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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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and there's a lot of and those aids where a man nots, presenting humanitarian disaster and taking place in gaza and to prevent any the spread of any infectious diseases. i'm not trying to support them. i said that's how much is the same as isis. i said that in 2014 and i did not want to deal with them. so we need to exert efforts in order to eliminate them completely. and this is what we did in the past. we eliminated several fighters with the weather is during air strikes, or vice versa, see, but in the past, we've never invaded casa, at most, because we never had an approval. we never had an international agreements, but today we have an international agreement and you can see the price that we are paying in order to get to the international agreement. it
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was with the events of october, 7 events. we will not this will not change the truth that i just mentioned to you prime minister we we talked a months ago about the situation in the foreign ministry. and the other point was about the families of the hostages to me, but i don't want to talk about quotas in the minister of foreign affairs or any other details. there is no difference with the last week's plan. we have worked
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for linton street in order to bring all the captives back home and to eliminate thomas. is there any changes, cortez, or other, or any strategies? nothing has changed as of last week. and the little boats will attend the unless we shall see embassy of us on the roll . that's going to be skilled tracy, but the love is i'll hold while we're on the way to to meet me. we are going to a lot of these kids because i don't wear any rings or any necklaces, but i am committed to bringing back all the captives home this. those are nice symbols. we must i have i have also some souvenirs from the
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families and some letters that were signed by the families of the hostages to just joining us on august here is just past 20 g m t and we just had there a 45 minutes news conference from the east ready war cabinets, a wide ranging news conference, late night news conference after these really military admitted that its soldiers broke rules of engagement. when they shot dead, 3 captives in gaza, one was waving a white flag. the initial investigation says the 3 men had escaped captivity, but were fired upon by is really soldiers. now, in this news conference, these are the prime minister said he is heartbroken. he express sorrow, but he also said that in these challenging times quote, we need to support us soldiers and protect us soldiers after yesterday's tragic
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incident. he said, we need to continue fighting until we win and that nothing will stop them, not even international pressure from achieving that goal. but these really prime minister also hinted at possible talks on the way to release more kept his health by him. i've seen gaza after he's intelligence chief, met the category prime minister earlier last spring in ologist. here is bernard smith, who joins us from kennedy bennett again, a wide range of news conferences from these really will cabinet. we heard from prime minister next you out from the defense minutes. are you off the line from benny guns as well? you have good. i'm saying that he would shoulder the responsibility of what happened the killing of the 3 captives. but there's a lot of angry. imagine it is around right now. what's going to be the fall out from this incident? scroll that press conference cold. we think recalls all the killings of those 3
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young man at the hands of 2 is riley soldiers. when that news broke on friday, it reverberated across israel and there was tremendous shellcare. it piled on the pressure on the m yahoo! and on his wont cabinets to do something about the hostages. the we've heard the preliminary is riley military report into what happened said, soldiers did not follow the correct protocols. when somebody waving a white flag, they were book that was shirtless these 3 men to try and show they were hiding any weapons. never the less, the 2 soldiers opened file number is one of the people who believed child to the health in hebrew and he was then shots again. israel's military says it could understand why the soldiers did it. but it said also that the scenario itself is a hostages walking around in the buffalo, so was never taken into account. so we've been so the raleigh's all the captives
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families this evening. there is enormous anger and frustration and fear of what's happened. that is why i think that in yahoo, are these little coming up, come out tonight to say why they believe, why do a sort of apologize will happen, but not say there's no criticism from about those from any of those 3 man of the terms of engagement to these riley military, this is war they say, in that news conference, bennett missing yahoo also hinted at possible negotiations led by the categories because the most odd chief has met the cat's refined minister . will the killings of these captains now force the government to resume these negotiations on a truce and get more kept his freed of the i mean, it looks like the that meeting that was with the head of most out in the country.
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prime minister. it was in your on friday night that came up to the news broke of the killing of these 3 campuses. now we're on the found that before this happened, these riley war cabinet was enthusiast. think about restarts and negotiations on sale. but it hinted that something might happen next week. it won't that it said to get time off into a week of position, so that as well could extract more concessions from homeless. but because of what happened on friday because of the killings of those 3 young men is riley. now back on the box boats miss. rather, the government is back on the back and forth on may, looks like a now having to proactively look for an opportunity to, to talk to how much it gyptian security. so if there's a saying, we understand that these really seem to be more willing to work towards a ceasefire and an exchange of prisoners. so we'll find out in the coming hours on coming days. what's going to try and spot? yeah, and just coming back to,
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to the 3 captives who were killed by is really soldiers. next. yahoo, interestingly in, in his news conference early on said that in these challenging times we need to support us soldiers and protect us soldiers. what does that say about the mood in israel today as well? i think it says that there is a there's a overwhelming israeli public blocking for this wall on how much in gaza for the way the israel is prosecuting the war. but we've heard other instances of when people have been killed by is riley soldiers when they happen, apparently waving a wife, a watch sligo trying to surrender. but those other people have been palestinians. and this is the 1st time that it's been, is riley captives that have been killed because of that message. why? of course. so this is why it's got the traction in israel because it is that role
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and it is, is rarely kept is who being killed. so it, it, while the government, you don't christmas while the government very kept that, yahoo, gods and guns, very cap not to criticize how the war is prosecuting. this is bull, they've said these, but we have a learning lessons from it. but we understand why the soldiers did it, they say in fact the military says it happened because they believed sometimes got uh, how much fight is all wedding military uniforms away in civilian clothing. and they don't have an open immediate physically all they find weapons in the building somewhat. and sometimes how about sizes they say of approach, the military pretending to surrender. but on closer inspection, the wearing suicide felt. so it's in this context, the military says the soldiers fired, but they shouldn't have, don't have to follow the protocol. all right, brenda is thank you very much for that. brenda smith with the latest the from tel aviv. let's discuss all these developments now with saw how come he's a senior non resident fellow at the middle east council on global affairs life from
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washington. so how good to have you back on alger 0. so you were listening the to this news conference from these really war cabinet and the prime minister and benjamin this now saying interesting, needed that they will continue fighting until they, when and he said that, you know, israel, it will do nothing. nothing rather would stop israel, including international pressure. nothing will stop is round including international pressure. how will the binding administration which has express recently concern about the direction the voice taken? how will they be viewing this statement by these are the problem is thank you so much for having me back. i've been listening to the press conference of course, and i didn't hear anything you coming out of that then. yeah, was press conference and his board cabinet is pretty much more of the same. i'll be reserve resilience and determinants on just continuing what is going on. you know
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the same course of action, the more escalation of the ongoing aggression on garza and no, but i can go down and no going back. no attempts to try to change the course of action in any way, shape or form, which is really kind of alarming. because we know that the united states lately has had a different stance from the it's from these really governments we are seeing now some differences, some discrepancies between the is really and the american position. on this issue surfacing in recent days and weeks we've been hearing president vitamin lincoln, jake sullivan, who's been visiting be region for the 2nd time and has had talked with nathan yahoo and his work cabinet. we have seen that would see a different tone from the american administration saying, hey, we need to really wrap up. this does the operation sooner rather than later to the yahoo and his cabinet doesn't seem to have an appetite for that. right? the talking about the much longer range of time to talking about extended fighting and shooting and compartment of guys that supposed to be over few months. right.
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and they put it, and this is not something that the bike and administration is very happy about not to mention other things as well that have been brought up by the, by the administration. such as, for example, the responsibility of the is what you decide to make sure that the safeguard the lives of innocent civilians. and that they actually carry out what devices administration described as tactical and more careful orations that avoid civilian targets and only target to come up. and that has not been something that is really government has been doing right. i think the last incidents of the killing of these captives, they're 80 got to prove that. yeah. and, and this now he himself did admit that they were diversions. there was a divergence between between israel and the americans. right now we've got the us defense secretary heading to the region once again in the coming days. what is going to be is message. now, do you think to israel and you know what, what direction will this will take on 70 date 71 days on now?
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and we hear these rarely saying it'll be a long term war and a continuous war. what, where do you think it's headed to i think the, the american defense minister would have a certain message if you would like to carry on to the, is there a to government, which is basically an extension of the, by the administration. you feel directions for this particular conflict. the attempt to try to wrap up the conflict rather than extend the fighting for the y'all has been talking about a few months. let's remember that there's going to be the 2024 elections coming up soon in the united states. and the by that administration has not been tied to see a long term extend. that kind of fight thing is more to add to already many of the burden. some files is already dealing with, such as the situation ukraine, domestic issues, economic issues. it has to much what it's the length of the theme be wrapped up quicker and sooner rather than later, which doesn't seem to be the position, is really government as of now. another very important point is what
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a porch is going to be the hostage prices. and the ability to, to turn back again because she's unstable and possibly to have some kind of, i thought to be the, the new procedure to make sure that the 130000000 accepted on how much slides are released to be the last incident of the shooting of the e is there, a deductible by is really can be able to reach or for they turned back again to the negotiation still in order to reduce that could be an inductive. and another very important point as well is making sure to pump teen this ongoing crisis and make sure that does not extend, extend or expand to become a much larger, much bigger regional prices. might include other fees as well, such as, you know, on and physical. indeed, and they were, they were questions about the situation in know the news right along the border with 711 on. as you said, this now hinted that negotiations could possibly resume to get more captives released. there was an interesting comment he made and it's not the 1st time he's
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made it. of course he said israel did not want to commit the mistakes of the also agreement. what, what do you make of that? and where does this leave? the 2 states solutions that the americans want to get back to. 6 6 6 i think that the parents, the, is there any administration or the mentioned she's the most do as we know the most right wing government in the history of israel really has not the type for having suffered in a studio state of any shape or form. and we have seen that even being said, clearly in the press conference, right, there's not, there's no possibility of having the solver in the dns, the, i'm really talking the possibility of having a to speed solution. and that's another point of difference and disagreements between the is really easy and the american side, because by then i do the myspace. it is now talking about returning to the past of the 2 state solution in the pose toward the phase that she turned back again to
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negotiations. that's it turned back again to the peace process that's been turned back again to the, to speak to patients. now the government doesn't seem to be buying into this, it seems to be much more hard line than ever, much more determined even to have some kind of security presence in does that in the 1st floor phase, which is not something that the, the american administration is happy about and medicaid spoken about sometimes of the return to but a senior move over garza under wanted this price as both a book and it will be to that will be envisioned. but a student will sort of see whatever that means that these are not clear. and that's not something that you would like to see. they clearly said that they're not interested in see any form of opinion the presentation or thought of to your guys. that's right. which means they may even return to some kind of a short term, but let's see, occupation, i'm illiterate. security presence in does that get and that's not something that by didn't, and his administration on board with thank you. thank you very much. so hard for
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sharing your views with us, our company senior, non resident fellow at the middle east council on global affairs joining us at from washington. thank you very much for your time. thank if is not in use. alger 0 has decided to refer the case of what he calls the assassination of one of his cameraman in guys to the international criminal court summit. i will don kyle was killed and then is really jordan strike while i'm covering early a time for the you and one school. he's been laid to rest and got his friend in connie county. my for the morning, a friend colleague and son, the people gather for the funeral of i'll just the or a camera man, sam, or of with the, the a lot among them all you 0 guys have your cheese while and
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injured in the same is regulated runs try your lift, hospital to promise center that his work would go on. how do you have to sell it? i mean, when i had them to sell it and send me yeah. and the bein, yeah, cutting dish truman message. we are cutting these mobile message. we will continue to do a duty with the best profession and transparency his mother there to lyman thing and the list on her son's last time you came to me on thursday morning and when i was preparing breakfast, he said he would have breakfast with his colleagues he didn't eat with his colleagues and he died without having food that is killing me. he died hungry without seeing the sam or was hit twice by reporting on the destruction of a school in the center of hon. you help did not arrive for 5 hours risk viewers
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needed approval from israel forces to both those the through the debris is to get to him by which time he had it bled to death, a father for whose the children had move to the safety. belgium simon had always seen them once in the past 6 years old and the mobile official district, the sign on the saw, you really don't know why design has killed him. well done, how to rock it best. taking up a weapon. you only carried a camera that's it is only is radio occupation and goes up and show it to the world . the film, the play of children, women under the elderly. so that's fun. describe as all was a smiling by his colleagues. he had carried on working despite the grueling conditions. god bless you, go press a little bit to fix a new tool, my colleagues to journalists. we will try it. i know our sleep findings 3 hours to say 3 hours each. such freezing rather at 9 is
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the palestinian journalist and it gets said 90 journalists have been killed by his regular years pricing gaza since the start of the war. but silencing journalist in gaza is nothing. but we have is a documented long pattern that is rarely forces targeting, killing, wounding, intimidating journalists, and not being published for, for there being no accountability, which creates a culture of impunity. a culture of premise ability where it's totally okay, it's not only journalist to become a target. many family members of all the just the are a staff have also been killed by israeli air strikes. honey, my more nicer hospital in con eunice all just 0 is not in the last few minutes. these really ami has claimed its arrested 90. what it calls terrace in the area of come up at one hospital in gaza. earlier the bodies of at
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least 20 people were found in the yard of a hospital in the north of the gaza strip. witnesses say they were run over by is really ami bulldozers during a raid on the facility tends for displaced. civilians were also crushed. the hospital has been extensively destroyed. last spring in our correspondence in the 7 guys i tie up was the was in rafa. so medical facilities being targeted once again, tell us about what's been happening at come, i add one yes, a noble attack on the medical sector took place in the northern parts of the territory where the occupation forces had stormed, commanded one on the allowed the hospital in devalue or refused to come. now this area had been on the east very intense plumbing for a couple of weeks as the east valley, a postilion, fighting over the ground, had been spiked rapidly during the last couple of days where these very forces had
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destroy. busy the separate parts of the hospital where this hospital to set it to be a place for providing the treatment for internet people at the same time considered to be a show for those people who were evacuated force be from the houses from separate areas in the northern church we now according to initial reports that had been reaching out to 0 in the, in the area that's a 20 did. bodies were found in the yards of the hospital. and it's worth mentioning that the odds of the hospital was full of tinted of tents out, where people were taking shelter inside. they found out that those did bodies were run over by and these really built those alongside with those of palestinians who had been found killed by these very funny is now these attacks continued as also the arrest campaign against me because of the teams as will keep going as they have arrested the director of the hospital who had been exposed to integration for a couple of days ago. now, as well as the situation continues on the ground,
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to be very heretic is another word part of the territory as well as intensifying gets attacks, of course up for areas along gaza strip. and it was another bloody day across the strip and in the south also where you are, you just bring this up to speed with what's happened there in the last 2 hours. yes, the past few hours considered to be very critical and we are full of attacks. and the majority of these attacks were focusing on the southern parts of gauze with this area that had been designated as a safe zone in the initial days of the world. what the majority of the factories had been right now. residing in this part of the gauze, this trip. now the fact on the ground, his doctor rough antonio and us had been on there is very intense funding for to residential buildings have been i talked to during the past couple of hours. but
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during the last hour i residential building bloomed to a buttons assembly and roof. i had been completely attack square and impulse palestinians are from this family, had been injured and where transferred and transported to equate to hospice and we are standing right now to receive a treatment. similarly, the situation in connie, this continues, which has been on the east very intense plumbing since the 80 hours of today's morning and according to admitted, come a sources on the ground. the moods on 20 palestinians have been killed during the last 24 hours in con units, only target. thank you very much for the update challenges here as to how to capitalize them by bolting their from rasa in southern gaza. now, mazda official assigned the home done has been criticizing the international community for failing to restrain israel's military. his, what do you have to say of the united nations remain enabled to do anything. the position of the united states as it continues to use its r vito on the, on the c as in addition to being biased and supporting the nazis
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system. that is committed to aggressions and presidents aggressions. that the humanity did not witness before. they also send as a negative message saying that those international organizations are enabled to protect people or to support those and protect those who are being impression aggressive. as a result of this aggression, more than 19000 people has had been killed and 52000 were wounded. if this enemy wants to bring back all their soldiers on life and their captives to live, this will never happen unless they thought the aggression complete the and after that to negotiate a deal in accordance with the conditions of the resistance. as our people continue
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to be resilient and all the success we're having in the battle field, thanks to the fighters, least of which are the last of which was in had a de, cuz this is pushing with many countries in the world to change their senses. and also pushing a lot of politicians not to adopt the it's riley narrative that is filled with the blood of our civilians, you know, to, to see us make victory for them and for their political goals as the united states, as one of his worship, seen the red sea has shot down 14 drones launched from yemen. earlier u. k also reported its navy had intercepted a suspected attack drone in the same area. humans hosting fighters save a launch an attack on the red sea resort city of a lot in southern israel. so the high rock has moved from hyphen in northern east rep. who is it the 1st time as you was saying earlier,
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we do know is that each of the neighboring countries, the israel defense has sounds, a drone and the, the red sea that and this was the 1st time that ended up in its entirety, supposed to be on its way to a lot its just across from the area was down on the sides, but no, the only threat. the top thing that in the ports of a lot, you also have the v as to a port which is uh, a long place to, to gauze or. and that has the area has been under a time uh, previously with records from, from austin because of that a lot of the shipping has had to have been diverted. in fact, uh, i still was out of service for a while. it seems to have reviews, but much so the shipping has been coming here so high for 500. if you can see just
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remind me that the 4th is one of the main port. so it's, it's roland by these attacks happening in the last and see it's not one thing to end to the right. it means we'll have to add the next for 20 days to go around africa through the top. and to ends up here, which is the mediterranean sea shipping, will potentially end up paying of quotes that also add to security threats. now, not just in one area, but multiple areas across israel. the demonstrations are turning out in cities around europe and north america to demand an immediate cease fire in gaza. in london, the palestine solidarity campaign held a sign in protest in support of health workers in the gaza strip. i'll just serious sonya go with it. there is all stress situation continuing to one folding garza has from these reduced health work has to come out and join this vigil outside of
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downing street demanding. now that the british government off for a ceasefire in the us itself, not just for the humanitarian pauses that they have been calling full because they say the situation now is so dia, that more has to be done in order to be able to prevent the situation that from escalate into a dfcs catastrophe. i think we seen a complete failure of the humanitarian pause. the last is for just over a week. and even during that pause res, seem illegal. detainment and health care work is of doctors. and this did not, you know, amount to anything, essentially we saw no age coming in to sign into gaza to try to foods going and we, so supplies not being or punished and hospitals breaking down. so that is your answer. what we need is a permanent sci fi which will allow these all supposed to be replenished, to allow the stuff to be replenished to allow for cause that stand up again on its feet. because currently we are in f popular level scenarios inside garza, with
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a spread of infectious diseases and communicable diseases on the level that we have never seen before. with the world health organization describing the health system in gaza as on its knees and collapsing. there was a sense of urgency now, but when she was coming, that much more needs to be done. reggie, the all reports of communicable diseases such as diarrhea and the rest of us are, were spiritual diseases such as flu west single situations for people who are being forced to sleep on the streets. also meaning that, that bracing themselves for worsening situation alongside the continual, bombardments. so when he got jago, i'll just sarah london. some of the news now in the mirror of kuwait, she has no off on my outside by has died after 3 years in power. he was 86 camille and that elect takes a look back at his life.


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