bassett are here earlier today. he said the us has been very engaged through its middle east envoy in the region. and so it did not feel it was necessary to tech, to send an a basset or along. but i think with the a you a he is hoping to accomplish with this is to raise the profile of the humanitarian issues that are facing the un as they try to get aid in so desperately needed into the area to help people there and a number of council members have taken advantage of this trip. we know that all the all but one of the 10 elected members of the council have sent a delegation to this trip. the 5 incoming elected members of the council to take
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office in january or on the trip, russia, china, and even the united kingdom sent in and bassett. or to see 1st hand what's happening to nations mount a tire in the 1st chief has said that there was no way for the un to ensure safety for its operations and concept awesome. griffith spent 20 phonetic editor, same space in some ways. gaza is uniquely awful and that's before you start talking about the suffering, the numbers that the betrayal of the health system and so on. garza is special, but especially in a bad way. you've already said it's no longer possible to save as a humanitarian operation in casa. explain that what i mean by that is that we had hoped that when the war moved south, we were in fact told the whole move south. that there would be a different approach to the miniature operations. slightly more targeted,
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perhaps precise and surgical of the pieces that are used as you know. and we had a 10 point plan which we presented to the world as to how we would respond to it. what's happened is that the assault on southern gaza has been no less than the north. it's raging across through con eunice at the moment. it's threatening rough or the compression of the population is great. we cannot be sure of any about points of operation to be safe. so the can fiction through this process. but by you tell each side, this is a safe place for you and operations or your laptop solutions. we don't have that. so we operate on a form of humanitarian opportunity. it's not. what is the cartridge take over normal humanitarian operation which is dependability. reliability, repetition, you know, in the next one's coming and
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a certain amount of safety. both varied watkins and for those who they, some of those conditions don't exist in southern guns and they and the fact that they don't means that these you might turn operation which can be improved by the way is a random one. women and dogs are facing significant challenges due to a shortage of sign. it treat products and pain medication, but time pre shelters where they've been taking refuge from these various types are overcrowded no toilet send on. hi, gina conditions the now so heat has been speaking to displaced, putting in women in rafa and southern gaza. this is the reality for hundreds of thousands of women in gulf so or forced from their homes into temporary shelters or counts. living in crowded conditions. in thing canvas,
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10 strangers packed together in close quarters, no toilets, and no running water. and just as almost everything is in short supply in gaza after more than 9 weeks, so for women can't find sanitary products during their menstrual cycle and etc. so about the end because it has, there are no sanitary toes available anymore. so we use nappies as an alternative. when we could find them. we also use tissues, but now it's extremely difficult because even these options aren't available. it is very difficult to him because, but didn't happen, but that's not the only difficulty they face painkillers to ease their crimes are available and something as simple as a hot drink. it's hard to come by when live in this one that has that assessment had in the even hot drinks that helped to ease the pain or give it some relief are not available. it takes 2 hours to make a fire and boil some water. we can't get calming herbs or even lentil soup. in this
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cold weather. a doctor in one of rough us hospitals tells us many women and girls have been using medication to delay their periods, month after month. but she says, this has long term complications. we've noticed the significant increase and urinary tract infections and recurrence infections. and vaginal secretions among women were forced to give them several courses funds by o 6. but these were cards and factions affect women and cause pelvic infections and census in addition to resistance the antibiotics. women in gaza said that the lack of menstrual supplies and clean water is adding to their stress and, and exciting other se, the feeling virus. because they have no privacy in the and send it to re overcrowded shelters. already turned swipe and displace from their homes,
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solace to new women say that the lack of hygiene products is fraser eroding the little dignity they have left you miss said l g c, a drop off in the southern guns the as the russian deputy foreign minister may tile above don office calling for an end to the fighting in gaza on the release of captives. russia condemned the october 7th. a tax is all set family to now. israel's response as a collective punishment of palestinian people, you know, shopping out of it isn't, must go with more. now. the russians obviously for administered the hail book donald expressed, most goes very storage position on the situation in garza calling for an ad. you need to see facilities and release those and give it to you in garza, as well as the result of a matching human, is having problems that had a number of telephone conversations on sunday. and later on today, on monday with how my sons, other palistine in functions broke down and once again spoke about the importance
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of restoring palistine and national unit see the creation of the police finance over in states. within the 1967 voters, with its capital in east jerusalem, which will cover existing peace with these ro, uh, rushes, calling for an international monitoring mission to be sent to gaza to assess the humanitarian situation that uh on october. the 7th mosca condemns the how much does the tax on a 0 but now it says it's a gaze. what is calls the collective punishment of millions of palestinians committed by israel? would that indiscriminate, surely presence was even a peace and also discussed is really probably stayed in conflict during his visit to saudi arabia and the u. i. e last week as well as during his telephone calls would be gyptian president. and these really prime minister showing the, well that russia really wants to play a more decisive role in the conflict. you now should pass all of that. i'll just be wrapped most. okay. so it's a come off of the break, the u. n. n. 's it's mission in molly. look at the impact of what may happen next.
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but he's no longer in the prison. he was held it. they say he hasn't been responding to correspondents for days and did not show up for his latest video link court hearing on friday. washington says it's deeply concerned about his fate. if anything creates a close set to be moved to a higher security prison, also being sentenced to another 19 years for extremism. so the main thing for us to find some as soon as possible, because right now and that he's completely alone and he is literally in the hands of people who wants to try to keep now. so we don't know what they will do. again, the latest draft from the u n's called the 28th climate summit into by does not include the woods phase out of fossil fuels. oh, the proposal mentioned is there any that policies that could reduce both consumption and production of fossil fuels in the just overly under the critical none of the places a to actions countries could take to reduce emissions. germany and the us have both
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already criticized the draft saying it does not go far enough to go to arrow is head of a policy and advocacy as a global justice. now, she says she's deeply disappointed in the job because in this critical, that kid, when global leaders need to ensure that the global average warming is limited to 1.5 degrees centigrade, the draft fixed that they will start or the deliberating now is very weak at the center of cup the data conference and supplied the under united nation pretty well quote. but conventional on call climate change is fossil fuels. we know it is the major costs of climate change. walk of the fix contains the measure, know pace out the face, down of fossil fuels despite then bidding be very present in the last draft. this late, the late effects gravely fails to provide the steps for what for that we desperately need. and if this will cost, then we can say that cop to $8.00 is when the $1.00 degrees centigrade limit dice.
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and then we, when we are heading for this asked or when this copy gets a lot of move, ma'am smith, thoughts, even governments are hoping that the fact that the negotiation was held here in the, by, in the united arab emirates, fossil fuels will be at the center of the discussion and rightly so, because at this point, fossil fuels faced out should not even be debatable. we know the size of government . so the cyan bought this document 11000 word document. the 3rd fossil fuels is that is only mentioned in 3 times. and that the exclusive language on the face facing all fossil fuels. what's the, what's not there anymore? and also the debates that there was saying uh for 2050 that's too far away after the we are looking at the possibility that the $1.00 degrees centigrade . we've been which that within this decade, so this critical decade for,
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for action. and we'd need to act fast. the government should put commence sort of mess your commensurate funding, commensurate effort to ensure that even that the beach that limits it says the voting and next is presidential election, will also be held in ukrainian regions. illegally unexplained laska following its invasion in 2022 announcement that has been met with strong opposition from ukrainian government. mcbride has more from keith the decision by russia to include the full territories. it is onyx n. u crates and next spring's presidential election has been roundly. condemned here in ukraine itself, a strongly worded statements from the ministry of foreign affairs here. a saying that it goes against international law and also the un charter. and i think that as with other ballots that have been held in the occupied territories in ukraine by russian. all socrates basically, they say,
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will account for and the think they will effectively be nolan void, describing the bailey, as a propagandist on cuba, it's cold on the international community to riley condemned this decision and also to sanction any individuals in these occupied territories who are involved in staging this selection and going further by urging the international community not to send any observers to russia for the presidential election itself, saying that it has very little to do with democracy. and it's really a tool for keeping the current russian leadership empower mcbride. i'll just say eric, he's the united nations peacekeeping mission in molly is coming to an end of the 10 years, not a nation's flag was lower than the capital to mock the official closure. molly's routing genta to monte dimensions withdrawal in change. it seems peacekeepers of not doing enough to protect mountains from attacks by arms groups. when's departure
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has raised fits that level fighters could seize more territory in more than 90. well, crazy thing is from the co fee. and then the international peacekeeping sensor. he says the end of the mission of all the effects, the winds, credibility for those of us who focus on peacekeeping. um, this is one of the most to us dents to the credit village of the you're waiting for it to you. it is keeping that, you know, they've been king dr. office from freeway they've been performing for 10 years, little deaf strong, this 10, find the redeem environment. cool. the, you know, that's been one might have been 5 set up on the as i just, i believe he has never really been then branding the society mr. by was supposed to be in the protect up for the 2015 um or just agreement. then back, you know, submit trees to that agreement of themselves. lots phase. so you know,
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both sides have a strong argument for the mistress that we see. you've been most peacekeepers themselves that have been hierarchy. so how and defense vision, you know, that also the mind, the credibility of the piece, keep it, but i only know this is sarah the start date for you. it says from me and most minute tree of health talks for 3 level groups. they were facilitated by china and come off to renewed fighting the account between the ministry and the all groups. the fathers continues across more than 2 thirds of the country. if half a 1000000 people displaced the most vitreous off with a series of defeats in recent weeks, india supreme court has upheld a 2019 decision to vote. the special states assault ended administered test. ma'am, the decision for the series of legal challenges or judges,
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rules out the area state test as a semi autonomous regent was temporary, not removing, it was constitutional. so to get reports to me, some of the moments induced supreme court upheld the government's decision to strip indian administer general and kashmir of special status and order new elections in the region by the end of september next year. but extradition on state would take place at the earliest and as soon as possible it was a decision welcomed by prime minister under under moody, as well as hard line hindu nationalist. the customer, it is the good part of india that it cannot be, but the flags are constitution in general in cash, mrs. capital soon ago, the response was one of deep disappointment. hope good hope has been shifted as the largest quote in india didn't deliberate the verdict in favor of cash marries as we had expected. so as you knew that,
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so i thought the people have cashed me to and political leaders had holly hosts for the supreme court. but today the verdict did not meet our expectations. since 1947 general and kashmir has been at the hall to the 5th, a dispute between india, a neighbouring focused on a conflict forced as both nations gained independence from british colonial rule. the muslim majority territory is claimed by both countries and has been a point of violent struggle on the indians constitution. logical, 370 had confed separate status on the territory for nearly 70 years. revoking that had been modi's key campaign promise in 2019 sending a clear sign to support as of his intention to integrate the territory into the rest of india. sonya jago, i'll just say around and a major setback for president scenario, and that comes government. french politicians have voted against a bill in the coming immigration rights groups have been protesting against them,
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which is made it easier for thought is to put people on the site was the presence attempts to appeal to right wing votes. us to find more information on our website, i'll just say rest of the way back in a few moments with more coverage of the war and us on the days of the news. the states, the in the 19 fifties and sixties african countries gained independence from the colonizers and increased efforts to reclaim the cultural heritage of 6000 bodies and storage unit. yes, it's very hard. a documentary series reveals how you are at the in countries refuse their request and even exhibited human remains and then the savings restitution africa stove, enough episode to which i found your 0. the latest news as it breaks the
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lead drive of these really ministry. james slowed down shop 15 year old bustle, date and then shop big year old item with in depth reports from us and says that it freed all women and children under a sci fi agreement that ended off to both sides place each other for violations. and the in this journalism leaflets where dropped by the occupation. what was that for me, people to sleep, to run 5 districts, bundle cries, as a for witnessing is pro this day begins to sing and doing well as a happy child who loved to play full sprains the attack happens during one of the almost daily he's really made a tree, right? it's almost a tube to need realty for which, you know, on he says it's around it. this flow and kill to compound are really close to need resistance, according to adam's family. and with this is the lead drive of slow down, short, 15 year old,
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best shopping year old item the back of the head. i wish i was it a 3 and someone would come to wake me at 10 me. i'm just really, i would never a god's name was these felix to anyone. it's hard, but they got the 1st the what am i supposed to few the as the father of an elder, 0 journalist is killed and is ready as try come the jabante of refuge account the so i'm carry johnston. this is all just sarah lots and also on the program there's
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