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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 14, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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us 6th period starts and that can also last several 100 some years. iceland, beauty has been forced in part by its 32 or kind of systems. it's people that had to become resilient to the day just. but here in the southwest, those stages around me growing the is riley strikes, hit 70, and areas in south and central golf, the killing thousands of people. the, i'm sammy's. i them, this is i'll just say are live from dell hall. so coming up, facing salvation palestinians scrambled because like they didn't, gonzo is this route, restricts trucks deliveries these right. the prime minister defies coals for a cease fire and gaza saying will go on with or without international support.
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signs of growing public support for how much is this trial intensifies its rates and the occupied west by the beginning? god. so whether it's right in the ministry strikes of killed at least $200.00 people and then just hundreds more and several locations in a 24 hour period. prime minister venue mean, nothing now is vowing to continue fighting. how much the spine growing international pressure to end the war of the desk toll now stands more than 18600 palestinians or relatives a morning. the death of at least $27.00 people killed in his riley strikes on 2 houses and the city over off in the south of garza is right. the buttons of coals, mass destruction in the densely populated city of jamalia in the north too. and
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running low on food now the supplies, hundreds of palestinians are seen running towards the trunk. counting humanitarian aid in the off for the monks begins are coverage outside the apple yusef on the job hospital in russell to dominate the scene. the sound track kit is ceaseless grief. i beg you this woman cries, i want to see her for the last time. those here moan for them mothers, the assistance and best sons. but no amount of tears will change this reality. not measuring the about the image of all of a sudden the roof came down on a head. the whole family was gathered. my mother and brother with his wife and
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children. the house was hit by miss. so we did not feel anything of that. my mother was killed, the medical stopped race to respond despite risk to the safety. and then again, the it is difficult to get any way to get the wounded people because of the buttons being dropped, one off to the other, their wounded people everywhere. and the injuries are serious, even like a. we reach one location and it's talking about once or twice over at the same location. the problem is that i live in again, the adults in shop sharing treatment space with children faces bloodied and frightened. in this case, still alive. but just as one patient leads another arrives on his friend crying out for help,
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and quickly the bandaging begins. the blood is cleaned up, but the ambulance sirens never stop the mux. oh, does it have israel continues to identity to intensify its bombardments in northern gauze and killing thousands and its latest strikes and associate? a for quotes from jamalia. but people are still trying to pull out how those traps under the rubble and the storage and the future value as well as i am commenting jabante and this is the of the month of the late. this strikes, cutting out buttons that are 80 will play a month because of the medical st. they lease to the ground. dozens were killed and injured. the scale of the destruction is massive. from the clubs on
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the we can see and hear the big the engine all those ended up children the the the ho luna, the i'm trying to get closer to the equipment off the bottom of this whole area has introduced the washer. wow. wow, the the, me, me bits of comfortable using the
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a bit on the cover body covered with a blanket dementia. and when i had you had the demo on these new shows, the magnitude of the destruction, the damages method. any day i'll give you the crate that's caused by the missiles. i'm sure it comes to the new version of the plus minus the doesn't smell, choose an age. most women and children won't. it keeps us. under the honest, i'll treat you know, that doesn't as well as 5 minutes that been a mean that's in the hours i'm going to continue with. the goals are offensive. it was speaking to solve this during a visit to a ministry based and southern as well. the us has war and this riley discriminant attacks on civilians, a costing the government's international support. i'm also going to do a show. this is going to be a difficult will, but there are signs of a breakdown. i can see that,
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and truly you can see that to see or determination to continue until the end of illuminate, thomas, an overwhelming victory over homos will give us many, many advantages, both from the power of deterrence and also from the power of persuasion towards the whole world sitting in the stands as smith joins us now live from tel aviv. so we understand the us national security advisor, jake sullivan is meeting with his right. the officials. what's coming out of that or the flow ready? we know that joe biden has been weathering and $0.10 a national criticism for his family unequivocal support of the ways riley's prosecution, it's will with how much ball biden has on board. no said he will continue or us will continue to want for support and back up to his route as it tries to route how my foot board. and this was a public opinion shifting gray ways. israel security and it's not message the jacob
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sullivan has been bring it now before you arrived here in israel. he said he went on backorder and said that he would be here discuss a time table to end the war. well, sullivan, i just finished one of his meetings. he's met with a nice lead ahead of the national security council. i'm the defense minister. you're delilah salon, wasn't offering a time table running the vegas of time tables. he said in front of sullivan, this more is going to take a long time. we need a few more. busy months to get read in order to get rid of hama, so that is what these riley defense minister has been saying. sullivan is now with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and we already know he has said it doesn't matter about international pressure. we will continue prosecuting this war in our own way, and the lights of what lights are on. towards the end of the day, he'll meet with the whole of the will cabinets. sullivan is also hoping to persuade these riley's to open. a crossing from is riley, is a gauze that will allow,
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in greater quantities, a few minutes a or an 8. and then is, what do we hearing about divisions within these, by the war cabinet. over the issue of sending negotiates is back to a call to as well have been suggestions that so none yahoo had stopped the head of the most sought from traveling to castle to look into other options for negotiations. government so have denied this thing. they don't really control how most that operates, but however, that whatever the case is most outside is not a new castle and is their belief in the war cabinets that there isn't much points in for the pursuing further negotiations. that the time being because that won't happen. and believes that the, how much leadership in gauze as well contact is not able to get into contact with the how much leadership and concepts of apple. there's no way of knowing what, how most ones, the slight difference in the view for going forward is the warm side suggests
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that most side is that should just wait and see how much comes forward about any sorts of suggestions committed, consult with any sort of proposals while any gum sees more in favor of electing, the guitar is few options for negotiation. so pro, actively looking at ways, i guess in negotiations going. okay. all right, thanks so much. brandon smith, it is very false, is accounting out the most intense right in the occupied westbank since the gaza will began. as many as 1400 is ready. the use of us has been mobilized during the raid on jeanine that began more than 48 hours ago. at least 11 palestinians were being killed. the camp was established for palestinian refugees, who are expelled by jewish comma tree forces from the homes in 1948. that's when palestinians last the home line. then the state of israel was created today, moles, and try the 3000 drug, just the refugees live in
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a 420 square meter space. janine has one of the highest unemployment and poverty rates among 19 refugee camps and the old spied west bank at slogs. they do too, as well, severe restrictions on movements and the power steering as far as easy as of neglect. it's a high level of several palestinian resistance groups such as slamming. do you have from us inside the in 2002 during the 2nd in to follow the palestinian uprising is ray, the forces killed at least 50 to palestinians. mostly civilians also destroyed much of the camp over 10 days of intense fighting with palestinian on groups. in july this year is, randy faust is launched. the biggest air and ground incursions since the 2nd into father killed at least 13 getting at least fuzzy and palestinians including children. and since october,
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the 7th is riley forces have been counting out mid daily rates, killing thousands of palestinians destroying homes and damaging streets. a lot of rain, hot, smart seen, is a coordinator with doctors without borders. she joins us on the phone from kelly. and so they mind hospital in janine good to have you with us. so 1st of all, what are you able to carry out your operations a mid this re tell us how it's impacting the work that doctors without borders can do um hello yes, life makes it took to do. thank you for for taking length. um. yes, we can hear because uh janine seems to, to we 2 years ago was having more a more violent. so we opened a small project time, which we have to understand that was fun. could be a better situation than guys out. so the hospital kind of work in our functioning.
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so with them here to, to try to, for support in the us, if you barely improve the quality show to like for example, when there are most of the incidents that don't go from the most of the hospital are able to, to assist. but the to the patients, so we can would be subject to this to that scene. and um, we can say july, august, september the violence has been increasing. so then we had to call locally more, more doctors have more nurses to come here to support us. and to support the emergency room because it's done been there is, are these a forces getting to the into the see through the situation is a, is being very difficult even for the hosted us to be able to cope with the with dish. understand freedom of movement is not ideal right now. what does that mean for patients?
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so we really want to get medical help. a survey come a gauge because it's telling me that the grateful able to reach medical facilities given the disruptions to freedom of movement. yes. this is christine difficult. i need to have change doing all these loans that i'm here. so um, yeah, we, so the, the sees the 8 of october, the, the, the sold, there's a cam would come to the hospital and they, she is during the time the dual cs during the time of the organization is doing the operation. so it means so many times they keeps coming up, come here that are all the time that they do this year, and then they allow them to come. but then the would you start older times, they don't allow them or they prevent into assisted the patients. if they're going to, for example, there is little difficult, but they are low to the envelopes to, to take them on that. for example,
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today we saw another pattern that they were loading the envelopes to kind of lead the patients. but then they asked to the driver some to, to find medics to, to go under kneels, and they ex triple them. but the something where where, because you know they are. but as we're here all the time and the and the solve the are where a outside the gates of the are. so it was, they knew who, who, who they were so, so it made much sense to it kind of did the changing the others. but it's true that many places are not able to arrive on. this could be, for example, also one month, a repeat son in his arms because uh yeah, the, i'm going to school in the court in between. so what happened in that case? uh, yeah. so samples yesterday what's happened is uh the tire died in the upper rifle. so um yeah, this is what is uh,
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this is that somebody contacting people's lives then? oh yes. today uh that they did the for the full shift shelter, one child in that in the entrance of the emergency room. so okay. did the preventing to, to bring the bases the back the yeah, if in shooting them because the kids that were paying and they were like, uh, throwing stones and then we were trying to manage because we, you know, we, we didn't know, we knew that it could these could be a problem, but we never saw that they weren't going to shoot a child because she was playing inside of the of the hopes because compose. so just to clarify that you said children were playing inside the hospital and is right there. it's shot dead, a palestinian child at the entrance of the hospital. yes, of course they were playing and they were just calling this all this a outside
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a. they were not just playing inside the am on them between them. they were that, but they usually force you to stop and they were also prove all control of it was a stupid game. and finally, ended like uh, in a, in a, in a charge of the. and you could happen in a more, a more often. and these 2 or 3 days of inc call so that he is ready, forces has to be in a very little and the very very you run the and then we will talk turn a many people have died because of jobs. and then they do, did the pacing sometimes could reach the hoss because somebody they couldn't. so uh, yeah, very difficult situation. all right, thank you so much for sharing a perspective of what's happening there on the ground. and janine the still ahead on al jazeera, the lebanese on goober, has the law says it's targeted is riley size. beautiful to know that as well.
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the the, let's go with your weather update across asia. great, heavy along the getting in india. and we're seeing these wind steer more rain into time on that. do some big burst of rain to go around tonight on friday and still blanket it in rain through sure longer and them all did it is quite across indo china. plenty of sun coming through here in bangkok at $33.00 degrees, but continues to be the lead peninsula that's drenched with rain. we'll come back to that and look at this weather maker roll in across china. it's going to now lower temperatures. in shanghai, it is a cold front, so your temperature goes from 14 down to 5, and you're certainly going to feel it with the strong northwest really winds on saturday, a guessing to about 40 to 50 kilometers prior to this wet weather is point in to
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the korean peninsula, so looking to pick up on months worth of rain over a short period of time, the lot of moisture there. and here we go back to this part of southeast asia. there's of solid bands of rain once again for cal on friday. well, in this weather report right now in august on what look at this, we've got disturbed weather rolling across. i've gotten this done. some of that will leak into pockets stands below just starting providence, and that will impact its capital quite sir. temperatures are now starting to come up in tehran, so you're up to 11 degrees on friday. so your next time permits the world slow down. we stand for as homes with tips of global nichols reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harness the offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential,
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committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow the the, [000:00:00;00] the slow you're watching out. just the time to recap, ah, headlines, relatives all morning. the depth of at least 27 people killed in his riley strikes on 2 houses in the city. over off of the southern guns strip. more than 200 people have been killed in casa in the past. day israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is vowing to continue the gauze or offensive despite international
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pressure proceeds. find us as well in this row. indiscriminate is attacks on civilians is costing the government international support. is there any forces accounting out the most intense rate in the occupied westbank since the 1000 will began? $9500.00 people would be interested in at least 11 palestinians being killed. is ready? bombardment is forcing palestinians into have a smaller area is in the south of the gaza strip. a make shift compton, the does it involve eyes growing by the day? there's nothing there, no shelter, no food, no a, the no toilets. and to get that palestinians must make a dangerous journey under the constant price of this ready attack. hush him, i have a bottle of reports. this is ho for tens of thousands of displays ballast and he is 10 city supporting across the desert of, of the southern gaza is the latest temporary shelter for families who have been the
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space again and again, since the beginning of his wales will. and this family left the home inches, i old away little. they moved on to say a lot of incentive guys, but that was bumped to so they decided to go to hi eunice. what is well set by this thing is would be safe. now on unit is the focus of heavy as strikes so nor, and 50 members of her extended family ended up here in this desk to that area. overall fi has them over the. so i'm not even on the stuff that we have nothing here except for it is night long did we used to cover ourselves? no food, no water, no toilet, no furniture, at least of a school. we used to get a few. there is nothing or the hunt fish where they should be, what it should be for the tool, the ties and terrified boys. randy attacks the crumbling with
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a top 3 oddity somebody will be needed originally from a shop, a bone you know, refugee because she never imagined her live the would be shot to and that she would end up being for the sake of a family safety. but not knowing where to go. they sold, refusing to ship a house between garza city, but it was a short stay the hospital was bombarded and he's picking dangers with trop. not flying over our heads were left in a hurry without even taking anything of our belongings. it was so scary, we had to go on a road controlled by these riley's off us. how about the hospital, his web and it is based families are converging. but the numbers increase, the conditions become worse. the, you know, so we, i'm a little attract the, our life is a tragedy. there are no toilets. we try to come up with solutions. so we can survive, how do we walk a kilometer hoping to get water,
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which is often salt in under a couple of words, cannot some of our suffering and there's no end inside to the war. he's well says it was continuous bombardment until how about is defeated. i did submit to the tax the $2300000.00 thought. assume he is living in gaza. a buckling hung a disease and cold. many have lost everything. friends, loved ones, homes, belongings, and medic. the, this could be just the beginning of a unless another exit is passion by about a 0. let's go to the particle by zoom in rough in southern guns are thought of what can you tell us about restrictions on a trucks now? yes, the scenes that have been displaced on the screen and as people were trying to gather the aids um to get to the supplies from the trucks of the human that isn't going to
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charge you 8 supplies. this is one of the clear rooms occasional that use really a tax on the gaza strip, where people have been a completely in desperate needs as big as valley occupation forces intensifying the bombing of the territory where people over 9 weeks of a confrontations i'm fighting on the grounds have been financially broken without having any salary, and they were forced to leave everything behind where the houses have been destroyed, the lost everything including the beloved ones and they have been forced to sleep to the south of the territory. and this area had been now very densely populated and we are talking about a particular roof i districts where the number of humanitarian aid that had been delivered to the territory since the early beginning of the round of funding. consider it to be very limited, and it's considered also to be a drop in the ocean where it can not. we're not much the needs of more around 2300000 palestinians. and we are talking about some people who had gone through
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a complete de moines. we don't have anything to eat or even to feed that children. so the situation for those people is completely beyond being catastrophe as they are forced to cope with the situation on on past salinas. some families who do not have anything to it just for a couple of days to do to the full absence of humanitarian aid that they did not reach. and also due to the low, the conditions of a distribution by the united nations, where people are forced to stay in crumbs in front of the gates of the a distribution centers across the southern areas. problems accessing food problems, accessing medical health as well. tell us about the light this strikes, some of which targeted hospitals yes, the attacks on the territory had been intensified by the occupation and ground forces. since the beginning of the stay were more than 20 palestinians had been killed and separate strikes and russell and the south,
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which this area which had been designated safe in the initial days of the war now it has been under intense plumbing. also the artillery string of con, you to city did not stop since yesterday, where a palestinians uninvolved residents have been killed as the attacks that costs and crate it on the main central civilian areas. as they, i turn it to be battled zones as is body forces expanding the military operations and this uh city, also in the north of which are treat them bottom and continue as much a risk campaign had been launched by these various ministry. the an oldest arrest, every palestinian who is over 15 years old to be investigated. the situation that is a truly catastrophe cause goals i had been on the intent is really bumming with new and the safe shelter to remain insight. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much paul. to come by zoom. it's now tension is growing on the israel 11 and bowed up. israel is ami, says it, but it tre. infrastructure link that has the law is
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a southern lebanese town of acts wrong, but nobody's on group says it's also targeted is really sites the law says one of its members was killed in fighting with his very forces tension on the board that has fled since the license conflicts and gaza saw that just over 2 months ago. so the hierarchy is in northern israel, near the lebanese border, west. thousands of his ride the residence of evacuated amid escalations and flashes between israel and husband, la as we are actually heading out the road, close to the border with lebanon earlier this morning. and then we had some small arms firing. it wasn't clear who started it, but it was definitely across the board of from both israel and from 11 on. and we needed to, uh, uh, take safety behind a car and not seem to go on for a while. we then moved on to another village and we were talking to some of those that live so close to the border that they all sort of in not cross far. and they
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told us that they're very concerned about the situation that it's not taught. now that there's an on going will, but just to give you a sense of where we are and what exactly happening, what you're hearing above me is and is riley drone is what you hear in the skies in gaza all the time. and clearly there's a lots of surveillance because this is a hot spot for hezbollah, just across from where we are, which is in the background that you can see those buildings and not dried out areas that actually is 11 on. so we can see 11 on from here we've actually been moved up the road because of the n. c type. missed all the all been 5 from hezbollah, from lab, and on to head. now the is riley army has confirmed that it's been striking, has been the military positions this morning that we've been released a video for that. and they said that was in response to hezbollah, firing towards an area just literally down the road from head cold,
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shamira. and that just gives you a sense of how tends to situation he is on in the northern border despite everything happening in the southern border with garza. but this is ongoing. i'm really no one to see in this area. very few locals have remained that have been a number of desks on this side, little over 10 people killed on this nose and board. or you can hear those jack. that's a real kit that you'll hearing just behind me that we're going to have to. we're gonna have to go down i think, well, we might be yeah. just, i think we can, we're good now, but that what you just had there, i don't see how it is. that was a rocket being fired across. it's not clear. that's the bank. it's just landed that you guys just landed on this side. the by the administration is delaying the sale of $27000.00 us made rifles to as well because of concerns about increasing


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