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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 14, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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i am calling invalid. when did religion not in the middle of the night, strikes it. civilian areas in south and central garza killing thousands of palestinians . the i'm sammy's a. them, this is out just they're alive from dall. so coming up is riley falls. this time they've captured thousands of people near a hospital in garza and say that being transferred for questioning. these are the prime minister defies goals for a ceasefire in gaza saying the war will go on with always out to international
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support. signs of growing public support for how mouse is rel intensifies its raids in the occupied westbank. the as we begin in garza, where is riley false is of killed at least 200 people in india. the hundreds more in several locations during the past 24 hours. prime minister ben, you mean nothing? yeah. who is vowing to continue fighting? come us. despite growing international pressure to end the will in the boulder city over all the relatives a morning, the desks of at least 27 palestinians killed and is right. the ministry strikes on 2 houses. rescue as have spent hours trying to find as many people as they can under the rubble gauze as health ministry size, 18600 pounds, assuming to be killed. october, the 7th. and honey, my mode is live for us in that off. ok,
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that's in south garza. so 1st of all how they tell us about this off the mos oven and strike on the quite the hospital area. the. this may very chaotic seem to rang the can we do have fidelis nice side with the here with the theory. right? that targeted a residential home remote, the story, residential or on the part of the family just nearby the hospital or not. didn't just 5 minutes. a distance by a car, the residential warm is located at the main road leading to the main gate of, of the hospital. a very chaotic seeing that we see right now, most of the line, the lines are just through the area where the residential almost targeted. at least we counted 15 in during our program and
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we were able to document some of those injuries. that happened to be very, very graphic to look god, but merely looking at it children and more women and brought to the hospital. as a result of this is try critically injured. some of them have been already transferred outside using these ambulance moving. now they're taking them it from the way to hospitalized small sized hospital do. another job has been a larger hospital, better equipped when better and a medical treatment for the critical cases that just arrived to the hospital. this is not the only a attack that happened in early or later our of last night though, of late hours of last night, a nearest reg, targeted to residential homes, were 27 people were killed in multiple other injuries as well. there's also people who are still under the rubble. a rescued team arrived here to accommodate a residential home that was targeted looking for. if there were still people a under durable,
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we're talking about an entire residential building to turn into into a rumbles into a listen. i've been to romans given deep intensity of the explosion. it was more than just an explosion that pleased to it's 2 explosions took place right at the same at the same time a causing not only destruction of dump but also the surrounding area, causing great deal of damage to the infrastructure and to the other homes that of course, the direct result of that is more displacement as people find that play it's very risky to stay in and just given them the large amount of the reason and the small just the area just become very risky for people to stay in and start moving stuff elsewhere. hi, may we go to talk as well about another hospital? what do we know about people being round it up? i come out of one hospital. that is will it come out of the hospital?
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is not the only hospital been under a talk with the in, within the past 2 weeks of this ongoing war and the, the tax on on that you have a hospital within the nation hospital. and now the indonesian hospital came under direct at the brutal attack by these re, the military. this is not, this is a one elements of a long, a long a operations went through within the past few days around the area where the hospital was around it and then have at least showed bite tanks and artillery shilling. and then we as of yesterday, the, these really military started a storming a, the hospital calling allowed the speakers of, of everybody inside the hospital to come out with their hands above their head. the particularly called on the security per se. so now inside the hospital and that, that explains why we've seen in the video, they've been circulating white. some of these light weapons came out, then also the uh, the, the, the, the, the box that are used by the security person out to maintain security inside the
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hospital. the, the talk about the some 70 operatives or terrorist a just lacks of a spend. so evidence due to be supported, but we know from yesterday when these really military meet announcement, it's works loud. speaker calling on security personnel to come out with their security weapons outside of the hospital, talking about light kind of weapons, not the kind of work that we've seen in other vigils in the streets where there's intense fighting going on. but this is as earlier today, i should've been, but the spokesperson of the ministry of health. this is part of this really probably again the using this element that happens to be in the hospital security for us. this part of the a security force as part of the police department that maintain security stability inside public facilities. and the happened to be in this large number due to the, the, the, the difficulty and the emergency, the people, the, this does what we see here in this task with a win win injuries are brought to the hospital. and not only,
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not only them arrive did, but we see their family member, their friends, those who, who knew them rushed also at the hospital. the hospital turns into into chaos van with a bars doctor the from operating very well. so there is a need for security for us that out just to maintain a little bit of order and allow and give a space and an efficient time for doctors to treat those injuries coming to to the hospital. all right, thanks so much. hi, mike mode, the summit as a whole today is the deputy director of the design center for human rights. he says the evidence is that's a prove is ready for us is violated every international law in with of which i believe this. and i, you know, could be some folks is violated all the domestic hot lows and even the conventions . and what has been, perpetrated this code is nothing but a lot of crime. and once that's set, that is we want to find out the gravity of the crimes perpetrated all those killed
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civilians. even prisoners of war must be treated with respect that provided with protection we old witnessed. how would they strip to own those hosp the captives of the clothes and forces them to states as if they would have to run during their weapons? yet the is ready to compete on forces be violated all the lows and preventative all to what they thought they'd hospitality the most judge. let me have the i made the total silence from the international community, including the international criminal court of justice. we have been presenting, talk payments, absolutely. proving that the israel i have violated old below. the complaint that i presented to evolve. the criminal court came on the win is i claimed and i left that they were right. agent on the best inside the man is what i understand. they got blind item old,
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that is the loose ends of and could be sense formed by the united nations. and i back the is ready to go based on forces even that prevented before that presented themselves to you and from the approaching the sides, which would have stayed to violate as the international system has fallen in guys that we feel ashamed when we speak about human rights or the nice and unload it is a war crime. innocent civilians are being killed that rules the top and on their heads. even we cannot recover the dead bodies or dates to see is search what survivors as we just heard, cold weather and heavy rain pots of gauze, further complicating the di humanitarian situation. an estimated 1900000 palestinians have been displaced since the wall sconces in october. priyanka groups are reports in the cold winter rain, a picture of misery. i'm deaf in northern garza. is the body
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of the go to didn't is really attack on to bother you. she was found, but there many still trapped under the rubble in the rain ambulances of stuck on flooded streets. the rescue workers of gauze, of a still carrying on israel's daughter located on attacks, have pauses arise because of already broken sewage systems. and now the streets are turning the decaying for these me shift tends to offer little protection for tens of thousands of palestinians struggling to see dry. i'm on the thames you. we got drenched inside the tent and i don't know where to put the children water flooded the tend. i wrapped the children in blankets and came here. i don't know what to do because of the rain where to go. and there is no drinking water. so families are collecting weight of water to drink. food medicine and fuels are
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always running low for many who have to escape the streets on start with just close when they're boxed. they are no blankets, no mattresses. just the looming threat of disease and starvation. what is the force of discharge who was born in attempting more? the add new clothes for her? no food or drink the children cry for most little bread. i appeal to the world, those who have a conscience to save us from what we are in and returned to our homes, israel, and has ignored calls for a cease fire with indication that it's a sultan garza could last for months and sobered the collective punishment of palestinians in this winter for brianca group though. i'll just here. oh, is there any prime minister band you mean that's in yeah. who is vowing to continue with the guns are offensive? it was speaking to sol, just doing a visit to a military base and southern israel. the us is warning is really indiscriminate.
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attacks on civilians are costing the government international support. i'm also going to do a co show. this is going to be a difficult will, but there are signs of a breakdown. i can see that and truly you can see that to see or determination to continue until the end and eliminate thomas. an overwhelming victory over homeless will give us many, many advantages. both from the power determines and also from the power of persuasion towards the whole world sitting in the stands of this little button that smith's joins us now live from tel aviv. so a busy day there in israel, the national security advisor, jake sullivans, in town. what are we expecting out of his visit? somebody joe barton has been weathering intends international criticism for ways, unwavering support of israel,
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and it's will with how much money house said the us assistance to israel will continue until he says, how much is around say, but bite. and his will not public opinion. shifting gray ways is rails internal securities are j. sullivan is bringing that message to these riley's, he's going to meet with israel as well cabinet that's benjamin netanyahu. you're jill. i'm the defense minister on panic guns. and he's already said that he's going to be discussing with them a time table towards the end of the war. audi size is going to urge is around to lead us to move to a different phase from the kind of high intensity operations we're seeing today. we already know the us a sat there are too many civilian household is riley's coming to many civilians in gaza. sullivan also wants to see more a getting into gauze around their indications. israel is prepared to open one of the goods check points, so they're raising to cause it has been closed since october,
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the 7th. i'm not sure how significantly increase the aid getting in that, which is, as we already know, according to international, the agents is nowhere near enough. nowhere near meeting the needs of costs of population and what are we hearing about and about splits within these, right? the will cabinet of the issue of sending and negotiate to back. so call to of the so it's been a bit more clarification about about today and the status of how as well can get more cavities released from gauze. and there's a lot of pressure from the families that kept whose families have a written. so the prime minister asking why they have not sense ahead of mind loss on the account. so to continue to look for further ways to deal with how much now the understanding we have is that these really won't how many united in that belief that the how much leadership in gaza is cuts off from a how much weight is lead to shipping costs as if there's no way of knowing what
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day, what deal they are prepared to do. the difference in the future approach is the net and yahoo on your lungs want to take a sort of a passive approach that obviously they want to wait to see what, how much it, how much can communicate out of what it's gonna offer. whereas many guns things, it might be better for the categories to be proactively looking at a way of finding out what, how much it was a lot of different families across. busy wants more negotiations because they want the relatives release. i think so much fun. it's smith, now is ready for us is accounting out the most intense rate in the occupied westbank since the goal is and we'll began as many as $1400.00 is ready reserve as have been mobilized during the ride on, jeanine began molding 48 hours ago but at least 11 palestinians have been killed.
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all right, hold on to how many joins us now live from now let's in the occupied westbank. so this is going into day 3. why a while it is a difficult battle because israel is trying to get to a list of wanted men and that list read that is a college student in resistance fighters. now there has been some movement on the ground over the past half an hour or so. we spoke to someone who told us that is a partial. there's some sort of movement on the ground. he thinks it's partial maybe withdrawal from certain areas of the refugee. gov and also from the city. however, it does, it's that he told us that there's 2 snipers that depositions over around on top of some buildings, especially pointing to the entrances and exits of the referee jacob. so still a lot of tension there. we also know that the 17 year old,
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a young boy has been killed while he was standing in the courtyard of the main hospital in geneva. hospitals having been besieged by is really of forces since the very early stages of this rate. as soon as nearly 3 days ago. so certainly still a very coating situation. 5 things too long going also in the villages west and south of the city. and who to tell us what kind of told this is taking on civilian life. having a raid going on for so many days, and people effectively being trapped in the well, money ballasting is here and the okay bite was bank. refer to janine and especially the refugee camp in geneva as the mimic garza. and that's because of what did go
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through and the kind of it reads it, people that the witness. so now they have been civilians have been known to take their own precautions. does a good number of them who sort of leave the refugee camp at night and come back in the morning. that's if they have relatives somewhere in the city or they have another a couple of days and somewhere in this city. but this time, we are told that there are more civilians than usual simply because they were called off guard. there was a day of general strike just before this a raid started. and so people were sitting at home. we do know that the many have said that the running out of, of food has been now 4 days. i haven't been able to reach the shops. everything is shut down. the pharmacy is shut down. the and you, the doctors without borders has issued a statement saying that people are dying because they're not able to reach the
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clinics or the hospital to get the treatment they need. so at the very dire situation, the in the refugee camp of jeanine, and at the moment it doesn't seem that it will end soon. and when it ends, people will have to pick up the pieces because houses have been demolished. the infrastructure has been demolished, does a lot. uh, it will be a different camp than it was 4 days ago. and so it will be difficult for them to go back to their normal lives any time soon. all right, thanks so much for that. for me. it was still, i had an al jazeera, it will be live in brussels. so the e u summit where the position on garza is gradually shifting the the,
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you're just in time for your weather update across the america is good to see you. still getting striked with some solid bands of rain around miami and we've got disturbs weather off the southern rockies here. so you could be rocked by some storms in texas and oklahoma. and was that what weather around florida? it's also running into the eastern side of mexico, not too far away from the yucatan peninsula as well. so here's a closer look at those storms through texas. oklahoma, and same goes for new mexico. otherwise for the desert southwest, it is quiet and still disturbed weather around alaska, with temperatures falling. this rain at times has turned over to snow, but a bad through british columbia is lower mainland, the pacific northwest, sun cloud, combo shared temperatures on their way up, and windsor beginning to shift around across the great lakes. so your temperatures are also coming up. hope it's time on tuesday. let's go to the top end of south america. actually focusing on these storms through the amazon jungle. around the northeast of argentine. i want to show you these pictures coming out of santa fe.
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here roads turn to rivers just because of how bad the storms were. let's go to this area right now because it looks like we've got more rock and storms and that northeast corner of argentina pushing into the river plate. and it's looking quite bad for bio blanca today as well, of the, in the name of protecting the public. an unprecedented crosstown and civil liberties is underway. ridiculous threats and diplomacy. simulation witness follows a lawyer fucking quotes and police bonds to reverse the trend. everybody wants to fight against racism and then also acknowledge that there's, as you can see. and right now this time that and in berlin on that jersey to the,
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the, the, the bank you're watching out. is there a time to recap? i'll headlines now is right strong some 2 houses in the boulder city. over off i have killed at least $27.00 palestinians. more than 200 people have been killed in the guns and strip in the past day. is there any time, is that by anybody next in the hours vying to continue the gauze or offensive this 5 international pressure for seas 5, the us is warning. israel indiscriminate attacks on civilians is costing the government's international support is ready for us as a, carrying out the most intense rate in the occupied westbank. since the gauze of will began. then the 500 people have been arrested and at least 11 palestinians
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killed. tension is growing on the israel 11 and border. israel's army says it bombed ministry infrastructure link to has belong to the southern lebanese town. the viper on the lebanese group says it's also targets it is. riley sites has the law says, one of its members was killed in fighting with his right the forces pension on the board has flagged since the legs as conflicts and guns and stuff that just over 2 months ago. sort of hire offices in northern israel, near the lebanese florida, with thousands of his ready residents, been evacuated, and the desk relations in classes. so we were actually heading out the road, close to the border with lebanon earlier this morning. and then we had some small arms fire and it wasn't clear who started it, but it was definitely across the board of from both israel and from lab and on. and we needed to, uh, uh, take safety behind a car and not seem to go on for
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a while. we then moved on to another village and we were talking to some of those that live so close to the border that they all sort of in not cross far. and they told us that they're very concerned about the situation that it's not taught to. now that there's an on going well, but just to give you a sense of where we are and what exactly happening, what you're hearing above me is and is riley drone, is what you hear in the skies in gaza all the time. and clearly there's a lots of surveillance because this is a hot spot for hezbollah, just across from where we are, which is in the background. now you can see those buildings and not dried out areas that actually is 11 on so we can see 11 on from here we got to the been moved up the road because of the n. c type. missed all the all been fired from hezbollah, from lab, and on to hey, now the is riley. army has confirmed that it's been striking. has been the military positions this morning that even released
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a video for that. and they said that was in response to hezbollah, firing towards an area just literally down the road from head cold, shamira. and that just gives you a sense of how tends to situation he is on in the northern border despite everything happening in the southern border with garza. but this is ongoing and really no one to see in this area. very few locals have remained that have been a number of desks on this side, little over 10 people killed on this nose and board. or you can hear those jack. that's a real kit that you'll herring just behind me that we're going to have to. we're gonna have to go down i think, well, we might be yeah, just, i think we can, we're good now, but that what you just had there, i don't see how it is. that was a rocket being fired across. it's not clear. that's the bank. it's just landed that
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you guys just landed on this side of ins. prime minister leo, veronica says, the european union is losing its credibility because of its inability to reach you to find stone. cindy as well. how much conflict around call? so said the european position on gaza is gradually shifting. he says many young people in europe have more sympathy for the palestinians. then for his riley's, he was speaking of the summits and brussels. we're, your leaders are also discussing ukraine's bid to join the block. right, so natasha box. that is now live for us from brussels. so natasha. first of all, what sort of pastor you need is expected to take home golf? so the hello can we use foreign policy g fios that brought when he arrived? he said, look, there is no consensus on calls and i think that's very important to underline that these divisions within the block all need israel cause conflict continue.
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nevertheless, as you heard that for me, irish li depositions are shifting. they also members state. so we're starting to support israel less than they were at the beginning of this conflict as of rod cosette key seeing that as well in the european union. he says so many young people are feeding so much sympathy for the plight to tell us the news that the us to be very careful with all these do divisions because it's basically damaging its foreign policy credentials and his reputation amongst the young amongst the global south now, island as being one of the countries along with spain, a belgium, and most of the very much want to put a cool for a sci fi on the table get out to the european union. but we know that is unlikely to be something that the you 27 agree on because they're also member states, for example, officer in the czech republic who continued to very staunchly a support is ro, germany also. and we saw that earlier this week at
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a un resolution. i think that for a ceasefire, well, the majority of you meant to stay 17 after 2017, back of hold for a ceasefire, you still have a number of you member states that aren't willing to go that yet. so still a very complex picture, but things are shifting and one of the proposals that you need is we'll talk about all possible functions on violence, is ready, settlers in west point, that's something supported by the you commission and a number of you need to. so perhaps they might find consensus or mass and we're talking about things like possible travel visa bands full day settlers, new european union. and when it comes to ukrainian membership of the you, what our lead is going on, but points as well. that is the main subject of tools today here in brussels, the leaders of very much to paying thought they were going to be talking about
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opening up future membership tools for ukraine, a green lighting, a multi 1000000000 dollar a package for key role. so it was going to be something of a shared units. he wants to gain of the you a symbol of the support for keys since the beginning of the conflict spot. there is a spiner in the works, the hungarians prime minister, victor will bind the far right, orientation of close allies. let demand present, says hungry mind use is vito to block those tools to block that. so a financial aid package, he says, ukraine, so please read these to be pause of a european union. he says it's a terrible idea to even be discussing it. however, there awesome you leaders who was saying this could be possible blackmail on the off of old bond who was looking for the utah unblock some funds that are hungry, which will be about billions of heroes. the facts and negotiations can be made to last time will kind of like us. thanks so much. talk to bottler now is uh as long
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use the palestinian territories as a testing ground for weapons and surveillance technology. now is where the media report say that's extending to out official intelligence from coal side, i has reportedly been involved in search and rescue operations in garza, and particularly it's facial recognition. technology has been applied to videos of captives and how much finances to another is why the from side, but brought tracks online content the saved as hum fault. it said to be mapping pro, how much influence campaigns? anthony lauins, deans, an independent june list and the author of the palestine lamar tree, a book on it, as well as alms and surveillance industry. he says the word and gaza says as a display for his rouse like this technology, central biased, what we've seen in the last 2 mountains is really a huge amounts of new technology. even seek of a drive.


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